Dear Diary...

Story by Raul on SoFurry

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SO! This is a story I've been meaning to write for a while, and have now finally got around to writing it! This story is about gratuitous gay sex with a big sexy snake man, and has a HUMAN IN IT! :O

Crazy I know. But like I said with Sex in the Swamp, everyone knows humans being bummed by big sexy reptiles is the best kind of bummings. So yes, this story contains many things of gay, which you can all see in the keywords! I do hope you all enjoy this, and YES, there WILL BE A SECOND PART. HAVE NO FEAR. I just have another idea that is demanding to be written, and it'll be nice to break up sticky gay sex with other stuff.

Now remember, all the characters and this story is copyrighted to me, so no stealing!


September 11th, 2011. 15:36

Dear Diary,

Today I decided to do it. I'm sure you are aware of what I'm talking about, as I've been mulling it over for quite some time now. I did quite a bit of research and I found a multi-species sauna in my city. I was so nervous when I was getting ready to go you know? My heart was hammering and my mouth was dry. I mean, I've always liked the anthro species, and I often fantasise about having gay sex with them. I think the reason I never got this far before was because I'm not attracted to other human males. Perhaps this held me back? Maybe I thought I wasn't gay? Does it count as being gay if you aren't attracted to males of your own species? I was thinking all of this while on the bus into town. When I arrived at the sauna, I was so nervous my hands were shaking as I pushed the door open. It was like walking into a five star hotel bathhouse. Everything was clean and shiny and modern looking. I was surprised, Diary, I don't mind saying. I don't know what I was expecting though. Perhaps some kind of grotty, horrible truck stop? Well, I was through the door, so I couldn't really go back now. There was a wolf at the front desk, and he smiled at me when I came in. He asked if he could help and I kind of faltered. I didn't really know what to do from this point, and he could apparently tell. He told me how things worked in the sauna and gave me all the prices and everything. I paid and thanked the wolf, and he grinned at me and called me a cutie! I've never been complimented like that before. My cheeks were burning Diary, but I kind of liked it too. So anyway, I went down to the changing room and found a locker. There were some people in the changing room. They didn't stop their conversations or stare at me when I entered. I don't know why I thought they would.

Now, this is when I saw the guy. Or rather, when he saw me. I don't know what his name is, but as I was undressing and stuffing my stuff in the locker, he entered the changing room. He was really tall, probably about six four, and super fit. Well, I mean I personally thought he was super fit. He had all these lean muscles and really beautiful scales. It has also occurred to me I haven't told you what species he was, Diary. I'm not too sure myself. I know he was a snake, and I think he was an African Rock Python. Anyway, he walked past me and pinched my butt as he did so. I was super surprised and a little turned on. I looked at him and he winked at me, before going to a locker. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed for the showers. Like a swimming pool there were signs everywhere that said you had to have a shower before using any of the facilities. All the showers were separate cubicles with lockable doors. I could see some showers contained more than one pair of feet. I guess up until that point I wasn't really aware of where I was. I could feel myself getting hard; my nerves had turned to excitement. I stepped into one of the cubicles and closed the door. Taking off my towel I turned on the shower. Now Diary, this place was a pretty big bathhouse, so it had steam rooms and Jacuzzis and a swimming pool and all sorts. What with it being a "gay" sauna, it also had dark rooms and sling rooms and lots of places for people to have sex. Another thing I wasn't expecting was the containers of lube on the walls. They were like those soap dispensers in public bathrooms, but filled with "condom safe, waterproof anal lubricant". These were usually paired with a small container of single condoms. I was surprised to see one in the shower cubicle as well, next to a body wash dispenser. I honestly hadn't expected this level of... service, I suppose. It was nicer than any public pool I had been to. Now Diary, as you know I'm a bit of a sucker for free stuff, so I had to try the body wash. It smelled spicy like cinnamon or cloves, and formed a really thick lather when I rubbed it on my body.

So I was a little distracted. I mean, I was getting seriously horny just soaping myself up in a gay sauna; I hadn't even gone in to any of the proper facilities yet! Now, as it turns out I had forgotten to lock the door. In a gay sauna, I'm sure you can imagine that is basically an open invitation. I was very surprised when I heard the door close and the lock click. It made me jump and I nearly slipped over. I was about to turn around, when I felt a large, warm body press against my back. My heart jumped into my mouth and I felt a little woozy. It was really happening, Diary! I was so excited and nervous that my knees felt like jelly. Strong arms wrapped around me. One arm moving under my arm and over my chest, another arm slid around my waist, a large soft hand stroking over my junk, which was now rock hard. I couldn't help let out an gasp as he gently squeezed my soapy balls. I could feel his dick and balls pressing against my butt. They were big and soft, but I could feel something twitching against my cheeks. A snout was pressed against my ear. I knew it was the snake from the locker room. I just knew. He told me to keep washing. His voice was really deep and bassy. I felt it rumble through his chest and into my back. His accent was English, but with a melodious African lilt. I did as he wanted, rubbing the thick foam over the parts of my body he wasn't stroking. I still couldn't believe that after all this time fantasising; a male was fondling my cock and balls. He told me he liked humans without body hair. I could only blush and mumble thanks. He chuckled and began grinding his hips into my backside, squeezing and stroking my cock and balls.

Now you'll have to forgive me Diary, but this is where things get a little... graphic.

I could feel is dick pressing against my arse. I could feel it throbbing and growing in size. It wasn't small, I can tell you that now. It had to be at least eight inches in length. I have no idea how thick it was. I couldn't see it, but I could certainly feel it. It was very smooth. He pressed its length into my crack and began slowly rubbing it up and down. The feeling of his foreskin against my sphincter was amazing! I honestly didn't know "hotdogging" would feel this good for the "bun". Yes Diary, the corniness of that last sentence made me cringe too, and I'm the one writing it. Anyway I couldn't help but moan a little at his ministrations. I felt my legs trembling as he ran his cock through my soapy cheeks. His fondling of my cock was making some really obscene noises, but they just made me throb harder. I was so hot and aroused I could barely think straight. I remember this next part very clearly. He let go of my cock and pushed me against the tiled wall of the shower. I had to grab the water pipes on the wall to prevent myself from falling over. He placed one hand on my shoulder, holding me against the wall. Then I felt his big, thick tail wrap around one of my legs. With his other hand, he pulled my hips out and spread my legs. I knew what was coming, and my heart was pounding again. I could feel my throbbing dick leaking pre-cum. I was sure it was coming out in a steady stream, that's how excited I was! I heard a dispenser being pumped, and then something very slippery being poured onto my butt. He rubbed the lube in thoroughly with his cock. It was making all these squelching noises. My body was shaking and my breath was coming out in short gasps. Then I felt his body pressing against mine. He drew back is hips and I felt his thick cock slide down my crack until his glans was pressing against my sphincter. I tried to relax as much as possible, and I felt him pressing gently forwards. Then his cock head was inside me. I couldn't breath. My mouth was open but no sound was coming out. I'd obviously played with toys before, but this was a lot thicker than anything I owned. The burning pain was so intense I saw flashes of light. I know he could tell how it had affected me, because he stopped pushing, and just let the first inch and a half of his dick sit in my arse. Her hugged me to his chest, nibbling my ear and neck a little. Eventually the pain subsided, and I was left panting and gasping for air. He murmured something into my ear, something that made me even harder, even though I thought I was aroused as I could get. He said: "Consider your cherry popped". Then he began pushing forwards. His lubed up dick began to sink inside me. It was like my arse was hungry for him, and began sucking him inside.

The feeling of being stuffed so full was incredible. It was uncomfortable and slightly painful, but also intensely pleasurable. This was completely different from any toy I had ever used. I could feel lube dripping onto my balls, and I wanted to stroke myself so badly, but if I let go of the water pipes I was sure I would collapse in a heap. He began to pull out, as he did so the length of his cock rubbed against my prostate. This sent sharp jabs of pleasure through me, causing my body to shake and buck against him. As he began to push back in, he murmured something else into my ear, but I couldn't really hear what it was. The shower and my own moans were making it hard to hear, let alone concentrate. Now, this is where things get a little strange, Diary. I shall try to explain. He fully hilted himself in me, I could feel is balls pressing against my own. I realised I couldn't move my body. My head felt very light, and I was finding it difficult to focus on anything. I realised he was whispering something into my ear. I tried to listen but I couldn't concentrate. Then he pinched one of my nipples. Instead of pain, I felt a flood of pleasure run through my body. His thrusting began to settle into a rhythm. Every time he pushed back in, waves of unbelievable pleasure rolled through me. The pain and discomfort were gone. My body felt like soft butter. My head was all foggy and blank. My body started to tingle. I felt incredibly light. Waves of throbbing pleasure began to assault my cock. All I could do was moan as he fucked me and whispered into my ear. I don't remember how long this went on for; all I remember was the incredible pleasure. I'm getting hard now just thinking about it. His cock sliding in and out, his balls pressing against me, my body rocking against the wall...

My cock was sandwiched between my belly and the cool tiles. I was so desperate to cum, but I couldn't. I knew I should have done, but I hadn't. My head was buzzing and I couldn't... I can't remember anything except the pleasure. If I close my eyes I can still feel his cock sliding in and out of me. Eventually though, I felt my senses returning. Things slowly came back into focus and I could move again. Then I felt his pace quicken. The obscene slapping sound of his lube and pre-cum soaked thighs and balls slapping against my buttocks was intense. Then he dug his fingers into my hips, and buried himself as far as he could go. I felt his molten seed filling me up. The feeling was unlike anything I had felt before. His cum was thick and hot, and there was a lot of it. His body shuddered and he let out a long hiss, tongue hanging out of his mouth. I felt hot jets of fluid squirt out of my fill ass and run down my legs. With a gasp, he finally finished filling me with seed. With a sloppy pop, he withdrew his softening cock from my ass. I slid to my knees, cum dripping out of my ass. I was panting and shivering. That had felt so good! But I still hadn't cum. My cock was still throbbing hard. I leaned against the wall, a pool of cum forming underneath me. I felt his hands on my shoulders, and he turned me round. My eyes were level with his cock. It was soft, but dripping with cum and lube. The scent was incredible, and before I knew what was happening I had taken it into my mouth and was sucking up the cum. It tasted so good! I have no idea why. I also couldn't stop myself. The desire to clean is dick and balls only faded when they were completely clean of spunk. He looked down at me and told me to cum for him. And I did. My orgasm hit like a truck. I didn't know I could cum that hard. My cum splattered across the tiled floor as I shuddered and convulsed on the floor.

I didn't see him leave, Diary, but he was gone when I was able to sit up. I was covered in jizz so I cleaned up as best I could and left the showers. Turns out I had been in the sauna for nearly two hours! I couldn't quite believe it. After drying myself off I got dressed and left. The wolf at the counter winked at me as I left. I smiled back this time. Then, I got on the bus and came home. Now I'm writing this lengthy diary entry. This happened two and a half hours ago. I can still feel his cum between my legs. My ass is still full of it. Now, if you don't mind Diary, I'm going to wank myself into a coma using his cum as lube.

September 18th, 2011. 16:45

Well Diary, I think it's safe to say this weekend was a wonderfully peculiar one. I will now tell you all about it. Remember a week ago when I was telling you about my encounter at the gay sauna with the big snake dude? Well apparently I couldn't get enough of him. Although some explaining is in order, especially considering I don't fully understand the situation myself. Today I was relaxing at home. Normal enough. But then I started to feel strangely uncomfortable. I started remembering my experience at the sauna a week before. I saw vivid images in my mind, and I began to get aroused. As the day went on I couldn't shake this strange feeling that had settled on me. I suddenly had the urge to go back to the sauna. The urge grew and grew until I couldn't stand it anymore. It was so intense I had to go. As soon as I stepped out of the house, the urge subsided a little. By the time I was on the bus the urge was slowly being replaced with arousal. Then, Diary, by the time I had paid at the front desk of the sauna, I was in a state of full, throbbing arousal. It was like my body was on autopilot. I remember walking down to the locker room. I stripped naked and headed for the showers. Emerging from the showers I actually headed into the main complex. I had never actually been further than the showers before, but somehow I knew where I was going. I walked right past the large steam room, and headed for a smaller one, only big enough for five or so people. I arrived at the glass-panelled door, and pulled it open. A blast of steam rolled out, and I stepped inside. The only person inside was the snake. He was lounging on the wooden seating, a towel draped loosely over his crotch. He smiled as I entered. I don't know why but now that I think about it, I think he was waiting for me. As soon as I saw him, my cock throbbed hard. He pulled the towel away, and I saw his cock. It was fully erect and throbbing. His belly wasn't really covered in scales like the rest of him was. It was smooth, creamy skin. His balls were big and full looking; his uncut cock throbbed in the steamy air. I felt my own towel fall to the ground. I realised that I had done it without thinking. I stood naked before him.

He beckoned me over with a finger, and I obeyed without thinking. As I drew closer, the pleasure pulsing in my crotch intensified. I don't know why. I couldn't resist him. My body wasn't my own. I don't know how he managed this. The scent rising off his scales in the warm room was intoxicating. His cock was already glistening with a thick layer of lube. I couldn't look away. He said something to me then, and I found myself climbing onto the bench and straddling his lap. From then on, I can only remember him fucking me and the pleasure. Oh god the pleasure. Seriously Diary... I think I could be addicted to the intense pleasure I feel when around him. I can't control myself. My mind goes blank. I just do whatever he tells me to do. So anyway, I straddle his lap, and sink down onto that beautiful cock. It slides in much easier this time. He lets out a hiss and pulls me into his chest. I sit there, my rectum squeezing his dick, my head resting on his broad chest. He begins whispering into my ear, like last time. I don't know what he was saying, but I do know I was filled with desire to submit to him. I just wanted him to fuck me. Fuck me and fill me with his hot sticky cum. The whispering continued for I don't know how long. I just lay there. I could only drool and whimper. I don't know what he was doing to me, only that I love it. I don't know why diary, but after this encounter I can't get him out of my head.

ANYWAY! Eventually he stops whispering and my head clears slightly. He's smiling at me. I can remember everything vividly now. He tells me to start riding, and I complied instantly, without hesitation. It was like my body started doing it without consulting my brain first. I slid up his shaft until only the head was still buried inside me. Then I slid down, coming to a rest in his lap with a wet squelch. I remember shivering. Not with cold, but because I was drunk on ecstasy. He brought his big tail up and coiled it around me, pinning my arms to my sides. Using his tail, he encouraged me to go faster, making sure I didn't fall backwards. My body was covered in sweat by this point, Diary, my body squelched wetly against his. He held my hips as I rose and fell, squeezing and clenching around his big dick. I was moaning and panting, but I couldn't help it. I wouldn't have been able to stop myself even if I had wanted to stop. It was like... everything he said was an amazing idea, and why wouldn't I go along with it? I know it sounds confusing, Diary, but I can't explain it any other way. At that moment I belonged to him. He called me a "Good Boy" and I felt delighted. Those two words made me feel even more amazing than I already felt. He took my throbbing dick in one hand, and began stroking me in time with my bouncing. I closed my eyes and groaned. His hands were surprisingly soft, and he stroked me masterfully. I arched my back and writhed in his coils, but I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. My ass felt so wonderfully full as he fucked me deep. I don't know how much longer I was bouncing on his cock for. Eventually he brought me down and held we there. He moaned loudly and thrust his hips up off the bench. I cried out as his hot seed filled me. Thick and creamy in oozed out around is dick and ran down over his balls. His body shuddered and spasmed again, sending more thick, hot jism deep inside me. I flopped against his chest, his tail uncoiling from around me. He still stroked my cock, but again I couldn't orgasm. Then he ordered me to cum. And I did. My head went blank from the orgasm and I bucked against his body, locked in place by his cock still inside me. My cum splattered over his belly and chest and I collapsed on him, utterly spent. I lay there in a haze. I couldn't move, nor did I want to. There was a soft pop as he pulled out of me. There was a small flood of cum that soaked his balls and ass. He looked at me and smiled. He told me to clean him up.

I found myself sliding off his lap and getting to my knees. He spread his legs, giving me an amazing view of his cum glazed cock, balls and tailhole (I think that's what they call it anyway). I leaned forwards and started slurping the cum off his cock and balls. I buried my face in his crotch and drank it all down. I didn't know I was capable of something like that. Then I started licking his tailhole. He groaned and I felt his tail wrap around my shoulders and neck, forcing my head into his ass. His warm flesh pressed against my face as I licked him. The scent was making me dizzy. He held me there for what seemed like an eternity. I could do nothing but lick and kiss his sphincter. Eventually he let me go, and I slumped on the floor. He stood and helped me to my feet. I could barely stand. Then he kissed me. Now that I think about it, it was my first kiss with another male. Strange to think I'd been fucked more than I'd kissed. His tongue danced with mine, and I felt my knees going weak again. He broke it before I could collapse though, smiling at me and heading out of the steam room. I stood there in a daze. Eventually my mind cleared and I was able to think normally again. So I cleaned off and left. But it's strange, Diary. Even now I can't help but think about him. When I close my eyes I can see him, naked. His cock is glistening and I just want to suck it, feel it deep inside me. Every time I close my eyes I feel more submissive to that cock. I can't explain it Diary. I don't know what's going on with me, or why I feel this way, but I think I like it.

September 25th, 2011. 17:23

Dear Diary. I have no idea where to begin. I think the beginning is probably the best place, though. Don't you? So today I had the sudden, irresistible urge to go for a walk in the park near my house. The urge got stronger and stronger until I just HAD to leave! When I arrived in the park, the urge seemed to lessen, until I saw the small block of toilets along one of the paths. As soon as I saw that, my dick became rock hard, and my knees nearly gave out from arousal. I found myself marching towards the toilets, and I couldn't stop. My body wasn't responding and my mind was getting foggy. As soon as I pushed the door open it became very hard to think, but it was like... it didn't matter that I was finding it hard to think. Another strange thing is that I knew exactly which of the three cubicles he would be in. I walked up to the door and pushed it open. There he was, my big sexy python. His trousers were already around his ankles, and he was idly stoking his huge erection. The next thing I knew, I was burying my face in his big soft, smooth balls... running my tongue over his big, delicious cock. Excuse me Diary... every time I think about him I can feel his dick inside me. I can literally feel it in my arse. It feels so good! But I need to focus on this, because I need to tell you Diary.

So I was there, on my knees, sucking on his delicious cock. I remember everything so clearly. I could feel it pulse and throb in my mouth, I could taste his pre-cum filling my mouth. I remember the smooth, slightly bumpy texture of his foreskin, and his smooth head. I couldn't move from there. All I could do was suck his cock. Each time I lowered my head over his length and it hit the back of my throat I felt a pulse of pleasure rush through me. I could feel my own juices filling my underwear. They felt very wet already. I was in heaven. I had no control and I loved it. I felt him coil his tail around my shoulders and neck. This made my dick throb so hard I felt it actually squirt some pre! The feeling of his smooth scales, is soft tail wrapped around my neck... there was just something so right about being in that position. I think I may have developed a thing for thick, squishy, powerful tails, Diary. He was in total control and I was loving every minute of it. He pulled me forwards, burying my face in his smooth crotch. I deep throated him surprisingly easily. No gagging or anything. I could feel his big soft balls pressing against my chin and I swear I could have cum there and then. He drew me back, until his cock head was resting against my loose lips, and then he pulled me forwards, hilting himself in my mouth. I was paralysed with pleasure. It was like my mouth was a pussy. Every time he slid back in, I convulsed with pleasure. He carried on like this for only a few minutes more, I think, before he slid inside and just stopped. He gasped and I felt his dick bulge and throb in my mouth. I could feel his thick cum pumping into my throat. He slowly pulled back, still cumming, painting my throat and mouth with his cum. There was a plop as he pulled his slippery cock out of his mouth, and a final rope of cum splattered on my face. His cum tasted and smelled wonderful, and I remember feeling so relaxed and... and satisfied. I hadn't cum yet, Diary, so it was strange. My mouth was hanging open slightly and I could feel cum and drool dripping out over my chin. I felt him pull me up and pin me against one of the walls. He grabbed my chin with one hand and pulled me into a kiss. Let me tell you something Diary, just because someone has a snout, doesn't mean they can't kiss. Because they sure as hell can! With his free hand he unbuttoned my trousers and let my dripping cock free. I felt his hand close around it and I shuddered with delight. It was coated in pre-cum and he began to slowly stroke it. I couldn't gasp with his lovely tongue in my mouth, so I whimpered instead. He broke the kiss and chuckled. Then he told me to cum. And I did. I came so hard. My dick was like a hose. I splattered the opposite wall with my seed and he milked me until I was dry. Even then I still bucked into his hand and shuddered and spasmed with orgasmic bliss. Eventually it was over, and I was leaning against the wall.

But, Diary, here is where it gets interesting. He didn't just leave this time. He stayed there, pressing his body against mine. His big, wet, soft, warm dick was pressing against mine. This little act of dominance made me feel so wonderfully submissive. I can't explain why. When I stopped panting, he said something to me that snapped me out of any lingering stupor I was in. He said this to me:

"Would you like to go on a date?"

I could feel his heart against my chest. It was beating surprisingly fast. I think he was nervous, Diary, although I have no idea why. Now that my head was clear, I could seriously think on it. I looked at him. There was a delicious squelch as our bodies shifted. I could feel fluid oozing slowly down my legs. I had an idea what he had done to me by this point, but I had to confirm it. I asked him if he had hypnotised me in the showers a few weeks ago. He looked kind of sheepish and said that he had, and he was sorry about it. Apparently he hadn't really expected it to take as well as it had done. I told him I actually quite liked being under someone else's complete control. He smiled at this. Then he pressed me for an answer. So I said "yes". We're going out on Wednesday. I'm super nervous now! I know we sort of skipped the dating stage and went straight into dirty, kinky sex, so I shouldn't be nervous. But I am. My first proper date with another male!

September 28th, 2011. 01:30

Just got back from my date, Diary. It was Incredible! It turns out Kamau (his name, Diary) is a really charming, lovely man. We got on extremely well. Funny how gratuitous gay sex can bring people together! Anyhow, we went out to eat, then we chilled out in the pub for a while, then we went back to his place. He has a very nice apartment. It's not the biggest, but he's made it super cosy. Lots of colourful scarves and hanging and rugs, and quite a few dark wooden carvings (originals from Africa, apparently), made from ebony and the like. We talked more here. I told him all about myself and how I was a student studying for my Masters etcetera. All the stuff you already know Diary. He told me about how he was born in the Ivory Coast, but his parents had moved to England when he was about five. I was surprised he still had that really nice hint of an accent, and I told him so. Now I've never seen a snake blush before, but I'm sure the scales on his cheeks took on a slightly reddish glow. Could have been my imagination though. Anyway, it was AMAZING and we have another date over the weekend. But now I am a tired, so it's off to bed! I haven't felt this happy in a VERY long time!