Father of the Pride: Old School Thinking Has Its Benefits

Story by DelKat on SoFurry

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Blah, blah, blah, adullt content, what have you. I don't normally write fanfiction, but after 2 years without writing anything, I figure why not. ^^; You can find more on my thought process here (http://furaffinity.net/gallery.php?name=delkat&i=1106198250). So, yes. Yiffy Father of the Pride fanfiction. Enjoy, and let me know what you thought of it by dropping a email, or what not... and if I should continue this series. ;)

"She meant nothing!" "What!? Then why was she in your bed?" "Come on! Sierra... pookie-kitten, you know I love ya!" A fierce glare in her eyes froze the lion in his bed, terrifying the young zebra mare into galloping out of the room. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip this off, you cheating... bastard!" The lioness growled and grabbed his erect malehood, tightening her grip with each second. "Well?" "I'm sorry! I'm so-o-orry!" Tears rolled down his eyes, his eyes clenched in pain as he hollered out loud to her. She growled at him, looking at him sternly. "I love to watch you squirm, you know that?" Her claws extended to the point they were poking into the fleshy rod. With a smirk, she retracted her claws after hearing a ear-piercing whine from the captive male. "I hope that taught you a lesson." With that last remark, she turned away from him and exited the household, leaving the bewildered and frightened male to curl up in his blanket. "Man... that... was... kinda hot!" * * * "Sierra..." "Sierra!" "Sierrrrra!" A loud thump, emanating from the ceiling, was Larry's only reply. Minutes later, she came down with a piece of paper in her paws, carefully shredding it to pieces. "What is it!" "That movie's on. Y'know, the one with the bird and that really funny red-ass baboon. You told me to get you!" He snickered, running his paws down his sides, fur-covered belly swaying as he laughed. She snarled, frantically tearing the paper into confetti, focused on its destruction. "What makes you think I want to watch that damn movie right now!" Larry gulped and took a few steps back with a half-dazed grin, a paw on the back of his head. "I'm just gonna go into the family room now." Quickly trotting back to his place at his wife's side, the head feline wiped a bead of sweat from his brow and let out a sigh of relief. "Whoo-boy. Sierra's gonna sit this one out." Kate sighed, rubbing the temples of her forehead with a claw. "Larry, what did you do?" Her tail flickered , motherly instincts ready to right any wrongs her husband had done. With a stern voice, Larry bellowed out, "Why is it always my fault?" "Because it always is, Captain Screwup." The elder lion, Sarmoti, walked in with a cane in one paw and a bowl of popcorn in the other. "Swear to god, no wonder kids today are so intellectually thin up in the noggin. Their parents!" Kate snapped immedately from her dazed look at the screen. "Dad! We have raised fine children, thank you very much! Sierra's in the gifted program! How do you rationalize THAT!" Sarmoti smiled and took a single pretzel from the bowl. "Me, of course. She just lucked out that she has my brains. So, right, where was I? Oh right. Stupid kids, stupid parents." Larry growled at him, biting his lip. "I swear, if you didn't live here, I'd..." "Alright then, Dad." She rolled her eyed, paws across her shoulders. "What's wrong with her?" He looked at his daughter and swallowed a fistful of salty snacks and replied with a nonchalant quip, "She needs to get laid." "DAD!" "It's true! She's in heat, Kate! C'mon, you can't get a whiff of that?" Sarmoti smirked and sunk into his plush chair, paws folded on his lap. "Larry! Damnit. What are we gonna do? This is her first heat. What are we going to do? How... what... I know, we should go up and tell..." She groaned, claws retracting and extending in worry. "Wait a minute. Wasn't she away for a few days last year around this time?" Larry looked at her with a puzzled look. "Wasn't she at her... oh boy..." He yelped as his mane was tugged to Kate's chest. "WHAT? She was... oh god, and she didn't tell us? Larry, we've really screwed up. I... why doesn't she go over to her boyfriend's house then?" Soon enough, a tired Hunter walked in, figurines clenched in both paws. "Oh! Sierra said she dumped him a few weeks ago. Right Simba?" He smiled at the plastic figurine and laid down on the carpet. "Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going... wait, Sierra is going to be... Larry, we need to do something about this. We can't let her suffer like this. It's a pain." She chuckled nervously, looking down at the floor. "Well, what do you want ME to do about it? " He looked puzzled himself, looking momently at his wife, twiddling his thumb-claws. The elder lion laughed heartily, nearly choking on one of the pretzels traveling down his throat. "Do I have to tell you everything? Get up there and screw her silly! Jeez..." "WHAT!? Hunter, go upstairs." She picked up her young cub and shoved him to the stairs. "Dad, I swear to god. She's our kid!" "My point exactly. Growing up on the savannah, we raised our kids right. It's how we are! My dad was head lion of his pack, screwed all of them days at a time. Heck Kate, you ought to know. Remember your first time?" Sarmoti grinned to himself, licking his lips. She groaned, "Dad, this is not the time..." "WHAT? Kate, you said I was your first!" Larry growled silently, bringing a paw to his forehead. "Good god I need a cold one." "Yeah... well... I... I was young and nieve..." Kate sighed, playing with the tip of her tail. "And just as good as your mother, man, you were one..." Sarmoti sighed to himself, eyes drifting closed with a big toothy grin. "Enough!" Kate snarled, a paw raised to strike at her father. He smiled, grinning and getting off his chair and stretching out. "Larry... we have to do something... you need to go upstairs." "Kate? Are you... ok? I mean, she has two paws..." "Like that works for you?" She laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. "Well, what do you propose? She's going to get..." A thunderous roar, echoed through the house, followed by a shatter. "...worse. We can't ask Hunter, You have to go up there." Larry looked at himself, licked his lips. "I... can't." "I'll do it then, how old is she? Twelve, thirteen? Man... I'll tell you. Heh, wouldn't mind getting her knocked up. At least I'd know she come from a good line!" She growled and shoved him out into the kitchen, then leaned against the wall holding a paw to her forehead. "Larry... please. She takes some birth control for her... so she'll be fine, just... it'll be... just go!" "Larry? With a gut like that, one's all he's gonna get in! Heck, use some saran wrap too or something! We need to stop your genes from going any further!" "Just go. I have to go eviscerate my dad." She smiled and kissed him on the lips, then with paws clenched she stormed off into the kitchen. The creak of each step tensed his muscles as he crept to his daughter's room. Putting a ear to the door, his tail dropped between his legs. "Here goes nothing..." Sierra's ears perked up as she saw her father enter her room, putting down a wooden block, clawed to a shadow of its former self. "I'm not watching that movie right now!" "Honey... can I sit down?" Larry carefully scooted over to her bed, timidly putting his paw around her neck. He was surprised how his daughter leaned up against him, burying her face in his chest, purring deeply. "Dad... this... sucks. He left me for some girl, I'm going crazy!" "Think this through! How many guys get the chance to screw around with a fifteen year old scott-free?" Like the proverbial devil on one's shoulder, Larry's consciousness panned at him, testosterone pumping through every fiber of his body. "Dad... you're really... you're really nice to me." Sierra purred, leaning and nuzzling his side. "This... is really... this is weird, you know? I.. Dad, I know it's weird. I don't like this at all. I... Dad, would you sleep with me? I won't tell if you won't. You're the only one I really trust." Taking a sniff of the air, her eyes lowered down to between her father's thighs. "Mom did marry you because of your personality!" She giggled to herself, but then timidly put a paw on the ample lionhood. His eyes rolled to the back of his head with a dazed, happy look. "Oh god, honey." His breath quickened as his tail twitched back and forth. "Don't... easy. I... c'mere you." He smiled warmly and picked her up into his lap, the head of his fleshy member poking her lower stomach. "Dad?" She purred, looking up at him. "I hit and jab at you a lot, and I give... mmh... you plenty of trouble. You know I love you guys, right?" Sierra's maw was wide open, panting from the situation, her father's belly pushed right against her, warming her body. "Of course, sweetie." With a meek smile, he nuzzles her jaw, exchanging affection with a tender nuzzle. Kissing her lips softly and cupping her softly furred rear with his large paws elicited a happy mewl from her daughter. Breathing heavily, and resting his muzzle on top of hers, he guided the tip of his length toward her aching sex. "...daddy." Sierra mewed, inhaling deeply through her nostrils. Lifting herself up a bit, she helped to guide her father to where she needed him the most. Slowly, she began to sink onto him, clutching his fur tightly. "Dad!" "It's ok, honey. Just bare with me... hfff.... and we'll get through this," Larry said, stroking her daughter's headfur, hoping to ease her pains. Purring to her, his paws helped ease her down slowly, letting her adjust. "Mmff... you're doing great honey..." Hear ears perked up at the remark, toothily grinning at her father. "Oh ye... murr... yeah?" With all her force, she pinned him down onto her bed, straddling the male lion with a wince. "Ahhrr... I'm not just a little cub, dad," she mewled, grinding her hips against her father as she raised her body up and down, bouncing in his lap while he laid down with a satisfied grin on his face. "Mrreww...!" * * * "What the hell is your problem, Sarmoti?" Kate snarled at her father, arms crossed, eyeing him from across the wooden dinner table with a murderous glint in her eyes. "Kate, my dear sweet Kate." Walking slowly over to her, the elder lion put a paw on her shoulder. "It's part of our heritage. You should know that! Before we lions even became showmen, we were in our caves and taking care of our own, and if that means having some fun with the family, then hey, why not?" "Dad..." She sniffed, dropping her paws to her sides. "I was... you know, you could have been a bit nicer about it." He grinned, smirking at her. "So you did like it." "What's up, hip cats?" Dropping onto the table, Snack landed on his hind-paws, smoothing over his gopher headfur, small bushy tail wagging. "Snack, this is NOT the time!" Kate snarled. "Go... go talk to Larry! He's upstairs, first door to the right!" She huffed at him, batting him off the table with a paw as she lurched over to Sarmoti. "Fine! Think what you want, dad, but you live in MY house, under my rules!" Gathering his bearings, the gopher rubbed the temple of his forehead as he scampered up to the second floor. "First door... right... there we go...oh?" His ears perked up, hearing the grunts and squeaks of two lovers on their bed. "Oh-ho-ho! Larry you pi...!?" Sierra let out a loud meow, eyes clenched as she felt her father pour into her body. Her inner workings gladly accepting the warm seed of her own father into her womb. Exhausted and panting, she laid down against him, using his stomach as a pillow, purring with delight. "Dad... thanks..." "You too, kitten." He smiled, purring against her. "You didn't hear the door open, did you?"