Chapter 3 - Built up to break down

Story by Sticky_Fingers on SoFurry

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#3 of Rainy Isles :

All the characters in this story are mine but use them if you want. I insist that you guys also use my concept as I would like to see lots of stories using the same universe though you guys dont have to crash a plane to get there. Otherwise enjoy. (note: any vauge mentionings of places and things are not ment to infringe on laws,copyrights, etc.)


The rainy Isles

Chapter 3: Built up to break down

Rick waved goodbye and surprisingly the rest of the village waved with all the different sort of smiles. Rick blushed a bit out of embarresment. He had never had so much attention on him before for no apparent wrong reason.

He set off along the patch that the old lady said he should take. He had salvaged his parachute bag for carrying things and the parachute to sleep in.

Days passed and he managed to get the halfway point in his jourrney a river that divided the island according to the old cat. He bent down and drank from it. It was so calm and the water was so refreshing. He heard a scuttle in the bushes. He was being followed.

Rick cautiously walked across the bank and into the shrubbery on the otherside. He carefully hid in the bushes and watched the river. After a while a head poked out from the bushes. It was an adult feline. She was a ginger cat no less. She stumbled across the stones using her balance to correct any missteps. It was too bad that the one stone was too slippery. Rick burst from the bushes and dived in the river. The cat paddled about half heardedly. Cates hate water but love the rain so this one wasnt't any different. Rick grabbed her around the waist and back paddled towards the shore. After minuted of paddling he finally managed to get to the shore. He collapsed backward still holding the feline.

Rick heard some mewing. He didn't understand untill he saw what he was holding. Her breast. He let go and she pounced away. Her eyes looking coldly at him hissing.

"Thanks I guess" he said miserably. He had touched her breast. It had offended her but she didn't bother to wear clothes so it was her own fault.

Rick turned away and headed back up the stream to get to the path again. He was soaked and the warm jungle air was disapating as the night drew closer. He needed to dry off other wise he was dead. Rick took out some flint from his bag. It was wet.

"Dammit" he cursed.

Rick rubbed it on the ground and tried again. A spark. The problem was that most of the things in a jungle are green. Rick tried and tried. He started to shiver uncontrolably. He took out the parachute. It was nylon. It managed to dry enough so he wraped himself in it. He still shivered hitting the flint with little enthusiasm. He collapsed on the floor.

Rick woke up to the smell of fish burning. Rick looked up and saw the cat looking at him. She noticed his stare and turned away quickly. A fire roared near by.

"How did you?" Rick said.

She picked up the flint and waved it about with a faint smile. She was taunting his inadequacies. Rick let his heavy head fall back onto the parachute again.

A fish was thrusted in his face.

Rick said thank you and she seemed to understand that. He also attempted to say sorry about earlier and pointed at his chest but instead her face when bright red and she turned away. Rick didn't understand what the big deal was. It wasn't like he hurt her.

Rick sat up...his strength had returned. He looked up at the sky. It was midday.He groaned. So much progress lost.

Rick suddnly felt a chill run up his spine. The cat-woman went rigid and slowly put her hands in the air. Rick was confused untill he saw furries come out of the trees with spears in their hands.

"Perfect" thought Rick


McKain ate his roasted meat greedily. He took a swig of something they called bamboo ale which tasted good and gave him a heavy energy boost. There was much laughter and rough housing in the main hut and the occasional orgasmic scream from the back rooms. It reminded him a lot of the old western movies he saw where it was no rules and a lot of pleasure. He smiled. He had a lot of pleasure.

"The cheif wants to speak to you." said a fat boar man from behind him.

"About?" said McKain

"About this!" he said hitting him hard on the back of his head.

When he woke up he was looking at another wolf. This one was a mixture of blue and grey fur but he was slighly shorter then himself.

"I've been hearing things about you boy" said the wolf in a long drawn out speech that mad him shiver a bit. "Mostly it has been good but correct me if I'm wrong but some say you were human not so long ago. Is this true?" said the old wolf.

"No" lied mccain outright.

"You are a very bad lier. First you question why I want to speak to you making my escort have to knock you out and now you lie about something you don't even know you should lie about. Trust! You now have to earn my trust dear friend because I have a proposition for you." he said

Mccains ears perked up.

"Interested are we? Well lets just say a little bird told me that a human is wondering the islands. We need to have him. Our scientists are interested in studing him and finding a way to convert our enemies into humans to be slaves, food, and generally weaker then us. That human is the key."

"Scientists?" said McKain,

"We dont reveal all our secrets but lets just say that the form we are in now isn't because of God but rather special reasons I cant tell you." he said with a laugh. All you have to do is bring the human here alive. Make sure he stays human if you can do that much and also if need be you can liberate him of various apendages. Remember, I want him ALIVE. Do this and I'll be very , VERY happy." he said

McKain nodded fiercely. He knew already what faliure meant.

He ran off quickly.

The old wolf turned and spoke to a shadow near him.

"Follow him." he said


Rick was tied to a palm tree. He was screaming his lungs out in rage. The furries were yelping around in excitement with their newest catch. The poked Rick and laughed as he flinched. He noticed they all seemed to be the same type of furry. He couldn't quite place it.

Silence fell on the masses all of a sudden. The cat sobed a bit. Something bad was going to happen. A large hyhena furry stepped out. He looked at the captive. He yelped out something and the rest snikkered. He pointed to Rick and they yelped and snikkered more. The main hyhena was most likely the chief. Rick gasped as he realized what the intents were of the little devils. He tugged at the ropes trying to free himself.

The chief let his trousers drop and his member was showing. The cat mewed in horror.

The crowd chucked her forward towards the chief and with one swift movement he impaled her.

She cried out. The rest of the crowd yelped and laughed.

Rick felt the bindings get loose on his hands so he held them. He now wiggled his feet to get them loose.

The chief picked up the cat by the scruff of her neck and showed her around to everyone. Her pussy was leaking against her will. She looked completly furious. He took his fingers and poked it into her pussy. She gasped out but clenched her teeth. He worked his hand in and out. The crowd laughed.

The chief was now fully aroused. He put her down and got ready to penetrate her.

"Penetrate this!" said Rick loudly.

The crowd was so interested i the main event they forgot Rick. The chief stood there with a spear poking through his neck. He fell to the ground. Rick took it quickly out and prepared for battle. The hyhenas all ran away in hysteria. The clearing became silent.

Rick offered his hand out to the cat-woman. She got up and pressed herself against him crying little cat tears. Rick stood there in silence.

"I wont let that happen again..." he said softly.

Rick heard the yelps of the hyhenas. The original fear was gone. They were on the hunt.

Rick ran quickly holding her hand into the forest. The barking and laughing continuing behind him.


McKain got in the boat with the boar who had knocked him out earler. He looked at him coldly. The boar smiled slyly and kicked the boat away from the dock. They both stated to row. It was tiring work even for a furry as they basically crossed a whole sea. Eight hours later they arrived on the opposite bank tired.

"You have three days to find him. Use your senses and you should be fine" said the boar pulling the boat futher up the beach

McKain sped off into the jungle.


Rick jumped over fallen logs running as fast as the adrenalin in his body would allow. The cat was also showing strain from running so muich though less due to her being a furry. Rick heard heavy breathing behind him. He knew that it was pointless to run now. He stopped and ducked as a hyhena furry jumped over him and skidded around. Rick picked up a branch and swung it at the hyhena. It doged. Rick felt himself being tackled from behind with the accompniment of claws digging in his back. The hyhenas muzzle drew in to bite his neck but he felt the weight pull off him. The cat had given it a swift kick.

More hyhenas piled in. They were ten on two making the odds hardly fair. The cat hissed at them. Rick shivered with fear but he held himslef firm.

"If you understand me then please duck as soon as they pounce," he said handing her the broken branch like spear. Rick was eyeing his spear on the floor close by.

They pounced. Rick fell on the floor grabbing the branch and pointing the sharp end up. The cat did the same. Two of the hyhenas were impaled, dying instantly, and the others bumped into each other trying to get them. They rolled out now facing eight foes. The same trick wouldn't work twice.

"How strong are you.? You gotta ram me into one of them and then we will at least have surprise on our side." he said

She didn't quite get his meaning. The hyhenas attacked again. The cat shoved Rick forward at a tremendos pace surprising the hyhena mid jump knocking him into a tree. Rick grabbed him and threw him at some of the other hyhenas while the cat jumped and avoided the other four. Rick ran over and, surprising himself, cracked two of their necks by twisting them while the other he managed to knock out with a kick to the snout.

A yelp was heard as they pinned the cat down. Having no other alternative Rick rammed the hyhenas. They were faster this time as Rick kicked one in the snout but it shook it off having now a minor concusion. Rick helped her up again eyeng her bloody frame fresh with cuts and scratches. They were now down to four foes but these ones were being careful.


The whole forest could basically hear the yelps of the hyhenas hunt. McKain wasn't deaf and headed towards the action. He looked on at the fight between Rick and the hyhenas taking note of the beautiful cat. He wanted her badly. She radiated a sort of worrior princess kind of look. He smiled an evil smile. He had an idea that might work.


Rick heard a scuffling in the bushes. A very large black wolf furry jumped out and within a few seconds imancipated the hyhenas. He wiped his bloody jaw and grinned.

He barked something at Rick which he didn't understand. The wolf realized that as well. So it started to act out what it was trying to say.

"Yes thank you" said Rick gladly. Something worried him about the wolf but he was doubting that thought the second he helped the cat up and brushed the dirt off her. The cat mewed a bit and they had a slight conversation. Rick felt a bit annoyed that he couldn't understand.


McKain jumped in and using his powerful jaws killed one while savegly kicking another. They all felt his might and fury. He loved it. He wiped his jaw.

"Looked like you guys needed some help" he barked.

Rick looked at him with confusion. Finally it dawned on him that he was speaking another language. Eventually after much stupid hand signaling he got the point.

"You helped us? Why?" said the cat in an almost angelic voice.

McKain had to fight with himself not to take her right there.

"I am actually after the human" he said.

"Is that right well he is almost at his journeys end. Then you can have him. I am curious to see why he is travling such a far distance. He intriuges me." she said

McKain heart dropped. He was far from stupid. This cat liked the human. He was a fool to tell her that he wanted to take the human. He would have to find the right oppertunity.


Rick walked forward with a half-step. He was tired. He heard a huge gushing sound in the distance. Th gyser! He broke out into a run and soon went into another clearing that seemed rediculusly apposed to the jungle. There were rocky pools everywhere and the rock had a sort of pinky red to them. The air smelled of sulphur and steam. He walked forward causiously. A large hole loomed in the distance. Rick finally got to it and looked inside. The old cat tripped and fell in there? No. She lied. She wanted to die. The ground rumbled slightly and he ran back a bit. Nothing happened.

The cat touched him on the shoulder and he almost jumped a few feet. She mewed and looked at the hole up close. Suddenly a shadow blurred near him and Rick gasped in horror.

Rick felt himself remember in those few seconds some words spoken to him by the old cat.

"Careful how long you stay in because you may loose yourself and become an animal or worse"

She never told him what it would do to furries that fell in.


McKain was almost laughing at his good fortune. Curiousity killed the cat he was always told and look now. The cat was standing over the edge of the hole. He sprinted forward and knocked her on the back of the head.

He laughed out loud and grabbed the puny human. That gyser was deep no doubt. She was beautiful but he didn't feel like carring both of them.

His laugh was stiffled as the human kicked him the the sweet spot.

He howled.


Rick was incurably angry. He kicked backwards and tugged free. He jumped in after her. He felt responsible. It was his fault that she was dead and all he could do was atleast die with her.


McKain righted himself. His face had gone a lighter shade as he realized how screwed he was. The human wasn't supposed to kill himself. He was worse then dead. He felt the ground rumble. A large columb of water gushed out propeling him backward. His mind began to throb. This water was different. He felt his form elongate a bit and himself bulk up. He laughed madly choking on the water. He lost himself to the madness this new power gave him. He was more feral then ever before. His limp body skidded across the rock. He was far from dead. He was going to take al lthe islands and be their ruler but first he was going to sleep.