The Devils Daugher CHapter 3

Story by Polly25 on SoFurry

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continued to chPter 3 of the devils daughter

Chapter 3

Lucifer had felt the child as it took its first breath. He still felt his daughters powers also but how? Daemon must have shielded her; the minion had begun to get on his nerves a Halfling with little power defying his master. Yet as Lucifer pondered the Halfling he knew that he was a powerful being hiding his true nature it had never dawned on Lucifer how powerful until now.

Nickoli unchained the women who had given birth to him. She was his mother yet he felt no attachment to her growing from baby to adult in mere minutes he hardly knew this women. Christina was her name but he didn't know if he should call her mom or call her by her name, and what of the demon who chained her stolen her trust and got her pregnant. Nickoli shook his head losing his focus and almost losing his head to his father's blade. They had been training for months now preparing him for the fight with his supposed grandfather the thought of Lucifer, the devil being his grandfather or any relation to him made him coil in disgust.

"Pay attention or ill cut your head off!" daemon shouted as he swung his flaming sword at Nickoli.

Nickoli ducked and stabbed daemon in the arm with the dagger he kept hidden in the boots his mother got him. Making daemon drop his sword as Nickoli swept his leg under daemon making him fall to the ground. Nickoli set poised the tip of his sword against daemons throat.

"I'm done practicing for the day." Nickoli threw his sword down and walked off toward the cabin they had been living in.

"Don't turn your back on your enemy Nickoli." Daemon stood as he spoke when Nickoli shrugged him off, daemon threw a fireball at the back of his head. He didn't expect Nickoli to catch the fireball double its size and send it crashing through the forest just barely missing him.

Daemon stood mouth agape at Nickoli he was almost scared by the fire that burned deep within his eyes. He heard Christina clapping in the background near the cabin.

"He sure is my child!" she yelled out to him laughing

Nickoli turned and continued his way to the cabin, looking at the woman that was supposed to be his mother he felt no compassion, no love. It made him think there was something wrong with him, but he knew he was only created to destroy someone who had sought out to destroy her. He was born to kill the devil; He was destruction in and of itself. With a single action he could destroy the world and recreate it. The question that rang in his mind over and over when he had his time to think, What happens after I finish what I was born to do? What will be my purpose after all is said and done?

( Sorry for the short chapter been busy stay tuned for the conclusion in chapter 4)


He had been watching her for days on end, waiting for the perfect time to snatch her. Her name was Stephanie; she had an hour glass figure with soft blonde curls and captivating blue eyes. He had seen her at the coffee shop and was instantly...

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The Devils Daughter, Chapter 1

This is the story I'm writing if you do not like it don't read it i will accept your feedback i will not take it down I WIL NOT CHANGE IT because you don't like it i will not conform my story to make the people who read this feel better i will take...

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