Bonding Session

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#6 of Poke-Treat 2

Well here it is... Horny to a different level for our heroine? Is this a relapse of her past? Or this just an excuse? You decide...

Edit: I really hate going back to fix italics and font size....

(WARNING: Pre-teen x Pokemon involment)

Once they finally reached the creek, they found it full of Water types. Todd and Macy took full advantage of this opportunity to catch a few. While the area was distracted with human activity, the wild Pokèmon ignored Lisa's approach on a Totodile that was missing the large red spike on the tail. She knelt beside it and placed a paw on its shoulder.

: What do you want, slave? :

"I am a Trainer myself. Your Aura stuck out, you envy those few that are leaving with those humans. I could offer you the same, if you wish. But you will be sent to my home to learn from the best fighters and met hundreds of others."

The Totodile flinched then sighed, : Fine, you caught me, I do envy them. I was abandoned here... in a way. My girl was too young according the other humans, and so she released me here promising to meet up again one day. I fear I may not find her again. :

The Totodile heard a zipper being pulled then glanced at the Lucario hovering next to her. Lisa pulled out an available Pokèball and held it next to the other female.

"Your choice."

The young female looked at the device then at the humans enjoying the battles they were having. : The name's Maxine, I am fine with Max. : With that, Max pressed the button with a claw and allowed the capture process to be completed.

Lisa's PokèDex pinged then buzzed as it waited for the 'Nickname' process to be completed before teleporting the ball to the Elder Tree. She typed in the name then watched as the ball vanishes. She turned to her own Pokèmon whom watched the humans and their partners battle happily.

"Justice, let's go find us an elder. We just might be able to get you into a tough battle."

Justice nodded quietly and followed his Trainer as they walked, or slithered in the Dratini's case, by the creek. They did not go far, the sound of battle had attracted male Floatzel. He looked at the humans cautiously before approaching the duo.

: There are no Buizel around them, is there? :

"No, not that I saw. But, if I may ask, would you care to battle my friend here? I am his Trainer. I am working on Equal Rights for our kind by proving that we can be just as good leaders as humans."

: You are one of them? You ain't going to take me away, are you? :

"Only if you want to," Lisa looked the male in the eye as she hoped he would accept."

The male contemplated the offer. : I have a mate and young. I cannot leave them, but I do accept the battle on one term. :

"By all means..."

: I want the young ones there to see what a battle should be. :

"Agreed. Adrian, come out, please." Lisa released her mate. "Adrian, would you kindly stop the battles then be the translator for them."

Adrian nodded as he did as he asked.

: He's a quiet one. :

"Usually not that quiet. I must have interrupted his meditation. Shall we?"

The Floatzel nodded then followed the Trainer.


'Little' Jason walked through the halls after a day of hard lessons, boss-man Jason had declared that all young Pokèmon and humans alike should have to be schooled (this made several of the humans moan at the news). The Charmander and his friends, a Totadile, a Chikorita, and a Pidgey, had to get to a meeting place to meet a contact of Jason's. His friends did not know how he managed to contact this particular Legendary, but did not question it considering their life style.

The boys came to a stop in a slightly used passage and watched as a dimensional rift rippled in front of them. Out came a Celebi, a young one at that almost the same age as the boys. The Celebi closed the rift with a wave of his paw then floated down to the floor and landed next to the others.

"I couldn't get anything, the barriers are guarded too heavily. Besides, dimensional crossing is difficult enough without having to worry about bringing contraband back. If you all want to make a 'special' group, you are on your own."

"Really! Dat blows." The Totodile huffed. "Blows worse dan dat- "

"Ricki, shut up! No one cares about your 'experiments.'" The Pidegy, Yaltz Light-plume, clicked his beak at the reptile.

"Humph." Ricki growled as he stared angrily at the bird.

"Here we go again... Thanks for trying, Felix, we'll figure something out." The Chikorita nodded allowing his leaf to sway gracefully.

"No problem, Sumac. I better run off before the 'college' notices my disappearance."

"Boarding school must be rough."

"You have no idea..." Felix stepped into a rift and vanished.

"Come on, guys, my sis is waiting."

The mentioning of Jason's sister got the two quarreling boys to move on. Both of them have a crush on Angel and would do anything to get her to laugh. That was the only thing Jason had on those two when they are locked in a stalemate.

The boys went up to one of the free 'practice' rooms where they met Angel and her 'gal-pals.' Beside the shiny Charmander stood a very intimidating Weavile, while behind those two girls a Milotic busied primping herself in a mirror. One the opposite side of the hallway, a Flygon leaned against the wall chewing what appeared to be a bone.

Despite her completed evolution, Sandra, the Flygon, was only a level fifteen on the PokèDex with three actual years on her life. She was, by far, the oldest of the present group yet she could not stop herself from eyeing the young Charmander male when he was around. She would have to 'break' him in soon, even if she had to jump him around the others.

"Did he get it?" Angel spoke up before Jason could.


She growled then nodded towards the door. "You know what this means, right?"

"Doing what we do best... making things up as we go."

"Exactly, and we need to find a human who can't understand Standard."

"That is hard enough around here..."


The Floatzel stared down the young Dratini, the young of all types gathered around them as well as a few elders. Floatzel was given the first attack. He growled as static electricity sparked across his fur. As soon as the first spark jumped, he let out the Spark attack with paralyzed Justice right off. The Water type was working on building up his attack power for the next wave as the Dragon fought with his own body.

"Justice, use Sunny Day!" Lisa ordered loudly.

As soon as he could, the Dratini roared at the sky and summoned a bright, hot spot on their battleground. The Water type growled with annoyance as he knew that Water moves would be slightly hindered by this until the clouds returned once more. He forced out his paws and shot another Spark at the Dragon. This one fortunately missed.

Lisa called for a Thunder Wave. It struck home, Floatzel grunted with annoyance. Lisa then called for Twister. Justice was able to release that attack from his ever-growing lungs. The wind picked up and soon was tearing debris from the ground. It struck the otter Pokèmon and picked him up within the gale. Before it dissipated, it tossed the target forcing the male to land hard on his back. He screamed in pain then slowly rolled to stand up, one of his two tails was bent in an unnatural position. He was on his last leg.

Justice growled and awaited for the opponents attack, it came as a Water Gun. Minimal damage, Justice shook it off then followed up with his own attack, Dragon Rage. As the damaging roar hit, the Floatzel collapsed and did not move.

Lisa waited briefly then dug into her pack once she was sure the battle was over, normally Trainers would walk away leaving the injured to fend for itself. Lisa refused to do that, she pulled out the only Full Heal potion she had and sprayed the male down. She watched as he healed up almost instantly, especially his tail. Once he was healed and showed signs of awakening, Lisa had noticed that a female Floatzel stared at her.

: Did I win? :

"If it wasn't for Twister, I think you might have."

: Don't lie to me, I am a father. :

"Indeed you are. Speaking of which... I think someone is getting jealous."

: She'll get over it. : Floatzel chuckled then rose to his feet. : Thanks for fixing my tail. :

"Consider it as a parting gift for the battle. Many Trainers would just leave you lay there or go against their word. Me being of both sides, I have to stay in the middle so I can focus on my own goal. Good luck raising the pups."

Floatzel bowed then went to his mate's side.

The crowd broke up soon after leaving the three Trainers and their team to make camp. Once the tents were placed, wood was gathered and fire lit. There they gathered around the warmth and roasted berries and gooey snacks passed about. Night fell quickly, yet their laughter did not. Much of the local fauna grumbled at their antics as the night grew older, but they allowed the noise once they realized they kept the larger predators away. Once Todd went into his tent to avoid 'girl talk,' Lisa and Macy went to the creek and removed clothing. There they sat against the flow of the shallow waters with legs splayed slightly. Macy moaned with the light pleasure the pressure gave her.

Told you.

"Yeah, it's great."

Despite being of different species, our bodies are very alike. Did you know that?

"The school lesson covered that. I barely paid any attention to it. Wish I had."

They leave out the better parts. Did you know that any kind of stimulus can bring the female to a blissful climax.

"You do know I am just barely nine," Macy looked over to the lounging Lucario.

Lisa barely glanced at the human. So? Even a newborn pup can feel pleasure... to a point. Not that I encourage pup sexual encounters. But by the first heat, or in your case the first period, sex can be found pleasurable.

"But it's illegal."

Perhaps by human laws, but for Pokèmon...

"Ah, so if I were, say, a Machop gal, I could go off to find any random male to find some fun?"

"Lu..." Lisa guffawed. No, we would ask the males we are the closet to and those we knew not compatible with.

"Hmm, but there was no 'non-compatible' males." Macy bit her lip as she hoped she pronounced the large word correctly.

Then one would suffer the heat or just go through with finding a proper mate.

Lisa smiled and cocked her head as she sensed the presences of a couple of known males. Well, looks like we have ourselves some peepers. Just ignore them. Who knows, you might find yourself with a mate soon enough.

Macy dropped her jaw as she stared at the Lucario, Lisa just chuckled as she leaned back against a rock to let the water flow over her chest. The young Trainer girl, after a long minute, followed the Lucario's movement and shivered slightly as the water flowed over her bare, undeveloped chest. She did her best to ignore the eyes she now felt staring at her. Luckily, it was a partly cloudy night and the moonlight was hidden. She closed her eyes and relaxed, she listened to the surroundings hoping to catch the sound of twigs breaking or even the sound of heavy breathing.

"Lisa," Macy muttered after a moment. "I can't take it anymore, I got to get dressed."

Suit yourself. I prefer the eyeing over the alternative.

Lisa watched the young female walk out of the water and gather her clothing. Lisa smiled as the girl became alit with moonlight allowing the males a perfect frontal view as she was focused on pulling up her panties and dressing. They ducked behind their bush as she started to move back towards camp. But what they did not see was Lisa crawling over to grab her blouse and detaching the broach then crawling back to the water. The males did not move from their hiding spot, figuring they would give some time to let Macy go into their tent. Lisa, however, had other plans...

"Boys..." She said quietly while smiling at the gasps of the trapped males. "Come join this lonesome female, won't you?"

She tossed the broach onto her blouse then waited. Very quickly, Todd and Adrian came into the moonlight. Adrian, being already down to the fur, climbed into the water while Todd stripped down and piled his clothes next to Lisa's. Lisa eyed the prepubescent boy with a hunger she thought was long gone.

Eyeing the catch of the night, were you?

Lisa forced her way into Todd's mind, which made him wince.

"I-I... Yes." He knew she knew. "Ever since we been traveling, I... got curious."

No need to sneak about.

She looked at her mate with a grin. If you are truly curious about the female form, come explore. I am not that different from your own kind.

"Y-you want me to... touch you?"

Not just touch... explore. Get it out of your system and don't forget to ask questions.

Lisa smiled eagerly at Todd. Adrian held a wolfish grin as he shared his own personal conversation with his mate.

Todd edged forward, placing his bare form between the Lucario's knees. The moonlight glistened in her fur as she breathed slowly. The boy slowly, albeit hesitantly, reached to touch the loins of the female before him. He lightly rubbed the flaccid lips. Lisa bucked against his touch and got him to penetrate her slightly. He got the idea with that, he pressed deeper to feel her warm, wet depths. She moaned as he went knuckle deep.

"Lu!" She exclaimed as she felt him explore her.

She likes her teats rubbed. Adrian chimed in as he watched, his own shaft coming to life.

Silently, Todd took the advice as he leaned closer and used his free hand to rub up her front as he searched for the minor teats that remained under her fur. Once he found one of the little lumps, he paused long enough to toy with it and to make it protrude slightly. Adrian slipped behind Todd as he watched the boy play with his mate.

You can do better, boy, became a man. Mount me! Mate with me!

"Are you sure? Does that not break your bound with-

She said mount, so mount. It will only break our bound if I do not join.

Which I will soon enough. Adrian smirked behind the boy.

He leaned over the male and pulled the boy's hand out of his mate's loins. He then grabbed the boy's shaft and used the fine fur on his paw to stimulate the sensitive flesh. Todd gasped and instinctively bucked. The young shaft swelled and became erect. Adrian smiled at his work then forced the boy forward. Todd, being lost in the newfound pleasure, did not fight it. As Adrian guided the boy's shaft into Lisa, he positioned his own at the backside of the boy and pressed into him slowly. Todd yelped but with the two strong forms holding onto him, he could do nothing to stop it.

Adrian grabbed Todd's hips and forced him to thrust into his mate. Todd began to moan after the first few thrusts, he soon took the slow pace up for himself. Before long, Adrian's knot slipped inside the boy and tied them. He grunted and came to his max. Todd gasped as he felt the river of heat flow into him. This set off his first pre-mature orgasm. Lisa moaned as she finally allowed herself a release, their Auras merged slightly against the wills of the Lucarios that guarded their's tightly.

They broke away from each other about twenty minutes later, at which point, Todd passed out. Adrian nuzzled him as Lisa dressed him. Adrian carried him back to the camp and to his tent. Then they went back to Lisa's tent where they cuddled and held a silent conversation.

That morning, Todd woke with a smile. Lisa and Adrian woke early and fixed breakfast. Macy rolled out of her tent after Todd. She stared angrily at Todd as he waved happily. He shrugged off the look as he joined the Pokèmon at the fire.

"Morning," Adrian said quietly testing what he more-or-less feared.

"Morning," Todd answered without a thought.

"Todd..." Lisa leaned over the fire slightly. "Did you understand him?"

"Hmm? I don't know."

"Did you understand me?" Adrian asked slowly."

Todd went white as he nodded.

"Crap and here we were careful..."

"Not enough, apparently." Lisa rubbed her muzzle.

"What's going on?" Macy asked as she sat next to Lisa.

"We... bonded with Todd after you left. We planned to have you in the mix, but..."

"So you... after that talk... why?"

"Because out here we can be alone for weeks on end and we wanted all embarrassing moments out of the way. Now... we accidentally mixed our Auras with Todd and now he can understand us. So..."

"You want me to join your mix?"

"Preferred... just incase my broach stops working and I am weakened to the point of not being able to use telepathy."

"Fine... what will I have to do?"

"Mate with us. As much as I hate this, it's the only way I know how to bond with a human."

Macy groaned and stared into the flames. She did not speak again until they were ready to break camp. This was a string of covered curses when she tripped over her pack and scuffed her knees and elbows. Todd bandaged her up and watched over her as she finished packing. Lisa and Adrian worked to clean up the lot and make sure the fire was completely out.