All you need is Love: Chapter 5

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#5 of All You Need is Love

David and Crystal returned home from their dinner at one of the nicest restaurants in town, full and tired. Crystal yawned deeply as they pulled into the driveway; the sound of gravel crunching underneath them. David turned off the car and got out. He was followed by crystal and they headed to the front door and into the house. David shut the door behind them and this time it was his turn to yawn. Crystal rubbed her eyes wearily and David chuckled.

"I think we're both tired." He said. "We should go to bed, it's late."

Crystal nodded her agreement. "I'm really tired. Thanks for tanking me out to dinner." She said as she gave him a kiss.

David returned the kiss and then hugged her. "You're very welcome sweetie. Let's go get ready for bed."

Crystal murred her acceptance and followed David into his room. They both stripped down and stepped into the bathroom to get ready for bed. All the while their eyes growing heavier and heavier. They brushed their teeth and once they were done, they both climbed into David's bed. Crystal snuggled up next to David affectionately and gave another yawn. "G'night David. I love you." She murred as she closed her eyes.

David reached over and turned off the light. He leaned over and kissed Crystal lovingly on the cheek. "Good night sweetheart. I love you too. Sweet dreams." He said quietly.

David reached over and gently rubbed Crystal's back as she fell asleep. He looked at her with more love than he had ever thought he could. She was more precious to him now than his own life. He would do anything to make her happy without regret. He smiled and closed his eyes at that thought. Soon he too was drifting off into sleep with his sister in his arms.


The next couple days went by without much incident. It was getting closer to when Crystal would have to go back to school and they were out a lot getting her school supplies, clothes and other things she would need. David and Crystal tried their best not to show too much affection outside of the home, but they did sneak in a few loving kisses here and there.

The Saturday before school would start, the phone rang and David got up off the couch to answer it.

"Hi David, this is Jessica's mom. How are you today?" asked a familiar voice. Jessica was one of Crystal's best friends.

"Oh Hello Mrs. Roberts, I'm doing fine. What can I do for you?" he asked cheerily.

"Well I was calling to invite Crystal to a surprise birthday party at our house tonight. I'm sorry for the short notice, but getting this set up has been a hassle. Anyway, it would be a sleep over. Do you think she can make it?" she asked.

David glanced over towards the bathroom and smiled. "It's fine with me, and I'm sure she would love to go. She's in the restroom at the moment though so I'll call you back after I ask her. That ok?" he asked.

"Oh sure hon. Not a problem. I'll talk to you later then." She finished and hung up.

David went over and sat back down on the couch and waited for Crystal to return. He didn't have to wait long. She soon came out of the bathroom and sat down next to David where they had previously been having another of their loving cuddles. She scooted up next to David and smiled up at him.

"Did I hear the phone ring?" she asked.

David put an arm around his little sister and smiled. "Yes you did. That was Mrs. Roberts. She invited you to a surprise party for Jessica tonight. I told her it was alright with me." He said.

Crystal's tail started wagging and she just about jumped up with excitement.

"A Surprise party! I can go!? Yay! Thank you David!" she exclaimed and jumped into a big hug. They both laughed and started a short tickle fight. They rolled all over the couch, Crystal trying desperately to get away from David's vicious tickling. Finally, after Crystal could hardly breathe from laughing, David let her go and they both sat down laughing.

"I'll call Mrs. Roberts and tell her you're coming then." Said David. He got up and walked over to the phone. "And you better go get ready. It's a sleep over, so bring your sleeping bag." He finished. Crystal leapt off the couch and up to her room to get ready.


A couple hours later, David and Crystal were pulling up the driveway at Jessica's house. When they stopped, Crystal jumped out of the car and ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell. David chuckled and grabbed his sister's things from the car and followed her. Mrs. Roberts answered the door with a bright smile. She was a middle aged Vixen with a nice body, long red hair and bright, friendly green eyes. She greeted Crystal with a big hug, squeezing her into her generous bosom.

"Hello there Crystal! It's good to see you!" she said with a smile as she released the young wolf from her hug.

"Hi Mrs. Roberts. Good to see you too." Replied Crystal.

David walked up to the door and handed Crystal her things. Mrs. Roberts gave him a look that said "I want to talk to you." David got the message and he gave Crystal a little pat. "Go put your things away." He said. Crystal didn't argue and ran inside the house.

Mrs. Roberts stepped out onto the porch and looked at David. She frowned and then spoke quietly. "How have you been holding up David?" she asked kindly.

David gave a heavy sigh and looked at the rose bushes in the yard as he spoke. "It's been tough, but I'm thankful that Crystal seems to be coping well with it. It still hurts to think about it. It's really Crystal that's kept me going. I'm the only one she has left, so I have to have the strength for both of us." He trailed off, and a tear ran down his face.

"I'm sorry hon. I'm glad you two are managing. You're a good brother David, Crystal is lucky to have you. You've done a lot for her these past two weeks and you have my respect for that. If you ever need help with anything, just let me know." Mrs. Roberts placed a hand on David's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. She smiled kindly and brought him into a hug. "You keep being strong for your sister David. Your parents would be proud of you."

David accepted the hug and whimpered softly. "Thanks Mrs. Roberts. That means a lot to me right now." They broke the hug and they both smiled.

"We'll take care of her tonight. Why don't you have a nice relaxing night, or maybe go out with some friends and have a good time." She said kindly.

David nodded. "Thanks. I might just do that. Let me just say bye to Crystal." He looked up just as Crystal came running back down the stairs. She walked out to David and he knelt down to give her a hug. "Have a good time sis. I'll see you tomorrow. You can always call me if you need anything." He said and then chuckled. "Try not to give Mrs. Roberts a hard time alright?" he said teasingly.

"I won't David, I promise." She replied with a smile and a cute giggle. David gave her one last hug and then stood up and walked back to the car. He waved as he pulled out of the driveway and then he was gone around the corner of the street.

Crystal turned around and smiled at Mrs. Roberts. "So who else is coming?" she asked as they both walked back inside.

"Only a couple others. Nikki and Sarah both said they could go, but that they can't spend the night. Is just gonna be you and Jessica for the sleepover part I think." Replied the vixen with a shrug.

"Oh well... We'll still have fun anyway." Replied Crystal. She went over and sat down on the large brown couch and looked around her friend's house. It was similar to her own, with a large main living room with the high ceiling. There was a bedroom and a bathroom by the stairs and the kitchen was on the other side of a wall with an opening. The Dining room was through the kitchen. Up the stairs were several bedrooms and two bathrooms. Everything was decorated with warm colors like browns, tans and very dark reds, which gave it a good feeling.

Mrs. Roberts turned to busy herself with some of the party decorations and spoke while she worked. "Would you please answer the door if someone comes?" she asked. "I need to finish getting everything ready."

"Oh sure, I can do that!" said Crystal with a smile. She went over to the small couch by the window and looked outside while she waited for the others to arrive.


Two hours later, the other two guests had arrived and the house was ready for Jessica's arrival. Crystal was sitting on the couch with Nikki and Sarah while they waited for the signal from Mrs. Roberts. Nikki was a wolf like Crystal, but her fur was a uniform black, unlike Crystal's salt and pepper fur. She was about a year older than Crystal at the age of 13, but they were still friends. Sarah was the odd one in the bunch. The 12 year old tigress was the only feline in the group, but it didn't bother her. She had been a friend of Jessica and Crystal for years.

They were all sitting on the couch chatting and catching up when Mrs. Roberts poked her head out of the kitchen. "She's here! Hide!" was all she said before she ducked back into the kitchen.

The girls all hid behind the couch so they were out of sight of the front door and they became as silent as possible. They heard a fumbling of keys with the front door and then it opened. They waited a moment and then Mrs. Roberts flipped on the lights and they all burst from hiding. "Surprise!" they all screamed at once.

Jessica nearly jumped back out the door again while her father stood there with a big grin on his red muzzle. After she recovered from the shock she screamed excitedly and ran to her friends. "You guys scared me!" she laughed. As they all went into a big group hug.

Jessica was much like her mother with her red hair and green eyes. She was also the first in the group of girls to start developing breasts. She immediately started talking with her friends while her parents went about getting the food ready. It was almost four o clock and Jessica had just come home form dance practice. Soon the food was sitting on the table and the girls all came over to eat. There was home made Mac 'n cheese; Jessica's favorite. There were all kinds of party foods, chips and dips, and Mrs. Roberts had made her famous barbecue meatballs and burgers.

The girls all ate happily and soon a good portion of the food was missing. Jessica's parents had retired to their room and given the girls free run of the house in the meanwhile. The girls went back over to the couch, full of food and talked. Like all girls when brought together in groups, gossip was a popular pastime. They talked while their food digested and then Crystal stood up. "So what are we gonna do tonight?" she asked.

Jessica thought for a moment and then jumped up. She ran into another room and came back out with two DDR pads and a PS2. "How about some DDR?" she asked. The girls all shrugged and agreed. Jessica was usually the best at the game but they all still enjoyed trying to beat her. They hooked up the consol and set up the mats. When the main menu came up Jessica smiled. "So who's the first challenger?"

Sarah leapt up. "Me!" she said and took her place on the second pad. They set up the game, three songs, and best overall score wins. They both set the difficulty to hard and hit the start button. For the first song they were just about evenly scored. Sarah began to slow down on the second song and then on the third song she had trouble keeping up. The girls' feet were darting form arrow to arrow in a blur and they began to sweat a bit. The final scores were Jessica: A, Sarah: B.

"Good game." Said Jessica.

"You too. One day I'll beat you." Replied Sarah as she wiped her brow and sat back down.

Nikki was next to take a shot at Jessica, but she didn't do as well as Sarah. She got a C ranking and sat back down with a shrug. "Just not my game." She said with a laugh.

Crystal was the last to challenge Jessica, and she did a few stretches as the game was set up. "Ready to lose jess?" she said teasingly. Crystal was by far the best match against the vixen and she knew it.

They set up the game and gave each other a smile as they hit the start button. The other girls could only watch as both girls got perfect sores on the first song. The second song started, one of the more difficult songs, but both girls were good. The song came and went and both girls were still tied. They were both sweating and panting hard now, but they pushed on. The final song was by far the most difficult. Both girls were tired and they began to miss arrows here and there, but they still did amazing. Their movements were so fast the other girls couldn't even keep up. They were both trying their hardest and their hardest was stunning.

The song ended and both girls put their hands on their knees, panting hard. They looked at each other and broke out into laughter. They looked at their scores and Crystal had actually beaten Jessica by a small margin of about two hundred points. Jessica smiled and grabbed crystal's arm to raise it like a boxer in victory. "Wow Crystal that was fun. Good job." Said the vixen as they went to sit down.

"Thanks Jess, you too." Replied crystal with a smile.

Nikki and Sarah continued to play for a while and crystal and Jessica watched them while they cooled off. They were interrupted at about nine o clock when Nikki's parents came to pick her up. She said goodbye and then took off. Sarah's parents came about an hour later and Crystal and Jessica saw her off and then returned to the living room.

"Well now what?" asked Crystal.

"I don't know. It's too dark to go outside and I'm getting tired anyway. How about we just hit the hay early tonight and get up earlier tomorrow?" replied Jessica.

Crystal shrugged. "Sure. That game kind of beat me up anyway."

The girls turned off the TV and the game consol and headed upstairs to Jessica's room. Crystal was about to set up her sleeping bag when she got a look at herself in a mirror. She was sweaty and grimy and she stuck her tongue out in mock disgust. "Hey Jess? Can I use the shower? I don't like to go to sleep when I'm all sweaty and grimy like this."

Jessica looked up and giggled. "Sure. Actually I think I will to. I had dance practice today on top of that DDR match so I could use it too. D'you mind if I join you? The shower is big and my parents are kind of crazy about conserving water." She said as she stripped her shorts and t-shirt off.

Crystal was a little taken aback, but she shrugged. "I guess." Was all she said as she too stripped off her clothes. Soon both girls were naked and heading to the bathroom. As they made their way into the bathroom Crystal's nostrils flared as an odd scent reached her nose. She had never smelled this before, but it was oddly attractive. She shrugged it off as Jessica turned on the water in the massive shower. Jessica was right; the tub was a large square with a sliding door. It was a good three feet deep and there were two shower heads on opposite sides of the tub.

Crystal tried not to look at Jessica's naked form as she bent down to turn on the water. However, she was surprised when Jessica's tail went up as she leaned over, giving Crystal a perfect shot of her slit and butt. Crystal blushed and tried to look away, but that smell returned and she found herself staring at her friend's slit. She snapped out of it as Jessica stood back up, her white tipped tail dropping back down.

They both got in the large shower and they each took a shower head for themselves. Crystal was standing there letting the warm water run over her and through her fur when she felt Jessica's hands on her shoulders. She jumped and then relaxed as she felt and smelled a nice body shampoo. "I thought I'd help you get your back." Came Jessica's voice.

Crystal murred her acceptance as Jessica massaged the shampoo into her back. Her hands moved down Crystal's back and then to her surprise they continued down to her butt. Crystal was about to protest, but she got another whiff of that smell and she fell silent. Suddenly her friend's touches felt great. She murred as Jessica massaged her soft butt and then moved down to her legs. What Crystal didn't know was that Jessica was in heat, and the smell she was smelling was Jessica's arousal.

"Mmmm that feels good jess..." murred crystal with a smile. Jessica soon finished with Crystal's back and then she spoke.

"Want me to do the rest of you? Then you can get me in return." She said softly.

Crystal nodded and turned around. She was surprised to see a strange look on Jessica's face when she turned around to face her. It was a look of need and a hint of desire. Crystal wasn't sure of what to make of this, but she smiled at her friend, for an itch had awoken in her as well from all the attention. It had been a while since she and David had done anything. So she let Jessica lather up her legs and work her way up. She watched as Jessica reached near her groin and saw Jessica lick her lips as she looked at the wolf's slit.

Jessica took her time with Crystal's thighs and slowly worked around to the inner thighs. Crystal found herself spreading her legs a bit to let her friend reach down there, her own arousal growing steadily. She looked down at Jessica and their eyes met. Crystal gasped as Jessica reached between the wolf's legs and ran a lathered paw along her slit. Jessica didn't do it again however. Instead, she moved up her body and started rubbing the shampoo into her friend's tummy and finally her chest. Crystal gasped again as Jessica spent a little more time rubbing around her nipples.

Crystal murred softly as Jessica moved up and gently massaged the soap into her neck. Now they were both standing mere inches from each other and Crystal began to pant. Jessica moved her face up next to Crystal's ear and said huskily. "Now it's your turn to wash me."

Crystal gave her friend a lick behind her ear in response. Jessica backed up with a lusty smile and turned around. She pulled her long hair over her shoulder to give Crystal room to wash her back.

Crystal took a good amount of the shampoo into her paws and lathered up her friend's back. The fox's red fur was slick with water and Crystal could feel every detail of her friend's muscles and felt her shoulder blades under the supple flesh. She rubbed the shampoo into her fur and did her best to make it feel good. She slowly moved down Jessica's back and finally reached her butt. Crystal blushed as she firmly grabbed a cheek in each hand and began to firmly massage. Crystal heard Jessica moan and smelled that smell again, which she was beginning to think was coming from her friend.

She spent a while on her butt and then moved down to massage her friend's nicely toned legs. When she was done with those she stood up and Jessica turned around with her tongue sticking out slightly in pleasure. They smiled at each other and Crystal slowly knelt down to work on her friend's legs. She started slowly and worked her way up to Jessica's thighs and Crystal found herself face to face with her friend's groin.

Now Crystal could tell for sure that the smell was indeed coming form her friend. It was so strong around her groin that it made Crystal almost light headed. It made her start to pant and she looked up at the vixen and saw that she was watching Crystal's every move.

Crystal smiled and continued to wash Jessica's thighs and teasingly avoided her groin. She heard Jessica give a disappointed whimper, but she ignored it. She worked her way up to the vixen's tummy and massaged the shampoo into her fur. She finally reached her small breasts and began to gently massage them. Crystal was now watching Jessica's face and it showed that she was enjoying the treatment. Her eyes were half closed and she was panting softly. Crystal was now up for whatever Jessica wanted so to get her attention she gave her friend a soft lick on her nose.

Jessica looked at Crystal and returned the lick before pulling Crystal into a close embrace. Both girls murred as their nipples rubbed against the others wet fur and they felt the other warm body in their embrace. Jessica softly licked Crystal's neck and Crystal murred and grabbed the vixen's butt. Jessica let out a moan and pulled back with a wild expression. "Lets finish washing and then we can continue this in my room." She said heavily. Crystal growled her acceptance and both girls quickly washed their head fur before stepping out of the shower.

They both dried off quickly and headed into Jessica's bedroom. When Crystal moved in front of the bed, Jessica pounced. Crystal yipped in surprise and then growled cutely as she was pinned down on the bed. She wasn't sure what was making the vixen act like this, but Crystal wasn't arguing with anything. Her own body was now craving attention as well. However her need was not as dire as Jessica's.

They positioned themselves on the bed with Jessica on top of Crystal looking down at her. The vixen started by licking Crystal's nose and lips until they both kissed. Crystal accepted it and found that it was rather enjoyable. It wasn't as passionate as her kisses with David, but she liked it none the less. Jessica broke the kiss with a smile and began to lick and nibble her way down Crystal's neck. Crystal murred as the vixen got closer and closer to her sensitive nipples. She moaned as soft lips enveloped her right nipple and a warm wet tongue began to flick across it.

Jessica suckled on the wolf's nipples for a couple minutes before moving down. She ran her paws through Crystal's salt and pepper fur. She rubbed them up Crystal's sides and stomach feeling her soft fur and murring. Crystal looked at Jessica and moaned softly. The vixen then moved her paws down to Crystal's thighs and massaged them, slowly moving in between them. Crystal was now craving attention and she spread her legs to give her friend access to whatever she wanted.

Jessica licked her lips as she looked down at Crystal's moist pussy and she ran her fingers around the opening. She just touched the area where thigh and groin met and just ran her thumbs along her outer lips, making Crystal whimper and moan in pleasure and frustration.

Then Jessica changed her tactic. She couldn't take this any more. She stopped what she was doing and got up, with many whimpers from Crystal. She moved so her own rear end was positioned over Crystal's head and her own muzzle was inches away from the wolf's pussy. Crystal was now looking up at the vixen's dripping slit and the smell was intoxicating. She gasped as Jessica ran her tongue along her slit and she followed the favor immediately by doing the same.

Crystal could taste Jessica's juice in her mouth and noticed how tangy it was. It was defiantly feminine, but it excited her all the same. She licked her lips as continued eating out the sexy vixen on top of her. Jessica growled in pleasure and buried her muzzle in crystal's pussy. She flicked her tongue around her passage and lapped up the juices that flowed out. Crystal did the same and then began to massage the vixen's swollen clit with a wet finger.

Jessica had to stifle a howl as Crystal attacked her clit. She followed by doing the same to the wolf. Soon both girls were well on their way to climax. Their panting and moaning filled the room. Luckily Jessica's parents were both downstairs and on the other side of the house. Crystal began to thrust her hips against her friend's muzzle and was greeted by the same movement from the pussy her own face was buried in.

A moment later it became too much and both girls came hard in the others face. Their bodies clenched up and Crystal wrapped her arms around Jessica's body. They rode the pleasure together until they both went limp and Jessica rolled off of Crystal panting hard. It was several minutes before they caught their breath enough to talk. Jessica moved so she was face to face with Crystal and she smiled. "Thanks crystal...I've been needing that for a while now." She said to somewhat confused looks. Jessica had had her first heat over a year ago, earlier than most. Crystal on the other hand didn't even know what a heat was.

Crystal just ignored the statement and smiled. She then licked her own juices off of Jessica's muzzle. Jessica murred and then did the same to Crystal. They soon ended up in another kiss. This time it was deep and their tongues explored and tasted each others mouths.

They broke the kiss and Crystal gave Jessica a cute grin. "I want to try something else. Lay so you're facing away form me on your back." She said simply.

Jessica didn't argue and did as the wolf had said. Crystal looked down at the vixen and smiled before laying down the opposite way so their heads were on opposite ends of the bed. She then began to scoot her body down. She moved so their legs were now on either side of each other. Jessica saw what she was doing and started to move as well. A few seconds later their groins met and their pussies rubbed against each other. Both girls' eyes shot open and met with wild expressions. They began to grind their hips together, making their slits rub each other firmly. Both girls let out pleasure filled gasps and moans.

The girls bucked and rolled their hips together as their juices mixed on their groins and thighs and matted their fur. Both girls moved a paw down to add some extra pleasure and they both let out gaps as they each rubbed the other girls' clit. Soon both girls were getting close to another climax and they both began to pant as their muscles began to twitch.

It was all over in a moment. Both girls hit their climax as they continued to grind their hips together. They both had to stifle screams or pleasure as their bodies convulsed together.

Once they could move again, Jessica moved up to lie next to Crystal. She looked at the wolf and smiled. "That was amazing... thanks again..." she said between breaths.

Crystal just smiled back. "It was my pleasure." She giggled and gave the vixen another lick on the nose. After a few minutes she looked down and frowned. "We made a big mess... and now we're all sweaty again."

Jessica just smiled. "Then let's take another quick shower. No funny business, just get cleaned up." Crystal agreed and they both took another shower and got washed again. This time they came back out into the room and took their own beds. Jessica had to change the sheets on her bed and Crystal laughed.

"Hey, why don't you help me, this is your mess too." laughed Jessica.

Crystal giggled and helped her friend change her bed. Once they were done Jessica climbed in and Crystal got in her sleeping bag. Jessica turned the light off and rolled over. "G'night Crystal... that was fun." She said softly.

"G'night Jess. Yeah... I liked it too." Was all she could say before the two girls fell asleep.

To be continued...