Know Thy Heart Pt 2
Part two of the story as told by my fursona, Isshy Kimia.
I was in heaven. I had to be. There was no other way to explain the feeling I was having. There was delightful electricity around me as I arched my back. A gasp broke from my lips and my eyes opened and met with yellow eyes. An almost wicked look rest there but I didn't care.
'Seb..." I moaned, my right hand reaching out to place on his shoulder while my left hand reached above my head to cling to the slatted headboard I have. Sebastian turned out to be a gentle lover, for all his pushing and aggressiveness in his pursuit of me. I was beginning to question why I had resisted him for so long.
His firm grip on my hip and his arm over my stomach assured me I wasn't going to be moving as he lavished attention on my proud arousal. Sebastian's tongue was far more talented than I could have ever thought. Long, slow licks from base to tip and back left me almost whining for more attention. Every little sound I made, whether it was a whine, moan, or even a gasp, the wolf replied to with a soft almost snickering sound. If he wasn't keeping my mind so fuzzy from pleasure, I would have scowled at him. On second thought, that might have made him happier about my reaction. As long as he didn't stop, I had nothing to complain about.
"You are so hot like this Isshy." He murmured, looking up at me with those eyes of his. I didn't want this to end. I watched, burning every moment into my mind as Sebastian lowered his mouth to my -
"ISSHY! Get up or you'll miss breakfast." Alex was knocking on my door and he wasn't going away. I sat up, glaring at the door but also in disbelief of what my mind had brought together. Shaking my head, I sighed but the dream still lingered in my mind.
"I'm awake. Thanks." I called back; making sure the fox would leave my door. Once I heard his retreating footsteps, I finally threw back the covers. Thankfully, I had the master bedroom of the house so I had my own bathroom. I needed to take care of an issue before I even considered getting dressed for the day. The water felt so wonderful in the shower, even though I had it cooler than I normally would have. Taking myself in hand, the dream still fresh in my mind, I focused on stroking myself. Questions came to mind as I did; would Sebastian really do that? Would I really want that? I didn't have the answers. That however didn't stop me from enjoying myself.
I pictured Sebastian like he was, about to take my shaft into his mouth. As he did so, I groaned. It felt divine to have the warmth around my shaft and his tongue lavishing attention on my organ as he bobbed his head. He held me in place so I wouldn't gag him by moving. One of his hands moved to fondle my sac and further my pleasure. I couldn't even contain myself. I placed on hand on the wall of the shower as the other stroked my shaft faster as the mental images continued. Panting loudly, I groaned, my essence covering my hand and the wall some before it was washed away. The release was wonderful and the image of Sebastian faded but didn't completely leave my mind.
Standing under the stray of water for a few moments to catch my breath, I finally moved to wash my fur. I made sure to scrub every inch of myself, for more than one reason right now. By the time I was done, I could guess I missed breakfast entirely. Toweling off, I realized I looked like a giant fuzz ball. Ruffling my hair, I rolled my eyes and pulled on a pair of pants as I left my room.
Alex and Tristan were at the little bar in the kitchen that did seat two. They seemed to be contently eating breakfast and from the smell, it had to be eggs, toast, bacon, sausage and pancakes. No doubt Tristan cooked. Alex would have eaten everything while he cooked.
"Microwave." Tristan said, glancing over to me. I nodded and went to the microwave. Opening the door, a plate of food was left for me, like usual when I'm late getting up. Taking out my plate, I move to lean against the cabinets.
"Good morning Isshy. Sleep well?" Tristan asked, sipping a glass of orange juice.
"Yes I did." I murmured around a piece of bacon stuck between my teeth. Alex looked like he was about to say something but he just looked back at his plate, which was nearly empty and continued to savor the eggs.
"What's the plan for today, if there is one at all to be had?" I asked, looking between each one. It was Saturday and none of us had class, which was wonderful but that didn't always mean we had nothing to do with school. Once in awhile, I helped out my professor by grading, Tristan may or may not have practice, usually only if there was a game coming up, or Alex had some gaming thing he wanted to do and inevitably we got dragged in, which wasn't always a bad thing.
"I have nothing planned." Tristan answered in his usually disinterested tone but I knew better. He did care, just didn't sound like it.
"I was thinking of seeing that new movie. You know the one with the vampire." Alex spoke up, looking to both of us. I didn't see anything wrong with that and it would be nice to get out of the house.
"Why don't we catch the movie and some lunch?" I suggested. It would be a few hours of course but that would still be something nice to do. Both my roommates seemed to like that idea, if their nods said anything. I went back to enjoying my breakfast, knowing it would be a better day and one to relax.
By the time I was finished with breakfast; both my roommates were gone on their own agenda until 2 when we would leave for the movie. I decided to clean my room after I cleaned up my dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Heading down the hall, I spied Alex in the living room playing a game. Shaking my head, I smile and went down the hall. If I didn't know better, Tristan might have gone for either a run or was outside in the backyard doing something.
Whatever the case, I had some time to myself. Putting on the radio, I started to pick up the room. Clothing was sorted into piles, the few pairs of shoes I did own, only for special occasions, were organized once more. I needed to iron a few things but those could wait as I moved them once more into another spot. Grabbing the first pile of clothing, I went to the laundry room and started my colored load. The window faced out to the street, so when I looked up and out the window imagine my surprise to see Tristan standing there talking to Sebastian. I couldn't believe it! Finishing what I was doing, I opened the side door and stepped out into the car port.
"Hello Sebastian." I called. As I approached, I could see both my roommate and the wolf turn to look in my direction. "What brings you here?" It seemed I was wrong. He did know where I lived and now that worried me for a few moments. How did he know?
"It seems Sebastian here moved in down the street. You know that house that has been up for sale for over a year." Tristan looked at me as he spoke before he looked back to the wolf. "I should head back inside. It was nice to meet you Sebastian." Being left the object of my wet dream and enjoyable shower time, I didn't know what to say. Shifting on my feet, I could feel my tail curling up and around my leg. The wolf looked to me with a smile.
"I didn't know you lived here. Honestly. Don't give me that look." He said, chuckling softly. I must have been scowling because he laughed more. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms.
"So when did you move in?" I hadn't noticed any moving trucks, not that that says much since I was a shut in all last night after the phone call from the wolf standing in front of me.
"A little here and there but officially done today." Sebastian answered with a shrug. He didn't seem to overall care about the time line but I did.
"Oh I see. Well welcome to the neighborhood." I was trying to be friendly. He seemed to take it well and smiled brightly. Whether this was honestly an accident or not, he was here now.
"So do you have any plans today Isshy?" He asked smoothly, clearly trying to figure out if I was going to be able to go out.
"I have to- " I started but was ambushed by Alex who pounced on me from behind. Leaning on my shoulder, he caused me to stumble forward. Sebastian reached out to steady me, placing his hands on my upper arms. I looked up at him and then away, feeling my cheeks starting to color some. Thank goodness I had dark fur!
"We're going to see that new vampire movie at 2. You should come with us." I rolled my eyes closed and hung my head. Thanks Alex. Way to be friendly but really? He knew that this was the wolf that was sweet on me.
"I don't want to cause a problem." Sebastian said though I didn't look up to see what kind of expression he had at that time.
"No you won't be. It will be fun." Alex curled an arm around me. "And Isshy would love to have you around." He said with a grin, I was just sure of it. As I looked up to glare, he laughed and let go. "See you later!" He said proudly and took off for the house. If looks could kill...
"I hope you don't mind Isshy." Sebastian was trying to be understanding but I knew he was happy about going with us.
"No it's alright. Once Alex gets something in his head, there's no turning back usually." I replied, looking back to the wolf. He had an odd look on his face. Almost like he was just happy to be going with us just for the sake of saying it was almost a date. "So ah... want to come in?" I didn't have anything else to say at the moment and while I did want my peace and quiet until the movie, maybe getting to know my admirer was a good thing, you know, because he lives down the street from me now.
"I would love to but I have to finish up a few things. I'll see you soon though Isshy." The wolf smiled as he stepped back and turned. That tail of his was as fluffy as usual and did brush against me as he left. Giving a wave over his shoulder with a partial look back, I watched him walk away. So much for a peaceful Saturday.
"What got into you Alex? Why did you ask him like that?" I demanded when I walked back into the house. Alex looked up at me and grinned. He was already back to playing his game like nothing every happened.
"Come on Isshy. Humor the guy once. Besides, you'll be with us so there won't be any problem." Tristan had a glass of water in hand and looked at me like he was innocent. I somehow doubted it but I had no proof.
Hours later, the doorbell rang and I knew who it was. I was thinking about playing sick but that wouldn't be fair to anyone then. Dressed in a casual shirt and pants, I walked to the door since my roommate apparently disappeared at this moment. Opening the door, Sebastian stood there casually dressed as well for an afternoon at a movie.
"Come in." I said, moving back and letting the wolf into the house. He smiled with a thank you and stepped into the entry way. It wasn't much of a little house but I and my roomies were proud of it. Alex and Tristan walked down the hall a moment later.
"Let's go! Come on!" Alex beamed, not even saying hello to our guest.
"Now now, be polite. Hello Sebastian." Tristan said calmly, looking at the wolf and then to me.
"Let's go. We don't want to be late." I grabbed my keys and we all went to the car port. I didn't drive anything fancy, just an outdated Saturn Vue that was still quite reliable. You couldn't find them anymore which made my car even more special to me. That and it was my first car ever. Sebastian was urged to sit in the front with me while Alex and Tristan sat in the back. It wouldn't be that long of a ride so it didn't bother me.
The trip there was quiet which also didn't surprise me. We parked, bought our tickets, which were nearly sold out, and went inside. Turns out nearly sold out means no seats so Tristan and Alex sat down near the front and Sebastian and I were stuck sitting together on the end. That was fine. I could handle this, or that's what I told myself anyway.
Halfway through the movie, I realized I didn't even know what was going on. I wasn't watching the movie. I was studying the wolf next to me with more intent that I thought possible. I took in his features, his appearance, what he was wearing and whenever he changed his expression to fit what was going on on the big screen, I found myself studying those details too. What was wrong with me? This was the guy I spent days avoiding and when he did make a move, I shied away. Was that such a bad thing he wanted to get to know me? As I was considering these things, he looked towards me. Very much deer in headlights, I looked away quickly and cleared my throat. He made a sound, maybe chuckling, but that was all. He turned his attention back to the screen and I tried to focus on at least this part of the movie.
By the end of the movie, I couldn't really tell you what was going on but I could tell you that Sebastian smiled more in my direction than the movie. The drive home was silent but halfway there, I noticed Sebastian casually glancing in my direction. Sitting at a stop light, I looked over at him. He looked back at me. We seemed to have a wordless conversation until the light turned green. Continuing on towards our street, the idea of food was scraped right after the movie since no one was really hungry. As I turned onto our street, I noticed Sebastian's house and stopped outside of it. Parking the car, Alex looked at me as he caught my eye in the review mirror.
"What's up Isshy?" Looking back at him through the rearview mirror, I smiled.
"You two go on home. I'm going to stay and talk to Sebastian a little longer." I looked over to the wolf who had his mouth open. "Unless you don't want me to."
"N-no! I mean, yes. Wait..." He shook his head and smiled. "Of course you can come over." I could hear his tail moving against the seat. Getting out of the car, Alex and Tristan jumped into the front as Sebastian and I headed up to his house. I still had my house keys so I wouldn't have any issue getting in no matter what time I came back. I don't know what got into me, or why I wanted to get to know Sebastian more, which was sudden.
Sebastian opened the door, though it took him three times and once he dropped the keys. I got the feeling my sudden eagerness to get to know him left the wolf without knowing what to do. For some reason, I found it amusing that he was struggling when he seemed like such a cool customer. This would be the first time I learned anything more about a person that I was, even if I didn't want to admit it, interested in.
Finally the door opened and we stepped inside. It was very bare for a two bedroom house. I had looked at his house when it was up for sale the few weeks. I liked my layout better that was for sure. There were plenty of boxes around, even as the lights flickered on when Sebastian hit the switch. Shutting the door, I smiled.
"Haven't unpacked much I see." Sebastian nodded as he headed towards the kitchen.
"Want something to drink?' He asked. I shook my head.
"I'm fine thanks." I wandered around a little, seeing how little the house was decorated but what was there was nice. I could hear the water get turned on and then turn off a second or two later. Sebastian came back about five minutes later and he looked refreshed.
"So why did you want to come in here?" He asked curious now and clearly having more fluid thought now. The wolf looked at me carefully as I shrugged. After a smile, I walked around the couch and flopped down.
"You wanted to get to know me better and now I'm here. You haven't done anything at all but stare at me and I'm starting to wonder." I probably sounded like I was drunk or something but he moved to sit down next to me. I looked up at him and he looked back at me.
"Honestly, I just wanted to get to know you. Yes I do have a strong attraction for you but I hope you don't it's just physical." He sounded sincere and shy at the same time. It was rather cute. Sitting up some, I moved to sit sideways and look at him more clearly.
"So you claim to love me, use any excuse to touch me that you can, unknowingly move into my neighborhood and send me flowers just to get to know me more? You are something else." I smiled, but wasn't mocking him. He didn't look so sure so I reached out and pat his hand. "Relax Sebastian. I'm not picking on you. I just find that interesting and somehow sweet." The look on Sebastian's face was priceless. He didn't seem sure whether to believe me or doubt me.
"Sounds pretty silly when you put it that way Isshy." Sebastian smiled to me with a little more confidence than I had seen since he opened the door.
"It is, so let's start at the beginning." I shifted to let my tail come over my hip and rest in my lap. "Let's sit here and talk and see how things go." Why was I giving him a chance? Maybe it was because of the dream I had. It was a pretty intense dream after all and I did get off on it, but there was more. I wasn't a shallow person.
Sebastian and I spent the next few hours talking about what we liked, didn't like, what movies we thought were worth a second look and ones that shouldn't have been made at all. We had a drink or two, I really didn't notice since I don't usually drink. Beers were easy and since we were having a good time, I figured why not? However it happened, I don't know but by the time my mind caught up with the current moment, I was kissing the wolf. He was kissing back, a little shyly I might add, but he was a fast learner. Drawing back from the kiss, I panted lightly, staring at the wolf that was looking back at me. I wonder what was going through his mind at that moment yet didn't have the courage to speak up and ask. We had both had a few drinks but I didn't think either one of us was drunk. Still, just to be on the safe side...
"I should get going before we do something we may regret." The wolf didn't seem to agree with my statement, as he was giving me the most adorable pout, but I still got up. Thankfully, I only had to walk down the street to get home so there was no risk of driving.
"But Isshy..." Sebastian started with that pout still in place and a well placed hand on my arm.
"Sebastian. We've both been drinking and we don't even know each other that well yet. Sleep it off. Tomorrow is Sunday. Come by for lunch." It was after 11pm now so there was plenty of time to sleep off the beers and be right as rain for tomorrow. The wolf gave a nod, though it was clear he didn't want to let me go just yet. His hand dropped and I walked to the door slowly.
Letting myself out after good-byes, which did include another kiss, I walked down the street. Tonight had been a good night, and it all started because of that dream that I had. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I walked home with a smile and I was almost sure I was going to have another fantastic dream thanks to now knowing first hand Sebastian was a good kisser.
When I did open the door, Tristan was still awake. Alex was asleep with his head on the cat's lap, looking adorable. Tristan lifted a finger to lips before motioning to Alex. I nodded and was as quiet as possible as I shut and locked the door behind me. I motioned to my room and Tristan nodded. No doubt there would be questions in the morning but that was tomorrow. Tonight, I didn't have to worry about being ambushed by Alex.
Falling into bed, I sighed. Cuddling my pillow, I was ready to sleep. I had to wonder what else Sebastian was good at though...