Know Thy Heart Pt 3

Story by Tearfeather on SoFurry

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Part 3 of the story told by my fursona, Isshy Kimia

Sometimes I really wish I wasn't right. I was having the most peaceful dream ever about snuggling up to Sebastian and then the next thing I know, Alex pounced me and both of us ended up on the floor. Struggling to get out of the blankets, Alex ripped back the sheet and stared at me.

"So... what happened? You have to tell me all the details Isshy!" Alex was an inch from my face and I rolled my eyes. Was he serious? Sighing, I just laid there. This was going to be a problem. Tristan appeared in the doorway.

"Alex, leave him alone. He wasn't even awake." Tristan walked over and hauled the fox off me. Collecting my wits, I got up, thankfully wearing pants, and brushed off.

"It's ok Tristan. I'll tell you soon enough Alex. Just... go away for now and let me wake up." Looking to the clock, I frowned. It was 10:30am already. I didn't have much time. "Are you two doing anything today?" I looked over to them as I spoke. They shook their heads. "Then help me clean up the house. I invited Sebastian over for lunch and I don't want the house a mess."

An hour later, the house was cleaned up and mostly spotless. At least I wouldn't be embarrassed about having someone over at the very least. Thirty minutes later, I was cleaned up and dressed for company. Not that I was dressed up but at least I didn't look like I just rolled out of bed. Even my roommates cleaned up and Alex promised he would behave like a normal person. I didn't think it would last long but at least he was going to try and not get in Sebastian's face. Heading to the door, I opened it. Sebastian was standing there patiently.

"Hello Sebastian. I'm glad you could make it. Come in." Alex and Tristan were sitting on the couch playing a game but did pause long enough to be polite. I shut the door behind Sebastian and whisked him away into the kitchen. Once we were out of sight, I looked at him. He looked back at me a little shyly but still we had the same idea. There wasn't need for conversation as we came together in a gentle kiss. OK so I was avoiding my roommates but that was only because I didn't want to hear about it later. I would anyway so don't need to add fuel to the fire.

After lunch, which went very well, we all sat down in the living room to play some games. Alex was naturally the best at them but we did hold our own, for about 10 minutes. In the end, we gave up and let Alex enjoy himself. It was getting a little later in the day and Sebastian had some errands to run. Walking him to the door, I smiled and decided to steal a kiss regardless of Alex and Tristan being around. The kiss was tender and passionate.

"I'll see you later." I said softly, wanting to be with Sebastian a little longer but they had their own things to do. Sebastian reached up and touched my cheek lightly.

"Dinner, my place. 6pm." Sebastian smiled, kissed my forehead and then turned to leave. I didn't know what to say but smiled. Tonight would be either a wonderful night or another bust because we were drinking. Shutting the door, Alex was immediately at my side with a grin. Didn't he have something else he could be doing at that time?

"Someone has a crush." He said in a sing-song tone. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"He is handsome and yes I like him." I replied, just to make Alex happy. The fox's tail wagged behind him as he smiled. I could just tell he wanted to have me confess my feelings.

"And I bet you are going to stay there tonight too. Just a hunch I have. We'll not wait up for you this time." Alex practically bounced off to the kitchen to help Tristan finish cleaning up. I just sighed but that was all. I went back to my room and left them alone. They could work on cleaning up, not that there was much to clean up anyway. Would Alex be right? I didn't know but a small part of me was hopeful that I would be staying over and we could enjoy ourselves. Sebastian lived alone, which was a plus. My own roommates were going to tease me regardless if anything happened or not so why not give them something to talk about?

5:30p.m. finally came around and I was itching to leave. I didn't want to sit around my own house for once. I had done laundry, gardened a little and even cleaned my room. Why? I was fidgeting. I wanted to chase Sebastian down the moment he left and go with him. Giving in, I got up and grabbed a small bag. It was a simple bag of goodies, nothing naughty. It was an overnight bag, just in case. Alex and Tristan were in the family room, both looking over homework but I wondered how long that would last. Alex always wanted to do something else though Tristan did keep him on track.

"Ok. I'll see you guys later. Don't have a party and don't destroy the house. Night!" I said quickly as I opened and shut the door behind me. They did hear him, as I heard Tristan call back "Have fun!" and Alex, I think, was laughing and gossiping already. As I walked down the street, I was overly excited about what could happen. Would it just be dinner? Would Sebastian want to do more? Would we end up fooling around or sleeping alone? Would I be walking home tonight? I had to stop myself in my thoughts because they were getting more out of control and I was standing at his front door.

A flood of emotions surged into me as I faced the dark blue of the door. Taking a moment to calm myself, I lifted a hand and knocked. It didn't take more than a few seconds for there to be a click and the door opened.

"Come in." Sebastian smiled, stepping back to let me in the house. It was the same as it was before when I was over, though I think a few more boxes were cleaned up. My heart was racing as I looked to him with a smile.

"Thanks Sebastian." I murmured, looking down a moment like a teenager with their crush. What was wrong with me? Was I really a hormonal teenager right now? We were both in college for crying out loud!

"Dinner is ready. It's in the kitchen." Sebastian said ushering me into the kitchen. He didn't seem to mind the bag I had with me and didn't even ask about it. Maybe he was as nervous as I was because I really thought I felt his hand shaking when he touched my back. Sitting my bag down on a chair, I went with him into the kitchen. The table was nicely set but nothing fancy. It was almost romantic, or maybe an attempt at it. There was roast chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and some glasses.

"I wasn't sure what you wanted to drink." The wolf said right next to me. I turned my head and looked at him while I gave my answer.

"I would prefer to not drink tonight. Water will be fine." He didn't look disappointed but I couldn't say he was hopeful either. Two glasses were soon filled with water and with that, we started dinner.

The dinner was divine. I don't think I've ever tasted such a wonderful way of cooking chicken. The mashed potatoes melted in your mouth with a lovely buttery flavor and the green beans were cooked to perfection. The water was boring but that didn't matter. The conversation made up for everything else that happened. We talked about school, work, odd events that happened to us, and even movies we liked. Nothing too special really until Sebastian cleared away the plates and sat down once more.

"Isshy," He started, acting totally nervous. He wouldn't even look up at me. Reaching over, I placed a hand on his and smiled to him. His golden eyes lifted to meet my green ones and the world seemed perfect. I know cliché. "Isshy, I would like you to stay here tonight... with me." His words were so shy and nervous it was adorable. What was I saying? I felt as nervous as he was! Sebastian waited nervously as I didn't answer and laughed at myself inside.

"I would enjoy staying with you Sebastian." Things were moving so quickly but that seemed normal. We had seen and spoken to each other often but this was the first time anything could or would happen. Dinner was done and the kitchen more or less clean. I offered to help but he nudged me out into the family room and told me to relax. I laughed, said he would regret not putting me to work, and sat down. I wasn't sitting for long before I was up and wandering around. The room was nicely set up which made it easy to walk around. Sebastian had a few pictures on the walls and the room looked neat. Magazines were on the table and I reached for one. It was a gaming magazine. Shaking my head, I laughed.

"My roommate would love hanging out with you." I called to him as I flipped through the magazine.

"Why is that?" He called back. I could hear the water was on so he was speaking loudly.

"He plays games as well." I replied, walking over to the kitchen door. "Really Sebastian. You can leave that until tomorrow. I'll help you." The wolf looked determined to get things done tonight. Shaking my head, I walked over to him after putting the magazine back on the table. Curling my arms around him from behind, I spoke into his ear. "But I want to do other things with you." That got an instant reaction. He nearly dropped the dish in hand as he looked back to him. I was shorter than he was so I really had to work at whispering in his ear. Just the same, I felt his tail swish between mine with purpose. I was sure I had his attention now.

"Like what?" He asked, mechanically turning off the water, putting the dish in the sink and turning to look at me. I leaned against him, curling my arms around his neck with a sly smile.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe something to get to know each other better." I was being cute and he was eating it up. Sebastian's arms curled around my waist, holding me gently. The feeling was wonderful. Tilting his head down a little, he looked me in the eye with a smile.

"I like that idea." He murred, pulling me closer and into a kiss. I wasn't going to argue and held him just as close as he was holding me. There was little doubt in my mind where this evening was going to lead now.

We continued to stand in the kitchen, savoring the lip lock that we didn't want to end. Eventually though, I pulled back for lack of air and it seemed he was panting lightly as well. Silly Sebastian didn't want to break away for air. What was I going to do with him? With the kiss broken, he looked down into my eyes before leading me from the room. My heart was racing once more as I followed behind him, his hand holding mine. Our fingers were linked and I gave a gentle squeeze as we walked. So much seemed to have changed in those few minutes from the sink to the bedroom but I liked that feeling. I was so shy and nervous about this and yet I openly flirted and insinuated that we were going to have sex. Now that was going to really happen.

As we walked, all lights were turned off. There was no need for them. The only light we needed was moonlight that was streaming in through his bedroom window. The seven-sided window was unique and only added to the charm of the room. Sebastian shut the door and drew me close. Walking me backwards, I felt the edge of the bed at my knees and I automatically sat down. The wolf before me looked so imposing and tall, my tail twitched in response to my nervousness once more. Hopefully this imposing handsome devil would be gentle in bed.

With gentleness I could have only dreamed about, my t-shirt was removed. Sebastian laid me back on the bed, kissing me tenderly. Slowly the wolf kissed down my throat, over my shoulder and collarbone, and down my chest. He was so careful and passionate I couldn't stop myself from groaning. He really knew what he was doing and where he was heading. My body was growing warmer, enjoying the attention. Anywhere Sebastian's lips had been, his hand was soon thereafter just to make sure that he did a proper job of stimulating me. Well, there was no problem there as my length was growing hard and proud in my pants. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to lie there patiently and do nothing but be putty in his gentle hands.

"Sebastian..." I groaned, looking at him. Oh that look he gave me was positively sinful. It would have made the devil blush. Hands brushed the sensitive skin at my waist before he unbuttoned my pants. All I could do was lean on my elbows and watch him as he stripped me of everything I was wearing. He was silent, studying my now bare body in the moonlight that casually streamed in from the window. I was not a self conscious person, but in that moment, I doubted myself. Did he like what he saw? Was I not enough for him now that we were going to sleep together? All my fears and worries were removed when, in the short span of a few seconds, he smiled.

"You are so beautiful Isshy." He whispered, kissing my thighs as he looked at me. I didn't even have to guess at what he was going to do be doing. His lips slowly crept up my legs, making my skin tingle. Dropping back to lay there, I panted with anticipation, knowing what he was going to do and yet not being able to see him was a thrill I didn't know I could have. Long seconds passed by until that first tentative touch to my shaft. His fingers traced from base to tip with almost a curiosity but I knew better. Fingers danced along the underside of my length before they curled around me. It took all my control not to move or thrust into his hand. He chuckled, probably feeling how tense my legs were trying to remain still.

"You can move Isshy. I would prefer if you did actually." He said softly, leaning close and licking the head of my shaft. I groaned and bucked, unable to stop myself. Sitting up, I placed one hand on his head and the other held me upright. He slowly took me into his warm, wet heat. Sebastian seemed unconcerned that I was squirming a little, wanting as much friction and feeling of his mouth on me as possible. The feeling was divine. My rolls eyes back as I felt his tongue dancing on my hard shaft and before I could stop myself, I felt my release. I was embarrassed I didn't last that long but the sensations... and that mouth were so sinful.

"I'm sorry Sebastian." I said softly, panting heavily as I tried to calm down. By this time, I had laid back down. The timber wolf moved to crawl up my body, licking his lips once he had he sucked me dry and licked me clean.

"No problem. I enjoyed myself and I know you did." At least he wasn't upset and that smile made my length twitch again already. My body trembled as he lay on me for a moment then rolled to lie next to me. Our legs were entwined and then I realized he was still wearing his clothing. Calming my racing heart, I leaned in to kiss him gently while I removed his shirt and pants. Bared to my sight and hands, I took him in. Sebastian looked amused as I studied him but he said nothing nor encouraged or discouraged me from anything. He just lay there, waiting patiently. His own shaft was rigid and waiting for attention, or at least I thought it looked that way.

"Let me return the favor." I smiled, kissing his nose before I reached out to curl my fingers around him. I wasn't sure if he was a vocal lover or a quiet one but I got my answer moments later. A throaty moan fled from his lips as I stroked him, slowly from base to tip. He was large but I'll be honest, I wanted all he could give me. I could only imagine what he would feel like inside me. I didn't want to get ahead of myself so I looked to his face. Just from my touch, his shaft was leaking with desire. Lowering my head, I licked the tip. Within a second, the timber wolf bucked and I found myself sucking his whole shaft in my mouth. I was startled but that didn't stop me from enjoying myself. I heard him whisper apologies but I just moaned around his shaft. He panted harshly, clearly trying to keep calm so he didn't spill immediately. His hands were gripping the sheets so tightly, I was sure they were going to rip.

"Isshy, don't stop." He groaned, his golden eyes closed as he tried to keep from gagging me a second time. I pulled back just enough so I could continue to breathe before I moaned again. My tongue swept around his length, trying to stimulate him as much as possible. An idea struck me. I slid my fingers between his legs and gently held his sac. Moving my fingers over the furry balls in hand, I was rewarded with a strangled groan from Sebastian. I chuckled to myself and worked harder to see that face of his in total bliss. Brushing my fingers over his tail hoe did the trick as he groaned, bucked and spilled in my mouth. I sucked him until there was nothing else for him to give me.

Drawing back, I could see he was panting, eyes half lidded as he looked to me. With a movement speed I was surprised he could do, he grabbed my arm to pull me close. I fell across his chest and into the most demanding kiss I've ever felt. I had no doubt in my mind, he very much loved what I just did to him. His tongue attacked my lips, not taking no for an answer. I happily submit to him, parting my lips and teeth. Our tongue dueled but I gave in, feeling the need to be dominated by this powerful, yet loving wolf.

When we both needed air, I drew back, panting loudly. He continued to lay there, his chest rising and falling quickly but steadily. We moved so quickly and yet, to me this felt so right and ... dare I say perfect. We lay there for several moments, his arm around me and my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating loudly in my ear. That sound was so comforting. His hand lightly moving up and down my back helped too. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I know I did and Sebastian was still holding me close.