Sinners in the Fur, Chapter 2

Story by Cani Lupine on SoFurry

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#2 of Sinners in the Fur

"I don't like the looks of this," a female hawk said as she rubbed her neck.

"Relax, Kate," a male rabbit said. The both wore the standard uniforms of the crime scene investigation team. "We've seen dozens of murder scenes."

"I know, but... this one feels different, Ted." Kate looked around for anything that could relate to a motive, although it wasn't hard to come up with reasons to whack a greedy billionaire oil tycoon.

Ted sighed, and took pictures of the scene. The body of the frog was still inside the giant pot, although the oil inside cooled to just above body temperature. "Well, you're right, in a way. We've never seen someone try to turn French cuisine into an extreme sport." He chuckled to himself as he took another picture of a spot of blood on the floor next to a bloodied letter opener.

"Ugh... You know I hate it when you joke like that..." Kate was rummaging through the desk drawers when she came across an old, tattered bible. "Huh," she said, taken aback at the sight of a holy book among piles of income reports. "That's strange..."

"What?" Ted walked over after swabbing up a sample of the blood. He snapped a picture of the bible before picking it up. "That definitely looks out of place." Kate took it from Ted and opened it to a random page. "The pages look like they're died yellow," Ted said, taking another picture.

Kate paused, and began to read aloud. "Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God."

Ted shivered. "Bag it and let's finish up here."

A large, round Spanish wolf stood before the patrons of his church for the Sunday service, wearing the typical robe and collar of a Catholic priest. Behind him was a large sculpture of Jesus on the crucifix, and around his neck were strands of rosary beads. "And so, my sons and daughters," he spoke, his Spanish accent evident, "true justice comes not from our hands, but from our heavenly Father. And with that, I look forward to seeing you all next week. Thank you for coming."

The churchgoing group got up and left, and the church emptied. The priest walked toward his office, which was a small room in the back of the church, but stopped when he heard the front door open and watched another wolf walk in.

"Gregorio Cortez!" he said in an old Spanish accent, walking up to talk to the priest.

"Come to confess, Cani?" He laughed one of those long, wheezing-sounding laughs and slapped his legs, amusing himself.

"Why, yes," Cani jokingly said. "I've probably nailed every one of the seven deadly sins."

"Wow, that's a milestone," Gregorio replied, smiling.

"Actually, the deadly sins are why I'm here. Yesterday on the news, I saw that the CEO of FossilCo was boiled in a cauldron of oil. I did a little research, and found that being boiled alive in oil was the punishment for greed. Is that right?"

"Yes, it is. I heard about that, too. I'm wondering if we might have a renegade archangel on our hands..."


"Yes. An archangel is a higher-ranking angel, with tasks delegated from God himself. To make a long story short, that's where the Angels of Death came from, in some denominations."

"Hmm..." Cani began to agree with the priest.

"In some other religions, it is believed that they can be good or evil. Satan is believed to be a fallen archangel, you know. And there were many great wars fought in Heaven by them."

"I see..."

"Now, I know you're not a religious man, Cani. Why would you be interested in this stuff?" The round wolf looked at Cani with an inquisitive gaze.

"Hmm, nothing much. It's just that hearing about that murderer's M.O. bothered me a bit. If we have a religious nutcase on our hands, things could get messy."

"Oh, tell me about it. You ever read the Bible?"

"You know I haven't..."

"You should. It's one of the most disturbing books you'll ever read. God, sometimes I wonder why I'm even in all this," he said, holding his robes up a bit. "There have been more wars started from religion than territory, money, and kidnapping princesses put together."

"But then you look past that, right?"

"Yeah, actually. I find religion to be more of a fascinating psychological phenomena." He smiled and laughed his trademark wheezing laugh again. "I still say you'd make a great Mormon!"

"Uhh, no thanks," Cani replied, chuckling.

"Anyway, let me write down a few places to go to read up on archangels," he said while he walked toward his office. "There's a few really good books out," he shouted from a distance, "that'll really help you." He walked back with a folded slip of paper, and handed to Cani. "Good luck in your research."

"Thanks, Gregorio. I owe you one.", he said, holding out his paw.

"No, no, it's my pleasure," he said, patting Cani's shoulder none too gently, yet affectionately, instead of shaking his paw.

"I'll see you later!" Cani said as he turned and walked out the door.

A hooded and winged figure walked slowly down a dark city street. Police sirens echoed in the distance, and the sounds of grunts, yelps, and scuffling paws could be heard from an alley. The figure turned down this alley to find a crowd of mongrels huddled in a tight circle. Among the crowd were a few rats, a fox, bears, a pair of tigers, a hawk, and an eagle. In the middle was a bear and a badger, duking it out, with the circle cheering on one or the other.

"I'll beat your sorry ass to a bloody pulp!" the bear growled.

"Come and try it, shit for brains," the badger retorted, spitting in the bear's face.

The bear gave a quick and powerful right claw to the badger's snout, barely penetrating through the badger's thick fur, but enough to stain it with the red with his blood. The badger answered with his fist as he jumped up and gave the bear an uppercut. The bear roared in anger, and kicked the badger hard enough to send him flying into an unfortunate rat on the sidelines. Shaking of the brutal blow for a moment, the badger got up and headbutted the bear in the gut.

"Enough," came a barely audible voice from the winged figure. No one seemed to notice him.

The bear picked up the badger by the throat, but the badger managed to bite down on the bear's arm. The bear roared in pain, and threw the badger to the ground.

"ENOUGH!" the figure yelled, his deep voice booming in the alley. Everyone instantly became quiet, and turned around.

"Who the fuck are you?" the bear snorted.

"Come hither, that you might see," the figure replied, calmly.

Pissed that his fight was interrupted, the bear shoved the spectators out of his way as he pounded for the hooded figure.

"I don't care who the fuck you are, but I'm go-AHHHHHHHHHH!!"

Before the bear could finish his sentence, he found that a sword was jammed into his shoulder. The figure removed the sword from it's place lodged in his bone, and gave another swing, this time penetrating through the bear's forearm, cutting right through his bones. Squirts of blood emitted from his arteries as he watched in horror as his hand fell to the ground. "What the fuck!?!"

The next swing took off the bear's right foot, causing him to fall over. The bear was now in tears as his life played in his mind.

He remembered growing up in a small town, but he didn't get along with the kids in school. He even tried to get a girlfriend, but he beat her up when she wouldn't do everything he wanted when he wanted. He ended up alone, and ran away from home, only to fall in with a gang in the city.

CRACK went his femur, as the figure's sword pried it off, and slowly sawed through the rest of the flesh keeping his left leg on. He was now laying in a pool of his own blood, screaming in agony. The rest of the group stood speechless and pale in disbelief of what was happening before them. The fox vomited on the ground in front of him, unable to keep his composure.

The bear remembered the day he was initiated. He was badly beaten, but after that, the gang was like his family. They robbed together, lived under an overpass together, and even did jail time together.

The bear's mind began to fade as his last arm was removed. It looked like a sewer had overflowed underneath the bear's bloody body as his fluids, and excrement, escaped the bear's living corpse.

In one final stroke, the figure cut off the bear's pants and removed his testicles, letting them fall onto the ground like a pair of meatballs choked by spaghetti falling off the side of a plate. The bear's final breath escaped his lungs as he now laid in pieces in the filthy alley. The figure wiped his sword off on a small area of the bear's corpse that was not yet soiled with his blood, and sheathed it. He turned, and slowly walked away, leaving the group to stare at the now dead body of a bear that was about to ram his foot so far up the badger's ass that he'd taste his boot size.

After a few moments, the group turned tail and fled the scene as fast as they could, the gruesome image unable to leave their minds as they ran to whatever safety they could find.

Meanwhile, back in the alley, a fly landed on the bear's stub of a leg, and began to feast. He knew the bear wouldn't mind...