Sinners in the Fur, Chapter 2

"I don't like the looks of this," a female hawk said as she rubbed her neck. "Relax, Kate," a male rabbit said. The both wore the standard uniforms of the crime scene investigation team. "We've seen dozens of murder scenes." "I know, but......

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Sinners in the Fur, Chapter 1

A doorbell rang, breaking the silence of a small town, nestled in a forest in the mountains. "Hold on!" came an answer from inside. Opening the door was a 22 year old wolf, quickly trying to work the strap on his dark green bathrobe. "Here's your...

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Schoolyard Play

Recess... Loved by all students and most teachers, it was a chance for the kids to forget about the school day and have a little fun. It gives the teachers a chance to sit down for a while and take a break from noisy, active children. The kids could...

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