Chapter 4 - getting back up

Story by Sticky_Fingers on SoFurry

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#4 of Rainy Isles :

All the characters in this story are mine but use them if you want. I insist that you guys also use my concept as I would like to see lots of stories using the same universe though you guys dont have to crash a plane to get there. Otherwise enjoy. (note: any vauge mentionings of places and things are not ment to infringe on laws,copyrights, etc.) *********************************************************************************************************************************************** The rainy Isles Chapter 4 - Getting back up McKain woke up. His body jerked upward and he was ready for action before he had even grasped his surroundings. In his one paw he was holding a sleek female grey/silver weasel. She was struggling against his vice-like grip. He realized he was frothing at the mouth. His face a contorted growl. His face strightened as his mind realed back into control. "Who are you?" he managed to say..his grip slackened a bit. "Just a passer by!" she squeaked. Her eyes pleading and innocent. McKain looked her over. She was so sexy. His eyes traced her hips. He grabbed her leges and flexed her legs under her. The fabric of her pants tightened on her pants under the strain. A small bulge on her side indicated a knife. "Not many passer-by's have hidden knifes. Also, no little weasel would ever approach a large wolf willingly. So tell me. What did the big bad wolf send you for?" he said. His hand tightened again. "I don't know what your talking about!" she said pathetically. McKain noticed her eyes going down towards his member. How long had it been erect? He wondered. He noticed a fermiliar wiff in the air. McKain smiled. "You like me dont you?" he said. His body preparing to rape the living daylights out of her. Something unexpected happened though. McKains eyes flittered back and he fell ont he floor spasming. "Dont rape!" shouted his own voice in his head. His voice? What had happened to him after he had been knocked unconsious. He felt stronger yes but something else had crept in his mind. The weasel calmly struck the wolf with a blade dipped in sleeping poison. He went limp. The boar slowly walked out of the forest. "I wanted to kill him" he said sadly. She eyed him with a deadly stare. "He caught me off gaurd! Wont happend again. In fact dont tell him that his master ninja was thwarted so or I swear that death will be something you'll be begging me for pig!" she sputtered out voilently. "Whatever. Lets get him back to the boss. I dont see why we cant kill him now?" he said with a grunt picking up the wolf. He cursed the extra weight the wolf had put on. "No, he accidentally lead us to something more significant then the stupid human. If I tell you more then that and I'll neuter you, brother or not." she said with a hint of consern. "Ok ok sis! I get it!" he said and they walked off. ################################################################################################ Rick felt his body with his hands in the dark. Still human! His eyes strained in the dark. He shivered. The air was like being inside of a damp sock. "I should be dead!" he declaired pathetically. He pondered on how he actually did survive. Eventually he came to the conclusion that he was blasted into the cave. Rick tried to remember. He remembered falling and tumbling off rocks.. As he fell he noticed that an eerie light was getting brighter beneath him. It was like a small lake under the ground. It didn't look volcanic at all. The light started to pulsate and a huge jet of water blasted him. His body began to twinge as he flew backward. It felt as if somethign was searching him. Then it stopped and almost seemed as if it had given up. Rick felt his body make contact with a wall and he couldn't remember more. Rick took out his pack and searched for the flint. It was wet again. In fact Rick was wet too. He sneazed. Rick took a few seconds to play doctor with himself finding that he had no injuries at all. Again the water ahd shown off its marvelous healing properties. Rick threw the rock in frustration. It sparked on the wall and bounded out of sight. "Huh?" is all he managed to say. Rick went up to the wall and touched it. "Flint? the walls are flint!" he thought Rick scuffled for a while and found the smaller flint piece. As luck would have it he ahd solved two problems at once since the new broken off pieces were dry. Now he needed tinder. Rick scatched in the bag. He found some spare twigs, a parachute, and candles. Wet stuff dosn't burn well. Rick pondered a bit. The nylon! It had some flameable properties that would burn and stick to anything. After some sparks and a bit of cursing Rick ignited some of the wet sticks. He bound the nylon around some more of them and put some of the candle bits inside the nylon. He had built a crude torch. Rick coughed a bit but he was glad to be able to see. Rick noticed a blood trail along the floor. The ginger cat morph was alive? Ricks adrenalin pumped as he ran forward. He rounded a corner and saw something he didnt expect. ################################################################################# McKain woke up. He was being carried. He smelled the boars scent. His eyes opened fast." I am going to be killed!" he thought. He struggled furiously against the boar but brute power was nothing against the boars leverage he had on his body. "Your not dead yet scumbag but your certainly not free." he said with almost a snorting laugh. The weasel was eyeing him constantly. Her face seemed to study his every muscle. Her frame was delicate and smooth. She was like a goddess of evil lust and he wanted her. Something inside poked against his brain again. Something had happened to him that small time he was exposed to that gyser. As if he had a extra voice in his head. He hated it so much. It was like an unwanted voice of reason. They entered the camp and McKain felt his feet touch soil. They were a bit shakey at first but soon he was able to walk again. His legs sore from being carried. Thye walked around till they came to the main tent. "Get in the tent" said the pig pushing him a bit. He took one last look at the weasel. She would be his bride. He just knew it! ############################################################################## Rick stared at the hulking figure ahead of him. It looked like a sabre toothed cat but it had the striped pattern of a ginger cat. Rick slowly realized who it was. "So this is what happens to furries that are hit by the gyser full blast" thought Rick. She was barely able to stand and was swaying back and forth. A Iarge ugly sash was running along the side of her stomach. Rick ran over and took off his pack.. He took out the remaining bits of his parachute and started to bind her side. She roared in pain realizing his presence there and pounced on top of him. Rick closed his eyes and prayed. She sniffed him. Then with a soft purr it collapsed in a faint next to him. Rick sat up and resumed his work. The cut had made her loose a lot of blood but luckily he managed to get to her. After the final binding was done Rick leaned on her warming body and fell asleep eventually after trying not to for an hour. Rick woke up to a strange smell. He opened his eyes. He had his face burried in her pussy. He quickly wiped his face clean. It smelled of cum. What had happend while he slept? Ricks torch was long dead but hopefully the cats night vision was good enough to get out. He got up with a wobble and stretched a bit. Being human sucked but he could always manage. His only problem was curing his ailment. Rick thought about this. This wasn't the first time he had tried to cure himself. He slowly thought back on his past. * * *

(Ricks flashback) "Doctor, whats wrong with him?" said Ricks mother. "Mrs James, your son. Sorry I can't believe it myself so its hard to tell you. You see, your son has a certain condition.." "Please just tell me straight. We can save the ass licking for later doctor. I have paid good money here." "You son wont hit puberty. Ever. Mrs james. It has to do with the fact that his body never developed his sexual hormones which trigger his change into adulthood." he said grimly. Rick's mothers face was still. She looked like she had died on that spot. Eventually she asked him softly. "What can we do?" "There is an experimental program though nothing is for cetain..." "I'll see..thank you doctor." (months later) Rick kissed his mom on the cheek. "Dont worry. I'll have your homework mailed to you so you wont miss any assignments while your at the clinic" she said with a faint smile "Thanks mom" said Rick sarcastically The car drove off and Rick was left with his suitcase and a ruck sack with his various techno gadgets. (Never leave the house without your Ipod kiddies) He walked through the main gate and to the administration building. Gave in the forum that his mother had filled out and eventually was brought to a room. He started unpacking. The door burst open. A smaller boy ran crying into the bed on the other side of his room. It was his new roommate. He had scruffy black hair and a pale orientated skin. What was wrong Rick thought. A nurse walked into the room carrying a needle. She looked at Rick briefly with a pathetic look. "You have got to take your immunization shot or we can never start the procedures Shane" she said with a strained but gental voice. The boy sniffled and shouted many things quickly. He was Irish. There was no way anyone was going to calm him down. Rick almost laughed at his outright stubborness. Rick grabbed his Ipod and turned it on loud. He walked over and put it on the boys ears. The nurse was half as confused as the boy. He stopped crying though. "I like this band too..." he said. The nurse suppressed a giggle. "Well you cant listen to my Ipod unless you are brave enough to get the shot." said Rick with an evil smile putting the volume lower. The boy gasped. The nurse was done very quickly and after a stern talking to both of them ,about Ipods actually being not allowed untill she saw their homework was done, smiled and left. The two boys looked at each other. "I'm Shane O' Connel" said the boy slowly "Rick" said Rick shortly. Rick noticed that they were like opposites. Shane with his black hair, short stature, and rough and tough kind of look. Rick had a golden kind of hair, was thinly and looked like he had never even picked up anything heavier then a book. They both had blue eyes though. They soon picked up the nickname "the twins" because they were basically always next to each other, Sad that it didn't last longer. After 3 months the final stages of the procedure was applied to hte boy's. They waited in the hall outside the testing office with their parents. Ricks mom and dad being present and only Shanes dad being there. A little bit of small talk later Shanes dad is revealed to be a pilot. Shane was proud of his fahter and also wanted to become one. They all laughed and chatted untill the door opened slowly and a thin doctor with a notepad came out. "Shane and Sean" said the doctor " I believe the procedure was a success. Your son has been cured." he said. Something in his voice was wrong and he turned mechanically towards the James family. "I am afraid your son's body has rejected the treatment. I cant tell you how sorr.." said the doctor. "Save it.." said Rick's mother . She was almsot ready ot murder someone. Rick didn't understand. "But you managed to cure shane...what was so different about me?" rick said... That last question hung in his head. They were called "the twins" because they were such good friends. But how different they polar opposites. (end flashback)

  • * * Rick stifled his crying. It was one of the things he hated about his condition. His emotions were so weak. The figure behind him sturred. Rick shifted away lest she go feral again and punce on him. She groaned. (something strange for any cat) and attempted to rub her neck...falling to the ground. She burst out in confused meows and into a quick pant. She looked Rick with a horrified expression but Rick stood impassive. He was not sure what to do in situations like this. "I can barely see you. You dont mind getting us out of here do you?" he said The big cat nodded slowly. She got up and after a few moments of learning how to walk, she limped forward.(Her gait was still faster then Ricks) ########################################################################## "Most furries that fail me die,you know that, RIGHT?" the old grey wolf told McKain. His tail swishing with an ocasional annoyed flick. "So then I didn't fail you?" said McKain The old wolf laughed, it was a bad laugh that sounded like metal being rasped on metal. "Dont try and be smart boy. Your lucky to be alive. I am going to use you, I need some muscle with a bit of brain power. We are going to raid an island. Rather YOUR going to raid an island. We can get back to the whole human issue later. food comes first. Your job is to wipe out the towns, grab food, and take as many hostages as you can except other then the disabled obviously. " McKain smacked his lips thinking of the many things he was going to do. The voice in his head didnt't say anything but McKain was almsot annoyed with himself anyway. They took off at dawn. He sucessfully got into the camp by force and gained a large bounty. McKain was actually a born leader. (how the day played out) McKain ordered some of the various otters to stake out the creek near the town. The villages women were fetching water and their armed escorts were weak. McKain now had ten prisoners. He then went after the hunters. It was a bit harder and he was forced to signal the archers to kill some of them before they warned the village of their doom. Then McKain sent a little assassin mouse furry to set fire to one of the houses. He left some of his squad at the river to catch the furries there and his main force attacked fro mthe back of the town in the confusion. They killed al lthe gaurds and captured the cheif. Eventually they had basically captured the town they forced the towns people to collect the supploes and carry them. The captured furry women were beauties. Bunnies, cats, vixens, bitches. They were all so good looking. Pain errupted in McKains head. The voice was screaming at him. "Dont rape!" again. He shook his head and walked back to his own tent. McKain sat back and touched his throbing member. He was ready to smash his own brains in because he was torn by one hell of a sex drive and his painful headache. Eventualy he let his subordiantes have al lthe fun. He felt a bit disgusted at seeing that happen. He just needed it to happen it to boost moral. He sighed and started to paw off. Thinking about the beauty that was his silver weasel but he fell alseep out of fatigue. The weasel stood before him. Her waist held in his arms and her arms wraped around his waist. "I love you please fuck me" she said softly. McKain nearly rammed her down at those words but he decided the best thing to do was a bit of fore play. He gripped her bottock and with his other hand he touched the side of her pussy at the fur. Tickling her. She shifted her hips evidently aroused. He continues to tease her entry. Occasionally hitting the bump at the bottom of her slit making her twitch a bit. His dick was quite errect. "I'm not fully up, think you can help with that?" he said looking at her gaping mouth. She carefully sniffed his dick. His hands working between her thighs still but not quite yet penetrating. She opend her mouth and put her lips to his dick. He shuddered a bit. She pulled back and looked up at him. "Go on" he said in an uncharacteristic gentle way. She smiled and licked the tip. Massaging it with her tongue. McKain yiped a bit and decided to finally slip his finger in her slit. It was starting to ge warm down there. She purred a bit (yes weasels purr) and moved her hip forward a bit in an effort to get more in. He moved his finger out a bit and put it back in. She moved her mouth further over his dick. She hadn't realized how big it was. She was almsot excited. Could she fit it all in her mouth. She decided to try. She took a deep breath and moved futher up. McKains dick throbbed in her mouth and she could hear his heart beat. She was getting irritated at his teasing and put her own hands into her slick pussy. "Thats not fair" he said smiling and moved his hands to her upward pointing rump. He let his finger slide aroud the ring of her tail hole. She sucked hard on his dick when he did that. She was in ecstacy from the multiple stimulations. She felt almsot a rumble in McKains cock as he spurted some precum in her mouth. She pulled out fast and was about to spit it out when she realized that she had swallowed. She almsot wanted to orgasm just from the warm lovely taste. "Please enough..I want you" she said pushing her hands in and out of her pussy faster. He smiled and moved to her rear. "What if I said no" he said and shoved his meat into her pussy from behind. Grabbing a bit of lubricant. She yelled out with delight. He moved in and out of her pussy. He almost had to force himslef out to get some tail action on her. Never the less his giant cock soon filled her back hole. She slapped her hands on the ground and moaned loudly. "Ahh.." she said.. He felt her rump a bit more but decided his hands needed something better. He bent forward and cupped her breasts. The were large and the pull of gravity had made them larger. He thrusted hard unintentionally with a degree of excitement when he first touched them. The nipple flicking against his hand. He squeezed down on the one brest while the other fondled the hard nipple. Almost trying to feel how it curved. He rammed her a bit harder now but kept a slow teasing pace. She reached up again and massaged her now dripping pussy. She had never been in so much anticipation but she loved it. She experimented a bit and shoved her hand in...trying to see how much she could fit. Her breathing getting a bit more rapid. McKain decided it was time for the final stage. He pulled out of her and flipped her on her back. His cock rubed up across her pussy. She moaned from the pure anticipation. He fondled her boobs a bit more. Trying to delay it so that he could get the maximum out of it.. Slowly her arousal died down a bit. She looked a bit dissapointed. He smiled. It was time. He rammed his member in hard. She reached up and griped his back for support yelling out a pure moan of extasy. "OHH!!" as the dick slid in and her pussy walls clamped onto it. He moved about in her..teasing her inner linnings with the weight of his member. He lifted it up and rammed down again...his dick sending shockwaves through her body. She moved her hips up in and effort to get it to hit his balls. McKain licked his lips. He started to hilt her and move faster. She moaned every time he moved his tight it was in her! He felt poweful. He contuinued to thrust as she started to gyrate her hips. Her belly rubbing aginst her and her boobs skimming his chest. He felt his dick throb more. She felt her pussy move in waves. They were getting nearer. He moved faster. In and out. Up and down. "Ahh...ohh" she wailed. Faster! Faster and faster...Hilting her pussy. His weight penetrating Faster!. "Ahh..go...wanna" she cried her pussy rythmatically squeesing his cock. Faster! He hit her hard with his balls over and over. Her thighs made loud slapping sounds. Her orgasm building and her body tensing. Faster! Harder! "I think..gona..AHH..ooh......ahhh" she said as he griped her harder. Pulling her closer as he got more in her. Her pussy felt as if it was on fire. It was so tight against him and it had basically gift wrapped his dick. They both were almost a blur now. He moved in and out in and out. They were so close. "Ahh...Ahhh..AHHH..." They both leaned back as their cum expanded i their body.. "Going to CUM!!" "AHHHHHH!!" They shoved into each other...the cum exploding outward. Reality seemed to ebb back slowly. "Sir...sir?" said a voice outside the tent McKain jumped awake and quickly covered himself. Why was he in his bed? He had fallen asleep on his chair.Where did the blanket come from he wondered quickly? "Sir?" said a rapidly sharpening luitenet. "We have recieved new orders.Here is the letter for you." he said and left with a salute. McKain glanced down at his glistening cock.He had had one hell of a wet dream. Futher away the grey weasel had stopped running. Her pussy dripping and her breath fast.. "He is so masculine and god is he hot" she wispered to herself..."watching someone had never been so much fun, being that one actually helped a bit." she said licking her cum covered hand. He tasted good. ####################################################################### Rick almsot cried out when he saw a light ahead of them. They had both started to feel faint from hunger untill they found the exit. Rick was eager to get anythign he could eat just to fill the hole in his stomach. The cat looked also intent on feeding herself. She pounded off ahead. Rick cursed, she wasn't being very smart since she was still deeply wounded. Rick used the slow walk to reflect on the past week. He had survived the plane crash, met furries and now was walking around with a large wierd tiger cat thingy. Life knew how to get intreresting. Rick had wanted to tavel and he did as captain of a cruise liner. He sighed thinking about it. Being in a plane was like the polar opposite of being on water. There he was in his element. Tottally different yet they were the same when it came to traveling across the sea. One just always seemed to be better. Soemthing clicked. The pilot. He was Irish. That boy Shane...he wanted to be a pilot. God. That crazy guy with the flare gun was Shane? No. Wait. He jumped from the plane. He must have come to the islands. He would have become a furry too. Dammit! His past didn't seem to leave him alone. Rick felt a bit faint. He put out his hand as he neared the end of the tunnel to block some of the light. When that passed he looked at the surroundings. It was almost sunset. He walked around to some rocks at the tunnel enterance , sat down, and looked in awe at the sunset. A while later he felt the kitten's head plop on his lap. Her eyes shining up at him as they watched the sunset together. Rick realized for the firs time. He was in love.