Horny Halloween Teaser

Story by Douglas Fontaine on SoFurry

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A lucky otter found himself having the best Halloween with his neighbour

Since "Halloween" is right next our door, creeping up with its cold wind, I wanted to share a little teaser for the festivity.

For my watchers, I'm sorry I haven't kept you updated for a while. But the IB Diploma is more demanding than it seems.

Lots of love,



            Chirping happily, I walked into my house with two bags of Tesco's shopping bags in each paw. I had a warm purple scarf around my neck and muzzle. Woolly, of course.  My long autumn's coat hung low and swayed a bit as the wind swept through the front door. Sighing happily, I knocked my shoes by the coat hanger and managed into the kitchen without knocking out some candy bags.

            My home was decorated with orange pumpkins and scary spider-webs while scented candles were lit to bring a fresh smell of festivity. As I put the two bags on the table of my kitchen, I noticed that it was already dark outside. So I carefully removed my scarf and coat before changing into sometime appropriate for Halloween.

           I giggled a bit as I viewed myself in front of the mirror; an otter in a grim reaper costume and a plastic scythe. Quickly, I hurried down the stairs to fill the black cauldron with candy and chocolate. Of course, just after adjusting a chocolate bar on top of the overfilled bowl, I had my first trick-or-treaters. I opened the door and the kids from the neighbourhood each showed me their bags so that I can give them something for their effort.

            As the night progressed, I've given out quite almost half of my stash of sweets and the cubs came after longer intervals. So I've turned off my front porch light before heading to my living room to watch a nice horror movie while snacking on the delicious treats that got spared.

            After a while as the moon shone bright and full, my doorbell rang at midnight. The sudden sound made me jump a bit before I went to check who might be at my front door. As I looked through my peephole, I saw my neighbour; a tall, muscular wolf with silvery blue eyes and a fur as rough as his character. He was wearing a tight white tank top, torn blue jeans, and a utility belt. To finish the construction worker costume off, the yellow helmet was hilted in a way that his left ear flattened down a bit. I blushed and chirped out of surprise before swiftly opening the door.

"Trick or treat!" He growled playfully as his deep low voice resonated through my mind. He leaned on the door frame with his forearm before taking down the helmet. His chest muscles and abs flexed and pressed tighter against the fabric. The gruff tail swayed a tad as he licked his lip. 

"Well, I..." I uttered from my maw. "I don't think I have any candy left." He chuckled before leaning down a bit and brought his muzzle to my ear.

"Hmm..." he whispered, running a dull claw up my neck and underneath my muzzle. "Trick is it then!" Finishing his sentence, my neighbour nibbled my ear, making my legs weak.

"Eric..."I moaned softly before inviting the big bad wolf to my house. I smiled and let Eric pick me up and carry me to my bedroom.

"Now..." He announced after laying me on my water mattress. I brought my legs up and my webbed paws towards my muzzle. I gave them some careful licks as the wolf took off his tank top, bearing his toned and muscled body. "Let the foreplay begin!"

Thicker layer of fur spread, like a lion's mane, from his neck down his chest to a thin line at the bottom of his abs. His hard pecs were seemingly dancing as Eric slid his thumbs into his waist pulling down his pants a bit to show a jungle of silvery grey pubic fur. By doing so, he made his arms flex which showed thoroughly trained muscles. The sudden pull on his jeans was followed by some hammers clinking together on his belt.

Letting his tongue slide across the side of his muzzle, the wolf bore his large canines. The air was filled with a hint of utter dominance that was the dirty musk emitting from his crotch. His helmet, now back on his head, was slowly sliding down his skill until it pushed his left ear nearly horizontal. His eyes shimmered like sapphires under the moonlight. 

"Woof!" Eric muttered like a gently thunder from afar. He grinned at me, like a predator's stare!


To be continued...