#1 of The Chess Master
This is the Chess Master novel, a work in progress. I've been working on this since March 16th, 2003. Unlike all of my other stories, I only added my name on the prologue. I even worked up a cover for the novel back then.
Warning: The Jansen Tanner parts of the novel are written in "first-person."
**Ravibren Creations presents a White Stag Nexus production
in association with Ranger Legacy
The Chess Master
Darrel James Vanwinkle
This novel was started on March 16 2003**
Act Index
Prologue Act I: Eye am a Detective Act II: The Wrong Place at the Right Time Act III: Forget the Obvious; This is Real Act IV: Of Imps and Lions Act V: The Magic Touch Act VI: Demonstrations and Matchmaking Act VII: Moonlight Marathon Act VIII: What You Should Never Know Act IX: Eldritch Pips and Unicycles Act X: Tale of Two Werewolves Act XI: Who the Hell Are You? Act XII: Body Double Times Two Act XIII: Laurel and Hardy Act XIV: Were-Sin City Act XV: CHESS Versus PSI Act XVI: Out of the Black... Act XVII: White Bishop Act XVIII: Honor and Duty Act XIX: Howling Commandos Act XX: Savage Connections Act XXI: Forest Lords and Witches Covens Act XXII: We Three Kings of Glory and Fire Act XXIII: Were-Sin City; Moon Phase Two Act XXIV: The Were-Beast Sanctuary Act XXV: Diabolical Aberration Act XXVI: Hazardous Materials Act XXVII: Waz Real; Was Knot Act XXVIII: Taur Tar and Skammer Jam Act XXIX: The Savage Tanner Way Act XXX: The Truth About Homecomings Act XXXI: This Isn't Your Life Act XXXII: The Secret Origin Of Infinity Vale Act XXXIII: New Moon Over Were-Sin City Act XXXIV: S'taur Gazing Act XXXV: Tyrs Of A Bard Act XXXVI: Cartoon Calamity Act XXXVII: Abominable Sheets of Shiva Act XXXVIII: World War Skam Act XXXIX: Scions of the Once and Future Tanner Act XL: Paranormal Agents of The Harvest Stallion Act XLI: Red Tape in Were-Sin City Act XLII: Collision of the Titanic Three Act XLIII: The City That Saw Too Much Act XLIV: Where in Time is Jansen Tanner? Act XLV: Never Bluff a Tanner Act XLVI: Checkmates and Morals Epilogue
The following document is a code red top secret classified dossier. Viewing this document without permission is punishable by disappearance, transformation and/or other unknown occurrences that this organization cannot be held accountable for.
Nervous African-American fingers on the keypad. She knew she shouldn't be trying this. But gaining accidental access to this organization's main agent electronic library server was too great a temptation to pass up. Password. What could it be? There were thousands of possibilities. Millions. She knew if she didn't type something in fast, the organization would be alerted to her unauthorized access. She made a quick decision and decided to type something. It was worth a try. She would just disconnect her computer if it was wrong.
She hit enter and hoped for the best. Secret organizations usually had a fascination with using sea creatures as passwords. She hoped this time they were just as predictable.
ACCESS GRANTED Welcome to the Chess Agent Library
She smiled. Dumb luck got her in. Or maybe they wanted her in. Her heart was racing but she couldn't stop now. She was in. It was asking for a name that could be in their files. A stupid hacker might try their own name, but she wasn't stupid nor a hacker. She had an idea.
She hit the enter key and hoped she was right about this. Jansen Tanner had been missing since he went to San Francisco. It was like he just dropped off the face of the Earth. She was getting more nervous as she waited for a response.
Name: Jansen Dominic Tanner Nationality: United States Family Home: Tanner Family Horse Farm Locale: Rocky Falls Missouri Date of Birth: January 5, 1966 Height: 6'3" Weight: 175# Family Members: 2 Parents, Garret James Tanner and Rachel Marie Savage, deceased; 3 Sisters, Leia Marie and Sallee Jane, older twins; Jocelyn Rae, youngest Local Contact: Sheridan "Shane" Wayne, United States Marine Corp. Last Known Location: Athens Greece Chess Rank: Chess Master
She thought, "Shane knew about this? That bastard! I'll kill him! Greece? So that's where Jansen was. Chess Master? What does that mean?" She smiled. "This should be good. Now, I'll find out what no one else knows."
Agent History: