Chapter One: A different type of interrogation

Story by Axiluvia on SoFurry

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#1 of A dark type of game

If any of you like this story, please comment. If I get enough comments/messages, I may turn this into a series.

The room was dark, only a few torches on the wall letting any light glint and glisten off of the metallic components of the room. A large brazier had been set up in the middle of it, iron rings welded on each side of it that hinted at other uses than warming the room, deep underground. Grates near the edges of the walls, where the floor sloped towards them, were covered in different, semi-congealed liquids. Other than the moisture and stains on the walls, the room was bare, most of the equipment having been removed from the room to make way for the brazier. The coals in it glowed a dull red, and sizzled slightly in the quiet gloom.

Velorik had ceased struggling in his chains some time ago, and was looking around the room calmly. He had centered his mind, and now had been looking with a quiet detachment as they had removed the items from the room and brought the brazier in. This seemed to be unusual, since most of the guards were grumbling about the task. He had been left in here for a while after that, but he had no clue how long. His ankles and wrists had been chained up, enough to give him some slack, but not enough to allow him to try and escape. There were also a couple small stone blocks on either side of his feet, enough to raise someone six inches off of the ground.

They had changed this from when he was last here, last time; when a single large shackle around his ankle had been his only bonds. He was also stripped almost completely naked, left just with his smallclothes. His fur was sticking uncomfortably to his skin from sweat and the moisture of the room.

The door creaked open, and the head torturer walked in, huge and swarthy. Velorik had heard rumors of Lord Jaalstrad reanimating a convicted murderer for this purpose, which was why he wore the mask. He certainly didn't seem to show any emotion at his work, not even a grunt of satisfaction. Velorik had managed to escape other dungeons by taunting the guards, but the last time he was here, he had learned that wouldn't work. It was sheer luck he had managed to escape the last time. He hoped his luck was holding.

He was unable to hide his surprise, however, when a woman walked in behind the torturer, carrying a locked wooden box. She set it next to the brazier and then waved a hand dismissively at the hulk waiting by the door. The brute turned to her, nodded silently, and left, locking the door behind him. She watched him go silently, and then turned to Velorik.

She was one of the jesorin, or jackal people. Her fur had been dyed a deep midnight blue hue, almost a pure black, making her look like a patch of shadows in the gloom. She seemed to keep herself well groomed, though patches and lines were bare, showing scars that would never properly heal. Her ears had a few gouges in them too, and it looked like a small chunk had been torn off. Her muzzle was a bit shorter then normal, and while being of a normal height, she seemed a bit squatter. Her breasts were small, and her hips almost non-existent. Her tail was somewhat scraggly, as if she had lost a lot of fur on it recently. Her bright gold eyes shone like a demon's in the low light as she gazed at him thoughtfully. All in all, she was fairly plain, and if not for the unusual color of her coat, he would have paid no attention to her in the street.

She picked up an iron from the coals, the tip glowing red hot, and looked at it as if just encountering a new dish on her fork, and debating whether she should bother eating it or not. In a quiet tone of voice, she spoke calmly, as if a teacher disappointed with a student.

"Well, Velorik, is it? Lord Jaalstrad isn't happy with you. One would think that you would have learned your lesson the last time you were here. Of course, he didn't get the information out of you that he wanted, and now he's rather more interested in who hired you, so he called me in.

"You might have heard of me, though you wouldn't know my real name, most likely. I believe in your natural tongue, my... work name is Darhinousi, The Night Bloodletter. Such an ugly name, although I do like to have a reputation that precedes me and my work. Makes things easier at times."

She glanced over at him, gauging his reaction. He was calm looking on the outside, but his mind was racing. If she was indeed the Bloodletter, he was in deep trouble. The rumors were horrifying, but then, she couldn't be the one... could she?

"Ah, so, that doesn't seem to faze you, although you might just be very good at controlling your outside face. A needed ability in your, and my line of work, isn't it? I must admit, my reputation itself has grown without me, but then, someone with a name like mine tends to earn parts of it."

Velorik summoned his courage, and in a steady tone of voice, "It matters not to me what you think others call you, or indeed, what you may be called. I will reveal nothing."

She smiled, white teeth glistening in the torchlight. "Ah, so brave you are, chained up to the wall like that. You might think I'm bolstering my own confidence, yes? I'm surprised though, with your reputation for escape I thought you might try to charm me. I guess I'm not your type, more the pity. Oh, yes, I've heard of your reputation. Of you being able to escape from anyone and anything, and get anywhere. The Grey Ghost, I think they call you here. I am surprised to see you in person though. I was expecting a more attractive Elyxthis, but I suppose the time you've spent in here hasn't done much for that."

Velorik stiffened. He was slightly insulted by her gauging his attractiveness, but then, she might have a different set of standards, being a different race. Not to mention he was feline, and she, a canine. He thought himself a very handsome lynx male.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, madam. As for trying to seduce you, just by you being here, I think that my charms would fail, or else your Lord is much more foolish than I thought."

"True, true, he may be many things but incautious is not one of them. And don't sell yourself so short. It took quite a while to find any information on you, but then, why cover your tracks when you don't think you made any? The fact you tend to be in the same general location whenever the Grey Ghost makes his appearance? The evidence is circumstantial, yes, and nothing to prove to most people. But when little hints, one by one, add up, one is forced to draw some sort of conclusion. However, my Lord doesn't know this, he just thinks you're one annoying pest of many."

"Are you threatening to tell him this, in exchange for more information? You must think me daft."

"Oh, that's hardly the case. I'm not daft either, and I'm not going to lie to you about your chances of getting out of here. However, it is true that if I do get the information, he is less likely to kill you. His moods are... fickle at times, however, so even then, I am not going to say that you have a good, or an even chance of getting out of here alive, much less in one piece. And, as you do your job, so must I do mine."

She placed the now cool rod back into the coals with a deep hiss, and pulled another out.

"An interesting thing, pain. If it wasn't for pain, there would be no torture, since that is what torture is; garnering a reaction by applying something that the afflicted wants to stop. So why not just remove pain from our consciousness? Because, while there, it is a necessary tool, and not just for the person on the other side of your chains.

"Pain teaches, and while it is a harsh lesson, it makes the lesson well learned. If a child didn't receive pain from cutting their knee, they would have no qualms doing it again. When we break a limb, pain teaches us, and tells us in no uncertain terms that we should avoid such things that may cause it again. Training ourselves, our children, and the beasts of burden we use through pain, and pleasure is common enough Even non-sentient animals, even some plants feel and use pain for learning and adapting.

"It is a basic trait, and ever present. But then, even as useful as it can be, it can be a downfall. It clouds our judgment, and bends minds to its will, the desire to remove it, to expunge it from one's system. The release from pain is almost euphoric, simply because neutrality is much more preferable in contrast. And therefore we can also learn to ignore pain, to create a wall between our mental selves and physical selves. Some people have learned to ignore it entirely, dwelling in their own mind.

"I admit, I do not have this skill, and while I doubt you are that advanced, my learning of your skills have mentioned this one. No, I don't think I'll get the information needed in such a crude manner."

She put the rod back into the coals again and stepped back. She then knelt down and opened the box she had brought in. In it were several bottles, some jars with metal lids, and two wands. He grimaced a bit, while grinning on the inside. If she was going to try and use magic to make him tell her what she wanted to know, she was going to be in for a surprise. He was bolstered and defended against any magic trying to read his mind, or force him to say anything. More than once they thought they had gotten vital information out of him, and found out far too late that the tales he told them were a work of complete fiction.

She took a small knife from a pouch and walked up to him, stroking the stripes on his thin face. Her fingers traced them down his sides, giving him a slight chill. He shivered in spite of himself. She smiled softly, almost sadly, and then looked down as she slashed his smallclothes off of him, leaving him chained up and naked. His fur rose slightly, as he grew more nervous. This was not turning out as he had expected.

"Such a pretty coat you have. Mine has had its share of abuse."

She shrugged off the long sleeved grey tunic she wore, and it was all he could do not to wince and turn away. He was no stranger to torture himself, and while her face showed a few scars, and her ears had tattered marks on them, that could have been written down as a warrior. The marks on the rest of her were much more obvious in their sinister origins. Burn marks covered her sides, leaving bare spots of healed, but permanently scarred skin showing. The light coat of fur on her stomach had odd lines in it, making it look like it had been cut and re-stitched together improperly. As she turned back to her box, he saw that her back was a latticework of scars. A few were still fresh and angry looking.

As if reading his thoughts, she said quietly, almost like she was talking to herself, "The Lord of this land doesn't trust anyone, even his own servants. If he thinks I didn't do a proper job here, or was leaving out information, or even padding it, I get what should have been given to you, in his opinion." She paused, gathering things from her box, and continued. "I don't expect you to feel sorry for me, nor change your mind about giving me information for my sake. But whatever else; know this. I do get my results, no matter my personal feelings on the matter."

"Why are you telling me... showing me this, then? I wouldn't think it smart, exposing such a weakness."

"It is a weakness, perhaps. But I do not think you will be able to tell anyone. Unless you still think you can somehow turn this to your advantage."

She stood back up, and turned back towards him. She looked him up and down once more.

"A shame, really. I admire such strength and tenacity."

She swiftly punched him in the diaphragm, and as he gasped, she poured a potion down his throat. He choked, coughed, and sputtered, and tried to catch his breath. When he had recovered a bit, he tried to speak, but let out a moan as she watched him intently. His entire body felt like it was on fire, and then subsided into a tingle that sent waves of sweats and chills across his entire body. He tried to calm himself down, but he seemed to be unable to breathe deeply, it coming in short, shallow breaths. She paused a moment more, then walked over, taking his jaw and kissing him deeply, pressing her nude torso against his.

Another surge of warmth went through his body, and he moaned softly as his tongue wrapped around hers. He moved his hands forward; someone this close to him, he could have choked, but the thought didn't pass through his mind as his hands found her breasts and started rubbing over them. She moaned slightly herself, and stepped away from him, her eyes glowing with an inner fire. He tried lowering his hands to her waist, but the chains were too short, and stopped at the top of his stomach. He took a deep breath and shuddered.

"What... what is this? What have you done to me?"

"A mixture of things, actually. One was a highly potent aphrodisiac potion, so potent that it's been banned in several areas for causing... problems for the people ingesting it. The other was an unfocusing potion. Mild enough that your magic defenses won't protect against it, since you would most likely be able to still think clearly enough through it... except for the former effects you're suffering."

He blinked and shook his head, trying to will himself out of the mental fog. As he was just starting to clear it, however, she walked over again and gently rubbed his thigh, then moved her hand up and started stroking his balls. He moaned again, any ability to think of anything but what was happening gone.

She kissed him once more, pressing her body against his again. With her free hand, she stroked one of his ears, and then whispered, "Now... this can be nice and easy, or difficult and painful. Who hired you, and why where you sent here? Answer these, and I'll let you have your... release. Don't, and you'll be in this condition for a very long time, eventually damaging your system. So... what will you choose?"

"I... I won't talk." He said, panting slightly. She smirked slightly, and said, flatly, "You will regret saying that."

She moved her hand down from his ears and stroked the tip of his penis. He moaned again, arching his back slightly. She lowered her head and then started lightly licking the tip, while moving her hand down the shaft, the other hand still stroking him. He started trying to thrust himself into her mouth, and gasped when she pulled away. He panted and tried to focus on her as she moved toward the box she brought in.

As she spent a couple minutes searching through it, he kept trying to shift his mind into a more focused position, but all he could think about anymore was the feel of her breasts in his hands, the sensation of her tongue on his shaft.

She came back afterwards with another bottle, setting it on the ground within her reach, then got close to him again. In his state, he could smell her much more potently then he normally would. Inhaling her scent was almost as intoxicating as her rubbing him, and he tried to learn forward, but the chains stopped him just out of reach of her.

She leaned forward and took her breasts in her hands, rubbing them on his chest. She raised them high enough for him to start licking them. He was able to taste the sweat on them through the fur, with a hint of smoke. He didn't care, though, as in his altered mental state, he had not tasted anything finer. His hands tried to reach out for her waist again, and found it as she pressed into him. She slid her body up and down his, letting his now engorged member rub against her thighs. He could feel her sweat down there as well, slicking her fur.

She leaned down, having his penis end up between her breasts as she picked up the bottle. She uncorked it, and poured a white salve onto his shaft. He shivered slightly from the coldness of it, then, as she grabbed her breasts again and started moving them up and down, groaned from the warmth of it, as it seemed to make it so every nerve was heightened, so much more feeling was pouring into it.

She continued, nuzzling his chest while thrusting him through her cleavage. He started thrusting, and just as he could feel himself getting closer, she stopped and stood up again, pressing his body completely against the wall. His sweat made the stone wall even colder, and he gasped from both that, and the cessation. She looked at him with her golden eyes, as she started rubbing him with his hands again.

He moaned, and she asked, "You would like to be inside me, wouldn't you?"

He didn't answer, so focused was his mind on the feeling. She paused once more, leaving him gasping again.

"Don't make me repeat the question. Just nod or shake your head if that's all you can do."

He nodded, panting. She started rubbing him more vigorously, and stopped just when he felt like he was about to burst. A whimper escaped, along with more panting.

"Tell me what I want to know, then. I'm not as tired as you are, and I can keep this up for hours if I need to. Each time you deny me, I'll wait longer before asking, getting you closer before stopping. It's driven some men insane before. Now... will you give me the information I seek?"

He couldn't think straight anymore, not on much of anything. Most words escaped his grasp. The pause was making things worse, getting him farther away from finishing, but his arousal kept getting more and more unbearable.

He finally managed to breathe out a few words, "Yes... I'll... I'll tell. Just... don't leave me,,, like this."

"I won't, I promise you. Now... who hired you?"

"Lord... Bel...anthi."


"Heard... of... magic experiments. Missing people. New army. He... wanted to see... if.... The rumors were true."

"Are there any other spies you know of? Have you reported anything to him?"

"No. No one... I know of. Not supposed to... report for another week."

"How were you supposed to contact him?"

"Messenger pigeon. Kept in... hidden room in place... I stayed."

She nodded.

"That should be enough... now, for your reward for being so cooperative."

She raised herself on her feet and lowered herself onto him. His eyes rolled back in his head as his head went backwards, gently hitting the stone wall.

She started licking his neck as she moved herself up and down, her hands gripped the chains that held his for support. His hands found her breasts again, and started rubbing her nipples vigorously.

She raised her muzzle, panting deeply into his ears. A soft, low moan came from her, which aroused him even more and made him moan in reply.

She stood her feet up on the blocks, allowing herself a different thrusting motion, letting her rock a bit back and forth as well.

He started squeezing her nipples harder as they kissed deeply, and as he started thrusting, he could feel her inner muscles tightening around his shaft.

She stopped kissing him, and leaned back, panting, and started moaning as he started licking her nipples. The salve from earlier tasted slightly bitter in his mouth, but he paid no attention to it, just the sensations of her body trembling under his hands, his rough tongue on her breasts.

He felt himself building once more. Instead of stopping as he had feared, she started thrusting faster, harder, her breath becoming shallower. He sped up as well, his moaning getting louder and louder.

Just as he was about to come, she tightened her inner muscles even tighter, sending him into gasping, screaming throes. The chains rattled as he convulsed, falling silent as he went limp.

She paused, looking at him for a moment, then sliding off. She patted his face for a bit, then looked at it, raising one his eyelids with a finger.

"Hmph, gone unconscious. As least one of us managed to get what they wanted out of it."

She sighed and cleaned him off, smirking when he twitched involuntarily, even unconscious. She reminded herself that she also needed a bath before she presented her information to her lord.

An hour later, Lord Jaalstrad was mulling over the information he was given. He smiled, showing his missing teeth

"This is very good information we can use, my dear pet Seliste. Are you sure about this? Oh, of course you are, since you wouldn't be foolish enough to tell me lies, would you?"

"Of course not, my lord."

"Very good, very good. I'll let you set up the mis-information idea you suggested. Now, you may go. Much planning I need to do."

"Lord, before I go, may I ask a boon of you?"

Lord Jaalstrad blinked a bit and grinned again, leaning back in his throne, his obese form rippling like a pudding under his robes, which, in Seliste's mind, didn't cover nearly enough.

"Well, you ask for so little, the least I can do is listen to your request. So good at getting information, and you don't even leave a mark on them. Your style is so unique, I must have you eventually tell me how you do it."

"I will, my lord, though I doubt it would work for some of your other loyal subjects. If I may, may I have the prisoner I just interrogated? He has some interesting abilities, and I wanted to practice various... techniques, so that I may combat them if we come across them later."

"Hmm. Well, I was planning on having him tortured and killed for insulting my abilities so, but I do like keeping my servants well practiced. Very well. But if he gets loose, I will be disappointed in you, you know. And I don't need to remind you what happened last time."

Seliste shook her head rapidly.

"No my lord, I remember well. I will die rather then letting him get away from me."

"Good girl. Very well, I'll give him to you. You better hurry though, if you want him in one piece."

She nodded again, and bowed, then quickly walked out.

You're not getting out of this that easily, Velorin, she thought. I'm not finished with you... not just yet.