Mountain Ambush

Story by Daniel Yote on SoFurry

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#2 of Stand alone stories (Yote's Universe)

Little quickie (teehee) I wrote to vent a little bit. This one takes place after Yote rescued Natalya form the Jihadists but slightly before the events in the next series I'[ll be uploading soon as I get un lazy and do it.

Contains a bit of violence, including furs dying bloody deaths. If you don't like, Don't read

The mountain road was eerily silent, which the wolf took as a good sign. Her ears swiveled this way and that, listening intently for the telltale signs of a vehicle. Thanks to the gently falling snowflakes, the police had elected to close the road to all but essential traffic until the plows were able to make it out. And at this time of night, it could be hours, which meant Natalya had the whole area to herself. She shivered slightly, even though the sleek black bodysuit she wore helped to insulate her. But while most people would be miserable lying in the snow for hours, Natalya was completely content. She lived for moments like this, when her special skills could be put to use. She flashed a smile and ran her paws lovingly down the modified M14 that she held. She considered herself an artist of sorts; the long range rifle was her brush, and her canvas... Well hopefully that element would be here shortly.

This stretch of road had been nicknamed "The Rim of the Earth Highway," and it was an appropriate nickname, the wolf thought as he eased the M1026 "Humvee" around a curve in the road. The road had been cut into the side of the St. Bernard Mountains hundreds of years ago by pioneers, and it offered a spectacular nighttime view of the City of St. Bernard some 6,000 feet below. One had to be careful along the sharp curves and steep grades however. It was a long way down if you weren't careful, and the rapidly accumulating snow wasn't making things any easier. Even with the humvee's tire chains noisily crunching the snow beneath them, the wolf was still very nervous and kept his speed to a crawl. This section of the road had actually been closed by the Highway Patrol, but the officers let the obviously military vehicle through without much fuss. It was a good thing too, because the wolf really didn't feel like explaining his cargo to them.

His gaze shifted to the armored box strapped in between the rear passenger seats. It was the size and shape of a military foot locker, although this case was built to withstand much more. It was made of some type of metal and painted OD green. A heavy steel padlock and aluminum truck seal kept its contents secured and tamper proof. A shipping manifest was taped to the lid in a sealed envelope, and neither the driver nor his passenger had any clue what was inside. They had simply been told to drive the truck to its destination in the middle of the night, when traffic was expected to be lightest.

The snow had stopped for now, and the driver relaxed a little bit, increasing his speed. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to the wolf seated in the rear seat, who gave him a middle finger in greeting. The driver chuckled and looked at his partner in the front passenger seat, who nodded, indicating he was still awake. Before the driver could return his eyes to the road there was a deafening crack and the windshield cracked.

"What the hel..." His words were cut short.

The passenger let out a yelp of surprise as the drivers head exploded, spraying blood, brain matter and skull fragments all over him. He fought the panic rapidly gripping his chest. The driver was dead, and the truck was accelerating.

Natalya cursed as her first shot ricocheted off of the humvee's windshield, shattering it. Fortunately the driver was going slowly enough for her to line up a follow up round. She had better luck the second time, placing the shot just below the driver's eye. She moved to target the passengers too, but the truck suddenly sped up and veered towards her. Natalya momentarily thought that she had been spotted, but dismissed the notion as the humvee swerved again and plowed into a tree. She watched and listened for a moment, then arose from her position and swiftly stalked towards the vehicle, removing her "wolf's fang" combat knife.

The rear sitting passenger fumbled around for his seatbelt and stumbled from the wrecked truck, his brain still trying to comprehend what had just happened. He staggered to the driver's door and flung it open. There was no guessing that he was dead. He looked over at the other passenger, who lay crumpled against the windshield, moaning, but alive.

"Captain McCartney... Sir" He choked. "Sir, Jones is dead!"

The injured passenger slowly turned his body to face the driver.

"Private...Get... Hold of...Yourself... Need help..." McCartney's eyes widened. "Look...hind... You..."

Before the private could turn around, he felt someone roughly grasp his snout and force his head up. Then he felt a searing pain in his throat. He tried to scream out, but only gurgled as blood erupted from the wound in his neck. The wolf feebly tried to fend off his attacker, who simply moved with him and maintained a steel grip on his snout. The private felt his legs go limp, and he was unceremoniously dumped onto the ground, the white snow now a bright crimson. Before his vision left him, he caught a glimpse of his assailant. His last thought was of how hot she looked in that outfit.

Captain McCartney willed his shattered arm to pull his Beretta 92 from the holster on his thigh. He fell out of the humvee and staggered to his feet, pointing his weapon at the leather-suited wolfess that had just slashed the private's throat. To his surprise, she didn't react to the weapon leveled at her. She stood there with a half smile on her muzzle, holding her knife at her side. McCartney recognized the weapon immediately. It was a Fang. And its titanium blade dripped with the blood of one of his soldiers. Mustering every bit of strength in his body, Captain McCartney raised his pistol and fired. To his surprise, she didn't even flinch. His rounds simply bounced off the leather bodysuit she was wearing.

"Yeah hun. This sexy little number is also very functional body armor. You guys should be seeing similar duds for the military soon. Well, YOU won't. "

"Does it protect your head?" McCartney snarled, and aimed his weapon

"Umm, never thought about that. We'll think about that one later. Right, hun?" Natalya replied with a smile. Suddenly, McCartney felt someone strike him behind the knee. He stumbled and lost his balance, dropping his weapon. He spun around to fight this newcomer, but in his injured state it wasn't quite fast enough. The new guy had a Fang of his own, and forcefully drove it into McCartney's larynx. The wolf dropped to his knees before collapsing onto his back. His attacker looked down at him pitifully.

It had to be a fucking coyote. The sneaky little bastards...

Daniel Yote knelt down over the fallen lupine and violently jerked the knife from his neck. It made a sickening slurping sound as it was removed, which made the coyote grimace.

"Damn. Yote-boy. Lots of blood. I'm actually kind of impressed." Natalya said with an approving nod. "Then again, you did have a great instructor."

"That's disgusting, Natalya."

"Come on. This guy humiliated you. He deserved it."

"Good point. That was great shooting too. Even if you did have to take two shots to put the driver down" Yote said, sticking his tongue out

"Keep talking, Yote. And you'll find out how many it takes to put you down."

The coyote didn't respond. He looked away with his ears down. Natalya stepped over to him and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Lighten up, chief. I'm playin' with ya. Now let's get that cargo before someone figures out what happened here. Somebody's paying good money for it."