The Promotion (Chapter 4)

Story by Aria Kendrick on SoFurry

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The Promotion

Written by Aria Kendrick

Aria had been a nervous wreck the entire way to Sheila's lake house. She wasn't stupid, she knew Callista was going to find every excuse possible to be alone with her equine employer, part of her didn't care. The other part of her, the bigger part of her however, was burning with intense rage, jealousy, and hatred. Once they had arrived things were slightly better than she had been picturing. On the drive up she had imagined all sorts of torrid things but it was all fairly normal, and Callista had remained by her side the entire time. Her wife was being charming, yet not flirtatious, making Aria the envy of all the other executives there. Aria wondered if maybe Callista had finally gotten it out of her system, if she was going to be loyal now that she'd had her little fling with Sheila.

It was nearing the evening time when Aria was getting ready for dinner. Callista had gone ahead of her to make sure that they got a good seat, Aria having regained a bit of trust in her wife didn't make too much of a fuss about it. Once she was changed into her sleek black dress Aria headed down to the dining room. The lake house was more like a lake mansion. It was much more modest than Sheila's main home but still featured countless rooms and a sprawling landscape, and as much as she hated to admit it Aria couldn't help but note what excellent taste her boss had.

Eventually she got down to the dining room where everyone was seated save for her wife. At first her heart began to race, but then she noticed that Sheila was seated at the head of the table, and Vivian was there as well. In fact almost everyone she could remember meeting was accounted for. Despite knowing that her wife wasn't off with one of the two people she'd cheated on her with, Aria was still uneasy. She took her seat, but then accidentally dropped her napkin to have an excuse to look under the table. She took a deep breath and ducked her head.

Callista wasn't there. She half expected to find her wife under the table sucking the horse off or some other lewd scene, but she wasn't there. Aria sat back up and folded her napkin into her lap, chewing on her bottom lip a bit. Sheila must have noticed however because she spoke up as the servers were coming around plating the food for everyone.

"Something wrong Miss Kendrick?" The equine asked curiously before sipping her wife.

"Um, no. Well, have you seen Callista? She isn't in the room and she was supposed to be down here." Aria tried her best not to sound worried but her voice was trembling.

Sheila had a little smirk playing at the corner of her mouth, barely noticeable. "No I haven't seen her since earlier this afternoon while we were all outside. I'll have one of the maids go look for her." Sheila beckoned one of the servers over, telling them to have a maid go find Aria's wife.

Aria was still uneasy, but she managed to hide it a little better as she began to eat. Dinner was oddly quiet. People were talking amongst themselves but nothing happened, nothing like what Aria had been dreading. Yet through the entire thing Callista never showed up. When dinner was finally over Aria politely excused herself and hurried off to go start looking for her wife.

She knew it was wrong to go snooping through someone's home but she could hardly be bothered to care, especially not after what Sheila did to her. It had taken all of her strength not to throw her soup at the cocky mare during dinner. She began doing the only thing she could think of, quietly checking room by room to look for Callista. It was slow going as she was trying her best not to be discovered, sometimes having to double back to check rooms she skipped due to someone walking by. Eventually she made it to the second story about twenty minutes later.

She heard sounds coming from inside one of the bedrooms, the sounds of sex. She heard a voice too, Vivian's, and her stomach turned. Biting down hard on her bottom lip she slowly opened the door as quietly as she could, peeking inside to see if her suspicions were correct. What she saw however was not what she was expecting. She saw Vivian, naked, thrusting hard with her thick shaft into a woman. It wasn't Callista though, it was a young brunette human. She had a great body, not unlike Callista's yet she was shorter and more tan. Aria vaguely remembered her as Vivian's date for the weekend. The girl was moaning out, apparently loving every moment of it as the fox took her from behind. Aria's ears folded back as she watched silently, managing to go unnoticed. After a minute or so she quietly shut the door and walked away, letting out a deep breath.

Maybe Callista really had stopped cheating, maybe she was just ill, or hurt. Those thoughts began to seep into her mind and she grew panicked. She began to hurry up her searching, going room to room until she got to the last one, the master bedroom. She tried the door and found it open, so she quietly slipped within. She breathed a sigh of relief that Callista wasn't there, the large bed empty and perfectly made, with no scent of sex anywhere save for the lingering odor of Sheila's sexual musk. She was about to turn and leave when she heard the heavy footfalls of her boss outside. In a panic she quickly moved to the balcony door, going outside to hide.

Sheila entered the room locking it behind her as she began to strip down. Aria watched from the outside window, leaning around the corner as not to be spotted, unable to stop herself as she watched the huge equine disrobe. As much as she hated the herm she couldn't help but admire the power of her body, as well as the size of her cock. Even in its flaccid state it was the biggest one she'd ever seen or was likely to see again. Sheila made her way over to the closet, no doubt to change, but Aria gasped when the equine herm opened the doors.

Standing with her arms over her head was Callista, fully nude. Her wrists were bound, the ropes hooked in the ceiling of the closet keeping her in place, and a ball gag was in her mouth. Aria felt her heart sink deeper than ever before. Sheila undid the gag and pulled it free, only to drop it and use both hands to cup Callista's huge, ripe breasts. The human moaned in response, licking her lips as she looked up at the hulking horse. The door to the balcony was open just a crack, allowing Aria to hear their conversation clearly as she watched in horror.

"Mmm, you were gone too long Mistress," Callista said with a slight whimper.

"Yes well we have to keep up appearances don't we my pet? At least for now. Soon enough you'll begin to show and there will no way to hide your new...position." Sheila smiled as she continued to fondle Callista's wobbling tits like they were her favorite toy.

" mean as your breeding slave. Gods just saying it turns me on so much." Callista whined and arched her back as much as she could, pushing her tits into the mare's large hands.

"Breeding slave for now, perhaps more in the future my pet. After all you are quite the prize, I might just take you away from your wife completely. Though I can't imagine she'll want to stay with you after she learns you'll be having my foals." Sheila chuckled as her massive black cock twitched, starting to throb to life.

"I...I don't know what to say Mistress." Callista looked away, her pale cheeks during a deep hue of red from embarrassment.

Finally Aria had enough. She didn't care if she did lose her job, she wouldn't let that stupid horse steal her wife away from her. She suddenly opened the balcony door and stepped inside. "Get your hands off of my wife you bitch!" Aria hissed.

Sheila simply turned her head and laughed as she saw the snow leopard. "I was wondering when you were going to come inside."

Aria was taken aback, having been unaware that the equine knew she was out there. She looked to Callista who was wide eyed with shock at her wife's sudden appearance. "Untie her!" Aria demanded finally.

"As you wish." Sheila shrugged and undid the ropes from Callista's wrists, freeing her. She stepped back then and sat on the edge of the bed, her cock still growing hard the whole time.

"Callista, get over here. We're leaving. Together." Aria held out her hand expectantly.

Callista was still frozen in place with shock, but eventually she started to chew on her bottom lip with nervousness. She glanced over at Sheila for a moment, then back to her wife. Slowly she stepped forward until she took Aria's hand.

"You see Sheila, she knows who she belongs with. You had your fun, but stay the fuck away from my wife!" Aria hissed again.

Sheila was silent for a moment then she began to laugh, a deep, resonating, mocking laugh. "Oh my dear, you really think so? Pet, you could go with your wife..." Sheila started to say as she began to stroke the base of her bloated, vein cock. "...or you could come slide into my big, fat, dick."

Callista visibly shivered, and before Aria could even react the human pulled away from her and walked over to the equine and her throbbing shaft.

Sheila scooted back on the bed a bit, helping the human climb up. Aria watched, her jaw hanging open as she saw her wife position herself. Without a word of objection Callista began to sink down onto the massive black shaft, letting it stretch her out, taking it inch by inch.

"S-stop Callista..." Aria tried to say it forcefully but it only came out as a whimper.

Callista ignored her, moaning lustfully as she continued to take inch after inch of bloated horse cock into her dripping pussy. Finally when she managed to get all the way down she looked back over her shoulder at Aria. "I...I'm sorry Aria. I need her dick." With those words she began to ride Sheila, bouncing up and down on her cock like Aria wasn't even there.

Sheila smiled and put her hands up on Callista's hips, starting to thrust up into the blonde human in time with her bouncing hips. "You see Aria. You can't stop me from taking her because it's already happened. She's mine, and she'll stay mine."

"You fucking bitch!" Aria cried out, a few tears starting to stream down her cheeks. "B-both of you can go to hell!"

Callista didn't even seem to notice her wife's screaming, or if she did she didn't care. She simply continued to ride up and down on that gigantic horse cock, working herself into a frenzy of lust. Her tits bounced up and down, jiggling around and knocking into one another from their size as the equine pumped up into her.

Finally Sheila let out a gasp and thrust hard up into the human atop her, her cock twitching inside of her. Soon enough thick, hot streams of white goo began to stream out from Callista's drenched pussy, showing quite clearly that the equine had dumped another potent load into her.

Aria couldn't take anymore. Sobbing she moved to the door and unlocked it, only to see a few of her business associates standing outside, including Vivian who was just smirking. She was about to say something as Aria walked by but the snow leopardess suddenly socked her in the jaw, putting the fox on her rump. Aria didn't stay to admire her work however, she moved straight through the hall and downstairs to her room.

The tears made it hard to see straight so it took her longer than she would have liked to pack. Her gut was reeling, her heart was pounding, and she didn't remember ever feeling that sick before. Eventually she had to stop what she was doing and just curled up on the bed, crying herself to sleep.

The next morning Aria awoke, and all of it came flooding back to her. She knew full well what had happened, and knew that it was not a dream. She finished packing her things and walked out the door, leaving the lake house and headed toward her car. She was putting her bag into the trunk however when she heard a voice behind her say "hey".

Aria turned in place, and saw a gorgeous brunette in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt standing there. "What do you want?" Her voice was rough and harsh, more so than she meant to but she was hardly in control of her emotions at the moment.

"Um, well I just wanted to tell you that I heard about what that bitch did to you. The horse, Sheila? That was really cruel. Your wife is a loser if she could do that to you." The brunette suddenly fell quiet after those words, as if she just realized she had insulted Aria's wife.

Aria was silent for a few moments at first before responding. "...thanks. Aren't you Vivian's girlfriend or something?"

The brunette sighed and shook her head. "Not anymore. After you...well punched her, she was pouting all night. It's really unattractive. Besides she thought what had happened to you was funny, and I don't like it when people get off on the misery of others."

Aria was a little surprised. Someone was on her side for once, and the feeling was so alien to her at this point she didn't exactly know what to say. "What's your name?"

The brunette smiled and offered out her hand to Aria. "I'm Kelly."

Aria took her hand and shook it softly, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Aria, nice to meet you." Aria withdrew her hand, looking back toward the lake house for a moment before refocusing her attention on Kelly. "Look, I'm getting out of here. Do you want a ride back to the city?"

"You know what I'd love that." Kelly motioned to the ground by her feet, showing that she too had her bag with her and was ready to leave.

Aria smiled a little more and bent over to pick up the bag. As she stood back up though Kelly suddenly kissed her on the cheek. "W-what was that for?" Aria asked curiously.

Kelly merely shrugged like it was nothing. "I don't think you need a reason to be nice to someone. Besides, I know your life is in shambles and all that but...maybe I want you for myself."

Aria didn't know what to say. She'd never had someone come on to her so quickly before, let alone right after her marriage had ended. As if in a state of shock she took the bag and put in the trunk which she quickly closed afterwards. She got into the driver's seat and waited. Eventually Kelly climbed into the passenger side and they were off.

"You don't even know me." Aria said finally as they drove.

"I know, that's what makes it exciting." Kelly said with a cheerful smile. "I just think you're cute is all. So let's see what happens."

"Well, don't expect much from me. I'm not...I mean my marriage literally just ended." Aria tried to sound firm, but she couldn't help but feel a touch of joy in her heart.

Suddenly there was a beeping sound and Kelly reached into her pocket to retrieve her phone. She looked at the screen for a few long moments then slipped it back into her pocket.

"Vivian?" Aria inquired.

"Yeah. She wanted to know where I was. I don't want to talk to her." Kelly shrugged.

Something about that statement made Aria very happy, and her mood lifted a little higher. "She's a bitch anyway." Aria added after a few minutes of silence.

As if in cue the phone beeped again. Kelly sighed and took it back out again. She stared at her screen for nearly a minute before she texted something back.

"Vivian again?" Aria asked glancing over at the human.

"Yeah, just telling her to leave me alone." Kelly was a little quieter now.

"Good. Hey you want to stop for a bite on the way back?" Aria looked over at Kelly and mustered up a small smile.

"Sure that sounds great." Kelly responded and grasped the hand of the feline suddenly.

Aria felt the sorrow drain just a bit from the human's touch, and so she grasped her hand back.

_Meanwhile at the lake house...

'Where are you?'_ Vivian texted to Kelly impatiently as she sat in the den of Sheila's lake house, watching Callista bobbing her head up and down on the equine's shaft as she sat comfortably on the couch. Several minutes passed and there was no reply.

"Something wrong?" Sheila asked curiously as she looked over at the fox, her hand playing with Callista's silky blonde strands.

"Kelly is missing." Vivian growled a bit.

"Oh the brunette? One of my maids said she saw her leave with Aria." Sheila smirked, suddenly pushing Callista's mouth down on her cock until the human began gagging.

"Oh really? Well, let's take care of that." Vivian grinned and pulled her dress up, wrapping her hand around her thick cock and stroking it until it was half hard. She picked up her phone again and snapped a picture of it. She then proceeded to text the picture to Kelly's phone along with the message 'You know this is what you really want'.

It was about a minute later that her phone beeped and Vivian looked at the screen. She couldn't help but smile at Kelly's texted response. 'God you're right. I want that in my mouth so bad right now.'

"Everything okay?" Sheila asked of the fox as she began spewing her hot seed into Callista's eager mouth.

"Oh yes, everything is just fine. I'm next right?" Vivian grinned and started walking over toward the pair on the couch. "I think Aria is going to have another bad week though."

-The End