Seasons of Desire Chapter one Fall part 1

Story by Samantha Stormpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Seasons of Desire

This is part one and part two will come soon :o3 Also thank you Lilly Furpaws for giving me advice and editing :o3

There is noise in the air from a crowd consisting of high school students, which quiets quickly when they hear a fur raising voice making an announcement in a harsh, raspy voice over the P.A. "Alright students, we are going to announce teams for this years Halloween Festival here shortly." Shortly after the announcement the noise picks up again and the teenage students become more restless, squirming where they stood outside near the football field. Amongst them stood Shawn, a timid freshman who is a thin fox with white fur and blueish patches of fur on the tip of his ears, with a small line of blue fur going down his face under his right eye. For a while now he had his eyes on one of the football jocks. He only knew that was a muscular panther that had a scar under his chin going down his neck when he got in a fight last year during a hockey game before he joined the football team. Recently Shawn learned his name and was hoping that he will be on the same committee with him for the Halloween Festival. Little did he know that standing next to him, his friend Jaden had started having feelings for him starting a few months ago.

Jaden is a year older than Shawn and grew up next to him since they were kids. Jaden is a husky-retriever mix with a path of white fur running down his stomach and into his pants. He usually wears clothes that reveal some of his fur but since the weather was getting colder, he decided to wear some light hoodies that somehow still revealed parts of his stomach. He has an average sized body but was bigger than Shawn and has been waiting to engulf Shawn in his arms every time he saw him shivering in the cold to keep him warm. He didn't like the fact that Shawn has been crushing on Derrick the jock and has been wanting to tell him the truth about Derrick, how he has physically abused his ex-boyfriends and injured a few, but Jaden couldn't bring himself to do so cause he didn't want to lose his friend he loves so much.

Amongst all the chattering of the students, some of the faculties were starting to gather at the podium they set up earlier that day. Among all the commotion, Jaden reaches to touch Shawn. Just as his hand gets close, the P.A. crackles and blares; startling him and Shawn. Shawn falls backwards and lands into Jaden. At that moment Jaden feels his heart pound in his chest and he wants to grab Shawn and kiss him. Before he can act Shawn steps on his foot and he lets out a yelp.

"I'm so sorry Jadie, did I hurt you?" Shawn quickly says. "It's ok, you didn't hurt me" Jaden replies awkwardly. He blushes and looks away from the concerned Shawn. When he looks back, Shawn is looking at the podium. Jaden finds himself looking at the back of Shawn's neck and he can't help but daydream about kissing his neck and nibbling on his ears lovingly. The P.A. blared again and this time it was a more stern but pleasant voice was on the speakers. It was the principal speaking, she was going to start announcing who will be on which committee.

"Attention, we will announce the committees and thank you to those who volunteer for this year's Festival." As Shawn heard her words, his ears perked up and he was on his toes to see who was going up as names were being called. As he was stretching to see, his shirt was lifting up and his pants slipped down a little to reveal part of his back and gave a little view of his smooth rear which caught Jaden's eye and he was resisting from touching his back and sliding his hand down Shawn's pants.