Tricks are way Better Than Treats

Story by Asa fox on SoFurry

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I'm publishing this at 2:37 AM. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Please let me know if I have!

Deep within the dark, warm, confines of a borough slept a fox. The gray fox covered in gray speckles was curled up in his boxers enjoying a nice dream. His name was Day, named for the color of the sky that his fur resembled. He was off in some snowy wonderland wandering around when a disturbing buzzing noise ripped through his serenity. His alarm clock continued to squawk as he emerged from the sheets and groaned, slapping the boisterous box until it was silenced. As much as he would have liked to sleep in, it was a necessary evil. After all, it was Halloween and he was to spend the day getting ready. There was to be a party at his home.

The short and slim fox lugged himself out of bed and wobbled on the cold hardwood floor floor until he gained his equilibrium. Down the creaky steps caged between dark wooden handrails with a slight curve Day found himself in the kitchen. It was lit up with plenty of natural light. The fox plugged in a record player that sat on the Cerise counter top and adjusted the aged knob to the right speed. Folksy acoustic guitar streamed through strategically placed speakers around the room. This was met by the sizzling of various veggies and eggs on a skillet to form an omelet which he enjoyed at the table with a glass of orange juice.

On his phone he scrolled through a small itinerary to ascertain what exactly he needed to complete before his guests arrived. By noon the kitchen had been transformed into a brobdingnagian mess. Flour and various other powders dusted the counter tops as he mixed, baked, and brewed confections for the festivities. The fox spent quite a while decorating langues des chats with ghouls, pumpkins, witches, and anything else he could conjure up in frosting. He also opted for something a bit lazier like bowls filled with seasonal candies.

Skeleton shaped paper dolls held hands across the walls. Orange, black, and purple streamers were twirled and strung from various points extending between surfaces in each room. After toiling away in yellow rubber gloves on his hands and knees the petite fox finally finished cleaning every dirty inch of his house. It was well into the afternoon and Day was already tired. He hopped up the stairs and made his way to the master bath and ran a hot shower. While the water rushed from the faucet he returned to his room and got some fresh clothes to wear after he washed up. The fox laid them out and returned to the running water once it had fully warmed up.

Music continued into the bathroom as he cleansed his silky fur of the filth it had collected. Excitement grew in Day's chest as night grew nearer and he talked to himself in the confines of his most private of places. It was where he went to think. Nothing cleared the fox's head like a hot shower. As a child long showers had a suspicious element about them according to his mother, but to this day they had remained innocent. Day practiced the slightly effeminate voice he'd been working on whenever he was alone in imaginary conversation as the shower head soaked him thoroughly.

"Me? Oh, the name's Day."

"It's nice to meet you as well!" The fox would giggle. Maybe the stranger would make a remark about his looks and the fox would blush in response, thanking them of course for their kindness.

Day stepped out of the shower and thoroughly wiped himself down before transitioning from tile to wood floor. He plucked a thin, black pair of panties with white stripes off his bed. It had a decorative white lace around its edges. They hugged his hips and cupped his limp foxhood between his thighs. The level of light steadily changed as the sun passed by his window and crept over the edge of the earth. Day wasn't quite ready to get dressed just yet. The fox delighted in prancing around in his undies when no one was around. He ventured into his walk-in closet and pulled out his costume for Halloween, or at least one of them. Day was planning something a little naughty for the evening.

True, it was a night to be with friends and have a good time, but it was also a golden opportunity for the secretly effeminate fox. He wasn't brave enough to go out dressed in his girliest wear, though he personally thought he could pull it off. He had a tacky 60's type costume. Complete with rainbow afro, leather vest, and parachute pants. Day thought it was atrocious, but needed if he wanted to throw any scent of his trail. It was under that guise he would greet and welcome his guests, but later he would sneak off to change to what he'd hidden under his normal clothes.

When Day had laid eyes on it for the first time he knew he had to have it. It was a masquerade costume that came with fishnets and a mask with a large black and white feather rising high above the model's head. The fox couldn't help but picture himself in the black lace, gray paisley print, ornamental halter dress with matching bolero jacket. It's black veiled sleeves were detached from the ensemble and fit snug around the wearer's elbows. It wasn't as revealing as many of the slightly slutty costumes you find at every Halloween store.

Day held the outfit against his chest and waltzed around the room to the notes of the classical piano that played from the bathroom. When it was finally time he dressed in his hippie wear-an almost painful experience for the fox. He gave the house a once-over to make sure he hadn't forgot anything and to set out refreshments and the like for his guests. Once the dark drenched the neighborhood and the street lights came on, furs of all types started to file in through his wide front door. Day shook hands and directed them towards food and told them where they could find bathrooms when the need struck them. The crowd grew and the music swelled. Tunes for the holiday played instead of his usual instrumental preferences of course.

Day waded through the mass of costumed furs and danced a little, which drew a little more attention than he would have liked. It was probably the afro. The way it moved even after he'd stopped moving was sure to draw heads at some point. People drunkenly cheered as he put out the best moves he could muster, but the attention was short-lived. The fox feigned a look of concern and parted the small circle that had formed around him to go take care of an imaginary problem.

Once out of sight, he sneaked up the stairs. When he reached the top he looked around nervously. He considered the possibility that some furs may try to sneak off for a Halloween romp in one of his guest rooms. Day was sure to lock his bedroom so none would be there when he changed. The fox quickly unlocked the door and slipped inside before anyone saw.

Day's paws were on the verge of shaking as he dressed. He was a little nervous, but more ecstatic than anything. The midsection of the dress hugged him like a corset and the mask fit over his muzzle and face perfectly. He walked over to a long mirror mounted on the wall and struck a few poses like he did hundreds of times before. It felt as good as ever.

The transformed vulpine left his comfort zone and faced his trial of the night. Day became one of the guests below the radar. He wandered through the party not seeming to attract any negative attention. The fox even managed to turn a few heads. He stifled an excited laugh and fought the urge to jump up and down like his girly heart longed to do. Day blended in effortlessly, much to his chagrin. Then someone tapped on Day's shoulder. The fox turned to find a tall Malamute dressed as a pirate towering over him.

"Hi! Um, sorry, you looked amazing and I thought I just had to say something."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Thank you!" And there it was. Day's face grew hot and his cheeks went an adorable shade of red.

"I'm Mac, what's your name?"

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Day."

"Day? That sounds familiar. Have we met before?" The broad-shouldered canine questioned.

"I can't say that we have. I think I would remember someone as cute as you." I flirted.

Mac lifted up his fake eye patch and chuckled. "Likewise! You're too cute for your own good, you know that?"

"I do now." Day smiled.

"It's a little loud, and I think my friends kind of abandoned me. Do you wanna go someplace a little quieter?"

"Um, sure!" The fox said, almost yelling over the music. "Follow me, I know a place."

The place Day referred to was actually his own room. He took the Malamute by the paw and lead him through the crowd. Once the door shielded them from the booming music Mac curiously looked around.

"Should we be in here?" He asked. "It looks like the master bedroom."

"It'll be fine. It's not like the host is going to know." Day laughed softly and locked the door.

"Well in that case..." Mac poked around the room touching things. A sky blue box poked out from under the bed and he slowly nudged it out with his booted footpaw. Day was immediately worried.

"Please don't go through stuff!" He cautioned.

"It's not like he's going to know, right?" The Malamute laughed. He sat on the bed and flipped the top open only to discover a few vibrators and lube.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." He clicked. "Looks like someone has a really lonely girlfriend."

The fox laughed and snorted uncontrollably. He was embarrassed by doing so, but he couldn't help it. "Yeah, that's a possibility." Mac set the box down and patted the empty spot beside him.

"Care to join me?" He grinned.

"I'd love to." Day took his spot and snuggled up to the much larger canine. Mac put his arm around the thin shoulders of the fox and licked his cheek. Day giggled and turned to Mac for a real kiss. Their lips slowly pressed together and broke away. Mac's whole exterior seemed to soften as he gave into the sweet kisses of the fox. Almost mindlessly, they drove themselves further onto the bed until the pillows brushed against them. The Malamute made himself comfortable as he laid back with Day following. The fox was on top of Mac as they quietly kissed in the dim room. One of his paws rested on Mac's firm pec, while the other went off to the side in search of something. Day broke the kiss, sliding his tongue from the Malamute's maw.

"Oh, I think I found something." He said, pretending not to know what it was. The fox brought up a black leather cuff with a fur interior linked to a chain that disappeared under the mattress. "I don't suppose you want to get kinky, do you?" The fox giggled.

"I like the way you think foxy." Mac smiled. Day rolled off the dog and wrapped around his wrist the snug cuff. The fox did this with the cuff on the opposite side as well. Day's heels clacked against the hardwood floor as he walked to the foot of the bed. The fox looked at him seductively as he tugged on his boots and the brown costume pants. Mac gladly lifted his hips in aid to the undressing. The Malamute's underwear tightly hugged his crotch and defined exactly where his thick member was. Day felt his mouth begin to salivate slightly at the sight. He secured the Malamute's ankles and knelt on the edge of the bed.

Day gently scratched the huge thighs of the carved-out canine. The fox bent over and nudged Mac's cock. The Malamute stirred slightly, testing the bounds that held him. They were secure, Day had made sure of it. The fox kissed the expanding length and unbuttoned the blouse that concealed Mac's unsurprisingly well defined abs. Day traced a finger down the middle of his belly down to the Malamute's crotch. The fox's fingers slipped under the elastic and pulled back. Mac's dick immediately flipped outward and stood at attention.

Day looked up at the dog while he sniffed at his cock. His tongue landed against the flattened top of the head and drew downwards across the shaft. He pulled on the undies once more.

"You know, these are going to get in my way. I might need to rip them off." The fox said seductively. He suckled on the tip a little.

"D-do whatever you need to." Mac said quickly. Day grinned and bit the fabric and tore with his canines. He used his paws to get them completely off. Day tossed them aside carelessly and got up from Mac's glistening shaft.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"If you like the way I think then you're going to love this. Close your eyes for me dear." Mac did as he was told. Day reached into the box that Mac had pulled out and carelessly left open and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He shook it quietly and squeezed a small portion onto his fingertips. The fox reached between Mac's spread legs and delicately touched his virgin tailhole with the cold lubricant. The Malamute writhed a little in response.

"Oh, that's cold!" He chuckled. "Can I look now?" He asked eagerly.

"Not just yet hun." Day said. He pulled out one of the smaller vibrators that were wired to a remote and crawled back up onto the bed. The fox placed it behind the dog's rump and went back to work on his cock. Mac opened his eyes and saw the petite fox slowly sinking his muzzle down onto the thick length.

"Oh, God, that's good." He murred. Day continued to suck and press the rubber dick into the Malamute's tight tailhole.

"Wait, what are you..." He started as he began to moan. The fox chuckled with his maw still full of cock. Day pulled back, sucking a little harder as he left the fine dick. The vibrator was about midway in so he turned it on sending a gentle vibration into Mac's rear. The Malamute strained against the chains as the new sensation took hold of him. Day leaned in close and whispered in his ear "Ever felt anything like that?" Mac just shook his head an blushed.

Day stuck his nose under the Malamute's large balls and inhaled deeply. His musky scent filled the fox's nostrils and scrambled his mind a little. He wanted to suck Mac so hard, but it was even better to wait. Day gave each ball special attention as he turned the vibrator up one level. The fox licked and gently sucked on the dangling orbs. Pre bubbled at the top of Mac's cock and a small wet patch shone in the light just under his urethra.

The fox's cold nose brushed against the underside of his cock and was followed by Day's moist tongue. It collected the little amount of pre and was immediately licked up by Day's eager tongue. The fox turned the vibration level up again. Mac obviously couldn't hold out much longer and Day wanted to tease him a little more. He pinched Mac's cock between his thumb and index while focusing on the tip a little. The restricted blood flow gave him some extra time, but not much.The fox knew it would send him over the edge, but he had to give it to him. One more level up and Mac was begging.

"Please finish me! I can't take it!" He nearly screamed. Day deep-throated Mac nearly choking himself. The Malamute held out longer than Day would have thought. As the fox rose for air Mac's cock pulsed violently spewing sticky ropes of canine seed. On of Day's paws had snuck into his panties and collected the evidence his own orgasm. It seeped through his fingers and painted three sticky lines that showed on the outside of his undies. Day cringed and shuddered as he gulped down the sweet cum.

Mac relaxed and let his binds slack as the orgasm subsided. When he wasn't looking, Day wiped his paw on the sheets. "That..was...amazing." He huffed.

"Yeah, " Day chuckled. "That was pretty spectacular.

The fox helped Mac out of the cuffs and handed him the clothes he had stripped from him, minus the underwear. Those were his now. Before they opened the door to rejoin the party Mac turned to Day.

"We have to do this again sometime."

The fox laughed. "Maybe next year, sweetie."