On a Stormy Night

Story by Aria Kendrick on SoFurry

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_ On a Stormy Night _

Written by Aria Kendrick

"Not now damn it." Ashley Connor banged her palms against the steering wheel of her police cruiser in frustration as though she could will it back to life. "Come on start you piece of shit..." She growled as she tried the ignition again, but despite the teasing sputters of life from the engine, it simply wouldn't start. She could already feel the cold seeping in from the outside as the torrent of rain pounded against the vehicle. The storm was getting worse by the moment, and being stuck on the side of the rode as she was she knew she needed to get somewhere more safe.

She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and hit the first speed dial, waiting impatiently as it rang. Eventually the line was answered and she heard the familiar sound of her girlfriend's voice on the other end. "Yeah baby it's me. I know, I know. Yeah I was on my way home. Listen baby my cruiser just crapped out on me. No baby no one is going to come get me in this weather. Listen I saw a place about a mile back, I'll just hoof it there and wait it out. I'll call you---" Suddenly the signal dropped. The storm was interfering with the call and when she looked at the display screen she saw she had no bars. With a heavy sigh she grabbed her officer's cap and put it on. Then she slipped out of the car and locked the door, beginning the quickly paced walk down the road.

The rain pelted her hat and jacket harshly, and she could feel herself getting drenched more and more with each moment that passed. Yet despite her present hardship all she could think about was her girlfriend waiting for her at home alone. She and Rachel had been together for nearly a year. They had met after Ashley had been shot on duty, Rachel was the nurse that cared for her while she was in the hospital. Florence Nightingale syndrome they called it, but Ashley never bought into the psychological stuff. Rachel was a wonderful herm who loved Ashley despite her gruff exterior and saw the woman inside.

Ashley had always had a bit of a chip on her shoulder, being a police officer she of course had to be tough, but being a woman made her feel as though she always needed to have her guard up. This was due in large part to a police force dominated by mostly herms, however she had managed to prove that she was not weak. Part of the problem was that Ashley was exceptionally attractive. She was tall, with milky skin, and an athletic build. Yet despite her toned body she had been blessed, or cursed in her eyes, with a pair of rather sizable breasts measuring in at a DD cup. Her hair was dark brown and long but always worn up when she was on duty. Her facial features were sharp and well defined yet very feminine, not unlike a fashion model. She usually wore darker shades of makeup like black eyeliner to bring out the intense green of her eyes, however that along with her mascara were running at the moment due to the waterfall of rain that was pouring down on her.

She had a thought suddenly to turn back and try her luck with the radio due to how much worse the storm was getting, perhaps she could get dispatch to send someone, however just as she looked over her shoulder the wind picked up. She heard the harsh sound of breaking and tearing wood as a massive tree along side the road was uprooted, landing right on her cruiser. She watched in disbelief as it was crushed from the awesome weight of the tree. She shook her head, dumbfounded by her string of bad luck and continued on her way back towards the building she saw driving home.

After about a 15 minute walk she finally reached the driveway of the building, and saw it looked more like a house, or rather a mansion due to it's scope. It was made of dark wood, with a paved stone walkway leading up to the front steps of the porch. Off to the side there was a driveway that curved around behind the building out of sight. She started to make her way up the walk as lightning flashed, showing off more of the impressive structure. It was at least three stories tall, possibly four, with what looked like a tower coming off of the left side. She started to get a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as the place looked more like some kind of haunted mansion than somewhere she wanted to be. However the storm was only intensifying, and despite it's dark exterior she could see the soft glow of lights within.

Ashley made her way up the steps and came to the large wooden door framed with black iron reinforcements held in place by bolts of metal. To the left of the door frame she saw a wooden sign about a foot across and just as high that had the painted emblem of a horse's head in black. She raised a brow at that but proceeded to use the heavy knocker, pounding on the door three times before waiting. After a minute of silence she did it again, banging the knocker three more times with more vigor. She was about to do it again a minute later due to how badly the wind was picking up and the urgency of her situation growing, but then she heard bolts on the other side being undone.

The door opened to reveal a small girl standing a hair over five feet tall. She was very cute, but young. Her features were round and soft, with a pair of deep blue eyes, a rather curvy form, and quite a large pregnant belly, the size of which put her at at least seven months. She was clad in only a black skirt slit up one side to show off her leg, and a small, bikini like top over her engorged looking breasts. The fabric was so thin that she could see the girl's nipples poking through quite clearly. "May I help you miss?" The girl asked in an almost musical tone, though she sounded older than Ashley would have thought.

"Um, I was looking for..." Ashley shook her head and cut herself off. "What is this place?" Even though she was in danger being outside she couldn't stop herself from noticing how odd this girl was. Had she stumbled onto some kind of weird cult?

"This is the Black Mare Inn miss. Would you like to come inside?" The girl stepped aside and held the door open for Ashley, looking at her, but not in the eyes. She seemed to carry an aversion to looking Ashley in the eyes, which was not something the police officer liked.

"Yes thank you..." she said cautiously as she stepped within, dripping water all over the dark hardwood floors.

"I will let the Mistress know that we have a guest. Please wait here miss." The girl closed the door and locked it once more. She walked away, vanishing up some steps out of sight leaving Ashley alone.

'Mistress? What the hell kind of inn is this?' Ashley thought to herself. She looked around the main room and was taken aback by its splendor. The floors, walls, and ceiling were all made from a beautiful, dark wood that seemed to exude warmth. Several pillars were located throughout the room, each decorated with old scones that held silver plates of candles. There was a sitting area with an overly large couch upholstered in dark violet cloth, and a matched set of comfortable looking, cushioned chairs flanking each side with matching fabric. In front of them was a small and empty table, beyond that was a large fireplace with several logs alive with flame. On the opposite side of the room there was a long bar, behind it were rows of liquor, most of which Ashley had never heard of before. Scattered between the two areas were tables and chairs like some kind of haphazardly thrown together restaurant. To the right of the bar area there was a hallway though Ashley couldn't see what was down it, and straight ahead from the door was a large staircase which the girl had taken.

Suddenly Ashley became very aware of what a mess she was making on the floor due to her drenched clothing, and she felt a bit guilty about it. However she didn't have much time to her own thoughts as she heard the sounds of footfalls moving down the steps. She took of her cap and held it at her side as she tried her best to smooth out her hair, wanting to look as official as possible. It wasn't as though she was worried about anyone getting out of line with her, not while she was in her dark blue policewoman's uniform and had a gun strapped to her hip. At least that was her hope. She still didn't know what kind of place this was, and it made her nervous.

Her fears fell to the wayside when she saw the figure come down the stairs however, any pressing thoughts drifting away as she was lost in the surreal vision before her. It was a woman, tall and beautiful, taller even than Ashley's 5'10" frame. Her skin was a much darker hue, like a deep mocha. Her hair was long and black, falling nearly to her waist, sweeping back over her shoulders like a cascade of shadow. Her eyes were an eerie purple hue, and looked almost effervescent, lined in black to make them stand out all the more, not unlike how Ashley did it. Her lips were full and ripe, perfectly formed and painted in a dark brown. Her body looked strong yet feminine, Ashley could see the defined tone of her muscles in her stomach as well as her arms, yet she also had an expansive bust. Yet there was more to her that drew attention more so than her dark allure. She had a pair of furred, pointed ears sticking out from her hair, and behind her Ashley could see a long, black horse-like tail swishing around. Ashley had heard that anthromorphs, furs as they were more commonly known, could mate with humans, but she never saw anyone quite like this before.

"Welcome to the Black Mare Inn. My name is Nephira Shadowmane. You are here seeking refuge from the storm, yes?" Her voice was deep and husky, dripping with the kind of sensuality that would cause quite a reaction in even the most cold blooded of people.

Ashley was immediately captivated, not just by her exotic beauty, or the soothing sounds of her voice, but also the clothing that this Nephira woman chose to wear. She was clad in a black leather corset with many straps held in place by bright metal buckles, and it cut off just above her belly showing off the perfectly sculpted stomach muscles she possessed. Below that was a skirt made of multiple layers of black lace, see through but the layers prevented anything more than teasing glances of what lay beneath. Upon her hands were matching gloves, fingerless black lace that ran up her forearm nearly to her elbows. It took a few moments for Ashley to find her words, but she finally spoke. "I'm h-here," she paused a moment as her voice cracked, taking the time to calm herself down. "I'm Officer Connor," she continued with more confidence. "I was hoping that you would allow me to wait it out here in your...establishment."

"But of course officer. I have nothing but the utmost respect for those that establish order." The way Nephira emphasized the word 'order' made it seem as though it held special significance to her. "But first let us get you out those clothes."

"Excuse me?" Ashley raised her sculpted brow and looked as though the equine hybrid had asked her to do a strip tease.

"Not to be rude, but you are ruining my floors, and you will catch quite a cold if you do not get into something warm." Nephira glanced over her shoulder as the pregnant young girl came back down the steps as silent as a cat.

In her hands the young girl had a large, neatly folded towel and what looked like a robe. She set it down upon one of the tables before bowing deeply towards Nephira. "Do you require anything else Mistress?" She asked, looking down at the floor.

"That will be all Corrine. You may continue with your duties." Nephira said with a slight nod of her head.

Without another word the young girl Corrine bowed again and went back up the steps, vanishing once again from sight.

"Look, not to be rude or anything, but what exactly is going on here? Why do you have a half naked pregnant girl acting like a damn slave?" Ashley had been trying to contain herself, but she never had the capacity to let anything go.

"I don't see what business it is of yours Officer Connor. What happens between consenting adults is of no consequence to you. But seeing as how you will be here at least for the night, I will explain. Corrine is my...companion. She lives here, and is cared for. In exchange she performs household duties. As for her current physical condition, that is nothing for you to worry yourself over. Now, if you would please disrobe I would be most grateful." Nephira folded her arms over her large bust, looking down at Ashley. Standing at six and a half feet the hybrid was quite imposing.

Ashley looked around and didn't see a good place to go change, so she glanced back at Nephira and scoffed. "What, right here? I don't think so. I'm not in the habit of giving peep shows."

"I assure you that you possess nothing I have not seen before in abundance. More to the point you are a stranger in my home, and I am now about to allow you to go wandering about unattended. So yes, change here. That is if you wish to stay." Nephira seemed adamant about the matter, both in tone and stature.

"Your home? I thought this was an inn? Don't you have guests?" Ashley fired back, not yet ready to play the part of the obedient one to this odd woman.

"From time to time, but I assure you even my guests follow strict protocol. However if you wish to return to where ever it is you came from, no one is going to stop you." As if to emphasize her point, Nephira waved one arm towards the door.

Ashley glanced back over her shoulder at the door. Even inside she could hear the screaming wind and sound of pounding rain. Finally in frustration she removed her jacket and began to unbutton her shirt. She could feel Nephira's eyes on her as she did so, and while it made her uncomfortable, some small part of her felt a little thrilled as well. Eventually she stripped down to her underwear, a matching set of dark blue bra and panties.

Nephira was silent as she watched, but it was obvious from the way her gaze roamed over Ashley's body that she was drinking her in. Every curve, every bit of exposed flesh was absorbed by those haunting violet eyes.

Ashley undid her hair next after setting her clothes on an empty wooden chair and picked up the towel. She began to dry herself off, fighting against the feeling of the soaked underwear she was wearing. She didn't want to take it off but she couldn't ignore how uncomfortable it was. Finally with an exasperated sigh she undid her bra, letting her ripe, firm breasts spill free, and then slipped her panties down, showing off her bare shaven mound to the cool air. Quickly she picked up the black robe and slipped it over her body, drawing it closed with the tie. Though the fabric was thin it was warmer than she thought it would be, and she was already feeling better.

"Corrine will prepare a room for you, but for now why don't you take a seat by the fire and warm your flesh." Nephira said as she led Ashley towards the couch.

Ashley plopped herself down and began to warm herself. It was actually quite comfortable, but she couldn't fight the feeling of unease that Nephira was giving her. She felt like prey being stalked by a predator, and it wasn't a feeling she liked. "Could I get something warm to drink?" She asked suddenly, as if to derail her own train of thought. She glanced to her side, seeing Nephira standing there near the arm of the couch.

"Once you make a proper request, yes." Nephira said cooly.

'Is she fucking serious? What is this, charm school?' Ashley thought to herself. She'd play along though, as she was in dire need of something warm inside her. "May I please have a warm drink Nephira?" Ashley rolled her eyes even as she said it.

"I said a proper request. You may call me Miss as you have not seen fit to grace me with your own name." Nephira retorted, though she did not lose her even tone.

Ashley was actually stunned by that, and didn't know what to say at first. It was true that she hadn't given her first name, but she was a police officer. This woman was talking to her like she was a child. "My name is Ashley. May I please have something warm to drink, miss?" She couldn't believe the words as they came out of her mouth, she never let someone boss her around before not even her herm girlfriend Rachel.

"You may Ashley. Wait right here." Nephira smiled suddenly, which didn't look as out of place on her dark features as one would expect. She walked away towards the bar and began to prepare a drink.

Ashley watched her for a moment, slightly confused by the sudden shift in the hybrid woman's demeanor. She pushed it from her mind though and looked at her phone that she had palmed into her robe's pocket. There still wasn't any signal, and no messages from Rachel. She frowned, a bit disappointed. She was worried about her girlfriend, but for now she knew she couldn't do anything about it. She set the phone on the small table in front of her and waited for Nephira to return.

A couple of minutes the exotic hybrid returned with a cup of tea on a small plate. The cup white and decorated with hand painted rose thorns and vines. It was actually quite beautiful and Ashley couldn't help but think that Nephira was probably rather wealthy. "Here you are," Nephira said as she handed the cup to her.

"Thank you miss." Ashley said it automatically but caught herself after the fact. 'Damn Ashley get a hold of yourself,' she thought to herself. 'You aren't like her little house pet Corrine.' Ashley took the tea however and sipped it, finding it to be quite enjoyable. It was some kind of blend she was unfamiliar with, a little pungent but sweet as well. "Wow, that is...that's actually pretty good. What is it?"

"A special blend served exclusively in house. Hibiscus mostly." Nephira sat on the end of the couch with Ashley still in the middle, though it was large enough that there was still a generous amount of space between them. Nephira flicked her violet eyes to the cell phone on the table, then looked back to Ashley. "If you're expecting a call I wouldn't hold your breath. Reception here has always been spotty at best, and I'm afraid the storm will render it useless."

Ashley looked down at her phone, suddenly feeling very isolated and vulnerable. But then she took another sip of her tea and felt a bit more relaxed. "So you live here with Corrine, just you two?" She asked, attempting to make idle conversation, that and do a bit of investigating into this odd place and it's equally odd owner.

"Not just. There are others as well, but you needn't concern yourself about that right now. So who is it you're waiting to hear from Ashley?" Nephira leaned forward a bit as she spoke.

Ashley could smell her perfume, lavender, but mixed with something else, something she couldn't quite place. It was a pleasant combination however, and Ashley found herself breathing deep. "My girlfriend Rachel." She wasn't sure why she just volunteered that information with no resistance, and pondered that thought after she said it.

"But of course. A woman as beautiful as you must have no trouble attracting many eager herms to their side." Nephira smiled again, even more warmly this time.

Ashley wasn't prone to girlish behavior, but she felt her cheeks warming as she blushed. She didn't know why but she felt so small compared to Nephira. Not just in terms of size, but of presence as well. There was just something about the exotic, smoldering beauty before her that made her squirm in her seat a bit. "Well, thank you." It was all she could think of to say.

"I merely state fact." Nephira then scooted in a bit closer, and suddenly she touched her hand to Ashley's leg just below the hem of her robe. She slid it up slowly over her flesh until it was resting on her thigh, her wrist moving the robe out of place as she went.

Ashley's first reaction was shock, but also to take notice of how warm Nephira's touch was. She couldn't deny that it felt nice, but she wasn't the type to run around. "Um, well thank you again. But it isn't an open relationship." She glanced down at Nephira's hand as if to get her point across.

Nephira didn't remove her hand, but she didn't move it any farther either. "You should finish your tea before it cools. If you'd like more you need only ask." The way she spoke, the tone her voice carried, it was like a sensual matron.

As if driven by the will of the dark skinned hybrid, Ashley forgot about the hand for now and took several more sips of her tea until it was gone. She then set the cup down onto the plate atop the table. "That was good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. But perhaps there is something I can offer that would give you a more lasting warmth." Suddenly Nephira stood up in front of Ashley. She reached down to her skirt and began undoing the hooks that held it in place, and before long the garment fell to the floor around her ankles.

Ashley's jaw literally dropped at the sight before her, for she saw that Nephira wasn't a woman at all. Her green eyed gaze drank in the sight of the thick, heavy cock of Nephira, hanging low against a pair of utterly swollen and ripe looking testicles each the size of grapefruits at least. It was not just the sight of them, but the scent pouring off of them that entranced her. The flesh of genitals was a dark brown, turning black as she followed it down Nephira's cock. It seemed it wasn't just the tail and ears that were equine, but her shaft as well, which ended in a broad, flat head, though much of her cock had come out of it's sheath. "Y-you're a herm..." Ashley couldn't help but wonder how she hid such a monster so well.

"An astute observation Ashley." Nephira suddenly put one foot up on the couch next to Ashley, leaning forward to bring that huge cock and swaying sack nearer to the shocked human. "Do you like what you see?" She asked knowingly.

Ashley breathed in sharply, wanting to run away and at the same time wanting to get closer as well. The scent coming off of Nephira's crotch was heavenly. Filthy, but at the same time so intoxicating, like she was breathing in sex. It reminded her of something else however, sometime recent. "T-the tea..." She stuttered to say.

"I'm glad you noticed. Yes as I said it's mostly hibiscus, and some of my own..." Nephira paused as she reached down with one hand to cup her bloated balls. "...flavorings. You didn't seem to mind it at all."

Ashley swallowed hard, wetting her lips as she looked up at Nephira. "T-that's disgusting," she said in an tone lacking conviction.

"Is it? Very well. I put it to you then. Sample the source, and if you dislike it that much I will take you to your room and let you rest comfortably for the rest of the night, alone." Nephira leaned in closer.

"I'm not going to do that. I have a girlfriend." Ashley shook her head, but her eyes drifted back down to those heavy orbs.

"One who is not present. I'm sure Rachel is a lovely herm, but she isn't here. It is just you and I Ashley." Nephira smirked and hefted her balls up more with one hand as she pulled her cock to the side with her other hand. "One lick. That is unless you're afraid that you will enjoy it too much."

Ashley scoffed at her. "Are you serious, reverse psychology? Do I look like an infant?" She was offended by how stupid Nephira apparently thought she was.

"If you are that intelligent and strong willed, then you should have no problem resisting temptation. At the very least you will have an interesting story to tell." Nephira held her position, holding those fat nuts up on display, daring Ashley to take the bait.

Ashley narrowed her eyes. She knew full well that she shouldn't do anything of the sort, but at the same time she saw Nephira's point. Rachel wasn't here, and she'd never know something that was basically harmless. She knew she could give it one go and be done, and she could say she's licked an anthro's balls before. Well, a hybrid at least. "One lick?"

"Just one and done." Nephira restated the deal.

Ashley licked her lips again and started to lean forward. She moved slowly, but it was like the potent musky scent was cradling her face, drawing her forward, urging her on. Before she knew it she found her lips pressed to one of those heavy orbs. It was intensely warm, she could feel the heat washing over her features like waves. Slowly she opened her mouth and let her tongue slide out, and then she began to drag it over Nephira's right testicle in a lingering manner.

"Good girl." Nephira put her hand on top of Ashley's head, resting it there lightly.

Ashley couldn't believe how powerful the flavor of her sack flesh was. Dirty, spicy, salty, yet inviting. After she finished the first lick she looked up at Nephira. There was defiance in her gaze, nearly bordering on anger. 'Damn it don't do it Ashley,' she thought to herself. However she shifted slightly and began to slowly lick up the herm hybrid's left testicle next.

"Very good." Nephira smiled broadly as she saw the will of the human begin to fracture. She leaned forward more then, pushing Ashley against the back cushion of the couch as she pressed her heavy sack more fully into her pretty face.

Ashley wanted to push her back, but she didn't. Instead she let herself be pushed back, and felt how warm and comforting it was to have those heavy, heated nuts pressed against her face. She began to lick more then, and the only sounds that could be heard was the crackling of the fire, the storm outside, and the wet sounds of her tongue bathing those bloated balls.

Nephira let this carry on for nearly five minutes before she pulled away, though not too far. She reached down and put a finger underneath Ashley's chin, raising her head to get her to look up into those deep pools of violet the hybrid had. "Now that you've finished the appetizer, it's time for the meal Ashley." Nephira released her balls, letting them drop back down, causing them to wobble and jiggle due to how heavy they were. She slipped her fingers around her thick shaft and began to stroke it, precum drooling out from the slit onto Ashley's robe.

"H-hey now I never said I was going to do that. I have a girlfriend, I'm not about to suck you off." She was starting to panic. Not because she thought Nephira would force her, but because she didn't think she could actually stop herself. 'Don't you fucking do it Ashley,' she chastised herself silently. "Besides it's too big."

"Yes so you keep saying. But your girlfriend isn't here, and I don't much care whether you do or do not. Why deny yourself something you want when it is so readily available?" Nephira smiled and continued to stroke herself, bringing that obscenely thick cock to life, making it grow and swell, the thick veins starting to show more readily.

"Because it's wrong maybe? Maybe you don't care about fedelity but I do. Rachel is a good person, she doesn't deserve to be cheated on." Ashley huffed, pouting almost as if she were arguing with a parent.

"Perhaps not she doesn't, but what I think is even more wrong is to deny something that was meant to be." Nephira now held that fully hard shaft in her hand, the length and girth of it even more startlingly impressive now that it was fully sized, putting any human length to shame and then some.

"Meant to be? Are you...crazy?" Ashley scoffed at the idea, nearly laughing as she shook her head. "You realize how stupid that sounds, right?"

"So it is just happenstance that brought you to me tonight? This place, this position, and your obvious enjoyment of what I have to offer? Your tale isn't so unlike Corrine's. She came here with one set of expectations, and quickly found them shaken to the core. And now she is quite happy with her new life." Nephira suddenly dragged the head of her cock across Ashley's lips, smearing them with precum.

Ashley recoiled a bit, but instinctively her tongue darted out to taste the substance. It was sticky, but much sweeter than she expected. It was odd tasting someone else after having been with only Rachel for so long. "I just wanted to get out of the rain," she said after a moment of savoring the taste.

"Ashley. Open your mouth." Nephira demanded suddenly. She didn't raise her voice, but it was very firm.

Ashley scowled at her, but surprisingly did as she was told. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, and a she did so she couldn't help but feel the guilt coiling up in her stomach. She didn't understand why she was listening to this herm, but for some reason it felt right to. In fact it felt good to follow her commands.

Without another word Nephira moved her hips forward, gingerly pushing the head of her cock between those offered lips. She paused as she saw Ashley struggling to take it due to the sheer thickness of her length, but once she gave her time to adjust she pushed another inch deeper, then stopped.

Ashley was surprised how much different her cock tasted as compared to those heavy balls. It was in the same family of flavors, but unique. Perhaps it was a mixture of the hybrid's musk combined with the sexual flavorings of the girls she'd been with, but Ashley liked it. In fact she loved it. Her eyes fluttered closed and after the initial discomfort of taking something so big in her mouth she let out a muffled moan. She leaned forward then, starting to move her head back and forth slowly, taking more of the cock bit by bit. As time passed she grew more bold about it, beginning to lash at the underside of the potent cock with her tongue, feeling the texture of her dick flesh, taking in every detail of the feel and taste. With time and effort she began to feel it bumping against the back of her throat, and she also felt Nephira start to slowly pump her hips. 'Fuck she wants me to deep throat it,' Ashley thought to herself, but as much as she dreaded the thought, she was equally excited by it.

Nephira cooed softly as she watched the smaller human bob her head on her aching cock, her hand gently stroking the dark strands of hair away from Ashley's face as precum drooled out of her shaft like a leaky hose. "Obedience is much more enjoyable that stubborn denile Ashley. You will learn that before the night is over." She said in a husky, sensual tone.

Ashley didn't know what she meant by that, but right now she didn't care. She was swallowing the precum eagerly, but it was starting to come faster than she could keep up. She didn't stop however, and she suddenly surged forward, taking that fat cock deeper into her mouth. She felt how it stretched her throat, as well as the pulse of it while it throbbed in such tight quarters. 'Damn it Rachel, why couldn't you have one of these.' Her thoughts were betraying her now, she could feel herself slipping deeper down the well.

"Nnngh, so eager. I must confess I usually have a great deal of stamina but seeing someone as beautiful as you so passionate about my cock is getting me more excited than I have been in a while." Nephira groaned as her cock twiched and throbbed, the orgasm mounting more quickly than she anticipated.

Ashley had an idea of what that meant, and she welcomed it. She reached up putting one hand around the length of horse cock as best she could, but found her fingers couldn't get all the way around. Then she used a second hand, starting to stroke it double fisted as she bobbed her lips up and down the slippery length faster and faster.

Suddenly with no further warning Nephira grunted and moaned as her dick swelled up even more, then it began to dump hot, excessively thick ropes of cum into Ashley's mouth. "Yesssssss..."

Ashley tried to keep up, managing to get down the first spurt of cum, which was twice as much as she would have swallowed if it had been Rachel's entire orgasm, but there was still much more. The second spurt caused her to leak some out of the corners of her mouth, the third and forth came out even faster. Hot white cream exploded out from her lips and began to drip out from her nostrils, and it wasn't even done with yet. She shut her eyes tightly as they watered, pushing forward so that the head of the cock was deep in her throat.

"Smart girl." Nephira smiled as her orgasm continued, pumping rope after thick rope of cum from her cock now straight down into Ashley's belly.

Ashley was having oxygen issues, but at the same time she didn't care. She wanted to see how much more cum the equine hybrid could possibly put out. She felt her belly getting full quickly however, felt how the cum dripped from her nose and mouth making quite a mess. Finally when she felt like she was about to pass out she pulled away gasping and gagging, coughing as she felt air in her lungs again. Yet Nephira wasn't quite finished, and a few more spurts of hot seed splashed across her face, slicking back her hair and coating her features thickly.

"I would wager you've never experienced something like that before have you my pet?" Nephira smiled down at her as her orgasm finally died off, though cum still dripped out from the tip and her cock lost none of it's stiffness. In fact if anything it was even more swollen than before.

Ashley sat back breathing hard for a few moments before she could even respond, not even attempting to clean herself up. "God, how can you produce that much cum..." She meant to think that, but in her dazed state said it aloud.

"I take it you have never been with an anthro before then? While it is true I am a hybrid, looking mostly human as I do, I retain some qualities from my father's side of the family." Of course when Nephira said father she meant the equine herm that impregnated her human mother. "We've only just started pet."

"Don't call me that." Ashley wiped the cum away from her face with her hands and opened her eyes. "I'm not a pet." She scowled up at Nephira.

"Time will tell," Nephira said with a smirk.

"No time will not tell. You wanted me to suck you off, I did. And yeah I enjoyed it, but I'm not ready to join your little...your little harem." Ashley was starting to get annoyed by the arrogance of the herm. "One time thing," she added with a huff.

"My sweet Ashley. Do not pretend like you can turn back now, it cheapens the moment." Nephira then went down on one knee before the human, pushing her thighs apart with her hands.

"W-what moment, what are you doing?" Her eyes widened a little and that feeling of helplessness was coming back in force.

Nephira ignored her question for the moment as she pulled the tie of Ashley's robe and opened it up, showing off her nude form underneath. She cupped her pussy with one hand, gently massaging it with her palm as she looked up at her. "Such heat. So much lust built up within you. You aren't satisfied. I don't fault your girlfriend, she simply doesn't have what it takes to properly sate you. My you are wet aren't you..."

"Hey! Rachel is a good---OH!" Ashley was cut off mid protest as she felt two thick fingers slide into her dripping pussy, and soon afterwards they began to pump in and out of her. It was quickly after that when she felt Nephira's thumb perfectly placed on her clit as well, rubbing her swollen nub skillfully. "Oh, oh wow...okay...um..." She was at a loss for words. She'd been fingered plenty in her life but never like this. Nephira's digits were finding all the right places, applying just the right pressure to make her squirm. If she was wet before she was absolutely drenched now and all in a matter of moments.

"Relax pet, let it wash over you." Nephira urged as she continued to manipulate Ashley's hungry sex with deftness.

Ashley closed her eyes then and slowly spread her thighs wider for Nephira, loving how good it all felt. But after a few moments she felt fingers replaced with a warm mouth. Her eyes opened wide and she looked down at the top of Nephira's head. She felt her tongue swirling over her pussy, flicking at her ripe labia and sensitive clit. "Oh no don't...don't do...ohhhh!" She was trying her best not to give in but she found herself quickly slipping her fingers into Nephira's silky mane of hair, grinding her pussy against her heavenly mouth. It wasn't taking Nephira long at all, Ashley could already feel the orgasm building inside of her. She'd never felt it mount this quickly before, it was never like this with Rachel. Then it stopped.

Nephira pulled back, licking her lips with a devious smile. "You taste divine. I will have to sample you more later. But for now we have another matter to attend to. You protest out of loyalty, but I know where this is going to end Ashley. Come along." Nephira stood up and walked towards the steps.

Ashley was panting, shocked and annoyed that Nephira just left her on the edge like that. She looked back over her shoulder, her gaze burning towards the hybrid who was trying to order her around again. "I'm not a dog." She didn't stood, but she didn't move to follow, not even seeming to care that she was naked now.

"Of course you are Ashley. You are a bitch. Do not take offense to the term however because I mean it with the utmost affection. You will be loyal, obedient, and ready to breed before the night is over. Now come here." Nephira spoke much more firmly this time.

Ashley knew she should have been outraged by the comparison, but something about the dehumanizing words caused her pussy to throb with excitement. It was like she could feel her mind slowly going along with the hybrid's will. Silently Ashley walked towards Nephira, unable to keep her eyes off of that massive, still hard cock that jutted out so readily from her body.

"Good girl." Nephira smiled and took her by the hand, leading her up the steps. They walked up one flight, and then another until they were on the third floor. Nephira then led Ashley down a long hallway. There were several doors, but it was a particular door they stopped at that was painted a deep hue of violet. Nephira opened the door which revealed a pitch black room. "Go inside."

Ashley looked at her, defiance still burning in her eyes for a moment, but she did as she was told. Each act of submission making her feel more alive, more aroused. She stood in the darkness for a few moments before the lights came on. She saw that the room was rather small, and there were only two things within it. One was a cabinet against the back wall, and in the middle was an odd looking table. It was slanted on a diagonal toward the floor, and padded. There were two arms stretching out above toward the ceiling, and then stirrups toward the bottom. There were straps on the arms of the chair, most likely to secure someone, as well as straps near the stirrups no doubt for the ankles. Ashley swallowed hard, looking back over her shoulder at the equine hybrid. "You don't want me to sit in that do you?"

Nephira closed the door behind them and locked it, turning back toward Ashley with a wide smile on her face. "Of course I do. And you want to as well pet." Nephira reached down with one hand and ran her fingers over the length of her cock from tip to base. "Because when you do, you will get to feel this inside of you."

Ashley's cheeks lit up brightly at those words. She looked between the chair and that bloated horse cock several times before she spoke again. "I can't do that. This has gone far enough."

"Far enough? Not yet, but soon." Nephira smiled as she walked toward Ashley. She put an arm around her waist and guided her toward the strange bondage table.

"No, this has to stop." Even as she spoke the words Ashley didn't fight back. Nor did she fight back as Nephira helped her up onto the table. Ashley put her feet in the stirrups, but didn't do anything else, folding her arms over her chest. "I can't Neph---" she stopped mid-sentence to correct herself. "I can't miss."

"You see? You're already learning. Your place is here with me Ashley. Now put your arms over your head and I will secure your wrists. When you do that this little game of cat and mouse will be done with. You can stop fighting, stop resisting. It will feel more amazing than you could possibly know." Nephira walked up to the table, moving between Ashley's legs. She gripped her cock once again and aimed the flat, bloated head toward her pussy. She didn't enter her, but she did slowly drag the tip along the slit of her pussy.

Ashley shivered in response to that, her arms falling to her sides as she felt the heat of that cock against her sex. She nervously chewed on her bottom lip as she felt herself raising her arms then, a moment later they were above her head, waiting.

Nephira smiled but said nothing. She simply reached up and fastened the restraints around her wrists one then the other. Once that was done she secured her legs, using the same restraints on her ankles. "Are you my pet?" She asked once she was finished.

Ashley nodded slowly.

"Are you my loyal bitch?" Nephira continued to question.

Again, Ashley nodded.

"Who am I?" Nephira smiled and ran her fingers down her length of cock again.

Ashley hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke. "Mistress."

Nephira's response to that was to suddenly push her cock inward against Ashley's sex.

Ashley cried out as she felt that huge head start to stretch her dripping hole, she knew it was going to be a tight fit but this was beyond her expectations. She looked down, panicked and helpless to stop as she watched inch after throbbing inch vanish into her pussy. "Oh fuck! It's so big!" She cried out again. She whimpered as she continued to look on, like the length of cock would never end. She could see the outline of it in her stomach, making her bulge.

"There is no turning back for you now pet. Once you have had my cock inside of you, all others will utterly fail to pleasure you." Nephira smiled and reached down to gently rub her cock through the flesh of Ashley's belly.

"I...I don't care! Just...please fuck me. Please...mistress." Ashley whimpered, never before in her life had she ever felt a need like this before. Every moment before this failed to make any sense to her anymore. Why would she have resisted this. It was what she wanted. No it was what she needed. Her place was here, with her mistress.

Nephira smiled at those words and pulled her hand away. She undid a strap of her corset, pulling free a strip of leather with a buckle on it.

Ashley quickly realized that it wasn't a corset strap, but a collar. She knew what was coming next, and she wasn't going to fight it. "I'm ready Mistress."

Nephira nodded and leaned in once more, wrapping the leather collar around Ashley's neck and then buckling it into place. "Welcome home pet." She smiled and then gripped Ashley by the thighs, suddenly thrusting into her.

Ashley howled with pleasure, her tits bouncing after the first thrust, and then the next, and the one after. On it went as the equine hybrid fucked her, pumping her throbbing length into her more deeply than she ever thought possible. She felt herself getting stretched, ruined really. She understood now what Nephira meant when she said there was no turning back, and she didn't care. She knew that Nephira must have been very potent as well, that pregnant belly of Corrine's was no accident. "Are...are you going to breed me?" She asked breathlessly.

"Of course pet. You will have many of my young." Nephira grunted as she doubled her efforts, slamming that massive pole of cock flesh home.

Ashley was going to reply but the vigor with which she was being pounded by the hybrid robbed her of her voice, all she could do was moan. The time started to blur, all she could feel was pleasure. She didn't know how long Nephira had been fucking her for but suddenly she felt the hot seed start to pump out of her cock for the second time that night. The sensation snapped her out of her sexual daze, and once more she looked down at her stomach. This time it was swelling again, but much more than before. She watched in lust as Nephira made her womb bloat out with cum, already making her look pregnant. Slowly the flow of seed tapered off, and Ashley was left a mass of sweaty, panting flesh.

"How do you feel pet?" Nephira smiled at her, wiping off her own sweaty brow before she stroked Ashley's cheek.

"Like I'm...home." Ashley wiggled her round rear into the table, working that still throbbing cock around inside of her. "I love you Mistress."

"I know pet. I know." Nephira grinned.

Two Weeks Later...

Rachel waited patiently by the fireplace for the so called mistress of the house to make an appearance. Ashley had been missing for two weeks now. Not even anyone at the station knew what happened to her. The strange, half-dressed pregnant girl that answered the door instructed her to wait in the main room while she fetched her 'mistress' to answer her questions. Ashley's crushed cruiser had been found only a mile away, but there was no sign of her. The police had already stopped by the inn but said she wasn't there. Finally she heard the sounds of footsteps on the stairs and she turned to look.

Nephira smiled as she came down, looking at the red headed human herm. "Greetings. I am Nephira Shadowmane. I'm told you're looking for someone?" She asked curiously as she walked towards Rachel.

Rachel sighed and nodded, running her fingers through her fiery hair before slipping her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. "Yeah my girlfriend. Ashley Connor. Tall, dark hair, pretty?"

"Hm. I don't know anyone by that name. Perhaps my pet does." She turned and called up the steps. "Sapphire, come down here."

'Sapphire? Jeez, what a stripper name.' Rachel thought to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.

Slowly a gorgeous blonde made her way down the steps, tall and elegant, clad in nothing save for a black leather collar around her neck that had a silver nameplate on the front that read 'Sapphire'. She immediately dropped to her knees next to Nephira, nuzzling up against her leg as she gazed up at Rachel.

Rachel could hardly believe her eyes. "A-Ashley! What are you doing! What happened to you?" She exclaimed with shock.

"I'm not Ashley," Sapphire responded. "Not anymore."

-The End