A dog named Toby (4)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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A dog named Toby

Chapter 4

By Roofles

Glomped. Hugged. Squeezed. Groped. Humped. Licked. Bite and gnawed on, Cody found himself pushed against the break room wall by the bernese mountain dog that pressed against him further with a low growl rumbling in his chest. His large paws held him firmly against the wall with only his fingers. Strong fingers that dug into his gray suit with blunt claws. Tightening as he grabbed at him with another low murr vibrating in his throat.

"Ignoring me at first." Toby said playfully bending his head down to nip at his neck. His teeth were but an inch away from flesh as they snapped shut. Goosebumps ran up his neck as he shivered against the warm breath and soggy tongue that followed. Licking up his bare skin and across his cheek. Nuzzling against his ear roughly with the end of his snout, Toby continued. "Then teasing me so."

A paw ran down his chest. Nail dragging almost menacingly snatching the opening of his pants and tugging on them a bit. It only served to pull his body closer to his. Toby grinded against him at this.

Cody was standing on his tip toes to compensate for the height difference as he was soon fondled by that paw, being molested by this dog. Feeling the other paw run up his side across his chest to cradle the side of his head in its warm, almost caressing fingers.

"Who said I was teasing?" Cody answered taking a sharp breath as Toby's thumb dipped into his pants, rubbing the top of his bulge crudely, crassly teasing him. Cody closed his eyes with a shaking breath escaping him as he found himself being the one teased now.

"Well now I'm the one doing the teasing." Toby stated as if not even hearing him. He bit Cody's ear lobe softly with another playful, lusty growl as a dog would a toy when he was in the mood to play.

"Toby." Cody said trying to push him away as a flush took his face. The dog held his ground not even budging at the attempt. The larger body only pressed against him further closing any distance between them with his hulking form.

"That's right. Say my name." He growled nosing at his again. Further opening his muzzle he tilted the man's head to the side to nom his neck. Teeth barely touching the skin as he licked at it. A shaking breath left the dog and his grip noticeably lessened as he seemed to be the one enjoying this moment rather than Cody.

Cody gasped at the muzzle clamped around his neck, softly but securely. Holding his breath Cody was almost afraid to move but his racing heart and stammered breathing gave away the arousal tenting in his pants. Bringing his hand down he stroke Toby's chest, over his belly and between his legs. Facing his palm upwards he cup the dog forcefully. "You like this, huh?" Cody said almost hesitantly as he felt that thick tongue run over his exposed throat again.

Toby pulled back, folded his ears and nodded meekly with a whimper. Looking at him with large puppy dog eyes as he did so. He humped into his hand as if just to make sure he understood. And Cody was almost taken aback by the dog's meager attitude and lack of dominance he had only seconds before. It only turned him on further as the dog obeyed the hand cupping his groin.

"You are nothing but a hound dog." Cody said quoting one of his favorite songs. "Nothing but a hound dog." He said softer pushing the dog back a few steps having full control as if using a joystick to move a robotic dog. "And as much as I'd love to sate your lustful desires of hound dogness. I got to get back to work." The words left him but his hand remained. Rubbing the bulge still hidden within its sheath. Feeling that hefty sack on the tips of his fingers. He could feel the heat through the fabric and the warm hot body felt too good to just up and let go. Even if logic and reason screamed at him to let go and quickly run back to work. Lust. Desire. And the tent in his pants overruled these thoughts.

Toby had cloudy eyes, the end of his tongue rolled out and he laughed foolishly. Giddy as he humped again into the hand in his groin. He closed the distance between them again pressing further into that hand as he did so trapping Cody's arm between their bodies. "Your work," the dog spoke still with a growl. "Is right here." And once more to back his statement he humped eargerly against him. Not into his hand. But a whole body hump into Cody as he growled even further.

"Is that so. Mr. Steel?" Cody asked saying his name professionally. It only furthered the growl in the dog's throat.

Roughly pressed back against the wall the dog began to rework on his neck. Biting and gnawing on the tender flesh like a succulent roast. Licking as he drooled over it. Electing a groan from the man he was appetizing on that only increased his fevered hunger. A hunger that meer licking could never satisfy.

"Ok. Ok. Ok that's good." Cody said finally actually trying to push the dog away. His eyes shot towards the clock and a curse escaped him. "You going to make me late again." He found himself pleading against the dog that still didn't budge. In reply Toby humped him again with a whine.

"It'd be worth it though." Toby said shoving him back but his grip loosened. "One small mark on your record. One tardiness never hurt anyone. I'd make it worth it." He said but his voice softened and it sounded more like a plea.

"As much," Cody said moving his paw off his chest. "As I'd like that." He removed his hand from that groin, knowing it'd smell of him for the rest of the day. " And the idea of tossing you back onto his table," Cody moved Toby back with a hand. "Hold your tail up for the world and...well you can leave the rest for your imagination." He said almost teasingly but a sorrowful tone hung with every word. "I just can't."

Cody was about to move away when a paw gripped his wrist tightly. "And why not? I understand if you don't want to be late. But what is this...this...need to be on time. And get to work early. And - and - and...just everything!" The dog found he was almost yelling as he finished.

Toby was breathing heavily. Panting with wide almost fearful eyes as he looked at him. Desperation was on his face and Cody couldn't blaim him. It wasn't in his nature to tease someone so and then hold out but this was just one of those things. Where life was just a bitch.

"Because. I don't have the opportunity too." Cody said bringing a hand up to touch that face. Toby nuzzled against it with a whimpered whine.

"Sorry." The dog said pulling his head and scratching his arm as he straightened up. His voice was a little shaky. "I'm just...worked up is all. I didn't mean to or nothing."

"Me either." Cody said letting his hand fall back to his side. "I got to...get back to work." He moved past the dog who turned to let him go by. Cody stopped at the doorway and looked back at him.

Toby had his head down. Looking at his paws with both hands in his pocket.

"It was fun." Cody said into the silent room. Toby didn't even look over and Cody didn't blaim him.

"Are you still taking me...willing to take me home." The voice came from behind as Cody turned away about to run back to his desk.

He stopped at that and looked back with that warm, genuine smile reserved just for the dog standing in the room. "Of course. I'll see you after work then, Mr. Steel." He added as someone walked by.

Toby found his ears standing up and the end of his tail wagging at the look on that face. "Stupid bastard," he muttered adjusting himself forcefully a second later. "We are SO going to have a talk about this tonight when we get home." He grumbled stomping back off towards the elevator. A paw was still in his pocket. Fingering the wrapper to the biscuit treat he had gotten that day for lunch.

A dog named Toby (5)

A dog named Toby Chapter 5 By Roofles "Have a good one, Cheryl." Cody waved using the hand carrying his briefcase. The doors opened as he approached and wasn't too surprised to see a dog waiting for him. The other dog with him however was. ...

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A dog named Toby (3)

A dog named Toby Chapter 3 By Roofles "This is so your fault." Cody said speeding through a yellow light getting several cars honking at him and a few choice digits pointed in his direction. "You weren't complaining." The dog said casually as...

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A dog named Toby (2)

A dog named Toby Chapter 2 By Roofles "Toby. Toby." The dog rolled onto his back, opening his maw as his tongue rolled out to the side. His leg kicked a bit as he heard his name said over and over again as he was rocked back and forth softly. It...

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