Mac. Part 1.

Story by Karegian on SoFurry

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This is the first of several parts to this story.

I think you'll get the jist of what's going on shortly into it.

"Dammit!" He says, slamming his fist down. "Hey, Mac? What's up?" Mac turns to see Ted, the newest member of staff, near-smiling at him. "'s this damn copier again. I swear one day, I'm gonna just push it outta that window, and to hell with it!" Ted walks over, looks at the copier, then at Mac "Hey, just leave it. I'll get maintenance to take another look. If it's screwed, we'll just have to tell the boss, and get a new one. Why don't you go home, you've had a hard week."

Mac sighs, breaks a smile and nods "Yeah...I'll see ya' on Tuesday then..." Ted turns the copier off at the socket as Mac grabs his coat from the stand, turns to nod then gets into the elevator. The usual cheery music is playing as Mac watches the numbers get lower and lower, until finally that bell...and the ground floor opens up.

Almost oblivious to the world, Mac just catches a cheery "G'night Mac, have a good weekend!" To which he turns and half-heartedly returns a "Yeah, night, too."

Walking to his car, the wind is brisk and there's a full moon. Mac always smiles to himself at a full moon, no clouds means it's going to be a brighter night. He gets into his car and drives out of the car park onto an empty main road.

He usually leaves work earlier, but this week the company is short several staff due to illness, so everyone else has to lend a hand until everything's back to normal. This has messed up most peoples' schedules, except for Mac, who likes to work more than most. And he doesn't really have a social life at the moment...

The drive home is uneventful as usual, with very few people walking around at this time of night. He pulls up in front of his apartment block, gets out and locks his car. He heads up in to see the elevator's still busted, "Typical..." He takes the stairs; luckily he's only on the 3rd floor. Room 306.

He meets no one on his ascent, until he gets to his room where a neighbour, Joyce, is just getting in too. Joyce works late at a local Supermarket. They've hardly ever spoken, except the usual "Good morning's" to each other.

"Good evening Mac. You're back late aren't you?" "Yeah, evenin' Joyce. Just, problems at work, nothin' big. You ok?" Joyce smiles "Oh yes hun, I'm fine. You look shattered though! Go get a bath or something." Mac just manages a smile "That's the plan...g'night to you."

Mac gets into his flat, turns the lights on, removes his coat and heads to the kitchen for a drink. He grabs a pitcher of lemonade and orange from the fridge, pours himself a big glass and sits in front of the TV. There's never anything good on this late, so he finds the sports news channel...see if anything's been happening lately. Same old news, his local team are losing badly.

After a while, he goes to the bathroom and runs a bath using some relaxation salts. Taking off his shirt, making sure to not catch it on his horns like last time, and tossing it into the hamper. Next he removes his pants, undoing the belt and letting them drop. He shuffles them off his hooves and into the hamper. Lastly he removes his underwear, which is a relief as his manhood flops out and hangs free. To say he is 'well hung' for a Bull, is an understatement. He has a hard time finding sufficiently sized underwear, so sometimes he doesn't bother. That can sometimes turn out worse, but more often than not, it's the best choice.

His bath water is almost ready by now, so he turns on the radio and off the taps. He finds the local midnight show, who run an hour long call in show. There's some crap about politics on, but he's not in the mood to bother searching for something better.

Mac tests the water; it's hot but just as he likes it. He steps into the bath slowly, getting used to the heat as he lowers himself down. Mac holds his ball sack as he gets under the water, not letting the heat get to it just yet. Sighing as he relaxes into the hot water, letting the aches of the week seep from his body. Closing his eyes as the water ripples over his toned body, Mac drifts off to sleep.

It's gone 1am when he wakes, the now cool water bringing him round. Feeling a little uncomfortable, he looks down to his shaft; hard and sticking out of the water like a periscope. He reaches down and starts to stroke along the length, laying his head back and remembering a recent dream.


He's lying on a sandy white beach, watching the surf and listening to the ocean waves crash on some nearby rocks. The beach is quiet today, only a few others enjoying the summer's sun and the salty air. A familiar sight comes into view from around the rocks...a faceless stallion that Mac has seen in many dreams before this one. He sits up, gazing with lust at the approaching...


Mac is brought out of his imaginings by a warm sensation on his face. He opens his eyes to get another face-full of his seed as he reaches climax! He moves his other hand up to shield his eyes whilst he strokes and squeezes his shaft. Gritting his teeth as his whole body spasms in ecstasy, he can't help but giggle at his warm seed on his face. Continuing to stroke his shaft, Mac relaxes back into the bath water as his orgasmic peak subsides.

With a smile, he gets up out of the water, standing in the bath soaking wet, letting the water drip from him. He reaches down and pulls the plug, letting the water seep away. Looking at his chest and feeling his seed drip from his face, Mac turns and starts the shower up, giving himself a quick clean up.

He shuts the shower off and gets out, grabbing a towel from the rack and drying himself off. Mac throws the towel into the hamper and goes into his bedroom to get some clothes...but decides instead to flop onto his bed and try to get some sleep. It doesn't take long for him to drift off again, this time he dreams of an old friend...and a day he will never forget.


"Hey Mac! Mac!!" Mac turns to see who's calling him, "Huh? Hey, Pete? What's up?" "Who're you takin' to the prom then?" "Prom? Uh...I haven't thought about know, with the game on Saturday. I'll probably just not bother, ya know." Pete walks over shaking his head "Oh come on! You've gotta go, all the girls'll be waitin' for you. And if you think I'm gonna handle 'em all on my own...Hey wait a minute...that's not a bad idea!" Pete laughs with a huge grin as he imagines all those cheer leaders.

Mac smiles at him, "Yeah, uh, you can have 'em all Petey." Mac wasn't lying about the game at the weekend; it was going to be a big one: The inter-state college championships. He could even get a scholarship from this, maybe even a full time career in the big leagues. As his mind wanders with thoughts of winning, a team mate walks up and slaps him on the back. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking about Mac. The game right?" Mac snaps out of his day dream "Oh hey Mike. You know me, always thinkin' of the games."

"So, we gonna beat the crap outta them on Saturday then, aint we!" "You bet your ass we are..." Mac looks around, then whispers to Mike "Hey, can we talk later? I need to ask you about somethin'." Mike nods, "Sure bud, always here for ya!" "Thanks pal. About 6 ish ok with you; the locker room after practice?" Mike nods, "Sure, cya then. But right now, I see a honey that just needs to be taken care of. Toodles!" Mike wanders off, confident as ever, straight at the head cheer leader. Mac doesn't wait to watch his friend get rejected once again, so heads off to the locker room to get ready for practice. It's still a couple of hours away, but he needs to get his head in the right place.

No one's around as he'd expected, so he takes the treadmill for a spin. Mac always liked to push himself hard when it came to sports, and today was no different, setting it on a high speed. With his hooves, he used to have trouble keeping up, but not anymore. He closes his eyes, concentrating on his running and occasionally switching speeds and variants on the treadmill.

Before he knew it, it was time for practice. He hears his team mates entering the locker room, mostly talking about who they were taking to the prom at the weekend, after they kick the other teams' butts.

Even though Mac had been on the treadmill for a while, he was still raring to go when practice started. Although his head was somewhere else, he still managed to pull off some amazing throws, catches and tackles. Football was like a second skin, he could do it in his sleep...and with how his bed looked some mornings, he probably did.

After practice, the coach jogs over to Mac as he leaves the field, "Hey Mac, that was some great work out there today. You do that on Saturday, and we're sure to beat the crap outta those losers!" "Thanks coach. Yeah, we will." Not exactly the enthusiasm the coach expected, but he figured Mac was just tired and left it at that.

Back in the locker room, Mac just sat by his gear, waiting for everyone to shower and leave. Mike comes in and sits down beside him, "Hey bud, great practice today!" Mac nods, "Yeah, you too. You even caught my long throw today, you're getting' better." "It's the legs man! I always said I'd make a great catcher, especially with the speed you chuck that thing." Mike was a born athlete, a young Buck with the speed of a Gazelle, and the nimbleness of a mountain Goat. He could run rings around almost anyone on the field, and usually did, just for the fun of it.

Shortly after, the last one leaves the showers, Mac turns to Mike, "Hey, shall we?" He points towards the showers and gets up to change. Mike nods and gets undressed too. They grab their towels, head to the showers and hang them on the rails. The water's still flowing, hot and steamy as always. Mac's the first under, and moves to the end, as Mike gets under the middle shower.

Mac lathers himself up then tosses the soap across, smiling as he tries to make it a hard catch. Mike's up to the challenge, catching it gracefully, without slipping or sliding. "Nice catch!" Mike bows then turns his back to the shower as he lathers up his front. Mac stands there, watching...

He can't seem to take his eyes of his friend. "Mikey, can about somethin'?" Mike doesn't turn, but replies "Sure. I thought this is why you wanted to wait. You got summat on your mind?" In a nervous tone, Mac says "Yeah. It's about the prom..." Mike glances around, "Don't know who to ask eh?" "Not exactly..." Mike turns and move across to the shower next to Mac, which seems to make Mac even more nervous. "What's up? You're not in 'trouble' are you?" Mac perks up at this, almost angry "Hell NO! Nothin' like that..."

Mike turns around, continuing to get washed under the hot water. "So, what's up then?" Mac turns too, though glances back a few times, "Everyone expects me to go with Melissa...or one of the other cheer leaders." He turns his shower off, which makes Mike turn back to look at him. "But...I don't wanna go with them." He looks down, "I don't wanna go with any of the girls..."

Mike turns his shower off, "You don't like 'em?" Mac smiles "Not" Mike laughs, "Boy you have high standards. So, what's wrong with Melissa? Aint she big enough for ya?" "Big enough? Oh,'s not that." He turns away as something stirs inside. Mike comes up behind him, grabbing him by the shoulder as he leans against his back with his head over his other shoulder, "What's the matter then?"

With Mikes' closeness, Mac can hardly control himself, but he somehow manages to. "We're best friends right Mikey?" "Sure, to the end!" "Ok then..." Mac turns to face his friend "I'" Instantly expecting the worst, Mac looks down. Surprisingly, Mike doesn't run away screaming like he thought he would. Mike laughs "You're havin' me on! Good one." Mac looks up, "It's no joke. I'm, gay..."

"But, I've seen you with girls. Hell, I know you've even screwed one of em half a dozen times already." Mac looks up, "Huh? Oh yeah, that. Yeah I've been with girls before...but never felt right. But I look at you an'..." "At me? You look at me and...what?" Mac gingerly smiles, "I look at you...and, I just wanna hold you, and...other stuff."

Mike doesn't know which way to look, " fancy me? You know I'm straight right?" Mac nods, "Yeah I know...which is what makes it worse. I watch you an..." "You watch me? Am I cute then?" Mike smiles, in turn making Mac smile and feel better, " are."

Mike turn his shower back on, "Does anyone else know?" "You're the first one I've told. We're best friends...if I can't tell you, then I can't tell anyone. okay with it?" "Well...I'm okay with you being gay, sure. I've got gay friends." Mike looks round "You know, kissed a guy or anythin'?" Mac shakes his head, "Not yet...but I'm hoping too soon...real soon."

Mikes' eyes open a little more, "You...mean me?" Mac walks a little closer, "No one else here..." For the first time, Mikes' gaze wanders down, seeing Macs' shaft is hard, "Hey woah now!" "C'mon...please? I wanna know what it's like." Mac gives him those baby eyes, but Mike is focused on this huge meat coming towards him.

"You're serious? You wanna...kiss me?" Mike sighs, "Well...I guess one kiss won't hurt." Mac leans in, Mike backs off instinctively but is stopped when his back hits the wall. The shower is now flowing between them, making it hard for them to see each other. Mac giggles and turns the shower off, so he can see where he's going.

"You can close your eyes if you want to imagine I'm someone else..." "Heh, might help." Mike closes his eyes as Mac closes in. He puts his hands on each of Mikes' cheeks, holding his face gently as he presses his lips against his friends. Mike shudders a little at the touch, but soon relaxes into it. Mac closes his eyes too, keeping their lips together but pressing a little harder. Mike puts his hands on Macs' chest, holding him away as he feels their shafts rubbing together.

The kiss seems to last hours, for both of them, until Mac reaches down and gently cups his friends' sack. Mike sputters as he tries to speak, "Hey...wait a minute! You just said...a kiss!" "Please Mikey...please." His gentle words and caresses melt Mikes' resistance, and his hands fall to his sides. "Oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Mac hand moves and grips around Mikes' shaft, slowly stroking it to erection. "How does that feel?" Mike replies with a shivery voice, "Weird...very weird..." Mac smiles, kissing Mike on his neck.

After a few moments, Mac looks into Mikes' eyes, then starts to kneel down "Hey...what're you...oh, shit..." Mac cups Mikes' sack with one hand, still stroking with the other, and takes the head of Mikes shaft into his mouth. He licks it all over and around, feeling Mike shiver and breathe heavier. "Jesus Mac...I've never even had a girl do this to me..." Mac starts to suck Mikes' shaft, all the way in and out, slowly at first, getting harder and quicker until Mike cries out "Mac, wait! You're gonna...make me..." Mike cries out as he hits his peak, with Mac holding on tight as he takes all his friend has to give. He swallows a little as there's so much but allows the rest to spill from his mouth.

He kneels there, looking up and smiling, at his gasping friend, "Feel good?" "Shit...I never thought it'd feel like that." Mac stands, grinning, Mike looks at him and asks "What?" "Do you know, with mine?" Mike looks down at Macs' throbbing meat, "I...I just can't. I'm sorry, but no." Mac grins, "In that case, turn around..." Mike looks into his eyes, "You're not..." Mac interrupts him with a smile "Turn around..." Mike slowly turns, "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

With Mike facing the wall, hands up bracing himself, Mac spreads his legs a little and feels between Mikes' butt cheeks and under his tail. "You know, you're gonna owe me, big time, for this Mac..." "Anything, anytime and anywhere." "Hey, that's not what I meant..." "I know." As Mac moves in closer, Mike calls out "Hey, know, be gentle..."

Mac lubes himself up with his spit, Mike braces himself. Holding his shaft, Mac aims for Mikes' entrance, hitting the spot first time and pushing in. Mike gasps "Shiiiit..." Mac doesn't hold back as he moves, pushing in deeper each time. Mike starts to open up and relax more, making it more enjoyable for both of them. Mac pulls his friends hips back a little, giving him a better angle as he pushes in all the way. As he pulls out this time, Mike gasps "Christ that feels so damn weird..." Mac asks "Want me to stop?" ""

Mac slows as he feels his orgasm approaching, holding it back. He grips around Mikes' body, pulling him off the wall and flat against his chest, "You're beautiful..." Mike doesn't reply, he just lets Mac enjoy it. He caresses Mikes' chest and groin, pawing him off again until he shoots another load, this time all up the wall. "Nice..." Mac can't hold back his orgasm any longer either, pushing Mike against the wall and holding onto the shower heads, thrusting up for the last time as he cums deep inside his friend.

Mac pants hard, moaning as his throbbing cock fills Mike up with his seed. Mike tries protest, but can't muster the strength. He knows what's happening, is somewhat disturbed by it, but is also enjoying it.

As the two of them come down from their highs, Mac keeps Mike against the wall, still inside, still panting, not wanting it to end. Mike says "I...I never said, you that." "I'm sorry Mikey...I couldn't pull it out. I didn't...I didn't want to." "It's okay...but..." Mac interrupts "Please...please don't say you hate me for it!" Mike shakes his head "Nah. I don't hate you." Still held against the wall, he glances back to smile at Mac "Just next time, ask first..."

It takes a few moments for Mac to catch on. "Next time? You mean..." Mike giggles "Yeah...ok. I admit, it felt great. But! I'm straight, and we're friends, but friends...ok?" "Ok Mikey! Best friends. Thanks!"

Neither of them having moved, with Mike still pinned against the wall. Mac gives his best friend another long kiss before asking "Mikey?" "Yeah?" "Can I?" "Oh go on then."

They continued making love until it was time to lock up the college gym, then they went back to Macs' place...where they spent the night together.
