Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#8 of The Chess Master

This is the Chess Master novel, a work in progress. I've been working on this since March 16th, 2003. Unlike all of my other stories, I only added my name on the prologue. I even worked up a cover for the novel back then.

Warning: The Jansen Tanner parts of the novel are written in "first-person."

Act VII: Moonlight Marathon

Astraea flew effortlessly with me riding on her back. It intrigued me that she was so much in appearance almost identical to Saul. What really impressed me was the gargoyle's speed of flight. They were fast. Maybe not as fast as a dragon, but I had not encountered any dragons, so this was pretty fast to me. We were in no time out of Austria, and skirting the southern edge of Switzerland, in our flight to France. She could almost fly as fast as our private jet.

Still, I was worried that I had left Byron behind in the Tyrol Alps. I just knew he was going to report this to Danath. And I was fast beginning to not like seeing Danath's reactions to my feats in the field. Fortunately, Astraea cleared her throat getting my attention once again, as we crossed the French border. Now, I directed her towards Saul's cavern lair near Saulieu, France.

After landing outside the cavern entrance, I called out Saul's name into the opening, followed by announcing who was calling. I was pleased when he did emerge from the cavern. Though he blushed quite darkly when he saw Astraea. I could tell by his snuffling nostrils that he knew that Astraea was in heat. Saul winked at me as he led Astraea into his home. Then to me, he shot a "you really don't want to watch this" glance and I nodded my understanding and set off back towards Saulieu itself. I knew once I returned to Athens, Greece, there would be Hell to pay.

Fortunately for me, as I arrived in Dijon, I encountered a Black Queen named Locke "the rududu" Radson, a native born Australian Chess agent. Locke told me he had just turned in a report at the bunker and was heading home for some R&R. Locke then invited me to come see Australia with him. I really wasn't wanting to see Danath's face just yet and I figured that a Black Queen knew more than I did, so I accepted Locke's invitation and the two of us boarded a jet en route to Paris, where we would catch a commercial flight to Perth, Australia, a good fourteen hour flight. I slept for most of the flight, but Locke woke me up when we were landing in Perth.

In Perth, Locke and I boarded a plane that he owned, and we flew northeast to Wiluna, an hour's flight for Locke's special little plane. Once in Wiluna, we transferred into a Dodge Ram Pickup, and drove northwards to a station just east of Paroo, Western Australia. That's when I saw them hundreds of red kangaroo. Locke told me the group was called a "mob", though they were the friendliest little buggers you could ever meet. Locke owned a kangaroo farm.

After we were settled in, I soon found out that Locke's idea of "R&R" meant "Rompin' With Roos", for he was stripped down to his shorts and outside playing with his "buddies". I watched Locke and the others play for awhile, at first. Then, Locke invited me to "join in fun" with him. So, I stripped down to my shorts, as Locke had done, and headed on out to join them. Well, I was not only a new face, but a new scent too. I got pounced by almost the whole mob. Locke just laughed and laughed. But once they had my scent, they let me play with them just like Locke was doing.

To make a long story short... (Too Late!) Locke kept me on his kangaroo farm for about thirty days. Then, we bathed, redressed, and headed back on the return trip to Athens. To Locke, a worthwhile vacation. To me, a replenishment of lost energy. I had welcomed the break. Though having to face Danath Gaul put me on edge, but I knew it was unavoidable.

Once we had arrived back in Athens, Locke escorted me to Danath Gaul's office and explained where he had taken me and why... the poor guy needed some rest. Locke winked his trademark Australian wink and grin at Danath. Danath didn't seem very upset this time. That scared me.

"Evidently, some of my agents have a brain in their head. Thank you for kidnapping this Tanner. Byron told me what happened and how you escorted that female gargoyle to France. If Locke hadn't grabbed you, your ass would've been shackled in the deepest part of the headquarters in solitary confinement. But fortunately, Locke saved you from being forced to take a rest. Maybe now, you'll take necessary breaks on your own after a mission. Unfortunately, there is another mission that you seem to be keyed for. I don't want to send you, because you're crazy. But other than Locke..."

Locke was wisely no longer in the office. His feet were heard running away down the hallways.

" You're the only agent who is available."

I was sort of upset that Locke had fled leaving me to face Danath, but still, there was obviously something to not accepting missions from Danath Gaul.

"Okay. I'll try not to act crazy this time. Where are you sending me?"

Danath seemed to smile at my saying I wouldn't act crazy.

"Remember how you met Chess originally?"

That made me back up a step.

"Ys O'dora."

Danath nodded his head.

"Word reached her people that you had killed her. They are preparing to hunt you down. We got wind of this plan and are sending you into their nest to stop them before they permanently stop you. I don't need to remind you that you'll be on their home turf. This is why you cannot perform any crazy acts this time. This is a serious mission. If you have any favors from anyone powerful, now would be a great time to cash them in. Otherwise, you're in for a pretty hot time. Do you have any questions?"

I had paled from hearing this.

"I assume that the other agents are conveniently away on other missions? Hiding, as it were? Don't answer that. Okay, I'll need a special set of equipment."

And I began reciting off a list of the items and weapons I was sure I'd need. Many of the items were expected, but a few were strange. Danath merely recorded the list and paged the list to the supply division to be fulfilled. Then, Danath turned to me and hummed.

"Of all the supernatural creatures we deal with, vampires are one of the few that believe they are superior to all other species on Earth. They will always believe they are better than you, and will not think you capable of defeating them. This is what we are hoping. That they will be too vain to properly handle you. You're to leave in the morning from Athens, aboard the private jet, to Budapest Hungary. Once there, you'll report to our bunker and get your heavy duty ATV Jeep Cherokee. Ask them to load the jeep with A34s, about fifty of them. They come with instructions. You'll find them useful. Then, drive southeast to Bekes near the Romanian border. To the east of Bekes, you'll see the O'dora castle. One word of warning: the people in Bekes are loyal to the noble family of O'dora, so whatever you do, do -not- spend the night in Bekes. The people will turn you over to the O'dora family without question. Once you're in that area, you'll truly be on your own. The castle is said to be right on the border between Hungary and Romania. I needn't tell you how vital it is to put down this threat. Should you return alive from this mission, you'll receive a much deserved promotion whether you like it or not. Now go, and Jansen... good luck. I really mean it this time. This is not a family to take lightly."

I exited Danath's office slowly. It had begun. The O'dora family had been informed of their kin's defeat. And they knew that I was the one who killed her. I was very afraid. Vampires were the one thing that I did not like to handle. After dealing with the countess, I was not looking forward to seeing the rest. I headed down to ask Mykaelic for a favor.

Hours later, I was arriving in Budapest, Hungary. I reported to the bunker and requested my jeep and special supplies. The contacts there helped me stock up, but they were more eager to get me out of the bunker as fast as possible. I couldn't blame them, to be honest. The whole O'dora vampire family was mad at me and it was better to not be traveling with me, than be caught with me when the vampires appeared. I signed out officially and drove the jeep off to the southeast towards Bekes.

My troubles started when I got within ten miles of Bekes. Someone shot at my jeep with a rifle of some sort. I was fortunate enough to be missed, but my windshield wasn't so lucky. Now, I had a better idea on what Danath meant when he said that the people of Bekes were loyal to the O'dora family. They obviously didn't want me to arrive in one piece. What bothered me the most is that they seemed to know that I was to be arriving today. They were ready for my arrival. This meant that someone else had to have alerted them. But who?

When I reached the Bekes off ramp, I decided to make the people of Bekes think that I wasn't going there. I stayed on the main highway that bypassed Bekes and kept driving. By doing this, I got a good glimpse of the O'dora castle on the far forested hill. It was ominous and spooky. Straight out of Bram Stoker and Anne Rice. If the two had ever married in a joint writing venture, that castle was the result. And there seemed to be a constant storm around the castle itself. That indicated to me that these people had power. I continued driving. A back door entrance was fast becoming my main concern for entering the O'dora estate.

I continued on along the highway, past Bekescsaba and across the Hungary-Romania border. It was nearing nightfall when I pulled into the town of Chisineu-Cris. I was pleased to see a roadway, E671, running north and south at this location. I knew I would be able to see that castle from the back side. I parked my jeep at an inn and registered a room for the night. Danath had told me not to sleep in Bekes. Well, this was certainly not Bekes and I needed a place to stay. Then, I walked across the street to a pub like restaurant to get some dinner. It was late when I entered, but there were a few patrons here. The waitress took my order and after I was served, I was joined by an elderly man dressed somewhat importantly. My internal red alarm went off.

"This certainly is not Bekes, is it Mr. Tanner?"

I glanced up at the elderly man.

"Not all journeys end where the map leads one, do they? You seem to know me, therefore you must be one of the O'dora nobles. What do you want?"

The man props his elbows on the table and rests his chin on both of his hands.

"I want to know why you came here."

I ate and drank some more before answering.

"My mission is two fold. First, I was to investigate a werewolf sighting. Secondly, I was told to investigate a charge against me made by your family. Not necessarily in that order. But seeing as how one of the people of Bekes tried to kill me before I could reach Bekes, I decided not to grace their streets with my presence. I came here. Now, what are you really wanting?"

He blinked his eyes and leaned back a bit.

"You really aren't like the rest. No wonder Ys got killed. She was expecting what she was used to. Not a wild card, like you. Let me say this only, it is in your best interest to avoid Castle O'dora. If you go there, we'll fight you to the death, and furthermore..."

At this point, the discussion was interrupted. Another man wearing a cloak and hood, placed a hand on the elderly man's shoulder and gripped quite painfully.

"Silas O'dora. Is this a casual visit or have you forgotten that the O'doras are not welcome in Romania? You will stop threatening this man and return to your castle with the knowledge that you were inches away from death this night. A permanent death."

He released his grip and Silas O'dora stood up, glaring at the new man. Then, Silas looked to me again.

"Avoid the castle, if you value living."

He glared at the other again and departed the pub restaurant. The other man asked the waitress to sanitize the chair that the vampire had sat in and he snagged another chair and sat at my table.

"If you are their enemy, good sir, then you are likely welcome here. May I ask what plans you have?"

Something about this man also set off my red alarm. I reached into my coat and pulled out two items... a bottle of holy water and a blessed wooden cross made to also be a wooden stake. I set them on the table between myself and this man. I noticed that he backed up considerably.

"I was right. You're also a vampire. You're not an O'dora, so you must be a Romanian vampire. At least you're not trying to get me killed. My orders are simple... slay the O'dora family before they can kill me. I accidentally killed their American relative. Ys O'dora."

The male vampire seemed to smile when I said that.

"So, you're the one who did that. You don't look that powerful. Or she was simply weak. Do not worry. As long as you're not in Romania to kill any of our vampires, you might gain our aid. I overheard part of the conversation. You seek a werewolf here in Romania? I know where one is, if that is helpful to you. His name is Sebastian. Last name unknown. He has a small home north of here just off of E671 on the east side, along the river there. I'll warn you now, good sir, he isn't a man who becomes a wolf. He is a wolf who becomes humanoid. He's lived in this region for as long as I can remember. He claims that he was once Poseidon's favorite. Use caution if you plan on seeing him. Though if you seek further help from my family, everyone in Chisineu-Cris knows me as Octavius Flavian von Hammer."

He took something from his cloak and lay it on the table.

"If you wear this clasp while in Romania, no member of the von Hammer family will ever attack you."

I looked at the golden clasp of a wolf embracing a phoenix while both held a hammer in their claws and paws, then back to Octavius.

"I am Jansen Tanner, a White Knight of Chess. And while no missions of mine involve your family, I can't help but wonder why you are helping me."

Octavius seemed to smile within his hood.

"Perhaps it is because I can see the long range picture. Beyond tomorrow, as it were. Helping you now will earn a valuable ally in the future. Also, my aiding you has the effect of helping you stay alive, as well as, ridding this portion of the Slavic Nations of a blot of tainted blood that has passed it's importance and usefulness to the noble families of the chosen."

I finished my meal and put my items back into my coat. Then, I pick up the clasp and clipped it unto my coat, as well. I glanced up at Octavius as I stood up.

"I'll be setting off in the morning. Please inform your family that I mean them no harm. I really don't need a second vampire family attacking me while I am removing the blot, as you put it. If you need a bit of swearing on my part, I can give that. Upon my soul, your family is not even within any mission that I am to handle. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need my rest."

Octavius walked with me to the payment counter and he payed for my meal. Then, he and I walked outside. Standing there beside a white Rolls Royce was a female, also dressed in cloak and hood. She nodded to Octavius as soon as she saw us.

"Is everything OK, Octavius?"

Octavius nodded his head.

"Indeed, June. Our friend Jansen Tanner has no contract on our family. He is here to take out the O'dora family. I have offered our family's aid whenever he needs it."

June nodded her head and stepped back into the car, awaiting Octavius. Octavius shook my hand, then also got into the white car. The Rolls Royce pulled away, heading off towards the nearby castle of whitewashed stone. I released a slow breath then headed back to my inn room.

The next morning, I had breakfast then hopped into my jeep and headed north on E671 towards Sebastian's solitary home. The werewolf wasn't exactly on my mission list, but if the werewolf knew that I wasn't hunting him, then I could better trust that I wasn't going to have a wolf man stalking my trail. At least it was pretty country; Romania had that going for it.

I finally reached the road leaving the highway down along the east. I parked my jeep and looked around the area. The first thing I noticed was the wolf staring at me from the treeline. He wasn't advancing, but it seemed more like his goal was to let me know that he could see me. I nodded my head as if to understand and the wolf vanished into the forest.

I made sure my gun and silver ammo was in my possession. The last thing I needed was being attacked by a confused werewolf. I walked along the trail, following Octavius' directions. After an hour, I finally came across Sebastian's home. Fortunately for me, he was chopping wood in his front yard. Unfortunately, the wolf I saw from earlier was also here. That meant Sebastian knew that I had come to specifically see him.

"Sebastian, I presume? Before you get the wrong idea, let me explain why I am here... I am Jansen Tanner, a White Knight of Chess, but I am not on a mission against any wolves... I have been assigned to defeat and slay, if necessary, the O'dora family. I was going to approach their place from the back side and I wanted to make sure you knew I was in the area and to make sure you didn't back attack me while I was working."

The large burly hairy man turned his gaze to me and chuckled.

"I am Dominic Payne."

He indicated the wolf behind him.

"That is Sebastian."

I blinked my eyes, as I noticed that the wolf was smiling.

"Somehow, I should have known that. At any rate, the message is still the same. If there is nothing else, I'll be on my way now."

Sebastian tilted his head and shifted into his humanoid wolf form. That's when I noticed the gills in his neck. What the heck was this wolf? Sebastian then approached me.

"I know... a path... if you... will trust... an old... sea wolf..."

I looked into the eyes of the sea wolf.

"A good path is better than no path, Sebastian. I won't ask you to aid me. Like I said, you're not on my mission orders. And I can promise not to shoot at you but if you've dealt with humans as long as I think you have, then my promise is empty words."

Sebastian the wolf laughed.

"If you are... truly hunting... the O'dora family... then I will... help you... kill them... They are... no longer... the nobles... their line... once was... You have... yourself... a sea wolf... soldier of Poseidon..."

Sebastian held a paw out to me. I shook the offered paw. Sebastian grinned, then released my hand and shifted back into his wolf form once again. Sebastian led me back to my jeep, then looked up at me.

"Jeep... no go... where I... will... lead you... Take... from jeep... things... you need..."

I nodded my head and started rearranging my camping gear. There was no way I was going to leave behind the A34s. I ended up looking like a mountaineer. But I needed every item I had packed. Sebastian then rolled his eyes as he saw my pack. But he didn't complain. We headed west.

When we were within a mile of the O'dora castle, Sebastian turned to me, nuzzling my leg.

"We wait... for daylight..."

I blinked my eyes, and looked to Sebastian.

"Why do we wait for sunrise?"

Sebastian kept nuzzling my leg.

"You want... an advantage... over them... don't you? If you... attack them... at night... they will... be at... full strength... We wait... for the sun... Our ally... They will... be in... their coffins... We can... kill them... as they... slumber in... their coffins... They will... not sense... you here... once my... scent masks... your scent..."

I nodded my head and sat down, allowing Sebastian to rub his wolf scent all over me. This proved to be very fortunate. Sebastian was barely finished when a vampire bat flew over our location, seemingly not even noticing our position. Sebastian just gave me look that seemed to suggest, "see, I told you so." Then, Sebastian and I curled up together and slept.

Sebastian nosed me pretty hard right in the groin the next morning. One on hand, it sorta hurt; on the other hand, it felt pretty exciting. I had awoken with a "morning wood". I looked at Sebastian, who seemed to be giving me a wolf grin.

"The weather is... cooperating... with us... this day... Though if... we are successful... I will... help you with... your blooming... manly phallus..."

I blushed. It was pretty obvious. I sort of liked Sebastian; werewolf or not. But, I was on a mission. I was pleased that the sky was very clear and the sun was very bright. I slowly got up, and with Sebastian, we proceeded towards the castle.

Once inside, my mission was as simple as Sebastian had said it would be. Instead of dealing with vampires, Sebastian and I had to take out loyal villagers; who soon became dead villagers! Sebastian had no qualms over tearing their throats out. I commented that I would brush and floss his fangs later. Then, by early afternoon, we located the coffins. While Sebastian kept watch at the door, I rigged all the coffins and windows and doors with the A34s. Their timers were set for fifteen minutes. When the last one was in place, I quickly tagged Sebastian, and we fled the castle. Some of the villagers gave chase, which was fine by me. That only meant that they would not know what we had done. Sebastian and I ran and jumped off the backside of the castle's plateau. Sebastian shifted forms in mid-fall, and grabbed me in one arm while he began grabbing at tree tops and secure branches with the other claw. While it did slow our descent, it didn't stop us. Then, we hit the river water! Good thing the river was deep.

For those who don't know, a Chess issue A34 is a liquid nitrogen firebomb, and I had set all of the fifty firebombs in the main coffin chamber. Just as Sebastian and I hit the water, every firebomb detonated at the same time! The entire O'dora plateau, castle and all, including villagers who were still within range, were engulfed in an inferno of melting degree temperatures, as the entire castle just ceased to exist. As did most of the mountain, for that matter. And what the bombs didn't finish, the exposure to the sun did.

Sebastian pulled me out of the river water at Dominic Payne's home. I awoke the next morning in a goose-feather quilted bed, with Sebastian sleeping on top of me. Sebastian's bed. He had guarded me all through the night. I found it strange that my white guardian angel wasn't around to keep me alive this time. I shivered when I realized that the white creature wasn't always around. Sebastian awoke and licked my face. He then grinned and proceeded to help me as he promised the night before our raid on the castle. I didn't have much choice.

She blinked her eyes after reading that section. She could feel the chase and the flight in her own bloodstream. She pondered for a moment about Jansen's success.

"Jansen really got lucky that time! Who would have thought that other vampires and that handsome old werewolf would have lent Jansen all that free aide. Without Sebastian's help, Jansen would have been killed for sure."

She smiled as she wondered if Pamela Worthington was going to make it on time this Saturday.

"Pamela has quite the gift, at times... It is a wonder she was not recruited by this organization. And I wonder if Octavius and June Von Hammer are the same ones that we know of?"

She grinned as she resumed reading Jansen's agent history.