Father Knows Best

Story by Kitty-Dragon on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a work of FANTASY. If you do not like reading about incest or you are too young for this site, then read no further. This story may contain violence.

My daughter is 12, is that too young? She certainly doesn't look it though. She looks so much like her mother. Her cream and golden orange color pattern was identical to the woman who lost her life just 5 years prior. I can't believe how well she has grown up. Tonight is going to be the night. Everything is planned just so. Her room is dimly lit and smells of lilacs. The rest of the house is dark. I can hear her coming up the stair and opening her door.

For a moment her silhouette stands there, unable to see me naked on the bed. She doesn't understand why her room is like this, but soon she will. I stand up, smiling and strolling to her. She can't hear me, and I know she can't see me. I wrap my arms around her gently and kiss her neck, running my tongue over it ever so carefully. I can feel her body stiffen and she lets out a soft yelp of surprise. "Shhh, baby," I coo, knowing then she recognizes my voice. I am much stronger than she, so even if she puts up a fight, I will prevail. Her body loosens some and she is relaxed in my hold. I bring her to the bed and stand her before it. "Ginger, you are a growing girl. I think you are a very big girl now. Wouldn't you agree?" She nods her head. My paw travels down over her left breast, squeezing it gently. She holds her breath and I can hear her heart beating. It beats for me. All for me. She shall soon be all mine.

I lean my head down, kissing her muzzle. She turns her head away shyly and I growl. I don't like it. My paw lifts into the air and I smack her across her muzzle hard, knocking her to the bed. She yelps in pain and stares up at me. My fur is dark for a fox, a mix of brown and cream. I blend in well in the dim room. "Daddy, that hurt," she whines, thinking I care about it. She turned from me! How could she!

I reached down and picked her up, kissing her muzzle again. She moans softly, but this time doesn't turn from me. She learns quickly. I admire that. My paws roughly move over her small body. As I kiss and lick her I begin to remove her clothes. Her small nipples get hard from the sudden cold air. I lean down and begin to lick and suck on her breasts, hearing her moan is ecstasy.

Slowly, I push her to her knees and put her in front of my already erect cock. "Open your mouth Princess, Daddy has a treat for you." I push forward some, trying to invade her muzzle. She keeps it closed until I smack her across the face with my cock. "I said open you little slut!" She obeys, her small muzzle opening and I push my cock deep in, groaning in pleasure. My paw holds her long cream hair tightly, fucking her muzzle with passion. "Ohhh yesss," I groan as she sucks and licks my hard cock. "Suck it like a good girl you slut. Suck Daddy's cock." She whimpers loudly, which only serves to drive me more wild. I fuck her mouth faster, my balls tightening as I move closer to orgasm. So many times I dreamt of this. I never knew it would feel this good. I growl loudly as my cum fills her mouth. I move my cock out and finish cumming on her face, wiping my cock on her. "Ohhh gooood Slut." I lift her up off the ground by her hair and hear her yelp again. She's mine. Forever.

"Lie down," I demand. I watch as her trembling body lies on the bed. "Spread." Slowly and with caution her legs spread wide. Her perfect pink virgin pussy exposed for the taking. It glistens in the little light in the room. I reach a paw down and insert a digit into her slit, feeling it tighten around my finger. "Ohh, this is going to feel nice. So nice." She begins to cry softly, begging for me to stop. I lie my body over her and kiss her hard. "Do you really want Daddy to stop? You are all wet." She nods her head, crying. "Too bad." I laugh loudly as I ram my cock into her pussy, breaking her hymen in one easy thrust. She howls in pain, crying harder now. I hold a paw around her neck, choking her some. "You stop your crying. You like it you slut. Tell Daddy how much you like it." I begin thrusting in and out of her pussy, the walls tight around my cock. I never had a bitch this tight before.

My body shakes as I fuck her hard. She loves it. I can tell. A father knows. After about five minutes of me fucking her and choking her I hear her gag, trying hard to breathe. "Tell me you like it you little slut!"

"I...I...like...it...Daddy," she chokes out. I loosen my grip on her and feel her cough wildly. Good thing I didn't kill her. I had no more kids and I couldn't wait another 12 years for this. I slow down my pace, still aroused, but pleased with her now. I want to make her feel pleasure. I want her to love Daddy's cock. I grind into her gently, being more careful now. She closes her eyes and moans in pleasure, arching her back.

"There's Daddy's Slut." I kiss her muzzle and for the first time, she returns the kiss. She wraps her arms around me and I roll around on her large bed, pulling her on top of me and let her ride me. She bounces up and down hard, fucking me like I want to fuck her. I buck my hips up to meet her thrusts, my paws holding her hips.

She howls loudly and bounces faster, blushing as she orgasms. I feel her pussy tighten around me and feel her hot juice cover me. I want to cum in her womb. I want to get her pregnant, but not yet. I roll her back onto her back and lift her legs into the air. Taking my cock from her pussy I rub it, moving her juices to her tail hole. She squeals as I push a finger into her tighter hole. As I push my cock in she screams loudly. "NOOOO DADDY!! NOOO!" I tilt my head to the side and realize she isn't ready yet. I ram it back into her pussy and she groans, cumming again hard.

I fuck her pussy slower now. Enjoying how tight it is. She is truly all mine now. Soon I am thrusting in and out hard and fast. A loud long howl comes from me as I fill her with my warm seed. I want her pregnant. I want to start a family with her. I want to fuck my child/grandchild with her. We would start sooner with that one though. But I know I jump ahead of myself. My paws rub her chest. I lean down and kiss her again, grinding in and out of her.

She was mine and I was so happy.

**End note. I am thinking of expanding the story, so if you like it let me know so I will definitely have a reason to continue!