Uncle Eddie

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http://itty-bitty-kitty.sofurry.com/ posted this journal http://www.sofurry.com/view/458989 and the questions got me thinking a bit. This is what my mind came up with for 2) and 3)

"Okay, so let me get this straight; you just want to know what it's like to get a 'proper tanning' on your rump"

The young Manned Wolf nodded his head, grinning like an idiot

Eddie took a long drink of water and looked back down at the young, fox-like creature that had followed him onto his porch after he put the lawn equipment away for the evening "So, what are we calling a 'proper tanning' then?"

The boy giggled "You pull me over your lap, spank me until your hand hurts too much, then get your favorite paddle and beat me with it until I can't sit for a week!"

Eddie gave the boy a wry smile of his own "You know, of course, what 'Can't sit for a week' means, right? I mean, you won't just have problems with sitting, it'll hurt to walk, it'll hurt to stand still...what's going to happen when your mother notices that you're having issues with such things?"

"Let me worry about Mother, okay?" Then, more humbly after the Husky/Wolf's glare, "Mother won't even be home all weekend, and I barely see her through the week."

Eddie sighed in thought "Alright, Chris, I'll give you that your mother is almost never home, but I'm not sure I should really do this. So, I'll tell you what; we do this on my terms, and I get to choose how you'll pay me back."

The boy answered by running up and grabbed Eddie in a tight hug, the close contact allowing the large Hybrid to feel just how much the boy was trembling.

Eddie was planning on making Chris earn his spanking, something like spending the day with him wearing girls' underwear, doing some chores, or even stripping naked and striking embarrassing poses while begging to be beaten, but the smells, sounds and motions of the small body convinced him that there was already plenty of thinking done, the boy just needed this to happen while he had the courage to let it start.

He picked up the boy and carried him into his living room, sitting him on his knee to remove the boy's t-shirt. He pulled his own over his head, once again wishing that he didn't live in a prudish neighborhood that made it worth the annoyance of clothing to not have to hear their mouths, and again hugged the small body tight before laying him on his back across his lap. His claws explored the thinly furred thighs and bald belly as he spoke;

"Chris, I have a bath brush, a thick belt and an old ping-pong paddle that I can use on you, and will without mercy, but I would still prefer to know why I'm doing this to you."

The boy was starting to look a bit uncomfortable at the attentions he was currently getting, but Eddie didn't stop. His fingers unfastened the buttons on Chris's shorts and snaked under the waistband of the red race car adorned briefs to find a stiff, fleshy surprise. Chris closed his eyes, but didn't open his mouth.

He did let out a bit of a yip when he was flipped over, but remained silent as those briefs were fully exposed and a large hand started to land stingingly on his upturned posterior.

Eddie slapped the thin briefs firmly and slowly, watching the raised tail for clues as to where to land the next slap. If it was held stiff and to the left, he would land a lighter slap to an area on the boy's right hip that hadn't gotten much attention. If it was loose and to right, a harder slap on a still tingling spot on the boy's left hip would follow.

Chris was able to take a significant spanking before his squeaks and yips turned to cries and tears, so Eddie decided to turn up the heat. A single hard slap in the middle of the narrow posterior brought a real howl, and a second brought the tail down over the stinging flesh.

"Lift your tail back up, now!" The tail did raise, but came down immediately after the next hard slap.

Eddie immediately unsnapped the brief's tail snap and yanked the thin fabric down to mid thigh, prompting Chris to swing his hands back to protect his violated modesty. Collecting them and the disobedient tail in one hand, Eddie held them in the small of the boy's back and got back to business.

Eddie was no stranger to being spanked himself and knew that each slap would be disproportionally intensified without the insignificant protection of the thin briefs, so he made sure to take full advantage of the effect by increasing the strength of his slaps. Red furred legs kicked in response to the continuation of firm, slow slaps.

With discipline broken, Eddie was a little less careful about where and how he slapped the heated flesh and enjoyed the slow progression of Chris's briefs down his animated legs while the boy's crying and begging became more desperate and his movements weaker. He honestly didn't know how long he had been spanking, but he suddenly realized that his own hand started feeling like it was being hit by a hammer with every slap on the small rump.

He delivered a few more hard slaps, just to make it his choice to stop, and tried to place the boy on his feet. It wasn't happening because Chris bent his legs when Eddie tried to set him on his feet;

"Stand up! Come on, straighten your legs, boy, now!" Chris howled anew as he put weight on his abused muscles.

Eddie guided him to a bare spot on the wall, between the TV, left on and forgotten, and the corner curio cabinet. Walking back across the room, he picked up the wonderfully cute briefs where they had fallen off of the boy's ankles and decided that the beating would not continue. A hand spanking, though it was long, really shouldn't have him complaining to even stand up, so he obviously had never even had a basic spanking before, there was no need to pull out the heavy equipment.

He did a few things while waiting for Chris to calm down, and when he finally did, pulled a couple sodas out of the refrigerator and returned to his chair;

"Chris? Come over here, please." The boy didn't respond to his gentle request. "Chris! Come over here now!"

He turned around and Eddie caught a glimpse of a loose sheath before small hands blocked his view. As the boy got near, Eddie reached out for him, then had to lean out further as the boy stopped just short. He pulled him the rest of the way and placed him back in his lap. As expected, there wasn't much of a pain reaction when the red furred cub put his weight on his rump.

"Chris? What do you think?" There was no reaction. "Chris?"

The young Manned Wolf wrenched himself out of the Hybrid's arm and walked over to pick up his clothes

"Hey, Chris, what's wrong?"

The only response was to walk over to pick up his briefs.

At this point, Eddie was getting genuinely aggravated. He stood up and walked quickly over, grabbing the boy's arms and standing him up just before Chris had a chance to get his first leg into the red garment.

"What did you expect, Chris? You wanted a 'Real Spanking' and wanted to 'not be able to sit for a week,' did you think it wouldn't hurt?"

Chris wouldn't even look the older canine in the face

"Fine, if you're going to hate me anyway..."

Chris did yelp as he was yanked away by the arm and dragged up the steps.

Eddie tossed the boy onto his bed before reaching into his closet and pulling out a long leather belt with twin buckle holes running the length from the tip to just a few inches from the buckle itself.

"Stand up! Now!" Chris stood beside the bed and Eddie was treated to the sight of his sheath fill and the tip of the boy's pecker peek out "Turn around, lay down. Toes on the floor, grab that blanket and don't you DARE let go!"

Eddie didn't waste much time folding the belt in half before pulling the boy's tail out from between his legs and landing a hard lash with the belt across the narrow red bottom. Chris yowled in pain, but didn't let go of the blanket. Another hard swipe, another scream of pain. The third slash with the belt brought the black furred hands back to protect his posterior. They weren't there long before Eddie collected them with the tail and started landing quick, hard lashes across the boy's bottom. Again and again the belt landed and Chris could do nothing but endure it as his feet pushed the throw rug away and ineffectually fought for purchase on the smooth wood floor.

Eddie stopped long enough to flex his shoulder and got nostalgic as he looked down at the desperate boy. How he loved to be in that position when he was growing up! Even now, he wished he hadn't eaten his vegetables and done all those other things he needed to do to grow big and strong! If he had it to do all over again, he would start smoking and drinking too much coffee when he was six to stunt his growth and stay small enough to enjoy the attentions of a larger, dominant male.

The attentions of a larger, dominant male. Chris never knew his father. Chris surely heard the other kids in the neighborhood being spanked by their fathers for their transgressions, then saw them playing happily together and going places together. Chris needed the attentions of a larger, dominant male, and Eddie had given him an almost perfunctory spanking and then shoved him into a corner where he wouldn't have to bother with him. He grabbed the boy by the shoulders and pulled him into a standing position

"Stand up! Into the bathroom, let's go! Use the toilet, both ways!"

Chris looked up with crying eyes, his shaft standing at full attention, with a pleading expression. Eddie reached down and not quite gently pushed the stiff shaft into a downward position. Chris managed to pee, but couldn't produce anything else.

Eddie pulled him off of the toilet and positioned the boy in a bent over position, instructing him to hold onto the toilet seat, pushing his feet apart so that Chris was splay legged and folded nearly in half. He then reached into the cabinet above him and pulled out a small bottle and a tube of lube. The boy obviously didn't know what they were all about, and Eddie loved his reaction to the cool, slick tip sliding inside him. The reaction to the cool liquid squirting inside him was even better! He slipped a hand underneath the boy's hips, holding him firm and assuring him with what he hoped was a proper mix of authority and understanding.

"I gotta, oh, I gotta..."

"I know what you have to do, boy, see to it that you don't! Hold your tail between your legs if it'll help, it's time to put some bruise on your flanks anyway!"

Chris did just that and whimpered pitifully as he saw Eddie take the long, flat backed bath brush off of its hook.

"I would prefer if you would keep the position and don't release the enema. I'd hate to have to show you how badly this can hurt on our first night together."

Eddie gave his words a few seconds to sink in and was proud the see a smile cross the boy's muzzle as the implications of 'first night together' sank in.

"Yes, Sir, I'll be good!"

Eddie said nothing, but landed a good strike on the boy's left flank. He tried to be careful, as he knew from using it on himself that the brush didn't need a hard swing to cause an intense pain. He let the boy stop yelping and let the tail start twitching again before landing another on the right flank. More yelping, more tail twitching, another good smack with the brush.

Eddie was enjoying himself more than he thought he ever could. Truth be told, this situation wasn't too different than an incident in his own past that he wished had played out differently. He couldn't remember what he had done to upset the babysitter, but he had found himself held with his face in the toilet and being beaten way too hard with this very bath brush.

He grinned as he realized that he had Chris living out the fantasy that had evolved from that situation, leaning above a messy toilet instead of being held to the rim with his nose a scant inch from the foul water. Slow, firm smacks instead of unbearably burning strikes delivered with merciless speed. He certainly wouldn't be leaving Chris lying on the floor alone and unsatisfied. Alone and unsatisfied, like earlier that evening. Eddie promised himself he wouldn't make that mistake again.

During his musings, he had traveled down the fleshy outer thighs as far down as he dared, then back up to the well padded hips. He considered doing it again, but Chris was starting to look a little too desperate, and Eddie thought he needed a victory

"Go ahead, Chris, sit down and let it go!"

The Manned Wolf didn't hesitate to comply and Eddie scratched and patted his head as he moaned and gasped, the noises echoing from the toilet confirming the effectiveness of the enema. With a final tussle of his hair, Eddie told him to stay put and walked across the room to draw a bath.

Washing the boy was at least as enjoyable as Eddie had expected it would. Chris beamed in the attention, even as it was obviously just a bit weird for him to be treated in such a way by another male. The emotions continued even as Eddie finished fluffing the boy's fur with a thick towel. From his squatting position, he grabbed a hold of the boy's fully erect shaft and looked up into the bloodshot eyes;

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it if you want to."

Eddie was caught off guard by what he saw in Chris's eyes as much as the words themselves when he replied "I want to get used to it, Uncle Eddie, I really do!"

"Chris? Just for effect, I would like you to go back into...our...bedroom and stand at the foot of the bed with your hands on your head. I promise that I won't be long. I just need to go and get the paddle that will finish off the horrible bruising of your cute little tush. Then we'll do something that will either make you love me forever or make you wish you'd never even said 'hi' to me."

"I'll never wish that, Uncle Eddie. I'll love you forever!"

Eddie gave the warm, bare flesh in his hand a quick lick before release it and handing the giggling boy the tube of lube "Put this on the pillow and wait like I said, okay?"

"Yes, Uncle Eddie!"

By the way he tried to run mostly with his knees and ankles, Eddie knew that he was already pretty bruised, but he had the feeling that it would be better to have to tend to an injured cub than to have that cub wake up the next day feeling ripped off.

He forced himself to take a little bit of time digging out the paddle for the same reason, even though he couldn't wait to have the fluffball underneath him. Walking around the corner and entering the bedroom, he saw exactly what he wanted; a small, red furred body with his black hands held behind his head and thin black feet held just a bit further than hip width apart. The white tipped red tail waving excitedly behind those legs made it perfect, the pink shaft growing quickly in front of the bald tummy made it a dream.

He smiled at Chris, not caring about the predatory nature of it, and actually punctuating it by slowly licking his muzzle like he was savoring a piece of meat. He was rewarded by the boy shivering and giggling. He didn't waste any more time, but walked straight past his new "nephew" to sit on the edge of the bed. As the latter was looking over his shoulder at him, he used the ping pong paddle to beacon him over. Chris also wasn't wasting any time, immediately laying himself over the vacant lap and swinging his wrists into the small of his back.

Eddie gathered tail and wrists and positioned the small body for maximum comfort to endure a long, painful paddling then delivered the first strike. Chris howled and went straight into sniffles as the already hand and belt bruised flesh was once again set on fire. A second smack followed after several seconds and the sniffles turned to proper crying.

Eddie once again allowed himself to enjoy the sights, sounds and feelings of spanking a cub, made even better now that he knew that he was truly giving the boy what he wanted. Not that he wanted it right now, obviously, but he will very much appreciate it later, and eventually want it again. Another smack, another yip and howl. Smack the same spot again, and hold on tight as he tries to wiggle out of his grasp. Take a deep breath and see how his victim is faring before landing another good smack on the thighs and watching those wonderful foxy legs kick as they try to shake the sting off.

As Chris's initial reactions to the initial strikes started to mellow, Eddie sped the paddling up. Chris responded by intensifying his squirming and trying to beg for mercy around his desperate crying, but Eddie didn't stop. His paddle roamed down the boy's thighs nearly to his knees, then back up to his fleshy bottom with painful speed until the squirming stopped and Chris laid across his lap limp and crying.

Eddie picked him up and cuddled the shaking body close to his, not caring that the wide open mouth was howling desperately right under his ear. Petting and scratching, whispering kind and comforting words, Eddie allowed Chris to nearly cry himself out before lubing up a finger and jamming it quickly under the loosely hanging tail. Chris gasped and went rigid and Eddie was worried that he'd gone to far, but the cub's breathing returned in deep, slow gasps instead of the shallow, nearly hyperventilating rhythm he had been experiencing.

The tail had tightened down, but quickly slackened as the finger stared moving slowly in and out. Eddie enjoyed the look on Chris's face as he prepared the virgin hole for penetration. He licked at the tear soaked face before breaking the silence

"Chris? Honey? I know you've been through a lot, but I'm gonna put you through some more, alright?" He grinned as the cub nodded his head "I want you to stand up now, and pull down my pants"

Standing obviously distressed the cub greatly, but he did the best he could, squeezing a few more tears out as he squatted down to pull the older male's pant down and off. Looking up, he saw an erect member that he would eventually learn wasn't "large" by most standards, but was bigger than anything else he'd seen, even on his mother's less modest 'boyfriends,' and he had a pretty good idea where it was going to go.

Eddie picked him up and laid him on the bed, immediately pulling the soft legs in the air. He could see the bruises he left through the thin fur, and grinned at his victim. The grin widened when the cub produced the tube of lube that he had landed on. Eddie was about to ask for it when Chris squeezed a generous amount into his hand and wrapped his long fingers around the pole of flesh that dangled above his body.

"I've seen guys do this to Mother. Is this going to make me your little girl?"

Eddie laughed "That depends on what you want. You can be my little bitch, my little vixen or simply be a little boy that likes it up the butt. You may also learn to pleasure me with this pretty muzzle of yours, but we'll get to that in good time."

Chris opened his mouth to say something else, but Eddie stopped him with a kiss and lined up for penetration. He felt Chris clamp down, but rubbed lightly until he felt the ring slacken and thrust forward. He held still, hugged Chris tightly, and waited for it to come. It took a few seconds, but the room once again filled with screaming and begging. Eddie simply held him close and waited for the worst to pass before starting to slowly slide in and out. It did get Chris going again, but not as bad, so he continued to wiggle and lightly push.

The looks that crossed Chris's face were priceless, pain combining with ecstasy in ways that the young mind was incapable of understanding. Eddie should have wished that there were cameras rolling so that he could later enjoy the sights of his own first domination, but right now his whole world was reduced to the warm, tight hole that he was nearly into up to what would soon be his knot, and the small body that contained it.

He felt that knot begin to grow, and instincts nearly prompted him to thrust it in, but he realized that it would probably be a bad idea to knot the boy the first time. Instead, he allowed it to grow, then allowed instincts to take over. Both males moaned and howled as Eddie's gentle stroking turned into desperate thrusting. It didn't take long before the dam burst and Eddie swore he felt his very soul spraying into the small body. It was the most intense orgasm he'd ever experienced, and he couldn't help to collapse on the equally spent boy.

Eddie slowly came to his senses and realized he had turned into a blathering idiot, repeating 'thank you' and 'wonderful, beautiful boy' over and over again. He stopped his mouth, but not the petting and scratching of the most beautiful thing in the world to him. It made it all the better for him that he opened his eyes to see an angelically glowing face grinning back at him.

"Uncle Eddie? Can we do this again next weekend?"

Eddie beamed back at him "Next weekend? Maybe, but only if we have time after spending the day at the aquarium."

Eddie forced himself to stay awake long enough to watch the cub drift off, still grinning, then surrendered to sleep himself.

Teacher's Fantasy 2

Ari walked around his classroom doing his best to properly supervise his students as they tried to complete their History test. The problem was, he himself was having a hard time concentrating on his task. His gaze kept sweeping back to the girl in...

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Teacher's Fantasy

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