My Love

Story by DarkWolfie on SoFurry

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Hello, this is my 4th story on here. i took more of a poetic aproach to it, umm... i dont think its very good. tell me what you think and if anyone has any advice to give me on writing yiff stories do email me please. hehe. at [email protected] well, yup, this is a sad story, and it only hints at yiff, so if you are looking to just have a quick paw off session go somewhere else, i have a different story for that, hehe. i may write more of those kinda stories in the future when i'm not so depresed. well, pleasent nothing. *hugs all* >^.^<

Who's that boy that sits across from me?

There is something in his eyes

A truth waiting to be discovered

A letter hidden in his paw

A lie that others believe

Doesn't fool me

It happened sometime in the second semester of the school year, I saw him. His face was beautiful, and there as something about his eyes, like he was hiding something but couldn't tell anyone. Everyone knew I was gay, could that be what it was, he liked me and knew I as gay and he wanted to ask me out? Could that be it? I don't like to jump to conclusion. I don't like to get my hopes up. But he always smiles at me. It makes me blush. So I smile back

One day, something happened to me. Something wonderful. He gave me a letter. It was covered in hearts and stars, and there was one big heart on it. Though it wasn't a normal heart. It was dark red with dead eyes and it was looked as though it was boarded to the paper. Was he giving me his heart? Am I supposed to fix him? Mend his broken heart? I opened the letter. It wasn't really a normal letter; it was more like a poem, with out being in a normal poem form. The little letter read: Hello, I see you everyday, and this feeling grows and grows. You have a beautiful soul, and your smile lights my path through the dark hallways of my life everyday in this miserable classroom. The only reason I venture to school every day, is to see you smile. I want to know you, to see you all the time. Love, Dirk. P.S. Meet me behind the D building after 6th today....

A tear nearly came to my eye as I finished reading it. It was beautiful. I've never been so happy in all my life. A boy likes me. My body was tingling. I was shaking. It was an incredible feeling. I was starting to like this boy more and more. Was he my angel? I don't believe in god. But he couldn't be human. He was so perfect. Could he be my angel of love? My fallen angel? Sent to me by mother earth, so I could finally be happy.

I've lived so long in this pit of despair, and loneliness. And now I find this boy, who seemingly loves me. I feel like I love him too. My angel, Dirk. That is his name, Dirk. My angel's name is Dirk. I smile as I walked down these lonely halls. I smile as I enter my next class. I smile as I think of him. Dirk.

He sees me now

I never thought he would love me

Now it turns out he did all along

He thinks I have a beautiful soul

And a brilliant smile

The sun is a dull orange outside

The rest of the day ends

Here comes the end of 6th

The bell rings

Into the dull orange cloudy day I go

To meet my angel

I see him standing behind the D building like he said. I see him smiling at me. I blush and smile back. He says hi. I say hello. We exchange a few words. We walk to his house. Words of movies, and music. Punk rock and horror movies. I love him already. So I tell him. He looks so cute, his cheeks are red and he is grinning. He tells me the same. I look the same.

We finally get to his house and we walk inside. We go to his room. We take off our shoes and sit on his bed. He put on a soft AFI song. I smile and kiss him, and tell him I love this song. He tells me he loves me. And we lay together. There are no words for how I feel at this moment. He is all I need to see, all I need to feel. We are now one. He whispers in my ear. Make me ours. Delicate I love you's float through the air. Our clothes line the floor, we giggle and blush. I get close to you; you see my excitement. I see yours. Smiling little teens.

Hot sweaty skin, shining muscles and grinning mouths. I feel your pain; it enters me like a hot injection of love. This pleasure is like nothing I've ever felt. I love you so much, and I know you love me. No words are passed through the hot air that surrounds us. We are one. Inseparable. You are my other half. We are two pieces of the same whole. Split millions of years ago, we have finally found each other. I am yours, you are mine. Hot flesh rubbing together. Such pleasure. I have never known love such as this. Sweaty fur, and hot arousal. The scent of sex lingers in the air long after we are finished.

I hold you in my arms. Whispering deeply into you. We fall asleep upon that bed. Hot sweat and seed stuck to our fur. We don't care, we are finally happy.

Only known for a short while

Its like we've known each other all our lives

It feels so right

I love you

And you love me

Expressions of love linger in the hot air

We slumber peacefully

Nothing can disturb us

Our love is forever

Then the door bursts open and your father is screaming and cursing. Your mom walks in. I throw my underwear on. No time for words to be past through the still hot air. Your dad throws me out of the house, cursing me and yelling at me. Apparently I'm evil and corrupt for loving someone. I run home tears in my eyes. My paws are bare and my shirt is off. Shoes and shirt in my hands. I get into my room and collapse on my bed. And cry myself to sleep.

The next day, I see you at school. I kiss you, a few people stare, but we don't care. We walk home and you start to cry. I ask you why, but you wont tell me and your expression dulls to emotionless, yet tears still flows from your dark feline eyes. I see only love in your eyes and sadness. Then you say you love me and we kiss. Then you run inside and close the door in my face. I hear screaming from your father. A door slams upstairs. It's your room.

Something clicks in my mind and I realize what was wrong. And I run into your house, and kick your door in because it's locked. There you are on the floor. A razor in your other paw, lying in a pool of blood. Tears stream from my dark tiger-eyes and I run to your side. I take you in my arms and you cling to my body. You tell me it hurts. I tell you to hush. You tell me you love me. I say I love you too. You say you're sorry. I say its ok, hush. And hold you closer. Tears soaked my fur. You say good-bye. And I say no, it's going to be ok. And you're eyes close and you tremble then you stop. And you go limp. There is no life left in your body. I hold you closer, and kiss your cold lips, for the last time. Our love is severed, by a dismal suicide. Why? Why did you do it? My angel, Dirk, is gone. I love you, I scream through my tears as I rock your lifeless body in my arms. Stroking your hair with my paws, covered in your red blood.

Your father comes in and cries out a lonely no. I look up at him and I lay your body gingerly on the black-carpeted floor. I rip my claws into your father's serious face. Screaming you did this at him as I pointed at my dead boyfriend. Then I run out the door and down the street. I think of Dirk's lifeless body, his father's bleeding face. My broken heart. My other half is gone. He is gone. I love you, I scream.

Leaves blow through the air and I drop to my knees in the grass of my frond lawn. Falling backwards a leaf blows infront of my face. I fall onto the grass flat on my back, and I lay there for hours. Weeping into the sky. Staring at the sky. Wishing I could rid myself of this earthbound body and be up in the sky with you. My angel. My love. My Dirk.

Tears don't stop for weeks. My parents try to console me, but nothing helps. I press charges against his parents. Nothing much happens. This only helps to make me feel worse. I want to end the pain, but I cant. This hurts so badly. I can't kill myself though. He would want me to live my life. He would want me to move on. And I will. But his face will never leave my mind. His angel face will never leave my mind's eye.

We expressed our love

Then you were ripped away from me

One last I love you

One last kiss

One last good bye

One last wish

I wish you were here

To see me along the path of life

I wish you were with me

To help me to get through

Please wake up

Please come back to me

Your lips are cold

Mine are trembling

You are gone and I am alone

Comeback to me my Angel

Come back to me, Dirk

I will love you till the end of time

I will never forget your beautiful face

My angel

My love