Studs Only!

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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A drunk lion wanders into a den of horses where he is very much not welcome.

Hey there everyone! Finally finished another story for you guys. This one is a one shot though. Full of hot and sweaty nastiness with horses and a lion. I hope all enjoy. Please comment, fave, and whatnot.

Studs Only!

It was a sweltering hot night. The sun had been down for several hours already, but it felt as if it were noon outside. Any furs who were brave enough to be outside were sweating, panting as the sweat dripped through their furs or over their scales. There was no moon in the skies, keeping the land all around covered in an inky blackness that was not permeated by the heartiest of lights. The rain that had fallen in the last two nights left the air sticky with humidity. A heavy mist clung to the city streets, further drenching anyfur willing to be out this late at night.

A youngish lion was walking down one of the dark, impenetrable streets. There was a swagger to his steps, the maned male having spent most of the evening at a local bar. When that bar closed, the feline had been ousted with the last of the paying customers. He was not quite ready to be done drinking yet, so he was stumbling around, trying to find another watering hole. The lion blearily looked around at the signs, most of them darkened. Finally, he made out the wording of one, several lines of the neon sign missing. Eerily enough, it was called "The Watering Hole". His blurry leonine eyes scanned the dirty window. The only sign in the window read "Studs Only!" The large male beamed in his drunken haze.

"Hey, I'm a stud." He growled in a manly fashion, pushing through the door that squeaked loudly as he entered. He made sure to puff out his chest to seem more macho, his long golden mane flowing around his shoulders and making him look taller. As the male pushed the door open, the smoke was nearly as thick as the mist that hung in the air outside. It took his light golden eyes a moment to see through the haze. The eyes scanned around the building, his ears flicking around as he looked at all the occupants. It only struck him after he made his way towards the bar that there were an awful lot of guys around.

The lion moved his way staggeringly toward the bar, his eyes lighting up when he saw the filly standing behind the bar, one hand-like hoof using a rag on the inside of a clean glass. When she noticed the feline moving towards the bar, her eyes went wide at first, then a grin spreading across her muzzle. She leaned over the bar, large breasts being pushed up by the wooden shelving. "Hey there" she stated in a low southern drawl that drew a shiver from the feline's body. "Something I can get you?" Her eyes flicked around at the other occupants a bit as they started to notice the tawny furred newcomer.

"Yeah" the cat slurred, rubbing his face to try to clear his eyes a bit more. "I'd like a double shot of whiskey, and your phone number." A grin spread across his face, the muscles of it not working entirely in the lion's nearly drunken stupor.

The horse was not impressed, pouring the cat's drink for him, the smile never leaving her face. The glass was slid in front of the grinning feline, who promptly picked up the long shot glass and threw it back, a long rumble coming from him as he put the glass down. "That was some good whiskey" he purred, licking his lips.

The filly female in front of him leaned forward more, showing off her luscious tits to the inebriated male. "So, anything else I can get ya before...?" The grin on her face only got bigger. The lion shook his head, that last shot doing him in.

"Before what? Before you take me in the back and ride this lion pride?" the big male asked with a heavy chuckle at his own joke, suddenly tripping over backward and landing in the arms of a big stallion, whose tail was flicking behind him, a grin on his long face. "Heh, thanks buddy" the feline slurred, looking up at the large horse with a loopy grin on his muzzle.

"No problem kitty cat. Glad I could catch ya. We wouldn't want you to be hurt before we could get started." He nickered a bit, hefting the other male to his feet. He stood close, making the much smaller cat feel a little uncomfortable.

The smaller cat's ears flicked at the comment, the haze of his drunkenness making it hard for him to process the statement. "Get started doing what?" the hapless feline looked around the bar to see that there were an awful lot of people, some of whom were standing up and moving towards him. "No no guys, I'm okay, I don't need anymore help." He twisted his body around and looked at the bar, not seeing the female horse there anymore. His ears swiveled, trying to locate her so he could continue trying to hit on her. "Hey, where did she go?"

"Who? Charlene? Oh, she headed home already. She lets us have our fun, but she doesn't want to be here for it." The big stallion behind him had kept close, almost trapping the lion against the bar.

The lion clucked his tongue, somewhat disappointed that his first prospect for getting off tonight had been lost. He shook his head, trying to clear some of the fog, turning around to look around for a new female to brush up against. However, as his golden eyes scanned the room, there were no other females to be seen, only quite a few bulky, muscular, male horses. Those bleary eyes blinked several times, his mind processing what was unfolding before him.

"Still don't get it do you?" the stallion near him said, huffing out a long stream of air from his nostrils, billowing the lions mane in its wake. "You stepped into the wrong bar tonight kitten." A chuckle rose from his elongated throat, the large hooves clomping another step closer to the cat, pushing his muscular chest right up against the feline's side.

The ears of the feline lowered a bit, the statement stinging a little. His eyes looked around for something to focus him, allowing him to think for a moment. The restroom came into view, the cat's ears flicking a bit. He chuffed out an excuse about too much drinking and slinked past the horse's muscle to slip into the restroom, breathing out a sigh of relief once he shut the door behind him.

Legs slightly wobbling, the usually graceful cat stumbled into one of the only two stalls, sitting down on the seat without lowering his pants. He didn't have to go anyway really, he just wanted to sit down and think for a moment. His ears perked, listening for the sounds of any other males in the bathroom which only consisted of two stalls and two urinals. He heard nothing. He flared his nostrils, trying to take in the scent of any males that might just be being quiet. It smelled of musky men, but nothing was fresh. Another sigh came out, the lion somewhat relaxing as he took a moment to collect himself.

After several moments, the door opened, and the clop-clop of hooves moving into the stall on the feline's left. He held his breath, not necessarily wanting to give away that he was in there. His eyes were locked straight ahead, the door to the next stall opening, closing, being locked. The cat's ears flicked when he heard the zipper of a pair of jeans come down, waiting for the sound of the telltale splash of the stallion relieving himself. That sound never came. With a bit of shock, and recoiling quickly, a large and already mostly hard stallion cock came through a hole in the wall of the stall that the feline didn't even notice was there. With a startled yelp, and only a small lack of feline grace, he bolted from his seat and tore from the bathroom as quickly as he could.

A swift rush of air exited his lungs as he ran right into a wall of muscular horse, his head spinning a bit as two strong hands gripped each of his shoulders. "Now now scaredy cat, you look like you seen a ghost." He looked up at the horse, somewhat smaller than the last one who had harassed him, but still rather imposing in his height and build. "Was Zeke too big for you?"

The lion's eyes opened wider, another shake of his head coming. "No... I mean, yes. Wait, nothing like that. I didn't have anything to do with that." His voice was shaking in fear, a hefty blush of embarrassment coursing over his cheeks. He lowered his head to avoid the large horse's gaze, another shuddering of fear moving through him. He was so frantic to get out of the bathroom with the perverted horse that he didn't even realize that his horse was completely nude, his heavy endowment hanging low out of the sheath and pressing against the smaller cat's leg.

He backed away swiftly, but didn't get more than a few steps before he ran into yet another naked stallion. The first one he ran into grinned menacingly. "Oh Zeke, the kitten here just said that you looked too big for him." The cat looked up into the face of the horse who was in the bathroom, who chuckled.

"Well, then he is going to be real upset in a few minutes." The chuckle got a little darker at that point, making the lion shudder.

All around the shivering feline were muscled horses in various stages of undress. His eyes darted from one to another, trying not to look at their overdeveloped members that were showing. "What's going on in here?" he nearly squeaked his question to the room. The whole of the gathering laughed, the big horse named Zeke grabbing him by his arms.

"Well, the sign outside says 'Studs Only', doesn't it, and you aren't a stud." Zeke pointed out, indicating the feline's body to show that stud clearly meant horse, male horse.

Once again, the cat's eyes widened with panic. "So what are you going to do with me?"

"Same thing we do with anyone who wanders in here who doesn't belong. We are going to have a bit of fun with you." Zeke nickered to the others, who all chuckled a bit, some of the horses with a hand stroking over their swiftly erecting phallus'.

"No... no... wait. I'm straight, I don't want to have anything to do with those." He whimpered a bit, his ears plastering to his head.

"Too late now kitten, you are stuck here with us. Welcome to the bar."

With that, several of the hoofed males moved towards him, pairs of hands gripping him and hauling him up in the air, the feline kicking and screaming out and trying to get free. One of the billiard tables had been moved to the center of the room, all the rest of the furniture pushed to the periphery. The squirming lion was moved to the table, set down on one end of it, his tail hanging down to the floor. His paws were tied down, his legs curved down over the side of the pool table and tied there, legs spread wide.

Once he was secure, Zeke came to the front of him with a pair of scissors in hand, smirking down at the prone kitty. "Well now, we can't have all these clothes getting in the way now, can we?" He reached down to the cat's shirt, pulling the part tucked into his jeans out, putting the scissors to the hem at the bottom and starting to cut all the way up to the lion's neck, said lion struggling hard against the bonds to the sound of heckling laughter coming from all sides of him.

The struggling male watched as his clothing was cut from his body, leaving him completely exposed to the group of wanking stallions, unable to cover himself or react in any way. His sheath lay against his inner thigh, totally unphased by the nakedness surrounding him. "Please, all I wanted was a drink" he pleaded, his wrists burning and chafing as he struggled to pull himself free.

"Like I said before" the big gray horse who was with him at the bar several minutes ago spoke, "you came into the wrong bar."

The feline growled loudly, fighting hard against his bonds, unable to break free, his claws unsheathing and trying to get at the wraps on his wrists. It was to no avail however, the straps were just out of reach of his feline weaponry. He sighed exasperatedly, but he wasn't about to give up. Not even when the first horse approached him from the front, a big hand roaming over his swollen phallus, a clear sheen to it from the ample pre he was generating. Apparently he had been waiting for this for awhile.

The cat felt the first touch of a large hand on his leg, and growled out against it, trying to wrench his leg free from the strong grip. A second hand went to his other leg, both powerful sets of digits kneading and groping at his thighs, making the large cat grimace and growl out loudly.

"Oh, he's a strong one" said the male with hands on his thighs. "I bet his ass feels so good. Nice and tight. You saw how he was panting after Charlene, bet he is a breeder." The hands on the lion's thighs tightened down, making the feline jump with the pressure of it. He nodded his accent to the statement about his sexuality. "Oh yeah... just perfect, his hole is gonna be virgin." A chuckle arose again from the rest of the bar, eliciting somewhat of a whine from the trapped male.

The gray horse was knocked out the way by Zeke, who was much bigger in stature, but not that much in endowment. "You know the rules, biggest male first, and that would be me. Make yourselves comfortable boys, I might be awhile." The lion shuddered at the words, whimpering again, struggling against the straps so expertly tied around his wrists and ankles. He was immobile. The daggers in his eyes were capable of killing, had they but points.

The feline's eyes moved their way from Zeke's lustful face, down his hard packed chest and abs to the thick tool that was hanging between the stallion's thighs. The whites of his eyes became clearly visible as he viewed the dripping monster that was swinging there, a heavy hand slowly stroking over it. "Well then, we should get this started, it is already getting late. I gotta work in the morning."

A kitten-like mewl exited his lips when he first felt the blunt tip of the large horse cock pressed between his thighs. He wiggled his legs, which only further stimulated the horse meat, making Zeke moan out loudly. "That's a good kitten, get me harder, make me leak that natural lube, feels so good." The cat immediately stopped moving, his body shivering from the male's words. Now he refused to move at all, wanting to diffuse the horse's excitement.

However, Zeke wasn't about ready to back down. He was going to mate with something, and this cat had happened to wander in where he didn't belong. The blunt tip rubbed over the lion's quivering pucker, his wide slit leaking copious amounts of pre, drenching the feline's rump with his scent and lubing him better than anything that could be bought over the counter. With a sudden jab, the horse's wide tip pressed against the well-lubed and extremely tight tailhole of the trapped feline.

The muscles flexed, trying to prevent the massive invading monster. He wasn't successful in the least however, as that enormous mound of flesh pushed through his battered ring, causing him to growl and mewl out in pain. Stars exploded in front of his eyes from the sudden invasion of his most hidden reaches, a place that the feline himself would not dare to touch outside of the restroom. The well-muscled lion found himself in pain, a burning pain that ripped through his lower body. He barely even noticed that Zeke was not satisfied with sitting still. The stallion pushed forward slowly inch after inch until he reached his medial ring. At that point, Zeke found himself unable to push forward. The feline's tailhole was clamped as tight as it could get.

"Loosen up kitten, or this will get rougher than it already is." The large dominant horse kept the pressure up on the young cat's quivering entrance, not letting up for even a moment. Ragged breaths could be heard, the tied down feline struggling to maintain his sanity at the onslaught of pain coming from his rear end. The words of the equine didn't even reach his fully laid back round ears. Zeke felt the hole relax just a little, and he took advantage, slamming forward with his hips quickly and forcefully, jamming his medial ring through the cat's defenses to sit in the snug embrace of his anal tunnel. "That's a good kitten."

From around the bar, neighs of pleasure and moans of bliss could be heard, the other patrons unable to continue waiting for their turn with the interloper. The lion's head turned all around, looking about at the all the action that was occurring all around him. Horses were bucking and gyrating, moaning and grunting. The air was thick with the smell of musty horseflesh. He chuffed and tried to block it out, but a quite hard thrust from Zeke brought it all right back to the front of his mind. The horse was now buried fully into his rump, the large draft horse moaning from the tight heat that had enveloped his sturdy shaft. He was breathing hard, looking down at the tawny furred male below him with a grin.

"Hoo boy, I haven't had to work that hard to hilt a mare in quite a long time."

The feline was going to scream out that he wasn't a mare, but he only screamed. Zeke had begun to thrust into him over and over, his enormous meat pounding into the smaller cat's body with relentless force, nearly driving the leo's body off the pool table. Whickers of pleasure and encouragement sparked up around the room. The scent in the air only got stronger and stronger, a new musky smell starting to build. The moans got louder, grunts more intense as it became clear that some of the other male equines were spraying their copious seed all over the bar.

The leonine male looked down to see his battered ass, whimpering when he saw the huge penis driving back and forth into his tailhole. He watched his virgin hole become stretched and swollen. Without warning, the broad tip of the horse cock in his ass was roughly pulled out of him, initiating a yelp from the trapped male. A huge palm wrapped around that massive cock and began to stroke it fast and hard, a snort coming from Zeke's nostrils as he continued his pleasure.

The cat squirmed as best he could, trying to get away from what was inevitable at this point. His whines rose in volume, only matched by the cries of pleasure throughout the room. With a rough grunt and another snort, Zeke neighed with delight, a torrent of horse seed erupting from his flared tip and pouring over the lion's light brown fur. Each shot painted his fur, drenching it down against his skin and marking him as a male horse's property.

The feline's nostrils flared, getting a large dose of the scent of horse cum in his head, snuffling and growling when he became painted and nearly drowned in the white spunk. He panted and mrowred in his rage at his plight, stuck in a place where no one wanted him, yet everyone wanted him. Zeke stepped back from his abused little toy and he nickered.

"Looking good there kitty. I hope you have fun with the rest of the boys here. I have to work in the morning. Enjoy yourself."

Without looking back, Zeke dressed himself quickly and strode out of the bar, making sure to lock the doors behind himself. The last thing he noticed was the sound of the muffled cries of the lion being skewered at both ends, and he grinned.

Watch Your Backside

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Waiting... By Primus Leonides Okay, fellow furries, here is a sappy, somewhat romantic, not completely furry story that is very much not about yiff. I wanted to try something different, so I went for the letters between lovers angle during the war....

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Chapter 8 - It's All the Same in the End

Welcome all to the final chapter of my series, Mere Trifles. I had a blast writing it, though it took me quite a long time to finish. Hopefully, any future writings will be a bit more reasonable in time. That being said, we have a sexless finale for...

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