Chapter One

Story by Nite-Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Unforeseen Lust

This is my first ever-original furry fiction, since my other writings were a fan fiction & adult fan fictions. It was also for a friend. And Ivy Island was used in one of my fan fictions. First try.

"Wha...what happen?" an awakening wolf asked, opening one of his eyes. Dazed and half awake, he slowly sits up before he was clenching his eyes in agony. "Ow..." The wolf slightly groans in pain, as he slowly rubs his head.

The color of his soft slendered fur is currently dark-brown. But his eyes are blue. The looks of his face was charming or maybe a bit shrewd on the other hand. Only thing that some of the wolves in his family and friends would see a bit atypical for him and his own kind is that he has a soft fluffy tail; but feminine wolves seem to like it though.

He then looks around, trying to figure out where he is now. " I?" asked the wolf. Then he heard thunder and rain, which it drew attentions to him to look ahead. He looked up ahead, seeing that it was raining and lightning outside the entrance. The wolf started remembering what had happened earlier outside and started rerunning the flashback on what happened.

Earlier, the wolf was outside in the stormy weather. He was running, trying to find shelter since he was away from home, or just his usual spot, in Ivy Island. He then stops by a tree for a second to catch his breath with his hand placed on the trunk of the tree. Then all of the sudden, a lightning bolt shoots down and struck the ground, which was right near the wolf. The wolf jumped back startled by the lightning nearly striking him. He turned around to make a run for it, but before he was able to do so he hits his head on a large stem from the tree, causing him to make a goofy face and fall in stupor manner. Before he fully shut his eyes close, someone mysteriously floats above him and moves closer to him.

Once he finish thinking about and remembering what happen, he looked around once more and realized that he was, however, in a cave. So warm the cave was, and it seemed spent. It was a tad dark, well in the background. In other words, if someone were to move further in the cave, it gets darker every second. He was now thinking, 'Am I in a cave...? And who was that?'

"I see that you finally woke up," a feminine voice was anonymously heard behind him. He turns around to see who it was. But it was still too dark to see.

"Who are you?" the wolf asked.

"I'm Darlene, sweetie," the mysterious creature answered in the dark area. "And I helped you up here after a bump on the noggin out there." The mysterious creature giggles. The wolf chuckles a little as he turns his head and looks back outside the entrance before getting up.

Then a light lit up, reviling who the mysterious creature was; who lit up some light herself. The wolf slowly turns around, saying, "Well I really should thank you kindly for saving..." The wolf cuts himself off in midsentence immediately after completely looking behind him and seeing who it was. He turned his smiling face into a shocking and fearing look on his face at the same time.

What he was standing forward, was a creature that was several inches taller than him: a dragoness. Her scales were red, and her wings were white. She also had long yellow, narrowed horns. Her hair was soothing and the color was white to match with her wings. She was wearing maroon clothing, patchwork around her chest, and a maroon patchwork skirt, with a hole on the back to let her tail stick out of freely to sway around. All of it was like loin clothes.

"Well you're welcome," said the red dragoness with a smile on her face. The wolf didn't respond he just stared at her with his jaw dropped. "Hey...are you ok?" Darlene asked, shooting her face into a concern look. He still didn't answer. " haven't seen a dragon before?" Darlene asked.

Then the wolf slowly shakes his head in a negative nod. His heart also felt like it was jumping. He knew things about dragons. Some of his family members told him about them. Never did the wolf think that he would actually meet one, like he is right now. Then without any pretext, he closes his eyes and lifts his chin up in some sort of "giving in" position.

"Uh...what the heck are you doing?" Darlene asked, now a confuse look came across to her red face, narrowing her eyes.

"Just get it over with, there's nothing else I intend to do," said the wolf, with sweat breaking out and running down his cheek. The wolf he is at this moment was nothing but being a coward wolf.

The red dragoness' face was looking comprehensible, knowing what he means by that. "Ohhhh," Darlene uttered. Then once she was looking at him for a second, she couldn't help but to laugh at this. Then the wolf opens one of his eyes, seeing that she was laughing.

"What...did I make a funny?" the wolf asked, now expressing curiosity. The dragon continued laughing for a few seconds.

"Don't worry...I'm not going to eat you," said Darlene, planting a smile on her face, still feeling the giggles from his funny, meaningless manner.

"You''re not?" asked the wolf.

"Well of course not," Darlene answered.

"Oh... wait am I suppose to believe that?" the wolf asked, showing a doubtful look on his face. The dragoness giggles once more.

"Silly wolf...If I wanted to eat you, don't you think I would've done that at the time you were unconscious instead of helping you by bringing you here to warm up in my cave?" Darlene asked.

"Well maybe," The wolf said, raising an eyebrow. "That's unless you just brought me here for dinner with your family."

"Nope," Darlene said plainly, "I'm here all by myself, otherwise someone else would be right behind me, as many dragons WOULD do." Then he lifts his paw up, opening his mouth, ready to say something else. But then a second later, he closes his mouth, and places his paw on his chin and thinks.

"Well...I guess you do have a point there," said the wolf. The dragoness walks toward him and started studying him.

"You know...If I didn't know any better, I could've sworn that your fur was blue earlier," she said, as she continues walking toward him.

"Well," the wolf begin, "I'm kind a not an...ordinary wolf here...I'm discoloring wolf"


"You know how reptiles are metachrosis right?" The wolf asks, as he gets a nod for an answer. "Well for me that is - how should I put it - when it's morning, my fur is blue. When the time hits sunset, my fur turns completely to this color."

"Ah, how interesting. That explains the pretty blue eyes of yours," Darlene complimented, causing him to smile and chuckle, and lift his right paw to rub his left arm. "So what are you? Special?" asked Darlene, letting her forepaws rest on his shoulder at the moment.

"Well not that special," said the wolf, with a slight sigh, as he felt her forepaws massaging his shoulder in small circles.

"Well that's kind a special - for that case - to me. I don't see why I would even eat a handsome wolf like you," Darlene said playfully, as she lets her scaly tail rub against and across his neck and shoulder. This made pink tinges to develop on his cheeks. Then he let out a nervous laugh. "I'll be right back," she says.

She slowly walks off, shifting and swaying her tail slowly left and right, like it was dancing, unmindfully letting the wolf see. The wolf just paid full attention at her action, seeing how she was walking and dancing her tail around. But it seemed that he studying on her move a bit too much, like it was some sort of tease. He thought for one second, "What is she trying to do?"

On the other hand, he was finding this dragon quite beautiful and appealing, especially how she was just walking a second, and of course how her covered breast was shaped, under the patchwork clothing that she is wearing. Not to mention when he saw how big and round her ass was, and the way she was dancing it too. He simply liked that. "What a sexy dragon," he thought to himself, bringing him up to a wicked smile on his face, which lust was starting to crawl around in his mind. "Wait...WHAT the heck am I SAYING?!" he thought to himself, shaking his head. "I barely even know her."

He then felt something strange. Then he looked down to see what it is. His eyes shoots open wide. He saw that he had a 3-inch bulge in his dark blue shorts. Obviously, he was already aroused by this dragoness. "Oh no...not now," He thought. He was breaking out with sweat, as he covers himself and shifts his head left and right.

"So tell me. What is your name?" Darlene asked. He perks his ears up, hearing her coming back.

'Uh oh, she's coming back,' he thought to himself. Then he thought quickly. He sat next to the wall and then crosses both his legs to cover himself.

"M-My name is R-Ron," the wolf, now known as Ron, answered back, nervously.

"Oh," Darlene uttered, "That's a good name. Nice to meet you Ron."

"Um yeah, nice to meet you too. And uh, thanks for saving me," he said in a good manner, but still find himself a bit nervous. His hard on was pushing against the tight fabric of his shorts even more. What has gotten into him, he thought.

It was starting to ache, so there was no other use but to uncover himself temporally just to make the soreness go away. "What am I going to do...I know! Maybe, I should make a run for it out there, before anything else gets worst," Ron said to himself. But before he can make his move, the dragoness unexpectedly jumps on his lap. Then she gives him a big hug, as the wolf himself was nearly crushed.

"Oh you're most certainly welcome, cutie," said the happy dragoness. He was caught by surprise by her action and what she just said, calling him a "cutie". Being nearly crushed, he slowly opens his eyes and realize that the top muscle of her red bosoms were up again his chin, and were also against his neck and chest. Feeling so warm and soft, Ron felt even more aroused, but at the same time he was still in trouble.

"Wait, wait could you get off? I got to...there's something..." he pauses from talking for a second, hearing her giggling. "What...what is it?"

"Hehe, nothing. It's just that something's tickling my tummy," said the giggling dragoness.

"Uh oh..." he said, feeling his heart jumping.

"'Uh oh' what?" Darlene asked as she looks down to see what was slightly poking her.

Then this brought her to a surprise look on her face, and a slight gasp. She saw the bulge on his shorts from his hard on. Seeing that, she was beginning to grow aroused about it. Then as she looks at him, ready to say something, he quickly slides off of her and covers himself.

"I'm sorry! I-I can explain! I didn't mean for that to happen! I-It was unexpected, it wasn't supposed to happen. I...I..." Ron couldn't find any good excuse. She just kept looking at him. 'She's going to turn me into a grill cheese sandwich,' he thought to himself. He also knows that there's not any use to outrunning a dragon, especially them having wings to gain even more speed.

He saw that he just sealed his fate for this. He closed his eyes, waiting for whatever he expects her to do. But then he felt something soft nuzzling his neck. He opens his eyes and then saw that her muzzle nuzzling his neck, before she nuzzled his cheek. 'Wha...wha...what's going on...?' he thought to himself, 'Why isn't she striking me?'

"You didn't have to hide that from me," she said, as she stops nuzzling him and looking at him in the eye. He stared back at her, with her eyes gleaming from the light.

"I didn't?"

"Of course not. Matter of fact, you can't hide things like this from a dragon," Darlene said in a low seductive tone, as she traces her sharp nail gently on his chest.

Then she leaned and pressed her lips against his, kissing him. He was stunned at this, that he's actually kissing a dragon, and didn't know what to make of it at the moment. Is this even right between a dragon and a wolf, he thought. Then being interrupted with his thinking, he felt her tongue pressing against his lips, gesturing him to part his lips. She then slips her tongue in his mouth. He found himself liking the taste of her tongue. They both wrestled both of their tongues, making this passionate kiss a bit more aggressive and hungry

She then moved her forepaw down, where it met to his shorts. Then she slides her forepaw inside of his pants. He felt his wolf-hood being stroked by her claw.

Ron began to shudder a little, since this felt so good. It wasn't long until she pulls his shorts down and being careful so her claws wouldn't tear. After it was off, she was seeing what treasure she was seeking for. It was his 8-inch hard on cock rose out of his sheath.

This led her to continue stroking his cock. He started to moan once more, as he moves his paw and rubs her scaly thighs. Then he places his paw on the string of her skirt. He pulled the string, letting the skirt fall off of her. Now he saw what undergarment she was wearing, which was really wet from her juices, where he was surprise. The red dragon is wearing a maroon thong!

"Well...mmm...I learned something," he said, as he continued moaning. She was stroking his rod faster.

"That dragonesses wear thongs?" Darlene asked seductively and a lustful grin shot across her face. He rubbed her scaly thighs and shakes his head.

"No...that naughty dragonesses wear WET colored thongs," he said playfully, thus making her giggle at this with pink tinges develop on her cheeks.

"You little pervy wolf," Darlene says. Then Ron smiles, and then touches her wet panties with his back-paw. And then he pushes her panties against her flesh with his thumb gently.

"Am I really?" Ron asked. Then he strokes her soaked undergarment with two of his fingers. She immediately made small pants, urging her to press against his hand, and cause wetness to spread more on her undergarment. Then he heard a little mumble coming from her. But he couldn't hear it; only thing he heard was "off". "What's that?" he asked, hearing her panting a little more.

"Take it off..." she murmurs slightly. He pushed both his fingers on her thong, causing it to brush soothingly inside of her wanting. This made her gasp, as he treats her thong being pressed deeper, definitely turning her on even more. "Take it all off," she said, almost desperately.

The wolf obliged and pulled off her thong, by grabbing both side of it and pulling it down to her legs in order for her to step out of them. He was amazed what he saw between her legs: An incredible nice size pussy, which was very wet.

Then she supportively undid the string behind her, letting the top-clothing drop to the ground. Then her beautiful round breasts were exposed to the wolf.

He was amazed at the gorgeous orbs, and he felt even more aroused by just looking at them. Her pink nipples were erected. He licked his lips, as even more lust clouded up his mind; also seeing a little amount of milk dribbling out of her nipples. So, beforehand, he immediately took one of her tits in his mouth, and start suckling on them. Darlene gasps fiercely and breathed heavily at this, seeing this as like she was breastfeeding.

But that wasn't all. He also slides two fingertips in her wet slit - halfway - before withdrawing immediately; instantly teasing her by doing it again. The dragoness, in anticipation, pushes herself against his hand, causing both his fingers to slide deep inside of her.

Darelene then moans louder when the wolf begins wiggling both his fingers inside her depths, before spreading it wide open, while he continuously sucks on her tits. After being half-full from amount of milk filling him, he withdraws his mouth from her breast, and started biting on her nipple gently from her other breast. Then he took it in his mouth and started repeating the task.

Then Ron started thrusting his fingers in her pussy. Darlene responded quickly by gyrating her hips onto his fingers at a proper rhythm, fucking on his finger.

Ron pressed his thumb against her clit as well, stroking it. Darleen squealed and shuddered aggressively, along her thighs and legs twitching. Being sucked and finger-fucked, she couldn't take anymore of this amount of pleasure she was receiving. She wanted him right this instant.

"Oh I want to feel you inside of me," Darlene said through her panting - desperately. A sheer smirk shot across his face, which he was still mouthful of the dragoness' breast. Then he withdraws his mouth away from her breast, as the nipple was moist with saliva.

"Really? Already?" Ron asked playfully and seductively. He continued thrusting both his fingers in and out of her rapidly. She unwraps her hand around his cock.

"Yes!" she exclaimed desperately before roaring loudly, arching her back, and throwing her head back. She also pressed herself against his two fingers really deep. He felt the inner muscle of her cunt clamping down both his finger tightly. And with that, she immediately climax, milking both his fingers.

Afterwards, she panted, trying to regain wits and catch her breath. The wolf on the other hand, withdrew his fingers out of her opening and then starts licking his own two fingers to see what the juice taste like. It was sweet, and already liked it that quick - a lot.

The dragoness, still regaining her wits, leans over and starts licking his fingers, tasting her own orgasmic juice. After both his fingers were cleaned, the dragoness then fully regains her composures and was energetic again.

"Take me," she said seductively, and almost flatly. The wolf smiled at her, as the dragoness herself turns around and gets on all fours. "And I know how much canines like this position," she said seductively, wiggling her ass along with her tail raised up high and out of the way, reviling her moist, dripping twat along with her second nether region revealed on top: a tail-hole. Then she moved one of her arms underneath and then starts rubbing on her moist pussy, murmuring softly.

The wolf chuckled, and then positioned himself in a mount position. Darlene spreads her pussy-lips wide open. Then he slowly inserts his cock inside of her depths. The dragoness gasps, and bites her lips afterwards. She also pushes herself back, to make her cunt filled with wolf-cock.

He felt her inners so warm, slippery, and intense. Then with his hands placed on both side of her ass, he makes his first pump, jabbing his cock in deep inside of her.

"Oh!" she lightly squealed. Then once he withdraws his cock, and does it again. He then starts pumping in a standard speed. She moaned, as she moves her hips backwards, aggressively, at every rhythm.

"Yes, Harder," she moaned loudly. He smiled and focused, quickening his pumps into the dragoness every second. She groaned, as pleasure rush through her body, and continued to move her ass on his rhythm. "Ram me faster wolf!"

Unnecessarily need to be told again, he picks up the pace, motioning his speed even quicker. His pumps were blur and juices, out from the sides of her pussy, dribbles out, making her ass-cheek and his thighs slightly wet. She tries her best pumping back at his rhythm. But he pounds her even faster, making this all turn into a frenzy fuck. Sooner or later, she couldn't keep up with him.

But she moves one of her forepaws and cups one of her breasts - fondling it - before pinching her nipples, while still being pounded vigorously. Milk spurs out of her nipples, making it splash on the ground. She then groaned loudly, feeling her orgasms approaching once again. He also felt it coming to him as well. Both of their bodies were trembling, as scent of sex was everywhere in the cave and was very intoxicating.

He felt a knot developing and growing on the base of his shaft. He pushed the knot inside of her, which she squealed ecstasy. It felt even better to her, and it was just sending her over the edge. He pumped his knot inside of her several times, which was standard and aggressive. He clenched her ass, and closed his eyes, just about to send him over the edge as well.

"I'm gonna...!" he cried out, unable to complete his sentence.

"Cum with me!" she cried out, she pushes herself back, and her inner muscle clamps on his free and knotted cock.

With that, the wolf roared loudly, at the same time the dragoness just blows out fire delightfully. At the same time, her clamped pussy milks his cock with great amount of her juices, as the wolf shoots a lot of good dosage of white hot semen, repeatedly. She groaned feeling his warm cum inside of her.

Ron moaned softly, with slight amount of leftover cum shoots inside of her. Then his vision was blurry, as everything starts to turn dark. And with that, he blacks out and collapsed on the dragoness, which was tired herself along with her tail resting at the back of his waist. The thunderstorm also calms down, and then stops.

The next morning, the wolf was lying on a soft grass, sleep. He was also beside the canal pool. Then the wolf slowly opens his eyes, waking up. He sits up and starts yawning and stretching.

"Wait..." he said, starting to remember something. He realized that he was at his dwelling areal territory. He wasn't at the cave at all. "How...did I get here? I mean...the cave...Darlene...where is she...?" He looked around a bit, before standing up and looking at the pool, at his own reflection. He came to mind to hoping that it wasn't what he thinks it is. "Was it...all a dream?"

Then all of the sudden, a nut was flying and it hits the back of the wolf's head. "Hey!" the wolf exclaimed. He immediately turns around and looks down to see that it was the nut. Then he looked up and saw that there was a short squirrel, feral like perhaps. The squirrel laughs at the wolf.

"Why you little..." the wolf slowly walks and then speeds up, reading to run and attack the squirrel. But the squirrel quickly takes off and runs in a hole, which was placed on a trunk of a tree. Ron stopped, bothering not to try and get him anymore. He then spots something on top of the hole of the trunk. It was a message, which was burned. He felt it, calculating that it has been there for about 30 minutes. After what he read, he smiled at this, which the message said this: "I'm here with you."

The End...?