Lion King 2: Version 2 - Chapter 8: Young Love, Old Rivalries

Story by Kopa on SoFurry

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Zazu dove low to ground to gain momentum, his wings tucked his side like a torpedo as he zipped above the head of Pumbaa. He narrowly missed grazing the meerkat riding atop the sprinting warthog. All three were desperately gasping for air as they moved as quickly as they could through the Pride Lands towards Pride Rock.

Timon, who was holding tightly to Pumbaa's grungy mane looked up at the blue bird. His eyes and face were tight from the wind blowing against them.

"Watch it, ya pheasant! Are you trying to kill me?!" he yelled, letting go of Pumbaa with one hand to shake it in a manner that was meant to be more threatening than it really was.

"I'm just doing my duty as Major Domo to the king," Zazu calmly relayed back. "I can't help if it you're in the way."

"Well, we're just doing our duty as his friends! So, HA!" Timon screamed. "Tell'im, Pumbaa."

But the warthog was too desperately gasping for air to answer. His eyes were wide and as open as his mouth. His skinny legs blurred through the tall grass with each stride closing in and spreading apart again. His body heaved with each quick breath. Up ahead, he saw the silhouettes of two young lions and relief spread through his body. Unfortunately, the relief didn't stop his desperate need for air.

The silhouettes grew larger and more distinct as the trio neared until, finally, Prince Kopa and Twaana were clearly visible. Their expressions concerned with the sight of Pumbaa grinding to a stuttered stop in front of them.

"Pumbaa. Timon. What is it?" Kopa asked.

"Your. High. Ness" Pumbaa sputtered between large inhales. "Kiara. Is. Outland. Prince."

Timon jumped off his friend and pressed a hand against Pumbaa's nose in a gesture to calm him. "What Pumbaa's tryin' to say here is that..."

"What the meercat is starting to say," Zazu cut in with, landing directly between Kopa and Timon. His voice was now more urgent, "is that we have spotted Princess Kiara with the Outland Prince Kovu."

"What? What is he doing here?" Kopa asked more to himself than the messengers. He turned to Twaana. "He's not supposed to be seen with..."

The prince stopped as he realized who was in front of him. Kneeling down muzzle to beak with Zazu, he stared intently into the bird's eyes as he said in a hushed but deliberate voice,

"Zazu, go tell my father that Kovu is trespassing in the Pricelands..."

"Kopa," Twaana started to protest.

"...but do not mention that my sister is with him. Do not mention Kiara Is that understood?" he concluded, never breaking his stare.

"Y-yes, Sire," Zazu said.

Kopa lifted himself back up and looked off into the horizon. "Twaana and I will go and get my sister. Where did you see them?"

"Out by the tree that splits in two at the root," Zazu said. Kopa stood still, a little confused.

Timon pushed himself forward and pointed southeast, "They're that way."

"Thanks Timon." Kopa bounded forward, followed by Twaana who remained silent. He looked back and repeated, "Remember: No Kiara."

With that, the trio and the duo separated in a dash and with Pumbaa still heaving.

Once they were out of earshot, Twaana spoke up.

"Kopa, don't do anything to Kovu. You promised Kiara amnesty for him."

"I made it clear that they were still to keep it secret." Kopa's paws were digging out clumps of dirt with every stride. He had never felt himself move so fast before. He felt betrayed by his sister's apparent disregard for secrecy and what he had done for her. The lie they had told was about to unfold as quickly as it had been crafted.

"Kopa, wait" Twaana called, now several strides behind. "She loves him, Kopa!"

The Prideland Prince did not look back.

"That doesn't mean I have to."

* * *

Kiara gasped and extended her claws, spreading her paws-toes wide.

"Oh, Kovu." she moaned. The lioness lay on her back with the black-maned outcast pressing his muzzle against her crotch. His broad, warm tongue slid against the princess's moist pussy. He slowly drew it upwards, beginning at the taint and pressing even more so at her clit. The tiny bulge caused a moments pause before the tongue flicked upwards past it. Kiara shuddered and let loose another moan.

"Oh, you feel so good," she encouraged. "I want you inside of me. I want to cum from you, not just your to--Oh!" Kiara threw her head against the ground. The back of her neck round off the dirt as she gritted her teeth and began to pant heavily.

"I"m gonna cum!" she exclaimed through her teeth. "Be inside me when I cum. Be inside me, please. Gah!"

Another flick.

Kovu could hardly keep his composure. That his face was buried in Kiara's cunny was the only thing keeping him from fulfilling her wishes. He loved the taste of her. It was the same as all the other lionesses that he had eaten out, and yet, Kiara's truly was different. It was sweeter somehow. More pure. He wanted nothing more than to put himself inside of her for the first time since they were cubs, but he wanted to make her wait. He wanted to make her truly know the feeling of him. When her anticipation had reached its absolute highest, that would be when he plunged into her. That would be when he'd claim her.

Kiara's voice had taken an almost angry tone at this point, "Kovu stop. I want you. I want you. I want you,' Kiara repeated this until her voice was merely a whisper. The tone had shifted to sadden plea as if Kovu would never actually penetrate.

Hearing this shift, Kovu lifted his head to say, "Just wait Love. I promise. Please trust me."

"Okay," Kiara whispered. Her eyes were closed and her head still pressed against the ground. She could feel every twitch of his tongue: the change from flat to stiff, the light touches and the powerful strokes, the quick flciks from side-to-side that drove her wild when he did it.

She was close her whole body was prepared. Her juices flowed and the stuff that Kovu couldn't lap up dribbled off of his chin in a mix with his drool. She was holding back, though. Her body wanted to but her mind wouldn't allow it until Kovu had entered her. Still, she couldn't help panting from the ecstasy that Kovu provided. The two of them had been doing this for so long, but now he had a sort of renewed vigor and felt so much more powerful with her desire for his cock.

"Are you ready?" Kovu asked. His muzzle was covered in her juice and his eyes were wide with anticipation.

Kiara's head snapped up, she was smiling. "Really?!"

'Really," Kovu smiled back. He took one more glimpse at Kiara's now bright red and soaking pussy. He shook his head in astonishment and bit his lip.

Kiara began to get herself up, but Kovu pressed a paw on the young lioness's chest and lowered her back down. He walked over and stood with his paws on either side of her shoulders. He had never looked so regal in all the times that Kiara knew him. She looked down and saw his now throbbing lion-dick and she blushed and giggled despite having seen so many times before. Kovu laughed at this and their shared smiles grew wider. They were cubs once again in eagerness.

"I love you," Kiara said.

"I love you, too," Kovu said and proceeded to lower his haunches towards her lioness-hood. He could feel her warmth against his eager cock. How he desired to just thrust himself inside and never stop until they both were lying with each other, satisfied.

Slowly, he placed the tip of his cock against her pussy. The two young lions stared at each other for moment as if to remember it.

"I'm ready for you," was all Kiara said.

Gracefully, Kovu slid his cock into the princess.

Both lions gasped as they felt each other completely once again. Kovu could feel all of her around him. She was wet and tight and her juices welcomed his hard shaft, allowing him to glide in and out of her. His movements were slow and paced, making sure that she comprehended the feeling of him. Their bellies slowly rubbed against another and their bodies shifted with each deep breath. Kovu pressed his hips into hers; Kiara now completely enveloped his cock and his balls hung low, tickling her taint.

He opened his eyes and studied her face as he withdrew even more slowly from within her. Her eyes were shut and her mouth just slightly open as if she were trying to form words but couldn't find the right one. When he had drawn back as far as he could without leaving her, Kiara bit her lip, waiting for him to slide back into awaiting pussy.

But Kovu did not slide. He plunged.

Kiara let out a sharp and pleasured "Unh" and grabbed Kovu's shoulders with her paws, pulling him closer. Her claws were outstretched and digging into his dark fur. Kouv felt himself almost lose it. He had not been in her for long, but the excitement was driving him wild and he had to resist the urge to cum deep inside of her, spreading his hot seed in her pink pussy. He was going to explode fast if he didn't keep himself in check.

He withdrew one more time and plunged hard and fast as deep as he could inside of the princess. Now, there was no time for teasing. He began to pump in and out of he, reaching the deepest part of her that he could. Kiara's grip tightened and her moans and gasps became louder.

'Oh, yes!" she exclaimed. "Yes! Fuck me Kovu. Make me cum from the inside!"

Kovu could feel himself edging closer to cumming himself. In desperation, he bit her shoulder, trying to focus on the new action rather than the shallow thrusts that he had now begun at the entrance to her cunt. The quick, rapid fire thrusts made a loud, splashing sound as the lions' juices melded together with Kiara supplying most of the wetness.

Kovu released his muzzle's grip and Kiara quickly pressed her own muzzle against his. Their tongues danced along with each others, performing their own kind of intercourse.

Kovu, then, gave one more deep thrust. He unlocked his muzzle from Kiara's and stared at her once again. He could only think how close he was and how only a seemingly short time had passed.

"Are you going cum?" he asked through his gritted teeth.

Kiara purred, still with her eyes shut. "I don't know. I want to soooooo badly," she lifted her hips upward at this,sending the lion's cock deeper inside of her "but I don't know."

"Did you cum with Kopa?" Kovu asked jealously.

Kiara paused but then lightly nodded her head.

At this, Kovu let loose. His cock drove violently inside of Kiara, pressing hard against her pussy's insides and withdrawing quickly only to thrust back in. His cock never left her moist twat, but nearly lingered at her lips at every pull back.

Kiara was in another world. Her eyes were shut and her head was tilted back and she was pressing it hard against the ground. Her now outstretched neck was exposed and Kovu fit his jaws around it, gently squeezing his teeth into her soft fur. Kiara gasped and her body quivered, the shake cascading down her entire body. Kovu tried to focus on his muzzle to take his mind off of his pulsating cock, but the princess's pleasured inhalations made the sensation even more difficult to ignore. He squeezed his maw just a little more slightly and elicited another gasp. He wanted to ignore the pleasure she was bringing him, but the closer she got the more it excited him.

With each squeeze of of his jaws came a gasp and shake in response. He could feel her cunny tighten around him and she could feel his hot breath on her throat as his muzzle restrained her.


"Oh my gods," she mewled.


"Kiara, I..."


"Stay with me, Kovu."


The feeling only intensified with Kiara's pleads.


Every noise seemed heightened.


Every sensation became explosive.



"Stop!" Kopa's voice ripped through the air. Kovu's head darted up in time to see the prince's paw strike him across the muzzle. Quickly but carefully he pulled his lionhood out from Kiara's soaked cunt, Kopa was immediately in his face.

"What are you doing in the Pridelands?" Kopa's shoulders were lurched forward. If he ever closed his jaw, it seemed to only make his bared teeth more prominent.

"Kopa stop!" Kiara pleaded. She was trying to place herself between the two males, but they both were circling each other ready to strike and unwilling to give any ground. The air was filled with their matching growls.

"You think can control her life?" Kovu snarled.

"No, but this is my land and I say you can't be here."

"I have no land to go back to," Kovu's desperation almost broke through his anger.

Kopa paused for a moment. The Outlander's plea reached something within him, but his vicarious hatred gripped tighter. He was torn between amnesty and his selfishness.

"It's against our laws," he stated finally. He didn't have the courage to say it without looking away.

"I believe that only a king can make that decision." This time it was Twaana who spoke. Without the timidness of Kiara, she easily put herself between the two. She pushed Kopa back, her muzzle just inches from his. "You know, for someone who throws his power of royalty around so easily, you are a fucking miserable diplomat."

"Twaana, you don't understand..." he started.

"No, I do understand." Her voice had a tenor that Kopa had heard only a dew times before. "I get that seeing your sister pounded is tough to swallow, but you need to get your head out your ass and let them be."

"Yeah!' Kiara added rather redundantly.

"They're in love, Kopa. So, let's just call this what it is," She turned to Kovu, "How big is your cock?"

Kovu only chuckled, but he and Kopa locked eyes again. Twaana's jest lingered at the back of both lions' minds as they struggled to keep from glancing below each others haunches. As this wordless sparring match continued, Kiara sidled up next to Twaana and whispered something that made Twaana's lips curl up.

"Boys," she said, but neither of them broke their stare.

"Hey, boys!" Kiara shouted. Her adolescent voice carried little of the weight that Twaana's did, however, her attempt at toughness was sudden enough to get their attention.

"Thank you, Kiara," Twaana started. "An interesting challenge has been brought to my attention that I think both parties might be interested in." Kiara had moved behind and begun to run her tongue through Twaana's pussy. "You two take those competitive little cocks of yours and..." Twaana paused to feel Kiara's work kick into effect, "...and show us ladies who is the more dominant male."

Kiara pulled her muzzle away from Twaana's rump, displaying a big, wet grin, "First one to cum, loses."

"Ah no, no, no, no," Kovu started. "I'm fighting a losing battle because I would have already blown my load if this dipshit here hadn't clawed my face. I've been hard this whole time while he's just starting to even show."

Kopa felt a bit of embarrassment with each lion suddenly staring rather intently at his slowly emerging member. "Okay, enough of that. Let's do this." Quickly, he got up and shouldered his little sister out of the way. With his right paw, he gripped Twaana's tail, pulled it up, and pulled her towards him. "You really want to get her wet?"

Kopa buried his muzzle into the lioness's hindquarters and pressed his tongue hard against her puckered tailhole. Twaana shuddered at the sensation of Kopa's tongue circling her ass and his furry chin softly rubbing the lower part of her twat. He let himself drool to moisten her tailhole and her pussy, pressing firmly into her backside with his muzzle and pulling her back towards him with her tail.

Kiara pussy tingled with excitement watching her brother rimming her fellow lioness. She could hardly stand it. She was so close to gushing over Kovu's cock before they were rudely interrupted again. But not this time, she thought. When she met Kovu's eyes, she saw that the same desire burned in his. He seemed almost half crazed and his cock was swollen, hard, and throbbing.

"Do you need help?" He asked. She could tell that he was wishing she'd say no. She pushed him over onto his back, his chest rose and fell dramatically, and she placed her cunny over his lionhood. His cock separated her pink pussy lips and she started rocking back and forth, sliding her juices over the lion that she loved. Her body felt as if she could cum just from this moment alone. But she was feeling greedy and wanted to see her brother take Twaana, imagining it was how she and Kovu looked together.

Kiara turned around, her tail raised high into the air. There was her brother, muzzle deep in Twaana's twat. His eyes were closed and he seemed enraptured in her sex. His cock hung straight between his legs, a strand of precum dangling from his eager shaft. The princess had had enough and slid Kovu's cock deep into her now sopping cunny. He moaned behind her as he filled her entire being. She knew he was staring at her tight, untouched tailhole and her pussy sliding up and down his cock.

She was watching as Kopa pressed Twaana to the ground and mounted her. Twaana outstretched her claws and bit her lower lip. Her brother growled with a tremendous rumble, shaking her chest and making it feel tighter than it already was.

She had not even noticed that she was moving with a great speed on Kovu. Her twat was slapping down on his hips. His eyes were closed now as he tried to focus on something other than how fantastic she felt encasing him. However, she could feel him getting close. His cock grew inside of her, harder than it was before. She could sense him straining and this drove her wild. Kiara's attention was divided between the pulsating pleasure between her legs and the sight of the two lions ravaging each others' bodies. Her pussy tightened around Kovu and she pressed harder with her body as it began to take control,

This is the moment that I've wanted for so long. Kovu inside of me making me c...

Kiara gushed. Her small body trembled and quaked as the orgasm rushed through her. Her juices spilled out over the Outlander's fur. And she could feel Kovu fill her with his seed. Both Twaana and Kopa were watching intently, Twaana with a smile on her face and a look of concern over Kopa's.

After a few moments to catch their breaths and Kiara lifting herself off of Kovu's softening lionhood , the young lovers turned to each other.

"I'm sorry," Kovu stammered, "I didn't mean to ..."

Kiara wore a large smile. "It's okay," she said gently, but the way their muzzles met with one another was anything but. Their tongues danced intensely with the lions sharing their first post coital kiss. "I love you," she said.

Kovu took a moment as if he needed to process just how much he meant it this time. "I love you, too," he replied.

Kiara watched his black mane slink down to her pussy. She shuddered as his tongue glided over her clit. It was almost too intense now that she had already cum, but she liked his affection. And she chuckled because she knew he was trying to remove his cum from her, but she knew better than that. What had happened happened and she hoped that she wasn't close to heat.

Across from them, the older lions were belly-to-belly and face-to-groin. Kopa was voraciously eating out Twaana who laid on top of him and Twaana had her muzzle wrapped around his cock. He was the first to cum. Twaana let the white load spray her face with a big grin. Soon after, her body shook and she released a stifled roar as she coated Kopa's face with her own juices.

The group enjoyed a surreal silence. For once, Kopa and Kovu weren't glaring at one another and only the Savannah seemed to speak. Twaana began the laughter and the rest joined in, reveling in the strange event that had just occurred.

"I see nothing funny about this," a voice declared. Every head snapped around to see Simba standing over them. His expression was a stoic as ever, but Kopa saw a fire in his already red eyes and he realized how he, himself, must have appeared just minutes ago. The king stepped forward towards Kiara and Kovu. Each step was methodical and deliberate.

"Dad, I..." Kiara started.

"What exactly am I looking at here?" Simba's voice was cool and fierce, something that Nala claims he learned well from Mufasa.

Kiara's jaw opened to speak, but she couldn't find any words. She wanted to jump into Kovu's embrace, but Kovu stepped forward.

"Simb... Your Grace, I mean," Kovu tried to match Simba's presence, but was undoing himself. From his muzzle dangled a strand of his own cum from Kaira's pussy. "What I was doing to your daughter, uh... with, with your daughter was..."

"Quiet," the matter-of-factness drove a chill even up Kopa's spine. Simba did not want to hear from the lion whose appearance alone could so readily remind him of his traitorous and murderous uncle.

"Daddy," Kiara started up. Her voice was oddly filled with confidence. "I'm sorry. There's a lot I should tell you. A lot I should have told you."

Kopa swallowed a lump in his throat as he realized that their plan to pin Kiara's virginity on him was suddenly rendered pointless. How could she have been so reckless? Kiara explained everything that Twaana and Kopa had heard just days before and how Kovu had been banished by his mother with nowhere to go. As much as Kopa hated that it had happened, Kiara had an earnestness and passion in the way that she told the story. Kopa could even see it affecting his father which made him oddly happy for Kiara.

When Kiara had finished explaining, Simba stood pondering. Finally, he spoke up, "Is this true, Kopa?"

"Yes. What I told you was a lie." Kopa looked directly at Kovu when he said, "They do love each other... I think." He could hear Twaana scoff at his slight retraction. "I'm sorry, Dad. I thought that..."

"Enough." Simba's brow furrowed as he struggled to figure out what to do. Kopa's hatred was but an imitation of the turmoil in Simba's heart whenever he thought about Scar and this was making everything come flooding back. "We'll head home. All of us. And I"ll figure out how to handle this further."

As everyone started back for Pride Rock, Kopa wanted to object. He fought with every inch of himself to not ask if this was the best choice; to let an Outlander in their presence. In their kingdom. Kopa turned once more towards Kovu, "Just make sure to watch yourself okay, Outlander?"

Kovu had had enough, "You know, for someone who hates Outlanders so much, you've sure been fucking one for a really long time."

Every lion stopped.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" The King asked.

Kovu looked around, knowing that he had said something that shouldn't have been said. "It... it means that..." Kovu looked directly at Kopa. "It means that Twaana's my sister."

Twaana rushed forward into Kovu's face, her eyes almost instantly filled with tears. "I'm your sister?"

"Well, _half-_sister, really. Zira's our mom, but we have different dads. It's the same with me and Vitani."

Twaana had begun to let the tears fall when Kovu said Zira's name. This was all so much so suddenly. Her head was beginning to spin. She swallowed the lump in her throat and asked with a choked voice, "So who is my dad?"

Kovu hung his head. "I don't know. My mom used to mate with any wandering male going through the Outlands so that she could have an heir. That's why you're older than me. I'm sorry, I thought you might have known."

Kiara had tears of her own as she looked helplessly at her devastated friend. Simba was looking to the sky, his eyes sought any glimmer of the Great Kings. None of the lions said a word until Kopa approached the sobbing Twaana. As gently as he could through his own shaking voice, he said, "It's okay. Let's go home." But Twaana didn't want to be held. Instead, she ran. Kopa started to run after her, but Simba held him back.

"Let her go. She'll come back on her own time and we'll be there for her," was all Simba said as they all silently walked back home.