Grateful Hitchhiker -human version-

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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Apparently Paul Lucas' common featuring of humans with his anthro girls has had his fans come to expect it, so...

I went ahead and made an edit of this story to fit.

Based on Paul Lucas' "Grateful Hitchhiker" image.


It roared around her, thundering and hammering on all surfaces, the wind biting her through the damp blue jacket clinging to her green body. The young theropod girl ran along the sidewalk, panting heavily and wishing things had worked out. No job, car wrecked by a drunkard, and now she'd lost her apartment. There was hope though! her destination was two towns over where her brother had gotten her an interview at the research facility doing data entry. It wasn't much but as it stood, it was something at least!

Unfortunately for her, a mid-autumn day wasn't the best day to be unable to afford bus or taxi fare. It was almost torrential downpour and the windchill was terrible, she could feel her cold-blooded body starting to slow down. She'd been too excited at the prospect of a job to pay attention to the weather or even think to ask her brother or someone to drive her, and now in this cold the three-mile hike to the next town was starting to look like an eternity. She looked up angrily at the sky, wincing when a raindrop splashed her muzzle. "Is it too much to ask for cooperation?!" she demanded, panting and forcing her legs to move. The puddles were cold on her bare dinosaur feet, only reminding her of the urgency of finding shelter.

A car whooshed by, hitting a pothole and dousing her with a wall of water. She flailed her arms and screamed at the sky, about ready to give up and sit down and let the cold claim her. Just then, she heard a car horn beside her, a light tap, but the resultant BEEP made her nearly jump out of her hide. "Hey miss!! You shouldn't be out here, it's too cold!!" a voice just barely made itself known through the roaring of the thick droplets on the road. Holding her hand up above her eyes to shield them she just made out a red car and what looked to be a human boy watching her.

"I'm headed to the city!" she called back, pointing. If not for her arm he wouldn't have known her reply.

"Running into town in this weather?! Girl you must have a deathwish!!" She turned and went to continue running but he pulled up ahead of her and swung his arm back, opening the back door and holding it open for her. "Come on, get in, I'll give you a lift there!"

She padded up and looked in, hesitating. "I don't have any money!"

The human shook his brown-haired head and pushed the door open a little more. "You shouldn't be out in this cold!" When she still didn't move, biting her lip and looking up the road, he added "I don't bite, but the cold will!"

True to that extent the wind picked up and bit her hard through the wet cloth again, prompting her to scurry into the car, slam the door shut, and curl up on the back seat hugging her knees to her chest. The driver pulled back onto the road and turned up the heaters, angling them back at her. "Th-thanks..." she stuttered. Now that she was sitting her exhaustion caught up to her, making her trip over her tongue as a wave of fatigue crashed over her.

"So where to, miss?" he asked, glancing at her in the rear-view mirror. The first thing that struck her was that he was gorgeous blue eyes.

"My brother lined up an interview at D-Tech in a few days, I gotta get to his house and crash there for a while."

He looked up at the mirror in surprise. "D-Tech?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Unless you were planning on doing an entire circle around the county to get there, I'm afraid D-Tech is east, not west."

Her eyes widened and she clapped a hand over her mouth. She'd even forgotten which way was which?! "Oh my gosh...I'm such a ditz!"

He laughed again. "It's fine, I'll take you there, just gotta find a good place to turn around." He glared at the interstate they were stuck on. "Which...won't be until we reach the next town."

"Thank you so much for this!" she replied, but then her smile faded. "I...I don't have any money to reimburse you for gas or time or anything..."

"It's fine, it's fine," he said, shaking his head. He looked and sounded to be not much older than herself. "I'd rather see you to safety than have passed you by and heard later on the news that you died of thermal failure or something." Glancing back up at her he grinned softly. "Speaking of which, you must be starving after that hike and the cold, what say we stop by a drive-thru?"

She nodded. "Thank you so much sir..." she trailed off, feeling a bit guilty now that not only was she having him turn around when he likely had business this way, but now he was paying for her meal?

Which was a very delicious meal by the way; instead of the bigger chains he stopped by a small little drive-thru she'd never heard of and they both got huge triple-decker burgers with extra bacon and the best fries she'd ever tasted, along with some tasty tea, nice and warm and perfectly sweetened. As she sat in the back staring out the window as the town passed back into the highway again, going the other way, she sighed to herself.

"Something up?" he asked.

"It's just...I can't thank you enough for this, and...didn't you have business out this way?"

"I did, but it can wait. Better to help someone out and make a difference for them, y'know?"

"But aren't you losing money? I mean, I feel kinda bad I can't repay you somehow..."

He glanced in the mirror again with another smile. "It's fine."

It wasn't fine to her though. Now she felt terrible that he was going out of his way to pay for her. She didn't have any way to repay him though...or did she? Glancing down at her pants, she then looked outside at the passing lights.

"Um...sir..." she asked, her voice a bit shaky, cheeks pink with embarrassment at what she was doing. He glanced in the mirror and almost slammed on the brake when his reflected eyes met, not her face, but rather her prone form on the back seat, her green thighs and yellow belly scales exposed, tail curled over her legs as her feet shuffled off her pants and panties. "Would you...take this as payment maybe?" she asked, face down in embarrassment but her eyes looking up at him from under her hood.

He gulped and forced his eyes back to the road. "I-I...I don't need payment miss..."

"I know just...I don't feel right not being able to repay you..." She lifted her leg and held her buttock, exposing her slit to his full view. "Please?"

He stared at her offering, she could see a battle raging in his head behind those blue eyes. She grew afraid that he might lash at her, or turn her in somewhere...or worse. But something felt...okay about him, that he was a good choice to give herself to.

After a minute or so of mulling it over he pulled over, turning on the emergency blinkers. Taking off his seatbelt he flung his arm over and braced it against the back of the passenger seat so he could turn around fully to face her. His cheeks were almost red, he was bluching so hard. "Miss...I...I'm torn, really. While I...can't deny your offer is very I've told you, I don't need payment for helping you."

She looked down shyly, still keeping her femininity exposed to him. "I've been so nice to me..."

Grateful Hitchhiker - Paul Lucas

He bit his lip, realizing that it was weighing rather heavily on her. In the back of her mind she thought he looked rather cute, his cheeks burning red and eyes shifting with nervous contemplation. "I...well...are you...sure about this?"

"I don't have any other way to thank you and I'd feel terrible for having taken so much of your time like this..."

He smirked at her, still blushing. "So you ask me if I have anywhere to be, then ask, then feel guilty about taking up my time?"

Despite her discomfort she giggled at the realization. "I'm sorry, I should've asked if you have anywhere you need to be."

"It's fine. Scoot over." She scooted over to the other side as he climbed out of the car, then quickly yanked the door open and slid in next to her, running his hand through the hair on his head. "Truth be told, miss, it's my day off and I was gonna go hang out with some friends, but they tend to prefer boring stuff like beer pong and nude magazines." Looking her over he blushed again, his gaze lingering between her legs for a few seconds. "I don't really need repayment you really want it or are you just feeling desperate?"

She looked down shyly again. The more she talked to him the more at ease she felt. "I...well, I really do want to thank you for being so nice, and...I...I do want it..." Her voice fell to an embarrassed whisper, "You're really cute too..."

His eyes widened and he cleared his throat nervously. "Well I-I um...I uh..." He too lowered his voice, "Never been called cute before..."

Silence fell between them, the dull roaring pattering of rain on the car roof drumming on their ears until she came to the realization "You uh...don't have...a special someone, by any chance, do you?"

"Kinda in the, well, that's kind of a crass way of putting it..."

She giggled a bit awkwardly, then turned to look at him. "Well, you said it's better to make a difference..." she blushed even more, "and already you've made a big difference in my day..." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

He sat there in shock at the kiss, then smiled and stared at the floor shyly. "I uh...well..."

"I really do want to thank you personally...if you're okay with it...probably should've asked that first but I really do want to thank you, you have no idea how much your generosity means to me."

He smiled back a bit more confidently. "I see...I'm glad then." His eyes wandered low again. "I...can't deny I do want it...very much..." His pants confirmed it as she looked down at him in turn, spotting a rather prominent bulge in his trousers. She smiled shyly again and spread her legs a bit, giving him a clearer view.

"Would it make a difference in your day for me to thank you?"

He merely stared at her soft, inviting netherlips, then gave a shy awkward smile and fumbled with his pants. She had to refrain from giggling when she realized he was "commando", a rather generous eight inches of homonid flesh jutting up from his crotch. She'd always had a hidden interest in humans but now that she was face to face with him she couldn't help herself, staring longingly at his member. It was a soft fleshy color like the rest of his body, rising amid a thin field of curly hair and capped with a fleshy-purple head, a far cry from the phalluses of her kind. "You...sure you want it?"

"Very sure..." she whispered meekly. He chuckled softly and patted his lap, to which she quickly straddled him, face to face, her soft-scaled cleft grinding against the base of his cock. He reached up and pushed her hood back slowly, looking over her face.

"You know...I always thought saurians were pretty but...miss, you're stunning..." he whispered, running a hand over her cheek. She blushed and looked away in embarrassment, gazing sidelong at his muscled body. He was quite fit but still somewhat slender, she could feel it in the way his hands stroked her shoulders. She reached down and eased her hands under his shirt, feeling his belly. His bare skin was so soft under her paws, a strange feeling to her. He leaned back a bit and let her pull up on his shirt, exposing his toned chest. She gasped to herself, her arousal flaring. Not only was he sweet and cute, he was hot! She too leaned back as his hands eased down her sides, then up under her jacket, pulling it up. As she fumbled with getting her arms out of the damp sleeves she gasped again when one of his hands cupped her breast, feeling its weight through her bra. Casting her jacket to the front seat and keeping her arms behind her back she unclasped her bra, letting him peel the wet article off. "Let's get you dried off..." he whispered, picking up his shirt and slowly drying off her scaly bosom. As he did this she could feel his penis throb against her ever harder. She slowly swirled her hips on his lap, grinding her sex against his balls and cock, the warm air on her back from the air vents getting her blood roiling even more. Their eyes met again and the next thing she knew she was caught up in a tight hug, their lips meshed and tongues twining in a deep, heated kiss, his penis sandwiched between their bellies. His strong arms around her, her body pressed up against his soft skin and his body heat warming her even more, oh how badly she wanted this now! His hand kneaded her back sensually, prompting her to return the favor. Finally they pulled apart for air, gasping and then panting heavily as they stared at each other. She smiled and kissed his nose, to which he smiled back and kissed her chin, then planted little kisses along her jaw to her neck, making her shiver at his warm breath on her scales. She started grinding herself against his member again; she'd never had a human in her before, but now she was more than eager to try!

On an unspoken note they both pulled back, the young predacious girl grabbing his knees and leaned back as she stroked her hips up and down, rubbing her slit along the underside of his heavy meat. He moaned softly and kneaded her breasts, making her churr in her throat. "You sure you can handle it?" he whispered again.

"Mmmm...well, I am a predatory species...and I do love meat..." she whispered back, both of them chuckling at the cheesiness. She stroked her hips up one last time all the way to his tip, having to hunch to avoid hitting the car roof, resting her vaginal cleft on the head of his penis. She hesitated; he could tell she wanted it but was nervous about his size, so he trailed his hand down from her breast to her clit, giving her sensitive spot a tender massage to help loosen her up. She moaned and cooed, gradually easing herself down as he continued, the head of his member giving a little resistance but finally slipping into her. She meeped in mixed pain and pleasure at being spread so quickly, but his attention to her clit eased the pain as she slid inch after slow inch into her tight passage. The boy grunted a bit and clenched his teeth, having to fight the urge to thrust up into her, she was so wonderfully tight around him! She was used to the tapering members of her kind, and he was accustomed to human women; as such, they both moaned loudly at this wonderful, exotic new sensation of each others' bodies. Her clawed toes spread and flexed while she settled on her knees on the seat for leverage and balance as she finally bottomed out on him, his penis just shy of her cervix, her netherlips snuggling in the soft curls at his base. They sat there panting in bliss just from the penetration, the boy reaching up again and rubbing her shoulders while he let her adjust. She smiled down at him in gratitude, falling forward onto his chest. He moaned again quietly and hugged her tightly, wrapping his lips around her soft pink nipple and giving an experimental suck. She moaned and arched her back, pressing her chest to his face and spurring him to continue. Her other flings had been just that, a simple fling of mutual lust, but this human was so sweet and tender and passionate! She loved it!

The male below her seemed to be enjoying her enjoyment; indeed he was, as the girls he'd been with had also been simple flings while he longed for something more than just a fuck. Seeing how she reacted to his advances he nibbled softly on her nipple, reaching a hand up and kneading her other breast while his other hand kneaded her back at the joint of her tail. She melted against him, cooing and moaning adorably. The rain continued to thunder on the car, visibility limited to maybe ten feet at most, almost fully hiding them from passing cars as they made out. The saurian girl pulled off him with a cry and a gasp, his fingers pinching and rolling her nipples. Planting her paws on his shoulders she pulled up, the back of her neck touching the fabric of the roof, the head of his penis tickling every nerve in her passage as she pulled up. They paused, staring into each others' eyes on the precipice, then she lowered herself, another cry of pleasure escaping her.

Her lover held her hips and eased himself up into her, meeting her descent. She pulled back up, shivering in pleasure, he pulled down at the same time, grunting as her passage squeezed his mottled shaft. He pulled her down into another deep kiss, gripping her waist and thrusting into her. She kissed back eagerly and churred to him, the claws on her toes almost ripping the back of the driver's seat as they curled and uncurled with every motion of that rather large human penis inside her. Their free hands found each other, four skinned fingers lacing with two scaled, holding tightly while he pumped into her tight passage. After a few strokes she shifted above him, bracing her knees on the seat again, and he settled on the seat while she began to ride him, stroking her hips up and down and side to side, squealing as his penis hit her g-spot every time. She leaned back between the passenger and driver's seats, her arms around the headrests, head flopping back with a loud, lewd moan as he grabbed her hips and started pounding himself into her. It hurt when he hit her cervix but the pleasure was utterly amazing! She gasped for breath, breasts bouncing wildly on her chest as he plowed her. He grunted and huffed, groaning under his breath, her tight tunnel around his hard flesh was indescribably blissful! She gripped the headrests and started bucking her hips again, and he thrust into her motions, the two shivering and crying out in growing ecstasy.

The car rocked back and forth as they worked each other. Their minds seemed to be on the same page; he would bring her to the edge of climax, then calm down and revert to slow, shallow thrusts, then she would squeeze herself around him until he almost came and then relax, stoking each others' fires ever hotter. She pulled herself from between the seats and sprawled on the seat next to him, sliding under him as he hunkered over her and then eased himself into her passage again, laying atop her while she wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed him deeply. They continued their edging game, the car visibly rocking back and forth, their cries and shouts of ecstasy drowned out by the seemingly endless rain. He grabbed her, held her tight to his chest and rolled over so she was on top, reaching up to caress and squeeze her breasts while she started bucking her hips again. It was a bit awkward having to hunch over him, but she didn't care; his caressing strokes, his deep kissing, his cuddly clinging and his thick penis, it was all so wonderful! She cried out and squealed repeatedly as an unexpected orgasm washed over her, tail twitching and writhing against the window, her sweet nectar gushing over his crotch as her pussy milked him hard. He gritted his teeth and held still, desperately fighting back the urge to blow his load inside that awesome silky tightness of hers. He won over himself by a hair, pulling her down into another passionate kiss while grinding his hips against her, shifting his human phallus around inside the beautiful saur girl. She kissed back, a little less enthusiastically as her mind was lost temporarily in the mixed bliss of afterglow and his continued pleasuring.

It didn't take her long to recuperate though, the car rocking again as she rode him as hard as her knees on the seat would allow. This time they were going for the finish, and they were both well on their way there already. Despite having already peaked she could feel another, stronger one welling up as his head added even more exotic stimulation to her needy passage, her muscles fluttering around him with desire. He grabbed her once more and sat up with her on his lap, bouncing her on his penis and giving her yet another deep kiss. She kissed back, gasping against his mouth, hands planted on his shoulders to keep herself from collapsing.

"Almost...there..." he grunted, giving her a strong thrust.

"K-keep it in...cum in me...please..." she whimpered, then threw her head back with a saurian roar as she climaxed, her pussy clenching in tight waves along his shaft, covering his length in her juices. He grabbed her waist and thrust deep and fast, then shoved up inside her with a loud cry of orgasm, hips bucking slightly and driving his head against her cervix as rope after thick, hot rope of creamy human seed gushed into her. She squealed and moaned in ecstatic bliss, each wave in her belly adding small spikes of pleasure to her afterglow. Despite her tight grip and his thick girth, most of it ended up squirting onto the seat below them. They bucked and ground against each other, riding out their peaks until he finally slowed and stopped, a thin string of cum keeping them connected as he gave one last shallow thrust and pulled out of her.

"" he muttered, head flopping back against the seat, eyes closed as he basked in post-coital bliss.

She slumped onto him, panting heavily. " the best..."

"Hm?" he mumbled, her statement dredging him from the haze of his afterglow. She hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his neck.

"Best sex I've ever had..." She kissed his cheek slowly. "Thank you..."

He chuckled and kissed back, rubbing her thigh softly. "I thought you were thanking me for before, now you're saying it again?" He nuzzled her nose, then gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I should be thanking you...I've never had such an eager, cuddly girl before."

She laid back down on him, churring as he wrapped his arms around her and slowly rocked her side to side. "Mmm...I kinda don't want to leave you now, do I hafta go to D-Tech?"

"Well if you have an employer awaiting, then yes, especially if it's D-Tech." He stroked her cheek with a grin. "Besides, I live not too far from there, I'm sure we could see each other often if you wanted to."

"I'd love that." She looked down and giggled. "Really made a mess of your back seat though."

He looked down too and laughed, realizing he was sitting in a puddle of their mixed cum. "Ah well...kind of an old car, gonna need to get it re-upholstered soon." He shifted under her and she slid sideways to the next seat. "Buuuut maybe I should get moving before I'm glued to the chair by our cum."

"How do we clean up though-" she started, breaking off when he pushed the door open and stepped outside into the roaring downpour. He held his hand back in for her, leaning in and giving a coy smile. She grinned back and took his hand, and the two laughed and scrubbed themselves off as quickly as they could in the rain, hunkering beside the car to avoid possible passersby. As he finished scrubbing off his shaft, she leaned down and took the head in her mouth, teasingly "chewing" on him while she suckled, churring at his strong male flavor. Giving it a kiss when she pulled off, she ducked into the passenger's seat, then watched and burst out laughing as he slowly strutted around the front of the car, then when he was certain there was nobody coming he posed naked a few times on the hood with silly grins plastered on his face. Finally he bolted into the driver's seat and sat there shivering and rubbing himself over, angling the driver's side vents at himself.

"Damn it's cold out there!" he said with a bit of a laugh.

"I never would've thought you were an exhibitionist. Or a poser."

"I'm not."

They both laughed again and sat there enjoying the warm air drying them off. She churred and closed her eyes, smiling as she leaned the chair back. "Mmmm..."

"You okay after that? No temperature shock?"

"I'm okay. Best I've felt in a long, long time, really."

"Why's that?" he asked as he revved the engine back to life. She gave him a sidelong smirk. "I see. I'm glad then. Was it really the best?"

"The most I've had was a night-long fling of just sex...but you...youre just...amazing," she said with a blush.

"Well" he replied, cheeks going red again.

She giggled and sighed, slumping a little further in the seat, staring out the window sleepily. "By the way, I never got your name. I'm Ashley."

"Trevor," he replied. "Ashley...I like that name."

"I didn't even ask where you work...I'm such a ditz."

"It's no biggie." He smirked and gazed at her sidelong. "Wanna know?"

"Sure, maybe we can hang out after work if you're close enough."

"Oh, I'm plenty close enough." She raised an eyebrow, to which he grinned. "D-Tech."

"Can this day get any better?" she asked, her smile widening. "That would be so great if I got a job there!"

"Not in that clothing you're not, or lack of, I should say."

She arched her back, making her breasts jut out. "You know you like it."

"Very much so," he replied in a husky growl, grinning sidelong at her. "If you don't mind, I'll take you to my house, you can crash there while your clothes dry, then I'll take you to see your brother, fair deal?"

"Mmmm...not a fair deal," she replied. He raised an eyebrow in question. "Unless you'd consider some more... thanking." They looked at each other with playful, knowing smiles.

Just like the rain, they continued well into the night, hammering and thundering on all surfaces until they had no more to give, clouds of lust finally parting to the night skies. As she fell asleep with her new friend, Ashley knew, somehow, things were on the rise again. Be it her life, the weather, or Trevor's penis under the sheets as she snuggled up to his warm side.