Meeting Starfox part 2: conclusion

Story by commisiar on SoFurry

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#2 of Meeting Starfox

This is the finale of the two part series I have created. While I could have made it into porn I decided not to. After all I should combine these two into a folder but I want your comments on it.

Comment, read it, vote, do anything you like as long as there are no trolls because there isn't real porn. I stick with love, romance, and the occasional experimentation if there is a woman involved. Anything that is pure male is a fair game.

To wrap this up this a chapter about emotions, feelings, from Krystal and Fox as there relationship solidifies.

Fox swallowed hard as he and his team was escorted into Enforcer Headquarters. He had started sweating seeing the guards, these elusive commandos all wearing black armor and carrying massive rail guns for assault rifles. As they entered inside he raised his head to look above him seeing an eight foot tall wolf with cold blue eyes.

"This must be Sheanas father" were his thoughts before the coldness disappeared as he gave a small smile.

Her father grunted saying "you must be the starfox team from what I have heard from my rather rouge SWAT agent. Also he is right here!"

He looked down at the familiar blue armored wolf who replied "okay all there is nothing to see here thank you, you can return to your normal duties commandos. Hey Fox so you came here to get the paperwork done?"

Fox snorted as he walked over along with Krystal who replied "why hello Evan, your boss is quite scary!"

Evan rolled his eyes saying "hey at least the military didn't respond. The Common Wealth utilizes an FTL that scares the shit out of everybody ever since the Bydo war!"

He had drove to work on his hover cycle he now stored in his gauntlet due to the transformer technology required to do so because he really wanted to talk with Krystal, as a concerned friend he was after all just gazing at Fox and her he knows they are much closer now. He stifled a yelp as he tackled from behind by his daughter making them chuckle.

Krystal looked at his daughter and noticed her beautiful dark fur. She blushed as she eyed her and licked her lips before saying "my my you're a beautiful and very strong looking wolfess. So you must be Kris and why did your father bring you to work??"

Kris frowned before explaining "Father sometimes brings me here so I can watch or play tag with Chris. It's the safest place to play as long as we don't cause more paperwork!"

Evan chuckled before saying "well then as a customary greeting welcome to the outskirts of the Common Wealth. New York isn't what it used to be but it's getting better, much better!"

Fox nodded and Evan explained "now then as for the usual protocol the leader of any group must meet with the boss upstairs. Take the staircase and meet with him and his office door is usually the biggest with the largest view possible. I will gladly take the rest of your squad to the lounge to relax in while you do this. I'm sorry but its protocol and I can't break it..."

Fox sighed before perking up as he added "I will however let you r squad mates enjoy the lounge and you as well after you are done!"

He mentioned for them to follow him with a small carefree smile on his face as Fox heeded his words.

Evan guided the others to the lounge and it was a pretty large place while decorated in chairs and couches. He simply waited for them to pick a chair making them raise an eyebrow. He shrugged his shoulders and answered "what you can sit anywhere just not by the black chairs next to the windows. Those are reserved for the commandos as a medical thing. They are retired soldiers who served during the last war..."

He smiled as he saw the couches that looked like they were in a circular position and sat down in one before being smothered by his daughter. Krystal chuckled before they walked over and sat down next to them.

She smiled softly seeing his daughter snuggle closer into his chest before asking "does she let anyone else stroke her hair or fur besides you?"

He sighed and added "well only her only best friend and her mother. Anyone else she might flinch, shy away or get scared. However she is great around children and I am very happy for her!"

Falco smiled before asking "you have high speed is that natural?"

Evan smiled and answered "naturally yes however I had to channel some of my energies to my legs. Even then however I risk immense pain as my legs are not suited for it in so I can only do quick bursts of speed. I'm not a strong fighter in fact I rather rely on speed and tactics more often by reflecting the opponents energy back at them!"

Katt frowned as he felt uneasy at the word not suited and asked him "and why is this?"

He swallowed and answered "my Zordiarc is a double bladed sword. While it can grant a lot of abilities it is also a seriously dangerous thing. After a minute of constant usage my legs feel like they could shatter and two minutes leaves them paralyzed. Three minutes however I risk being crippled for life..."

Krystal felt her mouth go dry as she swallowed and he added "everything has a price, and I risk having my channels rupture and explode. In fact since yesterday I still haven't recovered for being that fast..."

To show his body jerked and twitched as his legs slowly started to show that they were a bright purple underneath his lower armor.

She shook her head and frowned as he continued to stare at her and replied "what is it this time?"

He shook his head and sighed saying "oh nothing, it's just I can see past your emotional mask I should know I used to wear one out in public. I've been through a lot of grief and I still feel the after effects some of them permenant including for my daughter and wife..."

Krystal frowned before sighing as she flattened her ears making Falco reply "what do you mean?"

Evan simply smiled sadly and answered "well some people develop a mask when the pain becomes to much or sorrow. I had one to hide my own sorrow but I grew out of it being around those I love. However should you use it all the time you will get into character to much that upon a single change you might break!"

Krystal trembled before Evan cleared his throat and continued "I don't mean to be so harsh Krystal, but you need to heal. I am just doing what best friend would do, and I would rather see you happy instead of falling into the dark pit like I did once before because I nearly shattered if it weren't for my friends and wife but mostly my daughter..."

Kris snuggled closer as he wrapped his arms around her waist even though he was burning up because of her warmth.

Krystal shed a tear making them frown at him as she whispered "I know, but I just can't get rid of it..."

He frowned as he gave her a look of sorrow and added "You have to push onwards, and hopefully those memories will stay in the past. Never forget them but never consider taking your own life, I will tell you what how about you visit my wife who is in the next room filing some paperwork. After all she is a psychiartrist and she will let you vent and rave everything until you feel better. Our daughter still needs sessions and she is one of the very few who actually live with there lives still fully intact after all..."

Kris held back a whimper making him gently stroke her back and brushed along her tail slowly with a paw.

Krystal felt her eyes water and whispered "maybe I shall, you don't have to be so blunt after all!"

He sighed as he gave her a deeply pained look making them flinch as he replied "sometimes the truth hurts. However I only did this to try and help you! Hiding behind a mask hurts because your holding all of your own sadness back and you can't seem to find release. If you expressed your feelings loudly even by ranting or venting yourself to fox then I am more then certain he will find something in common! You need to remove that mask or you will never heal no matter what you do!"

She flinched saying "would it really be that bad?"

He sighed before saying "I thought of placing one of my magnums in my mouth and pull the trigger. I nearly did one, just a hair breath away from the trigger but I stayed strong. I did it because of my wife wanted me back desperately at the time before we were married. It doesn't have to be quickly just take your time, after all Fox knows about loss because of his father getting betrayed by a pig!"

She scowled saying "you don't have control over your mental abilities do you?"

Evan flinched saying "I told you that I don't have great discipline. In fact I am quite helpless at control because the bydo wants to learn everything about a person. I should apologize to foxy about what I did!"

Falco rolled his eyes saying "it's fox, unless of course you want to get into his pants?"

Evan blushed and added "well maybe, I'm getting a bit to hot Kris!"

He released his daughter who merely pouted as she released her hug and lied across his lap on her back. He smiled at her as he noticed that she had raised her hood before gently rubbing her chest with a paw.

Krystal smiled softly as she sighed before asking "thank you, why does your daughter wear her hood?"

He sighed and explained "it's a personal reason for her, it's not because she is shy but it's because she is afraid..."

Katt squirmed before asking "afraid, afraid of what? The bastards are in prison and most likely dead!"

Evan squirmed before saying "the conditioning warped her mind to the point where she could fall in love with someone and be with them forever. I've only spent four months with her when I freed her from those shackles and she has deeply fallen in love with me. I love her just as much but she wears her hood because she is afraid about that particular thing from happening again and not being accepted!"

That really made them blanch and Krystal whispered "I'm deeply sorry for what you had to go through Kris..."

That made his daughter shed a tear and started to weep silently as she smiled sadly at her as her father gently rubbed her and whispered soothing words into her right ear.

With Fox

Fox swallowed as he sat down in the chair in front in front Evans boss who gave him the proper papers. He picked up a pen and started signing them before asking "tell me is Evan really that solemn for an enforcer?"

He eyed the larger more masculine wolf who sighed and explained "a bit, he's an excellent and I do mean excellent SWAT agent however he does have anger issues. His favorite thing to do is play mind games, plant seeds, what I mean is he can be a bit manipulative however he only does this to reinforce any holes that most people forget..."

Fox frowned saying "I think he did that when he was on the Great Fox yesterday but I can see why. The lylat system doesn't have anything related to slavery but there have been pirate attacks that say otherwise. Still I feel annoyed that he sort of keeps staring at my ass when we meet!"

The wolf snorted before answering "that's just like him, my name is Peter Wolffang by the way. However to answer your question he does that to cope because well have you ever seen the full extent of his dark personality it's not pretty..."

Fox swallowed before saying "I know he has issues and anger, a lot of anger but no why?"

Peter sighed before saying "well let's just say he doesn't regret what happens if somebody screws with him and my daughter. It's not about vengeance or revenge it's just he is very protective just a bit more then myself. He really doesn't want anybody else to suffer like he had..."

Fox sighed before saying "I can see the pain in his eyes only a little but he's so bitter and well. He honestly makes me feel pity about how he could talk about killing so easily even though he hates it..."

Peter sighed and explained "he doesn't like killing, he only does it as a last resort. However in this city, the criminal underworld doesn't exactly give him a chance to relax. Our resources are slowly coming back to full strength but I need him for this. This city used to have a high crime rate but now it's very low."

Fox smirked before asking "he's very restless isn't he?"

Peter shook his head and answered "quite so, he just doesn't stop until his shift is over. I always expected a few things but he seriously dug up a giant pile of problems. He can be extremely stubborn rarely and he does truly want to help others with their issues. Anyways I place these papers in the system and your all set!"

Fox smiled as he swished his orange tail before standing up right to shake his hand of which Peter accepted.

As he walked out of the office he sighed before stopping as he noticed a wolfox with a creamy white undercoat and blue hair walk around writing on a datapad. He blushed as she looked at him saying "can I help you? Oh hello there Fox, my husband and your squad mates are in the lounge allow me to guide you!"

He gulped as he saw her wedding ring and added "thanks, you must be Sheana. Your husband would be after me if I did something stupid around you!"

She smiled softly as she gently adjusted her dark rimmed glasses and explained "perhaps, but only if your acting with your dick and try to touch me forcefully. I truly do love my husband and he loves me so much that he always asks for my permission about certain women. Do you want to know why he is like he is? Simply put he has had a rough life and so much anger yet mixed with sorrow and emotional pain. Even now with the emotional problems healing his personality is still permanent much to our dismay and his own grief, he loves our daughter so much that he would rather be a friendly carefree man like he used to be until his teenaged years that has caused him so much grief..."

Fox winced before turning to follow her heading down the hallway before yelping as a dark grey and silver furred blur tackled her. She gave a yelp as she replied "goodness Chris don't tackle me like that!"

He giggled before saying "aw alright mom, Zume, Kobe, Jayce, and Ryan and Luka are here though and heading towards the lounge!"

He pointed as the large glass doors opened making Fox look at them and gave a double take seeing that they were in fact stronger looking then him while wearing black shorts and sleevless shirts with the same color.

He noticed that the yellow fox he knew as Jayce has green eyes while the other four did not making him raise an eyebrow.

Sheana smiled softly saying "what brings you here Luka?" She asked the grey fox who was busy chatting with Ryan making him blush.

He shrugged his shoulders saying "oh so now I can't visit time to time anymore?" he replied with a slight tease making her chuckle softly.

She smiled saying "I know, so how is Club Zero Blue lately no further problems?"

Fox was a bit put out before she replied "Luka this is Fox from the Starfox military outfit in the Lylat system. I guess you can say my husband is a trouble magnet for severely breaking the fourthwall and odd randomness that always happen during mornings..."

Zume giggled before looking him over and had to stare at his rump briefly before looking away.

Fox huffed saying "why do nearly every male here stare at my rump. For that matter does taking it up the ass really ruins your masculinity from what I have heard from Falco?"

Zume heard this and folded his arms before tapping his right foot feeling annoyed before rolling his blue eyes. He huffed before answering "he's yanking your chain about that. Also do be respectful okay especially here because you might end up dead because sexual discrimination has caused us homosexuals to get angry or worse depending on the offense. This is just a friendly warning and our friend would have given Falco a severe tongue lashing that would have turned my fur white!"

Fox kicked himself as he replied "dam it I shouldn't have listened to him about that, look I'm sorry!

They walked forwards before Zume gently chuckled as he replied "it's okay. It's just that type of question would have caused some problems!"

Fox smiled softly sighing as they headed down the hallway and arrived at a see through door at the far left wing of Enforcer HQ.

As soon as he spotted the lounge he stopped to notice that Evan was hugging a wolfess before saying "is that your daughter?"

Sheana smiled softly before answering "why yes, she's beautiful isn't she? However do be mindful Kris is a rather fragile and sorrowful girl. Were not as strong as he suggests it's just we could be that strong. Zume and Kobe are both stronger then him and he knows it

She smirked seeing Chris run into the room and sat on the couch next his father who smiled softly and scratched behind his ears before Jayce ran into the room and leaped onto the couch.

Fox rolled his eyes saying "jayce seems very affectionate!" while watching Kris move off her father's lap to snuggle closer into the yellow fox's chest.

Sheana smiled as she answered "he is, he is also my daughter's boyfriend. He doesn't care that he bats for the same team because she is a herm and he would never hurt her. Also he might seem to be over eager but that's just him after all he was kicked out of his home because what his sexuality was as a teenager..."

Fox sighed before they entered the lounge.

Evan raised his head and laughed as Jayhce bounded into the lounge along with zume and Kobe. However he raised an eyebrow seeing his other boss and Ryan walk into the room as well and replied "oh hello Luka. Is there something wrong with the club again?"

Luka sighed as he sat down on a free chair and added "oh nothings wrong it's just I'm tired and haven't had enough time with my little lover here!" while pointing at Ryan who merely blushed and smiled softly as he swished his white tail.

Evan smirked before laughing as Sheana sat down next to him making him nuzzle her as Fox joined the others.

Krystal chuckled softly saying "what took you so long?"

Fox sighed and added "small talk, our friend here wasn't always like this just changed because of the emotional problems when he was 20..."

Falco frowned as Fox sighed even as Evan eyed them before speaking "when a person can't take it anymore they buckle down and push through or they give in. Should they push through they change mentally and emotionally and sometimes not for the better that is what happened to me after all..."

Krystal winced as she eyed him feeling his eyes glance at them and knowing that everybody else besides his wife was too late to save him. As his eyes glanced at them Fox shivered seeing darkness within his eyes of rage and justified hatred against all who deeply and personally insult him too far. In contrast he could warmth and deep concern for his daughter and everyone else.

Evan sighed before saying "I don't want others to suffer like myself and while I do have a set of morals I don't play nicely in fact I tend to be ruthless or cautious depending on the situation. As I for one cannot stand corruption and whatever else is linked to it. I would rather work my way to power instead of taking it unless I have no choice..."

Fox sighed before gently hugging Krystal who was next to him and wrapped her blue tail around her waist.

Evan smiled sadly as he finished up "I'm sorry for the grim atmosphere, I guess I killed the mood again..."

Katt waved him off saying "that's kay, your friends are very sexy to look at by the way!"

Kobe blushed as Luka chortled and Fox asked him "so what do you work at?"

Luka smiled and answered "I run Club Zero Blue; it's a night club that is run by males because of my tastes. I don't come out of my office often because I always need to look over the patrons through the security cameras in case things get out of hand..."

Fox raised an eyebrow and Evan explained "Club Zero Blue is a hot spot where men or women can enjoy themselves if it involves the same sex. However that is also the problem where some patrons try to take advantage of others if you know what I mean. When I work as a bouncer there I don't forget taking a baton or shock staff just in case as a non lethal weapon..."

Fox sighed and added "I guess I can see why, most males must be chick or guy magnets there!" he joked making Kobe chuckle softly.

Ryan swished his white tail before adding "most of the time it's these three, other times it's me!"

Krystal raised an eyebrow and Evan explained "you see there are three types of people when it regards to sex. The subs who mostly like taking it and never change. Dom who take control and the last one is switch. I'm a switcher by default as I give and receive depending on the situation. Some people are highwired like this and Ryan is a natural sub otherwise called a sub species fox by some hypocrites..."

Ryan huffed saying "ah yeah I love getting fucked but I am not a total sub, I love Luka by the way!"

Luka blushed and Krystal asked him "how come you don't come out your office often?"

He blushed and answered "sometimes I'm busy, other times I just like to relax. Evan however knows that I like being in my office naked and only wear clothing when it's an emergency or for a meeting!"

Krystal chuckled saying "I sometimes like to be nude as well when I am alone. However only when I am in private..."

Evan chuckled before asking "say Krystal has any of the crew members bought you a jump suit before like from the mischevious Lucy Hare? I didn't get to see her on the Starfox though..."

Krystal snorted rolling her eyes saying "well she did buy me one as a gif however it was well pink..."

She blushed as he chuckled before saying "at least you didn't harm her feelings!"

Katt chuckled before sighing as she replied "I've been meaning to ask, does the heat cycle really drive a male nuts?"

Evan grimaced and replied "it depends but sometimes yes, if there very pent up. Note during such a thing your body is literally begging for fun even if you're straight from a male person..."

Fox snorted as he shook his head saying "no way that's bullshit!"

Evan rolled his eyes saying "is it? When I was out of commission in the hospital for a while my wife and daughter decided to fuck each other of which I found hot and was annoyed because I didn't get to see it!"

He teased his wife who merely giggled as she blushed heavily and answered "well my hubby is right about that! I am a very sexually pent up wolfox or well used to be. We honestly enjoyed ourselves and she likes it when I fondle her!"

They all chuckled at this before they continued to chat. As they chatted about there days or complaints about the equipment along with paperwork Fox had noticed Evans anger began to melt away. He shook his head internally seeing that he was starting to open up and saw the carefree look in Zumes eyes as well.

He chuckled as Zume began nibbling on his right ear making him giggle softly before smiling warmly at him. Oh yes he had it deep for those three the blue wolf, Doberman, and the yellow fox were finally at peace at last.

Fox licked his lips before asking "what just happened?"

Evan sighed before saying "I relaxed enough and I feel comfortable enough around you five that my instincts no longer consider to be cautious around you. I put up a cold front around those I don't know very well and I do apologize because you did not deserve it..."

Krystal smiled before saying "aw that's alright. Still instinctual or is a more of a defensive mechanism?"

He frowned and answered "it's defensive; it makes me show no emotion and what I want to project by a passive stare. A piece of my mental protections just enough that no ill will can see the real emotions. Living in this city is a hazard and if your unlucky you will stumble upon the middle of it called the red light district..."

Fox felt his tail twitch and added "like a seedy place for sex?"

Evan rolled his eyes saying "it's more how to put it illegal..."

Fox winced saying "ouch, in the lylat system we have our own problems like the slave trade. However we have been cracking down on that pretty hard lately. Tell me do you have deep feelings for Zume?"

Evan smiled as his ear was nibbled again by the blue wolf and replied "I do, for all three of my friends I was planning on marrying them but I stopped myself because I didn't know how hard it would strain our relationship or budget. Still we are excellent friends and I try not act like a crotchety old bastard!"

They all snorted and laughed even as he grumbled while blushing heavily.

As the sun slowly started to set Fox yawned as he sat up before saying "well it's time for us to leave!"

Evan smiled before watching them sat up before saying "okay! It was a pleasure to see you as well Fox!"

As they stood up and shook each others hands before a loud explosion shook entire building. Evan quickly grabbed Fox and Krystal ducking as the glass windows around them exploded and barked out "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!"

Ion quickly appeared while scanning the area and replied "Oh dear that's not good, um Fox your Arwing has been damaged along with Krystal's due to an explosion. Probably from an egghead messing with your powersources, eta time of repair one day at least..."

Fox groaned before he quickly stood up to checj on Jayce and his daughter as he hugged her fiercely to protect her from the shrapnel. Jayce released her and blushed as she gave him a lick on his cheek saying "thank you! Father what happened?"

Evan shook his head and answered "I don't really have all the details but we do have to in invite two guests over for dinner tonight and then they are free to go next morning!"

She clapped her hands happily and replied "oh guests! Let me guess both Fox and Krystal?"

Falco shook his head and replied "hey Fox we could always give you a lift..." he was proposing to them making him and Krystal shake their heads.

Fox answered "I would rather not be separated from Krystal here for a second, we can wait it out make sure if general pepper calls tell him what happened okay?"

Falco nodded not feeling to happy about that before they left making Krystal sigh.

Evan chuckled saying "hey relax, I stored my bike in Sheanas trunk of her hover car after all we are offering you a place to stay until there repaired..."

Krystal noticed his wife eye his with a seductive smile on her face and replied "are you that interested to get into my pants?"

Sheana swished her tail and answered "perhaps, I only go for willing folks and wouldn't use anything more then a slight massage. Are you sure that you won't come into bed with me?

Fox rolled his eyes even as all four of the males gazed at his rump before Evan called out "Luka are you and Ryan alright?"

He got a muffled groan from the couch they were sitting on and he sniggered seeing Ryans face on his crotch and he replied "I'm alright, jeez you guys have powerful power sources for aircraft!"

Fox smiled saying "there the best only second to starwolf, you know I what I don't get is why is wolf so bitchy with me when we dogfight?"

Evan sighed and explained "look beating a fellow pilot in everything isn't good if you gloat or rub things in their faces..."

Fox flattened his ears and spoke "what? Oh great just great, I k new I shouldn't have acted so cocky before maturing more after the academy. Is there anything that can please him?"

Evan smiled saying "grovel at him and do sincerely apologize, he's had a rough life and your attitude nearly caused a vendetta if he didn't grudgingly respect you now!"

Fox cringed before sighing as he added "oh alright, maybe I should invite him for a beer after today?"

Evan in the meantime had helped Ryan and Luka onto their feet and Evan asked Ryan "tell me do you two act like a married couple?"

Ryan blushed up a storm saying "well while both love each other I don't think we should get married unless Luka wants to!"

Luka blushed before explaining "too much of a hassle, however it's best to be open about it to those you trust."

Evan smiled as watched Fox's crew slowly leave before saying "well come on works over..."

Fox sighed as they headed outside and Evan got into the front seat and smiled as his wife entered the drivers seat and slammed her door. Kris and her little brother bounded into the back as Krystal and Fox slowly entered the back seat as well.

As Evan buckled his seat he asked them "are you two comfy and no rough housing back their with your brother Kris okay?"

Fox and Krystal both buckled themselves into place as Sheana started to drive away. To spend there time they looked out the window and gazed at the holographic billboards. Fox jumped feeling Kris nearly rest her right hand on his crotch before saying "stop that please!"

Evan looked over his shoulder and replied "Kris behave! I can always say no sex for a week but I am not that cruel..."

Kris quickly moved her hand and apologized to Fox "sorry about that, I guess my hormones are quite imbalanced again. It's been this way since I was cleansed from the nasty chemicals to make me more amendable at the time!"

Krystal looked out the side window as they stopped and stared wide eyed as she gazed upon a large house. She whistled saying "that looks pretty large, by the way what is your families specialty?"

Evan answered her as his wife parked her car "the Wolffangs are a militaristic family, always has been after all Peter used to be a war general but now he is retired having served in the Gyrocion Common Wealth war. The egomaniacal bastard was one as well have alien half machine, he was strong to pierce through my shoulder with a claw and I nearly lost my arm again..."

Fox felt cold and added "what do you mean again?"

He sighed and whispered "well my legs, arms, and eyes are fake there augmented. I lost my original limbs and eyes due to a side job when I left the city. A terrorist hijacked a cargo truck and was planning on smashing it into the only hospital that creates the specially crafted Anti-psychotics I need to keep myself from going nuts. Not to mention it was filled with thermite and I had no choice but to shoot it's feul tank. It exploded but the thermite covered my shoulders and thighs and the shrapnel pierced through my visor and impaled my eyes..."

Fox felt horrified as he exited the vehicle before watching as he opened there door for him. He smiled sadly before staring again at another car it was sleek and purple and asked "is that yours?"

Evan smiled before nodding and raised his head seeing a green colored hover car arrived and answered "well yes, it is an extremely expensive car and it was a gift from the mafia kingpin. Unlike most criminal organizations the mafia isn't really poisonous it's just some of there deals are more shady. Come here Kris and give you father a hug!"

Fox exited the car as did Krystal who giggled seeing the wolfess bound into her fathers arms as he embraced her quickly.

She raised an eyebrow noticing his friends exit there car and Evan replied "you know I should have given Luka and Ryan a ride back to the night club. Oh well finally we can rest our aching backs, I always feel exhausted when spent and right now for me it's better!"

He carried his daughter inside as Sheana guided there guests through the front door.

Fox whistled as he looked around noticing a large library and kitchen, followed by the living room and a massive TV along with a large couch. As he looked into the library he noticed a large chemistry set and replied "are you a chemist?"

Evan smiled before replying "sort of but I bought it for my daughter. She loves chemistry as much as I do, also she has been working on a hormone balancer and a way to make somebody relax. She tests the chemicals on the rats that sneak inside, mind you we are a bit of a carnivorous family and I have eaten a poor sods heart before..."

Fox grimaced saying "that's a tad disturbing!"

Kris shrugged her shoulders as he father released her and she crashed onto the couch and waited for Jayce to sit next to her. She smiled seeing the yellow fox bound over and sat down next to her and gently nuzzled her.

Evan smiled even as he hid a glass grow grin and explained "I know, however I have gotten used to licking blood off my knives. It tastes delicious and yet I feel horrified as though my berserker blood wants more. Controlling this side of myself is a big problem and I wish I would stop licking them, I'm not a cannibal I'm just someone with something that has only appeared in a few hundred anthros. One of them being Sheanas father of course and he has full control of his but not me!"

Fox and Krystal both sighed before crashing onto the couch next to the two love birds as Evan and his wife sat down on the far edge of the couch while waiting for the others to arrive. The couch was large enough to sit 9 people as Kobe and Zume joined them as Chris bounded into his fathers lap to relax.

Fox and Krystal smiled softly as Evan explained "there are two guest rooms and one masterbedroom, Zume and my other friends use the first guest room to sleep with each other. The other one is right by the kitchen!"

Krystal watched as Chris moved into his mothers lap as Jayce bounded over and snuggled into Evans lap. Evan chuckled as he hugged the yellow fox who was trying to snuggle closer and Fox asked him "why does he do that?"

Evan smiled saying "he's an affectionate and lovable guy, however it's also because he's had a harsher life then Zume or Kobe. You must understand Jayce has been homeless ever since he was a teenager because of his parents prejudice towards his own love interests. When we first met he was quite frankly a broken man as though his heart was taken and shattered nearly beyond repair..."

Fox flattened his ears and replied "that's harsh, and how could his own parents do that?"

Evan shrugged his shoulders saying "only if there religious fanatics, I've seen some pretty heavy ones. Apparently in the seedier parts of the city some people believe that the ruinous powers from Warhammer 40k and fantasy are real..."

He blanched saying "I've read some of the books or seen of the game footages but that is just messed up. Chaos can't exist can it?"

Evan flinched saying "not the game or book aspect of it but in real life it does, some people have gone crazy or started cults that create a massive group suicide because the person in charge said to. The worst of these are ideals that spawn hatred and wars or backstab others. For instance I fear Communism and the effects of racial hatred from the KKK which is not fully gone..."

When he said communism they could hear the disgust in his voice and Fox grimaced saying "you are disgusted with this Communism aren't you?"

Evan grimaced saying "it's caused a lot of grief and pain worldwide, in fact it has caused a lot of destruction and misery to nearly everything else. If it wasn't for communism China and Russia wouldn't have suffered at all!"

He finished before gently stroking Jayces yellow tail making the fox murr in delight.

Fox smiled softly before asking "aw that's so cute, he's a desperate fellow isn't he?"

Zume winced saying "well yes, sometimes he manipulates me and Kobe inhto having sex with him. Well not manipulating you see he has kinetic pheromones that make anybody do what he wants if he touches there fur, scale, or skin but not anymore. He used to be my ex until I grew a bit to annoyed with him, however I didn't realize he was homeless..."

Evan sighed and asked both Fox and Krystal "what is more important? Family relationships your job or friendship?"

Fox and Krystal looked at each other and Krystal replied "I don't know...."

Evan smiled softly saying "it's a trick question being all of the above. Well I am a family man with a relationship I always try to be open and do my job and friendship the most. Having friends can help a lot in the long run, what I mean is never put off something for one thing and never neglect the other. I made some mistakes as a kid and a writer but back then I didn't know what I was doing wrong. There are two things that can ruin a family neglect and favoritism."

Fox cringed saying "it must be common am I correct?"

Evan shook his head and answered "not really, unless your in the Harry potter verse!"

He smiled as he nuzzled his daughter who was resting her head on his shoulder next to him and continued "I would never favor one of my kids for the other, it leads to neglect and neglect leads to the destruction of families..."

Fox licked his lips nervously and muttered "I would never do that to Krystal even so the chances of that happening are very slim. What I don't understand is what makes up a dark person?"

Evan eyed him saying "dark is a more of a perspective on life and it varies. However it is often applied with bitterness, anger, justified hatred, and your own actions as a whole..."

Fox grimaced saying "are you happy?"

Evan smiled softly saying "I am but... Yesterday I wasn't at my best because of my anger. I'm sorry it's just such memories shouldn't be said..."

He gave a sigh before Jayce moved off his lap and replied "I'm going to get a Budweiser how about you?"

Evan replied "a glass of water please Jayce?"

Jayce smiled softly and Fox asked "you really like him don't you?"

Evan smiled saying "Jayce is the most affectionate fox I have ever met, however I like both Kobe and Zume equally as well. "

Zume smiled softly as Jayce returned with his glass water and his own Budweiser and he replied "thanks!"

Jayce smiled softly before returning to his seat which was in Kris's lap as she smiled softly. She hugged him gently saying "are you controlling your pheromones Jayce?"

Fox raised an eyebrow saying "wait a minute, Evan is this what youm ean by pheromones?"

Evanm smiled as he answered "jayce is a unique case, well anybody could be natural bio energy manipulators however few can use kinetic energy unlike him and Zume. Zume has enhanced strength when he activates his using kinetic Implants and Jayce has his own. They have this effect where he can control nearly everyone when he wants to by using pheromones. However he has stopped doing that a couple of months ago!"

Krystal smirked deviously saying "I wouldn't mind having that so I could dom Fox!"

Fox smiled at her saying "and I wouldn't mind if you did that either!"

Zume giggled softly and whispered "that's just like Kobe and me!"

Kris smiled ass she hugged her boyfriend and whispered "daddy could I have a lollipop? I want something to suck on!"

Her father smiled as he materialized a large sucker and replied "here you go, now I have to give another one to your brother!" so he materialized another sucker for Chris who accepted it with delight.

Sheana pouted saying "you don't have one for me?" he placed his hands behind her left ear and pulled it away revealing a sucker in his hands gave it to his wife.

She smiled taking the treat and they removed the wrappers before placing them in their mouths and sucked on them softly. Fox raised an eyebrow and Evan explained "every once in a while we snack on a piece of candy, however I usually reserve them for a few days apart. I simply adore and love our kids so very much!"

He then turned on the TV and they watched some television until the sun set.

Krystal yawned before starting to fall asleep as Sheana asked her "tired Krystal? By the way I love your hair!"

Krystal blushed before sitting upright as she watched Sheanas husband carry there children into bed before asking "maybe, ok I will bite I will sleep with you for once."

She was a bit frightened about the subject as she watched there tenants leave the room smiling brightly as Fox headed after Evan. She raised an eyebrow as Sheana smiled softly before slowly moving closer to her on the now empty couch.

Sheana smiled as she added "now, now there is no reason to be shy. I don't go for seduction or wooing somebody I simply do what I want. I'm a very pent up wolffox with a very rough past, in fact I almost cling to my husband. The last time I had lesbian sex was with our daughter and she enjoyed herself immensely and her rather thick cock. For someone like yourself however having only had sex twice your body is in overdrive and wants more..."

She gently extended her hands as Krystal eyed her admiring her clothes and fur as she watched her remove her pants and blushed seeing that she doesn't wear underwear.

Sheana saw this and explained "I find it a bit of a hassle to wear panties, when my husbands girth is resting so close to me when we sleep. Such an impressive girth for somebody like him having a near perfect health despite how much he weighs because of his metabolism. While he may act like a man-whore and a bit of a natural slut he only does that to tease me when we feel bored!"

Krystal giggled softly before slowly unzipping her jump suit as Sheana helped her remove it. Krystal felt her heart race as she removed it along with her underwear and bra of which she unlocked. Sheana followed suite and she replied "you have large breasts..."

Sheana swished her tail before saying "thanks, you're pretty impressive yourself. Do you want me to take this slowly?"

Krystal blushed eyeing her creamy white undercoat as she nodded and felt her arms wrap around her waist slowly. Sheana smiled saying "I normally would start to kiss but I need permission first before doing anything."

Krystal blushed before replying "please?" and she did kiss her and it grew more passionate as the kiss deepened. Krystal panted before sticking her tongue inside her mouth as she moaned softly. Sheana deepened the kiss before they rested on the couch and Krystal spread her legs so that she could plant her mound onto hers and rub them together.

Sheana moaned softly before removing her mouth as she lowered it to suck on her right nipple. Krystal gave a soft gasp as she felt her mouth before getting wet in arousal as she slowly swirled her tongue around her breast. Krystal gave a soft mew as she bucked her hips as Sheana rubbed harder and harder feeling her bodies core increase in heat.

Krystal started to sweat as she whispered "Sheana!" making her raise her head and smile softly as she moved lowered and started to lap at her crotch, slowly running her tongue on her clit making her gasp.

Krystal felt sweet ecstasy as her eyes rolled up and she gave one last buckle as she climaxed and shouted "SHEANA!" as a loud cry of bliss.

Sheana stopped and smiled softly as she moved off her making her blush as she got quickly dressed. She giggled saying "did my little and adorable vixen enjoy herself?" she spoke with a tease making her smile softly before wrapping her blue tail around her waist.

Krystal replied "I did, it felt good just not as great as with Fox though. I didn't cream hard enough although where is he?"

Sheana adjusted her glasses and replied "he followed after my husband for a look over, You know how Evan gets when it concerns about family safety and well. Oh alright he is probably going to woo him out of his green pants!"

Krystal rolled her green eyes saying "I wouldn't doubt that!"

Sheana scoffed as she got off and gave her rump a smack making her jump saying "my hubby is not a slut! He doesn't spread his legs or sleeps with anybody without there permission you naughty vixen!"

Krystal smiled at her saying "I was just teasing you after all you're a naughty wolffox!"

Sheana facepalmed making her laugh as she muttered "why do I feel like this is Goth and Throbb all over again after that Zotz illusion?"

Krystal raised an eyebrow before she heard "don't mind me I just broke the fourth wall there. Sometimes my husband does it for comedy relief after all."

Krystal raised an eyebrow before yawning as she followed her into the Kitchen and the guest room. She raised an eyebrow seeing a massive bed and asked "why do you have beds fit for like seven people?"

Sheana chuckled and answered "my husband always needs to stretch his legs out, not to mention he was more then likely predicting about being married to five more people being well guys..."

Krystal rolled her eyes saying "oh and they are?"

She smiled and blushed as she added "well his three guy friends, and two turians from mass effect."

Krystal rolled her eyes saying "man-whore!" making them both snort and laugh softly.

Fox in the meantime watched Sheanas husband tuck in his children under there covers of their master bed. As he watched him remove his armor by atomizing it he blushed gazing at his figure.

Evan looked over his shoulders saying "my, my, if it isn't foxy. What brings you here?"

Fox blushed as he shuffled closer before replying "you know I get annoyed at that name. However well I was just wondering if well you could take my cherry..."

Evan raised an eyebrow before adding "pardon?"

Fox huffed and added "I have been getting curious to see what having man sex is like okay? I thought you would be the perfect choice, Krystal says you have a massive cock by the way!"

Evan smiled saying "I do, and it's all natural no drugs or things used in pornography. So is there any reason why you want me to take it?"

Fox blushed and mumbled "experimentation, although I do have to ask do you use lube?"

Evan smiled saying "not unless the person is a virgin. Most people say that anal sex is painful in fact its rare to find others that don't have that problem. You know my wife tends to masturbate when me and my daughter have sex in the shower when we don't notice it..."

Fox shook his head before slowly removing his shirt and pants nervously and Evan placed them on the side of the bed. Evan slowly undressed himself and Fox gulped at the large cock that was coming for him and Evan atomized a water based lubed and oiled it. He rubbed his paw up and down slowly before replying "when it comes to sex not everytime is the mind in control. Often your body is and it responds to how pent up you are. Having sex once is not enough after all."

He removed his hand and slowly beckoned him to the bed of which he sat down on the edge. He swallowed before doing so as Evan slowly walked forwards and gently added "I'm going to have to put my hand on your back for stability, you can rest your feet on my shoulders if you want."

Fox nodded slowly placing his feet on his shoulders as Evan slowly came closer and rested his cock against his back door.

Evan slowly pushed in making him bite his lip at the discomfort before slowly moving back. It felt hot and very large inside his colon as his body slowly accepted more then half his cock. He began to moan feeling nerves deep inside his colon react to the stimulus as did his prostate when he rubbed against it.

Evan bit his lip and grunted as he slowly began to speed up. He really had to admit it he was very tight for a virgin almost to tight as his knot inflated. He gritted his teeth saying "do you want the knot or not?"

Fox panted feeling him start to sweat and getting hard from the pleasure he was feeling and nodded having to much of a solid rod within as Evan slammed home and locked the knot in place. Fox gasped feeling the heat as large thick streams of seed explode within him as Evan replied "don't worry I sterilized myself around you as well. Having bydo DNA is a bit of a hassle, hmm hero of Lylat pregnant by a weird wolf oh the irony!"

He snarked as Fox placed a hand on his gut feeling the bulge. He licked his lips saying "unreal, so that is how anal sex feels like, I don't seem to enjoy it as you do though."

Evan smiled gently before saying "I thought as much, however sooner or later you're going to get it again if you're not careful!"

His knot deflated and he removed it even as Fox lied down on his back hearing himself slosh. He blushed as he eyed his bloated stomach and muttered "I feel like I gained a few pounds from all that cum. However does it all leave?"

Evan shrugged his shoulders saying "it does some of it might be trapped in your stomach however. Ironically enough there is a fetish called inflation where a person or woman is inflated by large amounts of seed. However don't do it around woman because there is a large and big risk of pregnancy from doing it. Anyways it will come out by standing or you will need to finger yourself, unless by some strange reason you enjoyed it more then you should..."

Fox licked his lips saying "oh alright I will say this I did enjoy myself a lot. However it's weird because I am well straight!"

Evan smiled softly saying "being sexually frustrated makes your body want more attention, however it also a problem because it makes you more of a sub when somebody massages, fondles, gropes you repeatedly. I only fondle my daughter in bed because she wants me to, look what I mean is becoming a sub by force will make you become a tail raiser."

Fox grimaced saying "a tail raiser? Whats that?"

Evan frowned and answered "somebody who would raise there tail for anyone they meet. My friends have standards and they only do consensual sex or have fun with me doing gangbangs but that's it."

Fox raised an eyebrow saying "what exactly is a gang bang?"

Evan answered "three guys and a woman or male and things go wild. I often plan gangbangs while being the person in the middle because it's fun, and my wife likes roleplays as well. We do so many things together a-"

He cut off as he blushed up a storm seeing his daughter's mischievous smile as she stared at them. Fox blushed heavily and whispered "how long did you watch by pretending to sleep?"

Kris smiled as she giggled and replied "long enough, you're a horny boy aren't you?"

She gestured to his hard cock making Fox huff and argued "I've only had sex twice even so yes I am like horny and wouldn't mind getting fucked again!"

Kris raised an eyebrow as she rolled onto her stomach and asked her father "I thought he was straight?"

Evan huffed saying "he is however his body is demanding more sexual attention; whenever someone is pent up enough they act a bit more on instinct instead of their mind."

The bedroom door opened and He looked at krystal who stared wide eyed at Fox and blushed heavily. Krystal was wandering what took Fox so long and now she discovered why and replied "oh god Fox. This is just to funny wheres my camera?"

Fox freaked out a little before she replied "I was just kidding! So how was it?"

He eyed her wide eyed noticing her messed up jump suit and Evan blushed saying "my wife had some fun with her, as for your answer he was extremely tight!"

Fox blushed saying "haven't taken a virgin have you besides your wife?"

Evan shook his head saying "you're the first male virgin I have ever had, although if you want me to go again then I won't stop you!"

Fox merely shook his head saying "as appeasing as that sounds no thanks, but well I wouldn't exactly mind visiting again after today and then you can have fun."

Evan raised an eyebrow as he answered "hmm now that is odd, I guess you can say your not exactly straight either after all nobody knows there sexuality unless they truly enjoy what they wanted."

He finished as he sat on the bed as his daughter moved out of the covers to move into his lap. He smiled softly as he embraced her as Fox answered "I guess I am not really straight but really? Does my own body reflect my need?"

Evan eyed him before answering "not really, however it only does it when your sexually stressed. If you liked being fucked and wanted to do more I would gladly do you. Even if you don't like it as much your at least willing to try. Some chicks dig guys who try anyway!"

Krystal giggled seeing her boyfriend blush as he replied "are you four going to be busy?"

Evan smiled saying "not tonight, although should you hear noises coming from the other guest room well there having a threesome as usual. I would join them but now I just want to sleep..."

Sheana swished her tail as he carried his daughter into the bed while she snuggled into the covers with him. He smiled softly feeling her dark grey fur and replied "for what it's worth I'm sorry for what happened to your Arwing. Common Wealth engineers always poke at things or take them apart however sometimes they slip..."

Fox smiled saying "that's alright thanks for allowing us to stay!"

Evan smiled saying "good night you two!"

He sniggered as Krystal hid a grin as they walked out the door making them hear his seed sloshing inside his bowels before closing it.

Sheana rolled her eyes and muttered "you and your loads!"

He merely huffed saying "it's not my fault that I always produce a big load to equal a horse. Even then it's mostly the knots fault!"

She kissed him as he did the same while there sleeping son snuggled closer to them. He smiled softly and whispered "good night!" and turned off the light.

Fox sat on the bed and shuddered making krystal ask him "is there something wrong Fox?"

Fox shook his head saying "well It's just, have you ever felt Evans presence? As comforting and warm as he is it feels like I want to drop everything and run..."

Krystal sighed and added "Fox the man is filled with anger, cold dark anger however you can see that he is struggling to not let it control him. Another fact that makes me nervous is how much justified hatred he is filled with it's just to much. How far would he go to destroy all the corruption in the city is beyond me..."

Fox swallowed saying "while we know he isn't a killer it's just he's way to ruthless. All the time he talked about killing millions he wasn't lying in fact it's like he is close to his breaking point!"

Krystal sighed as she removed her clothes while eyeing his bloated stomach saying "the man has never felt true love before, in fact he seems sort of desperate. While he does have his faults he really doesn't want me to feel depressed..."

Fox gently wrapped his arms around her waist as she rested her head under his chin. He merely smiled softly saying "Krystal, I know you have had a hard life being alone, or being betrayed by Panther. However I honestly never thought you felt this way..."

She gave him a kiss on his cheek saying "I act tough and be slightly cold but I still feel the damage done. However for our friends case, its not normal to feel like that as though he has no regard to who he kills or tortures to death by extremely painful ways..."

Fox grimaced and spoke softly "he's fallen into the abyss and not by his own doing..."

They closed there eyes trying to forget the eyes that were filled with slight pain, rage and darkness despite how hard it was before climbing into bed and turned off he light embraced with her as well.

The next morning Evan and his family waved them off as Fox's Arwing was fixed and flew off ready to join his squad once more carrying Krystal in his lap as he did so. As Evan sighed he smiled softly as he embraced his daughter who smiled kindly.

His wife shook her head saying "they were a nice couple, do you really wish for them to be together?"

He smiled before nodding as Jayce and the others came into the kitchen and Jayce replied "so did you get his cherry?"

Evan smiled softly saying "oh yes, it was a good thing I did to. Having your body in charge of your actions of a slight tease or massage is something some people take advantage of. He enjoyed it even if he was a virgin!"

Zume giggled softly as did Jayce and replied "tell me how tight was foxy?"

Evan smiled fondly and replied "very tight, his ass was milking me like a vice that it sort of was uncomfortable if it didn't feel so good!"

Jayce smiled deviously before he saw him squirm before leaving the room still holding his daughter and asked "what are you doing?"

Evan replied "I have to apologize to them for my behavior so I'm contacting them by communications array, I will be in the living room with Kris resting in my lap. I sort of have neglected her today making feel disappointed in myself."

Kris smiled softly as she replied "you didn't neglect me or Chris, but at least your trying to show your more gentler side without having anybody stare at you in your eyes..."

He sighed as he sat down on the couch while nuzzling her and pulled out his holophone. He used the communications array to buzz both Fox and Krystal and he eyed there holographic image and sighed.

Great fox: 7:30 AM.

Fox and Krystal were sitting together in the lounge when he felt the black disk buzz. He sighed and accessed the communications array and raised an eyebrow as it formed Evans holographic image and his rather guilty look. Krystal smiled sadly as she watched him gently stroke his daughter seeing that she had her hood raised and the rather nervous look in her eyes.

He sighed and explained "I have to apologize for my behavior and the way I acted, I know my eyes made me unfriendly but... I've never had a nice life, it was rough a bit to rough honestly. It's just I am sorry for making things uncomfortable for you."

Fox smiled thinly before answering "thanks, however I admit mine wasn't so rosy either when I lost my father I nearly fell into the abyss..."

Evan shook his head answered "that could theoretically break a kid, and yet I am sorry for your loss. Do you want to say hi Kris?"

Kris looked at them and smiled softly saying "hi Krystal, hello foxy!" in a gentle voice making her father nuzzle her gently as he stroked her tail.

Krystal smiled softly and watched as he turned it off before asking Fox "he's a nice fellow, and at least he apologized for his behavior. Can I sleep with you?"

Fox smiled softly standing saying "sure, come on..." as Krystal followed after Fox his own thoughts were thinking about those seductive golden hazel eyes even as he blushed softly feeling his tail slowly arc. The array activated once more and Evan sniggered softly seeing his tail act like that. Oh yes he was literally begging for fun and he wouldn't mind giving it when he returns all over again before disappearing quickly as Krystal turned around and winked at him as they left the room.
