Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 28: Implications
There've been plenty of scifi stories about it." he waved at his bookshelves. "i've got quite a few of them here." "scifi." luke snorted. "they're just stories." "are they? now? it certainly fits.
Reign of Prey-alt
Reaching her hand into her satchel, she withdrew a very scifi-looking toy gun: the silver gun had a pair of red disks at the front end with a spherical transparent bulb at the very end where the opening of the barrel would be.
Drako Tygon- chapter 7(END)
#7 of drako tygon hey, this is a book that's borderline scifi, borderline teen fiction and borderline fantasy. it's about a college student, named charley steel, who's granted the power of a dragon, combined with the power of the tiger.
Science Fiction Short #1
A little thing for the scifi contest, i don't think it will win though.
The world:- a utopian scifi-cyberpunk world with great advancements in science and technology, but many regions would keep up ancient traditions and cultures, especially when magic has resurfaced in the world, the way it did.
World of Osmis: Nations
A scifi/cyberpunk-modern world with some fantasy and mmorpg elements and mechanics. erossia:- a vast desert nation in the south eastern reaches of the romos continent.
Apocalypse book Chapter 1
#1 of scifi series this is my first story i wrote, and this is only the first chapter. any feedback about it would be great. i know this is short, but aren't all stories boring in the first chapter?
Episode Three: MAABB
#3 of much ado about bluebottles much ado about bluebottles is an avian webserial in a scifi universe. thanks so much for reading! p'rao flicked his tail and stamped one, clawed foot into the dust.
WereWorld: Manual
The world:- a modern-scifi/cyberpunk world with fantasy elements parallel to the earth that we know, with beastmen and humans and everything in between.
Lost in the Stars
Submitted to the scifi summer story contest, and my first submission here on sf.
Kapitel 11
Avis hatte schon davon gehört, doch waren romane mit historischem setting nicht wirklich sein bevorzugtes genre, eher scifi, oder wenn fantasy, dann aber in einem modernen setting. "aber mindestens einen versuch wert." es konnte ja nicht schaden.
A Dark Visitation
Sort of a mix of scifi horror and mild erotica. hope you guys like it :) _all characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent.