A New Brother Part 15

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#17 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.


The setting was suggested some time ago by another user going by the name of Dakaggo. Although its been a while, I'm glad he suggested it. Many thanks if you're still out there.

PART 15: Getting To Know You

It had been one hell of an odd day for Rei as he reflected on the days events. Currently, the fourteen year old otter was on his back in the pool, letting the water lap gently at his sides while he stared into the endless blue sky above him. It was still warm and the cool pool water was certainly relaxing but he was far too preoccupied with his thoughts.

Throughout the day he had been zoning in and out during class and even missing most of what Jamie and Max said to him during breaks and lunch. And the sole cause of it was the new pair of bright red swimming shorts that Mark had bought him the previous day. They were comfortable and didn't restrict his privates but ever since Mark handed them over, he felt the excitement of wearing them and the guilt of what he did to his brother while he slept.

That night had truly been a different experience for him, but not one he entirely regretted. Anytime Rei looked back on it he would blame Jamie for ever putting the idea out there but the fox had never actually made him do it in the end, but himself alone and he couldn't figure out why.

Why did he do that to his brother? His biological, older brother. Why did he even do it in the first place? All those questions he couldn't answer and it just made his stomach tie up into knots whenever he approached the questions. Sighing, he tried to quell it out of his mind and turned over, diving under the water surface and darting from edge to edge.

Slowing his pace, Rei sat on the bottom in the shallow end and looked at the red shorts. He did smile at them, Mark was always thoughtful and looking out for him and the otter did like them. Slowly, without realising it, he began rubbing his crotch through his shorts and a grin appeared on his muzzle. Mark did appear in his thoughts and he pictured him in the red shorts then without them. Part of him shouted at him saying it was wrong to even be doing this, let alone thinking about his brother but the growing bulge and memories were winning him over. By now his shorts were tenting uncomfortably and he looked up at the pools edge. He would need air soon and he might have been able to get up to his room to paw himself.

"Rei?" The otter stopped his actions quickly, looking around for the muffled sound he heard. "Rei, you there?"

Acting quickly to conceal his erection, Rei pushed himself upwards and took a lungful of air and rested against the pool's edge. "Mark?"

The older otter stepped out from the house. "There you are, knew I should have checked here first." Mark stood on his tiptoes and smirked. "See you're wearing the red shorts, fit okay?"

Rei nodded. "Yeah, fit great." He smiled and desperately hoped his brother wouldn't guess he was pressing his hard on against the wall to hide it. "So. . .where were you?" He asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Oh, went to the supermarket, we were out of milk so I went and got some things as well. Oh, dad called as well. He said he'd be back home in a few days." Rei nodded in response, his dad would return for a period of time and then be flying off elsewhere again leaving him alone with Mark. And he wanted that.


"I also saw this." Mark pulled out a leaflet from his pocket and handed it to Rei. "I figured we could go with Drake, Troy, Jamie and Max together. I could use a break from housework."

Rei took a hold of the leaflet, getting the corner soaked with his wet hands. The leaflet was an advertisement for the carnival that was coming to L.A. But checking the date printed on the paper, he noticed it would already be in the city. "Carnival huh?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun. I haven't been to one in years."

Rei thought about it. Mark was right in the fact that he hadn't been in one since he was much younger and why not let him have a break from all the work he did. "Sure. When do you want to go?"

"I was thinking tomorrow, I'll ask Drake and Troy at school and you can get Jamie and Max okay? We can go around seven."

"Sure." Rei said, handing the leaflet back.

"Right then." Mark tossed the leaflet to the floor and started removing his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

"I want a dip in the pool."

Mark had removed his pants and now stood solely in a pair of blue boxer briefs that forced Rei to look at the side when he saw the faint outline. His cock had softened but it was now coming back from the view he was getting. As Mark sat down, Rei slipped out and moved quickly past his brother.

"Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." He said quickly before grabbing a towel he brought out earlier and giving himself a quick rub down. Stepping into the house, he heard the splash of his brother jumping into the water. Looking back, he saw that pair of blue underwear and gulped. Forcing himself upstairs, he reminded himself that even he liked to swim naked.

"So how about it?" Mark asked.

Troy fumbled with his book bag on the floor and zipped it closed before shutting his locker and gingerly put his bag over his shoulder. "Sure, don't think I can go on the rides but they'll still have some stuff I can have a go at."

"Great. How's the arm now anyway?"

The panther looked down at the cast which was now completely covered with many names of students, doodles and get well soon messages, all in a host of colours that there was barely any white left. "Its getting better. Doctor says I'm healing up really well and it could be off soon. And to tell you the truth I cant bloody fucking wait for that day."

Marc smirked. He enjoyed the company of the feline. During his time here and talking to many of the students in his classes, he felt more comfortable around Drake and Troy. "And you'll have a party?"

"Hmm, bake me a cake and I'll think about it."

"Will you pay me?"

"No freebies?"

"I have to make a living."

The two of them chuckled and headed for the English classroom. "I think you'll be fine rich boy, I've seen where you live."

"I'm not rich, just well off." Smirking, they both headed into the room which was almost filled with other students. Seeing Drake at his desk, Troy and Mark sat next to him and exchanged their usual hello's.

Not seeing the teacher in sight, Mark leaned over. "Hey Drake, you want to go to the carnival tonight? Could be fun."

"Tonight? What time?"

"Maybe around seven?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun, we haven't went since we were around fourteen." Troy said with a large beaming smile.

Drake on the other hand slouched in his chair. "It'd be nice but at the bookstore they're having lots of authors coming in for book signings and readings and I was planning to go. Its seven till ten."

"Oh." Mark did feel a bit disappointed after hearing that and even Troy did.

"You never said anything about it."

Drake shrugged. "Just forgot. I was going to tell you later on but didn't think you'd be interested. Didn't even know the carnival was coming."

"Perhaps we could go the night after?" Troy suggested.

Mark groaned slightly. "Tonight's really my only free night. Tomorrow its housework again and making the place look good before dad gets home."

"Well" Drake began, "what about this? I can go the night after or you bring me a bucket of cotton candy."

The otter and panther looked at each other. "We can think of something." Marc said.

"And I'll bring you something better than cotton candy."

Upon hearing this, Mark looked to the side and raised his eyes. Whatever their activities would be, the otter would rather not know. But it was a start and he wondered if Rei was having any luck with Jamie and Max. With the arrival of the teacher, Marc pulled out his books and a pen, hoping that the class would go by quickly.

The three of them sat outside, resting against the wall of the school building. Not the most comfortable position but none of them really cared. Today had felt slow and the three of them were already looking forward to the carnival since Rei had asked them this morning.

"You ever think time just likes to fuck with you sometimes?" Max asked, his arms draped at his sides.

"Honestly? It probably does. Slow as fuck when we're bored and goes by so quick when we enjoy ourselves." Jamie replied. "Ugh, wish we could be at the carnival now."

Rei turned his head. "You been to one before Jamie?"

"Never had the chance really. Always moving around a lot and whenever there was one I just didn't have the money."

"That sucks. We'll try to make it a good time then."

Checking the time, Rei stretched and looked at the fox and snow leopard beside him. "Is there a better place than here guys? My back is getting sore now."

Jamie nodded. "Yeah, its behind the school." Getting up, Jamie led the way to the more secluded area and sat down. "This is better."

"Yeah. Well, can I ask you guys something?" Rei asked once he looked around, paranoid someone would hear him.

"What is it?" Max asked taking a spot next to Jamie.

"Its just. . .Mark bought me a pair of new swimming shorts and. . ." It was hard to say and Rei felt himself blushing and looking to the ground a lot. His two friends waited while he looked for the correct words and after a few seconds, Rei muttered a few words. ". . .Jamie, did you ever want to be. . .alone. . .with Drake?"

Though faint, Jamie picked up the words. "Alone with. . .oh." Max blushed when he realised but at the same time, he looked interested in where this could go. Rubbing the side of his face, Jamie simply nodded. "I do like Drake. And I have thought about it a lot. And I have done it with him."

Rei's cheeks where now burning crimson and he stared at the ground. He began to wonder if this was even something he should be sharing with Jamie and Max but at the same time, he needed answers and anything that would help him would be beneficial. However, all the foxes words became a mental image of them which in turn became one of him and Mark. "I see. Okay. . .umm, Max?"

The snow leopard shrugged. "Well, Jamie's told me about it and I don't really mind. Drake's a nice guy. He's always been good to us." The feline turned to Jamie and grinned. "Your dad still looks good."

Jamie smirked. "That's my dad you're talking about. And now I think you're a pervert."

"I heard foxes are worse."

"That's a stereotype."

"Uh, guys?" Rei piped in, breaking their little conversation. The otter had his head on his knees and was hoping they could offer some insight. "Its just, ever since that night. . .I pawed off thinking about him yesterday and. . .I dunno, I think its okay and it helps but afterwards I feel. . .guilty? I just. . .I'm really confused."

Jamie moved over and wrapped an arm around Rei. "Hey its okay. You'll figure it out."

"Jamie, I feel disgusted with myself after it but at the same time I just cant help it. I like Mark, but I always thought it was just as a brother and now I don't know what it is. You'll have it easy with Drake being gay already."

"It wasn't easy really. I had to get over things."

"Well from my point of view, you do have it easy. Drake is gay, Mark isn't. I should probably just do something else or think about someone else."

"You know we wouldn't really care what your preferences were Rei." Max said from opposite them. "People figure things out in their own time. . .do ever think its because Mark's done a lot for you since you were little? Maybe that had something to do with it?"

Rei looked down and thought about. "I don't know. It could be, I mean. . .dad was away a lot, mom was working so much and Mark kinda took over the whole looking after me thing. But even him doing all of that, I never really felt stuff like this. Should I think on it?"

"Yeah. You'll figure it all out at some point Rei, just in your own time." Jamie told him while patting him on the shoulder.

Nodding, Rei stood up and patted his clothes. "I'm going to the bathroom so I'll just meet you guys in class."

"Okay. We have ten minutes left anyway. Its History next."

"I know." Rei said as he headed back for the main doors. He was still confused but maybe it was like Jamie and Max had said, he'd figure it out later. Although when he was walking away, he could still hear the canine and feline talking.

". . . .I'd draw your dad nude."

"I don't know how or why you'd want to, he's my dad."

"Who knows. I'd draw him in all his glory. Cock, balls and all."

"You really are a pervert."

When he was out of earshot and pulling open the door, Rei thought to himself. I have some odd friends.

School had finally ended and the group had gone their separate ways. Mark and Rei told they'd meet up outside the carnival around seven while Troy went home to get his dinner and put on a different shirt. Jamie, Max and Drake were in the house and more specifically, in the dragon's room, watching him sort though his large collection on paperbacks and hardbacks, all done by various authors and all of different genre's.

"I didn't realise how many books you actually had Drake." Max had a very thick book in his hands but was surrounded by several others in large piles.

"I love books Max. And its not often I put them down. That one you're holding is a crime novel my aunt sent me. Not my favourite genre but that one is quite dark. . .and I mean dark, so probably a little horror too."

Max put the book down and scanned the others while Jamie was searching a large pile Drake had stored away in a box. "You ever read these anymore Drake?"

The dragon turned. "Yeah. Mostly fantasy and sci-fi in that box, some of them are really gripping. Read most of them in two days each."

"You're a bookworm Drake." Jamie smirked and placed the box back where he got it.

"I've been told."

Jamie turned away from the pile and watched as Drake was on his hands and knees, pulling out more books. Tilting his head, Jamie pondered for a moment. "I've never seen you read that much."

Drake grunted and grabbed another thick paperback. "Its just I usually read at night or when I'm alone. Prefer it when its quiet, not as distracting and I can get through them."

"Well, why not just read them on your computer? It'd free up a lot of room for you." Max suggested.

"Ah, I just like the feeling of actually holding a book in my hands. Its better if you ask me." The two younger teenagers shrugged and turned when Drake said "gotcha", holding up three different paperback books. "This is going to be great, get to meet the authors and hear a chapter of their newest books." If anything, Drake looked like he was about to explode with excitement, almost like someone waiting to open up a present.

"You sure you cant make it to the carnival with us?" Jamie asked.

"I'd like to, but this is a one night thing at the bookstore and I really don't want to miss it. Plus you'll have Troy there."

"Yeah. Would have been nice if you came alone though." Jamie told him with Max agreeing.

"Hey, we can always go again. And you'll make sure Troy doesn't do anything stupid now, wont you?"


Drake smiled. "Good. Now then, you want to help me put the books back?"

The two of them looked at each other and then to the amount of books that had taken up the space on the floor. "Umm, I think mom said dinner was ready."

Quickly the two shuffled their way out of the room with Drake's watchful eyes on them, a sly grin on his muzzle. Once they were clear, the two of them headed downstairs and into the kitchen where the two older dragons were standing.

Dinner was a quick affair, Aaron and Lily sitting at the table and talking to one another about what happened at their work. Lily was complaining about someone who was apparently needing time off and Aaron was sharing similar stories. Drake was eating a piece of sausage slowly while turning the page in one of the books he dug out not long ago and Max was telling Jamie about all the rides they could possibly go on and his own experiences.

"Would you like roller coasters?" Max asked him, after swallowing the sausage in his mouth.

"I dunno, I've watched some videos of them and I'm curious. They look a bit scary."

"I think they're amazing. And it depends what you go on. I've been on ones where I nearly pissed myself. Shame there wont be any at the carnival."

"Well then, I hope that doesn't happen tonight." Lily said to them, interrupting their conversation while Aaron was chuckling, no doubt thinking of the hilarity that could happen. Lily however continued. "And you two better not go on them after eating food. I don't want you coming back covered in your own sick." The golden scaled dragon said it in more of an order and the two of them nodded.

"We wont mom. We've got Troy with us. Mark and Rei too."

"Still, no mishaps."

Aaron took a bite of his meal. "Oh come on Lily, I remember you devouring food at a carnival and going on the rides. You ate more than me."

"How old were you?" Jamie asked.

Aaron thought to himself. "Hmm. . .it was after college, we went with friends for the hell of it. . .ah, it was when you were pregnant with Camille."

"Back then I didn't know I was pregnant."

"Disgusting mom." Drake said while turning another page.

"Oh please Drake, when your mother had you she pestered me to buy tomato soup constantly."

Jamie smirked and giggled at that while Max blushed and tried his best to stifle a grin appearing on his face. "Can we talk about something else?" Drake asked without looking up from his page.

"Regardless, no mishaps or being sick you two."


With plates cleared and dinner by with, Jamie and Max retired to their bedroom for the remainder of the time pulling out their wallets and putting in some money the older dragons had given them. Jamie spent a good bit of time wondering if he should change and it took several minutes of convincing from Max to tell him he didn't need to dress up for the carnival. Upon hearing the doorbell ringing, the two of them grabbed their trainers and pulled them off quickly and made their way back down the stairs. Troy was standing there on the doorstep, wearing another buttoned shirt, this one being a light blue colour but he still wore his jeans from earlier in the day.

"Troy, how are you dear?" Lily asked, bringing him inside once she saw him.

"I'm good, arm's feeling better."

"Now you wont do anything to hurt yourself?"

Troy grinned. "I wont. Don't worry, my mom has already talked to me about this." He looked up and saw Jamie and Max waiting behind their mother and smirked. "Ready to go guys?"

The two nodded and stepped out the door and into the cooler air. They could hear Troy saying he'd be watchful of the two and Jamie smirked. Once he caught up with them, the three of them made their way to the carnival's location talking about what they could do throughout, what Drake would be up to and Max betting Jamie if he could eat plenty of food without throwing up, which Troy quickly put a stop to. Still, no matter what was said, the two younger teenagers stuck close to Troy, smiling at his company.

Eventually, the bright, colourful lights of the carnival was coming into view, becoming brighter and brighter as they stepped closer. Jamie's face was full of eagerness and it took all of his will not to run inside. It was tough but he felt a paw at his backside and looked around. Max was checking his wallet so when the fox turned to Troy, he got a smirk in response. Grinning, Jamie was wondering if Troy would maybe be staying the night with Drake and if so, he could get back at the feline for that little pat, only in a good way.

"Jamie, you might want to calm down a bit."

The fox turned towards Max to ask what he meant but after feeling his clothing becoming oppressive he blushed. "Sorry, but its his fault."

"Now what did I possibly do?" Troy asked, pretending he was innocent. Jamie would have responded but the panther held his good arm up in the air and waved. "Hey Mark!" Mark and Rei stood together near the entrance, the two otters smiling when their friends got closer. "Have you been waiting long?"

Mark shrugged. "Five minutes. If that."

"Oh good, lets go in then."

As the older two walked side by side, Rei stood next to Jamie and Max and started chatting as Mark paid for the admission tickets.

"Things alright when you got home?" Max asked, making sure Mark and Troy were unable to hear, but thanks to the music and crowd it was unlikely that they would.

"Pretty much normal. Didn't umm. . .paw if that's what you meant."

Max blushed. "Not really. But as long as you're not feeling weird around him."

Rei pursed his lips. "Hard to say. I really just don't know."

"Well we can help any way we can. For now, can we go on a ride or something?" Jamie asked.

Time was passing by faster than it had been all day and Jamie was keen to absorb every bit of enjoyment he could find. Watching just a few feet away, Troy smirked. "God, imagine taking him to somewhere like Disneyland."

Mark chuckled. "It would probably be like this, only a few hundred times the intensity."

"I heard that." Jamie said, smiling at the two and turning his head away when Rei pointed out one of the rides that was available. In an instant, the three of them were lining up to get on.

"You guys coming on?" Troy shook his head and held up the cast and Mark said he would watch. With that, the three teenagers waited in line.

"You don't like rides?" Troy asked.

"It's not that. I don't really like ones that spin me around fast until I feel sick or ones that suspend me upside down. What about you?"

The panther shrugged. "I'm not a big fan of anything that holds me away off the ground. . .fear of heights."

Mark nodded. "I'm okay with certain heights, but I have a limit. I'll still get on a plane and I wont even realise it."

"Don't even know how that's possible. Come on, we can watch those three squirm from over there."

The two took their places, watching Jamie, Max and Rei getting strapped in along with other people of varying species and ages. When everyone was strapped in, the operator in the controls started the ride and Troy grinned watching them.

"So Troy?"

The panther turned. "Yeah?"

"Would you say we're friends?"

Troy was a little taken aback by that but he nodded quickly. "Yeah, why wouldn't we be?"

"I just don't know you that well, or Drake for that matter. Those three are damn close but with so much going on, I only know a few things. The major one you being gay."

"Yeah, that's what most people notice first."


"No problem." Troy said, smiling when he could see Jamie with his jaws locked together and trying to keep his eyes open. "What do you want to know?"

"I guess. . .well, anything really. You know I cook and I know you're afraid of heights."

"Alright then."

It was more on the subjects of their interests and hobbies, what they did before they met. Troy did find the otter interesting. Good looking too. "So you never ended up in the swim team?"

"Nah. I wasn't good enough plus I didn't have the time to practice anyway. Rei and the house were my top priorities."

"How long have you been looking after Rei?"

Mark looked up towards the dark sky dotted with stars. "Since he was. . .about four years old."

"Seriously? Four? Then you'd be. . .what? Seven or Eight?"

"About that, yeah. When my grandma was alive she'd help out but after she died I took over. Dad was always away on business. And my mom worked as a journalist so she'd always be hunting stories so even when she was home I still did the housework."

"No offence, but it sounds like your mom wasn't that great."

Mark looked down. "She was okay I guess. I kept doing all the work anyway, we only got a sitter a few times but in the end I just took charge. Got Rei up for school, made sure he did his homework, washed his clothes and so forth."

"Did he help?"

"Yeah, he often did. Little things but it was enough for me to do my homework. Cant tell you how shattered I was on certain days."

"I can imagine." They looked back up at the ride which had now stopped and he saw the three of them getting their senses together, Max looking the worst of the bunch. By the time they got off, Mark patted Max's shoulder.

"Feeling alright Max?"

"Just dizzy. I'll be fine in a few minutes."

Before long they were already moving through the throng of other furs, scales and avians, stopping to try the game stands. Very few of which they won and Rei held the most of their victories. One prize he won was a stuffed panther which Jamie pointed out that he had one similar. Troy took his own turns and tried his hand at the coconut toss, but despite the power he had to improve on his aim.

"Can't believe I missed."

"Least you didn't hit the guy, you'd have caved someone's skull in."

Passing it off, the group wandered around the many stands, eating snacks and going on the various rides available and once again, Troy and Mark stood watching at edge.

"So Marc? Been wondering about something. Where is your mom?"

Marc's face twitched slightly and he sighed. "Divorced from my dad."

"Oh. . .oh I'm sorry Mark, I didn't mean-."

"Its okay. She was complaining she never saw dad enough and one night they had a row in front of me and Rei. I was sorting out the washing and kinda lost it at them. Told them both to go and leave since they weren't there. Got grounded for that. Still, things just got progressively worse and turned out mom was having an affair with someone from her work. After that, well everything went up in flames. Took a bit for the divorce to get sorted out but we ended up with dad."

"Didn't want to go with your mom?"

"Didn't like the guy she was with. And she wasn't the world's best mom either. Still, things are okay. She calls now and then to hear how we're doing. Not very often."


Mark scoffed at the word. "She's always going on a holiday with that man she's with. Dad's not much better. I've had more holidays alone with Rei and you know Troy, its so much more peaceful."

Troy looked away from the otter, unable to think of anything to say. He wanted to get to know Mark better but didn't anticipate he'd get a slice of his family history. Eventually, he managed to get a few words out. "Sorry to make you bring it up."

The otter sighed. "Its alright Troy. Its good to be able to rant about it. I've got Rei and I like it. Maybe once college starts, I'll ask dad if I can rent an apartment instead of dorms and if Rei wants to he can share with me."

"You really care for him don't you?"

"My little brother. Got to look after him."

Troy nodded slowly and stepped away from the railing's edge, telling Mark the three were off the ride. Getting together, they made their way through the carnival and making a few round trips. With the time creeping by, the group were now standing near a hot dog stand, with Troy and Jamie bringing over the hot dogs covered in ketchup.

"So, what now?" Troy asked with a bite in his mouth.

"Hmm, it is getting on. Perhaps we should head off soon." Mark replied.

It was only just after ten pm, but with funds getting low and having been on the rides they wanted to go on, they did agree to call it a night. Finishing the last bites and tossing the wrappers in the bin, they made their way to the exit.

"Hey fairy, didn't expect you to be here." Troy stopped and felt his skin crawl when he heard the words. John and his usual gang were walking towards them and Troy stepped in front of the others. "Where's scale bag? Or fag really."

"I'm surprised they let you in here. Don't you belong in a zoo?"

"Har har faggot. I'm just here trying to enjoy this place but I find you. Fucking ruined it."

"Aww, cause I'm gay? Forgive me if I threw up rainbows everywhere and spoiled your night."

John looked round and smirked when he saw Mark. "So what's this? Ditched the dragon for a new ass to fuck? How like you huh?"

"He's not involved in this you fucking ass. Now beat it or I'll have to make it hurt. I might only have one good arm but it was enough at school wasn't it? Everyone got to see you fall on your arse, beaten up by a faggot."

John snarled at him but looked at the rest of the group. "Perverting the kids too? Maybe I'll call the cops."

"Bite me you fucking idiot."

The badger chucked and picked up an unattended cup someone had left behind, sitting on a stand that was half full of still black coloured liquid. "Now now fag, I think you better cool off."

It happened in an instant. John had chucked the drink over Troy, covering his head and shirt in what they believed was cola. There was a howl of laughter from John and his crowd and Troy snarled. Not only was he now stinking of cola, but it was also the fact that it was drunk by some unknown person that made him cringe.

Wiping his eyes, Troy stepped closer and balled his fist. "This time I'm going to cave your skull in."

He would have but Mark had stepped forward. "Troy, come on. Enough." The feline looked at him, and Mark felt like he should back off but instead he pulled the panther back. "You're not fighting here and you're not breaking your arm again." Troy huffed but he didn't unclench his fist. "Now lets go."

"Yeah, come on Troy." Jamie said quietly.

"Eager for his cock?" John asked.

Mark shook his head. "You know John, they say people who are homophobic have trouble coming to terms with their own sexuality. You sure you've got nothing to tell us?"

The badger took several steps forward and looked directly at Mark. "I. Aint. No. Damn. Faggot."

"You sure?"

"You're asking for it. And the fact you're with him doesn't help. Perhaps those three as well just-ah!"

Mark had delivered a swift punch John's face and the badger staggered back. "Well how about that, everyone wants to shut you up." Troy said while smiling.

"Oh you are dead."

"Hey!" They all stopped and looked at one of the men working at a game stand. "You lot don't pack that in, you're going to be thrown out of here. Now beat it."

"Fine. Lets go." They all waked past, John deliberately smacking Mark with his shoulder but the otter didn't care. He led Troy, Jamie, Max and Rei out of the carnival and onto the quieter streets.

As soon as they were out of sight from anyone, Mark bent over slightly. "Ah, he has a fucking hard head." Mark leaned against the wall and gingerly held his hand.

"You alright?" Rei asked.

Mark nodded. "Some ice and painkillers would be nice. Get that at home."

Troy stepped closer and removed his shirt, using the dry parts in an attempt to remove the sticky wetness slowly drying into his fur. "You know Mark, that was pretty amazing."

The otter chuckled. "No one fucks with or insults my brother." He didn't see it, but Rei looked down, with a small blush on his face.

"Well regardless, I still think that was great. And I could kiss you for it."

Now it was Mark blushing. "Uh, well. . .hehe, that's sweet but if you do maybe it's best in private?"

Troy grinned upon those words. "I'll hold you to that."

"I'll tell Drake." Jamie said to him.

Mark raised his eyes and made the decision that they should head home. The walk back was mostly small chatter, no one wanted to talk about the run in with John they just had so they chose to talk about what they did at the carnival. Pretty soon though, they split up again and Troy walked Jamie and Max home.

When they opened the door, Lily appeared again. "Troy, what happened. Where is your shirt?" He held up the wet shirt and was immediately pulled inside. "Oh you're cold and. . .smell odd, what happened?"

"Just a disagreement."

"Go upstairs and wash, I'm sure Drake still has some of your shirts."

"I can make it home, it is getting late."

"Then I'll phone your mom. Now go."

Troy went upstairs with Jamie and Max and the fox grinned. "She acts like she's your mom as well."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to see if Drake is in." Troy walked inside and shut the door and the two heard the voices and the explanation that was coming.

Going into their own room, Jamie pulled off his shirt and sat on the edge of his bed. "Today was fun."

Max stretched. "It was. But next time we go to a theme park, I'm taking you on a roller coaster."

Jamie smirked. "Alright." Leaning over, he pulled Max onto the bed and kissed his cheek. "That's because I couldn't do anything to you earlier."

Purring, Max returned the affection. "Mmm, you're such a cute fox. You actually going to tell Drake that Troy wanted to kiss Mark."

"I could, need to get him back for slapping my ass earlier. If he's in the shower now, we could get him."

Max chuckled. "You're parents are here and Drake too." But Jamie just grinned. "You're a crazy fox."

"And you love it."

Several blocks over, Rei was filling a glass with water and brought it over to Mark in the living room with two pills in his hand. "Here. Your hand still hurt?"

"Little bit. Its not bad." Mark quickly swallowed the pills with the water and placed the glass on the table in front of him.

Rei took a bit to think back on what happened earlier and he muttered a single word. "Thanks."


"Thanks." He repeated. "For sticking up for me."

Mark smiled. "You're my little brother, of course I'm going to stick up for you."

"Still. . .thanks." He was blushing and looking at the floor. If anything, this was making his stomach tighten into knots again and he nearly jumped when Mark spoke again.

"You want to head to bed now? Or watch something?"

Rei wondered and got up and sat next to Mark. "Can see the TV better here." It was a lie, but he just wanted to feel that closeness. Sitting next to Mark however was making his knees tremble and it took a lot of effort to still them. Mark didn't notice, already flicking through several channels until he stopped on a movie that was already more than half way through its screening. He didn't pay attention to it, rather he thought more on what happened earlier. Mark would always be looking out for him, but that was just like a normal brother whereas Rei was wondering if he wanted more.

After more than thirty minutes thinking about this, Rei spoke up. "Hey Mark?" He looked to see the older otter's eyes closed and Rei sighed a little. Getting up, he locked the door and made sure everything was as it should be before going to bed. When he got back to the couch, Mark was still there asleep. Already he was torn about waking him up or enjoying time being with him. The thought still made him feel guilty but he still ended up on the couch and cuddling into Mark.

"I've no idea what I'm doing." His crotch was already stirring and after gulping, Rei slid his hand over Mark's crotch. He wasn't hard but Rei could definitely feel his sheath. Carefully, he pulled his hand up and gently started sliding it under the waistband. Rei thanked whoever for making Mark such a heavy sleeper as his paw made its way under the boxer shorts.

Mark shifted a little in his sleep but didn't wake but the response caused Rei to pull his hand back quickly. He was shaking and it took a minute to collect himself. "Should I. . .?" Gulping again, the younger otter managed to place his hand back to where it was before Marc had shifted only taking his time and feeling his cheeks flush as he felt Mark's sheath.

It was hot and felt thick in his hand and he savoured the feeling. Quickly, his breathing grew heavier and letting go, his fingers travelled their way down to Mark's balls. Looking up at Mark's face, the older otter was still out of it, mouth slightly agape and Rei could only think of how cute he looked. Pulling his hand back up, Rei continued to fondle his brothers sheath.

Damn, it feels thick. He kept rubbing and he soon felt a warm tip against his fingers. Grinning, Rei undid his own underwear and blushed as his own cock was already at its full mast of seven inches. Continuing his stroking, Rei smiled deeply as Mark's growing cock stared to grow in his hand. He couldn't tell how big his brother was exactly but he remembered the taste and the taste was amazing. The feeling alone made his cock throb with anticipation and Rei shuddered.

"Gotta taste it." He said to himself. He leaned down slowly, and pulled back Mark's clothes a little bit, inhaling his brothers scent when the tip was free. Unable to help himself, Rei leant down and kissed his brother's cock head and the familiar taste of his brother came back fresh into his mind. He kissed it again and again, not wanting to stop. He could see himself sucking every inch, worshipping his brothers body and picturing Mark fucking him while came. It was becoming more difficult to contain himself and he took the cock head into his maw.

Rei murred softly when the sweet taste of pre hit his tongue, egging him on further. He wanted more and more and he kept licking. Gripping his own cock, Rei started pawing himself and trying his best not to moan. One thing he wanted more than this was for his brother to be undressed, it would certainly make sucking his cock much more easier. Releasing his cock, he moved his hand towards the top of Mark's pants. If he could just slide them down far enough and see that cock in all its wonder again. . .

Mark shifted and groaned slightly causing Rei to pull away quickly and tuck his cock away back into his jeans. He was still cuddled into Mark but he pretended he was asleep and he could hear Mark shifting.

"Ah. . .fuck, fell asleep on the couch again. Hmm? Hey Rei. . .come on, bed. . ."

Rei got up slowly and pretended he was sleepy. Mark was groggy from what he could tell but he nodded and made his way towards the stairs. Looking back, he could see Mark sorting out his clothes and yawning. There was a slight blush on his cheeks but he walked past Rei and headed into his bedroom.

When Rei got into his room, he sat on his bed and gritted his teeth. "Stupid, fucking stupid." He felt like crying. Mark was his brother, related by blood and he wanted to suck his cock. No that was wrong, he wanted to sleep with his brother. He could still taste him and Rei shook his head. There was no way it could ever happen, no matter how much he wanted it to.


That's Part 15 everyone, again, sorry for the huge, long delay but I'm feeling much more creative now. Not the ending you'd probably have in mind but I still hope you all enjoyed it. Until the next part, see ya.
