De-Evolution - NaNo Day 12

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#56 of De-Evolution

So anyway, masteraaran and I are hard at work on our NaNo story for this year.

Day 12: 3,601 words written, five pages.

Goal: 100,000 words between two authors for the month


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

She stepped from the bathroom and headed to the kitchen where both Marco and Black Elk were taking care of the chores she'd assigned both of them. "Marco, go get your bath, and when you're done, if the towel looks like it needs cleaning, bring it here. It's hanging by the bar next to the tub," she said as she paused next to the husky she loved and gave him a kiss. She turned towards the stove, seeing that the top of it empty, and went to get the beans for the vegetable to go with the rabbit for dinner that night, and put them in a pot on the stove to cook.

Marco had washed her clothing first, so by the time she got there, both her pile, and most of his, was finished, and hanging on the porch to dry. He got up when she came in and told him to go get his bath, and he nodded, leaning down to kiss her lightly before he smiled and headed that way. He stipped off his shirt as he went, then took his clothes when he went into the bathroom. He shucked the rest of his clothing, dumped it outside the bathroom, and then climbed into the tub to rinse off. He dunked as far as he could under the water, and lightly scrubbed at his fur to get all the hard, crusty dirt or anything else off of him, before he got back out again. The towel was where she had left it, and this he dried off with. It looked dirty enough to be cleaned, so he got dressed and carried it back into the kitchen, where he got back to work finishing up the clothing and the towel.

After getting the beans going, Tisha had gone to get Marco's dirty clothes from outside the bathroom and took them to the basin to wash them out and hang them out on the porch, and finishing what was left to get done. By the time Marco came in with the towel, she had everything else done, and she took the towel and made quick work of it, washing it fast and then hooking it to two pants hangers and then hanging them up out on the porch. Black Elk had finished the dishes and she smiled as she cut up the rabbits and dished up the food for them to eat.

In short, they made quick work of the rest of the chores, and soon enough she had the food dished out and they were sitting down together so that they might partake of the meal. Marco smiled at her as she scooted close to him once again, and he squeezed her hand. "It looks delicious. Let's eat." And they did. It was as delicious as it looked, despite being nothing like a normal full meal might have been. It was still a sight better than many people were probably eating. The fact that the power was off could get a bit old after a while, but they would just have to deal with it.

Tisha ate, her thigh pressed against Marco's as the two of them sat across from Black Elk. It was rare among the Lakota to see such a public display of affection as Tisha and Marco were displaying, but with what happened, Black Elk understood and didn't mention anything, but he knew that his father would need to know so that he didn't say anything that might send her into her mind. He was amazed by how strong she was being right now, not even letting anything phase her mind during the day. She'd been strong enough mentally to even tell him about what happened to her. After dinner, Tisha looked at Black Elk and grinned. "Last of the dishes need to be done, but I think we'll change up the chore this late. One of us washes. One rinses. And one dries. I'm drying. You two can fight over who washes and who rinses."

Marco chuckled at her and shook his head. "Well, I'll wash since Black Elk already did, unless, of course, he prefers to wash then dunk it in the water." He grinned and shook his head again, then pushed his chair back and took his plate up. He laughed and proceeded to lick it clean of the remnants of his dinner, figuring he might as well get it as clean as he could before even putting it in the water. He laughed again, looking at them and seeing their funny looks in his direction, then he carried it over and dropped the plate into the still warm water that Black Elk had been using.

Tisha took her plate and utensils and cup to the sink, even picking up the rest of Marco's dishes. Getting next to her husky, she gave him a playful hip bump, then grabbed his tail and tugged lightly. "You are a silly male, Marco," she said before leaning up to kiss him lightly. Grabbing a hand towel for drying the dishes, she moved to the other side of Black Elk as he came up to rinse the dishes. Her body started trembling, despite her knowing Black Elk would never hurt her and that Marco was just on the other side of her best and oldest friend. It was something she couldn't control, her immediate reaction to something as simple as her best friend standing between her and Marco to help with the dishes.

Marco grinned at her body-bump to his hip, and shook his head with a chuckle at her. He loved that girl, yes he did, and he knew it, and he was glad that she knew it too. He got right to washing, even as she stepped away to get to doing the drying. He noticed a sharp spike in her smell suddenly though, like that of fear or worry that laced her scent. He glanced aside at her and found that he could detect the smallest of tremblings in her muscles. He sighed out softly and wished that he could hold her, even if he knew that he would have to wait. They couldn't be side by side every moment, as much as he would have liked it. About the only thing he could do now was wash as quickly as possible.

Tisha struggled with her inner demons, knowing that if she could get past them now, she could handle it later, especially when the tribe got here, and Theron. She knew that the tiger would be ready to kill when he found out what happened, but she didn't plan on telling him about it. The only other male that needed to know was the chief of the tribe, and he was like family. She could handle telling him, right? Taking the first plate from Black Elk, her fingers brushed his and she suddenly flashed back in her mind. The plate fell with a clatter to the ground as she stood there, unable to move, unable to see anything in front of her. Fear bubbled up inside her, worse than the slight rise from moments before.

It was a good thing that the plates were made of metal and so it clattered and spun and then came to a stop. Both of the males stopped their actions though, and glanced over at her. Marco instantly smelled the difference in her, and saw how tight she was, how she had seemed to lock up, not even moving her eyes or any other part of her. He sighed out and stepped around Black Elk, whispering, "Can you handle the rest of the dishes, please?" to which the Indian nodded solemnly, evidently able to see just what Marco was doing, that he needed to go.

Indeed, Marco stepped around to Tisha and put his paws on her sides, then on her upper arms, and whispered, "Come on, Tish... You're tired. We need to get you to bed... Shhh..." he backed her away from the sink gently, and turned her toward the door to the upstairs, figuring on taking her up to bed.

Tisha was stiff for a moment, her mind still locked in the mess of her memories, then his voice seemed to draw her into a more relaxed state. That voice meant calm and peace, safety and security to her mind, but most importantly, it held love. It was that love that she responded to, and she followed him, her body moving easily now, though her eyes were still haunted. It may have seemed odd that she'd been able to handle having Black Elk touch her earlier, but she had been in Marco's arms when that happened, and no matter what, she was more accepting of being touched if he was holding her. Reality was far from her mind, even as they made their way up the stairs and to the bedroom.

Marco guided her up the stairs, holding onto her arms and keeping her moving straight and steady. She seemed to be a bit more calm, but he knew that she was haunted inside by what had happened. It was something she would have to slowly get over. Once they got to the room that they shared, he let her in, closed the door, and moved her to the bed. "Do you want me to undress you? Or will you be ok like that?" he asked softly, not sure if he would even get any answer or not.

Her arms slipped around his waist as they stood by the bed, her head against his chest as she breathed in his scent. Her head lifted as she raised her eyes to meet his, the haunted look slowly disappearing as she took in his odor and the soft voice that he directed towards her when the memories rose back up inside her. Suddenly, her hands pulled at his top, wanting to feel his fur against her, to really saturate herself in his light musk. "Leave my bra and panties on, but I want to feel your fur against me, Marco," she mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear her.

He felt her tugging at his top, trying to pull it off of him, wanting, it seemed, to be close to his body. He nodded, not having meant that he would strip her completely if he undressed her, and he got to work, first hooking his fingers into the waistband of her shorts, and pushing them down, then lifting her top up and over her head. He backed her onto the bed, jerked his top off, and then also got out of his own pants. He didn't stay away from her for long, pulling down the covers and then easing into them so that she could climb in and lay with him.

Of course, her pink unicorn was snagged by her as she slid under the covers next to him, her body pressing against his as she inhaled more and more of his scent, the tension slowly easing further from her body. Soon enough, she fell asleep, her body tucked tightly against his, needing that connection with him. The sound of Black Elk moving down the hallway made her shift against Marco, her body trembling for a few moments before settling down again as his natural body odor soothed her into a deeper sleep.

Marco was glad that he could soothe her, even just by laying side by side with her like that in bed. He found it completely pleasurable himself as well. He wondered if she would want to fully be with him after the wedding, or if she would have problems even letting him touch her naked body or her nethers. That would be a problem they would have to deal with when the time came, if it was a problem at all. He was awake when Black Elk came to bed, but only held her tighter, then closed his eyes and headed to sleep himself.

Again, she whimpered through the night as the nightmares came upon her, but every time, she would bury her nose into Marco's chest or neck and his scent helped her overcome those moments.

Day 4 After Power Outage

Morning came and she woke up just before dawn, as she had the day before, and slowly eased herself from him, but leaned to kiss his nose. It was time to get things going for the day, and she got up, dressing in her second pair of jeans and her shirt. The air seemed chilly, and she pulled on her socks before stuffing her feet into her boots again. She needed to make something for breakfast so they could watch the sunrise again, and she needed her morning coffee.

He felt the kiss to his nose and it wrinkled up in response before his eyes fluttered open and he looked at her as she dressed. "Morning, Tish..." he said, not bringing up her episode the day before after Black Elk had touched her accidently. He figured that nothing needed to be said at all, and that was that. Licking his lips, he hopped out of bed and hunted down his own second outfit, then slipped into it. "Let's go," he said with a smile. "I could use some coffee..."

Tisha smiled and licked his nose again. "Are you reading my mind? I was just thinking I needed my morning coffee." She laughed lightly, the sparkle back in her eyes, showing that his idea might be a good one. She didn't need to get brought down by those memories again. She slipped her hand into his paw, and gave him another kiss. "Wanna watch the sunrise with me while we have our coffee?"

He nodded. "Coffee and a sunrise with my favorite girl? Absolutely." He smiled warmly at her, and this time took it on himself to kiss her. His arm slipped around her waist and drew her toward him until she was pressed to his chest. His other paw came up to stroke through her hair and down to the back of her head. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, deepening it after a moment and then releasing her.

Tisha kissed him back, the movements he made slow enough for her to have stopped him if she'd wanted to. But she felt too comfortable with him, and loved him too much to make him stop. She loved the feel of his lips pressing against hers, and her eyes fluttered closed as they kissed. She still held onto him as he let go, then opened her eyes slowly, love for him gleaming in her eyes in the early morning hours before the sun rose. "Let's go get that coffee made so we can watch the sunrise, Marco," she whispered, her fingers against her lips as if she was holding his kiss against them, never letting go of it.

Marco smiled at her softly as she let him kiss her warmly, deeply, much more fully than he had expected. He looked into her eyes and nodded, "Right, let's go..." He squeezed her hand, lacing his paw with hers and squeezing it as he headed for the door, pulling her along with him as he moved. They walked out into the hall, and he noted that the door to only one other room was closed, meaning that Black Elk must have still been sleeping. He smiled, knowing that meant they would get time to be alone for a bit. He took her downstairs and they went into the kitchen, "Let's get this stuff brewing."

Tisha held his paw as they went into the kitchen, looking at the stove and giving a soft sigh as the fire in it had gone out. "Get me some small pieces of wood so we can get this going. We'll need to clean out the stove later today or tomorrow, if we're careful and can stretch out the time we have left before cleaning. Cause it will get messy, and I'd rather have Brute and you trusting each other before you try to get on him with soot on you and the odor of smoke on your fur." She leaned up to kiss him, her lips curving into an easy smile as she fished out a match from the cookware bag and poked at what was left inside the stove. She was happy that the wood had lasted them as long as it had, but they'd forgotten to add more wood to it last night to keep the fire going.

Marco nodded and walked out onto the back porch, where they had a stack of wood that had clearly been freshly gathered and chopped by the Lakota tribe when they were here. He took some small sticks and a small log or two, and brought them in for her. He put them in the stove and then backed away to let her get the stove going. "It would probably be best if I didn't smell that different when I ride Brute," he grinned and watched as she got the fire lit and stoked up once again.

Tisha grinned up at him, lighting the match and starting a fresh fire. She moved the coffee pot onto the top of the stove, letting the water in it boil with the grounds inside. Standing back up, she pressed herself against him for a moment, then stretched to pull down the coffee cups they would need. A moment the pot boils, she pours both of them a cup and a separate cup of coffee for Black Elk when he got up. Picking up her cup, she walked out onto the porch, again pressing herself against Marco as he came up behind her.

Marco smiled as he came up behind her out on the porch and she leaned in against him. He sipped his coffee. "Two days since we got here, two more since we left Melanie and Bri...that's only three more days to make a week, think they'll get here on time? Think it will be just them? Or the whole tribe?" he asked softly, snaking his free hand around her as he sipped his coffee with the other.

Tisha leaned against him, lightly kissing the underside of his muzzle after he spoke. "Since Theron is coming with them, they'll be here on time. Especially since they plan on having the chief marry them up here. The night the power went off, Brielle and Theron were supposed to get married. I guess Bri's limo stalled in the middle of the road when the power shut off. The whole tribe will be here close to that point, but other than Black Elk and Theron, the tribe is out hunting. Theron spends more time with Melanie and Brielle than with the tribe, but during the summers, they spend most of their time with the tribe itself. But Aunt Melanie spends her time around the cabins and the horses."

Marco smiled warmly as she leaned up to kiss the bottom of his muzzle. The warmth of the sun coming up over the hills hit him and he sighed out softly, feeling the rays from it warm his skin and his fur. He glanced down at her and nodded, "So only a few more days and then we'll have others up here. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I like being alone with you...but at the same time, having others up here will help us break up the workload so that we are all contributing to the whole. I guess, as long as they let us be together, I won't mind all that much." He smiled again, squeezing her about the middle.

Tisha laughed, the sound ringing out in the morning air and carrying up to Black Elk's room, waking the young warrior. "We'll have time alone, Marco. I promise you. Newly married couples get a special area where they spend a week alone, no one else around. It's when the husband gets to show his new wife how well he provides for her, and she shows him how well she will tend to his things as well as cook the food they're going to be eating." She lay her head against his chest, sipping at her coffee as they watched the sun rising over the horizon.

"Well, I've already had samples of your cooking, and I have to say that you do well over a wood fire." He grinned and sighed out, letting his head dip and touch the top of hers, nuzzling it a bit. He squeezed her again, holding onto her and feeling her body pressed against his. He liked the sound of being able to provide for her, just him and her, with no distractions or complications besides what the two of them needed to do for one another. The sun was coming up more fully now, the entire world had seemed to go into shades of gold and red and yellow, turning the valley into a beautiful landscape all around them.

Tisha smirked and snuggled against his chest as the sun came up fully, the valley washed in the beauty of the morning. She again wished she had any artistic abilities to paint this scene in front of them. Giving a mental headshake to the wishful thinking, she grinned up at Marco. "So feel up to riding Brute the way a Lakota would ride? All we have to do is finish the planting, water the garden, then we can go riding and hunt some fresh meat."