Jette: The Beginning

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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The beginning of Jette's story.

What exactly is a mere human boy willing to do to reach his goals and fulfill his deepest desire?

Woot for my first (rushed...) upload!

Kinda new to the site, so help me tag =D

Papers with writing of all colors were scattered in front of me illuminated only by the full moon's light. I shook my head and growled in frustration as I clenched my fancy mechanical pencil hard enough to crack the shining, hard plastic, no matter how hard I tried, nothing I wrote was ever as good as I wanted it to be. I couldn't begin to rationalize the reason why, nor did I ever try. My writing in all of its forms, my entire being, was nothing more than rubbish.

"Damn it!" I couldn't help but growl as I slammed my fists on the desk, breaking my mechanical pencil.

I growled once more in frustration before tossing away my mechanical pencil with a huff. Afterward I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms, trying my hardest not to yell again, but I couldn't understand why for my life, I lived alone in an apartment near the outskirts of my town. If I ever found myself at gunpoint no one would ever know, luckily that would never happen. I was the least likely to get held up out of everyone I knew. Anyone and everyone who had ever seen me could vouch for how quiet I was, how boring, uninspiring, and uninteresting I was. No one knew that my biggest dream was to be a writer, but I doubted that it would matter, writing wasn't as exciting or as inspiring as being a famous actor or basketball player, most importantly, I was a piss-poor writer anyway, of course it wouldn't matter.

I leaned forward with a sigh and crossed one leg over another as I looked down at the many scattered pages of my previous works. I couldn't deny it, they were bad and I wasn't getting any better...but they didn't have to be and I didn't have to.

Without a word, I spun around and stood up before making my way to a bookshelf on the other side of my room, passing my bed on the way over. Even though I knew exactly what I was looking for, I gave the shelf a half-glare before picking out a black book with leather coating its spine. It had been a while since I had even thought about the book, and now that I was holding it, feelings of euphoria and fear both welled up in my body. With a smirk, I spun around and held up the book in one hand like I was a spellcaster from the old days of knights, wizards, and dragons. For the first time in many days, I, one of the few holders of a real dark spellbook, felt powerful.

It took a few minutes, but I eventually managed to make my way back over to my desk. The mere feeling of holding the book was overpowering and intoxicating, the last thing I'd want was to find myself least not before having my wish granted.

I flipped through the book of spells and stared down at the only chapter I had never read through, the chapter on summoning demons. I licked my lips as I turned the page and started to read through the chapter, memorizing everything I could as fast as I could and in only a matter of minutes I was ready to summon a demon to grant a wish, the only thing I promised myself that I would never do.

With a single sigh, I was ready. I closed the book and stood up, pushing my chair away from my desk as I stood up and raised a hand, speaking only a single word in a lost language that created a pitch-black circle in the middle of the floor. I held my breath for only a moment before speaking a spell that seemed to shake the entire apartment, papers started to fly off my desk with an enormous, vicious gust of wind that accompanied the spell and my mind returned to normal, returning me to the fearful and uncertain person that I was.

Suddenly, the entire room became black despite the moon's light and the black summoning circle started to glow a mysterious and alluring purple. The strong wind in the room nearly became a tornado and it blew all of my papers around the room as the sound of a frightening roar filled my ears. With that, the lighting of the room returned to normal and a figure started to rise from the circle, along with it, the darkest presence I'd ever felt in my life.

In only a matter of seconds, the demon I had summoned rose from the circle with its eyes closed and I took a preemptive step back out of sheer uncertainty. I expected the demon I summoned to look ferocious and threatening, but nothing as it did. The demon was easily nine or ten feet tall, towering over me by around four feet, it had a panther-like head with two horns and fangs large enough to poke out of its closed mouth and a humanoid body covered with shirt, thick purple fur with slightly thinner and black fur covering her brea-

Somehow my sheer surprise overtook my fearful shock. She? The demon I had summoned was a woman her breasts were enormous, each one bigger than my head, her clit looked like the tightest I had ever seen in my life, she was excessively voluptuous, huge in all of the right places. Her hands were equipped with claws, her legs were nice and strong, and she had giant black bat-like wings that were somewhat tattered. I didn't know whether to be more terrified, shocked, or turned on until she opened her eyes, sending a chill through my body with the most bloodthirsty, threatening eyes I had ever seen before.

I subconsciously backed up into my desk as she looked to me and the summoning circle under her vanished. The moment the summoning circle was gone, she grinned and took a step forward with a lick of her sharp fangs and lips.

"Human..." the demon murmured as she stepped forward to tower over me, slamming one of her hands onto the table beside me, completely freezing me in place with fear. "Now what would a scrawny human like yourself be willing to sell his soul for?"

The demon licked her lips once more, "is it power? Perhaps revenge? Come on human, I'm just dying to know!"

It would have been worthless to tell the demon that I was terrified, I was sure that she could see it through my entire trembling being and my lack of response to her obvious jeers and taunting, demeaning laughter.

"Tell me, boy, did your oh-so-fragile heart get broken and now you need me to mend it?" The demon boasted another laugh and dug her claws into my desk, tearing a few manuscripts. "Is your cock too small to impress th-"

Suddenly, the demon's eyes widened as she stared down at me. Her laughter stopped, and she pulled her claws from the desk as she took a slow sniff of the air. After a short while, the demon leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.


I didn't know what to say or do. I was still terrified, comforted by the thought that there was a possibility that she wouldn't kill me, since she was bound to fulfill her contract as a summoned demon.

The demon reared back to stare into my eyes with her own glowing eyes, showing me a crazed grin. "I've heard that the most innocent of your species are the most delicious..." She licked her lips. "Tell me, virgin, how would you like to be my first? I'll go for your throat so you won't feel a thing..."

I leaned back further and she moved with me, salivating all over my shirt as she grabbed a handful of my short, spiky hair and clenched it tight, keeping me in place. The demon gave my neck a slow, warm lick all the way up to my chin, then she licked my cheek once with a sigh, afterward she kissed me deeply, widening my eyes as she snaked her tongue into my mouth and sucked away my breath.

As the demon explored my mouth and throat, I could barely hear my own thoughts over my trembling body and pounding heart. In some twisted way, I was at least somewhat certain that someone would find me lucky.

The demon slowly pulled away and licked her lips as she gazed at me in a way I couldn't understand, leaving absolute silence in the room minus the sound of her saliva steadily dripping off of my shirt and onto the floor.

With the only moment I had at least a few of my thoughts in order, I managed to mumble a pair of words. "T-the contract..."

The demon gave my neck another long lick, before pulling back to stare into my eyes once more, "what about it?"

"I-I want you to grant my wish..." I stammered and panted, terrified, excited, shocked, I didn't know what to feel, I didn't know how to feel.

"Fine..." The demon somewhat growled in response, "but we're going to seal our deal in a special way..."

Before I knew what to say or do, the demon used her slender tail and snatched my chair to sit down in it, with that, she sat down and forced me to my knees and just in front of her clit, which was dripping alarmingly fast into an entire puddle of her thick, crystalline juice.

Without any kind of warning, the demon forced my mouth down to her clit, as she grabbed onto one of her lactating breasts with a moan. I had never had sex before, but I knew exactly what she wanted. If I had any chance to lose my virginity, it would be here...and with any luck, I'd live to tell my best friend, Aerow, about it.

Just as she did to me, I gave her no warning before diving into her snatch, forcing my tongue inside her to lap up as much of her juices as I could, growing only more thirsty for her with each taste.

"Ah! Deeper!!" The demon moaned as she pulled my head further into her until I could barely breathe through my nose. Afterward, she growled and her vagina started to tighten up around my tongue, "I said deeper, virgin!"

I whimpered in pain and attempted to pull myself away for a moment, but she kept me in place and forced my compliance despite my extreme resistance, and desperation for a breath of air.

After what seemed like forever, the demon grabbed my head tight with both hands as she screamed with a trembling body. My eyes widened as my mouth filled like a balloon and I found myself quickly overwhelmed by the orgasm of a demon. My eyes watered and I grabbed the demon's legs tight, trying to push myself away as she came with the force of a water hose. Somewhat luckily for me, the demon let go of my head and I slammed backward, hitting my head on the desk's leg as the demon finished up with the squirt of a water gun, leaving me covered in her glistening nectar and leaving herself panting as she looked around at what she had just done with a smirk.

"You're not so bad at this, virgin..." the demon snickered as she slid from the chair and dropped herself down to grab me by the shirt, revealing her claws in the process.

I subconsciously raised my arms in fear, but she knocked them away before ripping off my clothes and cutting into my skin with a single swipe of her claws, revealing my rock hard, pulsing member that I hadn't even noticed. The demon took a deep breath and sighed as she gazed down at my naked, bleeding body with a grin. She grabbed me by my neck and looked down at my torn clothes with widened eyes.

"Heh, you came..." The demon picked up my boxers and held them up, taking a quick smell of them before showing a large, translucent, gooey white spot. "Cute."

Unable to fight back, I merely grabbed the demon's wrists as she forced me onto my back and grabbed my member tight, stroking it roughly and causing me whimper with clenched teeth. Her grin only became wider and wider as I squirmed under her as she took a place over me, just squatting just above my member, showing me her clit, still dripping just as much as before.

"So tell me, virgin. What is it that you want exactly?" The demon stroked my member harder and faster, making me whimper and moan under her. Much to her displeasure, I couldn't manage an answer and found myself being punished. She grabbed onto my cock tight and squeezed it harder than before, causing me to moan out from both the pain and the pleasure. "Well!?"

"I..." I clenched my teeth tight and took a deep breath through my nose. "I want you make me an amazing writer! Make me the best!"

The demon teased me by pushing just the tip of my cock into her asshole, but the moment I had finished speaking my deepest desires to her, she burst into laughter and slammed down onto my pelvis with extreme force, causing me to scream out in pain and cry out in pleasure, my entire body trembling.

"Bahaha!" The demon continued to laugh as she started to ride my cock, filling my body with forces I had never felt before and causing my mind to race with thoughts I could never imagine. "THAT is what you were willing to sell your soul for!?" The demon continued to laugh as she repeatedly rose up and slammed down on my waist, winding me with every fall, not showing any signs of pleasure of her own aside from laughter at my greatest aspirations.

"Why not wish for something you can be proud of?" The demon started to slam harder and harder, I could feel my mind slipping away with every slam. "I can get you a fuck with the empress of all demons and all of her daughters. Won't get called a virgin after that, would you?"

"N-No!" I growled through the pain and intense surges of pleasure. "I want to write! I don't care about anything else!"

Suddenly, the demon dropped herself onto me with even more force than before and I came, groaning for a brief moment and panting hard, completely unable to move with everything around me slowly fading into blackness. With my head pounding and my body sore all over, it wouldn't be long until I-

"Pride won't do you much good in death, will it!?" The demon cackled as she slammed down on my member much more forceful than before and started to finger herself, her breasts pouring milk as she let her tongue hang out of her mouth.

With the sound of the demon's roar, everything faded away fast, and the last thing I could hear was another victorious, dominant roar alongside the feeling of a thick, warm shower raining down on my face and body.

I awoke several hours later with my entire body aching and with one of the worst headaches I had ever felt in my life. I didn't know exactly what happened the night before or whether my wish was granted or not, but I was awake and alive. That was all that mattered to me.

"Urgh..." I groaned as I sat up, looking around only for a moment before I found myself at a lack of expression. The demon that I had summoned last night was sitting at my desk in front of a stack of papers wearing an interested expression. I could tell that she heard me by the twitch of her semi-tall pointed ears, but she didn't look over.

"Good morning, virgin." The demon called to me, and I raised my eyebrows in somewhat surprise. Suddenly, my head started to hurt and I raised a hand to hold it, noticing that I was wearing bandages around my head, further examination revealed bandages on my chest where she had cut me and on my waist and parts of my legs.

I pulled off my covers in near shock before grunting and grabbing my waist tight with both hands, I was still in severe pain. The demon looked over to me with a somewhat annoyed expression, picking up one of the pages on the desk to look over as she split her sight between me and the page. "Don't make me come over there," she growled.

Even though I was curious as to what she was doing and why she was still around, I only had one question on my mind.

"My wish..."

The demon looked away from the page, giving me her absolute and undivided attention.

"Did you grant my wish?"

"Nope." The demon showed no emotion as she turned back to the page.

"I-I don't understand...does that mean we made a deal and you took my soul for nothing...?"

The demon growled in sheer annoyance before tossing the page back onto my desk and giving me a deep-seated glare that sent a chill through my being. As time passed on and we looked to each other, the demon's expression slowly changed until her entire body started to tremble and she burst into a ferocious laughter.

"Are you really that stupid, virgin!? You thought we actually sealed a deal last night?" The demon continued to laugh. "What type of demon seals a deal by fucking a species as pathetic as yours?"

I didn't respond.

"N-No..." The demon's laughter slowly came to a complete halt and she looked to me with a grin. "I didn't take your soul because I couldn't grant your wish."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Your wish was to be an amazing writer right? The best?" I nodded, "I can't say or not whether you're the best, all I know is that your body completely rejects my power."

I stayed silent.

"Simply put, I can't make you any better. With that said, I've been reading these pages you've written, I've been looking into your mind and I have to say that I'm actually quite impressed that a scrawny virgin like you has such a strong resolve." The demon sighed, "I probably should have taken your soul and eaten you...that's what I get for being honest."

"I still don't understand..."

The demon snarled, "what are you, stupid!? I'm saying that I didn't take your soul because you're already an amazing writer! Your writing isn't the problem, you just don't have any confidence or belief in yourself. I should have just lied to you and eaten you, cure the world of one more stupid virgin..."

Suddenly, I snapped and growled back. "Stop calling me that! I'm not stupid and last I checked, I'm not a virgin anymore!" The demon's eyes grew wide as I continued, "my name is Jette, alright? And if you can't grant my wish then just go away! I'll find a demon that can!"

In a single blink of an eye, I found myself pinned down on my bed by the demon, who growled much more threateningly than before as she held onto my neck tight with her other set of claws pressed against my neck.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're still a virgin! You didn't fuck me, I fucked you, got it? And as far as I'm around, you'll be whatever I say you are, understand!?"

I trembled in fear, gulping hard, almost unable to believe that I had actually yelled at a demon.

"Now you're going to get up, stop feeling sorry for yourself, cook me something nice to eat, and get your scrawny ass back to writing. Got it, virgin!?"

The demon pulled me up and forced me onto my feet before pointing to the door with her claws poised to strike should I find the nerve to defy her. I took a step back and started off toward the door with a silent huff, on my way, I caught a glimpse of the stack of papers on my desk, they were the papers that had been blown around and torn apart during the night before. Somehow, the demon managed to gather them all together and actually decided to read it. I didn't know what to think or feel about it...

"Hey, boy!" The demon called, turning me to face her, revealing that she was sitting back in the chair reading my latest work in progress. "Don't think that you can tell me what to do or get me to leave. We don't have a contract, so I'm here to stay and do what I want. So as long as I'm here, you won't be getting scammed out of your soul for something you already have, got it? Now get to it, I'm getting hungry."

I turned away and stumbled out of the room, unsure of what had just happened. With that, I made my way downstairs only assured that I wasn't the worst writer in the world...and that I wouldn't be stopping any time soon.