Furside - Chapter 1, Forbidden

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#1 of Furside

Navi watched blocks of concrete disappear only for the next one to reappear underneath her feet. Each step took her closer to the next as she skipped along merrily. It was her birthday and nothing could ruin it for her, she was turning sixteen Sixteen, she was told, was just one step from womanhood. Her normal uniform consisting of a knee-length blue skirt and a white shirt with a grey vest couldn't even bring her down. Her hair was up in two pigtails, she was told that it was cute when she did that.

The sheen of her elegantly soft brown fur was due to the fact that she showered twice a day and conditioned her fur. She was quite proud of it, from the top of her long floppy ears down to her button nose and all the way into her toes which were covered by a pair of shiny black shoes with almost no heel. They were insanely uncomfortable but the perfect top off to her routine catholic school girl uniform. With a shrug she skipped along heading home, she couldn't wait to get home because her father was going to make her a special meal. He also said he had a special gift for her, she knew what it was because she had helped him pick it out but still it felt exciting to get her own vehicle!

She was so distracted that as she darted around the corner the sudden lack of concrete took her by surprise causing her to fall face-first into a huge rut of mud. Her face hit the puddle with a wet slop. Slowly she rose up to all fours with a lot of sucking and slurping as she pulled herself out of the disgusting mess. The next thirty feet of side walk had been torn up presumably, because there were pipes exposed, it was due to some sort of leak. With a sigh she stood up again and stepped into the road looking over her uniform with disdain. "Oh well, I hated this uniform anyway. But that's just my luck."

It wasn't far to her house and when she rounded the last bend she had never seen such a welcoming sight. The little one-bedroom duplex she and her father shared had never looked so good. From the small fenced in yard to the drab white vinyl siding. Opening the white picket gate she strode up the walk and unlocked the door with a key she kept dangling between her smallish breasts. When she stepped inside she quickly began to shed her clothing. The uniform went straight to the laundry basket in the utility room right next to the front door. With a sigh she noted that her underwear and training bra had both been affected by mud. Shedding both she stepped into the house and walked through the living room past the kitchen toward the bathroom. "Dad I'm home!"

"Hey sweetie, I'm in the back." He called in reply to her.

Poking her head into the bedroom she waved to him and scrunched her nose up cutely. "Unfortunately I had an accident involving mud."

"Oh man, the sidewalk outside?"

"Yeah unfortunately." She turned around and headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower and wash the mud out of her fur. Since they lived in a small one bedroom duplex they were used to being in close proximity and to using the same bathroom, sometimes at the same time if they were in a hurry. The bathroom itself was small but big enough for the two of them. It had a double sink with a marble top and a big white toilet with a shelf attached to the wall standing behind it. Their bathroom was a tub and shower combined with a glass door. Since her father had purchased the small home he had done the changes to the bathroom himself. She had been able to pick the color of the walls, blue, and the tiles, off-white. Turning on the shower she sighed with relief as she stepped into the hot jets from the wide shower head. The install of their new water heater made instant hot water more than just a dream. "Ah that's nice."

Closing the door behind her she turned around and began wiping the mud out of her hair and fur. She stood there letting the warm water flow over her body luxuriously. The water hugged her budding curves and warmed the now-cold spots of her body that had been caked with grime. "Man what a day."

"It's your birthday, how bad could your day have been?" Her dad said from the open doorway. She watched him step inside and inspect his face in the mirror from the fogged glass door.

"Well just because it's my birthday doesn't mean people don't get to pick on me." She leaned her head back and let the hot water hit her face. The shampoo she used on her body and hair was expensive but it was worth the money for the clean, soft feel it left. "It's okay though, things like this seem to happen to me."

"I never should have enrolled you into that catholic school, it's not very far from the public schools around here. Well except for the fact that the girls look rather hot in the old catholic schoolgirl uniform." He grinned broadly and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Daddy, you dirty old man." She giggled at his antics and continued to shampoo her fur, trying very hard to get the spots of mud off without tangling her hair or fur.

"Aw come on, I'm not that old. I hit 29 later this year." He shrugged and smiled at her.

"Yeah but that's because mom was a pervert." She laughed at the look on his face and shrugged. "She was eighteen you were thirteen, am I wrong?"

"No, but don't talk about your mother like that Navi, she was a very kind and beautiful woman." He sat down on the closed toilet lid and sighed softly. "The only woman I've ever loved. Well besides my daughter of course, she's becoming quite a beautiful woman in her own right."

"Aw, thanks daddy." She smiled as she finished scrubbing the shampoo out of her hair and opened the door holding out her dripping arm. "Towel please?"

"Oh sure hon." She watched him stand and walk to the other side of the small bathroom. He opened the closet and choose the most fluffy towel in the stack to give to her. "How does it feel to become a woman?"

"Not there yet, but soon! I'll tell you when it happens." She stepped out of the shower onto the plush blue bathroom mat and began toweling herself off slowly. "Daddy would you mind getting my back?"

"Not at all." He took the towel from her and gently scrubbed the fur on her back until it was sufficiently dry. It didn't take long, she was known to dry off quicker than most people, he was unsure why. Afterward he handed the towel back and turned to exit the bathroom. "So what do you want for dinner? Name it, whatever you want."

"You know I'm not picky dad, whatever you were planning on making." She used the damp towel to wrap her ears and slightly long hair and left the relative warmth of the bathroom into the cooler hallway that connected the bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen. Suppressing a shiver she walked into the bedroom and selected night clothes to put on, she didn't want to go anywhere else today and risk having to take another shower. Her favorite pajamas consisted of a pair of light blue short shorts and a shirt that showed cleavage and mid-drift. It was comfortable and that's all she cared about. "How about we just order pizza?"

"Good idea, pizza sounds awesome. What do you want on it?" He knew what she wanted but he always asked anyway.

"Pepperoni and mushrooms." Flopping down on their big comfortable couch she leaned back and sighed softly, it felt good to sit down and relax after a long day. Her father was the same, it was usual for them to sit down and watch a movie together after he was done with work and she came home from school. She grabbed the universal remote and turned on both the television and the dvd player, having left a movie in last night that she hadn't gotten the chance to finish.

"Navi wait!" She heard the cry from the kitchen but it was too late.

On the screen in full high definition fourty two inches was a pair of vixens as naked as she had ever seen someone. Wearing nothing but a smile the first of the two, she had a bright coat and soft brown eyes, lapped gently at the other's vagina. "Oh my god!"

As quickly as she had turned it on she switched off the DVD player and dropped the remote. She sat aghast for a moment staring at the blank screen before turning to her father. Navi stared at him for a moment as he looked down at the carpet and shuffled his feet. "Daddy?"

"I'm sorry baby, I forgot to take it out."

"I don't understand." She looked at the television and then the DVD player then back to him. She had never experienced sex before in any form. Sexual education was non-existant in her school because it was a catholic school. She had been taught that it was a sin to have premarital sex. Homosexuality was also considered to be unclean. "I thought being gay was bad."

"What? Who told you that?" From his face she could tell he was shocked.

"At school." She looked back at the television for a moment and wore an obvious look of confusion.

"I was afraid you'd say that. Navi, honey it's long past time I talk to you about this kind of thing." As he sat down she stood up and started walking toward the bathroom.

"I need to take a bath daddy."

"You just took a shower, honey you have to learn about this some day." She didn't look at him as she walked past.

He had attempted to talk to her several times in the past about sex but every time she had found an excuse not to stick around and listen. She was confused. This wasn't the first time she had run across something that her teachers had called 'sexual deviance' in his possession. The first incident had involved a magazine he left sticking out of a box in their closet. She hadn't known he had a subscription to busty young babes. Her whole world had been rocked that day but she had overlooked it thinking it was an item from his past. With a soft sigh she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her, it wasn't often that ether of them did that. Navi in particular only did it when she wanted to be alone.

She ran the water, nice and warm so she could soak and think. She had been told one thing at school but her father was displaying something else. Navi had never known her father to be wrong or sinful. He was always such a wonderful person and he showed nothing but love for her. Time passed quickly enough for her to put a bit too much water in but it wasn't enough to overflow. Sitting down in the warm bath she cut the water off with her foot and shut the glass door.

A sudden knock and an opening door pulled her away from her current thoughts and her seemingly perpetual confusion.

"Navi, honey we need to talk. I don't like what that school is teaching you, I really want to move you to a public school instead." He had opened the door, she didn't mind usually but she was a little confused.

"I don't want to go to another school daddy, my friends are at this one." She opened the door of the shower and locked eyes with her father. He looked embarrassed, which wasn't an emotion she was used to seeing him use. That made her feel even more trepidation against the sexual content he had been watching today. "I'm so confused."

"Listen, you've been avoiding this for a long time Navi and we have to talk about it some time. Sex is a beautiful thing that can be enjoyed by men or women alike. It isn't a sin to have relations with someone of your own gender, that's just crazy talk." He paused to gather his thoughts. "Baby, I know they tell you what you should think and feel at that school but honestly if something feels bad you'd know it right?"

"I guess."

"Alright, that's a good start. You can't always take what people tell you at face value. I'm sure that you know the difference between men and women, I've raised you to not be afraid of nudity or sex as best I could. I didn't want you to end up like most teenagers and get sex-crazed once you first discover it." Another pause, this one shorter. "Sex and masturbation are not bad, they're perfectly healthy and it feels good."

"What's masturbation daddy?" She was curious, she trusted her father more than anyone else in the world and she knew he wouldn't misguide her willingly.

"What? You don't even know what masturbation is?" He was genuinely surprised, she could tell.

"No, I don't."

"Okay, here's what it is. What you do is." He paused and made a hand motion with his fingers in a circular pattern. "I, uh."

"Yeah?" He looked confused and astounded, Navi was surprised because she was used to him having an answer.

"I've never really helped anyone masturbate before."

"But you were just doing it." The question was obvious to her but apparently not to him.

"Yes but with a guy it's different." He moved his hand downward and moved it back and forth in front of his crotch. He was looking at her as if she would automatically know what he was talking about. "You just, well."

"Show me." She demanded of him, if he was so convinced that it wasn't a bad thing he wouldn't have anything against it.

"Show you?" He echoed incredulously.

"Yes, I want to watch you do it."

"But Navi, I'm not sure about that." His voice was questioning and he was obviously getting nervous.

"You said it wasn't bad so if it isn't bad I want you to show me how to masturbate." The tone of her voice left no room for argument, she was more than curious now.

She watched him with interest as he took off the shorts he had been wearing leaving him completely nude. He was tall and lean with gray fur and defined muscles. Since he worked at home he had bought a home gym and worked out daily. It was obviously working. She had seen her father naked before several times but never in this way, before she hadn't thought a sexual thought while looking at a man but now she found him attractive and he was definitely well endowed. His penis was huge, she hadn't seen many but she was quite sure he was huge by any standards.

Suddenly she found herself bashful and vulnerable so she covered up her breasts and between her legs instinctively. He was gazing at her differently, his eyes roamed hungrily and she suddenly realized what she had asked him to do. "Daddy I'm not sure about this."

"Don't worry honey I'm going to show you."

She had never been touched by a man before, she found her body quivering uncontrollably. She watched his fingers break the surface of the water and let out a startled yelp of surprise even before he touched her. The first caress made her close her legs out of instinct but his hands were stronger. He pried her legs open and ran the tip of his index finger across her slit slowly. The contact with her sensitive area felt warm and somewhat inviting but at the same time wrong. With a whimper she shied away from his hand and scooted up against the bath tub wall. "Daddy no!"

"You asked me for it Navi, not the other way around." She spied the hard sword-like organ between his legs and her eyes went wide.

"Daddy I think I know what it is, I feel all tingly down there when I wash my bottom." She blushed softly and turned her face away from him. "I guess I do know what it is."

"Well, show me how you wash your bottom then my little lovely." His voice was deep, it sent shivers down her spine now that she was thinking of him somewhat sexually.

Obeying like a good girl she turned herself around and stuck her ass up out of the water. Her fingers squirmed through her trim thighs and rubbed the front of her slit softly. She continued rubbing slowly, her fingers caressing her naughty spot. Her face pressed against the cold shower wall and she flicked her finger up and down the outside of the slit. "I know it's clean when it feels tingly or when stuff comes out."

"Good girl." He said softly as he left the room with his shorts in hand and his dick hanging out for her to see.

"Oh daddy." She whispered as she felt a slight tingle around her womanly lips. It was strange to feel this way for her father but she had never been touched like this before, she didn't know that what she was doing was masturbation. She got out of the tub and dried herself off quickly using the same damp towel she had used before and left the bathroom in search of her father, he had left so suddenly. "Daddy?"

"Yes my dear?" He replied from inside of the bedroom.

"You never finished the lesson, you were going to tell me about sex." She plopped down on the bed beside him draped in her towel watching him. He was sitting on the bed with his shorts draped across his lap covering his man parts. "I still want to know about it."

"Alright, well you've seen my penis and you obviously know what a vagina is. Basically the man's penis goes into the girl's vagina. Sometimes in her mouth and even in her butt or between her breasts. Your mother liked to use her hands on me, she thought it was sexy." He paused and chuckled softly at the look of confusion on her face. "They never taught you that at school huh?"

"No, they don't teach sex education at school." She was staring curiously at his lap without knowing it. The sudden feel of his hand on her shoulder startled her. "Sorry, it's just that I've never seen one of those before. Well not in a sexual way, I never even thought about it. I've watched you pee before but that was different."

"Do you want to see it?"

"Well, yeah." She stated plainly as he laid his head back onto the pillows of his bed.

"Go ahead, you can touch it if you want."

Gingerly she removed the shorts to reveal the half-cubby member underneath. The scent of her father's manhood made her nose twitch, it smelled good mixed in with the scent of his body. With one finger she poked the shaft and watched it move of its own accord. That startled her at first and her father laughed to her chagrin. She made a face and laid her head on his thigh toying with the head and pole with her fingers. After a moment she watched in amazement as it changed size and got bigger with more veins. It looked like an entirely different thing. "How does it feel when it gets bigger?"

"It feels good." He said flatly as he stared down at her expectantly. "Go ahead, just be gentle."

She nodded her head and moved her fingers around to his testicles, she squeezed gently causing him to moan which made her smile. He was a little sweaty down there but she liked the smell of it. Without thinking she took it into her hand and began stroking it up and down just like he had shown her with his hand gestures. Up and down she moved her hand grasping it enough to move the sensitive skin up and down across the shaft. "Does that feel good daddy?"

"Oh yes baby, that feels great. Put it in your mouth but watch your teeth."

"Okay." A little hesitantly she leaned her head forward and brushed her tongue against the head of his member, seeing as that seemed to be the most sensitive part. She found herself wishing that her father would help her wash her bottom again, it felt tingly and nice. As slow as she could muster she put her lips over the head and took it inside of her mouth. It was like putting a carrot in there so she took as much of it in as possible. Before she knew it her nose was pressed into his waist line and he was groaning loudly. He liked it, she could tell from the little jumps his penis was making. While pulling herself off of it she squeezed his balls gently and giggled around it. She pulled it out of her mouth and flexed her jaw. "It's too big daddy."

"Come on baby, you can do it. You're not allowed to stop now."

Not allowed? She shrugged and put her mouth back on it using her tongue to lick the head as she pushed it deep into her throat. She swallowed once trying to get the saliva out of her mouth and felt a hot explosion against the back of her throat. She coughed and sputtered trying to drink it all down like a thick salty milk shake. It took her a minute to recover.

"Oh god I'm sorry Navi, I should have warned you about that part. That was cum, I had an orgasm." He laid back down on the bed and sighed softly. "You're good baby girl, but you can do so much better. You're a good girl."

"Thank you daddy." She paused for a moment and looked up at him sheepishly. "Daddy, will you 'wash' my bottom again?"

"Do you want the same thing you just did for me?" He chuckled softly and kissed her neck.

"Yeah, I want to cum too." She felt weird asking him for sex, it was something deep inside of her that said it was wrong. He had told her that it wasn't wrong though.

"Well baby, girls don't cum like that."

"I do." She was suddenly feeling embarrassed and self-conscious more than usual. She watched him arch an eyebrow and then let herself be guided down to the bed slowly. His lips touched her thigh and she groaned, twitching her leg a bit as she fought the urge to close her legs. His breath was warm and welcome as she felt him work his way upward across the sensitive areas of her inner legs. Up one side and down the other he went, deliberately missing her honey pot without even a glance. Navi felt herself squirming and writhing against him almost involuntarily. He was teasing her and she liked it. "Daddy, gimme."

"Patience my pet."

Her body was on fire and she didn't know how to feel or what to do about it, sensations she had never felt before assaulted her from the left and right. A sudden tongue against her pussy caused her to jump in surprise as a squirt of juices hit her father in the face. She whimpered softly as he continued unabashed. The warm writhing member peeked into her lips slightly and she groaned at the feeling, even that small intrusion made her naughty bits feel tight. His hands grabbed at her hips forcefully and kept her down on the bed but she attempted to buck against him repeatedly in an attempt to get more of his tongue into her. "Oh god daddy what are you doing to me?"

Without a forthcoming answer all she could do was succumb to his forceful licking. Her gyrating grinding hips called out for her to thrust against him. When his fingers touched her soft spot, the one above her slit that made her whole body tingle. He massaged it slowly with one finger and continued to probe her quivering mound with his tongue. "Daddy! Daddy! I'm gonna, I'm gonna!"

She felt a sudden rush of hot liquid spray from deep within her body and soak her father from head to chest. She thrusted and wiggled uncontrollably and pushed his hands and head away. Gutteral growls and grunts escaped her lips with each writhe and as the last few squirts hit his open mouth she collapsed against the bed and sighed.

"Good girl, you're a very good girl."

"Thank you daddy." She giggled softly. Silently and internally though she felt wrong inside, like something just wasn't right about what they had just done. As he wrapped his arms around her and they spooned she sighed and closed her eyes, wondering what this feeling was.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

"Daddy, I feel wrong. Kind of dirty." She turned her head to gaze at him with his messy cum-soaked fur. "I don't think you're supposed to touch me like that daddy. Don't they call it molesting?"

"Honey, you can't molest the willing. It's only wrong if it feels wrong. I know that felt good, you were begging for it. How can something that good be wrong?" His smile disarmed her but she still felt weird.

"I see you're still a virgin baby doll."

"Yeah daddy, they told us at school that you should save yourself for marriage." She felt as if her world had been turned upside down. She didn't want to have sex yet, especially with her own father but it didn't feel wrong. He touched her nice and caressed her the right way and it made her all tingly in her honey pot. Navi was still confused as she felt a stirring against her bottom. Looking down she saw her father's dick poking out from between her thighs. Her eyes went wide at the proximity to her loins. Suddenly she felt like a caged animal again, like there was some sort of lurking danger in the room. "Daddy?"

"I want you honey, I want to fuck you."

"No! No daddy we can't do that, I'm saving myself for..." She sighed softly and shook her head. Her foundation was crumbling. "Daddy I'm scared."

"Don't worry honey I'll be gentle."

"Daddy wait, I don't want this!" She curled up into a ball and shied away from him and his hardness. When he touched her shoulder she flinched away. "No daddy!"

"Wait baby, hold on. We don't have to do it if you don't want to. There are other things we can do that will leave you a virgin. You can't just tease me like that and not take care of me. It's not fair. Plus I'm your daddy, you have to do what I say remember?"

She opened her eyes for a moment and watched him warily, she trusted her daddy but she wasn't sure about his motives. The angry cock sticking out from between his legs was a testament to what he wanted. "Like what?"

"Well you could put it in your mouth again or you could let me put it between your tits. Maybe between your thighs." He grinned broadly. "Or you could let me put it in your butt."

"In my butt? I poop from there daddy!" She looked at him unbelievingly and then stretched out on the bed to inquire more. Navi had to admit that she was curious now.

"Well we can clean it out and I promise I'll be very gentle."

"Okay so what do we do first?" As he stood she followed him and found herself in the bathroom. He handed her a squeeze bottle that they didn't use anymore and helped her fill it with water. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"You use it to clean yourself out, I'll wait outside for you but don't take too long." He exited the bathroom and waited outside for her, after a few minutes she exited the bathroom with an odd look on her face. "What?"

"That felt oddly cleansing." She laughed slightly and headed for the bedroom, he immediately followed and she sat on the bed. "Now what?"

"Well, get on your hands and knees on the bed."

"Okay." She obeyed him and got onto her hands and knees on the bed. She watched him curiously as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a tube of clear liquid. It was warm to the touch when it hit her butt cheeks. She felt a little odd as he spread her butt open and slathered her rear in the liquid. A sudden intrusion made her yelp in surprise but she quickly recovered. She felt his finger angle downward and push against the inside, it made her feel as if he was licking her all over again. After a few minutes of feeling the single digit push and pull in and out of her he put a second in, that hurt but not so much. She felt more of the liquid being poured into her when he pulled her little butt hole open with two fingers. "That feels funny."

After watching him coat himself in the same liquid she sucked in a breath knowing what was coming. She felt the tip of his manhood poised at the opening of her ass, and while she felt weird about it he was right. She didn't want to tease him and make him mad.

"Baby don't tense, it will hurt if you do just relax and breathe normal."

"Okay daddy." She made every attempt not to flinch or clench down as he pushed the very tip of himself into her tight little ass hole. She sucked in another breath and buried her head into the pillow in front of her. She felt him slowly start progressing inside and put her hand against his chest forcing him to slow down even more. It was burning pain in her hiney but she didn't want to stop him now, he would get mad. Her eyes were tearing slightly but she endured as the shaft continued to pierce her untouched area. "Oh god daddy it hurts!"

"Shhh, it's okay baby, I'm done pushing inside. You took it all like a good girl."

"I did?" She was surprised his huge slab of meat had fit inside of her tight butt without more pain but she supposed it was because she was more used to using that hole. She curled her fingers into his fur and made him wait a moment before she let go. Even as she did she felt him ease his way out of her and then slide, as gently as he could, back into her dark little orifice. It was painful but the way he was angled was making her feel nice in her woman parts. Each thrust brought a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure that served only to confuse her more. It was strange to feel a penis, especially her father's penis, in her ass. Her first experiences with sex while not unpleasant were fast becoming a source of confusion. She clenched her ass down without thinking and cried out in pain just as a hot jet of liquid soaked the bed, her first orgasm was followed by a second and third. "Oh daddy I can't take it anymore, stop!"

"I'm not done sweetie, I can't stop!"

The pain, the pleasure, the taboo feeling she was getting caused her to cry out rather loudly and grab his fur with one hand. She tried to push him off of her and pull him out of her ass but she couldn't stop him, he was too strong. She felt as if she was being violated now as a result she came again, this time her body went limp and he followed her down as she sprawled out on the bed. His heavy body on top of her accompanied by his scent was maddening. Without thinking she dug her nails into his sides, tears streamed down her face through the feeling of having such a big cock deep inside of her butt. She was suddenly unable to move, unable to breathe as another orgasm hit her and rocked her body. She was limp under his thrusting. She felt him stiffen and a sudden hot splash of his love juice filled her butt up to the brim. Navi could feel it sliding into her, it was thick and strange-feeling. "Daddy no! I don't want to have a baby!"

"Calm down honey, you can't have a baby from anal sex." He chuckled at her causing her to blush.

"That was weird daddy, it felt good but bad at the same time. You should have stopped when I wanted you to." She felt as if he had taken advantage of her, she wasn't sure if she wanted this type of activity to go on anymore. "Daddy, I don't know if I like this stuff. I mean the sex feels good but I don't think you're supposed to touch me like this or stick your thing inside of me. I'm your daughter."

"It's been so long since I've been with a girl baby, since your mother died and left you alone with me I've never loved anyone. Not like the way I love you. You do love me don't you?"

"Of course I do Daddy." She couldn't follow his logic but he was the adult for a reason. She sighed softly and enjoyed the feel of his member getting smaller and even giggled at the slurping sound it made as it fell out of her butt.

"That's my girl. Don't worry, you'll like it even better when I make you a woman."

His smile felt genuine but she was still scared at the prospect of having sex for the first time. He was so big that she felt like he would tear her in half if he tried. Plus she didn't want to have a baby. "Daddy I don't want to have a baby."

"Don't worry, I was actually going to put you on birth control from here on out. You're a big girl and I was sure you'd experiment with sex at some point."

"Well daddy when I started on this I didn't think that we'd actually have sex, I didn't really want to have sex with you I just wanted you to show me what masturbation was." She shrugged her shoulders and stood up, heading for the bathroom. "I have to get your stuff out of my butt now, it feels funny."

"Alright baby, go ahead."

Navi left him in the bedroom and went into the bathroom, she didn't bother shutting the door, they never did. Since he had not only seen her naked but now fucked her she was sure that it didn't matter. "Things are changing, now what do you do Navi?"