
Story by Solusar on SoFurry

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The second story I ever published on the internet. Like the previous story, it was posted in February of 2008. Little did I know at the time that it would catch the eye of a certain someone who has been my boyfriend for the last 4 1/2 years running.

The story is about a tauren who ambushes a very lost human male, who is forced to pleasure the bovine bodily.

This one involves non-consensual everything, with a focus on clean anal vore (meaning, no scat).


Atreyu let out a long, restless sigh as he rocked back and forth on a large chair in his lonely wooden hovel. What a boring day. The tauren thought, tapping a finger against a nearby table as he stared blankly at the ceiling. From the moment he woke up this morning, Atreyu knew that this was going to be one of those days - the kind that seem to drag on forever. Still, he held on to the hope that his gut was wrong and went about his daily routine. In spite of his efforts, however, he still found himself in the very situation he had hoped to avoid.

The wind blew lazily against the wood and hide home from time to time, slowly moving the canopy of clouds over the almost-empty plains of Mulgore. I'm going to die from boredom if I don't find something to do soon . . . but what? What?! Despite his intimidating growls and intent glaring, the tauren failed to bully the ceiling into giving him any ideas. Suddenly, a rumbling in his stomach caught his hears. Atreyu raised an eyebrow as he looked down at his flat, fur-covered chest, thoughts beginning to trickle into his head.

"Hmmm . . ." Even though he had already eaten just a few hours ago, the bovine found that he was hungry once again. Another, more powerful growl came mere moments after the first, telling the tauren exactly what his body was hungry for. Atreyu's brow furrowed, and he let out an amused huff. "Oh. That'll give me something to do." He said in his deep, guttural voice. The bull's hooves clopped against the wooden floor as he pulled his legs in and got up from his chair. I wonder what I'll find today. Atreyu thought darkly to himself as he walked out of his home, beginning his search for someone who could satisfy his hungering body . . .


"Is that--is that what I think it is? Oh, praise the light!" The weary human traveler said to himself when he set his eyes upon the large, open body of water. His dirt-covered pink skin told the tale of a long, restless journey through hostile lands and the weary look in his eyes hinted that he had not slept well in many nights. The man's pace slowed as he reached the bank of the lake, where he carefully dropped his bags beneath a large tree. After giving his surroundings a brief look-over he began to remove his dark red colored armor piece by piece. As his helm came off, his smooth, bald head began to reflect a portion of the sunlight that touched it.

Soon, the human stood naked on the shore of the lake. He once again glanced quickly at his surroundings before slowly walking into the water. "Ahhh . . ." he said as the warm water washed over his tired body, "for a moment there, I thought I'd never find a moment of peace in this Light-forsaken place." Admittedly, the only reason why the human felt that Mulgore was 'Light-forsaken' was due to its inhabitants, the tauren, who were not particularly known for their hospitality towards enemies of the Horde. Were he not constantly on the lookout for trouble, he might have enjoyed the lush, open grasslands.

Little did the human know that trouble lie just around the corner. Atreyu peeked out from his hiding spot behind one of the few trees in the area, watching with eyes of interest as the naked pink-skin clean himself. From the moment that he had spotted the weary traveler, Atreyu knew that he had found someone who could sate his hunger, and he had spent the past ten minutes stalking him from a distance. The bull waited patiently for his quarry to look away so that he may get into a better position. When the opportunity arose, Atreyu sprinted across the field with surprising speed and silence to the same tree that the human had left his equipment under. Now in the perfect ambush spot, with his target completely oblivious, the tauren chuckled quietly to himself and began to wait for the moment to strike.

The human took his time in the shallow lake. After cleaning the dirt from his body, he decided to swim around and relax a bit. It was only after some time that he decided to leave the lake so that he may rest for a bit before continuing on. Water dripped from every part of his body as he climbed out of the lake and make his way to his bags and armor. Before he could reach his equipment, however, Atreyu stepped out from behind the tree and grabbed a hold of the unsuspecting human. The pink-skinned male let out a surprised yelp as the tauren lift him off the ground with startling ease and thrust him against the tree. "Hello there." Atreyu said in Common, the language of the Alliance, as he stared into his quarry's stunned eyes.

The man stared dumbly in shock as his mind struggled to catch up to reality. Even in his stupor, he was able to realize just how large this creature was. Arms that were twice as thick as the human's own legs held him by the shoulders a good two and a half feet off the ground. The huge fur-covered chest closely resembled a brick wall, thick, strong and immovable. His captor wore the intimidating smile of a shark which was only augmented by the twin blue orbs that rested comfortably in their sockets. Rust-colored fur covered nearly every inch of the tauren, save for a small patch of white hair on his stomach. He wore little clothes that the human could see - just a small loincloth that covered his more private areas. Dumbfounded, all the pink-skinned male could do was stare at the bovine with eyes wide open.

"What is your name, human?"

It seemed to take a few moments for the tauren's question to reach the captive's ears, and even longer for him to find the answer. "S--Saul." He finally uttered, his body beginning to shake nervously. "What d-do you want--want with me?"

Atreyu's smile widened at the human's question. "I have some . . . needs that I would like taken care of." Just when it appeared that the tauren's smile could not get any wider or shark-like, it somehow did.

Saul's eyebrows rose for a moment as he tried to imagine exactly what 'needs' the bull-creature could be talking about. "What k-kind of 'needs'?"

Atreyu chuckled darkly; he was having the time of his life with this cowering human, and he hadn't even started the fun part yet! "Needs of the more . . ." the bull looked down at himself for a moment before bringing his gaze back up to meet his quarry. ". . . intimate kind." His tone had changed with those last two words, and had become very suggestive.

The human's eyes widened for the umpteenth time as he realized the unmistakable truth - the bovine was going to force him into pleasuring himself. "N--no . . ." He uttered as he began to shake his head in fearful disbelief. "You can't do this! I won't let you!" He began to struggle and kick in hopes of squirming his way out of the tauren's grip, but he was quickly stopped by the ravenous creature.

Atreyu used his brute strength to push the human a few inches higher up the tree, scraping his furless body against the hard bark. "If you cooperate, I will let you go. If you don't, then this will become much less enjoyable for both of us." The tone that the bull had taken on was more than enough to make Saul cease his struggles. "That's better." Atreyu said, his tone returning to normal. "Now, I'm going to put you down. Do not try to escape. It would be a shame if I had to . . . stop you."

Begrudgingly, Saul nodded and was slowly lowered back to the ground. His still-naked body shivered when the tauren released his warm grip and allowed the cool breeze to wash over his shoulders. Atreyu stepped to the side, allowing the human the room to get around him. Saul looked up at his captor, wondering what he wanted him to do. The bull gave him a nodding gesture, indicating his backside. The human gulped nervously as he slowly began to walk around the giant bovine. As he made his way around, his eyes caught sight of his belt on the ground between the tauren's legs, his daggers still lying in their holsters. Suddenly, it appeared as if there would be some hope that he could get out of this situation with his dignity.

Just seconds before Saul was about to reach for his daggers, the tauren scooped up the belt with one of his hooves and kicked it into the lake. As he watched his weapons sink into the water, so too did he watch his only hope drown along with them. "You didn't think I'd forgotten about those, did you?" Atreyu asked evilly.

All that Saul could do was growl with frustration at his captor. The tauren turned his gaze toward his quarry, the look in his eyes inspiring fear in the young human. Reluctantly, he continued on until he was behind the bovine and virtually all he could see was the creature's huge furry backside. Atreyu leaned onto the tree with one hand while beginning to lower his loincloth with the other. Saul couldn't help but cringe a bit as the meager clothing was peeled away, revealing two huge, fur-covered mounds that hovered only a foot from his head; as he stared at the tauren's rear, Saul struggled to not imagine what else that this area of the body was used for, but in the end he ultimately failed.

"I want you to make me feel good." Atreyu groaned lowly. "Use your hands."

Saul gulped hesitantly as he raised his arms up and slowly began to push them between the two thick cheeks. The tauren's body shuddered as he felt the human's hands part his rear and press up against his puckered hole. Atreyu took a breath to relax himself and soon found his body opening up to allow the small creature's hands entry. The bovine grunted in approval as he felt the human begin to slip inside. "More." He groaned. Saul reluctantly obeyed his directions, pushing his arms half way inside the warmth of the bull's rear. Squishing sounds filled the human's ears as he felt the entrance open wider and wider to accommodate his limbs.

Atreyu's body was quick to react to the sudden stimulation, and the bull felt his malehood begin to stiffen and grow between his legs. "Deeper. Move around a bit." He demanded as he started to use one huge, three-fingered hand to feel along his body. Deeper? How much further does he think I can go? The human thought incredulously, pushing his arms in deeper as he began to feel around the slippery, fleshy walls of the bull's innards. "Ooh! That's it!" Atreyu groaned as his mind began to wash away in a sea of pleasure.

The bovine's body began rocking back and forth into the human, slowly sliding his arms half way out of his rear only to thrust them in again. Saul could barely keep his balance as the creature's backside rocked into him mercilessly. Just keep going for a little bit longer, then he'll finish up and you can get on with your life. The human thought to himself, not knowing that Atreyu had different plans. Suddenly, the tauren thrust his rear back with such force that Saul's head became wedged between his cheeks. The human immediately began to struggle and try to pull his head out, but he quickly realized that something was preventing him from doing so. Saul's eyes widened in shock when realized that Atreyu had ceased his rocking motions and had placed one of his huge hands on the human's back, preventing him from escaping.

Mere moments after Saul came to his startling realization, Atreyu begin to push on the human's body, forcing it into his own. The tauren groaned loudly as he felt the head and shoulders stretch his hole wide as they slipped inside. "NO!!" Saul cried at the top of his lungs as he watched the widening ring pass over his vision. The dim tunnel that lay before him glistened with moisture and squished with every movement he made.

No longer able to ignore the throbbing shaft between his legs, Atreyu used his other hand to grasp his malehood and begin stroking it gently. With no hands left to support himself against the tree, the tauren lurched forward a few inches until his shoulder met with the tree's bark. Barely fazed, Atreyu grunted as he pushed the human in deeper. Looking down at himself, the tauren could see the slightest hints of a bulge begin to form in his gut. "That's right. Keep fighting . . . yeah." Atreyu murred to himself, knowing that the human could not hear him.

Saul felt most of his torso become encompassed by the warmth of the tauren as he was forced deeper inside, his own sweat working against him to make the trip easier. Gradually, the human felt the hope that the bovine would let him go fade away as he was slowly engulfed by the massive creature. His struggles grew wilder and more frenzied with each inch that was claimed by the other male's rear, but no matter how hard he tried he could not get free.

Atreyu snorted in pleasure as he pushed the human's rear into his own, leaving only a pair of kicking legs to be seen by the outside world. Soft moans escaped him as he stroked his malehood faster and faster, his body slowly nearing orgasm. "Just a little more." He told himself as he grabbed a hold of one of the human's legs and pushed him in a little more. "Uh!" Atreyu grunted loudly as he felt his quarry fill him further. The bulge in his stomach had become much more obvious and defined in the past minute, and one could easily see the lines that depicted Saul's head, arms and upper torso. With only his prey's knees and feet still sticking out of his backside, Atreyu began to tease the human by caressing the wriggling swell in his gut.

Far beyond hope, Saul continued to fight for his freedom as he felt his devourer rub him from the outside. A few moments passed in the darkness of the bull's innards before he felt the creature's hand push on his feet and force him all the way inside. Warmth encompassed Saul's feet as they traveled the same route that the rest of his body had gone down moments earlier, finally joining him somewhere deep within the tauren, where he was forced to curl up into a ball.

Moments later, the bull's whole body tensed and shuddered as he came to a climax. Seed gushed from Atreyu's malehood onto the grass below as he panted heavily against the tree. After a few moments, he was able to gather himself and smile as he looked down at his enlarged gut. He gave the moving bulge a few contented pats as he sighed to himself. "Oh my . . . that was fun." Atreyu said approvingly as he rubbed the swell in his abdomen. "I guess today wasn't such a boring day after all."