
Story by Solusar on SoFurry

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The last of my initial Warcraft vore stories, and by far the longest of them all. This was a story written for my boyfriend, Brauner, who is also a tauren. He plays the role of Anji, while I play the role of Tairn.

The synopsis of this story is that two Grimtotem tauren venture into Booty Bay and make a purchase of two troll slaves. They then take them back to their home in Dustwallow Marsh and have their way with them, eventually making a meal of them both.

This story contains non-consensual, clean anal vore between two tauren predators and two troll prey. Unlike previous stories, there is no digestion, implied or otherwise. Instead, the slaves are released from their master's bellies at the end of the story.


Large cloven hooves clopped against the wooden planks of the city as two tauren disembarked from the goblin-owned transport ship, The Maiden's Fancy. Almost immediately they - and all else who were leaving the boat - were swarmed by goblin merchants, who began pitching sales for their various wares, seemingly unintimidated by the size or the disgruntled looks that they were getting from many of their potential customers. For one of the tauren, Tairn, whose fur was pitch black, it took every ounce of his self-control not to crush the small green-skinned pests beneath his hooves. The taller, white-furred bull, Anji, was also clearly agitated but did not seem to have the same issue controlling his anger as his clansman.

The goblin merchants started to follow the tauren pair as they proceeded into the large harbor-city known as Booty Bay, but were deterred quite effectively by Tairn, who shot the group a fiery-eyed glare that would have told even the dumbest of creatures to back away. With the crowd dispersing, the enraged bovine turned his attention forward once again and quickened his pace a bit so that he could catch up with his white-furred counterpart. "Goblins . . . filthy creatures." Tairn growled loudly, not caring that several of the city guards had heard him.

Anji turned his head and smirked at the other male before returning his watchful gaze to the harbor-city. "Be that as it may, it is because of these 'filthy creatures' and their underhanded ways that we have been given this opportunity." The taller bull retorted, causing his clansman to give a thoughtful huff. This was the first time that either of them had traveled this continent, let alone Booty Bay, and so both males found themselves taking in the sights and smells of the city. Though neither had set hoof in this land before, both Tairn and Anji were, unfortunately, well-acquainted with the goblin race, which had recently begun to build a settlement obnoxiously close to the tauren's home in the Dustwallow Marsh. But in spite of their hatred for the short, green-skinned creatures, both males had to admit that they were walking through something of a marvel of civilization.

The pair continued on in silence, following the paths through the multi-tiered wooden city as they had been told, passing by dozens of small buildings and stores on their way to their destination. Anji and Tairn eventually came to a point where the path split, with one route leading down to the lower level while the other would take them to the upper tier. Anji recalled that their informer had instructed them to take the incline upwards, and then make a sharp turn to the left once they reached the top. This path brought them to yet another fork, but this time their choices were either to go left or right. As they proceeded toward the split, both males noticed that the traffic in this area had become nonexistent, and that it was the one of the only places on this tier that was shaded by the overhanging level above. Making their second left turn, the two bovines brought the destination into view, although just barely.

Resting at the end of the narrow boardwalk on the left side was a small building, whose entrance was concealed by crates and barrels. Outside the structure stood a human who met the description that the tauren's informer had given them. If the pair recalled correctly, his name was Sly Garrett. Sly was often thought of by the citizens of Booty Bay as a fireworks merchant, but to a select few, he was a self-proclaimed 'shady goods dealer' who dealt in devious circles. This human, clad in a purple V-neck with blue-gray leggings and boots, was no stranger to the deceitful ways of the goblins, and had apparently made quite a living exploiting their society - or so the pair had heard. "Greetings." The man whispered in a low tone; even his voice was shady.

Both tauren nodded simultaneously. "Greetings, human." Anji said quietly.

"What can I do for you?" Sly asked, eying the two larger males with calculating eyes.

"A friend of ours told us that we should tell you that 'a man chooses; a slave obeys'." Tairn said, smirking a bit as he spoke.

Garrett's eyes widened noticeably for a moment, his surprise getting the better of him. The human liked to think that he had seen some of the world's oddest things in his days, but this was something new. Two tauren were interested in his 'wares'? It almost seemed fantastic to Sly, who knew enough about the race of bull-men to know that his particular kind of . . . merchandise was something that the tauren frowned upon. Yet, despite his initial skepticism, the human was unable to detect anything but sincere interest from these odd customers. "I see." He said, his mental cool returning to him. Garrett looked to his left, into the building beside him, where there sat a goblin atop a crate marked with various warnings. "Crazk, if you don't mind watching the front, I'll show our guests what they're looking for."

A few moments of strange silence followed before a previously unseen goblin walked out of the store and made it no more than two steps before he saw the two tauren. A frown quickly sprouted upon the goblin's face as he eyed the pair warily. At first, his suspicious gaze fell upon the white-furred bovine, who left his chest bare but wore a blue kilt made of cloth and a headdress with the feathers of at least dozen of different avians. After taking a few moments to inspect the taller bovine, he turned his attention to the black-furred tauren, who wore simpler clothing: a pair of dark red leggings that were matched by a war harness of a similar color that went across his chest.

Turning his gaze towards Sly, Crazk give him a look identical to the one he had given the tauren. The human merely shrugged at his business partner before looking back at the bovine couple and breaking the relatively awkward silence. "Right this way. You may need to watch your heads." Sly said, ushering his guests into the building. As Garrett lead his 'customers' inside, Crazk continued to eye the three; he couldn't tell whether it was the tauren or the human who had lost their minds, but surmised that insanity was not exclusive to just one party.

One by one, the three males shuffled into the cramped structure, which was cleverly disguised as a fireworks store. Once inside, Garrett wordlessly began removing the panels from some of the larger crates, each one revealing that they contained a single humanoid that was bound and gagged. While every of them wore coverings, both Anji and Tairn agreed that tattered and stained garments could hardly be called clothing any longer. Amid the handful were two male trolls, an orc and a night elf female, and a draenei male. "After all the jabbering Atreyu did about this place, I was expecting a larger selection." Tairn grumbled beneath his breath. In response, Anji elbowed his black-furred counterpart in the arm and gave him a quick glare.

"There are only so many we can fit into the store without drawing too much attention." Sly said, the slightest hint of agitation creeping into his tone. "What you see here is about half of our usual selection . . . most of our stock was bought out a few days ago by a wealthy blood elf."

Anji, the mediator of the tauren couple, waved one of his three-fingered hands dismissively. "You'll have to excuse my partner. He's a bit headstrong."

_ Nothing wrong with being a little bullheaded._ Sly thought cleverly to himself, barely keeping his amusement from showing on the outside. Instead, he simply shrugged at his customers and waved at them to browse at their leisure.

"Hmph." Tairn snorted, folding his huge arms across his chest. "Well this sucks."

The white-furred tauren turned back to his partner and began to speak in taurahe, the language of their race. "The boat is going to leave without us if we don't decide soon, and I know how much you'd love to spend the night in a goblin city . . ."

"I'll take one of the trolls." Tairn blurted, also speaking in taurahe.

"Are you sure?" Anji asked, wondering whether his partner truly wanted the troll or if he just wanted to get out of Booty Bay.

"Not much else to chose from." The black-furred bull replied, giving a frustrated grunt. "Draenei are too prissy for my tastes and the women . . . well, I'd take the draenei before I took the women."

Anji shrugged and nodded in agreement with his counterpart; neither truly enjoyed the company of females, and would only choose them if no other options were present. "Right. I'll take the other troll then."

Sly, who had been trying - and failing - to follow the conversation, did his best not to give his customers an irritated glare as they finally turned back to face him. "How much do you want for the two trolls?" Anji asked, once again speaking in a common trade language. Before the human even spoke, both tauren had already begun reaching down to their individual waistbands, where there hung small cloth sacks that were filled with gold and silver pieces.

"Normally, I'd charge the normal fee, but these are Darkspear trolls - not the local savages. They're tamer . . . harder to get." Years of experience in smuggling and other illegal activities kept Sly's face stony and tone unwavering. For a moment, it seemed as if he would get away with his scheme, but the intimidating stances that the tauren took on quickly shattered his hopes of success. Even one as experienced as Sly couldn't help but gulp nervously at the towering bull-men, either one of them appearing both willing and able to break him in half. "Or perhaps I could just charge you two fine gentle-tauren the normal price. A hundred and twenty-five gold for each will do fine."

While pricey, the couple knew what to expect and had come prepared for such expenses. A few moments passed during which Tairn and Anji counted their coins and poured them into a small, inexpensive moneybag designed for these kinds of transactions. After handing the sacks to the human, he turned and weighed both of them on a nearby scale to make sure that he was not being cheated. "Well, everything seems in order. I'll get your purchases ready and loaded onto The Maiden within the hour." Sly said, retrieving a small vial of liquid from a nearby table and approaching a crate that held one of the trolls. This frothy liquid was a special concoction made by Garrett himself to allow his 'wares' to be transported quietly from place to place. "This'll take a little while, so why don't you two visit the tavern? It's back the way you came and on your left."

Naturally untrusting of other races and their motives, the two tauren eyed Garrett suspiciously for a few moments before looking at one another. Seeing few other options or better ways to spend the next hour before The Maiden began its journey back to Kalimdor, the pair shrugged and began to walk out of the cramped store.


After an uneventful trip back to Kalimdor, Anji and Tairn spoke with both the wharf master and the stable master in the town of Ratchet, retrieving their kodo, wagon and the crate that carried their new slaves. Once the box was securely placed on their wagon, the duo resumed their trip back home. This was the leg of their journey that was the most treacherous for any traveler. The arid wasteland, aptly named the Barrens, was full of marauding centaurs, packs of lashtail raptors and herds of quilboars. With these dangers present, Tairn and Anji were kept on their hooves throughout their time in the desert plains. Fortunately for both tauren, their home in the Dustwallow Marsh was not too far away, and they made it through the Barrens before the sun vanished behind the mountains in the distance.

Once in the vast swamp, the scenery changed dramatically. No longer amidst large, wide open fields of golden dirt and sand, Tairn and Anji entered the thick of the comparatively claustrophobic marshlands. With their new surroundings also came the comforting sound of home; large frogs could be heard croaking in the distance while insects chirped their own unique mating calls. Although some might call such ambience an annoyance, Tairn and Anji had grown up in this life-rich land, and had learned to appreciate its music. The sounds of the bog slowly relaxed the two tense tauren as they neared Blackhoof Village, their long-time home. Despite the fact that the road was barely visible through the trees, ferns and low-hanging plant life, neither male had a bit of difficulty navigating their giant pack beast and wagon through these obstacles.

Once they had reached Blackhoof Village, Tairn unloaded the crate from their wagon and began hauling it towards their home while Anji returned the village's transportation to the stable. With both the crate and the tauren inside the medium-sized hovel, the door was locked shut and they began to pry open the large box. Eventually, Tairn, in a show of both his brute strength and his patience, gripped the ends of the crate and tore off one of the panels, splintering some of the wood in the process. Anji gave him a short glare before he looked down and gazed upon the fearful trolls inside. Both tauren were able to see by the look in their eyes that the slaves were still feeling the effects of Sly's concoction, as their pupils remained dilated in the warm light of their home.

With a bit of a struggle, the two bound and gagged creatures were removed from the crate and were quickly tethered to one of their bovine masters by a small cloth binding that was tied around their ankles. Just as excited as the trolls were afraid, the tauren sat down beside one another on their large bed and smirked at both at themselves and their slaves. They yanked on their tethers, dragging their new servants closer and upsetting their balance so that they fell onto their hands and knees. "What are your names?" Tairn demanded in an authoritative tone.

Both trolls looked at one another briefly, their bodies shivering both from fear and exhaustion. "T-Tornek." The one with azure-colored skin and wild, silvery hair stammered.

"Dah'k-kee." The other troll with grass-colored skin and hair answered. While it was tamer than his fellow tribesman, this troll's hair was longer and tied into a braid that ran down his back. Both trolls had short pairs of tusks that were no longer than a few inches in length, a sign of their youth. If either tauren had to guess, they would say that neither was older than nineteen or twenty years of age.

Tairn looked over at his partner for a moment, smirking once again. "I like this. It's fun." He whispered.

"Indeed, love . . . but I don't think you and I purchased these two to subjugate and demoralize them verbally . . . did we?" Anji retorted, giving the other bovine a knowing look and a mischievous grin.

"Heh," Tairn replied, "I love it when you're frisky."

Anji gripped the tether in his hand and pulled on it, drawing Dah'kee closer to him. The troll stumbled for a moment before he regained his balance and looked up at the large bovine with fearful eyes. "Undress me." Anji commanded, gazing down at his slave. For a moment, it appeared as if the troll were going to protest, but instead, he diverted his eyes briefly and then stood up and approached the white-furred tauren. Dah'kee carefully removed the bovine's feathered headdress and set it aside before going down to his master's blue kilt and untying the strands that kept it in place.

As Dah'kee undressed Anji, Tairn pulled Tornek over to him in a similar fashion as his counterpart had. The black-furred male gave a single gesture that Tornek could only assume meant that his master wanted him to undress him as well. The troll hesitantly went to work, trying not to look into Tairn's piercing, cold gaze. The dark colored harness was easy to remove, but the same could not be said for the bovine's leggings. The deep red trousers proved to be a difficult thing for Tornek to take off, not because of their design, but because his master refused to make the job easy for him; Tairn purposefully did not lift his rear off the bed for even a moment, forcing his slave to tug the leggings off as hard as he could without tearing them. Eventually, the trousers joined the bovine's other clothing in a neat pile on the floor.

"Pleasure me." Anji said in a commanding tone, causing Tornek to look over at the white-furred tauren, who sat completely naked on the bed with his legs spread apart and his black malehood standing perfectly erect in front of Dah'kee. Tornek gulped nervously; it took no stretch of the imagination for him to know that he was about to be given a similar order. By the looks of his daunted expression, Dah'kee was clearly having doubts that he could fit the lengthy shaft in his mouth without catching the soft flesh on his teeth. Tornek watched his friend gaze up at his white-furred master, seemingly in hopes that the tauren would change his mind.

But before he could see the response, Tornek's head was turned back towards his own master and was given a rather close up view of member growing between his thick, furry legs. "Lick." Tairn demanded, both his tone and his gaze more unyielding than ever. It was at this time that a low, guttural moan filled the room. Tornek didn't need to look to see that his friend had started to fulfill his master's command, and was apparently doing a good job of it. The azure-skinned troll gulped once again, his eyes glued to the growing pillar of pink flesh before him. It was not out of lust that he could not take his eyes off the tauren's member, but rather out of fear. Though young, Tornek was not as naive as his age would imply, and the more he stared at the tauren's malehood, the greater his suspicions grew as to where it would end up.

Shakily, the troll drew his face closer to the fleshy shaft and parted his lips so that his tongue could meet with it. Tornek felt his master's body tense as the two organs made contact, but he soon relaxed his powerful muscles and gave a soft, pleasured moan. Somewhat encouraged by this sound, the troll licked again at the head of the pink pillar, slickening it with a layer of his saliva. Slowly, the troll licked his way along the shaft, always returning back to the tip of the spire before venturing downward again. Admittedly, this wasn't so bad . . . or at least it wasn't until the black-furred bull uttered one word that nearly made Tornek's heart stop: "Suck."

The familiar feeling of apprehension returned instantly and formed a pit in the troll's stomach. His mind raced as he tried to consider his options, and began to panic when he realized that there were none. A low growl filled his ears, and he knew that his master was growing impatient. Hastily, Tornek made up his mind on what needed to be done and opened his jaws wide so that he could accommodate the taurenhood in his mouth. Whether it was innate skill or the work of a miracle, the troll could not tell, but he somehow managed to avoid nicking the large member on his teeth. With what he imagined to be the hardest part now over, the azure-skinned troll continued to caress his master's organ with his tongue. He then began to bob his head up and down on the hardness, slowly at first until he was confident that he had gotten the rhythm down and then gradually picking up his pace.

Tairn's three-fingered hands dug into the cloth sheets that covered the bed as the troll suckled on his malehood, moaning pleasured, incoherent curses with each time that his slave's lips caressed the head. The tauren's breathing quickened and his heart pounded in his chest as the sensations built up in his loins. He didn't know whether it was the feeling of power that he had or the skill with which the troll worked his mouth, but Tairn felt himself nearing a climax faster than he could ever recall. Just before the sensations overwhelmed him and drew him into the throes of an orgasm, Tairn summoned the will to order his slave to stop. "Enough!" The bovine bellowed.

Slowly, the tension in his lower regions died down and his breathing became slower. As he sat up and gave his slave the slightest of appreciative nods, Tairn looked over to see his white-furred counterpart panting heavily while the green-skinned troll lapped at the furry sac beneath his member. "Mmmm . . . that's good." Anji murred, placing a hand atop Dah'kee's head, beginning to guide him down. "Now go lower." Tairn saw the troll's expression change briefly with the new order but he did as he was told, beginning to probe the white-furred tauren's crack with his tongue. With a grin, Tairn stood up and took the few short steps over to Anji and his slave, nearly knocking his own servant over in the process.

Though Dah'kee was aware of the black-furred bovine's presence behind him, he did not make any indication that he knew so and continued to lick at his master's rear. "Deeper now. Get my hole." The troll's face contorted a little as he heard his master speak, fearful of what he might taste. Reluctantly, he did as he was told, pushing his face into the crack between the bovine's legs until his mouth met with the tailhole. Much to his surprise and relief, his master was clean and neither his fur nor his puckered opening carried the nausea-inducing tastes that he thought he would find.

Mere moments later, Dah'kee felt two large hands wrap around his kneeling figure. Reflexively, the troll tensed and wanted to turn to see who had grabbed him but he stopped when he realized that it was his other master and hesitantly resumed his task. He let the bull lift his hindquarters up, straightening his legs while keeping his head in a place where he could still reach his master's pucker. Before Dah'kee could begin to fathom what the tauren was doing, he felt something slick brush against his backside, and in that instant his mind added up the equation. The troll felt a wave of fear wash over him as his imagination formed a brutally vivid picture of what was about to happen. Somehow, in this fearful state, the troll decided that the best course of action was to ignore the tauren preparing to mount him and focus on the task given to him by his white-furred owner.

Tairn grinned evilly to himself as he wedged his saliva-slicked member between the troll's cheeks, causing the smaller creature to shudder. With a lengthy grunt, Tairn pushed himself into the slave, forcing Dah'kee's hole open. The troll bit his lower lip and slammed his eyes shut as he felt the shaft slide into him, filling his small body. Massive waves of pleasure meshed with similar waves of pain, the combined forces washing over his consciousness like raging waters in a storm. After what felt like an eternity, Dah'kee felt his master's furry thighs press against his rear, allowing him a moment to breathe. The troll's body shivered uncontrollably as the rod was pulled a part of the way out of his hole and thrust back in.

"Don't stop." Anji grunted, his voice forcing his slave out of his stupor. With no small effort on his part, the troll once again began to lick at his master's rear. Every time that Tairn thrust his malehood in and out of him, Dah'kee couldn't help but gasp and shudder. Eventually, however, his body grew used to the sensations and he was, for the most part, able to maintain his focus as he obeyed his master. That is, until the tauren's pace quickened and he began pounding their bodies together harder and harder. Dah'kee's face pushed up against his master's hole with each thrust, and he was barely able to keep up that which was demanded of him.

_ Please, let him finish soon._ Dah'kee thought quietly to himself. Then, the bovine gave his most powerful thrust yet, forcing the troll's face into the puckered opening. The troll shut his eyes as he felt himself push against his master's body, but instead of stopping as he should have, he continued forward. Before he could open his eyes, Dah'kee knew that something was amiss, as he felt as strange and unexplainable warmth surround his head. The troll saw nothing but darkness when he peeled back his eyelids, finding that even the dim light that filled the crack of his master's backside was nowhere to be found. What de--?

Tairn slammed his huge body into the tiny troll once more, pushing the smaller creature forward. Anji gave a long, thundering moan of pure pleasure as he felt himself open up to accommodate the widest part of his slave's body. Dah'kee felt the mysterious warmth advance along his shoulders, and heard soft squishing sounds as tight flesh stretched around him. It was in this moment that Dah'kee realized where he was and what was happening to him.

Immediately he began to struggle and kick in a futile effort to pull himself out, but not even a fraction of a second later Tairn thrust their bodies together again, and Dah'kee found his arms pinned uselessly at his sides. The warmth of his master's body had enveloped most of his torso now, and he could hear the faint sounds of the bovine's heart thumping heavily within his chest. The troll's breathing quickened and his mind raced. How am I going to get out of this? Why is this happening? How was this happening? Surely I can only go in so far . . . right? Dah'kee's thoughts were answered only by another thrust of the big bull's body into his. Soft flesh stretched around him, clinging to him tightly, caressing him from all directions.

Outside, a bulge had formed in Anji's stomach which depicted the wriggling troll inside him. The white-furred tauren could do little besides gasp and writhe in pleasure as his senses were overloaded with each tiny squirm or struggle that his slave made. Both of Anji's hands caressed the growing swell in his belly, trying to envision what the frightened troll must be experiencing. The tauren loved the feeling of the creature inside him, filling his body in ways most couldn't imagine, but he craved more - so much more.

"I'm - uhf - close, just a little - AH! - more!" Tairn barely managed to utter as he plunged his malehood deep into the slave. His member tingled inside the tight hole, pre-cum leaking from his head steadily. As the bovine thrust his torso back and the sensitive organ rubbed against the walls of the troll's insides, Tairn gritted his teeth and gave a feral snort. With a few quicker, less forceful thrusts, he brought himself closer to a climax until finally he felt his limit within reach. The black-furred tauren gave one last, powerful thrust, forcing his member hilt-deep into the slave. He gave a thunderous, bellowing roar as his whole body tensed and shuddered. Seed gushed from his member into the slave's bowels in thick, hot streams. "Yeeaaaaahh." The bovine grunted slowly through clenched teeth, feeling his malehood continue to spurt semen until there was none left inside him.

Dah'kee felt his rear slide into his master's hole as the black-furred tauren gave him one last thrust. He couldn't help but moan softly, feeling the thick member that filled him so perfectly spasm and shoot warmth into his rear. For a moment, he forgot about his fear and let himself enjoy the feeling of the hot liquid deep within his bowels that was accompanied the long, thick taurenhood plunged deep within him. This relaxed state and euphoric sensation lasted only as long as the bovine's orgasm did, however, and was replaced once again by a sense of dread as he felt Tairn's shaft slide out of him. Dah'kee resumed his futile struggles, kicking what little of his body remained outside wildly in hopes of finding some means of escape.

With his lover's passionate moans spurring him on, Tairn grabbed a hold of the troll's kicking legs and began pushing them into Anji's hole. The black-furred male looked up at his mate, watching him caress the swell in his gut lovingly as it grew and grew with each inch that the flailing slave was consumed. Lowering his muzzle down to the moving bulge, Tairn playfully licked the head of Anji's taurenhood a few times before opening his jaws and taking it in completely.

The white-furred bovine arched his back, lifting himself off the bed by a few inches as he dug his fingers into the bedsheets. Tairn bobbed his head up and down the pre-coated member, pushing the troll in a little more with each time that he thrust his muzzle down on the throbbing malehood. Anji was in a state of bliss; the intense pleasure rippling outward from his loins set fire to his senses, causing his muscles to spasm and his tongue to form incoherent words. Barely able to breathe, the white-furred tauren could only lay back and writhe as his lover fed him the last of his meal.

Only Dah'kee's squirming feet and ankles remained to be seen by the outside world; the rest of him lay deep within the soft embrace of his master's bowels. At some point, the troll had felt his head push through something and enter a space that he could only assume was the tauren's stomach. With each inch of him that Tairn pushed inside, more and more of his body was emptied out into the expanding sac. Dah'kee whimpered as he felt the warmth advance over his ankles, the hole through which he had entered already tightening around his kicking limbs.

Tairn gave the troll one last push and forced the two-toed feet into his lover's hole. He felt the entrance begin to close around his finger and the tether that remained tied to Dah'kee's ankle, causing him to murr quietly as he suckled on his lover's arousal. Slowly, he pulled the thick digit out of the hole and allowed it to tighten around the cloth binding, sealing the slave inside. Anji's whole body shuddered as he felt his tailhole close and his body stretch the last little bit to accommodate the troll. He was only able to give a low moan as a warning to his partner that he could not hold back any longer. Seed gushed from the twitching member into Tairn's awaiting maw, coating his flat teeth and tongue in the hot, sweet liquid. The dark-furred male gave gulp after gulp, swallowing his partner's cum greedily as it gushed into his mouth.

Once his hunger was satisfied, Tairn pulled his head back, leaving the slowly shrinking malehood to lie against Anji's enormous stomach. As he pulled away, the brutish male got a good look at the moving bulge within his lover. He could clearly see the troll's hands pressed up against the walls of the sac, seemingly searching for a way out. Soft, muffled cries could also be heard coming from his partner's belly, but he could not decipher what was being said. The bovine gave a chuckle, placing one of his hands against Anji's soft fur, feeling the struggling creature within. "I don't think he's happy." Tairn said in a feigned sympathetic tone, causing the other male to snort.

"Ohhh," Anji moaned, "I'd forgotten what it felt like to be this full." He said, rubbing the lump in his gut lovingly. "Mmm . . . now I think it's your turn, love." Somehow, the bull managed to sit upright, causing his stomach to bulge out even more. Both tauren looked over to the north corner of their house, finding Tornek standing flat against the wall, his expression showing nothing but pure, unadulterated terror. Tairn and Anji glanced at one another, smiling wickedly before returning their gaze to their terrified slave.

The black-furred tauren bent over and took the cloth tether in his hands, giving it a quick and powerful tug that took Tornek off his feet. With a thud and a grunt, the troll fell to the ground, where he was slowly dragged toward the menacing bovine couple. Tornek rolled onto his stomach and clawed desperately at the wooden floor, hoping to stop himself from being taken any closer. His arms grabbed at everything they could, but nothing was a match for the brute strength of his master and he soon found himself at the hooves of the black-furred bovine. Tornek whimpered fearfully as he looked up at the two monstrous creatures, his body quivering as if he were in the coldest reaches of Northrend.

"On your feet, slave!" Tairn demanded, his tone reflecting his lack of patience. It took the troll only a few moments to weigh the painful consequences, the fear of which being greater than that of becoming food for the creature, and he was somehow able to conjure the will to stand up. Still shaking from fear, Tornek looked up at his fiery-eyed master, somehow knowing that he would soon end up inside him. This thought did nothing but unnerve the creature even more, making his legs feel weak and rubbery.

"How do you want him, love?" Anji asked the other male, his gaze bouncing from his partner to the troll and back again.

A dark, twisted smile grew upon the face of the other tauren as he contemplated what he wanted to do with his slave. He knew that there were a number of ways the troll could fill his hungering body, but ultimately he decided that only one that would truly hit the spot. With his mind made up, Tairn gave a soft murr. "I think you had the right idea." He said, beginning to turn around. He then leaned heavily on the bed, giving his slave a frighteningly close up view of his backside. "But I want him feet first." Tairn finished coolly.

Tornek's eyes widened as he saw the two huge mounds in front of him. He managed to take a few steps backwards, but soon found himself up against a soft wall of flesh that was Anji. He turned around to see his fellow tribesman squirming around beneath layers of flesh and fur inside tauren's stomach. Tornek gasped in horror, but before he could try to run away, Anji reached forward with surprising speed and grabbed hold of him, lifting him off the floor with alarming ease. The troll struggled as he was twisted and turned into a position that all but forced him to look on as his kicking legs neared the black-furred bovine's crack. "No, please!" He pleaded, but his cries fell upon deaf ears.

"Don't worry, little troll," Anji whispered in a tone that was bizarrely soothing, "this will not be the end of you." Something in the tauren's soft words relaxed Tornek a little, and caused his feverish struggles to weaken ever so slightly. He looked down as he felt his master's fur brush against his toes, watching his feet slide between the bovine's crack. Both of their bodies shivered from gentle contact, albeit for different reasons. Tornek gulped nervously and tried not to think too much of where he would soon be going, but to spite himself his terrified mind wouldn't allow him such comfort.

Tairn gave slow, deep breath that relaxed his powerful muscles for what was to come. "I'm ready." He whispered calmly to Anji, who gently began to push the quivering troll into his partner's backside. A low moan escaped the tauren as his pucker easily gave way for the blue-skinned creature and allowed its feet to enter his body. Slowly, Tairn grew aroused from the sensations and his malehood once again began to harden and grow between his legs. He murred happily as he felt his hole stretch to accommodate the troll's legs, which were soon brought in up to their knees. "Oh . . . yeah." Tairn groaned, taking one hand and gently caressing his flat abdomen all over.

Tornek's breathing had quickened greatly, and he was barely able to keep from hyperventilating in the arms of his white-furred master. He watched in horror as the widening hole consumed his thighs and continued to his lower regions. Admittedly, the soft warmth of the tauren's body might have felt good against his skin were it not for the fact that he feared for his life. Every now and then, he would squirm a little and the terrifying sound of moist flesh lapping at his skin would fill his ears along with his master's pleasured moans. The troll gasped as he felt his sac and stiff member slide into the larger creature, the softness of his master's insides rubbing against his malehood in a strangely enjoyable way.

No longer able to ignore his own throbbing hardness, Tairn took his arousal into his wandering hand and began stroking it furiously. Whenever the bovine felt himself nearing an orgasm, he slowed his pace until the sensations died down. Pre leaked from the head of his taurenhood onto the bed, but he did not care; all that was on his mind was the troll slowly filling his empty belly. "Struggle for me, slave!" He commanded between his heavy breaths.

All too eagerly, Tornek allowed the floodgates to open and his fear to run rampant; he kicked and squirmed in the other tauren's grasp even though he had long since lost all hope of escape. Tairn saw nothing but white as his senses were assaulted by the pleasure given to him by his struggling meal, the overwhelming force so strong that he thought he could feel his mind separate from his body for a moment or two.

Anji murred softly as he watched the troll's bellybutton disappear into his mate's expanding hole. A quick glance at the other tauren revealed that he his stomach had begun to grow and swell must like his own, though it was far from the same size . . . yet. The white-furred bull pushed the struggling meal deeper inside, spurred on by Tairn's impassioned moans. He watched as the slave's flailing arms grabbed onto his horns and started holding on for dear life. "There, there . . . it'll all be over soon." He whispered into the blue-skinned creature's ear, somehow comforting him.

Tornek panted heavily, unable to take his eyes off the advancing ring of flesh that slowly enveloped him. He whimpered softly as he felt the warmth creep ever closer, watching it expand over his shoulders. Though his heart was pounding and his mind was a swirling torrent of panicked thoughts, there was some enjoyment to be found in this terrifying situation: with each kick or struggle that Tornek made, his member brushed against the bull's fleshy insides, sending ripples of pleasure through his loins. This was the only soothing part of the experience, however, and it was far from enough to curb his rampant terror. Tornek's whimpers grew louder and more fearful as the light of the outside world fled from his sight and was replaced by the darkness of his master's insides.

The troll looked up just in time to see his hands lose their grip on Anji's horns and the smiling bull's face disappear from his narrowing field of view. Gravity was quick to take over, and Tornek felt himself start to slide in faster and faster. There was nothing he could do but flail his arms uselessly as they sunk into the warmth of his master, grasping at anything they could. For a moment, there appeared to be a glimmer of hope when he managed to grasp the bovine's thick cheeks with one of his hands. Sadly, his victory lasted only momentarily, as Anji peeled the fingers off of his mate's rear. Once again, he began to descend into the cavernous bowels of the bull, and soon the hole closed around him, sealing him in darkness. "No, NO!!" He cried, clawing desperately at the slick, fleshy walls, but it was already far too late.

With a loud, long moan, Tairn felt himself fall into the wild throes of an orgasm once again. His enormous form twitched and shook as his body once again rid itself of all its seed. The warm, sticky liquid was shot everywhere, including his engorged stomach and the sheets that covered their bed. Slowly, the bull recovered from the exhausting experience and found the strength to roll over onto his backside. "Uh . . ." He groaned, drunk with pleasure. Tairn looked down at the moving bulge in his stomach, and smiled at the wriggling troll inside. "That hit the spot." He said contently, giving his gut a few gentle pats.

"Mmm . . . I'm glad, hun." Anji replied, leaning over onto his mate. As the two males drew their faces closer, their bulging bellies brushed together, causing the swells to jiggle a little bit. Tairn and Anji smiled at one another before letting their eyes fall shut and their muzzles lock in a tight, passionate kiss. Their tongues playfully wrestled as the two continued to rub their enlarged guts together, sending small ripples of euphoric fullness throughout their consciousnesses.

Soon, though, they were forced to break the kiss, exhaustion beginning to overtake them both. With their needs satisfied and their bellies full, the couple laid down beside one another in their bed, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.


Deep within his master's stomach, Dah'kee listened to the bovine's steady breathing and rhythmic heartbeat. Hours had passed since he had been devoured, but he had yet to pass out from a lack of oxygen or feel the burning of a single drop of digestive acid. Although he was thankful for this, the troll couldn't help but contemplate how this could be while he sat curled up in the stretchy sac. Sweat covered his skin and his breathing was heavy due to the heat that surrounded him, but considering where he was, he felt reasonably comfortable.

Every now and then, he would think of Tornek and wonder if he had met a similar fate. Dah'kee had certainly heard and felt the struggle that went on outside shortly after he had been consumed, but all he could hear were muffled voices and groans. In spite of the fact that he hoped Tornek had gotten away, he somehow knew that the other male's fate was not so different from his.

Occasionally a sigh would escape him and he would carefully feel along the cloth tether that remained tied to his ankle until he found the entrance through which he had come. From there he would attempt to force the tight ring open, but every time he tried, his efforts were met with failure. Though he was frustrated, he dared not take out his anger on the walls that surrounded him for fear that he would agitate his master and give him reason to digest his meal.

He sat like this for some time, until finally he felt the bovine rumble and awaken from his slumber. Dah'kee was bounced around as his master sat up and got on his hooves, where he began walking towards a destination unknown. The sac moved back and forth with each step that the white-furred tauren took, the swaying and bouncing quickly beginning to make the poor troll sick. Just before nausea overwhelmed him, however, his master came to a stop for whatever reason and gave Dah'kee a moment to recover.

Although he could hear nothing besides the tauren's breathing and his heart beating, Dah'kee felt that it was safe to assume that the bovine was relieving himself of excess fluids. The troll shivered at the thought before banishing it from his mind. Shortly thereafter, the bovine began walking - waddling, really - to another location within the house. Mere moments later, he heard the undeniable sound of a voice. Because he did not feel the vibration of his master's vocal cords, Dah'kee was able to guess that the voice belonged to the other tauren.

A short conversation ensued between the two before the troll was bounced around as his devourer did something that Dah'kee could only begin to imagine. Minutes passed before the odd motion stopped and was replaced by the sound of the white-furred tauren's heavy breathing. A few moments later, Dah'kee felt the bovine take a few waddling steps over to something and lean over heavily on whatever it was.

Before he could start to ponder what his master was doing, he heard the creature rumble deeply. This was only followed by a strange tugging that he felt at his tethered ankle. Suddenly, he felt the pucker that he had come through relax and allow his foot and ankle to go through. Immediately, the troll put his other foot into the opening in hopes that this would be his opportunity to get out of the hot, sweaty prison. Not a moment too soon, he felt something tug at the cloth binding again, pulling his body through the stomach exit. Dah'kee didn't care who was pulling him out, just that he would soon be free of the tight confines.

Anji groaned loudly as he felt the troll slide throughout his body, slowly nearing his tailhole. After a few long moments of intense pleasure, he felt the slave's feet emerge back out into the world. The tauren panted with his eyes closed and his paws gripping at the bedsheets as Tairn pulled the slave out of him. He felt every line and curve of the troll's body leave his own - his legs, rear chest, arms and head all emerged from Anji's hole and left him feeling empty.

With a thud and a grunt, Dah'kee hit the floor unceremoniously, taking in long, deep breaths of the cool air outside his master's body. Finally, he opened his eyes to find the black-furred tauren standing over him with a dark smile. "On your feet. We're going to get cleaned." Tairn said before walking over to the pile of his garments and starting to clothe himself. The white-furred tauren, he assumed, had begun to do the same, as he was on the other side of the room crouched down with his back turned to him.

Suddenly, Dah'kee's attention was grabbed by the sight of Tornek standing a few feet away, the blue-skinned troll's body glistening with sweat and his breathing clearly as ragged as his own. Shaking away his amazement, he scrambled to his feet and ran over to his tribesman, silently giving his gratitude to the gods that he was okay. "H-how?" Dah'kee asked the obvious question. The other troll simply shrugged his shoulders, evidently no more in the loop than his friend.

"Come, we're leaving." Tairn said, tugging on the tether lightly before the trolls could converse any further.

Dah'kee and Tornek followed the tauren out the door in silence. It would seem that they would be kept in the dark for now, but somehow the blue-skinned troll knew that in time, he and his tribesman would get to know their new masters inside and out* . . . . . .


* The author would like to apologize for this terrible pun and hopes that you did not cringe half as much as he did when writing it.