
Story by dbj_rab on SoFurry

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an old story that's a wip i've not looked at in a while, and decided to upload my older stories on here and on fa

The human whimpers as he crawls/runs into the darkness of the woods... afraid... crying as he runs..faster..faster..from the inevitability of his "curse.."

He pants... trying to outrun whatever it is that's "chasing" him... "no no nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouts.. "I am not like that.. I am not one of you.." he cries.. tripping over a root, falling to the ground.

Heavy breathing is heard as the "beast" gets closer... He soon looms over the human.. eyes glaring at him.. "Why do you run little man? I am you.. this is what you truly are... do not fear it.. " the black stranger said..

The man whimpered.. "But why is this happening now?"..

"There is a change coming... and you need to be free... free to reveal your true self... which is what I am... you must face facts that you are a furry.." he said.. coming closer...

"Please.. this is so new to me.. I.. I've never experienced this before.." the man replied..

"Well just embrace your true soul little man... " the being said as he bent down to hug him close.. whispering.. "things will be just fine... you'll gain many new friends to help you out.. ".. hugging him closer... merging with him.. soon becoming one.. as a flash of light flares around his body.. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"WE are now one.. welcome to the furry world.." the being said as he disappeared...

Narik moaned as he emerged from the forest.. now noticing things sharper.. clearer.. closer..

He glanced down at his now furred naked form.. wondering in amazement and fear...

He moves his paws and flexed his wolf claws... growling softly.. feeling his tail move back and forth.. moved his paws softly over his body.. shivering as he caressed his now furry balls..and sheath...

He pants as he ponders what to do... wondering if he can still be the same... He soon decides to go home and rest.. "This is all a dream.. I'll be back to normal soon.." he thinks as he crawls into his window and climb into bed.. snoozing as his head hits the pillow.....

Narik woke up to the sun.. feeling nice and warm.. he pads into the bathroom.. and screams as he sees his furry form.. "AAAAAAHHHHH" thought it was a dream he thinks to himself..

He paces.. glancing at his paws.. wondering what to do... He glances out his window and hears several screams like his own.. a few newly frred furries rush out.. dashing around and knocking into each other...

"huh.. so I'm not the only one.." he thinks.. as he decides to head out and join his newly furred "brothers"..

He notices a rabbit leaning back.. shaking it's head.. "Hmm.. how come he's not going about like a lunatic?" Narik thinks as the wolf pads towards him...

"Hey friend.. do you know what's going on?" he asks as he approaches.

The rabbit merely nods. "well care to tell me?!? " Narik growled...

"Oh I could.. but doubt you'd understand.." the rabbit replies.. smiling softly...

"What ! why you.." Narik growled and made to lunge himself at the rabbit as the rabbit jumped over his head and landed behind him.. kicking him making him sprawl down on his face...

Narik growled a bit.. feeling his rage burning up.. but soon calms down...

"Ok fine.. be that way.." he said as he turned around and looked for others who were more... talkative..

The rabbit giggles slightly.. thinking.."Hmm cute wolf.." glancing as his swaying ass...

The rabbit sighed as he turned to head towards his home. He walked in and turned on his computer... "Such fools.." he thinks as he begins to log on and search for a chat room..

He soon finds the one he's looking for and starts to "talk".. clicking on his cam.. to make sure that those talking on other screen are actual furs and not humans posing and pretending to be one of them....

After chatting for a bit.. he leaves his computer on .. waiting for a download. He then studies a bit and takes a nap...

Meanwhile Narik was walking around..wondering what the fuck was going on..

He was so confused.. oh sure he felt something... he thought it was mainly spiritual thing that he had a wolf's soul.. but didn't think he was an actual fur.. freaks he used to call them... oh sure they gained pop popularity when they first surfaced.. mainly as sex objects.. which some haven't complained but lots wanted more and started to go back to their lives as normal.. most "humans" accepting them.. not knowing that it signaled their end of this world a the beginnings of a new one.. where the world will be thrusted back into the way it was and should have been....

Narik ponders this was we walks around.. wondering what to do.. He then decides to go back home...

He goes into his room and turns on his computer.. deciding to chat with others...

He logs in and goes in search of a room... "Hmm this looks promising.." he thinks.. wonder how easily fooled these guys can be? " he thinks.. deciding to play a joke with them all.. his supressed anger and human raising.. began to surface as he lured some furs into a promise of friendship.. claiming to be something he was not... something different... just for amusement...

Think I'll call myself a macro mutant... he thinks as he types and lures furs into his web of lies..

He laughs softly to himself as he picks up old pics he drew when he was feeling out of state and scanned them in.. He was taken back however by their encouragement that he should continue.. "i.. I should stop this..." he thinks... beginning to tell them that he was a fur but still mostly human at heart.....

He was again taken aback by their response.. "Huh.. these guys really are caring.. ". as he reads that they don't care.. as long as he remains true to himself and don't harm others in the process... Narik cries softly as he.. feels his anger exploding.. he then grows a bit out of it... doing things he wouldn't normally do as his evil persona took over.. ruining his life.. . "what's going on..?? why am I acting like this?" he thinks as he tries to regain control...

in your dreams

Ace hart yawned after having gotten done with another thrilling episode, this time featuring his creator elliot shag. It was a interesting episode to say the least, meeting each other "face to face" for the first time and his wacky cartoon antics. ...

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geronimo's wild night

Geronimo Stilton yawned as he waited for the work day to be over at last and could hopefully spend some quality time with his nephew Benjamin. "Ah" he sighed, how much he loved that nephew of his, despite their age difference. "I'm certainly thankful...

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