Infestation Unknown: Misfired Fusion

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#7 of The Infestation

Infestation Unknown: Misfired Fusion

By Von Krieger

Tara huffed and puffed, her sneakered paws making crunching sounds against the gravel of the park path as she went for her morning jog. The athletic skunkette had begun to really push herself in her runs. She was getting good at it and it was doing wonders for her figure, which she had only recently begun to clothe in Lycra shorts and sports bra rather than baggy sweats.

She was proud of the weight she'd lost, the muscles she'd put on, and the increasing definition of said muscles. She also loved the 'runner's high' she got. The last few days she had also begun to experience something strange when she overcame the most strenuous portion of her run, a tall, well-shaded hill that was accessed by a somewhat overgrown maintenance path.

It was the halfway point of her run, she would run up the hill, pause at the top for some water and a chance to regain her breath, and then a charge back down the hill and the retaking of the same path back to her apartment building.

The last few days her rest period and runner's high had been accompanied by something strange and unexpected, faint pangs of arousal. She tried her best to ignore them, but by the time she got home they blossomed into a full on lustful state that required a cold shower to banish.

Today, however, was something different; the pleasant scent she caught in the air, which she presumed to be blooming flowers somewhere in the overgrown woodland, hit her about halfway up the hill. By the time she had reached the top she was panting and gasping from both exertion and need.

Tara slumped against the old shed that marked her resting place. The blue of her running shorts had become a shade of navy due to the wetness that seemed to pour from her, not sweat, but pure desire. The sweet scent seemed to overwhelm her, pulling her need to heights she had never felt before. Fearful thoughts and bafflement at what was happening were soon smothered by thoughts that Tara had never given conscious effort to.

She needed to fuck. It wasn't a want or a desire, it was a need. She had to quench the burning ache in her loins, or else she feared she would melt from the inner heat. Her handpaw slipped beneath the tight fabric, two fingers slipping up into her well lubricated sex, her thumb caressing her clit; the very hottest point of the ache.

She needed a male, or a female, or a passing farm animal. She needed another living creature to satisfy her lust. It was too much for her to take, she didn't care who or what her partner was, just as long as it had a cock or a tongue or fingers, or anything to shove up inside of her and staunch the flow of liquid need that poured from her.

The skunkette closed her eyes, pleasuring herself frantically, but her own touch was no good. A deep, buzzing sound made her open her eyes. On the ground between her spread legs was a rather strange creature; it was a giant dragonfly. The dragonfly was perhaps four feet long, most of that being tail. Its metallic blue carapace glistened with morning dew.

Without fear or hesitation it approached Tara, and promptly began to nibble at her shorts with its sharp mandibles. The skunkette grinned and removed her handpaw from herself, pulling the shorts away from her body to help the creature gain access to her needful sex.

The Lycra parted easily for the creature, which gave Tara's cunny a few teasing licks which made the skunkette moan and buck in pleasure. It crawled up onto her, its head resting between her breasts, its mandibles working once again to expose Tara's bare body.

The creature's tail curled around, the rounded tip pushing into her. Tears leaked from Tara's eyes as the ache of need vanished; replaced by the most perfect physical pleasure she had known in her life. The tail pushed deeper and deeper, nuzzling up against her cervix and then easily parting it, the invading organ embedding itself deep within Tara.

She felt something begin to flow into her, a thick, warm goo. The heat seemed to spread through her belly, and from her belly to her arms and legs, up her neck, and over her head. Her tongue lolled from her mouth as Tara hugged the insect to her body, hugged it tightly. She wouldn't let it get away, not if it made her feel like this. She was going to keep it, take it home, and make love to it forever.

Tara quivered with delight as something seemed to travel up the tail into her, something round that stretched her even wider than the tail itself had. Two of them now, then three. They seemed like big, round bubbles. Pleasurable bubbles that made her flesh cry out with ecstasy.

As the first bubble slipped into her, it seemed to pop, something new flooding the interior of the skunkette's body. She dropped to the ground, curling into the fetal position, hugging herself into a ball, and hugging the insect as tightly as she could, not noticing that her hug seemed to be pulling the bug's body into her own.

The second bubble reached her womb, its presence clouding Tara's vision. It didn't pop like the rest; it seemed to move off to the side, settling in somewhere, storing itself away for use later.

The third entered her as well, and Tara's world went white. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, and her body felt far away. She felt like she had become a cloud of mist, floating and swirling amidst other clouds, combining to form an even bigger cloud. The only sensation she felt were the pure pleasure of climax and the sweet scent that had made her lust rise.

The return to the flesh was slow and gentle, more and more areas of her body opening up to her return. She felt tired; she needed to go home, to sleep, to rest, to finish what had begun.

Tara faintly felt the grass beneath her, her sense of touch occupied with the strange liquid feeling that suffused her being. She felts like her body had become a water balloon, everything sloshing around beneath her skin.

Soon everything began to settle and she felt a pulling sensation in her bones, then stretching of her muscles, and finally a cold tingle over her skin, making her fur stand on end.

She felt hungry, very hungry, and the skunkette took in a breath, scenting the air, searching for food. There was food nearby, sweet and sugary. Lots of food. Tara shakily got to her feet, her vision still mostly white, but she could make out grey shapes in the whiteness.

She reached up and grabbed the nearest one with both hands, pulling herself up so that she could bite it. It crunched and then seemed to melt deliciously in her mouth. She landed expertly on her own two footpaws, footpaws that felt more than a little cramped.

The skunkette reached down with annoyance and scratched them, a few good scratches breaking through the numbness and eventually freeing them from discomfort. As she ate, biting off another piece of the sweet candy every so often, she felt a pressure in her middle, like a balloon being inflated. The inflation calmed her, made her feel better, that everything was fine and normal, but she needed to go home now. Or make a home.

Her fingertips itched, her toes clenching and digging into the dirt. It was time to dig a burrow. No, that wasn't quite right. She had a home already, and her den wasn't too far from here. She could make it there easily and unseen.

Tara quickly finished off the candy, the hard, crunchy center and the soft, juicy outside melting in her mouth like cotton candy, allowing her to easily take it all in. Now feeling well-fed, she began to move quickly in the direction of home. She still couldn't see too well, but her hearing was keen, and she had gained a strange new sense.

It was like her sense of touch extended a long way out from her body, except that she didn't quite feel everything around her, she could just sense its shape. It made for easy going, especially on all fours.

The run that had taken her half an hour coming out took only five minutes running back. Climbing the fire escape in the alley behind her apartment building was so much fun, and the lock on her window slipped aside easily when she concentrated and applied her expanded sense of touch to it.

Tara closed the window behind her and sighed happily as the familiar scents of home washed over her. The fog finally began to clear from her vision as the skunkette flopped onto her bed, curling up in the middle. She yawned, placing her handpaws on her rounded belly.

As she drifted deeper and deeper towards sleep, she came further and further back to herself, her mind beginning to process true thoughts again, not merely instinctual needs and simple drives.

She couldn't fight the fatigue that rushed up to claim her; she couldn't even open her eyes. But she knew that something strange had happened to her; something very, very strange. And yet deep down she felt like it wasn't done, that there was something else that ought to happen, something that would put an end cap on what happened to her; something that would explain it, to show that what everything was all right.

But that moment never came, and Tara drifted down, down, down, into a restful, dreamless sleep.


The skunkette awoke after several hours. She blinked the drowsiness from her eyes and yawned. Tara pondered the strange dream she had just had and sat up in her bed, only to find that she was still clothed with tattered scraps of her shoes, socks, shirt, and shorts. She looked down at them in bafflement and confusion, until something else drew her attention.

Her belly. She put a hand to it, the fact that she only had two large, heavily clawed fingers meant little to her in comparison to the largeness of her midsection. Large and round, it appeared as if she was carrying a full term pregnancy. Her altered hand stroked the bulge, sending a sweet, pleasurable sensation through Tara's body.

Her fur had changed, most of the black over her body had become a sort of metallic blue, the same blue of the dragonfly-like creature that had... Tara shuddered, had she truly allowed that thing to cram its tail inside of her? Past that everything was kind of fuzzy, she couldn't quite remember. But the insect was gone now, though its presence had altered her fur pattern.

The fur of her torso was now almost entirely metallic blue, save for the portions that the dragonfly had clung to. The image of the dragonfly was now emblazoned on her crotch, belly, and breasts.

Aside from the pregnancy and alterations in her fur, Tara realized that other portions of her had changed as well. She was bigger, for one thing. She barely fit on her twin sized bed while she had been curled up. With her head at one end, her feet would dangle over the other. She'd also grown more muscular, and not by a little, by a lot.

While her exercise routine had helped her melt off a few pounds, before this morning she still had a little bit of pudge to her in places. Not much, but enough to be noticeable. All that was gone now, replaced with a larger, more solid build. IF not for the enhancements in bust, hips, and rump, Tara would have almost called it masculine.

Her hands had actually transformed into something different, not just a shift in size and muscle mass. Her four fingers seemed to have merged into two, her thumbs growing larger to balance the size. Each of her three digits was tipped with a large, curved claw that sprouted from the entire tip of the finger.

Her toes were much the same, numbering three and sporting even larger claws. Tara was confused, what had happened to her in the park? What had the insect done to her? For that matter where did a bug the size of a dog come from? Didn't the way insects breathed mean that they couldn't get much bigger than a fist? And why did the merest caress of her tummy make her want to curl up and purr?

The skunkette stood, removing the scraps of her clothes from her body. They felt wrong on her for some reason, she felt averse to covering up her naked form. She felt heat rise in her cheeks at the thought of it, walking around naked for everyone to see. It was wrong, but she couldn't even bring herself to wrap a blanket around herself.

Despite the oddity of her altered body, Tara felt good. Rather than feeling panicked or frightened, she felt eerily calm. For some reason it felt nice to be the way she was, everything felt so easy. Movement, breathing, even blinking felt easier. Despite being larger and heavier, her body felt as light as a feather.

Tara felt no fear or worry about her altered form, and she found that a little unnerving. Any negative emotion about her body essentially had to be consciously dwelled upon. It was very strange.

The skunkette poked her head out of her room, keen ears listening for the presence of her two roommates. She could make out conversation from the young married couple next door, through the dividing walls and the walls of Lynn and Dyson's bedrooms, and that was strange as well.

The skunkette shook her head and made her way to the bathroom, wanting to give herself a proper looking over in the mirror. The flicked on the light and peered into the silvered glass. Tara could easily recognize her own features, her face hadn't changed much, if at all. She found herself smiling at the sight of her reflection. She liked her new body, though she wasn't sure if that was from her own feelings, or the sensations that were forced upon her.

Her eyes kept going to her heavy, round belly, it suited her. She found it sexy, in fact she found herself quite attractive. She had never before felt attracted to the feminine form, nor had she ever felt desire at the sight of herself, but now thoughts of snuggling up to another woman didn't seem bad at all. Soft lips pressed against her own, snuggly curves to stroke and caress, loving fingers slipping down between her legs, just like her own were at that moment.

Tara was broken out of her lustful haze by the discovery of something strange and new. She was surprised about how quickly and easily she had gone from normal everyday thought to full arousal and about to masturbate.

What surprised her, however, was the discovery her fingers had made between her legs. Her labia, the outer lips of her sex, had grown outward, elongating and becoming thicker. What she found was a round tube of muscle and skin, almost like an extension of her vagina. Tara found that she could control it, opening and closing it at will, making it grip her fingers.

She gasped at the sensation, doubling over and gripping the counter, pushing her fingers deeper inside. It felt so good, and it was so easy, her arousal built in a handful of seconds. Just a few strokes with her fingers and she was aroused beyond belief.

Tara noticed a familiar sweet scent filling the air, but rather than send her into a bestial state where all she cared about was fucking, the sweetness was only a pleasant scent to her. The dragonfly must've been giving off the scent, and now that it had impregnated Tara, she was putting it off as well.

She heard the door to the apartment open, and she blushed, the bathroom door was also open and anyone could just look in and see her. But rather than feel ashamed, Tara felt excited. She wanted to show off her sexy new body to her roommates. She wanted to share the pleasure with them, show them what her beautiful body could do.

"That a new perfume, Tara?" called Lynn, the salamander home for her lunch break, "I can smell it out in the hall, I think you sprayed a little too... mmm... much of it."

The orange and black salamander poked her head into the bathroom, her eyes widening at the sight of Tata. Her forked tongue flicked out involuntarily, the pheromones Tara was putting out pulling her into the same lustful state the skunkette herself had been in earlier.

"T-tara, you're... different, and bigger, and knocked up, and you s-s-smell great. Whatever that... mmm... stuff is, it's making me feel soooo horny..." the salamander gasped, beginning to claw at her lime green business suit.

Tara pulled her fingers from herself and began to approach the stricken salamander, but she stopped, clear thoughts able to get through once she'd stopped touching herself. She was able to put out the same scent as the dragonfly, causing the same effect on Lynn that the insect had on herself. Did she really want to thrust what happened to her upon her friend?

"Oooh, fuck me Tara!" the salamander whispered, stumbling towards the skunkette, trying to walk, pull off her clothes, and masturbate at the same time.

Tara shook her head, "I... I don't think that would be a good idea. I don't know if I ought to do this. You might end up all weird like me."

The salamander's eyes cleared for a moment, though she continued to claw at her clothes, "Y-yeah, something weird happened to you alright, but I... I don't care. I need you, Tara, I need you to make me cum. Please?" Lynn begged as her eyes lost focus and she began to think of lust.

Tara shook her head, "I don't think it's a good idea." She said through clenched teeth, trying to keep herself from virtually pouncing the salamander, tearing off her clothes and pressing her own sex up against the salamander's soft folds.

Lynn looked at the skunkette with watery eyes, snuffling softly, "Please?" she asked, quivering.

Tara shook her head, "I'm not going to have sex with you, Lynn," she said, perhaps telling herself that more than the salamander, "But I can help you with the need."

She began to unbutton the salamander's suit coat, the buttons coming undone easily, especially considering that her manual dexterity ought to be lessened with her having just two fingers. The green jacket hit the floor, shortly followed by the salamander's blouse, bra, and slacks.

"Th-this will be easier in the bedroom." Tara said, wincing as she said it.

Lynn nodded and managed to remove her panties with on hand, the other buried in herself, working busily to try and quell the ache, much as Tara had done earlier in the day.

The salamander staggered to her own room, flopping down onto her bed, rump in the air, tail raised. She looked back at Tara, frightened, needful, pleading. The skunkette couldn't stand that look and followed her friend in, closing the door behind her.

Lynn looked so sexy, her toned body soft and smooth, begging to be caressed. Tara reached out, running her hand down the underside of the salamander's tail, making her friend quiver with anticipation, a torrent of liquid need gushing from her eager slit.

"Pleeeeeeeease?" she squeaked, long, drawn out, and almost a cry of agony.

Tara clenched her teeth, trying to ignore her own arousal, "I... I shouldn't..." she whispered.

Lynn settled the matter for both of them, rolling over and springing up to tackle the skunk, knocking her down onto the bed, her round, blunt muzzle parting, lips pressing against Tara's, the salamander's forked tongue demanding entry.

Tara opened her mouth to gasp, but that was all the slick, pink invader needed to gain entry. The exotic taste of the salamander's tongue broke Tara's resolve and she returning the kiss, wrapping her arms around Lynn, pulling the salamander close.

She shifted around a bit, moving Lynn's legs, allowing the salamander's needful sex to meet the outer portion of Tara's own. The altered folds tightened, allowing them to slide into Lynn's eager cunny. They felt like they were growing, extending further into the sweet amphibian.

Both sighed with contentment. Tara's earlier trepidation fading rapidly. There was nothing to worry about, it felt so normal to her. Just something that was supposed to happen, just as natural as waking up in the morning, except a bit more fun.

She wondered why she had fought this, the outside of her extended sex seemed just as sensitive as the inside, and its motion inside Lynn seemed to delight the salamander greatly.

The amphibian clung tightly to her furry lover, not wanting to let her go, not wanting to ever part with her. Her soft cries of pleasure were music to Tara's ears. The skunkette held her tightly with one handpaw, the other reaching down and caressing the sensitive underside of Lynn's tail.

Tara swore she could feel the salamander's pleasure or a sense of it at least. She could tell Lynn was rapidly approaching climax, and somehow that knowledge spurred her body on, heightening her own satisfaction.

She felt something move around inside her belly, and she shivered with delight as she felt something enter her birth canal. An egg. She was going to lay an egg inside Lynn! That must've been what the dragonfly did to her.

Tara grinned, knowing how wondrous it would feel for Lynn the moment it entered her. The sweet climax that rushed through Tara's body as the egg left her paled in comparison to the one she had felt from the dragonfly, but the way Lynn's body tightened up against her own, the tears of pleasure that leaked from the salamander's eyes, and the soft intake of breath made the skunkette feel a strange sort of glowing pride.

She felt emotions bubble up inside of her, love and adoration for the soft salamander that quivered in her arms as the egg completed its journey, nestling into her womb. Tara had given birth, but rather than feel an attachment to the egg, she felt a deep bond with Lynn. The egg she had given the salamander seemed to signify that Lynn was family.

The salamander's quivering stopped, and her breathing returned to normal. She lay in Tara's arm, near motionless, though the skunkette could feel something shifting inside Lynn. She watched as the black of the salamander's scales lightened, transforming from pure black, to a metallic shade of navy blue.

She felt a faint tickling on the very edge of her consciousness, and a feeling of happiness and contentment that weren't her own. Tara wondered what they were, but the curiosity was soon forgotten by the new emotions she felt as the tickle seemed to seat itself closer. Tara felt love and affection, not for Lynn, but for herself. Thoughts brushed up against her mind that were not her own.

"I love you, Mommy." Lynn whispered.

The feelings intensified, and Tara found herself crying, overwhelmed by the sensation. It was one thing to hear someone say 'I love you' but she could actually feel it from Lynn. She could actually reach out and touch the salamander's thoughts, could experience the love the salamander felt for her. It was a sensation that her race wasn't meant to experience, and it stopped her dead in her tracks.

She could only cling to the salamander and snuffle a bit, Lynn's forked tongue caressing her cheek. "Just wait until Dyson gets home, Mommy." Lynn said with a chuckle.

Tara smiled and clung to her 'child' all the tighter. Oh yes, she wanted to share this feeling with Dyson. People needed to feel this sensation. It would make things so much better. So very, very much better.

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