The Orc Cheif's present

Story by Adrinix on SoFurry

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#6 of Orcs

My second orc story, Part 1/2

A bump on the head brought Thad to his senses as the carriage he was in lurched to a stop. He had fallen asleep through most of his journey. He was still in chains, he noticed, though it was unlikely that would have changed while he was asleep. This was not a dream.

He was a traveling mercenary until one unfortunate night he ended up camping in the middle of an area where two warring orc tribes were fighting. Before he could even unsheathe his sword he was knocked out and when he had awoken, he was in chains in the back of a horse drawn carriage under the captivity of orc's. his weapons were gone and at his first attempt at escape a knife was put to his throat and an orc guarding him, in rough English, that he would be wise not to try to escape. Suffice to say he wasn't having the best day.

As the carriage stopped the orc guard climbed to his feet and pulled on the chains that bound his neck, wrists and feet in irons. He was lead out of the carriage he emerged in what looked like an orc encampment. There were several huts as well as tents. There were a few fires going around the camp, all of which were surrounded by the shadowy figures of orc's.

Many other orc's walked around the camp, some in armor, some in hardly anything but a loincloth. Under different circumstances, he might have stopped to ogle these barely dressed green beasts, but he was forcefully led into a hut that stood a short walk away.

He was handed off to two beefy orc's, who thankfully freed him from the painful metal shackles. "Thanks." Thad muttered, rubbing his wrists, but the orc's made no response. Instead, the first, who was shirtless, dug a knife in under his armor and sliced through the bindings like it were butter. They were pulled off him and tossed aside by the other orc. Thad tried to resist, but the blade was pressed against his throat so quick, he stopped immediately and let them continue cutting away his clothes until he was standing naked; his beefy, muscular naked body exposed to their leering eyes.

He wanted to cover himself, but now that he was naked, a bucked had been brought over and the two orc's began cleaning him. It wasn't a very good job. They mostly just cleaned his private areas and underarms, paying most attention to his ass. When they were done the orc's exchanged words in their tongue and the orc who had tossed his armor and clothing left the hut.

He stood in confusion. first his clothes, then a bath; what did these monsters want with him? Thad looked up at the orc, who, at a good seven feet tall, towered over him. There was a brief moment of eye contact and the orc flashed a devilish grin.

The second orc returned carrying some leather goods in his beefy arms, to find their guest in an amusing predicament. The first orc had dropped his pants, exposing his massive green cock, and Thad was on his knees and the orc had his head held firmly in his hands as he pistoned his cock in and out of his mouth. The second orc dropped the leather aside and dropped his pants, freeing his cock for Thad to suck as well.

The two orc's took turns fucking Thad's throat until the shirtless orc took things a step further by spitting a few times on his cock and cramming it deep in Thad's tight butt hole.

Thad cried out in pain, but was unable to get the orc to stop. He had to endure it as he continued to deep throat the second orc. The pain lessened over time and he was even starting to enjoy it a bit, but he still wished he had more lube than a few wads of orc-spit.

Finally, the first orc began grunting and growling, thrusting harder and harder into his abused body until he fired a load deep inside Thad's ass. His companion wasn't far behind and Thad was soon drinking down a bitter load of orc cum.

Pulling out of both ends, they stood Thad up properly; the second orc received what he had originally left for. A thick leather collar that fit snugly around his neck. Better than a metal one at least, Thad thought. Similar leather cuffs for his ankles and his wrists were bound firmly behind his back; he was apparently now ready, as the orc's dressed and lead him out of the hut. Unable to cover himself, his face burned red as he was walked through the camp, full of orcs with the same hungry eyes the orcs who had fucked him had. What could only be cheers and lewd catcalls heralded their approach. Would he have to service them next? he wondered. Part of him hoped he didn't, he was scared shitless by this whole situation, but another part was ready and willing, excited even to be the center of such attention.

They didn't stop, however, until they came upon the largest hut in the camp, and that was when he met the Chief.

The Orc's New Pet

I had decided to go to the bar to end the few week dry spell my sex life had been seeing. Not too long after I got there, a huge Orc approached me and started hitting on me. He was hot as hell. Emerald green skin, at least two feet taller than me and...

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