The Orc Chiefs present (part 2)

Story by Adrinix on SoFurry

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#5 of Orcs

Part two

The first thing Thad saw as he was brought into the hut, was an orc; bigger and meaner looking than any of the others. Undoubtedly the chief, this orc was over seven feet of bulging rounded muscle. chipped tusks adorned his face and a curly mat of dark hair covered his naked body...wait, naked?

Thad looked again and saw the chief was indeed naked. His massive and and still flaccid uncut cock hung low from his dark mess of pubic hair.

His intense gaze met them as he was led into the tent. He watched, as the two orc's brought the human in, in chains and put him on his knees in front of the chief, only a few feet away. He was eye level with the orc's massive musky package, and Thad could not help himself getting hard.

<What it this?> The orc Chief growled in the orc tongue.

<A gift, my lord, from General Rogash.> One of the orc's replied. <He was victorious against your enemies in battle and he captured this human who was with them.>

<Hmm, yes, i received word of his victory, and he did mention something in regards to a gift. Ha, and what a splendid gift, it seems it's already turned on by it's new master.> "Do you like what you see, little human?" He growled, finishing his sentence in near perfect English.

Thad said nothing, but his face and his dripping cock betrayed him. He was still too proud to admit it, but part of him enjoyed the situation he was in, but his pride as a man would not let him show any weakness.

"Heh, going to be like that, are you? <Give him here.> He ordered. The leash chain was handed off to the chief and the two orc's backed off to stand guard at the door. With a hard tug on the chain, Thad was pulled up to his feet and onto the lap of the muscular orc leader.

Two thick green orc fingers found their way into his hole. Thad groaned with pain as his hole was stretched out once again, though thanks to the fucking he got from the guards earlier, it wasn't so bad.

The thick fingers pushed deeper and deeper, twisting around and rubbing the sides, pressing against all the right places, until...

Thad groaned with pleasure, his body shaking and his ass clamping down on the Chief's fingers, he came several shots of cum onto the Chief's hairy stomach. Thad's face became red again as the Chief laughed at his orgasm.

"Are you more willing to comply now slave?" The orc cooed in his ear, but still Thad remained silent. He wouldn't give the orc the satisfaction. "Heh, very well, maybe giving me a little pleasure will break your pride."

Thad was taken out of the Chiefs lap by the guards and was brought over to a nearby table, which was used for planning battles. The chief was not far behind, and in his hand, was a long, thick green dildo, with a bulge at the base and two straps extending from it.

"You are going to pleasure my asshole with this toy, little human, but since your hands are tied," The guards held Thad's head steady as the Chief stuffed the thick end of the toy into Thad's mouth, stretching his mouth open wide to accept it, and fastened the straps around his head, so the toy hung out of his mouth but with no chance of coming loose or being pushed out.

Thad's stomach turned over when he realized what was about to happen. Before he could resist, he was lifted up onto the table, which was amazingly sturdy, as he found out as the Chief climbed upon it and squat down over his chest. The guards went about applying a thin layer of grease to the shaft of the dildo, as well as the Chief's hole.

"Hope your ready for the ride of your life human, because its been awhile since I've had anything in my ass and I'm going to take full advantage of it."

Helpless to do anything but; Thad watched as the Chief stood up enough to turn around, rest himself on his knees and mount the dildo, taking the first few inches into his large, hairy, muscular bubble butt. It slowly sank down on the toy, Thad could feel the resistance from it pushing in his mouth, but it continued on and on. The musky smell of the orc's sweaty ass filled his nostrils as his ass came closer and closer, until finally the toy hilted in the orc's ass and his massive cheeks pressed into Thad's face, almost completely cutting off his air supply.

The Chief groaned with pleasure as he enjoyed the full feeling his favorite toy gave him. He rocked his ass back and forth on Thad's face, grunting with pleasure as his insides were rubbed by the toy, while his hand slowly stroked his massive green cock

Finally, when Thad thought he was going to pass out, the Chief lifted up, he could see his hole stretched around the thick toy and once again, hot aroused by the sight. Fortunately for Thad, there were no unpleasant smells or sights on the toy as it slid out of the large orc's hole, only the powerfully arousing aroma of musky sweat.

The Orc's ass dropped faster this time, catching him off guard for not having holding his breath. The chief's ass pressed hard against his face again and held its position for a few moments before repeating the action. Up and down the Chief's ass worked the toy like any veteran whore worth her salt, his hairy ass cheeks smacking Thad's face every few seconds.

Before long, Thad felt the presence of another orc between his legs, they were spread apart and lifted up to meet his chest. He felt the thick head of an orc cock pressing against his hole, he groaned as it invaded him and immediately went to work, building up to pounding him at the same frenzied pace the Chief had achieved riding Thad's Face.

The new orc leaned forward, sucking his Chief's cock into his mouth, savoring the taste of his ever-flowing pre-cum.

Every few minuets the Chief would sink down as far as he could on the toy, pressing his ass so tight against Thad's face he felt like he would be sucked in at any moment.

The orc fucking him was nearing his orgasm. Hit thrusts were deep and wild, and his growls were feral. With one final deep thrust he fired his load deep in Thad's ass and once he was done, he pulled out, only to be replaced a few seconds later by another orc, who like his predecessor, began slamming mercilessly into his loose and cum filled hole.

The Chief stopped riding for a moment to adjust his position. Leaning back on his hands he turned around, so that now Thad's view was filled by the Chief's cum filled balls. Now, with every thrust the chief took, Thad's eyes and forehead were slapped over and over the hairy green sack.

The Chief's hand was now rising up and down his thick shaft with vigor. His grunts and groans of pleasure were growing now as his release drew near. Faster and faster he rode the toy, until he pulled off, letting his well fucked hole flex against the emptiness where the toy had once been. with one quick yank, the dildo was pulled form his mouth, popping the straps and tossed aside. The chief's massive cock now loomed over his face, with the chief's hand, stroking it hard and fast.

In seconds his face was covered with thick globs of orc seed. The Chief keeled over him, milking every drop he could get out of his cock. There was cum everywhere, all over his face, his neck and in his hair. The Chief must not have gotten off for weeks.

The Orc Chief gave a contented sigh as his massive cock began to deflate with the last few drops of seed expelled. The second orc, who was still pounding his ass groaned and fired his load as well.

After dismounting the table, Thad was pulled off and placed on his knees. a warm tongue licked his eyes clear of seed and he was able to look up at his dominator.

"You belong to me now human. I am your master. You, are my slave, who only exists now for my pleasure and the pleasure of my men. disobedience means death. Am I clear?" He growled in a tone Thad would not dare defy.

"Yes Master." Thad gasped.

From then on, Thad became the warrior tribes pleasure slave. He was used more ways than he knew were possible by more orc's than he could count. It was a much better job than mercenary, Thad thought.