Unpaid Overtime

Story by Ollon Lupar on SoFurry

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A certain stallion makes a new friend.

Here be the usual warning about a story that contains sexual themes that some readers may find offensive, confusing, shocking or some combination of all three of these things. There is male on male sexual action of the feral on anthro variety, and a nice dose of vore.

Unpaid Overtime

It was late evening and the panther was hard at work sweeping up in the feed room at the stables he worked at. He'd only been working there three days after 4 months of lazily spent unemployment and he was still struggling to get used to spending all day doing physical labour again, so it was no surprise to him that he was currently panting slightly and nursing aches in muscles all over his body that were just not used to this kind of regular sustained working out.

There were just over thirty horses stabled at the yard he worked out and even though he was only responsible for one barn that held half of the total number the work load was still high. He had to turn the horses out in the morning then muck out all the stalls, then he had to prepare hay nets for all the horses in his barn. Then there could be any number of different tasks to do like horses to lunge, horses to ride, the ménage to rake, bales to move, then horses to bring back inside, feed to prepare and always lots of sweeping. Always sweeping, and when the yard manager came round to do their checks at the end of the day any stray bits of straw not swept up became a weapon to use against the member of yard staff responsible for the barn the stray bedding matter was found in. This would usually take the shape of having to start early or work late or something else like this.

Though in this case it wasn't improper sweeping that was responsible for the panther still being at the stable yard working this evening, it was being actually due to being caught round the back of the feed room smoking a cigarette. When the yard manager had caught him she had berated him at length about smoking not only when he was meant to be working but also in an inappropriate area. The panther, whose name was Mitch had taken the disciplining with appropriate remorse and accepted his punishment with a look of disappointment, though in actuality the whole situation had been deliberate. Getting caught smoking had simply been a rouse to end up left at the stables in the evening after all the other staff had gone home. The reason for this was that Mitch had plans. He wanted to spend some time with one of the horses at the stables without having to worry about anyone else being there. He had been trying to figure out how to end up at the stables alone without having to sneak back in at night since half way through his first day there when he had first seen the nice looking chestnut Welsh section A stallion.

He had barely got more than a brief glimpse of the stallion whilst he was being shown around the stables on his first day but for some reason he just hadn't been able to get him out of his mind. The next day he'd asked the yard manager about the little pony and had simply been told he was being boarded there for a friend of the yard owner and that he wasn't the responsibility of any of the staff working there. Still the thought of the little stallion had filled Mitch's mind, he had even dreamed about him which seemed absurd considering he had never even seen the little pony properly. The other thing that seemed absurd to Mitch was that even though he had worked at different stables over the last 5 years he had never ever thought about doing anything with any of the horses he worked with. He'd had numerous sexual experiences with equines both feral and anthro over the years but he had always been careful to separate business and pleasure, now he was in danger of betraying that rule and he could barely understand why. But here he was, doing unpaid overtime he had deliberately caused for himself, and planning to go and see the little stallion. It just didn't make any sense.

Mitch quickly finished up sweeping the feed room floor and set about putting away the brushes and emptying the skip he'd been sweeping up into. When he was finished he walked up to the little building that served as the staff rooms and yard office to let the yard manager know he was finished. He gave a quick knock on the door of the office and stepped inside. The yard manager, a middle aged grey mare, who was sitting behind the desk smoking a cigarette gave Mitch a quick smile as he came in.

"So you're done then?"" she asked.

"Yeah Krissy it's all sorted now"

"And have you learnt from what happened?"

"Yes I have. I honestly don't know what came over me. It won't happen again" said the panther with genuine sincerity.

"I am sure it won't Mitch, because next time you will be suspended. It's not the sly smoking that bothers me most, it's the fact you didn't think to go to a place away from one of the more flammable parts of the yard that most bothers me".

"I know Krissy, I'm really sorry".

"Well let this be a lesson to you then" said the mare, stubbing out her cigarette and standing up. "Now are you going to leave so I can lock up and get home?" she added.

"Well if you don't mind I really want to take a shower and freshen up, I have somewhere I want to go straight from here and I think she would rather I didn't smell of stables" said Mitch. "If it is ok with you I'll lock up the staff rooms when I'm done in the shower and I'll come in on time tomorrow to open up. That way you can lock up the office door, the tack room, the feed room and then head off without having to wait for me".

Krissy eyed the panther for a few seconds and then shrugged her shoulders. "Well I usually wouldn't let a new member of staff stay here with no one else around but I really want to get home and I'm not about to kick you out without letting you have a shower. I'd hate to be responsible for messing up your date" she added with a smile. "Also you're not some fresh faced little kitten and you've had nothing but glowing references from your previous jobs. Actually your previous boss Firehoof and I are close friends so I know you can be trusted".

"Thanks Krissy" said Mitch with a smile, before turning to leave the office and head to the shower.


A few minutes later Mitch was standing under the cascade of warm water falling from the shower head enjoying the soothing feeling of the jets of water on his skin. He'd lightly soaped up his lithe frame and was now letting the shower do the majority of the work to rinse him off as he stood in thought. Was he really going to do this? He knew he shouldn't but at the same time he knew he couldn't not do it. There was just something drawing him onwards that he couldn't really explain but that he didn't really want to worry about. He was still deep in thought as he dried his short black fur and only broke concentration to admire himself on the almost full height mirror outside the shower. He wasn't really tall but neither was he by any means that short coming in at 5'9'' tall. His muscles were small but looked well defined on his slim lightly built frame. He was always happy to see that his 4 months of unemployment and consequent lack of physical exercise hadn't seemingly reduced his muscle mass. When he was mostly dry he dressed quickly, grabbed his bag from his locker in the staff changing rooms, and stepped outside. Dusk was most definitely upon the sky now though there was still lovely warmth to the still windless air. Mitch breathed deeply as he locked the staff room door and slipped the key into his bag and looked around to check the car park was empty ,which it was. He smiled to himself, he was alone. Slowly he made his way to the little mini barn where the stallion was stabled alone.

When Mitch arrived at the barn and stepped inside the stallion made an excited squealing whinny which made Mitch grin. He loved that sound even though sometimes it could be so shrill it stabbed at the ear drums almost painfully. Outside the stable door Mitch had hoped to see a board with the stallions name on but there was nothing. As he looked over the top of the door he could see that stallion was a bit bigger than he'd realised, probably close to 11hh, but he did have a beautifully proportioned body. He almost looked like someone had shrunk a top class Thoroughbred rather than like a Welsh section A. Mitch slung his bag off his shoulders and fished out a small bottle of lube he had inside it before dropping the bag to the ground. He put the lube in his pocket and then walked to the stable door. His hand went to the bolt but he paused before he slid it back. "Am I really doing this?" he asked himself again. He stood in silence and looked towards the entrance of the barn. There was no one there he could see and no sound of anyone there either. He breathed in deeply, held his breath and slid the bolt back. Then he flicked open the kick bolt with his foot and opened the door, stepping inside quickly before pulling the door shut behind himself and reaching over to slide the bolt back. The last thing he wanted was the little stallion getting out and running round the yard just because he'd been fool enough to leave the stable door open!

Once inside the stable with the pony stud Mitch felt a little more relaxed. He went to step towards the little stallion but the pony beat him to it and closed the gap between them. He eyed the panther with bright equine inquisitiveness and brought his head close to the panthers and snuffed a few times, sending a nice warm blast of sweet smelling equine breath into the panthers face. Mitch reciprocated by directing a few small blasts of air from his nose to the stallion. The little pony breathed in then lifted his head and curled his top lip upwards in the archetypal flehmen response then let out a short, shrill squee.

"Oh aren't you a sexy little man" said Mitch quietly to the stallion before reaching a paw up to his face and gently stroking the side of his face. With his other hand he reached across and gently stroked the pony's neck. Slowly Mitch began working his way down the stallion's side stroking him gently. One hand was paying attention to the equines back, the other gently touching his side and even making brief forays to the edge of his underbelly. The pony seemed to be enjoying the attention and hadn't showed any sign he was uncomfortable with the contact he was getting and it wasn't long before the panther was close to the stallions left hind limb. He let his right paw stroke up over the finely muscled hindquarters and gently let his left paw slide down the pony's body and creep under his belly. As his paw reached the pony's belly button he felt something touch the back of his paw and slightly bent down to see what was going on. A quick glance showed that it had been the stud's cock that had touched the back of his hand as Mitch's touch had encouraged the stallion to swing his thick member up to his belly.

"Oh my, aren't you getting excited" said Mitch to the stallion who snorted when he heard the words. Almost seems like he understands me thought Mitch to himself. Carefully he moved his left paw until he felt the equines firm cock in his hand and he gave a gentle squeeze which caused the stallion to buck his hips slightly thrusting his cock forwards and up towards his belly and fire a few spurts of watery pony precum onto the bedding in the stable.

Mitch released the cock and went back to slowly stroking the pony's side with his left paw whilst now letting his right paw travel further over the firm gluteals and down round the back of his hind leg. Carefully he let his fingers move under the flowing equine tail till his fingertips were stroking the smooth hairless skin under the tight round pucker. He let his fingers slowly trace upwards until he found the pony's pert little anus. As he slowly began circling a digit around the edge of the pony's hole the equine lifted his tail up like a mare in heat, making the panther murr quietly. Seeing the raised tail as an invitation to pay more attention under the little stud's tail Mitch slowly moved round till he was standing behind the equine. With one hand he gently grasped the tail to move it but found this unnecessary as the stallion quickly lifted it again himself. Mitch crouched slightly and stared at the pert black doughnut under the equines tail for a few seconds and then with no hesitation leaned in and licked it. The panther tasted the slightly musty taste of equine arsehole on his tongue before setting to work alternating between gently licking that equine pucker and trying to push his tongue into the horses depths.

After a few minutes Mitch felt his own member straining painfully against his underwear and stopped and stood up again. The black pucker was now glistening with feline saliva and Mitch wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into the warm embrace of the equines hole. He walked round to the pony's head and leaned in close to speak quietly into one of the little stallions finely furred ears.

"I hope you don't mind but I am going to fuck your irresistibly tight little bottom, and then when I've filled you with cat cum I'm going to crouch underneath you so you can screw me like a slutty little mare ok". He giggled slightly at the fact he was talking dirty to a horse but again the little equine seemed to understand as he whinnied happily to the panther. Mitch quickly disrobed, remembering to place the lube from his trouser pocket onto a slight ledge in the stable ready for afterwards. When he looked up at the stallion again he was surprised to see the creature had already turned round and seemed to be presenting itself for the horny feline. Mitch looked on at the inviting site of the stallions still backside and wasted no more time in stepping towards him. He stuck his head straight under the pony's tail and tried to get the hole as slick with saliva as possible before straightening up. His cock was painfully hard. 7'' of smooth and slender pink meat, shiny and slick with precum and ready to go. As he placed his body close against the equines behind he realised the pony was just the right height for him to be able to reach by getting on the tips of his toes. He gently let his cock nestle between those gorgeous sexy arse cheeks and gently rubbed it up and down a few times before the pressing need to penetrate took over. With his right paw he held the base of his cock and aimed up so the tip was in the centre of that muscular anus before pushing forwards gently.

Mitch felt the tight heat start to envelope his cock and tried to just slowly insert himself but that overwhelming need was coming back and instead he thrust forward hard, hilting himself completely. The sudden invasion caused the stallion to let out a faint sound almost like a groan as well as to clench his sphincter tightly, causing the thick powerful band of muscle to squeeze the base of Mitch's cock painfully tight. The wave of pleasure that swept through the panther was more intense than anything he had ever felt before and it took all his remaining concentration to not sink his claws into the equines rump and start fucking him with brutal animalism. Instead he leant forwards over the equines back end as much as he could and reached his arms around to hold as tightly as possible before starting to thrust his cock into the delicious warmth that surrounded it. It only took Mitch 4 or 5 thrusts before he realised that he wasn't going to last long. The pony seemed to by rhythmically squeezing the panthers cock in a way that the feline had never experienced before and already the barbs of his cock were growing and snagging against the equines sensitive internal walls. He wanted to slow down and savour this feeling but something just wouldn't let him. Something was driving him on to fuck the stallion below him like he had never fucked before, it was like he was a sex starved prisoner having the first sex with his girlfriend after 15 years apart. It only took half a dozen more violent thrusts before Mitch felt his balls beginning to draw up and then with a growl he unloaded deeply into the tight little stallion arse. It was an immense orgasm that matched the incredible intensity of the short hard fucking he had just given the pony. He tried to pull his cock free but realised his barbs were too engorged to allow him to withdraw from the tightly clenched muscle that was wrapped around his cock. Only when he started to soften was he able to slip out from inside the pony. Mitch looked under the equines tail at the tight entrance underneath it. As he looked the pony gave a little squeeze and a rope of panther spunk was pushed out. He couldn't resist the temptation to clean the little stud's hole up and dived in to catch the dripping seed onto his tongue. As he licked the stallions beautiful little doughnut the stud gave a bigger squeeze and flooded the felines tongue with the rest of the huge load he painted the equines insides with. Mitch swallowed happily and straightened up again. He needed a breather but it didn't seem he was going to get it.

The stallion quickly turned round to face Mitch and as he did the panther got a good view of the stud's arousal. The little pony was still firmly erect with his cock pointing straight outwards from his sheath at a 45 degree angle. The pony stepped towards him and without warning grabbed the panther's tail in his mouth and pulled him backwards and downwards.

"Ok ok I know it's your turn" he said to the delicately built equine. "But you gotta let me lube up first ok". Seemingly more understanding as the stud released his tail and let him retrieve the lube. He squeezed out a liberal amount in to his fingers and worked it under his tail, then added a bit more until he was happy that he was slick enough. The pony eyed him up while he was preparing himself and as soon as the bottle had been placed back down the pony started jostling him into the middle of the stable. When he was seemingly happy he placed his head onto the panthers shoulder and used it to push the panther down. Mitch took the hint and sank to his knees in front of the pony with his back towards the obviously horny equine. He was about to reposition himself when with a sudden squeal the little stud dived forwards. He saw the front hooves pass either side of his head before the pony's chest hit his back and knocked him forward onto his hands and knees.

"Be careful you" said the panther half playfully and half seriously. He could feel the equines cock hitting his back as the little stallion wildly bucked his hips and realised he was going to have to help the sexy stud find his mark. Mitch moved forward so his shoulders were tight to the back of the equines forelimbs and raised his backside up till it was against the horses under belly. The cock was still thrusting over his rump and into the small of his back so with one hand Mitch reached back and grabbed the shaft firmly, directing it under his tail. He had hoped to press the cock into himself gently but the stallion obviously had other ideas because as soon as the cock slipped up to the base of his tail the stallion thrust forward, hard.

The combination of the lube Mitch had applied and the copious amounts of precum that were leaking from the tip of the stallions cock meant that the barrier of the panthers entrance was not hard for the rigid horse cock to enter and the force of the thrust when it did sank a good half of that length inside the feline. The panther let out a pained yelp and tried to ease the pain by moving forwards but realised he was trapped firmly by the stallions forelegs. The stud drew back and then bucked his hips again, slamming his cock back into the moaning panther and forcing a path deeper into the cloying tightness of the passage that surrounded it. The pain of the brutal fucking made the cat clench involuntarily which only helped to magnify the pain inside him as the stallion just pushed even harder into the constricting bowels. It was too much for Mitch. He wanted it to stop but he knew there was no way to do that now, he was in it for the duration. All he could do was grit his teeth and hope that the equine didn't last long. Every time the equine drew back Mitch could feel the uncomfortable sensation of his bowels being dragged outwards due to the tightness with which they clung onto the thick pole of muscle which was invading him and then with every thrust in it felt like he was being pushed inside himself. Worse was that every new thrust brought a squirt of lubricating precum allowing the stallion to work himself slightly deeper into the painfully sensitive insides of his protesting feline partner. Suddenly with a new deep thrust Mitch felt a different thickness against the outside of his hole and then with the next thrust he cried out in pain as the medial ring was forced past his already widely stretched sphincter. The new depth was even more painful and Mitch tried to drop to his knees to relieve some of the pressure inside him. It didn't work, the stallion simply thrust in a rolling motion from up to down to up which literally lifted the Panther off his knees and slammed his shoulders painfully hard into the backs of the stallions forelegs, making him scream in pain as over a foot of thick horse cock buried itself deep inside him. Now the stallion changed from long thrusts to short firm ones, pistoning just 4 or 5'' inches in and out of the hot, tight depths of his partner. He didn't care if the cat was uncomfortable, all he cared about right now was the tight wet heat wrapped around his rock hard cock and the desire to fill that passage with a flood of potent stallion seed.

Mitch felt the stallions flare begin to grow larger deep inside him and gripped the horse's forelimbs tightly as a new discomfort spread through his already agonised guts. His face was a twisted mask of discomfort that was getting worse with every new swelling of the stallions cock head inside him. Suddenly the stallion gave one final thrust and Mitch felt the flare expand even further making him scream in pain again, as the cock torturing his insides began to unload within him. He could feel the pulse of each spurt where his hole was wrapped around the pony's cock and could feel a further agonising swelling inside as the feral's semen pumped into him. Thankfully it didn't take long after that till he gradually he felt the cock within him soften and recede back from the depths of his body before popping out with a lewd squelch accompanied by a torrent of slightly blood reddened equine reproductive fluid. Mitch had never had his body abused like that before, even other larger feral stallions hadn't treated him so harshly and as the cock slipped out of him he collapsed to the floor. The stallion walked away and stood looking at the panther lying on the straw, still gasping for breath, and trying to ignore the pain that was running through him.

The panther rolled himself onto his back and sat up. He still felt too uncomfortable to stand up and get dressed so he just stayed still and hoped the pain went away. The stallion wondered over to him and snuffled at his head before gently resting his chin on Mitch's shoulder. The panther reached up and stroked the cute equine face.

"Don't think this makes up for what you did. I'm really not very happy with you" he said to the little stallion. In response the little stallion started gently licking the side of his face. "it's going to take more than that to get yourself back in my good books you little tyke" he said in a friendly way. The pony nickered softly and resumed his licking. Mitch couldn't deny that he was starting to feel better, and also slightly sleepy. He lay backwards and let himself gradually melt into the relaxing feeling that was starting to sweep through him. He had no idea what was happening and why he was starting to feel like he was but then the whole situation seemed to be somewhat absurd. He tried his best to keep his eyes open but something was just overcoming him. It was almost like he had taken a powerful sedative which was suddenly starting to exert its effect on him. Seconds later he drifted into a warm and peaceful slumber.

When Mitch awoke he had no idea how much time had passed. He opened his eyes but couldn't see anything. He quickly realised this wasn't because he was blind it was because something was covering his face. Instinctively he went to grab the offending fabric and uncover his face but for some reason his right arm didn't move, and even worse to his horror neither did his left. They just lay uselessly on his body with his paws resting in his crotch.

The panther called out. "What the hell's going on?" There was no answer. This doesn't make sense Mitch thought to himself. Someone else must be here. He tried to move again but he still couldn't move at all. Unable to do anything else the Panther simply concentrated and tried to take stock of his situation. He noticed three things. The first was the feel of a sharp edge pressing across the bottom of his hamstrings. The second was a feeling of damp warmth enveloping his lower legs up to his knees. The third was a sound that when connected with his first two observations made him feel very uncomfortable. It was the sound of swallowing.

"What the fuck is going on" shouted Mitch again, and again there was no response. The only thing that happened was a loud gulp, the feeling of the sharp edge moving and pushing into a point slightly further up his leg and a powerful squeezing wave travelling down his lower legs. Again the same sequence of events but now the wet squeezing heat was above his knees and the sharpness was pushing into the bottom of his rump. Then another gulping sound, another sucking wave of contractions down his legs and now the sharpness was in the small of his back and this was joined by a similar sharpness on his wrists. Mitch tried to move his body again and this time felt a tiny bit of compliance from his muscles, enough to faintly lift his head but not enough to dislodge whatever was covering it. He had also gained a bit of movement in his arms, but when he tried to move them he found his paws were squeezed tightly into his crotch and immobile. Suddenly he felt himself being lifted up so rather than having his back on the ground and his legs angled upwards his head was high and his whole body angled smoothly downwards. From his new position he was able to shake the covering off his face and finally he was able to see exactly what was happening. Though he almost wished he couldn't. With his recovering ability to move he looked down to see a pair of bright equine eyes staring back at him and a pair of soft equine lips wrapped around his waist. The sight made him start to shout.

"Someone HELP ME. HELP PLEASE. HELP ME. I'M BEING EATEN ALIVE", no one responded so Mitch shouted again. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME, I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS" though he knew it was futile. The yard was empty, that's why he had come into the stable in the first place. There was no one there to hear his cries.

The horse swallowed again and now with gravity helping the swallowing muscles the hapless panther slid deeper into the voracious pony. Suddenly something hit him that due to first his confusion and then his terror he hadn't noticed before. This was that there was a fairly huge difference between the equine he was disappearing slowly inside and the one he had been semi raped by earlier. This was the size difference. Either he had shrunk considerably or the pony was definitely no longer a pony. He had no idea exactly how large the equine was now but he was large enough that the panthers rounded hips had fit comfortably into his mouth. The horse swallowed again and Mitch felt the tight grip of the gullet take his hips. His legs were wrapped so tightly in the horses hot wet throat that the most he could do was wiggle his toes. He started struggling, desperately trying to pull his arms out of the horse's mouth before they too entered the slick embrace of the gullet but it was futile. Actually the panther quickly realised that his struggles were just helping him slide deeper. He looked down at the horse while he still had eye contact.

"Please don't do this. Please don't eat me. I'll do anything you want if you just spit me back out" pleaded the panther, tears forming in his eye. The equine didn't make any move that could be deemed a response, he just swallowed again. Mitch felt the wave of peristalsis pull him deeper and now his arms were firmly in the horse's throat too and the equine lips were millimetre by millimetre sliding over his shoulders. The heating quality from being wrapped so tightly in wet muscular flesh was making Mitch sweat profusely, something that was only exacerbated by the fear that was running through him.

"HELP. SOMEONE PLEASE.....help" shouted the feline, though his cries quickly faded to pathetic sobs. His foot paws were now pressed against the firm ring of muscle that signified the entrance to the equines gut and barring some kind of miracle it would only be a few more swallows before he was curled up inside it. The horse tipped his head up high and swallowed deeply. Mitch felt his feet push through the cardiac sphincter and the ring of muscle start to travel up his lower legs as the panthers head was finally drawn into the horse's maw. He tried one last feeble scream which turned into a pathetic whimper as a huge wave of peristaltic motion pulled his head to the back of the horse's mouth. The cardia was tightly around his legs just above his knees now, and his feet were pushing into a pool of warm and soft partially digested hay in the bottom of the horse stomach. Mitch could only stare in terror at the pink flesh of the roof of the equine's mouth as things suddenly went dark. The horse had closed his mouth. Mitch waited in fear for the next movement that he knew was going to send him to his terminal resting place and after about 10 seconds it came. The horses tongue pushed against the top of his head as the slimy throat kneaded the panther down into the stomach. Mitch felt the tight flesh of the gullet slide up over his face and then suddenly his entire head joined the rest of his body in the clinging flesh of the throat. The feline's only way of knowing his progress was by the feeling of the tight ring of muscle sliding up his body. As it passed over his hips his knees were now pushed against the stomach wall too and as it slid higher and higher he felt himself becoming crammed into the confines of his digestive prison. Finally he felt it round his neck and then sliding over his face until it closed tightly above him, condemning him to his place in the food chain. The panther tried to struggle but the powerfully muscular gut walls were stretched taut over him preventing him from moving at all out of the compressed foetal position he was in. The smell and heat were unbearable and the little air that had come down with him was quickly becoming less and less. Still he tried to struggle as tears rolled down his cheeks. The thick mucoid lining of the gut had seeped through his fur and stinging digestive juices were starting to make him itch and burn. Only a few inches away from him were fresh air and the outside world, and most importantly life. But here the panther was, trapped in a pitch black airless flesh bag that was going to be his last resting place. He carried on his futile struggles but as his breathing was just ragged airless gasping they were more the struggles of asphyxiation than the struggles of escape. As the stinging of digestive juices built into a painful burning and as lack of oxygen made his muscles too burn in agony Mitch finally found the comfort of blackness and faded into unconsciousness he would never wake from.

The horse had enjoyed his fun for that evening, especially as it had been with such little planning and preparation. Posing as a little pony had gotten him not just a nice meal but some much needed sex. He had even enjoyed the feeling of the feline's barbed cock inside him but not as much as he had enjoyed making the cat scream in agony from the rough fucking he gave him. He was disappointed that the feeble struggles in his gut hadn't lasted longer and now they had ceased the stallion burped up the last breaths that the panther had had. Now he could relax and sleep his meal off. He wouldn't even have to try and clean the stall up, the owner of the yard would do that later in the night when she arrived home. Come the morning he would look like a little pony again, just slightly fatter, though he would quickly lose that weight. Now it was just a case of planning for his next bit of fun.