Guy Time

Story by Valanx on SoFurry

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A great dane and a bear happen to be co-workers. They also happen to be going out to lunch. A lot. Together. What's that pinging noise? Oh, that's just my gaydar. Contains M/M, 11542 words.

Hey all. So, being off of school for the week means lots of writing is going on! Yay! So here's a story that I started around the time FA started, drawing on a lot of older and newer inspiration from various places, and finished up tonight.

I am a big fan of Thanksgiving. Quite frankly, I prefer it to Christmas. Thanksgiving is the one holiday that hasn't been commercialized to oblivion (though Black Friday and football keep trying to take it over), and it really means a lot to me. Mostly because I love cooking, I love eating, and I love getting to see Pikachu in the parade. Seriously, highlight of my entire year, right there.

I'm rambling. Anyway, considering it's such a special holiday, I was hoping to get something extra out this break for you guys as a bit of a present, and I'm glad to say I managed it. Happy T-day.

Christopher's glass clinked against the table. He licked his nose. "I know I want to," he said, voice low. "I'm just..."

The clatter of cutlery, the low rumble of conversation. Ed stuffed some saucy tortellini into his mouth, chewed thoughtfully. His eyes, bemused, surveyed the other male, as he tried to think how to proceed.

This was the third time they'd had lunch together this week.

And it was only Wednesday.

"Well, don't let's make it a big deal," the black bear rumbled, settling on a disarming move.

"Heh. Okay." Christopher looked up at him, and Ed caught sight of those shy hazel eyes that kept dodging his gaze. The Great Dane picked up his paper napkin, used it to gently wipe the side of his muzzle.

Italian food. They both liked it. They'd gone other places, in the few weeks this thing had been going on, but this was one of their favorites. They were outdoors, with the autumn sun peeking in and out behind patchy clouds; a darkening horizon hinted at rain that afternoon. The chairs and tables were wrought iron; the courtyard was flagstones. People came and went along the sidewalk, so that Ed could watch them head downtown, and Christopher could watch them make for midtown.

The great dane was wearing a blue-gray polo today, tucked into his khakis. The business-casual attire always did nice things to his tall, slender, yet blocky figure... or maybe Ed just had a thing for guys in polos. It wouldn't be the first time that had caused problems at work, he thought, adjusting himself in his chair slightly.

Work. Ed sighed a little. In just a little while, they'd have to go back to it. Go back to being co-workers, having businesslike discussions about micrometers and solder and unit cost. Instead of things like...

"You're cute..." Ed said, his voice low.

Christopher blushed a little, ducking his head; his floppy ears swung forward a bit. Ed liked that about him. His ears. Particularly in the city, some canines chose to have them cropped once they turned 18... or before, if they were particularly rebellious, and could find someone willing to perform the procedure on a minor. Christopher's natural ears gave him a bit of a younger, or perhaps more rural, or perhaps more nerdy, flare...

The great dane took a sip of his drink to cover his moment of speechlessness. "Shut up. We're in public."

Ed chuckled, having expected such a response. "I won't get to say it in an hour. Let me get it out of my system."

The dog grumbled a little. Munched on his cannelloni.

Then, abruptly, he said, "All right."

Ed looked up, a little surprised; the request hadn't been one he'd expected a response to. Then, he realized that Christopher was replying to something else entirely.

The dog had stopped eating, and was staring at his plate, fork intertwined with pasta and cheese. "Just... no... expectations, right? Whatever happens... well, it happens."

"That's what I thought," Ed said sincerely.

"And if nothing happens..."

"Then nothing happens." The bear nodded.

Christopher looked at him, and then smiled a little. "I don't... I don't think nothing will happen, I want something to happen... but..."

"If you want me to sleep on the couch, I will," Ed said, with a bit of a chuckle. Then, more seriously, "And if you want me to go home, I'll do that too."

The great dane looked at him, chewing slowly. "Can we... um. Can we go to your place?"

The bear blinked. "Okay. Wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with that."

"My place is kind of small..." Christopher said. "And it's a mess. And..." he gulped, and then muttered, "...a-and I... kinda wanna sleep in your bed."

Ed grinned. "Okay," he said agreeably, shifting a little again. It was funny, how you never noticed your underwear normally...

"But, let's run by my place first, so I can change and do some stuff," Christopher said. "Uh, that is, if you don't mind driving me over there. I took the bus today, so."

...and then you thought of a great dane changing and, wow! That's what they feel like! Ed shifted a bit more, scraping the last few tortellini into the corner of his bowl. "Nope, fine with me."

"Shouldn't take long or anything. And then..." Christopher, embarrassed, shrugged. "Whatever you want to do..."

Ed shrugged. "Watch some TV, play some video games, order a pizza. Not a big deal, remember? Guy time."

Christopher smiled at that, seeming more comfortable with the idea. "Right." And then... they'd probably sleep in the same bed.

Yup. Guy time.

How the hell had he gotten into this situation, anyway? Trading veiled flirts with the thirty-something bear over product blueprints. Going out to lunch with him every day. Growing more and more serious about whatever was developing between them. Jeez, much more of this and they were going to be holding paws, strolling along the beach while the string section reached a crescendo.

He wondered what Ed would say to the idea of a relationship.

He wondered what he would say to the idea of a relationship.

It was too much to consider just yet. It had been probably seven years since the last of Christopher's emotional 'adventures' in high school and college, and those did not exactly constitute a world-class education in being romantic with men. He didn't feel ready to consider that complicated landscape again. Not yet. Men were difficult. Women were simple: he left them alone at bars, and they left him alone during staff meetings.

It was Ed he couldn't get out of his head, nowadays.

He glanced up at the bear, who was engrossed in his food once more. He wasn't really sure what was so alluring about the guy. It wasn't that he looked like a model (he was handsome in a dark, serious way, but nothing that stood out of a crowd), or that he was a bodybuilder (he had broad shoulders, but was of average physique, with that predisposition toward a belly that bears often displayed). He was attractive, sure, but a lot of guys were attractive. Maybe it was his somewhat playful, somewhat sardonic personality?

Something had made Christopher's balls take notice, that was for sure. For whatever reason, Ed was worth flirting with, and his atypical courage had been rewarded by the surge of excitement he'd gotten when the bear returned his playful insinuations.

It had very quickly become less about whether there was something between them, and more about whether Christopher was willing to admit there was something between them. Admit that he probably wanted to sleep with this guy. And maybe more, too.

He could almost hear the stupid violins.

"Just come find me after work," Ed was saying, wiping his muzzle with his napkin, "and we can run by your place."

"Kay." Christopher looked at him a little uncertainly. Ed looked back, stoically, and then hesitantly reached out and clasped his paw gently around the canine's own.

With a grin, the bear quirked his head. "This is gonna be fun, right? Two work buddies hanging out together! Making friends... Male bonding, am I right?" His words were a low growl, his tone mildly sarcastic, or at least facetious. But his paw was soft and warm, and... it felt almost like he was trembling.

That might have been Christopher, though. The canine pulled his paw away, blushing, on the pretense of slicing into his last stuffed pasta tube; he glanced aside to make sure no one was staring at what felt very much like a date-in-progress. "Yeah, if that's what you want to call it."

"Sure," Ed continued, now hamming up the not-unnatural masculine rumble in his voice. "Guy Time! Video games, with explosions! Pizza, in large, greasy quantities! Heck, I might even turn on some football, and we can vent our testosterone at the screen... and check out those cheerleaders!"

"I'll pass on that, thanks," the great dane said delicately, and Ed laughed, making his companion smile a moment later as well.

"Maybe a movie, then. Action! Explosions! Or we could watch The Notebook," Ed finished, deadpan. "Which I do own."

"Hmmm..." Christopher considered, imagining sharing a couch with the bear for that one. He couldn't quite picture them on opposite ends of it. "Male bonding indeed."

"Heheh." The bear winked. Then his smile dropped a bit. "I want it to be fun, though. More than... bonding, eh? I want both of us to have fun."

The canine found himself smiling at that.

Ed had a bit of a flashback, as he rolled up the parking lot. A flashback of something he'd never seen.

There was a curb, and a great dane was standing on it, swishing his tail just like that. Carrying his bag just like that, one paw on the strap, the other in his pocket. His shoulders hunched a little, innocuous, inconspicuous, as he waited for the bus to take him to school. Middle school, probably. Ed wondered if he had any friends, whether anyone bullied him. He sure looked lonely.

Then, he shook his head; the canine standing on the curb ahead of him was in his late twenties, not to mention well over six feet tall. But he was carrying a bag, and swishing his tail.

Instead of a yellow schoolbus, a gray Dodge Magnum rolled up to the curb, passenger window rolling down. "Toss your stuff in the back, if you like," Ed said, unlocking the doors with a flick of his thumb.

Christopher did.

Not much later, they were cruising down first street, when Ed's right paw snaked over and accosted his companion's left. Christopher shivered, glancing down as their digits intermeshed, and blushed a little as he allowed his paw to be tugged over to rest atop the parking brake. He supposed they weren't really in public anymore. When he looked over, the bear was smiling, eyes on the road, his thumb stroking the back of the canine's paw gently.

The dog was nervous. They could both tell. The pawhold said "I like you," as much as it said "Don't be scared," as much as it said "You can trust me."

When they reached Christopher's apartment, its owner pointed out where to park, and then hopped out. "You can... come up, if you want," he said, a little shyly. "It'll only take a second..."

"Arright." Ed hopped out and followed the great dane into the building, up the elevator, down the fourth-floor hallway.

Christopher had been speaking the truth. His apartment was small. And messy. "Sorry," the canine mumbled, stepping over a hoodie and a sliding stack of books. He pushed aside a couple magazines. "Sit down if you like, I'll only be a second." He padded into the adjoining bedroom, kicking the door ajar behind him.

Ed leaned over the stack of books, picked up the top one. "I didn't think you were really the Dawkins type, Christopher."

"Hm? Oh, I'm not. A friend lent that to me. Thought I'd give it a look-through."

"Is it any good?"

"It makes sense... but at the same time, I'm not sure I buy it. Emotionally, I mean. It's a big distance, between finding it logical, and feeling it, you know?"

"Yeah." Ed sat down on the end of the old couch, facing the door.

"You go to church, Ed?"

"Oh... sometimes..." the bear said, uncomfortably. "Not as much as I should, I suppose."

"Hm." The canine hesitated. "I stopped going a few years ago. Just after college. Figured there was no point, if I didn't even know what I believed any more."

"Yeah..." Ed said slowly. "I guess I kinda know what you mean. Church is just... familiar, I guess." He was silent a moment. "Easier to keep going, than to decide to stop, and admit that I don't know something I thought I knew."

"Yeah..." Thud, thud, from the other room. Ed looked up, studying the door. "I guess I just feel like I don't know anything any more."

"Mmh." An unplanned shift to the right gave the bear a bit of a surprise; the door was open just wide enough that he could catch a sliver of the room beyond. Leaning a bit more, he caught a sudden glimpse of light brown fur; a lot of it, exposed.

Ed blushed a little and looked down, studying his shoes. Now really didn't seem like the moment to play peeping tom... not to mention that he'd only be spoiling his own surprise, if it came to that tonight.

"Well, I hope you feel like you know me," the bear said, after a moment.

There was a pause, in which the rustling noise from the other room stopped. "Yeah," Christopher said, his tone quite different. "I suppose I do, yeah."

"Good," Ed replied, smiling a little. Christopher was a different sort of guy from the others the bear had been interested in over time, that was for sure. It was clear he didn't like talking about his sexuality, and Ed could understand that; he wasn't a big fan of being out there himself. With the dog, though, it seemed a lot more like... a part of himself, that he didn't like to think about.

It had been a little frustrating at times. Here was this hot guy flirting with him while he was trying to concentrate, and then when he tried to get serious about it, Christopher shied away from the G word as much as some straight guys Ed had had the misfortune of crushing on. For weeks! He'd wanted to say, 'Geez, you know you like me, so why can't we just talk about it in so many words! You're gay. You know it, I know it.'

He hadn't said that, though. He didn't like to think about how Christopher would react to it. He'd much rather think about the eventual, inevitable progression of this thing between them. From stray glances, to words. To lunch. To 'Guy Time'.

To... what next?

The Big White Wedding! Ed snorted quietly to himself. He imagined Christopher would not take kindly to a description of the image in his head right now. He wondered which one of them would wear the dress. It'd be kind of unfair to make the dane do it, he'd surely get all embarrassed. Ed was better at just running with things, not taking them too seriously. Maybe they could both wear dresses. That'd be good.

All joking aside, though... he did wonder what would come next.

The door opened, revealing that tall, attractive canine again, now in jeans and a t-shirt. He padded into the kitchenette. "Lemme just stick a couple things in the dishwasher."

"You have a dishwasher?" Ed rose and peered around the counter enviously.

"Yeah, heh. Dish, as in one." Christopher pulled open the half-wide machine. "Barely even worth it to load it up, but I'm just lazy enough to manage it." He grinned a little at the bear, and Ed grinned back.

It was nice, hanging out with the canine like this. It had been one thing, flirting off and on at work, implying things they might like to do together. But they hadn't been friends a few weeks ago, just co-workers, acquaintances.

Now, Ed supposed, they were friends. Or, at least, they were able to talk to each other well enough. They liked each other... in more than a purely physical way.

Clatter, clink. Christopher shut the dishwasher. Washed his paws, dried them on the towel hanging from the oven handle. Ed had the sudden, powerful sense of being in someone else's home. Someone else's life. This doggie guy he'd been teasing... he was in his main element, here. He came home to this place every day. Probably lazed around on the couch in his underwear on Saturdays. Checked his email on his laptop during breakfast. Ed wondered how long he'd had this apartment. It seemed like a while.

The great dane looked toward him, done. Ed smiled, standing. "Wanna head over to my place now?"

Christopher smiled a little, and nodded.

"Kay. As long as you're sure you don't wanna just hang out here. I'd be fine either way."

The dog looked down; he seemed to consider it. He still seemed nervous, just from the way his tail moved, the way he stood, the way his floppy ears hung back.

"Your place," he said, after a pause that wasn't too long.

And so they left. Christopher locked the door behind him, with the odd, thrilling feeling that he wouldn't be coming back home tonight.

Yeah, it was all a good time. Christopher could say that.

They'd started with video games, naturally - both were fairly experienced in that realm, and could spend many hours bashing up opponents without pause. Christopher favored PC games, while Ed had an Xbox and a penchant for trash talk that he'd picked up online. But the canine preferred controllers, and they both were well-versed in the genre of the shooter - they'd even played a bunch of the same games, on different platforms.

Running through the video games with a new friend was always a good time. Shared favorites, jokes and quirks in their behavior, discovering new titles... The bear had his friend pretty well convinced that he needed to get an Xbox for a little while, on one of the console-exclusives.

Eventually, though, they tired of explosions and large weapons, and the TV went back to its normal broadcast, while Ed finally changed out of his work clothes and ordered the pizzas. Between the two of them and the shared love of cold breakfast pizza that they discovered, they figured they could eat two mediums, and if any was left over, it was Ed's fridge - he wasn't going to protest if a few pieces of pizza decided to stick around. He also figured he could buy a cute guy a pizza; their lunches had been strictly separate checks, the way two co-workers ought to pay for lunch. Ed wanted to buy the canine dinner - even if that was just pizza - and when he said it, Christopher blushed and sat back on the couch, returning his wallet to his pocket.

The news was on, running some story on the war; it was sobering. The room had grown dark, as they hadn't bothered to turn on the light earlier; now the light in the kitchen was on, and that made it feel like a less comfortable darkness. Christopher sat there and watched, and eventually Ed came back, now wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. It was an odd look, to the canine, who was used to seeing him in business casual. He looked... different. Still Ed... but... cuter.

Christopher blushed at that thought, but it was true. Ed was the sort of guy who looked cute in a hoodie, his blocky head framed by the hood and his big paws stuffed into the pocket.

Ed saw him staring at a little bit, and grinned at him. "What?"

"Nuthin..." Christopher muttered, embarrassed. He squirmed his footpaws out of his shoes, so that he could pull them up onto the couch, folding them under his legs.

Ed was quiet for a moment. Then, "Hey... Chris..."

The canine's heart lurched at that; no one ever called him Chris. "Yeah?"

The bear gave him a little smile. "Mind if I hold you a little bit?"

Christopher sat there, very still, his ears flopping back and tail flicking shyly. This guy Ed was sitting next to him, and this guy was his friend, and this guy was kinda cute, and this guy was asking if it would be all right if...

It felt like so much, all the layers of meaning and feeling. Christopher nodded a little, looking at his knees.

A moment later, he felt the bear shift closer, so he was almost touching the canine; he looked up at the TV, though he wasn't watching what was on the screen at all. He felt contact, warmth. Ed wrapped one arm around him, paw coming to rest on his side, and just sat beside him like that, so that their sides were in contact. Christopher, for his part, breathed out slowly and found himself smiling a little, despite his persistent blush and backflicked ears.

They didn't need to do anything more than this just yet. Ed clearly didn't want to, either. Not yet. That was comforting; it helped the nervousness in Christopher's stomach to settle, letting him enjoy the feeling of the bear guy holding him. He pressed against Ed's side, and let his arm curl around the other male's lower back, and that was nice too.

They sat on the couch and watched the news like that, and it was depressing, hearing all the stuff about the war. But it was nice, having a guy to cuddle with. He hoped Ed would like doing this more in the future... whatever happened tonight, and in the next few days, and weeks, between them... Christopher wouldn't mind having someone to hold him while he watched the news. Or at any other time, really.

The pizzas arrived with a ding-dong, and Ed had to leave him, then. Christopher tried not to look too much like he'd been cuddling with the other male. You know, just in case the pizza guy caught a glimpse of him sitting there and found it somehow suspicious. Some people had shockingly good gaydars.

Images flashed across the screen, splashing color across the carpet and sound across Christopher's skull. It reminded him of being small, and sitting in front of the TV alone, while his parents were in the kitchen, and the light was shining into the dark living room. He'd spent a lot of time like that, as a child. Late at night, in his fuzzy dinosaur pajamas. Sometimes one of his parents would come out to tell him to go to bed. Sometimes he just went to bed himself. Eventually.

It was a familiar feeling. It was the same feeling he often had now, when he sat in his apartment some evenings staring at his laptop in the dark, or when he was lying on the couch watching TV. He was at the point in his life where it was beginning to sink in that this cycle wasn't going to change. Go to work, go home, lather, rinse, repeat. In school, it always felt like he was waiting for something... meaningful, worthwhile, fulfilling, to happen in his life. It still felt that way. And only now did he realize... nothing was coming.

Nothing was there.

A bear passed between him and the screen, and the flash of darkness was enough to pull the canine out of his melancholic musing. Ed set the pizzas down on the table, one left, one right. "All yours, big guy."

"Heheh." Christopher pulled open the box on his side and feasted his eyes on cheesy, sausage-covered goodness. "Mmm." He grabbed the first piece and scarfed a huge bite.

Ed chuckled a little, watching, before digging into his own (he was the ham-and-pineapple-with-extra-cheese type). They munched pizza and watched the news, which had thankfully moved on to less disheartening matters. Halfway through Ed's third slice, the national news ended, and the local news began its somewhat more melodramatic, cheesy broadcast. The only thing Ed allowed to be cheesy in his living room was currently in his paw and moving toward his mouth. Mmm.

"You wanna watch a movie after all?" Ed asked, looking to the canine.

Christopher blinked, chewing on the crust of his fourth piece; he must've been hungry. "Okay, sure."

"Got some sauce on your nose, it's pretty cute," the bear remarked with amusement.

It made him grin, the way Christopher blushed slowly and progressively after that. The great dane rubbed at the end of his muzzle.

"Got it."

"Aren't you supposed to lick it off, or something?" the dog retorted.

The bear blinked, and his smile altered a bit. "Well, if you'd wanted me to do that, all you had to do was ask."

Christopher's ears flopped. "I didn't say I wanted... I... Oh, shut up."

Ed chuckled maliciously and gave him a friendly sideways hug. "Hey, guy time, right? Relax, it's not a big deal. Come help me pick the movie."

"Kay." They headed over to the shelf of DVDs that sat under the two shelves of video games.

Yep, he really did own The Notebook.

Not today, though. Christopher wasn't comfortable enough with the situation to relax his masculinity quite that much. There was 'gay guy', and then there was 'gay chick flick fan'. And maybe it was a stupid self-conscious inhibition, but when the canine had to capitalize a G, he always went for 'gay Guy'. Metaphorically speaking.

"How 'bout that one?" he said, poking at a science fiction action flick.

"Oh, excellent choice. You seen this one?"

Christopher shook his head. "Heard it was cool."

"It's good. You should like it." The bear grinned a little at him. "The lead actor's smokin' hot."

"Heheheh." Christopher scratched his ear and blushed a little. "That why you own it?"

Ed rumbled. "Might have a little to do with it, yeah..." He pulled out the plastic case, inserted the disc, and poked a button on the DVD player, before following Christopher back over to the couch and grabbing the remote. They sat companionably beside each other, perhaps a little closer than two men might ordinarily have sat while watching a movie.

Somewhat belatedly, it occurred to Christopher that this 'watch a movie' idea might be the bear's ploy to move things along a bit more. The thought was a bit unsettling, but also exhilarating... He wanted to get somewhere with the guy, and every step toward that particular place provoked a surge of intensity in his mind, some combination of both anticipation and nervousness.

Sure enough, about fifteen minutes after the movie started, just as Christopher was getting engrossed in the plot... he felt the warm, masculine form next to him shift a little closer, and Ed's arm wrapped around him once again. The canine tensed a bit at first, but slowly, he relaxed against his companion's torso, breathing out a soft sigh that made Ed smile and give him a little, friendly nuzzle.

Christopher expected more to come after that, but soon they were cuddling close and the movie was halfway over. The bear felt him shivering a little, and rumbled, "You cold?"

"I'm okay," the dane replied, reflexively.

"You sure?" The bear gave him a nuzzle again, affectionate, concerned.

Christopher lay there a moment, wondering what part of him still didn't trust the nice ursine guy, who was making him feel so good and wanted. "I'm a little chilly," he admitted.

Ed hesitated a moment, and then climbed to his feet, and shuffled around the table. Christopher sat there on the couch, watching the movie by himself now. He felt surprisingly cold and small, with the strange absence of the bear's warm arm.

In a moment, however, Ed returned, bearing a large fuzzy blanket. Taking up his place beside the canine once more, he spread the blanket over both of them, and this time made no pretense of maintaining standard social distance - he wrapped both arms around the great dane, and pulled his companion close against him. Christopher curled up against his co-worker's chest, eyes on the screen.

The canine was really a fairly big guy, Ed found; he could see over Christopher's shoulder comfortably, but only just. The dog was pretty skinny for his height, but his shoulders were rather broad, and he was quite a bit taller than the bear, even when curled up like this. Ed fit his head into the corner between Christopher's neck and shoulder, and nuzzled him a little, before returning his attention to the movie.

They watched a hunk of a tiger beat up some aliens. They snuggled under a blanket. They each had another piece of pizza, since it was sitting there. Guy time.

Ed thought about feeling the dog up a little, but he wasn't sure if Christopher would like that, so he didn't.

Christopher was enjoying the movie anyway. It would have been a shame to get distracted and miss the last of the admittedly somewhat sparse plot, and the most spectacular of the not-at-all sparse explosions. But soon, the credits were rolling, and Ed relinquished his teddy-bear grip on the other male to get up and turn off the DVD player.

Christopher stretched and yawned, the blanket falling off of him a little bit, and blinked in the bright blue light now coming from the TV. Ed was a dark silhouette, a night-bear, an etching. "Aren't you supposed to make out during a movie?" he remarked.

Ed turned and looked at him, his eyes gleaming faintly in the darkness of his form. He was speechless for a moment. "What, did you want to? Feel like you missed out?" he said, teasing again.

Christopher knew it was teasing, and could feel the blush he'd borne several times tonight returning again. However, this time, he found it didn't cripple him as much. "Well... kinda..."

Ed placed the DVD gently back in its case, and shut that, before sliding it back into the row on the shelf. He returned to his cuddle-buddy on the couch, and Christopher looked at him apprehensively, drawing his paws into his lap.

The bear lifted one of his own big paws up, and put it on the side of the dog's face. Christopher shivered and leaned into the caress that resulted.

"Never too late for some makin' out..." Ed remarked, his voice rumbling.

Christopher shivered a bit more, and pulled his paws under the blanket again. Ed saw the motion and shifted closer, before sliding back under the blanket and wrapping his arms around the canine again. "Or we can just do this some more... Prime male bonding activity, this one..." he said, with a bit of a grin.

Christopher chuckled a little, blush becoming more permanent as he pressed up against the other male. "Oh really? It's a shame more guys won't do it, then..."

"Heheh, yeah..." the bear sighed. "I'm glad you will, though. You're a nice one to do it with, and no mistake."

The dog ducked his head a little, shyly. "You're nice... too, Ed..."

It was a little funny, feeling this guy hesitantly sliding his paws around Ed's waist, waiting, waiting, clearly wanting to do some nice guy-on-guy... something. But, waiting for Ed to decide what that was...

The bear leaned in and nuzzled again, his nose rubbing against the side of Christopher's muzzle. The dog pressed back, breath huffing through the bear's dark brown fur. Rub, rub, rub, hold a bit tighter, squeeze.

"Do you want me to kiss you, Chris?" the bear murmured.

The canine gulped; the lack of the two following syllables really made his heart go crazy, pounding furiously in his chest. No one ever called him Chris. And not through his insistence, not because he didn't like it. On the contrary.

"Uh..." the dog's nose dipped toward the floor, he snuffled. Here he was, pressed super-close to his somewhat older co-worker, and the air was thick and heavy and Ed's eyes were slightly slitted. They were in his living room, and it was dark.

Two guys, holding each other on the couch.

"...Yeah..." Christopher said shyly. And waited.

The bear nosed in slowly, so as not to startle him. Christopher kept ducking his head further and further; he was trying not to, but Ed had to chase him a little to bring their noses into gentle contact.

The dog drew back a little, but Ed was so close now, his mouth less than an inch away, and Christopher felt himself freezing up, caught up in the feeling, caught up in....

Ed hung there for what felt like a very long moment... and then pressed in. Confident bear mouth met trembling dog mouth, eyes shut and muzzles shifted to opposing angles.

It had been a really long time since Christopher had been kissed. College, probably. He didn't want to believe that was that long ago, but it was.

He wondered how long it had been for Ed. Not as long, probably. The bear seemed more comfortable with his interest in men, more forward, more confident. And why shouldn't he be? He was attractive.

He was really attractive.

The dog mmphed into the kiss, tongue tentatively introducing itself to its new playmate. Much like its owner, Ed's tongue was confident. Friendly. 'Hi, Christopher's tongue!' it seemed to say. 'I'm sure we'll be great buddies!'

'...H-hi...' the dog's responded.

The bear's big paws were petting Christopher's head and neck, sliding over his t-shirt clad shoulders and affectionately massaging his floppy ears. It felt really nice.

Christopher was getting an erection and it made him embarrassed. He shuffled around uncomfortably until things were settled enough, and his jeans were all tented up under the blanket, throbbing. He hoped Ed wouldn't notice... though, really, the bear seemed otherwise-occupied at the moment.

Heck, who was he kidding? They were making out. Surely Ed was not going to mind if he had a boner.

Christopher pressed his paws against Ed's chest and whined a bit, as the bear increased the passion of his mouthplay, curling his arms around Christopher's shoulders and pressing back until the dog's weight was mostly resting in his arms. His tongue slurped out of the dog's mouth, to lick over his muzzle and nose affectionately, before returning to his tongue and teeth.

"Mmmm..." he rumbled, as Christopher's paws stroked his chest hesitantly. He broke away. "Here, shift your legs up..."

Obediently, Christopher swung his legs up onto the couch, shifting one around to Ed's other side. He lay back, with his head coming to rest on the armrest, while Ed rose to his knees on the couch and leaned over him. The blanket was coming off, now, but it was okay; Christopher wasn't cold now that they were doing something like this.

Ed's big tongue came back and lapped at his face, stroking wetly over his rough fur. Christopher moaned a little. "Oh, Ed..."

He got a nuzzle in response, and then another kiss; Ed hunched over him and began rubbing his chest with a paw, while his other curled around under the canine and supported his lower back.

Christopher felt tingly all over. The bear found his nipples through the thin fabric of his t-shirt, and that made him jump a little, twitching. Ed seemed to realize how sensitive they were, because he was gentle, pressing in and making the dog shudder, before sliding that big paw down the canine's flat stomach. Christopher didn't have a six-pack, but his abs were firm enough under his t-shirt at least to rub appreciatively, and Ed did that.

"You smell good..." the bear rumbled, nuzzling into the side of Christopher's face and neck, slurping his wet tongue through the great dane's fur. He smelled like boy dog. Musky and raw, a dark, rough smell like wet leaves and soot. Christopher's hot, moist breath huffed over his ear, and then his face, as their noses met gently again, quivering lips straining toward each other until that moment of blessed contact rushed through them both.

The bear smiled into this most recent in a series of kisses, as Christopher trembled and shifted under his paw. The guy seemed to really like being touched. And kissed. And Ed couldn't say he found anything undesirable about it either - both touching the dog, and observing his response to being touched.

Christopher was just a beautiful guy. Seriously. You wouldn't think him very impressive at a glance; he wasn't the most attractive or charismatic fella. Pretty quiet, fairly plain. But he was such a sweetheart. A nice, average guy. And the way he moved, when Ed ran a paw down the side of his chest and stomach, the way he shi-i-i-ifted in that sinuous curve, tremors racing through him...

Lick, lick. He took a diversion down Christopher's chin, nuzzling into his neck and applying his tongue liberally. Christopher's paws went up to his shoulders and the dog panted, moaning quietly and tipping his head back submissively. It felt good, it felt good... Like scratching an itch, but tied to his cautious trust of the ursine male... and to his cock.

"Mmmhh... Chris... you taste so nice..."

The dog quaked under him. He tasted like guy. Ed liked that taste, considerably.

"D'ya like making out, Chris?" the bear whispered, nuzzling into the dog's ear. "Huh?"

"Yeah..." Christopher gasped back. "...Y-yeah, I like it..."

"Mmm, I bet..." Lick, lick. Kiss. Christopher's breathing had grown rougher; the dog shifted under him, uncomfortable. Ed continued to stroke his chest and stomach, even venturing down as far as his belt once, but no further. He was aware of the big tent in the dog's jeans, since it matched and occasionally knocked against his own; he was aware of it the same way he was aware of the dog's tail, wagging happily, drunkenly between Ed's legs.

Christopher had been fairly passive, his paws pressing up against the bear's chest, but Ed was confident that in time he'd find his courage, and the dog didn't disappoint. Ed rumbled as he felt those blocky dog paws slide onto his back, before running down his spine slowly. The bear gave his friend another wet, sloppy kiss, body rocking forward sensuously when Christopher dared to grab his butt. Ed was a sucker for a nice bit of gluteal massage, and no denying it. The nerves all in that region just loved to report to his dick about everything that was going on back there. He liked a guy who could figure that out without being told explicitly... he'd have to see if Christopher was up to the challenge.

Christopher's mind was on fire; he leaned up into each kiss, squirmed under each stroke, and his dick was monstrously hard, aching and quivering in his pants. His lips almost burned, with the feeling of each successive kiss; his paws gripped Ed's rump and squeezed, and the whole experience was wonderful, just wonderful. So good. More than he could have hoped for. Incredible.

He broke away sloppily with a vulgar sound, panting and giving a weak little groan. "G-gosh... Ed..." he whispered.

"Mmm... Chris..." Sluuurp, went the bear's tongue across his muzzle, leaving a cold, wet feeling in its wake.

It was ovewhelming. It was like being drunk. It was like... Like...

The canine squirmed a little, eyes slitting. "E-ed... You... Oh gosh... you should... stop..."

"Nnn, why's that..." Ed rumbled, kissing and licking and pawing and stroking.

"Ed... Oh shit..." he moaned softly, nosing up into the bear's facial embrace... and then, he nudged the other male's muzzle aside and pushed away a bit, eyes sliding open. "I can't... You gotta stop..."

The bear blinked, coming out of a daze and staring, clear-eyed, down at the dog, who blinked up at him, embarrassed and earnest and panting. "Huh?"

"We... we're gonna have to stop. Let's, uh, go to your room, okay?"

The bear tilted his head at the canine's tone of voice. "You want to?"

Christopher squirmed away, and Ed scooted back and let him sit up. The bear sat back on his heels. "Yeah, I mean, I think it's about time... right?" The dog looked up anxiously.

Ed frowned, a little disappointed; he could stand to continue this tongue-wrestling-and-cross-country competition for a while yet. "Well... Okay. You sure you're ready for that?"

The dog glanced away, and back. "Well... Yeah, pretty much."

Ed blinked, dubious. He sure looked pretty nervous about it. "We can just keep doing this, you know. I'm having fun, aren't you?" He didn't mean to sound a little hurt, but he did.

"Yeah!" Christopher yelped. "Yeah, I really like it, but... I... I can't keep this up."

The bear sat there, confused, and then nosed in to give him a coaxing nuzzle."Why? What's wrong, Chris?"

The dog sat there, staring at his knees. "I... Well. If we keep doing this, I'm gonna... You know. Cum."

Ed blinked.

"...You... you are?"

Christopher was blushing. He did have a pretty spectacular tent in his pants, Ed observed. "I... Let's just go to your room, okay? I'm really not actually that quick in bed, I promise, it's just... just that making out gets me really worked up, and eventually..."

The bear felt a surge of affection that brought a little smile to his face. The guy was worried about satisfying him! "Aww, it's okay," he murmured, giving Christopher's cheek a little rub.

"I just... You know, I figure you probably wanna... Have sex." The dog gulped, but managed to say it fairly naturally, as though he'd been fine admitting it all along. "So we better stop this before..."

Ed rumbled and leaned in closer, arms around the other guy once more. "But you like making out, right? You like the way it feels?"

"Obviously..." the dog murmured, a little sheepish, but he smiled and nuzzled back against the bear readily.

"I like it too..." Ed said, hushed. "And, remember what we agreed on?"

They'd almost kissed again; Christopher had to exert significant effort just to draw back. "Hmm?"

"No expectations, right?" Ed gave him a little lick on the nose.

"...Yeah. Heh." Christopher grinned a little; he'd forgotten that.

"So..." Ed did kiss him this time. Wet, stroking bear tongue. Soft lips, pointy teeth. Christopher's dick throbbed. " we don't have to have sex anyway. Only if we decide we want to." Another little kiss. "...and right now, I kinda wanna just keep making out."

Christopher looked at him, and then slowly blushed and looked down.

"And if you get a little excited over that, that's okay..." Ed gave him a stroke on his chest, that made the dog shiver.

The great dane snuffled a little, balls aching a little bit now that the stimulation of their passionate makeout session had subsided. "It... it just feels so nice, when you... kiss me and touch me and all that..."

"Do you want me to do it some more, then?" Ed's paw roamed up and found its way to Christopher's left nipple again, and the dog's breath caught as a digit pressed softly against it.

"If... if you keep doing it, I'm gonna cum," the dane said, with finality. He looked at the bear, uncertain.

"That's alright with me if it's alright with you..." Ed rumbled, nosing in closer, so his breath puffed in the canine's face once more.

Christopher's eyes slitted a little as the bear gave him a single, soft kiss. Felt so nice.

When the bear drew back, looking at him for confirmation... Christopher didn't have anything to say. Nothing to offer other than his earnest look and faint blush.

After a moment, Ed shifted. "You should lay back down. I want you to be comfortable."

The dog hesitated, and then slid back and rested his head on the armrest again, shuffling uncomfortably under his companion as Ed resumed his place between the dog's bent legs, hunched over him. Ed didn't tease him or lead into it, as though it was suddenly a big sexual act. He just... resumed what he'd been doing. His mouth met the dog's again. Their paws resumed petting and stroking like machinery grinding from a halt. Ed's left paw, the one that had been under Christopher's back, slid back to its former position, and then shifted a little lower, cradling the dog's hips. Christopher appreciated that; bent over as he was, either his neck or back were going to start hurting without something supporting him. Ed seemed content to fill the role himself.

It was a nonchalant move, to simply resume what he'd been doing, and Ed was confident (going off of Christopher's reactions, at least) that it was the right thing to do to move things along... but in truth, he found himself a little anxious, and more than a little daunted. He wanted this to feel good for the canine... even moreso, now that he knew exactly how good it could possibly feel for him. And so, he devoted his efforts to being more affectionate, more passionate, more tender, more engaged, than before... He stroked the dane's chest and kissed and licked him, and didn't stray as far from his mouth or slow as much as he might have earlier.

Christopher didn't make any noises, no moaning or cussing or the like, as one might have expected... but he did react. The same trembling and little shifts of posture as before, slight squirming and the tension and pressure in his head and neck, as he toyed with his lover's tongue. Ed didn't grind against him; he figured that might be a bit too much stimulation... and in any event, Christopher seemed quite happy just like this.

Ed couldn't really tell exactly when the dog came.

He was aware of the great dane's kissing, his back-rubbing and stroking, growing more forceful and frantic over a long span of time, far too long and gradual to mean anything specific... but there was no one moment when it was clear that the dog was losing his load. They just... made out. And it clearly felt very, very good to the canine. After a while, Ed became aware that the tension in Christopher's posture was relaxing... very slowly. Over many minutes, the dog's kisses grew softer and weaker, as he lay in the ursine male's arms. Ed gentled his affections to match, but continued his tonguing and petting, even as he became more sure the dog was finished - Christopher certainly still seemed to enjoy them.

Finally, when he began to think the dog was about to fall asleep, Ed broke the current kiss and gave Christopher's muzzle a few licks; a miniature tongue bath. The dog slitted his eyes open slowly, and smiled up at the bear.

"Did you cum?" Ed rumbled quietly.

Christopher nodded dreamily. He didn't blush this time.

"Was it good?"

"Amazing..." the dog breathed, his voice husky. "Gosh it felt so nice..."

"I'm glad..." Ed murmured, giving him another little kiss.

Christopher returned it, and then licked his lips. "Only one problem."

"Hmm?" Ed drew back a little.

"Well... now my underwear is pretty much, uh, soaked. And it's kind of uncomfortable." Christopher rubbed at the side of his nose.

"Aah." Ed grinned at him a little, drawing back to look at the crotch of the dog's jeans. There didn't seem to be any conspicuous wet spots, but it was dark. Christopher sat awkwardly still, legs half-bent, halfway slouching, trying not to smear around the goo that was now coating his genitals. "Maybe we shoulda thought of that... taken your little fella out so he didn't make a mess..."

"Heh, maybe." Christopher rubbed his nose again. "Felt great... but I'm not so sure I like having a 'cream filling'."

"Well, you're not really that twinky, no," Ed muttered, grinning. "Let's get you out of this stuff, then." He slid his paws up under the canine's shirt, stroking up his chest and gathering it on his wrists. Then he paused. "If that's okay, of course."

Christopher had gripped the side of the couch rather tightly, when he felt the bear start to take his clothes off; he consciously relaxed. "Yeah." He raised his arms and squirmed out of his shirt, as Ed pulled it over his head. "We basically just had sex, after all... Kinda dumb for me to be shy now..."

"No, it's not," Ed said matter-of-factly, reaching down to the scruff of longish, darker fur below Christopher's navel to unbutton his pants. "It's your body. You're entitled to be as shy as you like about it."

"That's a bit odd, coming from the guy taking my clothes off," the dog said, with a little chuckle.

Ed gingerly unzipped his fly. "How so? I can't pretend I don't enjoy seeing it, but I'm not a voyeur." He grinned. "Also you're cute when you act shy."

"Heheh." Christopher carefully wriggled out of his pants. His underwear was a fairly tight pair of stripy, light blue boxers... and where his jeans had been inconspicuous, these were certainly not; the entire front side was darkened in great big streaks and blobs.

The two of them carefully worked Christopher's pants down to his knees, trying not to make an even worse mess of him, before the dog pulled his socked paws out of one leg, and then the other. He hissed abruptly and inched back, ears going flat.

"What is it?" Ed asked, pausing as he folded the dog's pants (which had gotten a little damp on the inside of the crotch, he observed).

"Nothing..." Christopher muttered uncomfortably. "Some of it... ran down under my tail, is all. Surprised me."

"Aww, poor guy..." the bear rumbled, giving his headfur a rub. "I'll get you all cleaned up, don't worry..." He leaned forward over the canine, who was slouching now, and gently worked his pawdigits under the dog's waistband.

"Go ahead," the great dane murmured apprehensively, when he paused.

Ed carefully pulled the front side of the dog's underwear away from his body, before sliding the garment down over his hips, trying to make as little of a mess as possible. He didn't mind so much if it got on his couch; he mostly wanted to spare Christopher any further discomfort.

"What a mess..." Ed murmured, folding the dog's wet underwear as well, before setting them on top of his jeans. Christopher sat there a little shyly, his sloppy equipment now on display. He had a rather long sheath, out of which was poking a couple inches of somewhat floppy dog meat, pink and flushed from its recent exercise; within his sheath, the bulge of his knot was prominent and low down, making clear that more of his tool was covered than was revealed. The dane's sheath itself was attired in short fur, surrounded by slightly longer, darker fur; all of this was mussed and matted down by a layer of thick goo that still retained some dissolving white streaks. Most of it had run down onto his big balls, giving them a glistening sheen; as Ed watched, a droplet fell from his loose scrotum and landed on his damp tailbase.

The bear stuck his nose into the vicinity, at first inquisitive, and Christopher tensed a little at the invasion of his personal space... and then whined a little, as the bear's tongue gave his balls a trial swipe. "You're gonna clean me up... like that?"

Ed shrugged, licking his lips. "Sure. You taste good all over."

And so the bear began washing his companion's equipment. With his mouth.

After a few moments, the dog relaxed; a few more, and he was leaning back, tongue lolling out of his mouth as the bear lapped at his scrotum. Felt good. Everything down there was sensitive after his orgasm, and having a nice tongue stroking over it all felt pretty great.

Ed worked his way up onto the dog's sheath, tongue caressing the bulge of Christopher's knot through that thin layer of skin. He would have expected it to be uncomfortable, having your knot stuck in your sheath like that, but it seemed like it had been there the whole time they'd been making out, and Christopher wasn't complaining. Ed wasn't exactly an expert in the having-a-knot department.

He was, however, an expert at the licking-cum-out-of-pubic-fur department. Not by practice, of course... but certainly by dedication. Christopher rumbled and purred and moaned a little at all the nice attention, even moving his paw to the bear's head, as though they were having oral sex.

Of course, hadn't they had oral sex a moment ago? Hahah! Ed had certainly gotten the dog off with just his mouth! The bear found himself somewhat proud of the experience - not only had it felt nice for him, not only had it felt nice for his partner... but he was apparently good enough at kissing to make a guy cum his pants!

Well, this guy, at least, and right now 'this guy' was the only thing that mattered to Ed.

"A-ah! Careful!" Christopher hissed, as the bear's tongue ranged onto the three inches of pink poking out of his sheath. "It gets really sensitive after... Like, really really bad..."

Chastened, the bear nosed gingerly at the pink stick of flesh, and looked up, giving a long, gentle lick along the underside.

Christopher grimaced.

Being very careful, the bear slid his mouth up, and slowly worked his tongue around the dog's small, pointy cockhead.

Christopher gritted his teeth.

Moving in a slothlike manner, the bear delicately took the dog's penis in his jaws, and oh-so-softly wrapped his mouth around it.

Christopher tensed, and sucked in air a bit through his teeth, as the bear finished cleaning him up with some soft in-mouth tongue movements... and then relaxed a little bit. "Mmmh. Just... hold it like that..."

"Hmm?" The 'm' vibrated his dick uncomfortably.

"Don't move your tongue around, just... hold it in your mouth for a bit..." Christopher said, tensing, and then relaxing again.

Ed complied, placidly keeping the end of the dog's mostly-flaccid pecker in his mouth, nose pressing against the opening of the dog's sheath. He looked up at the canine, who slowly relaxed, leaning back.

A smile worked its way onto Christopher's face; his eyes were closed. "Feels good..." he murmured. "Your mouth's so warm... feels nice..."

That made Ed smile as well, around the tool he was carefully holding between his jaws, cupping his tongue around its underside. It'd be nice to give the guy a blowjob. Eventually, at least; Christopher clearly wasn't up for seconds just yet. But that was all right with Ed.

"Okay... You can take it out..." Christopher said warily. "...just be gentle..."

The bear was exceedingly so, trying not to drive away the nice feeling he'd given his partner, and a small smile left on the dog's face when he was done told him he'd been successful.

The canine was mostly clean, now, his male bits damp with saliva instead of ejaculate. Ed still had one thing he wanted to take care of, though. He snuffled his way up under the dog's balls, licking at the sticky patch on the great dane's tail, and Christopher squirmed a little.

Then he got a tongue under the tail. "Aaah... Nnn, Ed..."

"Like this?" Ed remarked, lapping at that region behind Christopher's ballsack whose name he could never remember. Something witty and vulgar.

"Yeah..." Christopher whined. "Most guys won't even do this for me..." He looked at the bear a little anxiously when his partner stuck his nose up. "I should still be clean, I haven't showered since this morning, but I haven't..."

"You're fine," Ed reassured, with a little grin - the dog was so anxious to satisfy. "Kinda musky, but in a good way." He nosed back and resumed softly licking the dog's tailhole, and Christopher resumed making little happy noises.

Eventually, the bear pronounced his companion cleaned-up, and drew back, licking his muzzle a little. Christopher looked up at him apprehensively, relaxing his pose a bit.

"Now we can go to the bedroom," the bear muttered with a chuckle. "If you want, that is."

Christopher smiled. "Yeah, I want. I haven't done anything for you yet. Ought to... return the favor, right?"

"If you want." Ed grinned, and scratched his ear a little.

"On the other paw, you've gotten your paws and mouth all over me, right? Bout time you returned that favor, isn't it? Heheh."

"Well, now, are you saying you want to get your paws all over me?" the bear said coyly.

"Haha." The dane was blushing, but grinning. "I'm not... not saying that... Big stud like you..." He gripped the bear's waist and pulled himself up, so they were kneeling on the couch, facing each other. A naked dog and a bear in a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Oh, golly..." Ed whispered, nuzzling against the taller dog's cheek. "You're quite the charmer, you are..."

"Heheh..." Christopher nuzzled back. "I wanna... I wanna touch you. I wanna make you feel good. You make me feel so good..."

The bear panted, his mouth open slightly, gingerly meeting the dog's, breaking away again before more than a semblance of a kiss had formed. Christopher's paws were worming up under his hoodie, finding rough, spiky fur and a firm, solid build.

"Let's go to your room..." the canine breathed, eyes slitted.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Ed mumbled, after a moment, before managing to draw himself away from the dog's intoxicating presence. He stood.

Christopher sat there, shyly, his pink cock sticking halfway out of his sheath, partway hard again. He looked up at the bear, and then stood hesitantly. Were they just going to walk there, or what?

"You're so damn hot..." Ed rumbled, closing the distance between them, and abruptly answering the question. His arms wrapped around the dog, and his nose crashed into the dog's once more, tongues meeting and embracing. They were just the right heights, that when Christopher looked down and Ed looked up, they could kiss without any neck-straining or tiptoe-standing.

The tall dog took a staggering step backward, and then another, paws working up under the bear's hoodie again. Ed guided him, holding him to keep him from falling, should he trip, and pressed forward. At the doorway to his room, he paused to work himself out of his hoodie; the canine was still a little too shy to quite get it off. Halfway into the dark room, Christopher managed to get the drawstring of his pants untied, and then they were abruptly looser, and Ed had to hold them up with a paw, until he could get the dog backed up to sit on the edge of the bed. Then, he stripped them off, reluctantly drawing away from the canine's face so he didn't head-butt the guy by accident while balancing on one leg.

As soon as he'd tossed his pants aside, though, the dog was reaching out, paws gripping the bear's hips as his eyes bored into Ed's fairly plain white boxer-briefs. The front of these stuck out in a curving peak, ending in a rounded point and beginning (between his legs) in a large, faintly divided bulge.

The two of them were breathing roughly, both watching as Christopher's paws meandered and moseyed their way across the bear's front shyly. The canine licked his nose, trying to work up the courage to just grab the bear's dick.

"It's okay..." Ed rumbled, standing still and giving him the chance. Christopher looked up at him, and got a little smile of encouragement.

Ed shivered and tweaked his hips. The soft pressure of a gentle paw met, and then enclosed his upper shaft. A surge of sensation burst out of the contact, a million tiny nerve endings firing like spring-loaded traps.

"Ohfeelsgood..." he breathed, as the dog gingerly rubbed with his thumb, glancing up to see the bear with eyes closed and mouth hanging slightly open. The tip of that peak in his underwear was marked by a small spot.

The bear stood still and leaned into this tentative cock-massage, a nice little bit of foreplay in his opinion. The first few touches and squeezes always felt so good, after a prolonged period of excitement with little attention. As though his dick was shouting, 'Yay! About time!'

He felt a blunt contact toward the end of his tool, a rub over his cockhead. Christopher seemed to have grown bold enough to bring his other paw into the equation... and then, to Ed's surprise, he felt a thumb slide under his waistband, well away from that, and a sudden burst of cold air. Blearily, he opened his eyes partway, and watched as the dog's dark brown nose rubbed against the glistening end of his dick.

Ed shivered. "Chris?"

The dog looked up, suddenly shy and hesitant once more. "I... I wanna give you a blowjob..." he said, embarrassed. "Um... can I?"

The bear swallowed. "A-absolutely! Uh, you, you go right ahead!" He watched as Christopher nosed up to his dick again, and then gave the rounded, flared head a tentative lick that made its recipient shiver all over.

Christopher seemed to know what he was doing on this front, because it only took a few more licks before he had the curved end of the bear's penis in his muzzle, and Ed was moaning quietly under the caress of his tongue and lips. "G-gee... Usually I have to ask guys to suck me off.. not the other way around..." he rumbled, his big paws sliding up Christopher's neck to those nice floppy ears. He felt the great dane smile a little around his tool, before he slid down further. "Unnnnhhhh... Oh, wow, you're good at this..." Ed gulped. "Keep... keep licking the end like that, yeah, like that... sssshit..."

The bear's breath caught in his throat as the dog slid a little more, four inches of Ed's six now disappeared into his maw. The canine's long tongue curled and swirled and lapped and slurped, his paws curled around the bear's thick sheath and tight ballsack, holding, gripping, supporting...

"A-aa-aaahhh..." Ed groaned, as Christopher's lips slid the last little bit and kissed his sheath. The bear's cockhead was way back in his throat now, the dog's hot, wet mouth encasing his entire shaft. His broad tongue curled around the sensitive underside, sliding back and forth, ranging onto the sides, squirming and licking teasingly. Christopher wasn't very aggressive or fast-paced; he was attentive, and dedicated. He was trying so darn hard, suppressing his gag reflex, licking and sucking and squeezing and swallowing, ears set back and eyes closed tight. It was the cutest thing Ed's pleasure-fogged gaze had ever seen... and it felt amazing.

"Oh, Chrissss..." he murmured, pawing at the back of the great dane's head, pressing his hips forward. Ears felt good in his paws, even, as he stroked and played with them. "A-ah! Chris..."

The dog's nose was buried in his pubic fur, now, lips mashed against his sheath, which was bunched up, pressed back by the pressure exerted on it. Christopher put his whole mouth into the act, each suck drawing back from his lips, to his cheeks and tongue, back to the squeeze of his throat as he swallowed precum. Ed could feel his teeth on either side of his shaft, but Christopher was so careful to keep his lips folded over the sharp tips so they didn't scrape. Every action of his was deliberate, cautious, and had a brutal impact on the bear he was fellating.

Christopher's paws held onto Ed's hips, and eventually slid back and ranged onto his rear; the bear shifted as he felt the great dane stroking his butt. That felt good. He tried to lean back into the ass massage while simultaneously leaning forward into the blowjob; it didn't go too well.

"Nnngh... I'm not gonna last much longer..." the bear moaned. "You should... you should stop, so I can..."

Christopher shook his head frantically, pressing his nose even more firmly into the bear's groin. His arms wrapped around Ed's hips, grabbing ahold of his butt and holding him close.

"Aaaah... Chris... you don't have to... you don't have to swallow..." Ed whined, tugging back on the dog's head a little, ineffectually. "Youdon't... haveto... shit..."

The great dane redoubled his sucking, tongue licking up the bear's rock-hard cock in long, maddening strokes. It was too much. The bear couldn't hold it.

"Sssh... shit... Shit!" Ed's face screwed up in a contortion of ecstasy; he clung to the dog's head and his dick strained under the assault of tongue it was subject to.

Christopher felt the bear's penis begin to twitch rhythmically in his mouth. Ed was quiet, his breath hissing in and out through his clenched teeth. His entire body was tense, strained; his legs splayed slightly, his arms gripping the dog's head, his underwear around his thighs. Christopher just focused on sucking, and licking. And swallowing.

It was almost... a weird experience. But a good one. The other guy just standing there, ejaculating into his mouth, and Christopher swallowing it even as it came out. Slurping it up, gulping it down. Weird. But good. Definitely good. Didn't taste so great, but Christopher didn't mind that. The faster he swallowed, the less he had to taste it. When Ed's squirting became a trickle, he still swallowed, when it lessened to mere drops, he sucked those down too. He drank every last bit of that guy's cum, until Ed was gasping, standing ridigly, his dick starting to go soft in Christopher's mouth.

The great dane opened his eyes and looked up at his partner, a little shyly.

Ed blinked down at him, panting. It took him a few moments to find words. "Holy... holy shit..." he managed.

Gently, the canine drew his head back off Ed's now softening penis, licking it off carefully as he went, before licking his muzzle as well. Ed's dick flopped down to hang from the end of his sheath, shrinking back toward it slowly. The bear relaxed his tense pose over several seconds, shifting his weight and withdrawing his paws from the dane's head.

"That was... really good..." he murmured, scratching his chest, and finally shedding his underwear fully.

"Thanks for letting me swallow..." the dog said quietly. Ed chuckled a little.

"Well, gee, I didn't think you'd want to. I wasn't gonna make you if you didn't want to..." Tiredly, the bear sat down next to his partner on the side of he bed.

"I wanted you to... cum in my mouth..." Christopher mumbled. "I wanted to feel that. It felt nice."

"Heh, I guess you could say it felt 'nice' for me, too..." Ed rumbled. "Shit. You can do that whenever you want, as far as I'm concerned."

"Heheh." Christopher crossed his paws on his knees. "You wanna... um... hold me again?"

Ed looked at him and smiled. "'Course." He stuck a paw around the naked dog's torso, pulling him close; the great dane snuggled up to him with a happy sigh.

"So now what?" Christopher asked, pawing at his chest.

Ed rumbled. "Well, I'm about ready to just curl up with you and go to sleep, after that blowjob bein' so good." He grinned. "Unless you're ready for round two over here."

The dog made a face. "Still kinda sensitive... Sorry we didn't get to... you know, do the tail thing."

"Buttsex," Ed murmured, astutely.

Christopher blushed a little. "Yeah, that one."

The bear shrugged. "I enjoyed it just fine without that, to be honest."

The great dane smiled. "Me too. That was real nice."

"Heh, good." Ed nuzzled him and gave him a little kiss on the nose. "We can try 'the tail thing' later, I'm sure. Well, if you want to... do this again later."

"I think that'd be nice, yeah," Christopher replied. "I think I like Guy Time."

The bear chuckled at that, and got to his feet, padding out into the living room to tidy up a couple things and put the pizzas in the fridge.

"I guess we have work in the morning..." Christopher sighed, when he came back.

"Yup..." Ed sighed. "I can drop you by your place so you can get ready."

"All I really need are work clothes," the dog said. "And I guess my underwear are all crusty now... But, I mean, I can take a shower here and stuff... If that's okay..."

Ed smiled. "Fine with me." He pulled down the blanket and climbed into bed. "Lunch again tomorrow?"

"Sure. Let's do that nice sandwich place in the market again, that was great." The great dane slid up next to him, bare fur meeting between sheets. There were soft breaths, and the gentle sound of mouths coming to meet in an unexpected embrace.

After a moment, the bear's voice sounded again, rough and deep. "Um... Chris?"


"I don't... I don't like being big spoon. So, will you... hold me, now?"

There was a moment of silence, before the dog reached out wordlessly, his paws sliding around Ed's shoulders. The bear rolled, then, folding his arms up, and fitting his body back against the canine behind him. Christopher's muzzle slid against his neck, and the dog breathed out softly. "'Course I will..." he murmured. Ed rumbled happily, almost purring as he squirmed closer to his bedmate; their legs intertwined and the great dane found himself smiling, from the sheer intimacy of it all. Dog fur and bear fur, brought into warm and sensuous contact, with nothing else to get in the way.

As they settled into comfortable positions, Christopher tightened his hold a little and sighed. He wasn't sure yet what would come next, but for right now... this was how he wanted it.

Ah, characterization. Lotsa fun.

I... confess this one rather strokes a particular fetish of mine, which was of course why I wanted to write it. *meep* I kinda like guys who are a bit on the sensitive side, to the point that they're either kind of quick in bed or get so excited that they jizz in their pants. I was probably the only guy who heard that song and thought "Hey, you know, that's kinda hot..."

I don't think the matter deserves the somewhat shameful cast it has in modern culture anyway. You can have lots of fun with someone no matter how long they take to cum, it's all in how you approach it and what you do together.

Heh, Valanx here with your usual doseage of porn and philosophical musing. Righto, see you guys friday for FA.