Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 16

Story by Penelope Ravenheart on SoFurry

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Hello, Everyone! Here is Chapter 16 of the story of Marius, Jillian, Kai, Jonah, Julius and the rest. We find out what happens when Millicent tells Julius her news and then, later in the story, there is a twist for some of the other characters. I hope you all enjoy it and, as always, thank you for reading my stories.

Hello everyone! Well, it has taken me a while because of real life concerns but, here is part 16 of the story of Marius, Jillian, Kai, Julius and the rest. In this one we find out what happens when Millicent tells Julius her news. There's also a little twist for some of the others in this story as well. I hope you enjoy it and, as always, thank you for reading my stories.

Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything, Part 16 By Penelope Ravenheart

Julius' mouth was dry and his paw pads damp as he walked up the steps to Millicent Young's front door. He had no reason to think that what she wanted to talk to him about would be bad but, just the idea that she had wanted to talk to him privately seemed a little ominous. He took a deep breath, straightening himself and putting a pleasant smile on his face before knocking on the heavy wooden door.

Moments later, the door opened and Millicent stood there, smiling back at him. "Hello, Julius. Thank you for coming. Please, come in," she said, stepping back and holding the door open wide for him.

"Thank you, Lady Millicent. And how are you this afternoon?" Julius said as he walked through the doorway and entered her home.

"I'm well, thank you. And how are you this fine day?" she asked, closing the door behind him.

"I'm fine, thank you," he replied as he turned to look at her.

"Let's have a seat in the living room," Millicent said, gesturing towards the cozy sitting room.

Julius went in first, sitting on the sofa. Millicent followed, sitting next to him and turning to face him. Even though she didn't seem upset by anything, she did seem to be having a little trouble starting. Finally, she took a deep breath, looking him in the eyes as she spoke.

"I know you have to be wondering what I needed to talk to you about privately. And it is important but, I don't think it is bad and I hope you won't either," she said, taking his paws in hers and smiling at him tentatively before continuing. "I am pregnant, Julius. I'm carrying your pup. I was late so I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and it came out positive."

Stunned, Julius sat there looking at her, not knowing what to say. He hadn't even considered that this might be what she had wanted to talk to him about. He wanted to have pups but he wanted to have them with Kai. Now, because his desire had overwhelmed his good sense and he had spent a pleasurable afternoon in the wolfess' bed, those dreams could all be shattered and he would have a pup with a female that he wasn't in love with.

His head was spinning as he said, "You're sure of the result? Have you gone to see the physician yet?"

"I'm sure of the result. And, I made an appointment for tomorrow to see Dr. Howland when I was in town yesterday," Millicent replied. "I will make sure to get good care for our pup."

"I can't believe that I didn't notice by your scent that you were fertile. I never intended to be careless with both of our futures like that. Please forgive me, Lady Millicent," he said, feeling like this was all so unreal.

"There's no reason to apologize. I had lost track of my cycle, what with my move and getting settled in here. And, I know, this isn't the ideal situation to have a pup but, I do want to have pups so, I'm not upset about it. The timing may not be perfect but, I don't think of it as a bad thing," Millicent said, looking into Julius' eyes.

"I'll not shirk my responsibility to you and our pup but, I'm in love with Lady Kai. And if she doesn't leave me because of this, I intend to have a future with her. I have made my intentions clear to her already. I just hope my mistake doesn't cost us that future. However, I will uphold my responsibilities, don't worry, Lady Millicent," Julius said, the shock beginning to wear off a bit, being replaced by fear, guilt and pain. Fear of losing Kai, guilt over what he had done and pain at the thought of hurting his beloved Kai with this news and all it's implications.

"It's alright, Julius. I know you love her and I wouldn't expect you to leave her or any such thing. I just want you to know and be a part of your pup's life," Millicent replied, smiling sweetly, still holding his paws.

Nodding and feeling as though he had just been punched hard in the stomach, Julius said, "Thank you for understanding. I would never think of running out on you. This is as much my pup as it is yours and, of course, I want to be a part of it's life. But I do love Lady Kai dearly."

"Yes, I know. And she is a lovely girl. I hope you do have a happy future with her," Millicent replied, still holding his paws in her own. "And I know you are a good wolf and would never desert your pup."

"Do you want me to meet you at the physician's office tomorrow?" Julius asked.

"No, that won't be necessary. Unless you want to and are able. My appointment is for two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. But, I will be fine on my own," the wolfess replied.

"I will be there if I can. If work doesn't permit me to be there I can come by on my way home from our appointments to check on you and hear what the doctor had to say. If there is anything you need, I will get it for you," Julius said.

"You don't need to take time away from your work, I'll be fine at the physician's office. But you are more than welcome to stop by on your way home. I'll give you a full report of what Doctor Howland has to say," Millicent said reassuringly.

"Is there anything you need right now?" Julius asked, genuinely concerned.

"No, I'm fine at the moment and I have everything that I need. Thank you for your concern, Julius. I do appreciate it," Millicent replied.

Nodding, Julius said, "Then, if you are alright for now, I will be heading home. I have a lot to think about and I have to figure out how to tell Lady Kai."

"Of course, I understand. This is big news. Go home and sleep on it and I will see you tomorrow," Millicent said soothingly.

"Yes, thank you. I'll do that," he said, standing. "And I will stop by tomorrow and see you on my way home."

"That sounds fine," Millicent said, standing herself as she prepared to see him out.

Julius walked towards the door feeling dazed and numb. The two wolves said their goodbyes, promising to see each other the next day, Millicent closing the door softly as Julius un-tethered and mounted his horse. He turned the horse around, heading for home but not hurrying. He didn't have any idea how he would break this to Kai. No matter how he said it, the news would be devastating to her.

As she closed the door behind Julius, Millicent grinned, laughing softly as she enjoyed how Julius had reacted. She hadn't expected him to throw a fit. That wasn't his style. But she was pleasantly surprised at how dumbfounded he had been. That made her look forward even more to the day when she would drop her big bomb on him and the rest of the Cane household.

When Julius arrived home, he put his horse in the stable and went into the house through the kitchen. He managed to avoid running into anyone except a few of the household staff on his way to his room. He was extremely relieved that he hadn't crossed paths with Kai. He wasn't ready yet to face her and knew he wouldn't be able to hide that something was wrong. This was too fresh yet. He decided to ask one of the serving girls to have his dinner brought to his room, claiming that he wasn't feeling well. He would stay by himself this evening and try to figure out how to tell Kai as well as his father.

That evening after dinner, Kai excused herself, intending to head upstairs and check on Julius to see if he was alright. Before she got to the stairs though, she saw one of the serving girls coming down the hall towards her carrying a tray of dishes. She knew the girl must have come from Julius' room and asked how he was. The girl told her he had said he was tired and was going to bed early when she went to pick up his tray.

Thanking the girl and continuing on down the hall, she was met by Jonah, who had just come in from making his evening rounds checking in with the guards posted around the estate. He smiled when he saw her, the change in his expression making him look quite different from the strong, no-nonsense guard that he showed the rest of the world.

"Hello, my dear Kai. I'm so glad I've run into you. I was hoping you might be in the mood for a stroll in the garden this evening," he said, taking her hands as he neared her.

"Hello, Jonah. That sounds lovely," she replied, still concerned about Julius but not wanting to go knock on his door and disturb him if he was going to bed after dinner. And besides, she did want to spend time with Jonah. After all, she loved him too. "And how was your day?"

"It was uneventful, which is good," Jonah replied, linking arms with her. "But it got better the moment I saw you."

Giggling a little, Kai said, "Well, you have made my day better as well."

"Then, I'm glad. And here is hoping that we make each other's evening as nice," he said, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.

The two of them went for a long walk in the garden, catching up on the day's events as well as more personal things. Kai was still just as confused as ever. She loved both Julius and Jonah and was no closer to making any kind of choice between the two. She was enjoying her time with Jonah this evening though and was glad that he didn't have the night shift tonight.

After a while, they came to a spot where there was a marble bench under an arbor. Jonah guided Kai there, sitting next to her and smiling as he put one arm around her, pulling her close. She lay her head on his shoulder and snuggled against him, smiling herself. The night sky was clear and the moon full, bathing the whole garden in a magical, silvery light.

"I'm glad you weren't busy this evening. I have something I wanted to give you," Jonah said, reaching into his pocket.

Lifting her head from his shoulder and smiling, Kai said, "Maybe we should go inside for that."

Jonah looked at her a bit surprised and laughed. "Not that, silly! Although, I plan to take you inside for that in a while, if my lady is willing," he said with a wink.

"I think I can be persuaded," Kai replied, giggling a little.

"What I wanted to give you is this," he said, holding out a small box covered in red velvet.

Kai accepted the box, her hands trembling slightly. She opened it to reveal a small golden heart on a chain, a locket with intricate scrollwork all over it's front and one small diamond set into the cleft at the top of the heart. The chain looked lacy and delicate but Kai knew links like this were strong. She realized he must have paid quite a lot for this gift for her and the idea that he thought so much of her that he would spend such an amount brought her almost to tears.

"Jonah, it's beautiful. Thank you," she said, looking up from the locket to his kind, loving face.

"I'm glad you like it. Open the locket and look inside," Jonah said, smiling expectantly.

Kai reached into the box, opening the small gold heart and looking inside as she held it closer to her face. Inside, in a delicate script, were the words "My Heart". As she looked back up at Jonah, a few emotional tears spilled down over her cheeks. "I love it. Thank you, Jonah," she said, leaning over to kiss him softly.

"You already have the real one, I thought this little heart would be a nice reminder of that," Jonah said as he broke the kiss.

With that, he pulled her closer again, kissing her deeply. He knew, of course, that she was also seeing Julius and how torn between the two of them she was but, he loved her immensely and he was willing to give her the time she needed. He didn't want to put more pressure on her but he did want to make sure she knew exactly how he felt about her. He wanted a future with her and hoped, in the end, she would choose to spend her future with him.

They sat there in the moonlight, their kissing deepening and becoming more passionate, for several minutes before Jonah broke the kiss, standing and taking Kai's hand. He raised it to his face, pressing his lips to it softly as she stood as well, looking into his eyes. In a moment of wordless communication, the look passing between them saying more than words could, they began walking back towards the house, both wanting to make love.

When they got back to the house, they went up the stairs to Kai's room, climbing the stairs hand in hand. After they went into her room, she closed the door behind them, locking it to make sure they weren't interrupted. Jonah had turned on one of Kai's bedside lamps and the room was bathed in the soft glow emanating from it as he crossed the room back to her, turning her towards him as he drew her into his arms.

As their lips met, Kai's heart raced. She pressed against Jonah, feeling her whole body responding to his touch. His hands moved quickly, unbuttoning her dress as his own desire grew. As he opened the bodice of her dress and pushed it back off her shoulders, he began kissing his way down her neck, breathing faster as he worked his way down to the tops of her breasts.

Kai arched her back, pulling his face in closer as he kissed his way lower. Her fingers slipped into his hair as she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his lips on her skin, her fingers in his hair and his hands moving over her body. He pushed her dress down further as he finished unbuttoning it, sliding it over her hips and letting it fall to the floor around her feet.

Jonah reached around Kai's slender body, unfastening her bra and letting her full, firm breasts gently bounce forward as he released them from their silky constraints. His hands moved up her sides, gently cupping and squeezing her breasts. Leaning in, he teased her hardening nipples with little flicks from his tongue.

As Kai's breathing quickened, she reached down, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding her hands over his muscular torso. He straightened up, watching her as she began to sprinkle little kisses over his chest. She pressed her nearly naked body against him, mmming as her hands moved down, starting to unbuckle his belt. As she unzipped his pants, Jonah slid his hands down over her body, reaching around and squeezing her ass as he pulled her closer.

Her heart beat faster and her clit began to throb and swell as she felt his hands on her, pulling her toward him. His hardness pressing against her excited her more, making her juices flow and soaking the crotch of her silk panties. She reached down, sliding her hand between them and quickly slipping it inside his pants. Her fingers wrapped around his thick, hard shaft, grasping it more tightly as she began stroking it slowly.

Jonah slid one hand up her back and into her hair, tilting her face up to his and kissing her passionately as he felt her hand moving on his throbbing cock. His tongue probed her lips insistently, wanting to be let in. Kai mmmed, parting her lips and letting his tongue in to dance with hers as she slid her free hand down his back and over his ass, pushing his pants down as she stroked his hardness faster.

Jonah's breathing began to quicken more as he felt her undressing him. He reached down with one hand, helping her to push his pants down over his hips. As they fell around his ankles, he stepped forward, stepping out of them as he pulled Kai closer, guiding her back towards the bed. He eased her back onto it as he continued kissing her, his hands moving down to her hips once she was laying down and his fingers slipping under the waistband of her panties as he quickly pulled them down, exposing her wet pussy and swollen, throbbing clit.

He broke the kiss, smiling as his eyes traveled over her naked body. Leaning forward, he began kissing her breasts, one hand gently gliding down over her stomach to her thighs and pushing them apart. Kai moaned softly, arching her back slightly and opening her legs as she gave herself over to the pleasure of his touch.

Jonah reached down, gently parting her swollen pussy lips and starting to rub her throbbing clit. As his fingers began moving over the sensitive nub, she gasped, arching her back more as her juices flowed freely. He lifted his face from her breasts, watching her as she enjoyed the sensations he was causing. Lowering his face back to her breasts but still looking up to watch her reactions, he began slowly kissing his way down over her flat stomach, inching his way lower as he rubbed her clit more intensely.

Moaning louder and pushing her hips up, she lifted her head, watching him as he worked his way down her body. Her hips thrust as she ground her clit against his hand, her moans turning to whimpers as her excitement grew and her pleasure built. She opened her legs wider as he moved further down, his kissing getting ever closer to the swollen mound of her pussy.

He slowly worked his way lower, his fingers moving to her tight, wet pussy opening. As he plunged two fingers into her hot, achingly wanting depths, he lowered his face between her parted thighs, capturing her clit between his lips and beginning to suck on it while lashing it relentlessly with his tongue. As the taste of her filled his mouth and her scent filled his nose, his desire intensified and the head of his cock became glazed in the thick pre leaking from it.

As Jonah sucked harder on her throbbing clit, Kai began to breathe more heavily, almost panting, as her legs came up around his neck and she ground against his face. Her hips moved faster as she started to feel the beginnings of an orgasm building. Breathless moans escaped her as she got closer and closer every moment to cumming.

Sensing the intensity of her excitement, Jonah slowed the movements of his tongue and fingers, teasing her and making her writhe and whimper. He wanted to keep her just at the edge until he was deep inside her, making her cum around his thick, hard cock. He slowly pulled his fingers out of her pussy, releasing her clit from his lips as he did. His hands moved up her body, gliding up over her hips and waist before traveling to her breasts as he positioned himself above her, sliding up from between her thighs.

Kai parted her legs further still, pushing her hips up more as Jonah began rubbing his throbbing hardness against her pussy, pushing the pre leaking head of his cock over her swollen clit. She looked down, watching as his thick, veined cock pressed against her, sea-sawing as he slowly thrust his hips. She thrust up harder, reaching down to stroke his cock and push it against her clit and wet, aching pussy. Her desire to have him deep inside her intensified as she watched their juices mixing, coating not only her pussy and clit but his throbbing cock as well.

Jonah leaned down, kissing her briefly before lowering his face to her breasts, kissing and sucking as he gently squeezed them. Her nipples hardened more, almost painfully, as his tongue flicked over them and it sent shivers through her body, eliciting high pitched whimpers from her. She ran her free hand down over his back as she arched her own, squeezing his ass when her hand arrived there.

"I want you so badly. Please, Jonah, take me now!" she panted out breathlessly.

Smiling as he looked up at her, Jonah reached down, guiding the head of his cock between her wet, swollen pussy lips and positioning it just outside her achingly wanting depths. Slowly, as he grasped her hips and held them firmly, he eased his own forward, opening her tight pussy around his thick, pulsing hardness.

Kai gasped, moaning softly as she opened her legs even wider, trying to push her hips up as she felt him driving deeper into her. Her clit ground against his shaft, it's folds opened fully by his girth, sending a thrill through her as the most sensitive spot was forced along his length. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in deeper, her already tight pussy tightening around him more.

Jonah was as eager for her as she was for him and he groaned in pleasure as he felt her hot, wet pussy all around his cock as he sank into her. As her pussy clenched around him he thrust harder, suddenly even more ravenous for her. He moved his hands from her hips, sliding them under her ass as he picked up speed, grinding and thrusting harder as they both became more and more excited.

Kai arched her back, moaning and panting as she began to get closer to cumming. Her swollen clit rubbed relentlessly along his shaft, throbbing harder with each movement as she felt an orgasm building. She looked down, watching as his huge hardness thrust into her, their mixed juices glistening on his shaft. He reached down, lifting her face to his and kissing her passionately. His tongue probed her lips, entering her mouth as she parted them, and dancing with hers. As he moved faster, thrusting into her harder, Kai mmmed into the kiss, squirming and thrusting under him as she started to cum. Breaking the kiss, she arched her back again, throwing her head back against the pillows as her orgasm intensified.

Jonah slid his hands up over her body as she writhed in pleasure, her legs tightening around him in the throes of her orgasm. His hands glided up her sides, finding her full, round breasts as he watched her cumming. As her pussy spasmed around his thick, throbbing cock, he moaned, enjoying the sensations her rapidly clenching pussy muscles were causing. He was beginning to get closer to cumming himself, his balls swelling as they slapped against her ass with every thrust.

As Kai's orgasm reached it's peak, she screamed breathlessly in extreme pleasure, her breasts bouncing and swaying as she thrust her hips faster. Jonah's hands moved up, gently squeezing her breasts as his breathing quickened. Her orgasm was pushing him closer and closer to his own.

Several moments later, her orgasm began to wane and her screams quieted to breathy moans. She looked up at him, seeing how close he was to cumming, the pleasure obvious on his face. She could feel his thick, hard cock throbbing as he drove it deeper into her and his balls swelling as they began to tighten and press against her ass. She knew soon he would be filling her with his hot cum and this thought excited her more.

Moments later, Jonah began thrusting harder as his throbbing hardness jolted inside her, his thick, hot cum filling her. His whole body tensed as waves of pleasure coursed through him and his eyes squeezed shut. Kai could feel the flood of his hot juices inside her and moaned softly, tightening her legs around him more and grinding against him harder.

As he slowly came down from his orgasm and his balls emptied the last of his hot, thick cum into her, he opened his eyes and looked into hers, leaning down to kiss her briefly and pulling her into his arms. He lay there on top of her, his now mostly flaccid cock still inside her but starting to slip out as he held her, his breathing slowly returning to normal and his heart still racing.

"You took my breath away, as always, my dearest," he said, smiling as he looked into her eyes.

"I'll have to be careful about that then," Kai replied, reaching up to caress his cheek, her own breathing only now slowing to normal. "But you seem to have the same effect on me."

They laughed at this as Jonah rolled off her and onto his side, pulling her close to him. Kai snuggled into his arms happily, smiling contentedly as she lay her head against his broad chest. She was happy that Jonah had made his feelings for her so clear and the locket he had given her was lovely but she was still so confused. She loved both he and Julius and had no idea how she would ever choose between them.

They lay there, cuddling and talking in hushed tones, enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking for quite a while before Jonah got up to dress, kissing her once more before rising from the bed. As he dressed, Kai got up and put on a silk robe that had been draped over the foot of the bed, pulling it around herself and tying the belt as she watched him.

When he had finished dressing, Kai walked Jonah to the door. She smiled up at him lovingly as he turned to kiss her goodnight. "Thank you for a lovely evening," she said softly as he leaned in, pulling her close and kissing her gently.

As their lips met, she pressed against him, not wanting him to leave but knowing he had to go. Maybe one day, if she could ever find a way to make a choice between Julius and Jonah, he wouldn't have to. Until then, it was best not to give everyone something to gossip about.

Breaking the kiss, he said, ""It was my pleasure, dearest. And, thank you, as well."

He held her for a moment more, smiling down at her, before releasing her from his arms and turning to leave. As he opened the door and stepped out into the hall, he turned and smiled at her again, bidding her a goodnight before striding off towards the stairs to head for his own room on the first floor and a good night's sleep.

After he had gone, Kai closed the door, smiling as she walked across the room to the door to her bathroom. She went in, taking a nice, relaxing bath before going to bed. As she snuggled down under the covers in bed that night, she was still smiling as she began to drift off to sleep, fingering the locket Jonah had given her.

The next morning, after each had had a hearty breakfast, Marius and Julius headed off to attend to the day's business. Marius had spent his morning with Jillian and Marian and was in good spirits. Julius, on the other hand, had spent the morning alone, wanting to be with Kai but instead, worrying about the situation with Millicent.

He hadn't confided in anyone about that, not even his father. But, as the day went on, Marius could tell something was bothering his son. Not wanting to pry, he kept waiting for Julius to say something but, by late that afternoon as they rode towards their last appointment, he couldn't stand seeing the younger wolf so obviously suffering anymore. He guided his horse off the side of the road, Julius following his lead, and turned to look at his son.

"I can tell something is troubling you, son. All day you have seemed to be struggling with your emotions. Tell me, what's on your mind?" Marius asked, compassion and concern on his face and in his voice.

Feeling guilty and miserable, Julius took a deep breath, his shoulders slumped but meeting his father's gaze as he spoke. "I got some very unexpected news yesterday, Father. Millicent had asked me to stop over because she wanted to talk to me about something," he replied.

"And what was the news?" Marius asked warily as Julius hesitated.

"I'm afraid, no matter how much I have tried not to hurt anyone, my indiscretion with Millicent is going to have some painful consequences. She is pregnant with my pup," Julius said miserably. "I feel so stupid for not realizing she was fertile. I should have known by her scent."

Marius was taken aback a bit by this as he said, "She is certain? Has she been to see the physician?"

"She is sure. She took a pregnancy test and had an appointment to see Doctor Howland this afternoon. I told her I would stop by and see her today before going home," Julius replied. "Please, Father, keep this to yourself. I have no idea how I will break this to Kai. I couldn't even face her last night or this morning."

Nodding thoughtfully, Marius said, "You have my word, son. This stays between us. It is your news to deliver when and how you see fit. I would urge you, though, to find a way to tell Kai sooner rather than later."

"Yes, Father," Julius replied. "That's all I've thought about since I spoke with Lady Millicent yesterday."

"We only have the one more appointment today so, if you would like to go talk to Millicent, I can handle that by myself," Marius said, knowing his son would be preoccupied with worry.

Nodding, Julius said, "Yes, thank you, Father. If you don't mind, I would like to go talk to her and find out what Doctor Howland said."

"Of course. Good luck, son. I'll see you at home later and if you need to talk, I am here for you," Marius replied, laying his paw on Julius' shoulder briefly before turning his horse to go.

Julius sat there a moment, watching Marius riding down the road. He did feel marginally better for having told his father about this. It didn't change the situation but, at least now he didn't feel so alone with this. He knew too that his father would stand behind him, no matter what. Over the past several months since his return, their relationship had not only been repaired but their father-son bond strengthened.

The late afternoon sun was bright as it beat down on Julius, making his fur shine as he rode towards Millicent's house. It was the kind of day that made him think back to his time as a pup and summer days spent playing with his friends. He wished now that he could go back to those simpler times when all he had to worry about was being home in time for dinner.

Julius' stomach was in knots as he rode up in front of Millicent's house and dismounted his horse. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he was about to have. This was all so unreal to him and he still couldn't believe he had let himself get so carried away that he hadn't even noticed she was fertile on the day of their tryst. Thoughts of this, as well as how he would tell Kai were swirling through his head as he walked up and knocked on the front door.

A moment later, Millicent opened the door, smiling pleasantly at Julius. "Hello, Julius. Please, come in," she said as she stepped back, opening the door wider for him.

"Thank you, Lady Millicent. And how are you today?" he said as he stepped through the open doorway.

"I'm quite well, thank you, Julius. How are you?" the wolfess replied.

"I'm well, thank you. But I've been rather concerned about the situation we seem to be in," Julius said, letting Millicent take his paw in hers as she led him into the living room.

"Can I get you anything? A nice cool drink or something to eat while we talk?" she asked as the two of them sat down on the sofa.

"No, I'm fine," Julius said, shaking his head. "I don't think I could put anything in my stomach right now. How did things go at your appointment with Doctor Howland today?"

"Everything went fine. The doctor confirmed that I am pregnant and said I am in good health and that he sees no reason why I shouldn't deliver a healthy pup in the spring," Millicent replied, smiling and still holding Julius' paw.

Nodding, Julius said, "Well, I'm glad to hear you are in good health and the physician sees no problems with your pregnancy. I have to tell you though, I am still a little thrown by all of this."

"I understand, Julius. It's a lot to take in. But we have nine months to get used to the idea of becoming parents," she said soothingly, patting his paw as she spoke.

"Rest assured, Lady Millicent, I will do all I can for you and our pup. You will want for nothing and our pup will know it's father. But, if she will still have me after this, my heart lies with Lady Kai. I still have no idea how I will tell her about this though," Julius said, his brow furrowed. "No matter how I tell her, it's going to hurt her and the pain she will feel is all my fault."

"There were two of us there that afternoon, Julius. We both wanted each other and neither of us thought about the possible consequences at the time. So, it's not all your fault. Besides, isn't she still also seeing the guard? Jonah, I believe was his name," Millicent said, secretly enjoying the flash of pain in Julius' eyes as she said this last.

"Yes," Julius said quietly. "But she has been honest with me about that from the start. I haven't told her about our time together. And I understand her indecision. She has deep feelings for both Jonah and me."

"Yes, I know," she said, placatingly. "I only meant that she can't very well refuse to forgive you for something that only happened once when her inability to choose between you and Jonah is ongoing. I'm sure she'll see that too and be able to deal with this."

"She may be able to deal with it but it will still hurt her. And you deserve better too. You deserve a loving mate to have your pup with. I have hurt both you and Lady Kai," Julius said miserably.

"Well, this may not be the perfect situation but, I'm not hurt, Julius. I'm happy to be having a pup. I'm just sorry that it will cause problems for you with Kai," Millicent said empathetically.

"You're very kind to think of me at a time when you are facing being on your own with a pup. I will help you, of course, but you will be a single mother," Julius said.

"It'll be fine. Many females, human and wolf, who weren't as fortunate as I am have done it. It may not be easy but I can do it too," she replied reassuringly.

"Is there anything you need right now? Anything I can do for you?" Julius asked her.

"No, I'm fine. But I do appreciate your concern," she replied, smiling sweetly at him.

"Well, if you do need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I intend to make sure you and our pup are taken care of," Julius said sincerely.

"Thank you, Julius. You are an honorable wolf," Millicent said. "Now, would you like to stay and have something to eat? It's getting late in the day and you must be hungry."

"No, but thank you for the offer. My father will be expecting me at home. He and I talked earlier today about this and I know he will want to hear how things went," Julius said.

"Alright then," Millicent said, favoring Julius with another sweet smile. "I'll be sure to let you know when my next appointment with Doctor Howland is. Just as you want to make sure that the pup and I are well taken care of, I want to make sure you are a part of our pup's life from the start."

"Thank you. I do appreciate that," Julius said as he stood to leave. "I'll be talking to you soon then. Have a good night and take care until we talk again."

"I will. And you do the same," Millicent replied, walking him to the door.

When they reached the door, Julius opened it but before stepping outside, he turned back, pulling Millicent into his arms and holding her tightly for several seconds. He loved Kai dearly but there was something undeniable between he and the wolfess. He truly understood the kind of feelings Kai was struggling with. It would be so easy to fall in love with Millicent as well if he let himself.

"I'll see you soon," Julius said as he released her from his embrace and turned to go.

"Safe home," she replied, smiling and fluttering her lashes a bit as she began to close the door behind him.

As Julius mounted his horse, the full weight of his conversation with Millicent hit him. It was official, confirmed by a doctor, he was to be a father. He had always expected the first time he got that news he would be elated. But this had only filled him with a sense of foreboding. The whole situation just felt wrong.

All the way home, Julius kept thinking about ways he might be able to tell Kai about this without hurting her too badly. He couldn't think of a good way to do it. He knew whatever he said, however he said it, Kai would be devastated. With his betrayal, then hiding it from her, and now a pup on the way, he was afraid it would all be too painful for her and too much for her to ever forgive. He decided it would have to wait a short while. He couldn't tell her until he was less emotional over it himself. But soon, before Millicent started showing, he would have to tell her.

When he arrived home, Julius intended to put his horse in the stable for the night, talk to his father and then hide out in his room again with a good book as he had the night before. Things didn't exactly go according to plan though. He did put his horse in the stable for the night and did manage to find Marius and talk to him alone for a few minutes in the library, updating him on the situation with Millicent. But the hiding out wasn't to be.

After his conversation with his father, Julius headed upstairs, his mind weary from thinking about everything and worrying non stop. As he neared the top of the stairs, he looked up to see Kai standing there, looking concerned and welcoming at the same time. Seeing her there like that, he was so overwhelmed with emotions that he had a hard time holding back tears.

"You look like you've had a rough day," Kai said in a soft, soothing tone. "Come, let me help you relax." With that, she took his paw, leading him down the hall towards his room.

He wasn't sure he was ready to spend time alone with her since he still had no idea how or when he would tell her about Millicent but he let her lead him down the hall anyway. Even with his current emotional state, he still loved Kai and desperately wanted to spend time with her. He just hoped that he would be able to keep from blurting out anything or making her suspicious that something was wrong just by his actions.

"It has been a long day, my dearest," he said. "But I am just tired. A good night's rest and I will be fine."

"Well, I'm going to pamper you and make sure you relax," Kai said, smiling up at him. "I'm going to draw you a bath and then, while you soak, I'll go down to the kitchen and fix up a try for your dinner. I'm going to take good care of you, my sweet wolf. You have been tired and out of sorts the last couple of days and I want to help you feel better."

He smiled at her, loving her even more for her concern and feeling all the more guilty for it as well. "It's sweet of you to worry, dearest, but there's no need to fuss."

"Nonsense," she said as they reached his door. "An evening of relaxation and pampering will be good for you. Even big, strong wolves need a little tender, loving care once in a while."

Smiling at her and blushing under his fur, Julius said, "Thank you, Lady Kai. I would love to have you spend the evening with me. Your smile alone cheers me up so much."

"Such a sweet talking wolf!" she said, giggling and blushing herself now. "Go on, get in there and let me start pampering you."

Kai opened his door, motioning for him to go inside. Julius stepped into his room, waiting for her to follow before closing the door behind her. She immediately went into his bathroom and began drawing a hot bath for him. As she did that, Julius got undressed, putting on a robe and smiling as he heard her singing softly while she prepared his bath. He supposed she was right, a night of relaxation would do him good. It might give him time to clear his head and figure out how to deal with things and, at the same time, spend a nice evening with the woman he loved.

He went into the bathroom, his eyes traveling over Kai as she sat on the edge of the tub, swishing her hand in the hot water to mix in the spicily scented bath salts. She looked up, smiling at him as she stood up, drying her hands on a towel hanging on a bar near the tub. As she walked over to him, she smiled up at him coyly as she untied the sash of his robe. She stepped around him, slipping the silk garment down off his shoulders and admiring his strong, wolfly body as she prepared him to step into the tub.

Looking over his shoulder, Julius chuckled as he felt her nudging him forward towards the tub of hot, steaming, scented water. He stepped into the tub, sitting down and growling in pleasure as the hot water enveloped his body. As he lay back in the tub, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply of the spicy, woody scent of the bath salts in the water.

"Now, you sit back and relax there and I'll be back in a few minutes with dinner. And if you're very good, I'll even wash your back for you when I return," Kai said, winking and giggling a little before turning to go to the kitchen.

Chuckling, Julius replied, "Yes, dearest."

Kai giggled a little more as she left the room, closing the door softly behind her. She was glad she could do something to help Julius relax and feel better. She had noticed that he had seemed stressed out and not himself the last couple of days. She had become even more concerned this morning when he hadn't come to ask her to go for their usual walk in the garden before leaving for the day. A little pampering, in her opinion, would do him a world of good.

When she got back to Julius' room she was carrying a large tray, laden with meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and vegetables, warm, freshly baked bread and a bottle of wine for the two of them to share. She set this down on the coffee table in front of the sofa that was facing the fireplace on the far side of the room. Before going in to wash his back, she lit a fire in the fireplace. She thought a nice, cozy fire would be relaxing and romantic and, even though it was still late summer, the evenings were cool so the fire would be perfect.

When she went into the bathroom, Julius' body looked relaxed as he lay back, lounging in the tub but, his brow was furrowed and he had a worried expression on his face. She crossed the room and sat on the edge of the tub, smiling down at him as she began to massage his shoulders, feeling how tense and tight the muscles there were.

"You need to relax, my sweet wolf," she said, leaning in to kiss the side of his muzzle. "Just let all your worries go and let me make you feel better." Murring as he turned to smile up at her, Julius replied, "You're most certainly doing that already, dear one."

"Good," she said as she continued massaging his shoulders. "I've brought up a nice dinner and a bottle of wine for us to share after your bath. So, if you like, I'd be more than happy to scrub your back." This last was spoken with a slight giggle.

Chuckling softly, he sat up, reaching for the back brush that was hanging from a caddy on the wall behind the tub. He handed her the brush, smiling, his eyes traveling up her body to meet hers as he scooted forward slightly in the tub. She took the brush from him, smiling as she first dipped it in the steaming water and then began gently scrubbing his back with it.

"Mmmm, that feels good, dear one," he said, growling softly in pleasure.

"I'm glad, my sweet," she said, leaning forward and whispering to him before gently kissing the velvety soft ear she had whispered into.

This made his ear twitch and he shook his head, chuckling softly. "That tickles."

"Here, let me take care of that for you then," she said, reaching up and scratching him gently behind the ear.

"That feels nice," he said, murring again, his eyes closing.

She smiled, laughing softly as she watched him enjoying the scratching and the scrubbing. She could feel and see his body relaxing and his muscles loosening as he enjoyed the sensations. Her pampering seemed to be having the desired effect. She had no idea what had been bothering him but had just assumed it was work and being tired as he had said. This kind of relaxing evening should be just the thing to take care of that.

When he had finished his bath, she helped him dry and brush his fur, making it soft and shiny. Afterwards, he put his robe on and let her lead him out of the bathroom and over to the sofa where she had the food and wine laid out for them. The two of them spent a relaxing and romantic evening together and it was around midnight when Kai slipped off, leaving Julius to get some sleep and going to her own room to do the same.

That evening, while Kai and Julius were spending time together relaxing in front of the fire, Marius and Jillian had a quiet dinner together on their terrace with Marian in her crib, pulled up next to the table. The pup seemed happy and excited as her parents talked and enjoyed their little family being together over dinner. A lot of evenings, she was asleep by the time the rest of the household was having dinner so, it was a treat for all three of them to have the time together.

After dinner, Jillian took Marian into the nursery, changing her diaper and rocking her to sleep before putting her in her crib for the night and returning to the room she shared with Marius. She knew Mya would be there before long to watch over the pup, likely spending the night in the nursery as she did most nights now.

When she returned to their room, Marius was undressed, laying on the bed and smiling at her mischievously as she entered the room. As she pulled the door softly closed behind her and crossed to the bed, he threw back the bed covers invitingly, revealing the reason for the mischievous smile. Jillian smiled herself, licking her lips unconsciously as her eyes traveled down his body to his huge, erect cock, the tip already glistening with pre.

"It appears my husband is happy to see me," Jillian said, her smile widening.

"Always, my beautiful. And, especially happy at the moment," Marius replied, his eyes dancing. "Shed those clothes and come join me."

Jillian began to slowly unbutton her dress, taking her time with each button. She laughed softly as she enjoyed seeing him watch her so intently, licking his own lips now as his eyes followed her progress. As she worked her way down, she gradually opened the front of her dress, revealing more of her body to him little by little, teasing him and making him wait.

Marius was enjoying the show, growling softly as his excitement grew. His eyes moved greedily over her body, following every curve as more and more of her beauty was laid bare before him. His lips parted and he began to pant lightly as he watched her, becoming hungrier for her by the moment.

Jillian began to move, her hips swaying from side to side as she slowly slipped her dress off her shoulders, pushing it down to her waist before untying the sash at the top of the skirt and letting the garment fall to the floor around her feet. She stepped out of it, turning around and bending over to pick it up, taking her time and straightening up slowly as she gave the wolf time to enjoy the view of her firm, shapely ass.

Tossing the dress into one of the chairs near the bed, she continued swaying, dancing slowly towards the bed as she slid her hands up over her body, caressing her flat stomach on her way up to cup and gently squeeze her full, round breasts through the silky fabric of her bra. She began lightly pinching her nipples, making them harden and stand out under the thin silk. Moaning softly as she bent forward slightly, facing the wolf, Jillian reached behind herself and unfastened her bra, letting her breasts gently bounce forward as she released them from the gossamer undergarment.

Marius growled more, watching her every move with great interest as he propped himself up on one elbow. His knot was already beginning to swell and he felt that he wouldn't be able to control himself and keep from grabbing her and pulling her onto the bed with him for much longer. He licked his lips again, panting more as he watched her moving and her full breasts gently bouncing and swaying.

With one hand still cupping and squeezing one breast, she began sliding the other one back down over her body, slowly moving it over her stomach and lower abdomen until her fingers reached the waistband of her panties. She moaned softly again, moving her hips more now, not only swaying side to side but also making little thrusting motions as she began to move her hand downward once more. As her fingers played over the soft fabric she pushed her hips forward, her legs parting more as she began to rub her throbbing clit through her panties.

Panting more excitedly now, the wolf sat up a little more, high pitched whines creeping into his growls as his desire became almost overwhelming. Adding to his hunger for her was the sight and scent of her panties becoming soaked as her juices began to flow freely. It was all he could do at the moment not to leap off the bed and throw her down, mounting her right there on the bedroom floor as he watched her touching herself and dancing in nothing but her panties and high heels.

Jillian's excitement was also becoming extreme and her breathing quickened as well as she rubbed her clit more intensely, her hips moving faster. She could see how much Marius was enjoying this and that heightened her desire even more. Looking at his pre-leaking cock tip and seeing his swelling knot, She could barely keep from climbing on top of him and guiding his huge member into her tight, achingly wanting pussy. She moved her hands to her hips, slipping her fingers under the waistband of her panties and beginning to slide them down, pushing them over her hips slowly and teasingly until they fell to the floor around her ankles and she stepped out of them as she had the dress. She started to remove her high heels as well until he stopped her with a loud growl.

"Leave them on, beautiful, and come here now!" he said, his eyes and voice full of the primal need he felt for her.

Hearing the urgent desire in his voice and his commanding tone, Jillian went silently and obediently to the bed, leaving her shoes on. As she came closer, he reached out, grabbing her and pulling her onto the bed, pushing her onto her back. Growling as he got up on his paws and knees, he reached down and shoved her thighs apart roughly, positioning himself between them. His eyes traveled down over her body, enjoying every curve as he lowered his muzzle and inhaled deeply of her scent. Growling more as he moved forward, he grasped her hips in his huge paws and began coating her swollen, throbbing clit and pussy in the pre leaking from his cock tip.

Jillian moaned breathlessly, opening her legs wider and trying to push her hips up as she looked down, watching as he marked her. Her moans turned to whimpers as she felt the heat of his pulsing, veined cock against her sensitive pussy. She writhed under him, aching to feel his thick cock opening her and his knot pushing into her, holding her pussy captive.

Marius couldn't hold back any longer. Growling softly, he positioned his cock tip at her tight, wet pussy opening, looking down to watch as he pushed his hips forward and his huge hardness began forcing it's way into her. He slid his paws under her ass, squeezing her buttocks as he thrust into her harder. Her pussy tightened around him, pulling him in deeper as he began moving faster.

Jillian gasped as she felt his cock begin to push into her, watching as inch after inch drove deeply into her pussy, it's girth opening her wide. She pushed her hips up, grinding against his knot, her clit throbbing hard as it's folds were forced open and the most sensitive spot was forced to grind along his pulsing shaft and swollen knot. Arching her back as her pleasure built rapidly, she wrapped her legs around him and began thrusting faster, keeping time with his thrusts.

They both thrust harder and faster, working together to try to force his knot into her as their hunger for each other became more intense and their passion more frenzied and animalistic.

Marius growled and grunted as he grasped her hips more tightly, grinding hard as his swollen balls beat against her ass. Jillian wanted the blissful trap of his knot in her pussy as well and she tightened her legs around him, pushing her hips up more, panting and moaning as she reached up and pulled him down to her. The sensation of his cock tip beating relentlessly against her cervix spurred them both on, making them thrust and grind harder as their desire became overwhelming.

Jillian began moaning louder, writhing under him as she started to cum. Her pussy tightened and spasmed around him as the waves of pleasure began to crash over her. As her orgasm intensified, her moans became screams. As she reached her peak, her juices flowing and her heart pounding, she felt Marius' knot begin to slip into her and his cock tip push past her cervix and she tightened her legs around him even more.

The wolf growled as his knot went into her. Leaning forward, he opened his mouth, clamping his jaw down on her neck and shoulder in a mating bite as he felt her pussy massaging the swollen bulb of flesh. His own pleasure was increasing rapidly and he knew it wouldn't be long before his swollen balls emptied their load of hot wolf cum into her.

As the moments passed, her orgasm began to slowly subside, leaving her breathless but still hungry for more. She knew she was completely under his control now, with her pussy held captive by his knot and his jaw clamped down on her as it was and this excited her more. She whimpered and moaned as she tried to thrust her hips faster, her movements limited by his hugely swollen knot tying them together.

Marius was moving faster too, becoming more frenzied as he got closer and closer to cumming. He released her from the mating bite as he felt his balls tighten against his body, raising his muzzle and squeezing his eyes shut. Every nerve ending in his body felt electrified as his huge cock began to jolt inside her, his thick, hot cum flooding her womb. His growling turned to howling and his grip on her hips tightened as his orgasm rocked his whole body.

Jillian gasped as she felt his cum begin to flow into her, the heat of it filling her belly. This and the jolting of his thick, throbbing cock sent her over the edge into another orgasm. Her hands tightened into fists, grasping handfuls of his fur as she came hard. She threw her head back against the pillows, arching her back and screaming breathlessly as she pushed her hips up, wanting him as deep inside her as possible as she took every drop of his hot cum.

Gradually, his orgasm faded, leaving him panting and shaking as he opened his eyes and looked down at Jillian, who was also beginning to calm from her orgasm. He leaned down, kissing her briefly and then licking her cheek before rolling onto his side carefully, pulling her with him to cuddle. She snuggled into his arms, laying her head against his chest.

The two of them lay like that for a while before either of them spoke. Marius leaned down as they lay there catching their breath and gently licked the bite mark on her neck and shoulder, tenderly licking away the droplets of blood that had formed there. She reached up and caressed the side of his muzzle as he did this, smiling softly as she felt him so carefully tending to the wound.

"Thank you, my beautiful. That was amazing," Marius said, looking into her eyes lovingly.

"It was for me as well, my love," she said, reaching up to scratch him gently behind the ear.

He pulled her closer, stroking her hair as they lay there waiting for his knot to diminish. Chuckling as he did it, he reached down, lifting the leg she had thrown over his hip and slipping her shoe off that foot. He dropped it onto the floor, smiling as he said, "I suppose they can come off now."

They both laughed at this, cuddling closer as they settled in for sleep. Just as Marius was drifting off, his cock slipped out of her, his knot having subsided enough for that. Within minutes, he was snoring softly, his mouth just slightly open. Jillian was trired too but decided that she should go check on Marian before she slept.

She sat up carefully, not wanting to wake Marius, and removed her other shoe before getting up and putting on a robe. She knew Mya was probably spending the night in the nursery but she still wanted to check on her daughter before going to sleep. She was amazed at how much she loved the pup. She thought she had known deep, true love before but it was nothing like the overpowering love she felt for her daughter.

Jillian walked quietly over to the door leading to the nursery, looking back towards the bed and her sleeping husband's form. She was amazed at the love she shared with him as well. She hadn't thought it possible when she first came here but she had found a deep and true love with him the likes of which she had only dreamed of before. Carefully and quietly, she opened the door and stepped into the other room, smiling.

When she entered the nursery, it was shadowy, only lit by the silvery moonlight coming in through the windows. From the shadows of her vantage point near the door, Jillian could see that Mya was sitting in one of the comfortable, overstuffed chairs facing away from her, holding Marian and talking softly to her as she rocked the pup in her arms. Jillian was about to say hello and walk over and join them, taking over rocking Marian back to sleep when the smile froze on her face and the words caught in her throat as she heard what Mya was saying to the pup.

"Yes, my dear, you're such a beautiful pup and I love you. You should have been mine," Mya said sweetly and softly to the pup. "I was sure your father would choose me. But then he fell in love with your mother and, I guess, it just wasn't meant to be for me."

Jillian froze in place, feeling her stomach flip as she heard what Mya had said. She wasn't sure what to do or say. It made her feel a little strange, not to mention a little angry, to hear Mya saying these things. She supposed this must be what had been bothering Mya lately. She had been harboring a secret love for Marius for years and had hoped he would one day make her more than one of his pets. Now, since he hadn't, she was feeling the pain and lonliness of unrequited love. She could sympathize with Mya but this was still very unsettling.

Jillian wanted to rush over and snatch her daughter from Mya's arms and run but she knew that would only upset Marian unnecessarily and she didn't want that. So instead, she quietly went back into hers and Marius' room, confused, upset and determined to talk to her husband about this in the morning. In the meantime, she would give it a little time and then go back in to check on Marian, possibly bringing her in here to sleep.

At the same time that Jillian was beginning her long and mostly sleepless night of worrying, Millicent/Calista was getting ready for bed herself. She sat down on the edge of her bed in her nightgown, in human form, smiling a little as she ran her hand down over her still flat stomach. It wouldn't be flat for long, she thought. That part of her plan had gone even more smoothly than she could have hoped. The rest would fall into place too, she was sure.

Before she lay down for sleep, she pulled open the drawer in the top of her nightstand, reaching in and bringing out a small, leather bound folder. She opened the folder, smiling as she looked at the silver framed picture inside. There were two subjects in the photo. One was her, in human form. The other was the reason she was smiling and someone she missed very much. If things went well, there would be a reunion soon.

She closed the folder and replaced it in the drawer before turning off the bedside lamp and laying down to sleep. As she snuggled under the covers, she smiled more as she thought to herself, if everything went well, she would soon have more than a reunion. She would have everything else she wanted as well ...including her revenge.