Lost flight part 2

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#2 of Lost Flight

Lost flight part two and sneak peak of The Voyage part 10 by Raven fox: Five years have passed since the events of part one. Raven works as a mechanic for a shop and has a son and daughter. A young human escapes from a life of being a slave to the mountains causing Burns to pursue them with a couple of first class passengers.

Prologue: Year 1965, Pacific Ocean North of the Hawaiian islands, depth 350 ft. Skate class submarine USS Tiger fish SSN-579.

The black cigar shaped craft swam in the blue depths drawing in seawater to into itself to cool its nuclear heart by using a heat exchanger. Seawater is the crafts need to swim thru the ocean. Ballast tanks held the oceans water to maintain depth and trim, plus the ocean is the source of fresh water to the eighty four human men living in its steel body.

Commander Iverson stood in the control room looking at the watch standers doing their duties of controlling the complex nuclear powered vessel. He looked at the two helmsmen controlling the rudder and dive planes using control wheels that looked like aircraft control yokes. The human sighed knowing that it will be another four weeks before they will be pulling in to San Diego as he removed a replica antique pocket watch to check the time. Iverson had a watchmaker engrave the ships patch design on the inside cover after he purchased the watch. ( A captain of a Navy ship I served on did the same thing. RAVEN FOX)

"Con, sonar, we're picking up unusual sounds from the surface. Sounds like a severe storm on the surface." Said a voice from the sonar shack.

Iverson walked the five feet going thru a curtain to a small room with a sonar tech sitting at a piece of equipment. He put on a pair of headphones listening to the sound of a severe rain storm. "I sure hate to be a crewmember on a tin can going thru this." Said the human earning a chuckle from the sonar tech.

As he walked back to the control room, he felt the sub roll. Iverson noted that the helmsmen are keeping their controls stationary. "How in the heck are we pitching and rolling at a depth of 350 ft?" The human thought to himself feeling the sub roll again. "Helm, give me a depth reading." He ordered as the rolls became more persistent.

"Sir, my depth is 350 ft." Said the helmsman at the trim controls.

"Helm, make my course 180 and increase speed to twelve knots." Ordered Iverson feeling the sub rolls diminishing. He relaxed knowing what ever is making the sub roll must be an uncharted underwater current. The human will get a fix and enter it in the logs so that other subs will avoid this area. All of a sudden, the sub felt like it was falling from a great height. "Emergency Blow!" Iverson yelled.

A watch stander grabbed a couple of red handles on the bulkhead pulling them down. High pressure air went thru the pipes to the ballast tanks emptying them. The lights went out, a second later; the red emergency ones came on. But the sub still acted like it was falling from a great height. "Are we going to crush depth?" Someone whispered in the control room.

A few minutes later the falling sensation stopped. Looking around the control room, Iverson saw that the watch standers were checking the subs stasis. "Give me a damage report ASAP!" He ordered.

"Sir, we're on the surface bearing 180. The reactor has scrammed and the engineering personal are restarting it. Damage control is reporting that there is no damage to the hull. We should be underway in thirty minutes." Replied the officer of the deck.

Iverson nodded wondering how he is going to report this to SECNAV.

Hours later, USS Tiger fish, CO's stateroom.

Iverson is filling out reports when there's a knock at his stateroom. Answering the door, he saw his XO Lt. Commander Smart in the doorway. "Sir, we can't raise command and we haven't gotten an ELF signal since that weird storm. I am having the radiomen check out the transmitters, but we're not getting any radio traffic at all. Even if the Russians did anything, we should be getting some flash traffic from the surface skimmers."

The sub captain remained silent for a moment thinking. "If we don't get coms up in twenty four hours, we'll start heading back to base. I am responsible for this sub and every man on board her. Pacific command is not going to bust me because the radio is busted on this sub." He grins. "Maybe while going back to base, we might spot one of our destroyers and get a message to command."

Days later, twenty miles from the California coast.

"Con, sonar, I am picking up a rotary wing air contact 1000 yards starboard." Said the sonar watch.

"Up periscope." Ordered Iverson, walking up to periscope looking thru the viewer. The sub commander is wondering why haven't they picked up a U.S. Navy ship or sub. "That's odd, since when did the Coast Guard started painting the Sikorsky H-19 light blue?" He said to the officer of the deck and stiffens. "That H-19 is now circling us."

Cockpit of helicopter.

The male fox looked at the ocean surface seeing a light green pipe with black spots sticking out of the surface. The vulpine watched it for a moment and ordered his co-pilot, a fennec. "Radio the Ansterdam; we have an unknown sub twenty miles off the coast. Give them bearing and location."

"Unicorn, this is Slick two. We have an unknown submarine twenty miles off the coast bearing 089." Replied the fennec to the radio.

USS Tiger fish, minutes later.

"Con, sonar, we have high speed screws heading to us from port. Turns thirty knots, we have a destroyer heading to us!" Replied the sonar man with his voice rising at the last sentence.

"At ease sonar, those tin can boys love to have their fun." Answered Iverson looking at the sonar shack.

PING The sub resonated as the sonar waves lash the sub. Iverson stewed thinking that a US Navy destroyer is conducting unauthorized anti-submarine game using his sub as target issued an order he would later regret. "Surface near that surface skimmer."

Bridge of the Ansterdam.

The male tiger pressed the transmit button to sonar. "Sonar, bridge, give me another ping. I think he's heading towards us." He heard the distinct ping emanate from his ship.

Seconds later, a large black ship surfaced one hundred yards from the port side of the destroyer.

USS Tiger fish.

Iverson climbed to the top of the sail to give the destroyer captain a piece of his mind when the words couldn't leave his mouth. The destroyer has the lines of an old Fletcher class with the last one being decommissioned earlier this year. He noticed that the destroyer is a darker gray than the shade the US Navy uses. One thing that is leaving him speechless is the different anthropomorphic beings aiming what looked like M-1 Grand rifles at him and the destroyer 5, 5 inch guns aiming at the sub.

Lt. Commander Smart stood by him. "Skipper, what's the matter?"

"I know why we lost communications to command. We're not in Kansas anymore." Replied Iverson raising his arms in the air. He is trying to remember when the last time a US Navy ship was captured.

An hour later, TSS Ansterdam DD-765

Iverson looked as his sub is being towed by the destroyer he is now on. He watched as his sub rolled once in a while. Right now there are twenty of the anthropomorphic beings on the sub keeping an eye on the skeleton crew. The human did give the male tiger who is the captain of the destroyer a tour of his sub. During the tour, he had to discourage the anthros from touring the reactor plant. Because during normal ship operations, no one can't enter the space due the individual will die from exposure. (I heard a couple of submariners talking a bout this, I don't know if it is true. RAVEN FOX)

"Commander, do you want a tour of my ship?" Asked Captain Serret, the destroyer C.O...

Iverson nodded following the feline noticing that the uniform is the same as the humans. The human followed the feline on the starboard side looking at the destroyer thinking. "I've been on this class of ship; this is just like a Fletcher class right down to the details." He thought to himself and looked at a bulkhead and his blood went ice cold as he read a brass plaque: USS PERCIVAL DD 452 BUILT BY BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION

. "The Percival vanished after it left Pearl Harbor back in 1943 while going to the states for a overhaul." Iverson thought to himself staring at the plaque.

Serret saw the human looking at the plaque and walked up to him. "Found this ship steaming to this coast over twenty years ago. You humans aren't unknown to us; the crew of this ship is living with us. Took us two years to reverse engineer this ship, we have twenty of these destroyers."

The human nodded and followed the tiger down a level. He smelled hot linoleum and the distinct smell of hot canine as he went near the engineering space. Iverson went thru a door hearing a loud whine with hot dry air blowing on his face with the smell of hot canine

The male tiger walked down a ladder to the throttle station looking at two male cougars, a male fox and a vixen, all the anthros didn't have one article of clothing on. "How are things going?" Asked the feline.

The male fox shrugged. "Everything is running fine sir, is it true that we're pulling a ship that runs underwater that doesn't require fuel. Sure like to check out that that engine space."

"No you don't, that ship has radiation in it. It will make your pelt fall off and grow extra body parts." Said the vixen who not wearing anything at all. She is totally naked and Iverson can see everything. The vulpine looked at the human with very light blue cat like eyes. "I see that we picked up more humans, do the females on this ship get a chance ask any of them out on a date?" The vixen asked, but she was looking at Iverson and licked her nose pad.

"You allow females to serve on warships?" Asked Iverson keeping his gaze at the vixen.

The feline shrugged. "We had females serving on our ships for the last forty years."

Iverson sighed and followed the tiger out of the engineering space. He didn't see the vixen watching his every move.

Part three Alans' escape.

A city at California, but not of the Earth as we know it. Five years since the events of part one.

Burns looked at his forty something Caucasian features in the mirror running a hand thru his thinning blonde hair. The South African was going to inherit a business from his father, but Apartheid was lifted and a new government was elected in power denying him of his inheritance. He blamed the Western governments of that along with the Americans. "Now the Americans from our flight are being servants to the rest of the passengers. Some that have skills are helping to advance these anthros." Burns thought to himself as a female human walked in the room.

At the same moment, the naval yard.

The elderly human male stood at the end of the dock staring at the black submarine with a few anthros standing watch on the sub. A male strong voice with a growl replied. "You got to quit sneaking here old friend. We're taking good care of your sub Iverson. I admit, I love the name." Said Serret looking at the ship. "At least your ship still gets to go out at sea and swims. The one I use to command can't go out in the sea anymore."

"I know, I was there when the concrete was poured around it. The Japanese did the same thing to their first battleship the Mikasa. Well, at least she wasn't cut up for scrap and you can still board her. I can't set one foot on mine or I'll get arrested and sent to prison." Iverson said still looking at his ship.

"Well you did escape from a base." The feline started to say.

"But those guys from that 707 had the mountain wolves hunt my crew. I might be on another Earth, but I am responsible for those men. Captains don't stand there and watch the men they're responsible for get hunted by wolves. I am glad that they are living very far from here." Iverson said looking at the feline.

"How are things going with you old friend?" Asked the feline. "Plus, how is Kate doing? I really miss that vixen; she was the best steam turbine mechanic I knew. It's been a few years since you sneaked down here, been missing our talks together."

"She's still doing fine; Raven has made me a great-grandfather again. Two years ago, Maya has given birth to a male Maned wolf. He looks like his mother." The older human said with a grin.

The old male tiger grinned looking at the sub moored at the pier. His race managed to reverse engineer the sub and put it in production, but Serret still tells Iverson, they're still studying it. But it took almost ten years to construct a prototype due to the complexity of the sub mechanics. Serret watch every one of the launches of the twenty five made. One thing that makes the tiger happy along with the other tigers in the navy is that the higher ups kept the name the humans gave this one sub. "But I think it was fleet admiral Freeman who happens to be a fellow tiger persuading every one to keep that neat name." He thought to himself and resumed talking to his old human friend.

A few days later, Ravens' place of employment.

Raven wiped his brow and looked at the 1948 CJ2A Willey's Jeep. The human spent the last four months restoring the sixty nine year old vehicle. He overhauled the engine and drive train, plus installing new springs and wiring harness. Personal in the town he and his friends are now living in have gave him the materials to restore this Jeep.

Raven chuckled to himself because he did the same job for a friend of his in Lyman Wyoming back in the summer of 2012. So the older human had experience in doing this type of work. But this Jeep was in worse shape than the other one he worked on. This example was found in a barge that washed up on the beach with other vehicles along with a few aircraft in 1960. "So that is how they were flying the H-19, UH-1 Hueys and F-4 Phantoms. These anthro beings copied American vehicles till we flew in on a aircraft made in France." He thought to himself admiring the Candy apple red paint job. Raven decided to paint the Jeep its original red color instead of yellow his friend did. He eased in the drivers' seat turning the key to the right watching the amp gauge twitched. The human placed his right foot on the round metal switch near the gas pedal.

"Dad, dad, can I come with you?!" Yelled a young male anthro Maned wolf jumping in to the passenger seat. The young canine looked at him with eyes the same color as him grinning.

The older human male laughed ruffling the youngsters' ears. "Sure Bill, just stay still. Your mom will get upset if you get hurt." He said pushing the metal pedal hearing the starter whir. A second later, there's a pop and the newly rebuilt engine caught and started the electric motor whir as the engine settled. Raven revved the engine a few times and listened to the engine. The older male opened the hood and did a few carb adjustments. "Son, push on the gas a little and hold it." He said and adjusted the carb again and shut the hood getting back in the seat. Raven looked at his son grinning. "Jets go and have fun son." The human said putting the Jeep in reverse.

"Can we go visit Thomas and Ernst?" Asked Bill as the Jeep backed out of the shop.

Raven nodded as he put the Jeep in first gear. The human turned the steering noting that this isn't his 1984 GMC truck with power steering and automatic transmission. "Oh how I miss my Chevy truck son." He said to the young Maned wolf sitting next to him, wondering the fate of that truck.

"This truck seems neat." Said the young canine.

"The problem here is that a General Motors product hasn't showed up here yet. Vehicles here are copies of a shipment of vehicles that were in a barge. Since the vehicles are military, I think the U. S. government was sending that barge to either Hawaii or Japan. I think the F-4s were going to an Air force base along with the Helicopters with the other road vehicles. I think a officer ordered this Jeep for personal use because this Jeep is the civilian version. The military version is painted green with different headlights and steering wheel." Raven said to his son.

Bill wasn't listening; the young canine was watching the scenery go by enjoying the ride.

A house at the California coast the same time.

Alan finished cleaning the house of the female human he loathed. The eighteen year old human with light brown hair and hazel color eyes gnashed his teeth thinking of the female he's a servant to. He visited an aunt in Australia and was a unoccupied minor on the flight. Burns was another human he loathed; he literally manipulated the anthros in letting him to take charge of the passengers. The first thing he did was making the first class passengers take the coach passengers as servants. Alan put away the last of the cleaning stuff thinking of the anorexic woman he's a servant to. She's inhuman ally skinny weighing less than a hundred pounds. The young human shuddered thinking of the time he saw her in a bikini almost throwing up of the memory.

Rhoona is a brunette hair female with green eyes is the meanest woman he ever meet. She keeps him from befriending other human females and the locals. Alan mainly likes the wolves because a friend and loyal servant named Ken has showed him some nude pictures of female wolves. He felt an erection of the memory of a dark brown head hair female gray wolf lying on a car the locals build.

"Alan, come here boy. I need you to help me carry this stuff in." Called Rhoona from the doorway.

The young human felt his dick go limp as he went to the door of the house he and the walking skeleton lived in. Alan felt bile rise in his throat at the site of her. Her hair is thin from her not hardly eating and he can see most of her bones sticking thru the skin. "I am taking my chances with the mountain wolves tonight." He thought to himself as he carried the stuff Rhoona bought for herself today while he spent the day cleaning the house.

She put a very thin hand on his shoulder squeezing it. "I think I better cut your ration because you're getting some flab on you. We'll just have a few items for dinner tonight." Rhoona said to the young human.

Alan felt anger in his gut as he packed the items in her room. His nose hated the smell of her room. It smelled of different perfumes giving the room a sick sweet smell. The young human was forced to watch her change clothes giving him a view of her sickly thin body. He had to keep from throwing up being glad it was hours since he had lunch leaving his stomach empty.

The human female being nude looked at him with a smile. "Well, I hope you won't reject me like that older fat human male did five years ago. After you lose some weight, I just might let you have sex with me." She said running her hands on her very small breasts.

He held his tongue and kept the bile from exiting his stomach. The young human male heard of Raven and knew that the American wasn't fat, but had a stocky build. Alan knew that a male of that build usually have very strong upper body strength. He knew Raven can break this repulsive female like a pencil with out breaking out in sweat. The young human looked at her doing a fake grin gazing and naming the bones he can see. "Well, I got six months till I am legal. I am seventeen mistress and do I see the beginning of a double chin?" Alan lied saw her face go red and she ran at him to deliver a slap.

The young human ran out of the house and turned down the street. He looked back seeing the half naked female running after him. Rhoona only ran for a few houses and stopped running because she wasn't in good shape due to being inhuman ally skinny. "I almost feel sorry for her...not." Alan said as he continued to run down the street bumping in to a male fox.

Addar grabbed the young human in a iron grip. "Where are you going human?"

"I am getting the fuck out of here! Going to take my chances in the mountains with the wolves. Rather be wolf food than spend one more minute with that gross human female, let me go fox!" Alan yelled at the vulpine.

The fox looked at the young human male. He remembered Burns giving this kit to the skinny human female. Addar felt sorry for the human and knew that this human male now hates human females due to the way he's been treated by the skinny one. "Ok, take the road that heads east for five miles till you see a large burned tree with bits of white bark. Climb over the middle and you'll see a worn area in the bushes. Crawl thru that for a hundred yards and follow the trail. It will take you three days to get there, but the wolves will spot you before you enter their town. Tell them Addar sent you and you're requesting asylum." The fox said to the young human giving the youngster a handful of coins. "The trade shop at the edge of town will sell the stuff you need, but mention me and they will sell the stuff you need."

Hour's later miles east of the town.

Alan shouldered his pack looking at the tree Addar mentioned. The young human crawled under the tree seeing the flatten area in the bushes. He crawled the hundred yards and started down the trail. "Three days of walking and I hope I am in a better place." Alan thought to himself as he hiked down the trail being quiet.

The same moment, the wolves' town.

Thomas watched as a red colored old Willey's pulled up to him and Uma with the brakes making a slight squeal. The young human watched as a young Maned wolf ran to his daughter, a female gray wolf with long blonde head hair and blue eyes. His daughter might look like an anthro female wolf with human features, but Uma told him that she has her anatomy regarding some private parts.

Uma grinned as her mates' best friend got out of the Jeep giving Thomas a hug. Raven has slimmed down in the last five years and grew his hair long tied in a pony tail. "Raven, are you ever going to have Maya cut you hair? I admit, I like the fur on your face." The feral wolf talked to her best friend. She did forgive him of the practical joke he played on her when she and a couple friends hunted the human males five years ago.

Raven grinned running a hand on his beard looking at the clean cut Thomas. He knew that his best friend keeps himself groomed at the request of Uma. Maya liked his scruffy appearance and his long hair. "So how's life treating you?" The older human asked Thomas and looked over to Uma noticing that she's starting to show her second pregnancy.

Thomas put an arm around his mates' shoulders watching Bill play with his three year old daughter. "I am fine; see that your project is done." He replied running a hand on the hood of the jeep admiring the shade of red. "Ernst is going to join us in a few; he wants to race you down creek road."

The older human was a bout to reply when a fox ran to the group. The male vulpine looked at the Jeep and at Uma. "Maam, a human male has just escaped from the coast city. One of the scouts just spotted him near the mountains. Our contact Addar sent a message that he's an eighteen year old named Alan. He was a servant of Rhoona." There's hiss from Raven.

"That poor kid, putting up with that thing for five years." Replied the older human.

"Is she that bad, oh, I seen her. Why would a human female do that to their body?" Asked Uma looking at Raven with her jade colored eyes.

"I don't know, I never cared for human females who did stuff to their bodies. Always liked drawings of anthropomorphic female canines and felines. Wish I could have brought my Wii when I went to convention with my star fox games. The other thing I miss from my world is pepperoni pizza." Raven replied looking at Uma.

"Raven, Rhoona has that anorexic condition, she needs help." Thomas pleaded to his friend who has that angry look he knew. Right now, with the beard and long hair, Raven looks like a Norse god.

"I said, I feel sorry for that kid. Years ago when I was in Junior High School I promised my sweet ol'mum that I won't strike a human female." Said Raven looking at Uma. "Hey what I did to you was a prank, plus females here count. That why I have Maya punish Sue our four year old daughter."

"Well I remembered that balloon from five years ago. I think Maya will get jealous if you mention that Krystal around her." Uma inquired.

"I also know you miss the Sly Cooper games and Miss Carmelita

Montoya Fox ." Thomas replied to Raven.

Raven watched his son play with Kate Thomas's daughter. "I am mated to Carmelita

Montoya Fox and loving every minute to it." He looks at Uma with a serious look. "If you can, have Alan brought here to me. He was the youngest American passenger on that flight."

Uma grinned. "It's Jaynes' turn to have fun; I know she's five years older than him. But she has this thing for younger guys; I'll send her to get him." She said to Raven who nodded.

A few days later, near the wolves town.

Alan looked at the clearing and saw a wisp of smoke near the mountain in the distance. He grinned grabbing a stick of dried meat chewing on it and resumed walking not knowing that he's being watched.

A set of amber colored eyes watched the young human male. The female anthro Dire wolf watched as the human male walked toward her. She decided to stay here at this country and town because of her cousin Raven, plus she liked him and the stories he told her. Jayne crouched and a few seconds later jumped on the human.

Alan is knocked on the ground by a large anthropomorphic canine. He looked at the large wolf head looking at him with amber colored eyes. The young human gulped because this female wolf is larger than the other female wolves he saw at the town he spent the last five years living at. "What kind of wolf are you? I admit, you're very hot." Alan replied to the medium gray and dark gray female wolf with long silver colored head hair.

Jayne brought her large head closer to the human looking at his young face. She grinned at him feeling something swelling near her sex. "I am what you humans call a Dire wolf and it seems you're happy to see me." The wolf replied to the human bringing her large muzzle an inch from his nose.

The human did a calculation knowing that the female stands seven feet tall compared to his five foot five. He looked at the dark gray muzzle very close from nose. Alan looked at her muscular athletic build doing a glance at her large breasts being contained by a leather vest. The human felt feelings he never felt before and does a glance at the brown bikini bottom feeling his penis starting to throb. He did something without thinking; he kissed the nose in front of him.

The Dire wolf was just going to bring the human to her cousin Raven, but she had other plans with the young human. So she decided to gamble to confirm her suspicions. "So, do you want to mate with me?" Jayne asked Alan loosing her vest releasing her large breasts.

Alan gulped and nodded when the wolf removed her vest giving him a view of her large medium gray colored breasts. He bit his lip as the wolf undid his jeans and her bikini bottom. The human watches as the large vagina lowered on to his erect penis. "Just to let you know, you're the first female to have sex with me." Alan replied admiring the wolfs flat stomach with the female version of a six pack.

Jayne hugged the human giving him a kiss and pressed his face to her breasts. "I am going to keep you, if Raven wants to talk to you; he'll just half to come visit me."

"MMMPPPTTTHHH!!!" Is the humans' response due to his head stuffed between the Dire wolfs large breasts.

A road near the wolves town, minutes later.

Raven stood near his Jeep looking at the scenery inhaling the fresh air that seems to have a sweet smell to it. He looked over to his mate and two kids. His son is talking to his older sister. Sue looked at him with her copper colored eyes. The human girl would be a human version of Maya with her eyes and long black hair. She smiled and waved at him and talked to her brother.

Maya grabbed the two kids and walked up to him. "Why are you doing this? You spent four months rebuilding this vehicle."

The older human chuckled and gazed at her giving thanks that he found true love in her. She treated him with kindness and he returned it to her loving the love making sessions they do almost every night never getting tired of it. "It's just a friendly race hon; Ernst just wants to see if that Land Rover Defender will beat my Jeep." He said seeing the local copy of the 1949 green colored British made off road vehicle coming toward him.

Ernst stopped the Land Rover and kissed Taila. He got out of the truck watching his human daughter get out of the back seeing the long brown hair. The human watched as she looked both ways and ran to Sue. "You ready Raven?" Ernst said looking at the crowd gathering.

Raven grinned putting on a leather helmet and getting back in the Jeep. He slipped on a pair of aviator goggles.

Lissare watched the from the crowd as the two antique vehicles pulled next to each other. He heard the strange electric motor sound from the red Jeep and the purring sound from the British Land Rover Defender painted green. The human knew that those three Americans were still alive for the last five years. Lissare didn't tell Burns because for a reason, he had a respect for young one. He sneered when Raven gave the female Maned wolf kiss on her muzzle and tied a scarf around his lower face. "Well, if I was in his situation, I rather live with her than those gals Burns tried to force on them. I got to keep a low profile till I spot that Alan and reclaim him."

Taila stood in front of the off road vehicles with a rag up in the air. She looked at both vehicles whipping the rag down. The wolf held her breath as the vehicles speed past her throwing dust in the air.

Raven held the steering wheel tight feeling the whole Jeep shimmy briefly as it accelerated as it went down the road. He grinned seeing that Ernst is right behind him in the rearview mirror with the Land Rover grill image almost taking up the whole mirror.

Ernst cussed to himself due to Raven getting a head start due to his split second hesitation. He thought of the beautiful wolfess he mated to. The human turned the steering wheel making the Land Rover navigate a curve.

Minutes later at a clearing.

Alan walked following the Dire wolf feeling great as he followed her. The young human felt excitement at the new life he's going to live with Jayne. He placed a hand on her backside feeling the softness.

Jayne chuckled feeling the hand stroke her backside. She saw a crowd at the road outside of town. "Dam, I am missing the race, come I want to see who wins. I have six silver pieces on my cousin." The wolf said and ran to the crowd.

The young human had to run full speed to keep up with the wolf. He stood near her watched as two vehicles approached a finish line. An Old Willey's Jeep and a very Old Land Rover were side by side making the race very close. Alan watched as the Land Rover won the race and heard the Dire wolf cuss.

"Alan, you're wanted back at the coastal town. Rhoona wants her servant back, now don't cause a scene." Said a male voice.

Alan turned seeing one of Burns henchmen glaring at him. "Oh, Mr. Caine, I am not going back to that bitch. Tell her to go fuck herself, I found a nicer female to live with. By the way, I suggest you leave or my mate will have a few words with you."

Mr. Caine slugged the young human knocking him on the ground. "You're going back to the coast and I don't care who your mate is. Rhoona is your mistress and you're hers." He grabbed the human, but he will regret messing with a female Dire wolfs' mate. The human felt a thick arm go around his rib cage and the other around his neck.

"You shouldn't have done that." Said a female voice.

"Raven, Ernst, there's a fight in the crowd!" Yelled a female wolf watching the scuffle.

The two humans got out of their vehicles and ran to the crowd. They saw a male human up in the air and an unconscious young human on the ground. Raven saw that the human in the air is one of Burns henchmen with a red face due to being choked. "Put him down Jayne!" He yelled at his cousin.

Caine felt his ribs break and couldn't breathe any air. He saw the two Americans looking at him as grayness formed around his sight. Darkness claimed him.

Raven covered the young human eyes as he regained conscious. He saw his Cousin Jayne glaring at the human she just threw on the ground. "I said, mess with a wolfs mate, the individual ends up in the ICU." A wolf said near him.

Raven carried Alan with Jayne following him keeping her eyes on the young human. He didn't blame Jayne for doing what she did, to him the prick deserved to get badly injured. The older human carried Alan to Ernst's' Land Rover Defender placing him in back. "He's been knocked out, got to keep an eye on him. Better keep an eye out for more of Burns' henchmen." The human said walking over to Caine. Raven pressed a foot on the injured humans' chest causing the Caine to yell out in pain. "Hurts don't it, if you make it to a hospital you might live still wasting the air on this planet. I was tempted to let her kill you, but I didn't want her to because I didn't want to make her a killer. So, here's what you're going to do. I am going to release you to deliver a message to Burns. Tell him that any escaping servants or I should say slaves who makes here can't be reclaimed." The human un holsters his 44 mag revolver pistol aiming at Caines' face pulling back the hammer. "If any one tries to take a formal servant, I'll do this." Raven pulls the trigger causing the bullet to impact a foot above the humans' head in the soft Earth. He turns to a couple of male wolves. "Get this piece of shit out of my sight and take him back to the coast. Be sure to make the ride uncomfortable."

Lissare remained hidden watching the incident as it unfold. He knew at the current moment getting Alan back will be suicide. The human did have self preservation feelings for himself and he didn't want to mess with a female Dire wolf. "Raven should of let her kill him, but he does protect his relatives. I give him credit for that, but personally, I would have let my relative kill a failure. Oh you American, you didn't save his life because Burns is going to kill him when he gets to his office." Lissare thought to himself and starts walking away. "I was hoping for Caine to succeed in his mission, but he failed. That Raven has no spine, a typical coward." He said out loud and the Vatican member is knocked on the ground by Uma.

"He has more guts and courage than all of you first class passengers put together. It took us almost three days to catch him and he was the last one caught. I should have chosen him, but I choose the young Viking instead. To bad you're going to be in very bad pain in a minute, I count Raven as a pack mate and we wolves defend our pack mates' honor. Nobody calls my pack mate a coward and walks away with unbroken bones." Said Uma as the wolfess draws back a fist.

Near Ravens' parked Jeep, a few minutes later.

Raven watched as the Land Rover drove away with his cousin and her new mate. He decided to stand near the Jeep for a few minutes till his anger subsided. "Dam, I just hate it when I loose my temper, now I got to clean my gun. Dam Burns, I hope he does something dumb and get himself killed by an accident. I am glad Maya and the kids are a mile away, but Maya will know that I discharged my gun. Can't hide the sound of that gun firing." The human thought to himself watching the crowd go their separate ways. Raven noticed Uma walking up to him and his mood brightens. "What are you doing here Uma?" He asked the feral wolfess, but Raven noticed some blood spatter on her hands.

The wolfess shrugged when she saw the human looking at her hands. Due to her ways, she can't lie, but living with a human in last five years taught her to stretch the truth. "Ran in to another of Burns henchmen. He tried to cause you some troubles, but I educated him. Lissare got the message and now he's walking back to the coast, he should get there with no serious problems. I didn't disable him, he can still walk."

Raven calmed himself because he hated Lissare as much as Burns. He smiled at his best friend. "Need a lift to the starting line?"

The feral wolfess grins getting in the passenger seat. "Sure, I always want to take a ride in one of these. Thomas should get himself a vehicle."

The older human with his anger long gone started his Jeep and drove down the road. He is glad that Uma showed up, for some reason, the company of a female wolf calms him down. "So, how bad was Lissares' accident?" Raven asked his best friend.

Uma chuckled watching the scenery go by. She does have feelings for the older human. The feral wolfess has a deep respect for Raven the way he protects his friends as a she wolf protects her cubs.

A few hundred yards away heading to the coast.

Lissare walked back to the coast in pain. The female wolf has beaten him severely dislocating his left arm and busted his left arm, plus his nose and left check bone. He is right now walking slowly.

He thought back to the sex abuse scandals regarding the church, like Burns, he blamed the American media for all the troubles in the world. The Vatican member like the South African loathe Americans, but he knew when to pick fights and when not to. Lissare knew not to try anything with the three Americans living with wolves because a few locals warned him what would happen if he tried anything with a wolfess mate and now he knows the consequences. Limping and in pain, the human walked back to the coast.

Part four, the illegal hunt. Burns office at the coastal city, a week later.

The two men stood at the front of the desk standing on thick plastic looking at the South African glaring at them. One looked alright, but closer examination would have revealed a thick bandage around the chest. Caine has a total of twelve broken ribs due to Jaynes' strength crushing them. The male fox healer told him that a Dire wolf has twice the strength of a regular wolf. Caine remembered the vulpine telling him when the wolfess closed her arm around his ribcage. It was like a hydraulic clamp squeezing him, if Raven had not of told her to stop, a second later his lungs and heart would have ruptured killing him. "Dire wolves are amazing; I have a few as patients. They're really nice, but you don't want to get them mad at you. You did a stupid thing of messing with a Dire wolfs mate, you're lucky that you're still alive or not in the ICU." The fox monologue as he wrapped the bandage around Caines' ribcage.

Burns scoffed and directed his gaze at the other man. Lissare has his left arm in a sling and the left side of his face is still swelled up with a bruise still on his cheek. Both of his eyes are still black from the busted nose. The South African sighed. "I sent two of my best men to retrieve a teenage human male and they can't hold their own against a couple of wolf bitches." He replied with his face turning red.

"I almost had him, but the wolf bitch was seven feet tall....BAM!!" Caine fell dead on the floor.

Burns held an AK-47 with white smoke curling out of the muzzle. "I didn't give you permission to speak." He looks over to Lissare. "Do you have anything to add, you can speak."

Lissare cleared his throat and told him what happen. He explained that he sent Caine to get the runaway servant while he stood in the crowd to act as back up in case he was needed. The human told how things went south when Alan started causing a scene making everyone in the crowd watch them. "Caine screwed up by talking to him, I would have just grabbed him using a knock out drug." Lissare replied relaxing as Burns put down the gun.

The South African nodded looking at the body on the floor with disgust. "Alright, time to set an example. We're going to hold our own hunt to remind the servants that there are consequences for running away. We have twenty one in the holding cell and we're going to release them." He watches Lissres' questioning look. "Then we're going to hold our own hunt." Burns grinned holding an AK-47 assault weapon.

Two days later, in the woods.

Ken shuddered as he hid in the brush watching male humans walk by him. The young human with tan hair and blue eyes crept to another vantage point. He saw a middle age human male run away to a thicket of trees. Ken saw Burns step in view with a short rifle with a banana clip squeezing the trigger.

Burns grinned wickedly watching the human drop dead. He let the rifle settled on his back walking up to the body. The South African unsheathed his machete and brought the weapon down.

The young human male watched in horror as Burns placed the head in a canvas sack and continued walking. Ken just stared and a little later regains his senses creeping away from the group of first class passengers. "I got to get pass them to get to the wolves town."

The next day later, road near the wolves' town.

Raven grinned as he drove down the road. In the passenger seat sat Alan watching the scenery pass by. The older human looked at the younger one who seem to be enjoying himself. Jayne told him what Alan went thru while being Rhoonas' servant. "I count what she did to him was slavery. There's no excuse for what they are doing to the coach passengers." Raven felt himself losing his temper thinking of what the Americans are going thru. "SSSSHHIIITTT!!!!" He yelled slamming on the brakes.

In front of the Jeep is an unconscious young human bleeding from a shoulder wound. He saw a male human running to the body holding a rifle. "That's my friend Ken; he was the servant of this hideous female with 20 piercings and a heavily tattooed chest. The guy with the rifle is another South African."

Raven turned the steering wheel and accelerating hitting the human. He jumped out of the Jeep quickly disarming the human. The human walked to the unconscious young human checking his vitals. Picking up, Raven carried Ken to the Jeep. He heard the sound of his Jeep accelerating and a crunching sound. Raven saw his Jeep backing over the body of the man with the rifle. Astonished, he saw Alan in the drivers' seat glaring at the body. "Why, why did you kill him?!" The older human yelled to the younger male placing Ken in the back.

Sneering, Alan answered. "He kept me from making friends with the locals and he whipped me and Ken when we were together."

Raven sighed getting in the drivers seat. He hated it when young people snapped and ended up becoming a killer. The older human just drove to town deciding that he will have a talk with Alan later after he dropped off Ken to a healer. The bullet wound was clean; it just passed thru the muscle not hitting any bone and blood vessels. Ken will recover, but he will be sore for a while.

That night, Ravens' home.

Raven looked at Thomas and Ernst looking at him. "The first class passengers are killing coach passengers by staging their own hunt. Ken told me these hours ago." He said to his friends remembering the young human telling the sickening story while driving him to the healer and the young human passing out again. The older human did gave Alan a lecture a bout what he did to the first class passenger. "I wanted a prisoner, but there will be another time, but don't kill anybody from now on." Raven said to Alan a while back.

Uma stood up snarling. "We don't kill people on the hunt; we didn't kill anybody since the first humans showed up decades ago. It's always tradition to ask capture or kill, but we have no reason to kill the hunted because for some reason, people just had gotten tired of the rules at the coast."

"We're going to put an end to this hunt and rescue any survivors." He looks at Alan with a look that made the young human cringe. "This time, we're taking prisoners and no killing." Raven said to the group fingering the holstered 44 mag at his hip.

Maya remained silent watching her mate. She knew that Raven loathe when people killed other people for no reason. The Maned wolf saw the anger on the human she's mated to and it frighten her. Maya was glad that she put the children to bed earlier because she didn't want them to see their father or Alpha in this bad mood.

Jayne put an arm around Alans' shoulders. She stood by when her cousin lectured her mate for running over the human. The Dire wolf did tell the young human that she wasn't upset for what he did. Jayne told him that don't worry about what her cousin told him because he looks out for his pack and he's the Alpha.

Alan nodded knowing that he took the lecture without any problems from his mates' cousin. He rather liked Raven and he doesn't seem to be the monster Burns and Lissare told him the last five years. The young human watched as the older human talked to his two friends.

The healers' home.

Ken opened his eyes seeing that he's in a plain room lying on a comfortable bed. He felt a thick bandage on his left shoulder and his left arm is tied to his chest. "Uh, were am I?" The young human asked out loud.

In a darken corner a female voice answered. "You're in my home Ken; I just got done repairing the wound in your shoulder. The bullet left a clean wound that required minor surgery, but you'll recover. I am just glad that you're awake, because I hate sleeping in the chair. So we'll just share the bed and get to know each other, my name Jaclyn."

Out of the darken corner, Ken saw an all black colored fennec vixen step out of the corner. He saw that she has violet colored catlike eyes as she climbed on to the bed giving him a view of her slim athletic body with medium breasts wrapped in a tube top. The human felt the furry body pressed against him and the fennec vixen giving him a kiss. "Just sleep for now, my friend Raven is going to help the other victims of the hunt." Jaclyn said to Ken. The fennec vixen has a crush on Raven, but he told her that he's monogynous. (Only having one wife or mate.)

The next morning, the woods.

Raven looked over to his friends Ernst and Thomas. The older human replied to his friends nods and looked at the four female wolves near by. There are two gray females with one who seem feral compared to the other who has more human like features. Of the other two female wolves, one is a Maned wolf and the other is a Dire wolf.

Maya walked up to her mate Raven who is watching a group of first class passengers in a valley. She curled the sides of her muzzle seeing the group first class passengers pushing a group of five other coach passengers to an older male human. The Maned wolf watched the older human male walk up to one unsheathing a machete decapitating the coach passenger. "Aren't you going to do anything?" Maya whispered to Raven.

"I am going to kill that fiend." Jayne said in a venomous whisper when she saw Lissare put the head in a bag.

"Then you'll be a murderous scum like Burns. This ends now, we're going to rescue those passengers." Raven said to his group, but he knew it will be hard to keep the female wolves from doing revenge on the first class passengers. He knew Maya and Taila will just badly injure. But Uma and Jayne are unknowns to him because they count him as an Alpha and the two female wolves are short tempered.

Burns campsite.

Burns walked up to the next escapee holding up the bloody machete aiming it at the back of the neck. Just as he was going to bring it down, there was a loud deep wolf howl. The older human saw a few of his followers go down. Burns brought up his machete again, but there was a loud boom and a sharp pain in his hand. He couldn't use his right hand and he saw that half of it was gone. The human went to pick up his machete again, but he's knocked on the ground and a boot stomped down on his ruined hand.

Raven saw Burns looking at him with hate. "Well, what are you going to do with me?" Burns said to him.

Burns knew who had his hand pinned down on the ground. Raven has changed in the last five years. The American is skinnier, has long hair with a full beard and moustache, with his skin being a medium tan due to his Native American ancestry. To the older human, Raven looked like a Viking, but he's just another American who is scum in his book. "So, are you going to kill me? Just like your military, kill unarmed people for no reason. AARRGGGEEETTHHH!!!!" He screamed as the boot twists on his ruined hand.

"Kill unarmed civilians; I am seeing you and your group of thugs killing unarmed civilian's right know. I am ex-military and I don't like it when a thug kills unarmed American civilians. So since I just saw you kill an American citizen, I am going to return the favor." Raven grabs the machete and stabs it in the ground, plus putting his 44 mag in its holster. He removes his boot off Burns hand and gets in a fighting stance. "Come on you son of a whore, lets dance."

"Its bitch, not whore, didn't your dad teach you right!" Yelled Burns taking a swing at Raven.

The older human deflected the blow and kicked Burns in the side of the head. "You're a son of a whore; I am not using the term bitch because it's an insult to the female wolves here with me to compare your mother to one of these fine females."

Burns tackled Raven and the two human males wrestled each other on the ground. "You're nothing but a furry fag who rather have sex with animals than human females."

"The things you tried to set me up with, I don't count them as human females. Alan told me of his five years with that walking stick figure having him as a personal slave. I admired the kid for putting up with five years with that thing." Raven said slamming Burns against a tree.

"They are servants, not slaves. You Americans started the slave trade hundreds of years ago in my country." Burns replied pushing Raven on the ground.

"You're treating them like runaway slaves. No, your fine tribal folk sold my country, their P.O.W.s as slaves. That was a dark age for my country like the Indian wars in the late 1800's. It may have its faults, but I still love my country. You higher classes were the ones who wanted cheap labor and here you still want people to clean up and wipe your ass when done taking a shit." Raven said punching Burns so hard; the older human was knocked out.

Maya watch as her mate walked up to her grinning. The Maned wolf looked around seeing that the fights are winding down. She saw that four out of five passengers were saved.

Uma released a male passenger and talked to him for a second and walked away. She watched as the freed passenger grabbed Burns AK-47 and killed Burns and Lissare. The wolfess watched as Raven confiscated the weapon and did nothing to the passenger. Uma shrugged as Raven looked at her. "I didn't know he was going to do that." She said to the older human.

Raven nodded walking away from the clearing with the first class passengers under guard. He was thinking on how he is going to get the other Americans out of the coastal town and move them to the wolves' town in the mountains.

Epilogue, a few months later, the wolves' home town on a road.

Raven sat in the drivers' seat of his Jeep thinking. He got most of the remaining coach passengers out of the costal town with the surviving Americans. Some of the coach passengers stayed at the town because they did settled down with some of the locals. The older human watched as a familiar male fox walked up to him. "Hello Addar, how are things going at town?"

The fox shrugged. "Things have settled down, some of those first class passengers are upset of their help being taken away. Some of the females want their mates back, you're keeping them here."

"Some people want their freedom and I gave it back to them. As for the ones were keeping, they were responsible for the deaths of fourteen unarm civilians." Raven said feeling his anger rising. He remembered finding the Burns bag of heads and the headless bodies. The older human with Uma gave the deceased proper burials.

"A certain female human wants the location of Burns final resting place and another wants Lissare final resting place." Inquired Addar looking at the human.

Raven pointed at a hill where he left Burns after the passenger killed him. He didn't do anything to the passenger, plus he didn't mind adding the AK-47 to his collection of guns. The older human always wanted one; he thoroughly cleaned the weapon to purify it of Burns stench. "Their remains should be in a clearing where I left them."

"Did you bury them or left them out in the open?" Asked Addar with shock.

"Even scavengers need to eat." Raven answered coldly.

Addar shuddered knowing that this American is no one to cross. The fox asked his next question with caution. "A human female is asking a bout an eighteen year old human male named Ken. She's wondering if he's coming back to her."

"Not going to happen, he wants to stay here with his mate. Our healer fell in love with him and she's carrying his child or kit. Ken is turned off of human females due to the way she treated him. As for the first class passengers we have, we will put them in your custody, but with a catch. They need to be tried for fourteen counts of assisted homicide and if any of them show their faces here. We will tried them and execute them. One thing Addar, we will be watching of how you're treating the coach passengers. If they're being treated as the way Burns have been treating them, I have my way of knowing and I'll take them far away from here. My great uncle wouldn't mind some people who knows high technology living at the country he's living at now." Raven replied to the fox.

Addar nodded knowing what the human meant. His race is still studying the Airbus A380 with the help of some of the coach passengers. If Raven took them away, his race won't be able to finish studying the wondrous aircraft. "I'll bring the authorities to collect them. We shall talk again Raven."

Raven nodded watching the fox walk away. He relaxed knowing that in a short while he will be home with his mate. One thing is still keeps popping in the back in his mind of how a male human mated with a fox vixen have a Maned wolf as a granddaughter. "I better ask and find out." The human thought to himself starting his Jeep.

THE END of part two. (I will return to this series later RAVEN FOX :))

Sneak peak of chapter 10 of The Voyage

Three years since the events of chapter nine. Our Earth, not the one ruled by Great Britain. A military prison bus going down the highway.

Russell looked out of the barred window watching the landscape go by. The twenty one human male with brown hair with green eyes is sentenced to three years in Leavenworth military prison with a bad conduct discharge for assaulting his superior. He was beating a Black Water personal because the mercenary wanted his weapon. "A Marine doesn't give up his weapon and I don't recognize his rank." Russell thought to himself looking at the five other inmates on the bus.

The bus suddenly flipped on its side sliding to a stop. He heard weapons fire and a few humans wearing military fatigues went in the bus from the busted windshield firing at the guards. Russell saw one looked at him holding a sleek gun aiming at him, a white flash, and darkness.

Unknown place later.

Russell woke up with a head ache looking at his surroundings. The first thing that caught his eye is a human male staring at him wearing a combat uniform of the Royal Marines. "Uh, where am I?" He asked the guard.

In a British accent, The Guard answered. "You're on her majesty's destroyer HMS Guerriere colonial. I can't believe that England allowed her colonies form a country and allowed for her Empire to collapse. What has happen to Great Britain on this world, but we're on our way to a planet that wants to be part of our Empire."

The human was about to laugh, but he saw a framed picture of a middle age woman with auburn hair wearing the British crown jewels. His sharp eyesight read the writing under the picture: Queen Mary the third, ruler of the British Empire of Earth 1999-?. A voice emanated from an overhead speaker. "All hands get ready for jump." The guard leaned against the bulkhead and reality twisted.

Later in the chapter.

Russell followed Janice thru the aircraft graveyard looking at the different airplanes getting scrapped. He is still getting use of the female anthropomorphic tiger that befriended him. A drawing on a piece of wreckage gotten the humans' attention. A picture of a reddish brown anthropomorphic fox vixen with long red head hair wearing a blue bikini.

"That's what's left of Williams' fighter. He was a human from a planet called Earth. I tried to be his mate, but he was mated to that vixen. Her name was Joan and I think she reclaimed him because there was no sign of him near the wreckage. I hope he's ok, I really liked him." Said the feline looking at the sky.

Russell looked at the sky, right now he's stuck on this planet with no means of getting home. The British who brought him here decided that they're not going back to his Earth till they built more space craft. He found out that they only have six of those ships and they have less than one year of exploring deep space. "But, I am a escaped prisoner and I think I'll settle down with this feline." Russell thought to himself looking at Janices' whitish green colored eyes giving her a hug feeling her large firm breasts pressing on him.

A room on HMS Explorer.

William opened his eyes looking around the room he's in. The twenty one year old human took in his surroundings recognizing a room on a type of ship he use to be on. But the walls are painted a light blue instead of the Ivory color on Rikus' ship. "The British have captured me." He thought to himself as the door opened and a female gray colored wolf with long brown head hair walked in grinning at him.

"Long time no see William, I think the last time I saw you was in the shuttle bay of Rikus' ship. I am glad that the Empire went to this shade of blue because I didn't like that shade of Ivory. Sorry for capturing you, but I missed you and I wanted to prove that I am not gay." Said Trish walking up to him giving him a kiss.

The young human sighed as the female wolf got in the bed and cuddled up to him. "Let me guess, this is your stateroom?"

"You are very observant for a human. Let's say, that my employers are recruiting and we want some information about a planet, the one Joan is from." Said the wolfess hugging him.

William shivered, he's not a traitor, but he wants to see Joan and Naomi again. Even thou he had bad experiences on that planet, he didn't want anything happening to it because of Joan. The human felt conflicting emotions as the female wolf pressed her body to him.

Got to wait till I am done with the rest RAVEN FOX