Fire, Life, & Paradox (rev.)--Scesmoon

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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This one was done to elaborate on some of the mythos created by Scesmoon from FA with his own character and some others (including a brand-new one created specifically for this story). This happens to be a version with a revised ending; the original, while quite capable, lacked the punch that this one has. Tell me what you think when you finish, if you please.

  • * * The unicorn-and-nightmare hybridized beast was in trouble, he knew that. It wasn't enough that he'd been dead and wandering the planes of the world as a disembodied spirit for what seemed like an eternity, nor was it enough that he'd been turned against the one person in the world who treated him with true respect, nor even that he'd somehow come back alive not long ago. Scarcely a week had passed before he'd run into Tarkhaan, his bitterest rival from even before his days with his paradoxical mentor and lover. The beast was, phenotypically, a cross between a dingo and a jackal--ugly, with a temper to match, but with a brute strength honed by genes tempered by years of survival in the wild. And now, Sefyrayne had the misfortune to run into the idiot in--of all places--an out-of-the-way spaceport. It was located on an artificial satellite of the planet J'ilrahn, which was itself created originally by a race of technologically-advanced but otherwise-loony creatures known as the Sems. The Sems worshipped a nonexistent deity that they believed lived in fire, and they harvested the rare flammable gases of J'ilrahn's atmosphere in order to keep eternal pyres of dazzling intricacy alive at numerous locations on the satellite. It came much to their surprise when a disoriented, naked, recently-ghostly Sefyrayne suddenly coalesced into a corporeal form out of one of their pyres. They believed he was, thus, an avatar of their deity, come to reward them for their faithful worship. In truth, many of the female Sems openly pledged their devotion of both heart and body to the massive, handsome beast, and a few of the males did, too, in secret, but Sefyrayne was still getting used to the whole back-in-a-body thing at the with strange alien races was one of the last things on his mind, and he had to politely turn down their offers. He did his best to refuse worship, but they took it as humble nobility and thus decided that they could serve him best by taking care of his needs. Thus, for his first several days on the satellite, he found himself lavished upon hand and foot by the Sems. He was generally a rather adolescent personality, but he found it hard to refuse outright their adoration--at least for the first several days. Still, he wanted to get back--back to somewhere safe, somewhere like a home, and ideally, somewhere with his old mentor. He was looking for a way to secure a ride to a nearby major planet when Tarkhaan happened to recognize him while wandering at the spaceport. It was no mean feat, considering that Sefyrayne was decorated with a million strange accessories and clad in garments fit for a king--he could scarcely recognize himself in the mirror, come to think of it. Still, Tarkhaan's sense of timing tended to be one that was as obnoxious as possible--and for this occasion, he didn't fail to meet that expectation. "Well, well, looks like you didn't die after all, you overgrown lug of an equine." The canine, who was himself comparable in size to the massive unimare, made sure to use his most irritating and brash voice to address Sefyrayne from far enough away that other people would have to notice. Sef grated his incisors. "Yeah? Well, no one bothered to tell me that, so I guess you must be hanging around with the kind of crowd that lies to you. Not that that surprises me--you never could get any of the good people." Tarkhaan showed his fangs. "Watch your mouth, cud-chewer. Maybe you've taken up with the loons who live here, but I can tell you're not packing anything besides that stupid magic of yours. You'll never beat me--especially when I'm armed with some of the best technology several planets can offer." The jackal hybrid flashed open the inside of one half of his long trenchcoat, which was lined with an expensive-looking array of blasters, hand cannons, and even what appeared to be a vibronic axe. He had a point. Sefyrayne merely gave a small flick of his horn. "I'm not scared of you. I've beaten you many times in the past, and while I don't have any burning need to fight you again right now, I can still give out repeat performances." He silently hoped that the jackal had other things to do, because he knew he likely wasn't in good enough shape to beat the jackal this time around. In the past, Tarkhaan hadn't had the luxury of quite the arsenal that he now possessed, and Sef had also been in excellent physical condition. Things were a bit reversed now in that regard... His hopes were dashed momentarily. "Whatever, squirt. It's been a while, and there's nothing to do on this port while I'm waiting for the droids to load my craft with some tanks of J'ilrahn gases, so I'm going to have a rumble with you here now. And in fact, because I'm feeling generous..." He reached into the other half of the coat and withdrew something. Sef tensed as it was revealed to be a blaster, but Tarkhaan turned the thing around with a flip of his hand so that he was holding the muzzle. "Catch." He tossed the blaster in an easy arc, aimed just perfectly for Sefyrayne to only need to turn his right palm towards the sky to catch it. It was quite a nice model, with an energy ammunition supply that was optimized to carry enough shots that several of its bearers could die in an army battle and it would still be able to fire. "I figure that you probably didn't get any weaponry from the local weirdos, so I'm going to give you at least one gun to face me. Not that it'll help much, but I might feel bad later if I beat you up and you didn't have any equipment on hand--biological or otherwise." That last comment was rather insulting to Sefyrayne; his massive sheath's outline was easily visible even in the loose, flowing robe the Sems had insisted he wear as part of his status as the avatar of the flame deity. "I take back what I said: I have a burning need to fight you now. But you'd better not charge insurance for it later, because, as they say, "acts of god" aren't covered." He didn't care that Tarkhaan wouldn't likely know about the Sems' opinion of the nightmare hybrid; the jab was a double entendre that also referenced the one Sefyrayne would always follow, and whom the hyena did know. Tarkhaan dropped his posture into a more battle-friendly pose. "You got it." With speed that was notably quicker than Sef had historically attributed to the jackal, Tark whipped out a second blaster of a model that was known to run out of energy rather quickly, but possessed a prodigious rate of fire and whose shots tended to detonate on contact rather than simply vaporize or sear. It was a near miss as Sef dropped to the ground and rolled, trinkets tinkling as he crushed or bent many of them out of conformation with his moving weight. Bits of the concrete-like material that made up the simple spaceport's terrain cascaded down on him from the impacts of the missed shots. In a flash the hybrid was back on his feet; the hyena was strafing around him and began to fire more shots as soon as Sef was up. The unimare leaped out of the way, returning fire with the blaster Tarkhaan had given him, forcing the jackal to stop shooting for a bit as he dodged. Knowing that he had the ammo advantage, Sef contained to fire at the jackal, and for a bit seemed to gain the upper hand by keeping the jackal on his toes. It didn't last long, however; the jackal was very nimble, and in between shots he managed to reholster his own blaster and draw out one of the hand cannons instead. Compared to the narrow bolts of blasters, the device was incredibly hard to completely miss with--particularly at the range in which the two were facing off. Sef's eyes widened as he suddenly recognized the thing; the momentary hesitation was more than enough for Tarkhaan to get off a shot from the powerful armament. Sefyrayne had to take a flying leap to avoid taking a large degree of the brunt of the explosion from the condensed munition of the cannon; the detonation was still enough to throw him several feet further than he'd intended to go. The landing was not comfortable; even in top form the added impact would have been unpleasant, but in his current state he botched it a bit, causing lashes of pain in his shoulders and wrists. He winced as he again rolled to his feet. His saving grace was the slow reloading time of the cannon; to make it small, the muzzle could only accommodate one shot at a time, but to get the desired power, the munition had to be physical rather than energy-based (because no energy source that was stable enough to carry around but small enough to use by hand could supply that kind of explosive need). He began to conjure fire around his empty palm, drawing upon his magical strength so that he would have more methods with which to defend himself. A small crowd of Sems and offworld pilots was beginning to congregate further away, where most of the pilots docked; it was standard protocol for pilots at smaller spaceports to dock at the areas closest to the exit paths of spaceports so that there would be less cross-traffic between civilians and ship engine exhaust waves. Apparently they considered the risk of being blown off of their feet by exiting craft less of an immediate risk than the explosive battle going on between the two massive hybrids. The Sems were interested to see how the avatar of their benevolent deity would fare against this ugly-looking creature (who must have, by their reasoning, been an avatar of one of the evil deities of darkness by extension); their minor doubts about his deified status were beginning to reemerge in light of his lack of having called down divine immolation upon the jackal. They remained reverently silent, but the pilots were chatting amongst themselves, and a few were even betting small sums on the outcomes. Sef's aim was quite good from his training in the military in the past, and so he took a risk and shot the next round from Tarkhaan's cannon in mid-air. The energy feedback from the blaster bolt caused the resulting explosion to be particularly fierce, and both of them were knocked backwards from the blow. Sef was fairly certain when he fired that such an outcome would be the result, and so he was prepared, catching himself as best he could considering his state and getting back up as quickly as he could muster. Tarkhaan, on the other hand, had not been expecting such a risky move, and was surprised by the detonation; he tarried a few moments in getting back up, in part due to his uncoordinated recovery, and Sefyrayne seized the opportunity, hurling several fireballs at the unsuspecting jackal. Tarkhaan yelped as one exploded in a whoosh in front of him (the projectiles, being scarcely material, had notoriously poor aerodynamics), but drew his coat over his torso and neck as he attempted to dodge the next two. One clipped the edge of his coat, but the garment had apparently been coated with some kind of powerful fire retardant; the flame from the projectile scarcely lingered on its surface for a fraction of a second. Sef noted this fact--clearly, the jackal had been anticipating this battle. Apparently, however, the jackal hadn't been anticipating it entirely. He prepared to fire the hand cannon again--Sef tensed, ready to leap aside yet again, even though he was long ago tired of having to do so--but the firearm merely clicked. Hand cannon ammo tended to be a bit expensive, as well as rather dense, and it seemed the jackal had only brought 2 rounds on his person. Sef whipped his blaster up and fired several rounds at the jackal, but the ugly beast merely did a sideways flip, dodging them remarkably easily. He reached into a pocket of his coat as he did so, brandishing a tiny object towards Sefyrayne in an instant. Sef had no time to try to identify the item--heavens alone knew if it was some kind of advanced laser weapon the likes of which hadn't been seen since he'd died--and he attempted to fire shots at the jackal to stop him from using whatever it was, as he strafed to one side in case the object were going to fire something. His trigger refused to budge. The blaster apparently had locked him out. It dawned on him that the device was a simple safety remote; Tarkhaan had shut down his blaster from all the way across the area with radio waves--light-speed interference with the weapon, and something he never could have dodged anyway. The device was standard-issue for military personnel to help prevent their weapons from being stolen and used against them; the idea proved so useful that many devices had been equipped with the option since. The jackal grinned devilishly. "Well, I hadn't counted on running out of cannon rounds. But I'm getting tired of all of this laser warfare--I want to see you bleed!" He returned the remote to his pocket and unstrapped the vibronic axe from the inside of his coat, dashing at the unimare the moment it was in hand as it powered up its energized edge. While Sefy's hide was quite tough--an ordinary axe would likely have ever only nicked his skin--the energy of this weapon was designed to enable the user to cleave through all manner of stuff, and it didn't matter if it was a recently-dead unicorn/nightmare, or a steel wall...this axe would get through it eventually, and sooner rather than later. In his state, he knew he wasn't likely to be able to do much to evade the thing, and he had no combat weapons on hand--let alone ones that would have been able to stand up to such a melee weapon. Normally, he'd go to town with the vibronic halberd he usually carried in his previous existence; however, dying and roaming the universe as a nonphysical entity made that rather impossible (you can't take it with you, after all), and the Sems were a generally nonviolent race who utilized nonlethal force whenever possible, so there weren't any on hand. So he instead tried something different. If the coat was going to protect the jackal from casual fire assaults, and a weapon made purely of fire would never be good for parrying a vibronic battleaxe, he would craft a weapon that would help get around the jackal's capable defense--to wit, he spun in a matter of moments a whip made of fire, hurling the blaster at the jackal's face with the other hand. Whips, after all, were the first weapon developed to break the sound barrier--if anything, the jackal would have difficulty dodging it, even though it would do little against the jackal's axe. Tarkhaan's charge was interrupted by the firearm, which he awkwardly sliced in half, having no time to dodge it outright. "That was one of my best blasters! You'll pay for that in blood!" He lunged again for the unimare, but Sef was too quick on his feet for such a blatant attack; he sidestepped and backed up a few paces in a smooth motion, lashing for the jackal's arm. Tarkhaan yelped in surprise as the whip hissed around his arm. It was made entirely of fire and magic, and so it had very little mass by which to cause any harm. However, it still possessed some impact, and while it could not eat through the fire-retarding trenchcoat, its heat was no doubt palpable to the jackal, as it was white-hot due to its condensed energy. However, it was quite a smooth whip, and, combined with the fire-retarding, slippery material of the trenchcoat, it could not gain much purchase, and began to slide back off not long after it had initially wrapped around the jackal's arm. Sefyrayne, however, realized this not long after the first impact, and yanked it back for a second lash. The jackal was somewhat prepared this time, and he braced the ponderous axe with both hands as he held it in front of himself in defense against Sef's aim towards his neck. The whip wrapped harmlessly around the weapon, heating some of its surface to a dull glow but failing to do any real damage to the reinforced implement. The slipperiness of the whip, which had before been a detriment to its effectiveness, was now something that Sef was glad for; Tarkhaan tried to twist the whip with the axe in order to yank it from Sef's grasp, or at least tangle it up, but it refused to cling to the axe, and began to slide away again. Sef took another shot at the jackal--this time aiming for his feet. The canine was catching on, and he leapt into the air, cleaving in an upward stroke with the weapon. It cut off about a quarter of the whip with the shot, dissipating that distance into a wisp of smoke, but after Sef yanked the whip back to himself, the missing portion reformed. After landing from his leap, Tarkhaan was again in swinging distance from Sef. He sliced the air, barely missing Sefyrayne, and sending several beaded charms flying through the air, liberated from Sef's garb by the energized edge. Sef defensively swung upward with the whip as a reflex; it caught under the trenchcoat and seared onto the jackal's calf, provoking an angered yelp/growl from the creature, along with the smell of singed fur. Sef made to lash again, but the jackal was too quick--he huddled under his trenchcoat, guarding his face and head with the massive axe while peering through the various openings in its side. Sef attempted to hit what few exposed portions of the jackal hybrid were available, but was continuously rebuffed by the two defenses of the jackal. In his prime, Sefyrayne would likely have created a massive inferno to barbecue the jackal where he stood, but since reincorporating he had only been able to work weakly with magical fire. He figured this had something to do with having been dead for quite a while--not to mention that constituting a physical body out of flame likely took a lot of magical power--but whatever the reason, anything more detailed than this simple searing ribbon would take too much out of him. In a battle with this jackal, he needed to be sure he had all the mobility he could get. Suddenly, the jackal sprang upward, holding a device Sef recognized from his military days: the web-thrower. The device, which was engineered as a means of riot control, threw a large number of small pods in a radius from the user. These pods, which were packed to ensure maximum spread, would then rocket large amounts of a slightly-sticky netting into the air at their ballistic apex, dragging the web back down as they fell. The material was extremely elastic, and the more individuals under it struggled, the worse it typically got entangled. Worse yet, the material was virtually impervious to almost any assault that wouldn't vaporize most living organisms (although vibronic weaponry could cut it if enough force was applied); it could be easily dissolved into harmless putty by a simple, equally-harmless chemical spray, but until that chemical was applied, it was virtually indestructible. Clearly Tarkhaan had bought it from a black-market dealer; the device, due to its efficacy, was usually strictly regulated even in the military. Sefy leapt backward as quickly as he could, emitting the biggest blast of flame from his feet that he felt he could safely budget as a means of primitive rocket-like propulsion, to try to escape the imminent webbing. He nearly evaded the attack, but the net caught in his feet, entangling them as he awkwardly landed. The remainder of the net was already affixing itself to the ground; he had no means by which to disentangle his feet from it, and they weren't going to be going anywhere now. Tarkhaan cackled with his demon-field jackal laugh. "What now, cud-chewer? Looks like you're all tied up with nowhere to go!" He slowly meandered over to the unimare, stepping lightly upon the netting so that his feet wouldn't get caught in it. "Now then, what should I do with you?" Sefyrayne glared at him, unyielding. He knew that he should plan some kind of means of last-ditch assault, but he wasn't sure what to do. And the jackal likely was anticipating such a defense, meaning that his options were now extremely limited... "I know! I'll cleave off those arms of yours! You singed me real good on the leg with that whip, and this way you'll never use one again!" With a speed that was alarming the jackal raised the axe; Sefy attempted to focus as much magic in his hands as possible to perhaps blast the axe away in a detonation that would clearly be mutually harmful-- But it never made it to him. There was a cracking sound that came from everywhere at once. The jackal hesitated, and then was suddenly replaced by a hulking feline hybrid that Sefy was at once overjoyed and horrified to behold. It was nine feet tall--thirteen, he reminded himself, thirteen was as big as it sometimes got--and mostly white-furred, with black tissue that was like a cross between draconian scales and regular skin along much of its torso. It sported purple markings here and there, some piercings, and four arms, with glowing purple globules on the back of each hand. It was known as a titan, and possessed the power of paradox--an unpredictable ally of virtually limitless capability. What was more, it was perhaps one of the most muscular beasts Sefyrayne had ever beheld, and it never failed to arouse him to be this up close and personal to it. Its name was Scesmoon, and it was, at one time, his squad leader, his mentor, his lover--and also his killer. In his previous existence, other individuals had brainwashed Sefy in a sense to be hostile to the person he'd figuratively worshipped; it had culminated with Sces killing Sefyrayne in a climactic battle in order that he might perhaps return free of the corruption others had sown in his mind. Having wandered the planes for a while, allowing Sefyrayne on occasion to observe what others had done about his death, he realized the lies that he had been forced to believe, and vowed that he would make amends for them should he ever return to normal life. Now he wasn't sure if Scesmoon was willing to hear such repentance--as he was now holding the axe, and it was immediately obvious that the beast was way stronger than Tarkhaan could ever be. Would Sefyrayne again be returned to a discarnate existence? More importantly, would he be able to return again? The axe descended slowly. Sefyrayne was transfixed in terror, bound by his vows to not retaliate against his lover. It seemed an eternity, and then-- And then it was pulled away, just before it reached his shoulder. The feline held it lightly at this side, then, in one hand, as though it were a mere plaything. He didn't smile--he almost never did, Sef knew this--but instead he reached out with an arm, as though to help the unimare up. Sefyrayne gladly took it, and felt the residual energy of Sces' paradoxic power as a faint tingle that he knew well from experience. He was surprised to find that the netting had completely disentangled itself from his feet in the process. It lay there on the ground, as though it hadn't done at thing--seemingly a harmless white doily of a web. "How..?" Sefyrayne always wanted to hear how Scesmoon managed to apply his powers; they were such that they require a paradox to be applied in order for them to function. In this particular case, however, Sef was also just plain flabbergasted by the abrupt switch, particularly when he'd thought he was in clear danger not a minute previously. "You don't need to know. Just be glad I could make it." The Sems, at this point, were beginning to totally rethink their notion of Sefyrayne. Some were considering that perhaps Sef was a lesser acolyte of the deity on a far-off planet who had been mystically relocated to this satellite to be in communion with other believers, and that perhaps Scesmoon was actually the avatar of their fire deity. Others were wondering if Sefyrayne had invoked his power as the omnipotent deity to transform the evil being into a creature of good, thus demonstrating his purifying might and verifying his divine status in their eyes. The pilots, on the other hand, were thoroughly dissatisfied with the outcome, and argued loudly over who'd won the bets, because Tarkhaan was completely gone, status unknown. The gargantuan feline chimera spoke up again. "Come, Sefyrayne. Your killer needs his ship back, but we'll do him the courtesy of delivering his goods first." The two of them padded over to the ship, and awaited the completion of the loading of its tanks of exotic gases before taking it to its proper destination. They left it in good shape, and returned to the planet Scesmoon had been habitating when he pulled off the position-switch that had prevented unpleasant injury at the hands of Tarkhaan. They left it in the docks, and sent an electronic note, signed by Sces, saying that they'd finished his delivery, and that his attack was uncalled-for. Sefyrayne knew that Tark would never try to counter something direct from Scesmoon; even though the rivalry between he and Tark was vast, Tarkhaan had always respected Scesmoon in all areas save for his choice to take Sefyrayne under his tutelage--a fact that continued to be true to that day. Scesmoon was aware of the fact that Sef was still somewhat week from his reincorporation--clearly he knew more about Sef's state than the unimare himself did. He took Sefyrayne to a cabin near one of the unimare's favorite lakes--it was close to an idyllic mountain meadow, and had been his destination on nine out of ten furloughs during his service. The cabin had been built by Sces himself, using only his brute strength and know-how. It was a haven of isolation from the continual information and stimulation of their technologically-ubiquitous culture, which was part of why Sefyrayne liked it. More importantly, however, Sefy now had the attentions of the "stud" of a titan to himself. And if there was one thing he craved, even as he was wandering the trails of limbo, it was the feel of Scesmoon's gloriously-sculpted body. Scesmoon, as Sefyrayne knew full well, was asexual when it came to mere orientation. People simply didn't turn him on by looking attractive; rather, by acting or even simply being a certain way, he might be drawn to them. It was a convenient thing for Sefyrayne that males like Scesmoon made the stallion want to be sexed until the break of day by their divine, sculpted masculinities. This, then, brought out the sexually-submissive side of the unimare, which in turn proved alluring to Scesmoon: an ideal arrangement. So he got up early the first morning after they arrived and whipped up an extra-large batch of wild blueberry pancakes--ones that he knew Scesmoon liked, and in quantities enough to satisfy the gargantuan hunk. Scesmoon stepped into the kitchen after he awoke. He was never groggy per se upon waking unless he had a hangover--something which happened only once in a blue moon anyway--but tended to be slightly more subdued for a while, all the same. The smell of the wonderful pancakes tickled his nose, and he meandered downstairs, wearing only the thong-like undergarment he'd worn to sleep. The article was no ordinary piece of clothing; the sheer size and mass of Scesmoon's package was such that normal fabrics would never be able to provide proper restraint--let alone contain the thing in case of arousal. It was made of a weave of a number of unusual, specially-engineered textiles that could withstand the forces necessary (he'd heard it was sometimes used in riot armor), and the strap was replaced with a metal cord comprised of links of an ultralight alloy. It, too, was about the strongest thing he could find short of wearing around a foundry's production of metal per day, and was certainly more comfortable than that, too. It was a mild surprise to him that Sefyrayne was up already; the unimare had a tendency to approach mornings leisurely when he could, and considering his state, it was surprising that he was even mobile at that hour of the morning--let alone that he was perky and pleasant. "Good morning, Sces!" the unimare greeted him with a grin. "Morning, runt." The term was one Sces had often used to address Sefyrayne in the past; it was an affectionate term, and it also spoke to the submissive status of Sef in their more erotic relationship. "Can I get you anything, stud?" The term was, as a counterpoint to Scesmoon's use of dominant verbiage, a submissive one. Scesmoon grunted impassively. "Nah, I'm good until we eat." Sefyrayne put on a fake pouty face. "Aww. Well, if you're going to be like that, then you'll just have to wait." He flipped a pancake and continued preparing the meal. Sces took a seat at the kitchen's passbar, folding one set of arms on the tabletop and propping his head up with a third arm. "Why'd you make all this, and so early?" Sef's pout disappeared instantly, replaced with a cunning, obliging smile. "Because I still haven't properly thanked you for saving my life back there. I was scared as all get out for a while, but now I can relax, and I need to make good on that." He winked knowingly. "But this is only part of it. We'll deal with the rest later, since I owe you a lot." Sces lifted an eyebrow but said nothing. Sefyrayne was only ever anything resembling servile for Scesmoon, and even then he was only slightly so in the company of others. The fact that he was pouring on the charm now bade well for the rest of the day's activities. The breakfast passed without event, and Sces insisted on cleaning up the dishes, since Sefy had done the cooking. Sefyrayne would have liked to have helped him anyway, but the chimera was so large that there was positively no room in front of the sink to do anything--and the chimera's four arms made the job go by rather quickly. Sef then insisted that Scesmoon join him for a jaunt into the meadow outside. He claimed he had "cabin fever" and needed some fresh air--a claim which Sces seriously doubted, given that the unimare had spent months on starships during their duty with no adverse effects--not to mention that scarcely a week ago, he'd been unbound by flesh and blood and was wandering all the various planes of the universe. They found their way to a boathouse on the shore of the lake. Scesmoon hadn't built this one--it was a hassle working in water, he said--but it had been custom-constructed to a specification that would accommodate the scale of architecture such a large individual might require. This was on a planet where a curious species of algae inhabited many of the planet's waters; however, the algae had self-limiting populations that prevented them from ever overcrowding the waters. A curious trait of the algae was that it released a completely safe compound that dyed the waters a brilliant emerald green (it was so safe that many companies began adopting it as a food dye); however, the compound tended to break down when in rushing waters, and so it usually only built up in bodies of water with less motion--such as lakes. This particular mountain reservoir was no exception, and its color was a complementary hue to the grasses of the meadow. While there, Sefyrayne donned a pair of board shorts so that the two of them could enjoy the water, which looked delectably cool and inviting in the warm summer day. Some cumulus clouds peppered the sky, but the sun was bright and cheery, and made for a relaxing backdrop to a day of enjoyable aquatic antics. They hopped out of the water during one part of the day to have a picnic lunch that Sef had prepared before leaving the cabin, and later again to dry off in the sun before it set too far. Sunset here was very brief, due to the equatorial longitude of the location, and so it was not long after that the sky was rather dark. They returned to a sunroom indoors to savor the stars. Scesmoon enjoyed watching the stars--they reminded him of the grandeur of the universe, and the wonders it contained--which was part of why he had ordered the room in the first place. It was made with the latest in transparent technology--a plant product-based sturdy layer that was extremely light, but as see-through as glass. However, even though only candlelight was illuminating the room, the stars were kind of difficult to visualize, because clouds were sweeping across the canopy of the heavens. Still, the two reclined on blankets on an open space in the room, watching the endless dance of the atmosphere. Sefy, however, grew tired of watching for openings in the clouds, and instead decided he'd star in a little action of his own. He waited for a few minutes to ensure that the titan was relaxed before springing into action. He rolled onto his side, scooted down a bit, and then placed a palm lightly upon the sizable package contained in the Scesmoon's thong. The area was empty of other visitors, as it often was due to its considerable distance from urbanized areas, and so the chimera hadn't bothered to add anything to his frame before leaving the cabin. Scesmoon quirked an eyebrow as he gazed down as the unimare. "Looking for something?" Sef's gaze was plaintive. "All that time...when I was...dead..." the word hung strangely in the air. "I was alone. I realized in that time that I had done you wrong by letting those people tell me that you were my enemy, and I need to make it good to you. Please, let me pleasure you, so that I can at least start to make good on the promise I made to myself...let me give your gorgeous body the treatment it deserves..." The behavior had all the right cues in it for Scesmoon. He patted the unimare on the head, next to the horn atop it. "Alright. But you'd better make it worth my time." The unimare nodded furiously, horn exaggerating the motion. "You know I will! I wouldn't dare approach you if I wasn't going to!" Scesmoon glanced at his package, upon which was still resting the unimare's hand, and then back at the unimare's face, as though telling him to get to work already. Sefyrayne took the hint, moving his other hand over as well to begin fondling the massive package. It was one of Sef's favorite parts of his encounters with Scesmoon; the chimera's cock, which was 17 inches long when flaccid (no small feat in itself), nearly doubled in length to 32 inches when aroused, and the effect of that transformation upon the thong that Scesmoon wore was a sight Sefyrayne never tired of seeing. The great chimera shifted his thighs slightly as blood began to enter the organ in greater amounts than usual; its outline started to swell underneath the high-strength cloth. The unimare grasped the outsides of the package with his forearms, licking and gently nibbling on the cloth as he waited for the prize inside to reach greater dimensions. By the time it was clear that any further growth would only be possible when the thong was removed, it seemed to be little more than a cladding on the top of the gargantuan rod contained inside, which by this point had spiraled around to the underside of the chimera's sizable scrotum. The root of the shaft was prominently displayed as the thong was pushed outward, the metal links straining to keep the article intact. Sef drew his fingertips lightly along the material from the tip of the rod to its base, teasing it slightly. He then leaned in, found one of the buckles in the links of the metal (there were three, but they were carefully disguised so that they were not immediately obvious), and opened with his teeth. The chain popped open, and the fabric slowly fell aside as Scesmoon's inspiring masculinity released itself from its textile prison. It was like a flagpole on a monument; while Scesmoon was himself absolutely hot in every sense of the word to Sefyrayne, and always attention-wrenching, this shaft was the pinnacle of it all. Exquisitely formed, enlaced with pulsing veins, hard as titanium but velvety smooth, immensely wide at a diameter of 5 inches, oozing with delectable pre-ejaculate that would prepare it to enter any willing orifice, and with a steel ring at the base for decoration...Sefyrayne could scarcely ask for more. Thankfully, he didn't have to, though--one Scesmoon was almost more than he could handle...almost. Scesmoon used the back set of his arms to prop up his torso, raising his head a considerable deal above Sef's, giving himself a better view of the action in the process. He always enjoyed seeing the lengths the unimare would go to in order to convey his submissiveness. The hybrid didn't fail to please; he palmed his way slightly up Scesmoon's torso, as though unsure of himself, to raise his own head to the height of Scesmoon's erection's tip. He falteringly extended his tongue to its end, looking into Sces' eyes as though he weren't entirely certain he was allowed such leeway. It was all part of the elaborate role he knew he needed to play--but he enjoyed it, and he knew it would get Sces' libido into gear, which was precisely what he wanted. He slowly licked off some of the pre that was flowing from the cleft in the ponderous rod's tip. It came away as a gossamer strand to his mouth, and after hesitating a moment, as though figuring out what it tasted like, he hungrily went at the tip again, as though it were a smorgasbord buffet and he hadn't eaten in months. In truth, it felt rather much like that; he'd not gotten to savor the titan's obscenely potent sexuality in what felt like an eternity, and he'd been craving it intensely. His face expressed that craving more accurately than any roleplaying he'd pulled in the past, and he figured Sces noticed, because after a few moments, the titan grasped the unimare's horn and pulled downward, forcing a foot or so of the shaft into the unimare's maw. It was with genuine surprise that Sefyrayne gagged at the sudden intrusion; Sces' titanhood was...well...titanic, and accommodating it was a process that took conscious effort. Granted, the titan still had 20 inches, give or take, to spare--but it wasn't as though a foot of the 5-inch-wide cylinder was an easy thing to (ahem) swallow. Still, Sefyrayne was a rather strapping unimare, and equines were known for having rather long muzzles (along with other things, but that was beside the point)--so he was still able to deal with such a helping of Scesmoon's pride and joy without even hitting the back of his throat. He began to sashay his head up and down the shaft, letting out a soft whimper as though he were slightly afraid of the treatment he'd be receiving. It wasn't entirely false; Scesmoon was responding rather more promptly and firmly than he often had done in the past, which meant that he might become more dominant than usual--an experience that, while definitely gratifying to both parties involved, could be a little painful for Sefyrayne. His tongue, which by genetics had been dictated to be flexible and strong, was now a useful asset to him as he set about the task of orally pleasuring the titan. He subjected the glorious erection to about as many things as he could think of while operating at the depth he presently maintained: he caressed, sucked, slathered, nibbled, slurped, savored, and slicked it, among other things. He twisted and turned his head as he bobbed, manipulating his tongue in as many different permutations as he could create in the process. He stepped it up as best he could when he felt Sces' heavy hand upon the back of his head; he took the depth even further, hitting the back of his throat carefully with each motion, hoping that it would be enough to satisfy the titan. He knew, though, that it wouldn't be for long. With the faintest of growls, the titan yanked again on the unimare's horn, forcing the smaller beast to deep-throat the shaft. He made more choking noises, many of which were quite in earnest, and while he was a veritable pro at the art due to his previous experiences in the past, it was still Scesmoon's cock he was attempting to swallow--the experience was not pain-free, and breathing became rather difficult in the process as well. The unimare squeezed out a few tears, which were a mixture of his happiness to finally be back with the titan, the discomfort of the moment, and the submissive behavior he knew he was expected to display (not that he minded). He began to randomly vary the lengths of his bobs, attempting to hilt the beast on dives where he felt more bold, and occasionally drawing back to moderate lengths so that he could gasp in some air. If he lingered too long towards that side, Sces would yank his head down again, but he did so on purpose a number of times because he enjoyed being dominated in that way--and he was pretty sure Scesmoon enjoyed the privilege, as well. It was true; Scesmoon was calmly watching the equine go to work. It pleased him that such a strong, independent beast as Sefyrayne was reduced to servitude by his might, appearance, and dominating personality. Though he wasn't much of a talker, Scesmoon might have ridiculed Sefyrayne for being so slutty, so absolutely needy of this sexual gratification that he was willing to bend his brashness under Scesmoon's will. The Sems were not amiss with their response--Sefyrayne was also a magnificent beast, with the physique of a Greek god and a panache that was impossible to ignore--and even though Scesmoon was not inherently drawn to physical glory, he could still recognize its presence. It was the fact, then, that a creature that could easily command the favors of others was instead submitting himself to Scesmoon to receive favors, that Sces particularly savored. Though it was perhaps a side point, Sefyrayne was also intensely skilled at oral pleasuring. The sensations were undeniably enjoyable, even to the rather stalwart mind of Scesmoon. Still, it did not do quite so much to arouse him as seeing the muscled beast sucking him off with all the need and humiliation of a common trollop. He basked in it for a while, enjoying both the physical stimulation, and the show that was being put on so close to his face. Being this close to the overt sexuality of the Scesmoon was intoxicating to Sefyrayne; he craved it. While he was normally a rather brash individual, his submissive side was always brought out in full force when the opportunity to bask in Scesmoon's glory became apparent. Though he couldn't savor Scesmoon's godly physique very well when he was rapidly moving his head up and down, and the angle of his head was one that afforded him mostly a view of the massive titan's groin anyway, being in proximity to him and his musky smell was not a poor combination. He reached around the titan's hulking torso as best he could amidst his fervent head-bobs to place a palm along Scesmoon's butt. He knew Scesmoon loved being touched there; he was careful to make his touch plaintive in nature, as though the fingers were perhaps unworthy of such a position, but craving to touch the titan's body made that risk worthwhile. He softly ran his fingers slowly through the fur, and was rewarded with a few slow clenches of the muscle underneath; the titan also flexed his abdominals under the palm Sefyrayne had placed onto him for support. Sefyrayne nearly melted; he loved it when the titan flexed his sublime musculature for him, and though he couldn't see it especially well, he could feel the muscles ripple under his touch, and could visualize the motions of the divine physique in his mind's eye. Saying that it was positively wonderful to the unimare would be an understatement. It came to his surprise when the titan suddenly yanked Sefyrayne's horn not down, but rather upward, pulling it completely off of the massive shaft. The unimare's eyes were wide with surprise, but he tempered them with a bit of what looked like fear as a reflex. The titan took a second hand and pushed the unimare away and onto his back, while levering himself off the ground with a third. In a few moments, the titan was above the flat-on-his-back Sefyrayne, with his gigantic cock sandwiched between the two of them. "What--what are you doing, master?" The extra-submissive term slipped his lips without a thought; he was merely speaking what came to his mind. "Relax." Proceeding carefully and sensuously, he swept his hips down slightly, and lifted the unimare's hips with one arm, easing off the board shorts the stallion had been wearing. For a few moments, he grasped the sheath and partially-extruded member Sefyrayne now displayed towards the heavens; it responded by swelling further towards its full extension, and Sefyrayne himself responded with a series of small whimpers and gasps at being so personally pleasured by the titan. Then, after a brief pause, in which Scesmoon repositioned his shaft accordingly, he penetrated his shaft into the unimare's rear entrance nearly to the hilt in one stroke. Being split open by the massive member that quickly, even though it was thoroughly lathered with his own saliva and its own pre, was overwhelming for Sefyrayne. His face transfixed into a mask, inhaling a gasp of pain, surprise, and stimulation that threatened to morph into a faint scream. He was fortunate to be fairly elastic, having been stretched out many times in the past by the same rod--but still... His reflexive response, dictated by his nervous system instead of conscious control, was to tighten up his passages, which was the primary reason Scesmoon only managed to delve in so far with the first thrust. Simple size constraints, coupled with the muscular constriction, made his insides immensely tight around the massive shaft, and so friction brought the slab's motion to a crawl rather quickly. Scesmoon was enjoying it, however. To take a creature who wanted this so badly, but who could scarcely take it to begin with--the sensation of complete and total domination that he had by impaling this massive beast with his titanhood--it was glorious. The physical tightness surrounded his member with pleasurable stimulation, and he reveled in the knowledge that no matter how tight Sefyrayne remained, and how much discomfort the unimare might experience, he would still beg for more. Small amounts of tears were building up in the corners of Sefyrayne's eyes. It was painful, yes, and a sensory overload to be sure. But he wanted it...oh, how badly he wanted it. He couldn't say he needed it per se and not be lying to himself, but it was damn close to a need, whatever it was. To be completely at the mercy of the hulking titan above him, the marvelous beast's physique in full and up-close view--it was beyond wonderful. A few seconds passed as Scesmoon maintained his thrust, slowly inching it into Sefyrayne's clenching bowels. Finally it came to rest as the titan's loins pressed against Sef's buttocks; he could feel the sheer volume of it pressing against his insides, making it a little harder to breathe in. Mercifully, the titan paused for a moment as Sefyrayne began to relax somewhat; the initial shock was passing, and the tension visible throughout his body seeped away slowly. He was far from loose when Scesmoon began thrusting, however. The titan was using two hands to support his towering frame above Sefyrayne, and used the other two to hold Sefyrayne's shoulders as a means of restraint. It seemed an unusual pause to the stimulation-clouded mind of Sefyrayne, until he realized from the sheer force of the pounding that it was an entirely necessary measure. The might of each thrust was such that Sef would have found himself several feet away in a few minutes, were he not being held in place. It was not part of Sces' nature to start things slow and smooth. Already he was hammering the unimare's insides, and already the unimare found that his own arousal was now at full staff. The stallion's member, itself a prodigious two feet in length, bore the interesting flare and medial ring of the equine family. Yet still Sefyrayne wanted more. "Take me...take me harder...I...need it..." Though spoken in his usual pitch of voice, which was not at all a meek or weak one, it was loaded with his craving to be taken, to be placed entirely at the mercy of this huge beast and his overwhelming sexual prowess. Scesmoon furrowed his brow and growled slightly, amping up the force of his thrusts. The motion he was using at the time was not a complete end-to-end stroke, but for someone with as vast of a member as Scesmoon, it was still considerable--a full 17 inches of motion accompanied each outward pull and inward thrust, along with the incredible might of his muscular form. Sefyrayne whimpered slightly. The sensations were incredible, and above him was the repeatedly-flexing torso of the most amazing beast he could imagine. "Sces...your body is...ugh, so incredibly hot...take me harder...nh, please...I beg of you..." His mane, which was usually a tame mass of ethereal, harmless flame, was beginning to grow hot with the passion of the moment. In response, the titan furrowed his brow slightly more, taking one hand from the unimare's shoulders to press down on his now-erect shaft, pinning it and the equine's torso to the ground. The pressure transmitted through the unimare's body, intensifying the sensations around Scesmoon's cock, and, by way of increasing the friction as well, potentiating the stimulation Sefyrayne was also receiving. He began to increase the length of his thrusts, pulling more of it out than previously before slamming back inwards. The sheer size of his cock caused resistance to increase greatly as more of it entered, and so his thrusts never quite reached hilting depth at this point--but the effect was similar, as now he was driving about 25 inches of solid shaft in and out of the unimare at his mercy. His eyes began to glow a blue hue: Scesmoon's passion was growing. Sefyrayne couldn't help but begin to moan softly on occasion, for the sensations and the experience were drowning out his normal brashness. The more he was willing to allow this immaculate titan do to him, the more he was rewarded by the incredible pleasure the titan gave him. He loved it--it was more than a fair trade, to him--but there was never such a thing as enough. He gave into the titan, relaxing even more, even though his body was reflexively trying to expel the invasion of the titan's engorged erection with muscle contractions. Pre began leaking copiously from his own shaft as his prostate was continuously thrummed by the in-and-out sliding of the vast girth. The blanket under him was beginning to catch fire from the now-blazing flames of his mane; though it was supposed to be mildly flame-retarding, it wasn't very good at stopping combustion. Scesmoon then added another element to the thrusting he was performing: after thrusting in about 10 inches or so, he would lift his hips slightly as he continued to fore his way inward; the sheer rigidity of his titanhood caused the unimare's hips to be lifted as well. The sensation of being able to support even part of the unimare's muscular bulk in this way felt wonderful to him, and was another outlet for his desire to completely dominate the creature who was so willingly becoming his plaything. Sefyrayne loved this new twist. Now his body was being moved against gravity by the strength of this creature's erection, more fully placing him at the beast's whims. He endured this for several minutes with a plentitude of sensuous moans of craving before crying out, "Oh...gods...Scesmoon...take me--mm--more!...I'm yours already--now p-please...rut me like that!" Now there was a large area of scorched floor underneath him, and the flames were beginning to lick across the bottom of the room. The windows were open for the hot summer night, and a breeze blowing through saved them the trouble of smoke inhalation. Scesmoon looked downward with a growl. "Don't ask for what you can't handle, runt." He removed his hands from Sefyrayne's shoulders, grabbed Sefyrayne's hands, and clamped them against the tops of his own shoulders. Sefyrayne clung instinctively, as the motion raised his head above the ground; then, Scesmoon used the now-freed set of hands to wrap around Sefyrayne's hips, thumbs pressed firmly on the sides of the unimare's groin with the fingers wrapped around the gluteal muscles on the other side. Then, using the combined force of his torso and that pair of arms, he began thrust even harder yet (much to Sefyrayne's amazement) by using the two sets of muscles in opposition to one another to pull further out of Sefyrayne then before, and then to hilt the unimare soundly, time and time again. The leathery material of Sces' groin thudded audibly against Sefyrayne's buttocks with each mighty stroke. It was more than Sefyrayne could handle. His hands clung for dear life, but the rest of his body was like an epileptic limp noodle; when he wasn't hanging loosely, he writhed with the sensation of Scesmoon's full 32 inches being pounded in and out of him over and over again, as though the equine were a mere play toy, light as a feather. Language failed him; he began to give off euphoric moans that were full of lust, coupled with calls of the titan's name, and the occasional "harder...!" in a similar tone. Endorphins surged through his mind, obliterating higher thought; all he knew was that he wanted this to never end. Through his bleary haze he could see the titan's expansive chest and biceps pulsing as they forced the unimare's hips downward; down there he could see the abdominal muscles and thighs of the titan flexing and extending as they pounded the huge, black rod between them in and out of his body. His own erection bounced up and down with random oscillation, spilling glistening drops of pre on contact. The fire was catching to the rest of the room; it was nearly to the walls already, but Sefyrayne could scarcely care, because he was immune to fires he caused himself (and some others, as well). Sces had the unimare totally at his fingertips now, and he knew it. Sefyrayne below him had lost all congruity and was now, for the moment, merely a sex-craving animal needed to be him. No other person could dominate Sef like Scesmoon knew he could, and he knew the beast practically worshipped him. In the lust-hazed eyes of the unimare he saw complete and total submission, which was just the way he wanted it. The thrusting he was doing now stimulated more of his erection than anything he'd been doing so far (aside from perhaps that deep-throating Sef had done earlier), and he could feel the imminent climax building within his loins. He smirked slightly--something he was pretty sure Sefyrayne was too far gone to notice--because he always loved this part. Filling up his partner, with his shaft and then his seed, and then marking him copiously after that, was one of the best ways to show dominance--and that was what Sces lived for. It didn't matter that the room was burning up; he could care less, because what mattered right now was dominating this lusty unimare. His apathy generated a field of icy aura that protected the two of them from any extreme heat. After a few minutes of this delectable treatment, to his surprise, the stallion wrapped his legs around Sces' body, clasping his knees on Scesmoon's buttocks. In this way, some of the force of Scesmoon's thrusting was being transmitted back into him in a sensuous way, and it began tipping the balance of orgasmic control out of Scesmoon's favor. He tried to hang on for a while, but realized that he hadn't climaxed in a long time, and if he held it back, it might be less potent when it finally did arrive. So he gave into it, increasing the power of his thrusts to his ultimate, unleashing growls that built into small roars with each thrust, and then finally finishing them with a massive, ear-splitting roar as his orgasm hit. He could feel Sefyrayne tightening around him in his own climax, but it didn't matter; he hilted himself fully one last time as his seed was forcibly expelled into the unimare's colon. For 20 seconds or so he let it pour forth, but it was beginning to leak from around his member due to its sheer volume, so he pulled out, adding flows of his own glowing essence to the large quantity already pooling on the unimare's torso from Sefyrayne's orgasm. Sef's fires around the room blazed into glory with the surge of ethereal fire that unleashed from his body at orgasm. In no time at all the walls of the room began to cave in from being burned through, and chunks of support beams began raining into the room. The transparent ceiling, being made of a particular plant-product, was designed as a safety mechanism to burn up entirely before it could hit the ground (and any people underneath, and once the flames reached it, it vanished entirely in a bright orange blaze of glory. An aura of Sces' paradoxic power surrounded them, preventing them from being harmed by anything that might fall, but they didn't care: they were so enveloped in each other that nothing else mattered. As the room fell to pieces around them, they rode their climaxes like lovers on a honeymoon, without a care in the world. Both were possessed of extremely long and potent orgasms, though Sces naturally more so than Sefyrayne, and while Sef's ejaculation was finished in about 30 seconds or so, his arousal was maintained by the sight of the titan above him flexing in orgasmic myotony, drenching him with the luminescent, decadent seed that continued to erupted from the pulsing black rod for two full minutes. He basked in the warmth from the burning room, which to him was merely fireworks to accompany their explosive climaxes. A summer shower swept through the upper atmosphere on the wings of the wind, and with the ceiling gone, it rained gentle precipitation down upon the coupled hybrids. Steam arose as the fires were extinguished by tears of joy from the heavens, creating a misty, dreamlike atmosphere that complemented the euphoric bliss of their afterglow. And then came a moment Sefyrayne would always remember: as Scesmoon lowered the unimare's hips to the ground with care, he leaned his head in, and, after a brief moment of hesitation, he planted his muzzle upon Sefyrayne's mouth, giving him a gentle but passionate kiss. Sefyrayne was too far immersed in endorphins to be completely surprised outwardly by the moment, but his mind reeled with joy: the titan rarely ever expressed affection in such simple ways, and it was the first kiss he'd ever received from Scesmoon. He slowly realized through his pleasured awareness that, in fact, the titan had missed him, too...and now, things looked like they would turn out alright after all. The rain stopped a moment after, but the night was warm, and Scesmoon rolled onto his back, sweeping the unimare with him. Using Sefyrayne almost like a cuddly blanket, Scesmoon fell asleep--and the unimare joined him in slumber a moment later, only lingering to give the titan a good night kiss on the cheek, and to say, "Thank you, Scesmoon."