Skunk Rocking Chapter 3

Story by Sherry Devou on SoFurry

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#3 of Skunk Rocking

Finally wrote a chapter with sex in it.... I blame one of my friends who kept asking me "Are they going to do it?" Every time I sat down to write I though about that question and this is what came out of it.

Wade woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking at the door. He blinked at the alarm clock next to the bed and seen it was ten in the morning. Who the hell was knocking on the door at ten in the morning? Wade looked over to see that Carmen was still asleep, her arm out reached so she was still touching him. He smiled at how peaceful she looked in her sleep, after last night she deserved it. When he started to try and get up Carmen moved so that she was still holding onto him. He grinned and shook his head and moved her hand and got up to answer the door. He hoped it wasn't anyone too important since Carmen was still out, and he was still wearing his clothes from the day before and looked like shit. He was surprised when he opened the door.

"Morning, Dearie," kind old Mrs. Ettleson said when the door opened. "I figured I would check on you two this morning after last night. I made a few things so you two don't have to worry about anything for a while. Come over and let me know if you need anything okay?" The elderly mouse then handed him a bag heavy with lord knows what is in it.

"Mrs. Ettleson you didn't have to do this."

"It's the least I could do for not doing something sooner. You are nice young man and just what Carmen needs right now. You two have a good day now," she said with a smile and waved as she walked back to her apartment. Wade just blinked as she walked away before going back inside and closing the door.

At the sound of the door closing he heard movement in the bedroom; Carmen must be up now. He set the bag on the counter in the kitchen and started pulling stuff out the bad. There was food for at least a week in here.

"Wade?" came Carmen's sleep filled voice from the bedroom. He smirked a bit as he stopped what he was doing and walked into the bedroom to find Carmen sitting up in the bed, looking around confused rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, hair going every which way. "Who was at the door?"

"Mrs. Ettleson. She said she wanted to check on you and brought over some for the next week or so. I tried to let you sleep."

"No, that's fine. What time is it?" she asked looking around for a clock.

"A little after ten. You hungry? I think you have plunty of food now..."

"Not really," she replied pulling her knees to her chest. Everything that happened the night before was rushing back to her again. Carmen didn't know if she was scared, depressed, or just plain pissed off for how weak that fucking stag made her feel. She wasn't weak! She was a very strong woman who never let herself get pushed around by anyone. The more she realized just how helpless she had felt last night, the more pissed she became. She felt her eyes tearing up again. How could she let that fucker do this to her? How weak and pathetic did she look to everyone at the club?

Carmen felt the tears start down her cheeks and soon after Wade sat beside her and leaned over and lightly bumped her with his shoulder. "Hey. What's up?" he asked as his tail curled around her from behind. Without thinking Carmen turned and glared at him, her anger and pain visible on her face. He was caught off guard by her glare and moved away from her, his tail no longer touching her.

"I'm not weak. I'm not someone that can be pushed around. I'm not some pathetic little woman who needs saved!" she said with a deadly whisper. She suddenly stood up, grabbed a stuffed tiger from nearby and threw it at the wall as hard as she could with a yell. She clinched her fist and stood shaking before she fell to the floor crying. "I'm not weak... I'm...not... weak..."

Wade's ear went back at the start of her rant, his hand out to try and sooth her. The soft words on his tongue died as she stood and yell out. His wide eyes softened when she fell to the floor and started crying. He moved to sit across from her on the floor and reached out to wipe the tears away.

"Carmen, I don't think you are weak. Hell, anyone who knows you, knows for a fact you are not. Connor is just a sick bastard who gets off pushing around strong women," he said softly as he reached out and bushed her hair out of her face. "And with someone as beautiful and strong as you, he must have had a ragin' boner every day," he said with a chuckle. Carmen smiled weakly at him. "There's that smile I love to see."

Her tears stopped falling as she looked into his eyes. When she looked in those ice blue eyes, nothing else mattered. She moved closer to him, bringing her hand to his face. "You always seem to know what to say to make me feel better, Wade. I'm lucky to have you in my life."

"You know, I wasn't lying last night," he said in hushed tones as he put his forehead against hers. "I think you are beautiful, smart, funny, feisty, and sexy as hell. Any man who catches your eye is a lucky bastard."

"Then you're one lucky bastard," she replied with a blush and then kissed him. Wade's eyes went wide for a moment before he responded and pulled her closer to him. She moaned softly into the kiss as his tongue trailed across her lips seeking a way in. She willing opened her mouth to him wrapping her tongue around his, sucking on his tongue and shuttering as he let out a small moan.

Once Wade's brain processed the fact that a beautiful woman was making out him, he wrapped his arms around her pulling her against him. He smirked in the kiss as she arched against him. Seems someone really liked her back rubbed. Wonder what she would do if...

Carmen pulled away from the kiss moaning loudly as Wade gave her left breast a squeeze. Gods, she loved having her tits played with. She looked at him with eyes darkened with lust and her mind in a haze. His eyes more seemed a more piercing blue then before. She leaned in to capture his lips again when he moved away and stood up.

"Wade?" Carmen said confused and trying to figure out what she might have done wrong. "What's wrong?" she asked as she stood as well.

"Are you sure you want to do this? That's a good idea?" Wade asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and tried to clear his head.

"Yes. I want to do this. If I didn't I wouldn't have kissed you first," she replied as she sat next to him on the bed. Before he could say anything else, she took his lips in hers, pushing him back on to the bed. He wrapped his arms around her again, pulling on top of him. She bit back a moan as he started to rub his hands over her again. Something about him just touching her was erotic as hell. Considering he wasn't grabbing her ass or her tits it was kind of odd to her, but she was still enjoying every minute of it.

Wade's tongue invaded her mouth while he grabbed her ass with both hands and all she could do was moan into him. It wasn't long before she started grinding against him. He got a firmer grip on her ass and increased the friction between them. Carmen pulled back from the kiss and removed her shirt from the night before. Next thing she knew, Wade pulled her down for a kiss while his hands made quick work of her bra clasps.

When she sat up to remove her now unhooked bra, he moaned a little at the sight of her topless and on top of him. Within seconds his mouth was on her right breast; licking and nipping at her nipple. Carmen kept grinding against him, moaning a little more with ever nip and bite. He switched to her left side, his eye never leaving her face. He seemed to be drinking in every look of pleasure on her face as her eyes closed and her head fell back.

Carmen felt like she was in heaven. She always loved when someone gave her d-cups some much needed attention, but Wade was the first to really do that. He wasn't just sucking on each for a few seconds then expecting sex. No, he had to have been at this for a good five minutes before he rolled her off of him and took off his own shirt and started to undo his pants. Once he had removed all of his clothes he lay across the bed with that sexy smirk of his and tugged on her skirt.

"This needs to come off," he said with a look in his eyes that made her want to just melt into a puddle. Carmen got a sudden idea.

"What this?" she asked with a coy smile as she stood.

"Yes, of course," was his reply, his eyes locked on her hips and her tail that was now swaying side to side. She removed the skirt and cocked her hip to one side. To Wade's annoyance, her panties were still on. "Those too..." A blush creped on Carmen's checks as she slid her panties on and tossed them aside, then she crawled into the bed next to Wade.

"How about you get on top and we do a little sixty-nine?" he said wagging his eyes brows at her will he seemed to drink in every inch of her with his eyes.

"Not sure that would be a good idea... I um.... Might be to distracted to do a good job," Carmen said with a blush, her tail curling to lay over herself. Was this really the first time that a guy had looked at her like that? Wade moved her tail aside and she bit her lip. He found the one spot on the underside of her tail that felt 'so' good.

"Not a problem. Next time then," he said as she slid down her body before moving her legs apart to settle between them. Good thing Carmen had told him no on the sixty-nine because when his tongue touch her the first time her back arched and she let out a loud moan. Gods! This this what it felt like when a guy knew what he was doing? Her tail wrapped around his back and she resisted the urge to pull his face closer to her as he worked his magic on her. She really just wanted to grab his head and start trusting her hips into him, but refrained and just rode out the wonderful things he could do with that sharp tongue of his. She had no idea how long he kept at it just that she was going to cum and cum hard.

"I'm going to.... I'm gonna..." was about all she got out before she hit a very strong orgasm. She couldn't remember the last time a man had caused one that strong... She became aware that he was talking to her and looked at him and said, "Huh?"

"I said where are some condoms? I'm assuming you have some," he asked again still licking the wetness from his muzzle. Carmen pointed to the box on top of her dresser on the other side of the room. Wade got up to fetch one. This gave her a full view of him erect. He wasn't huge, but he was a nice size. All her mind could process was that she had made him hard like that, that she had turned him on; and made her want him even more. He crawled back into the bed, condom in hand.

"And what do you think you are doing?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he slid two fingers inside her already wet passage. This of course caused her head to fall back as she moaned at the feel of his fingers inside her. There went being about to talk... "I like having the woman on top."

At that Carmen's head came up to look at him. "I haven't been on top often, so.... Not sure how great I will be...." His response was to simply open the condom and slid it one. Why did she find it hot to watch him put a condom on? She moved so he could lie in the middle of the bed, and blushing she moved to get on top of him.

She moaned as he entered her, hands on either side of him to keep her balance. He put his hands on her hips and started trusting up into her, guiding her with his hands. Carmen was amazed that for once she was on top and the guy wasn't just lying there in fact he was trusting into her as much as she was moving against him. And he let his pleasure be known. He let out little moans and groans as she rode him. When he moaned her name she had her second orgasm and moaned out his name. His hands moved to her breast as they picked up the pace a bit. She wasn't sure how much faster they could go, but she was loving every minute of it.

Before long Wade pulled her against him and whispered, "Dear, watch the volume, you have neighbors." She muttered sorry and kissed him deeply, her tongue invading his mouth. He swallowed the moan that threatened to escape when he started sucking on her tongue. Her back arched again and he started sucking on her breast again. Gods she was close again. She did everything she could to focus on trying to give him the ride of his life.

Soon he pulled her close to him again and almost moaned, "Are you ready for me to cum?"

"Gods, yes," she said without second though. If she though he was going fast before, she was wrong. Taking her lips in his, he moved his hands to her hips and picked up the pace and the force. If he wasn't kissing her, Carmen would not be able to keep quite like she was asked to. The next thing she knew was that there were fireworks going off in her head and her back arched as she moaned Wade's name as quietly as she could; which was still pretty loud. He moaned loudly and trusts up into her one last time as he hit his orgasm as well.

If it wasn't for her arms, Carmen would have collapsed on top of Wade after that. They laid there for a bit before Wade said anything.

"Not to ruin the mood or anything..."

"I know I need to get off of you."

"No, how many times have anyone be able to give you simultaneous orgasm?"

Carmen chuckled and tilted her head to the side in thought, "I don't know... Maybe twice before?" She kissed him again, a soft, gentle kiss full of something other than lust or simple passion. She did move so that he could take care of the condom.

Carmen lay on her side on the bed, her mind in a blissful haze from the last... what? She looked at the clock, it read 11:23 A.M. Hour really? She shrugged and chalked it up as forty-five minutes since they were talking for a bit before. Then Wade returned to the bed and pulled her close to him, his tail draping over her.

"So, what's the plan for today?" He asked as he nuzzled her neck.

"Well, laying here just enjoying this. Afterwards food, but I need to be able to move first. Later, the club; It's the singing contest tonight," she replied lazily as she tried to nuzzle him back. Not that easy when the person is behind you.

"Sounds like a great plan to me," Wade said as he leaned over and gave her another kiss before curling up around her. "We can lay here as long as you want to."