The Babysitter - Michelle

Story by Ianius on SoFurry

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#2 of The Babysitter Series

Michelle was worried about leaving her son, even though there was a babysitter for him, but she had been planning this girls' night out for a month already. She left the house and headed to her friend's house, her worries dissipating as she focussed on the night ahead. They were going to hit Le Azure, and party until two. Ever since her husband had died two years ago, she had been cooped up looking after her son. Now was her chance to be reinserted into the social circles.

She got into the club and headed straight to the bar. Ordering a margarita, she leaned back at took in the nightclub. It was quite large with a square dance floor and eighties music. There were lights everywhere and the music was blasting. *I haven't been to one of these places since before i met my husband*. The corners of her mouth flicked up as she heard Tears For Fears being cranked through the speakers. She finished her drink and walked sultrily over to the dance floor...

She looked at her watch. Midnight. She had been dancing for over three hours. She went outside for a cigarette and pulled out her mobile. She pressed the autodial and held the phone to her ear waiting for somebody to pick up. *That's strange. Mike usually answers the phone within two rings.* She ignored the nagging feeling that something was wrong and walked back into the club.

She walked back toward the dance floor and was met with a proposition to dance. Giggling like a schoolgirl, she accepted and danced through three very slow songs. She broke away and realised it was nearing one thirty. She walked over to her friend, announced that she was going, and walked out of the front door conscious of the looks some men were giving her. She flagged down a cab and thirty minutes later she pulled up outside her house.

The full feeling in her bladder was threatening to overwhelm her. She had not gone to the toilet all night and alcohol for her was an extreme diuretic. She fumbled in her purse for her keys and hurriedly unlocked the door. She put her purse down, took off her shoes and rushed to the downstairs toilet. As soon as she unlocked the door, she pulled down her skirt and underwear, unaware of her surroundings, and let go. The pressure was released in the form of a warm trickle, coming from her peehole, flowing into the water of the toilet, making a rhythmic splashing sound. She closed her eyes; enjoying the release that peeing was bringing her.

Her flow stopped and her eyes snapped open. There was something wrong with the wall directly in front of her. The bathroom was painted a milky white but the wall seemed slightly lighter in colour and more... fluid - as if it was freshly painted. She washed her hands and brought her hands up to touch it. It was wet! She scraped a bit off the wall. It was thick and if there wasn't so much of it she would have thought it was cum.

She smelled it to see if it would throw any light as to what this thing was and found the smell warm and spicy. It was familiar, but exotic. Enticing, but it was as if she had smelt it before. She felt her crotch begin to moisten. *Damn, I should have known that I should have wiped twice... Hang on, this is not urine... it's my arousal. This substance is making me horny!*

Her nipples began to harden and she felt her cheeks begin to flush. The hand which was still covered in the strange white liquid slowly moved underneath her skirt. She pulled down the hem of her silk, white (and quite wet) panties and felt the aroused flesh of her sex. The liquid felt indescribable on her skin. She felt her clit begin to harden, the little nub begging for attention. She obliged and stroked it, feeling the wonderful feeling that came with it. This was almost like making love to someone - her hand was moving like it was someone else's, softly caressing her little button, moving in the best way to give her as much pleasure as possible. The feelings were getting overwhelming. Her fingers plunged into her waiting pussy and the tide broke. She could see lights before her eyes. There was a burning sensation, but she ignored it as she was in heaven.

As she came down from her high, she felt something nagging at her. She, at long last, opened her eyes - as she had closed them in the throes of orgasm, and realised, that she had made a large noise. She brought her and up to brush her hair from her face... It was covered in fur and she only had three fingers! She muffled a scream and tried to calm herself down. Luckily her other hand was still normal. How was she going to explain this to her son? He must have heard her in orgasm too! And so must have the babysitter! What was she going to do? She cleared her mind of these thoughts to clean herself up before she had to confront them.

As she got up, she felt a strange tugging coming from her groin area. Instead of a flat expanse broken by her nether lips, there was a cone like thing. *A sheath! What has happened to me?* She almost gave out a moan of desperation but managed to stop herself. There was a pair of thick black balls underneath her sheath. She had grown up on a farm and now realised that she had the base characteristics of a horse... a male horse!!

*What's this?* She parted the silky balls- the feel and sight of her pink hands on her black balls arousing her slightly- and found a soft wetness. *Oh thank god!! What am i becoming?*. She had heard of the term Hermaphrodite before but had merely believed that it was the creation of oversexed old men. Now however her views were beginning to change.

She needed some normality to get over the shock of what had just happened. However if she was going to go out of the bathroom, she was going to have to hide her hand and her genitals. She was grateful that she had a sheath as it meant that as long as she didn't become aroused, she could hide this change easily, as long as she did not wear her cum soaked panties. For her hand, however, she had to do something else. She looked under the sink. *Great. I knew this would come in handy someday*.

She pulled out a first aid kit and bandaged up her hand. The strange colouring underneath the cloth would help make people believe that she had hurt herself. She was ready...

She opened the door, worried that somebody had heard her cry out and was listening in. Luckily, there was no-one at the door. She heard the television on and her heart began to beat faster. *If Mike knew... what would he think?* She was very self conscious and this change had made her worse than ever. The worst thing at that moment would have been her son finding out what had happened. She was afraid it would scare him and drive him away

She called out but her voice stuttered "H-hey Mike... I'm back. Is everything ok?"

She heard his voice reply "yeah...everything's fine."

She found it strange but there was something in his voice which was not right. It seemed lighter. She ignored this nagging doubt and strode into the room.

Mike was covered almost entirely with a blanket. There was a strange smell in the air and the contours of his body seemed wrong. "Mike, what's wrong" she said with concern in her voice, her earlier fear entirely forgotten.

She suddenly felt a hardening in her loins. There was a ripping sound and her large black horse penis was displayed in all its glory. She felt her cheeks burn and worry filled her again. Suddenly Mike stood up. However, it wasn't Mike, not by a long shot. There was a humanoid figure, with both breasts and a horse penis like her. However, this thing seemed to be like what she would look like if she changed completely. She put two and two together, and feinted.