Luke Chapter 2 (Revisited)

Story by tripleg on SoFurry

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#1 of Luke (revisited)

A revised version of an old story, bringing an old work into a new writing style.

As I start working towards restarting my writing on here I've decided to practice by rewriting some of my original stories and updating them in ways I've always wanted to. I feel my writing style has change a bit since I last wrote here so I'll be taking time to go back and fix things I messed up in previous stories. This is the revised chapter 2 of my Luke series. if you're confused, go back and read Luke chapter one first. Thanks for reading, and don't read this stuff if you're under 18 (not that that's stopped anyone yet). Enjoy!

(oh, and sorry for the lack of indenting. Sofurry's story editing software seems to hate proper paragraph indenting for some reason)

It was about 10:00 pm by the time we reached my house since Ashley lives downtown and I live on the eastside.

When we got home my mom asked us where we would be sleeping, tossed us two sleeping bags and a few extra blankets since it gets pretty cold around here in winter and then went up to bed. Luke and I put the sleeping bags together and cuddled up under the blankets, neither of us brave enough to pull the first move. Finally he spoke up.

"Umm... do you want to... like... you know..." he asked sheepishly.

"Only if you want to, hun" I replied, grinning. He blushed

"So... umm... what do you want to try first, I mean.... have you ever done something like this before?"

"No" I replied, "but there's no one I'd rather have my first time with than you." He blushed at this.

"I love you too, handsome" he replied, grinning softly as he pulled me into a long, wet, passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. As our muzzles connected time slowed down, making milliseconds seem like minutes and seconds feel like hours. My eyes quickly closed as a heat spread through my whole body, concentrating in my chest. I subconsciously felt myself pulling him closer to me, his warm furry chest pressing against mine to where I could feel his heart beat through his chest, nearly as slow as my own felt at the moment.

After a few minutes we hesitantly pulled apart, the warmth of his lips leaving my own, though his body was still held just as close to my own as before, neither of us willing to fully relax our grip. As we lay there panting I took advantage of my momentary lack of restraint and slid a slender orange paw down his chest and into the waist band of his boxers, feeling around until I finally grasped his rather thick furry sheath. I grinned and watched his face as his eyes suddenly flickered shut and he let out a soft surprised gasp, his plump sheath throbbing in my grip. I took this as my cue and began exploring his maleness, fingers tracing his sheath lightly, trying get an idea of what he must look like down there. As my fingers trailed down his sheath they came to press against a pair of heavy nuts. I chuckled as I reached lower, fingers wrapping gently around his large, soft furred sac, turning it over and stroking it with my fingertips, eliciting more moans and grunts from Luke. As he moaned I could feel his tip slowly begin to emerge from his sheath, his arousal clearly growing at my constant touch.

"I think it's time to lose these" I said, grinning devilishly as I motioned towards his boxers with my muzzle. He giggled.

"I'll help you with yours if you help with mine."

"Deal" I replied, before sliding my paw up out of his pants and gripping his waistband, slowly tugging his boxers down his beautifully toned thighs until he was able to slide them off with his feet. He leaned forward and kissed my nose softly before reaching down to my waist to do the same, sliding my own boxers down to my ankles before I quickly kicked them off, sending them to the bottom of our shared bag. I shivered lightly in arousal as our two nude bodies pressed back together, our equally plump sheaths rubbed together, a bit of pink poking out the top of both as our arousal continued to build, the smell of it building greatly inside that confined sleeping bag. I moaned and closed my eyes, leaning my head forward and resting my slender muzzle in the crook of his grey neck, nuzzling it softly as we continued to thrust and grind against each other, my chest rubbing against his strong body, both his thick muscled arms around my waist holding me securely.

Finally, the sexuality of the moment overcame me and I could resist him no longer. Pulling back from him I gave his chin a short lick before beginning to slide slowly deeper into the bag, giving his chest and stomach the occasional kiss until I reached what I'd been searching for. In front of my muzzle lay his fully engorged maleness, a thick pink rod protruding from his sheath, the small but growing knot already visible. My mouth watered at the sight and I licked my lips in anticipation. I gripped his hips in one paw and could instantly feel his body language alter, seeming somewhat hesitant. Any hesitation he had was dispelled the moment I leaned in and gave the underside of his shaft a long wet lick. It was drier than I expected, and I quickly went to work wetting it down. I ran my tongue along it in long, firm motions, my tongue conforming to his shape. I worked my way up as I continued licking, getting slowly higher until I finally felt the tip of my tongue brush over his slit, leaving a bead of his salty pre on my tongue. I heard him gasp and let out a low moan as I wrapped my wet lips around his now throbbing tip, slowly sliding further down his shaft, being sure to thoroughly wet it down as I went. After a few moments I finally reached about two thirds of the way down his now eight inch erection, about as far as I was able to go with my lack of practice. I held that in my mouth for a few moments, suckling it lightly and rubbing my tongue along the underside before pulling back, going far enough that only the tip remained in my muzzle before quickly swallowing it back up, keeping a good rhythm as I began bobbing my head. As I continued working his shaft between my lips one of his hands slowly worked its way down until it was resting on the back of my head, rubbing between my ears as Luke continued to moan and whimper in horny desire. Eventually, his pants grew ragged and I felt his balls begin to tighten. Without warning, Luke let out a loud gasp.

"Oh god... Babe, I'm gonna c-"

His sentence was cut short by a loud, pleasured gasp as his balls suddenly tightened and his grip on my head grew stronger. I felt the bottom of his shaft pulse lightly against my tongue as bursts of salty fluid shot into my muzzle. I quickly pressed more of his shaft into my muzzle, trying my best to swallow every last drop of his thick male seed.

As his orgasm waned and the flow of cum dribbled to a stop I slowly pulled back off his shaft, being sure to clean as much seed as possible off of his slickened shaft as I did so, before shimmying back up until my head was once again level with his, a look of pure bliss clearly visible on his face, mixed with obvious exhaustion. He looked me in the eyes with a loving grin and pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss, a little leftover cum from my own lips sticking to his before he licked it off.

"what do you think your parents will do if they come down here in the morning and find us like this?", Luke asked, a look of concern in his eyes.

"I don't think they'll care" I replied, "My mom's best friend in high school was gay and my dad isn't very conservative. Though, they don't know I'm gay. What about your parents?" I asked.

"I don't know about my mom but my dad's pretty homophobic, that's part of why it's taken me so long to actually tell someone" he said, a worried expression very visible on his face.

"well don't worry about it, we'll get through whatever happens, and no matter what your family thinks you can be sure I'll always love you" I reassured him gently.

"Thanks Hun", he said, nuzzling me. "It means a lot"

We ended up falling asleep, entwined in each others arms, content as could be, neither of us knowing what new difficulties we may faced. Though it wouldn't have mattered, we were to caught up in each other to even care. Things may change, but no matter what could change, the fact that we had each other would remain constant.