Dying confession

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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  • This story is completely fiction and no truth what so ever. It contains simple erotic descriptions of incestual relationships... so live with it-

As I lie here, bleeding from a mortal wound, in the cold, damp grass a night in the cold winter, I kinda think back on my life, what my legacy is and what I leave behind to those whom I meant something to. My values, emotions, memories and what little parts of me still left? Where did I leave my mark, who will remember me? Will anyone remember me or was I just a grain of sand in the endless desert some call life?

My blood, my life, seeps slowly out of my chest, as if torturing me, letting me have the time to look through my cursed life. A part of me hopes that I will be dead before anyone finds me, the wound cannot be closed and the effects of this I would rather not see. Did I make the right choice this night, driving away from home just like that? I don't know.

This is my last chance to tell anyone the real story, my story of what happened to me all those years ago. You'll be the last to find out, the only one who really knows. What you do with the truth, I cannot tell you, only you will know what you do and it will not bother me because when time comes, I will be dead...

It all started with the death of my father. He died, obviously, in a car-accident just like I do now a late winter-night ten years ago... I had just turned ten a few days ago when we received the news. For two days had he been missing... but he had been lucky, died instantly upon impact with the wall. My mom was devastated...

What followed then for her was a life of drugs, sex, alcohol and really bad company. She did everything to drown the memory of my father. But it was impossible for her; they had been such integrated, important parts in each other's lives that it could only end in one way. I found out when I came home from school, two years later... mom had jumped in front of a train when going to work... leaving me alone.

Two weeks after that, I was placed in the care of a lovely family on the outskirts of a big town, a city. All my life I had lived in a small town so it took quite the readjustment for me at first but we're made to adapt, it's how we go by in our life. It took me some time to warm up to the family, the memory of my mother still haunted me. But I learned to live with it, I made friends and I started to see the family as my own.

My name is Jake and now that I'm telling this story I'm carrying the surname of Hallowell. Not that it matters but I'm a fox, as plain as they come. My adopted family was lions straight through so I stood out a bit but it didn't matter. The Hallowells were really nice and they took care of me like mother and father, sister and brother and in time, by the age of sixteen, I had almost forgotten how bad things got a few years back.

Henry was the head of the family, alpha-male if you so say. He was an elderly lion, almost sixty now and working quite successfully as a lawyer in some big firm in town. I had my first job there. He was strict but I think that's good, helped all of us to grow up to be quite respectable kids. Next come Jane, the mother of the family and the one who would come to screw up my life the most in due time. She was also approaching her sixties, unemployed on orders from Henry.

Then we have Simon, who was the son of the two. He could be such an idiot at times, mostly when his friends were around or just had been, but really an okay guy otherwise. He was two years older than me... is, I mean. Of all the family-members he's the only one I have good memories of.

Let's not forget Sara, the oldest child, the sister. Now, she was like all sisters are, I suppose: obnoxious, annoying and a total bitch. But she had her good sides too. When she was sweet and cuddly, it was really nice being around her. But she's still a total enigma, even though all the stuff she has gone through, it never seem to affect her. I'm not sure whether this should scare me or impress me.

We cut in when I'm sixteen, where things really started to get bad... again. It wasn't mean to go this way but it did and life has a way of slapping us in the face and saying: "I don't like you, fuck off." Coming home from school early, teacher was sick, turned out to be a mistake of a lifetime.

Henry never left the door unlocked like that; he always said that things get out of control when you loose control so it was important to always cover your ass. For being him, that was just sloppy. But then, I didn't think of it 'cause we kids often left the door unlocked when knew our parents wouldn't be home for a few hours. And today being Tuesday Henry worked and Jane spent the time at the mall.

Some lousy pop-band was playing loudly from Sara's room, per usual so I thought little of things as I threw my bag on a chair in the hall, hanging my coat up on the rack. I looked myself over in the mirror, sighing a bit as me eyes fell upon my hair. It had gotten so long that it was just icky. I should cut it soon or something.

I grabbed my bag again and carried it over my shoulder as I headed upstairs, covering my ears a bit as I approached Sara's room. I saw a strip of light fall across the floor from her door, the hallway being dark and all. At first I didn't care but once I had thrown my bag on my bed in my own room, curiosity got the best of me and I walked back out in the hallway.

Sneaking up to her door, I peeked through the little slit left from the open door. At first I didn't see anything, just her bed and it was empty. Usually when you burst in to her room, that's where she was. But now it was empty but there were signs that someone had been lying there... pretty hard too judging from the state of the covers.

Right then, I decided to leave it alone so I took a step back and started to walk towards the stairs, thinking about grabbing something to eat. I was only dressed in underwear and t-shirt then, having ditched my clothing in my room since I felt more comfortable walking around like this. But just as I grabbed the railing, I twitched and turned around again, looking at her door. There was something odd...

I walked back, sneaked back is the right word, and peaked through the slit again. This time she was there, lying on her back on the bed. I was privately amused by this, seeing that she was naked and all, her breast rocking a bit from side to side as if she just lied down. I didn't feel bad about this, after all she wasn't my biological sister anyhow so I took the liberty of touching myself a bit.

Sara was quite the pleasant lady to look at. Having turned 21 last year, she was quite the thrill to think and watch. She had a well-maintained body with nice curves very much like her mother did, smooth curves over bosom, hips and legs. She wasn't the brightest child around but she had enough elsewhere to make men swoon anyway. Suddenly I got an image of a porno I had seen once where a guy walks in on a naked chick and they had the wildest sex ever.

But before I could do anything, I noticed that she was looking at something. Not myself but something in front of her, moving her eyes as if the object was moving. Then, from behind the wall, stepped none other than Henry himself... as naturally dressed as one can be and with a raging hard-on. I stopped myself from grunting in shock, every interested I had ever had in Sara was dulled in an instant when I realized what the two of them had been doing.

Henry stood there, caressing his hard shaft in front of his own daughter for maybe a minute or two. I couldn't see his face which was just as well but I still knew it was Henry with that tummy of his. Henry had perhaps lived the last few years a little bit too well and he had gained some weight... not that it seemed to bother Sara the least.

That red, swollen shaft caught my attention time after time, even though I wanted to tear my eyes from this spectacle, walk away and forget but I just couldn't. I wanted to be brave, walk in and ask them what the hell they were doing... but I couldn't. Instead my eyes fixed themselves on Sara again who had by now spread her legs wide, showing off her folds to her father and unintentionally me.

In my mind, things started to make sense. No wonder Sara always thought of herself as the queen of the family. I kept on watching as Henry now silently, without as much as a grunt of satisfaction from him or a squeal of protest from her. He was on top of her and I saw not the actual action then, only how Henry kept rocking on top of her, hips pushing up against her folds, presumably ramming his shaft deeply in to her.

A large wad of saliva got stuck in my throat and I struggled to swallow it fully, not daring to take my eyes off the two. They kept at it like that for maybe five minutes, his thrusting against her a lot younger body increased, faster and harder, until he gave off a pathetic roar. Now I understood why she always had the music so loud, effectively drowning out the major parts of the roar and what wasn't killed by the music, was assumed part of it.

Before giving them a chance of seeing me, I headed back to my room, quickly shutting the door behind me. I slumped against it, breathing hard and fast as if just running 2000-mile marathon when it in fact had been less than six feet. I drew my hand over my face, covering my eyes as if wanting to cry but it was not my eyes burning, it was my chest.

That's when I felt it, drawn across my muzzle and one cheek was a layer of something sticky, something vaguely familiar. I quickly looked down myself, eyes fixed on my crotch where a dark spot was obviously seen on the front of my boxers. I looked at my hands, right hand covered in my own sperm. What had I done?

I felt my knees getting weaker, so I quickly moved my tail out of the way before loosing all energy, dropping to the ground with a thud. Had it not been for the music from Sara's room I would've worried someone might've heard it. But that wasn't on my mind, not at all... I curled my tail up a bit and placed it in my lap, softly letting my paws caress it gently, like a baby.

My energy had rapidly escaped me, weakness and drowsiness overcame me and with a last effort I moved over to my bed and stretched out on it, face down in the pillow. Like this I laid for maybe a minute or two before I had to gasp for air, turning my head to the side. The thing that got me so depressed wasn't really the fact that Henry was hard and heavy boning his daughter, my sister but the fact that I had obviously liked it, liked watching it.

And now I feared that maybe they knew that I knew... Tingling sensation rapidly coursed through my body, making me fear truth more and more. How would dinner be tonight, what was I going to say? Was I going to say anything at all? Could I keep quiet about it? I closed my eyes in hope for an answer, as if someone mighty and powerful was going to zap me with the truth and correct way.

But all it did was make me fall asleep. And I dreamt... Oh, the dreams I had: beautiful women lining up naked in front of me, jiggling and dancing around. All kinds; skunks, foxes, lions, tigers, horses... all were there... and I enjoyed it, but something inside of me told me it was wrong, coveting women like this, my own sisters, was wrong.

I awoke rather abruptly as someone shook me violently. At first I was too groggy to realize what was going on but the shrill squealing which was so familiar to me pulled me out of even that.

"Geez, bro, it's not good for you to sleep like this in the middle of the day."

Simon did that squeaky voice when ever he wanted to tick me off. And it succeeded every day, every time, every year.

"Fuck off, Simon! I'm not in the mood."

Simon chuckled and slapped me on the back of the head.

"Come on, dad wants to see you in his study. So get dressed and get over there already."

I widened my eyes in terror, staring at the blank wall in front of me. Did he know?

I sat up, making sure nothing in my way could give away that I knew something that could jeopardize our happiness. Simon, obviously content with me sitting up at least, turned and walked for the door. I don't know why, what made me snap, but I needed to tell:

"Simon, have you ever come home early...?"

At first he made no sign of stopping but when in reach of the door, he stopped dead in his track, I could almost see the fur standing up in his neck.


His voice had lost all of that confidence I had gotten so used in seeing, hearing in Simon the Cocky.

Swallowing down hard, I amassed every little ounce of courage I had and bit my lip.

"From school, you know... like teacher being sick?"

He nodded slightly, turning his head to look over his should, pretending to look at me but his eyes were just blank, turned inwards.

"You've... seen them?"

His voice was almost trembling, scared... not like Simon at all. He quickly shut the door and then turned towards me, leaning back on the door just like I had.

"Sara and dad?"

I nodded in response, now knowing I had done the right thing to tell him of earlier today.

He looked at me, I could see it in his eyes how lost he was.

"Yeah... I've seen them too."

I took a deep breath, not sure what to say. But I didn't need to speak, Simon knew what had to be said so I just listened.

"Don't tell anyone, if that's what they're content doing, then let them, I say..."

I nodded, again swallowing hard. I agreed with him but I wanted to tell him that's not what I was so afraid of. I had liked seeing it, enjoyed it to the fullest.

"We're happy like this, right? Aren't we, Jake?"

I smiled and nodded. I thought to myself that we were happy.

I had dressed, obviously in new underwear, when I entered Henry's study. He was sitting behind his desk, looking some paperwork over it seemed, probably for some case he was working on.

"You took your sweet time, Jake... have a seat."

I did as told, we never really disobeyed him, it was one of the dumbest things you could do in this house if you were part of the family. His word was final!

"Sorry, father, was talking a bit with Simon."

Henry slowly folded the papers and placed them on the desk nicely. He was very neat and much for law and order, upsetting his ways had its' fun moments but mostly not at all.

Then he eyed me suspiciously, pushing his glasses down a bit on his nose and looking over the rim. It was at times like this that I could really see him as an old man and not as a vivid, passionate man.

"We need to talk, Jake..."

I swallowed, trying to keep it down enough so he wouldn't notice it, wouldn't notice how nervous I was.

"About earlier today, what you saw..."

Oh fuck...